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"We are the protagonists of our stories called life, and there is no limit to how high we can fly."

Type rated on A330, B747-400, B747, B757, B767, B737, B727. International Airline Pilot / Author / Speaker. Dedicated to giving the giftof wings to anyone following their dreams. Supporting Aviation Safety through training, writing, and inspiration.


Barry Schiff: Friday's Fabulous Flyer

Captain Barry Schiff

Karlene Petitt

Seattle A330 Pilot,Grandma, Author,Mentor, Motivator,Speaker, & Artist

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Flight To Success: Barry Schiff: Friday's Fabulous Flyer http://karlenepetitt.blogspot.de/2011/11/barry-schiff-fridays-fabu...

1 of 12 13.3.2013 18:23

Taken earlier this year when I got checked out in a B-29.

Barry may have started his flying career by ducking a flyingshoe—but he ended it as a Captain with TWA in 1988. And endinghis career is open for debate, as Barry is actively involved inwriting, teaching and mentoring young pilots... and getting checkedout in new (old) planes.

His life has been an amazing adventure. 20 years old he taughtground school to work his way through college. He built a smallbusiness, Aero-Progress, Inc., which he eventually sold in 1963 byto “Times-Mirror for its subsidiary, Jeppesen.”

Barry and Elroy Jeppesen when he sold his publishing business tohim in 1963

Karlene: You’re one of the most accomplished, humble pilots, whohas gone far beyond the realm of just flying planes, but to writing,educating, mentoring, and teaching, too. You also have one of themost unique stories. Can you tell our readers how Barry Schiffbecame interested in aviation and the obstacles you faced?

Barry: I am going to respond with a very long answer because Iwrote about my inauspicious beginnings about 20 or so years agoand just happen to have it available. So, here goes:

The road through life is a fascinating series of forks, turns, andtwists that often take us to unlikely and unpredictable destinations.No one who knows me would guess that my aviation career was adirect result of my having been a juvenile delinquent.


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Flight To Success: Barry Schiff: Friday's Fabulous Flyer http://karlenepetitt.blogspot.de/2011/11/barry-schiff-fridays-fabu...

2 of 12 13.3.2013 18:23

In front of a flight school at Clover Field in 1952 (age 14), but this is not the school

at which I took lessons.

I recall the seminal event as if it were yesterday. I was 13 years oldand sat nervously between my parents as we faced the vice-principalof Emerson Junior High School in West Los Angeles in the spring of1951. “Mr. and Mrs. Schiff, I believe that Barry’s behavioralproblems are the result of his hanging out with the wrong crowd. Isuggest that he be sent away for the summer, away from such badinfluences. Otherwise,” the man in the suit warned, “Barry willbecome worse.” My parents agreed to have me spend the summerwith my grandparents in New Jersey.

A month later, my parents led me toward my first airplane ride, aNorth American Airlines’ Douglas DC-4 that would whisk me fromBurbank to Wichita to Chicago Midway to LaGuardia. They couldill afford the cost of this ticket and would not allow me to forget howits purchase had wreaked havoc with the family budget.

I sat next to a window and stared incredulously at what I saw. Theiron wing stretched endlessly into the night like the arm of someprehistoric monster. I knew that the wings kept us from falling butdid not know how. They did not move or flap or do anything to helpme understand what prevented gravity from having its way with theiron monster. Blue fire streaked from roaring engines bolted onto thewings. They snarled and shook incessantly as if to keep someimaginary enemy at bay. If I had pressed any harder against thatwindow, either it or my nose would have broken.

Curiosity drew me to the library in my hometown of New Brunswick(partly because I got bored of throwing freshly laid eggs at thechickens running around my grandparents’ back yard). There Idiscovered a 1945 hardbound book entitled The Science ofPre-Flight Aeronautics, another seminal event. I was totallyconsumed by its 774 pages and found myself drawn deeper into itsesoteric subject matter. There I encountered those words now sofamiliar: Bernoulli, Venturi, airfoil, camber, pitot. The wing, Idiscovered, was so elegant in the way it worked without reallyworking at all.

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Flight To Success: Barry Schiff: Friday's Fabulous Flyer http://karlenepetitt.blogspot.de/2011/11/barry-schiff-fridays-fabu...

3 of 12 13.3.2013 18:23

As you might know, I learned to fly in taildraggers.

This picture shows that I consequently was not very good with tricycle landing gear

I could not fathom all of what I read, so I hitchhiked to nearbyHadley Airport hoping that I would find friendly pilots to helpme better understand the more complex concepts. It surprisedme that they did not know as much as I had expected. There Iwas offered a flight in a J-3 Cub, which my grandparentsabsolutely forbade me to accept.

Before summer’s end I had read all five of my library’s aviationbooks. I could hardly wait for the airline flight home and to tellmy parents about my burning desire to fly.

The response was predictable. “You will not take flyinglessons,” my father barked sternly. “You will become a doctoror a lawyer or other professional.” I refrained from informinghim that there were professional pilots lest his belt would havefound bottom, my bottom.

Barry (the tallest of the group) and his first 3 studentsstanding next to the airplane in which he learned to fly

and instructed, Aeronca N81881. 1956 (age 18).

That did not stop me from hitchhiking to nearby Clover Field(now called Santa Monica Municipal Airport) and sneakingonto a taxiway where I stuck my thumb into the air wheneveran airplane taxied by. (If I could hitch a ride in an automobile, Ireasoned, why could I not do the same in airplane?) I wasdesperate for a flight in a little airplane, and I got one.

A year later found me with new and better friends at school,but I was still enough of a rebel to forge my mother’s signatureon the application for a student pilot certificate. I also got a jobat the airport working in exchange for dual instruction. I toldmy parents about the job but not its purpose. They hadwondered why I was always so broke. I did not have thecourage to tell either parent that I was taking flying lessons. Idid not have to.

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Flight To Success: Barry Schiff: Friday's Fabulous Flyer http://karlenepetitt.blogspot.de/2011/11/barry-schiff-fridays-fabu...

4 of 12 13.3.2013 18:23

"My hero, the flight instructor, 1956, age 18. This in front of thehangar at Bell Air Service, where I did learn to fly"

One day my instructor called home to let me know that theAeronca “Champ” (N81881) that I was scheduled to fly laterthat afternoon was in the shop and would not be available formy flight. He left that message with my father. Oops.

Enough time passed between the call and my arriving homefrom school for my father to develop a fuming rage. He chasedme out of our apartment and into the nearby alley. At 14, I wasthankfully fleeter of foot, but I did notice one of his thrownshoes sailing over my head.

I slept in a neighbor’s garage that night and developed thecourage to go home the next morning. When my father sawthat I was determined to pursue my passion, he reluctantlyagreed to allow me to continue flying because it seemed to havegiven me a productive direction and diverted me from earlierbehavioral problems (or so he thought).

One of Barry's early students, actress Jill St. John

Karlene: Did you parents ever approve of your career?

Barry: My parents never really approved of their elder sonbecoming an aviator until I was hired by Trans World Airlines in1964. This is when they learned that they would be given free passesto travel anywhere along TWA’s global route structure.

At 21 Barry held his ATP, and when the "big three" were hiring—American, Trans-World and United Airlines. Barry opted for TWAbecause “it was the only one at that time with both domestic andinternational routes. It was the "Lindbergh Line," the "Airline of theStars." For me, there was no other choice.”

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On The FRINGE...


HappyThanksgivingfrom Ghana

Barry Schiff:Friday'sFabulous Flyer

HappyThanksgiving:Day ofGratitude

FlyingScholarship...Relieving Stress

Aviation Author:Barry Schiff

MondayMotivation: TheSky

Life is anAdventure...

Friday FabulousFlyer

First ProfessionalFemale Pilot

Shingles in a Pilot

Trivia Tuesday:What Good IsIt?

MondayMotivation: TheJourney

Happy Veteran'sDay: FridayFlyers

WWII AviationTrivia

Prevent BloodClots; Get YourFlu Vaccine

You're not myFlightInstructor?

MondayMotivation...Inner Voice

NaNoWriMoWeek One

Mathew Coombs

Flying aTwin-EngineBoeing on aSingle Engine

A Pain in the RealRear

CongratulationsWings Winner

Tips on Flying theBoeing 747…


Flight To Success: Barry Schiff: Friday's Fabulous Flyer http://karlenepetitt.blogspot.de/2011/11/barry-schiff-fridays-fabu...

5 of 12 13.3.2013 18:23

"We figured that if that headgear helped the Japanese find PearlHarbor that they would help us find HNL."

During his 34-year career during he flew everything from theLockheed Constellation to the Boeing 747 and was a check captainon the Boeing 767. He also earned ever FAA category and classrating except airship, as well as all possible instructor ratings.

Working hard: Athens-JFK flight in an L-1011.

Karlene: You’ve flown more hours in more types than I couldever hope to fly… I think a world record. How many hours andtypes are you up to these days? And of course we want to knowwhich is your favorite plane?

Barry: Currently I am at almost 28,000 hours and have flown325 types. It is difficult to specify a favorite type because eachhas a different role and purpose. Having said that, I wouldchoose a P-51 for pure unadulterated excitement, any of severalopen-cockpit biplanes for going on a romantic flight at twilighton a warm summer evening, the L-1011 as my all-time favoritejetliner, and the list goes on, depending on my mood and thepurpose of the flight.

With my best friend, Hal Fishman (left), as co-author,I wrote two novels, "The Vatican Target" and "Flight 902 is Down."

Photo taken in cockpit of TWA L-1011

Karlene: If you could give one tip for the next generation of pilots,what would it be?

Barry: Working one's way into the left seat of airliner can be adifficult and lengthy process and reminds me of when Tom Hanksplayed a coach in the motion picture, “A League of Their Own.”The star player, played by Geena Davis, wanted to quit the baseballteam because “it is too hard.” Hanks told her, “It’s supposed to be

and other Jets.

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Flight To Success: Barry Schiff: Friday's Fabulous Flyer http://karlenepetitt.blogspot.de/2011/11/barry-schiff-fridays-fabu...

6 of 12 13.3.2013 18:23

hard. Hard is what makes it good. If it weren’t hard, everybody’d bedoing it.”

The same is true in pursuing a professional piloting career. A personshould never allow himself or herself to become discouraged, neverwaver from the task at hand, and never let your eye to wander fromthe target. The goal is achievable irrespective of how tortuous theroute.

Barry on the right, and his student, Griff Hoerner, after anemergency landing on a Santa Monica beach.The cop gave him aticket for illegal parking of a motor vehicle on a public beach, but

the judge threw it out of court.

Karlene: Have you always had a passion for writing, or did youbegin writing because you had so much to say?

Barry: I entered the writing profession through the back door. Again,this is something that I wrote about many, many years ago.

Click HERE to read more. Let’s just say he sold his little publishingcompany to Jeppsen.

when I started an aviation publishing business, Aero-Progress, Inc.,in 1959 (age 21).

I sold that business to Jeppesen in 1963, the year before I startedwith TWA.

Karlene: Many articles you'd written discussed "personallydeveloped concepts, procedures, and techniques" Would you shareone technique with our readers?

Barry: The first one involved turning around following an enginefailure shortly after takeoff. The "rule" said never to do this, but itseemed illogical. There were times when such a maneuver could besafe. So I researched the subject and have been writing about itevery since I first wrote about it in 1959. Since then, many othershave done the same.

Flight To Success: Barry Schiff: Friday's Fabulous Flyer http://karlenepetitt.blogspot.de/2011/11/barry-schiff-fridays-fabu...

7 of 12 13.3.2013 18:23

I also developed the procedure of stopping the prop at high altitudefollowing an engine failure to improve glide range. I also developedthe concept of pressure-pattern navigation for light airplanes at lowaltitude.

Karlene: Your training books... Proficient Pilot 1 and 2, Flyingwisdom, and Flying the golden Science, I know touch on a differentarea of training. Could you tell me in brief sentence what the readerswill get when they read each? What your intent was when writing.

Barry: The purpose in my writing usually is to present material in adifferent manner so that the subject matter becomes easier tounderstand. I have always strived to simplify complex subjectswithout sacrificing accuracy.

Karlene: You flew the Spirit of St. Louis, and you tell us what if feltlike taking her into the sky?

Barry: I felt privileged, honored to have a taste of what Lindberghexperienced. It was like flying across the pages of history. I didn'twant to come down.

“I soloed my son, Brian, on his 16th birthday, September 8, 1967. He startedflying for TWA when he was 21,

became a 727 captain, and now flies for American Airlines.”

Karlene: You started your son out early teaching him how to fly aglider. But is he flying for an Airline today?

Barry: Brian started out flying for TWA when he was 21 years oldand became a Boeing 727 captain. Then when American Airlinespurchased TWA, he became an AA pilot.

Flight To Success: Barry Schiff: Friday's Fabulous Flyer http://karlenepetitt.blogspot.de/2011/11/barry-schiff-fridays-fabu...

8 of 12 13.3.2013 18:23

Barry and son, Brian in front of a B-757 engineon the occasion of my retirement flight, June 21, 1998.

(TWA had sold its L-1011s and 747s during the previous year, which is why I

didn't retire on one of those.)

Karlene: Your grandson is darling. Do you think you have anotheraviator in your future?

Barry: I hope so, but that, of course, would be up to him. I neverpushed any of my children to become pilots. I felt it important thatthe desire to fly develop within their souls. All I ever did was toencourage and attempt to facilitate whatever it is they wanted to do.The passion for flight has to come from within. All I could do ishope that they would catch my infectious enthusiasm for aviation.Two of my kids did; the other two did not.

Barry and his son, Brian, and his first grandson, Brett, at the end ofhis final flight.

“What made it remarkably specialwas that Brian was my firstofficer,

and the event occurred on Father's Day, 1998.By the way, I, Brian, and Brett are known as BS1, BS2 and BS3,


Karlene: Did you parents ever approve of your career?

Barry: My parents never really approved of their elder sonbecoming an aviator until I was hired by Trans World Airlines in1964. This is when they learned that they would be given free passesto travel anywhere along TWA’s global route structure.

Flight To Success: Barry Schiff: Friday's Fabulous Flyer http://karlenepetitt.blogspot.de/2011/11/barry-schiff-fridays-fabu...

9 of 12 13.3.2013 18:23

Posted by Karlene Petitt at 12:05 AM

"I finally mastered tricycle landing gear (while filming a video about how to flya taildragger)"

Barry has mastered more than the tricycle landing gear, he'smastered life. He's giving back too! Click HERE to learn moreabout the $3000 scholarship he's gifting out. Thank you Barry for allthat you've given to the world of aviation!

Enjoy the Journey!

XOX Karlene


Jun November 25, 2011 at 7:48 AM

I really proud of him.I have learned many things from thiswriting,and thank you so much for sharing inspirationalstory!Yes!! Goal is achievable,and I will focus on achieving thegoal!!Have a great day!!Jun


Aisling T November 25, 2011 at 12:18 PM

Who would have known that this amazing man could havefulfilled so many dreams? I admire Barry for persevering tobecome an airline pilot even when his parents objected, Isometimes feel that way but I know I must stand my ground.Barry is an enlightening person. He has stimulated the flyingbug in two of his four children showing is natural ability toinspire people. I especially enjoyed the portion about yourretirement flight with your son. Thank you for sharing this withus Barry, you are really a person to admire!


Linda Gray November 25, 2011 at 5:56 PM

What an amazing career and list of accomplishments. I lovethat sentiment Barry quoted from A League of Their Own. It ISsupposed to be hard, isn't it? Or everyone would be doing itright. Perfect inspiration.


Karlene Petitt November 25, 2011 at 8:50 PM

Thank you for the nice comment Jun! Yes, you will accomplishyour goal because you are focused!


Karlene Petitt November 25, 2011 at 8:51 PM

Aisling, Thank you for the great comment. He is a person toadmire. And so are you. Your dedication to your dream isapparent, and I have no doubt you'll make it all the way. Thesky is not the limit!


Karlene Petitt November 25, 2011 at 8:52 PM

Flight To Success: Barry Schiff: Friday's Fabulous Flyer http://karlenepetitt.blogspot.de/2011/11/barry-schiff-fridays-fabu...

10 of 12 13.3.2013 18:23

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Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appearimmediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!

Thanks for the comment Linda. Yes, I think it is supposed to behard... sometimes we forget that; making it all the moredelicious when we get there. Wherever there is.


Dipeet's Stories December 2, 2011 at 6:27 PM

I absolutely love this! so much experience so many hours somuch love of flying! and a great trend and great aircrafts. Verylucky. such an inspiration. Beautiful read. Thanks for sharing.


Karlene Petitt December 2, 2011 at 6:42 PM

Dipeet, you are so welcome! He's a wonderful man.


Dipeet's Stories December 17, 2011 at 3:18 AM

I loved it reading it! and yes reading it again today. :) so great.


Anonymous August 16, 2012 at 10:29 PM

I was a passenger on Barry Shiff's 1998 retirement flight, aTWA 757 from STL to LAX. Captain Schiff came through thecabin and greeted passengers during the flight.

One thing I remember vividly about that flight was the extremeprecision evident during the parts of flight that were mostlikely hand flown. Every movement of that airplane wasperfectly coordinated and extremely smooth.

I've been a passenger on about a thousand airline flights over40 years, but have never before or since been in an airplanethat was handled so beautifully.

Mike in BUR


Karlene Petitt August 17, 2012 at 1:03 AM

Mike, Thank you for a fabulous comment to anincredible pilot. And what an honor to have been onhis last flight. Thank you so much for sharing thiswith us.

Flight To Success: Barry Schiff: Friday's Fabulous Flyer http://karlenepetitt.blogspot.de/2011/11/barry-schiff-fridays-fabu...

11 of 12 13.3.2013 18:23

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Flight To Success: Barry Schiff: Friday's Fabulous Flyer http://karlenepetitt.blogspot.de/2011/11/barry-schiff-fridays-fabu...

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