Flow Of The Making Of A 2D Game

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Flow Of The Making Of A 2D Game

Making of the main sprite

This is the making of the sprite in the game. This is what the player will be in the game, it is a UFO. I have used many bright colours so when people play it they will find the game more attractive to look at when playing the game that I have created.

This is adding a mask over the sprite so if an enemy shoots you the game will know about it and you will take damage therefore if you take to many hits you will die and have to start again. This will give the game some difficulty because a game isn’t fun if there is no challenge in it.

This is choosing the movement that will be used in the game for example steps, this is important because if you do not have steps the UFO will not be able to move.

This is the making off the movement code for the game, this is the code that makes the UFO be controlled, by the player and the keys to control the UFO is A, S, D and W. this is important because if you are unable to move the player how can you play the game.

The background

The making of the background that will make the game look more interesting when people play it, and be more appeling,

UFO in the background, this is where the player will start at when the game is loaded and ready to be played.

Testing the movement keys work W, A, S, D keys, without movement key is would not be a game because if you can’t move how can anyone say it’s a game.

This is the code for the barrier to stop the player getting out of the map. The reason I had to make the code is so that the player can’t go out of the screen and making the game rubbish with small errors.

This is making the background have more effect to the game and gives it more of a space feeling when playing, the background now moves, so it looks like the game is more alive and active.

This is more work on the background to make it look like the player is moving so it will make the game better. This will improve the background when it’s moving.

Thrust animation

This is the code for making the thrust animation; this will make it look like the UFO has thrusters at the back and makes the game more attractive.

Making of the jet thrust and it’s what the jet thrust looks like.

Jet system

The making of the jet system, this improves the animation and makes it more fun and better to looks at.

The coding for the jet animation this will make it look like flames are coming out of the back of the UFO.


The making of the enemy sprite animation, this changes the colour of the enemy’s spaceship and it gives it the effect of flashing on and off.

Making of the enemy and coding this is the code used for the enemy and this makes the enemy move.


The making off the explosion the enemy gets destroyed and it goes from yellow, red, orange, Dark red.

Coding for the explosion when it comes down to the enemy’s

Finishing off the rest of the explosion.

Making the lazer for the enemy objects, this is the lazer that the enemy’s shoot at you and if hit to many times you are destroyed

Coding for the enemy object so they can shoot, this makes the enemy fire the cannon.

More coding for the enemy object so they can shoot, this is another piece of code that makes the enemy shoot at you.

Enemy’s now shoot at player 1 and this is what it look like when player 1 is getting shot at.

Shield system code

Code for the shield/health system this gives player 1 health, so if hit to many times you will be destroyed.

Code to make the health bar go down

Making of explosion 2 for the player.

Code for explosion 2

Alarm for explosion 2

Making the score board