Fitzburg company cuernavaca's audit - 2014

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Transcript of Fitzburg company cuernavaca's audit - 2014

  • 1. Lucas Remisz Pablo Subra-Gomez ESCE 308 Fitzburg Company Cuernavacas audit May 1997

2. Localisation: 3. Hierarchy: Head office Represented by: Ann Block V.P.OverseasOperations Max Bierman General Construction Manager, Cuernavaca Leopoldo Sanchez Garcia Project's chief engineer Other employed workers Maestro Munoz Employed worker Subcontractors workers John Pekins Assistantof Mr. Max Bierman 4. Actual situation in terms of cost & achievement: 0 5 10 15 20 CostinM +46% May.97April.97Mar.97Feb.97Jan.97Dec.96Nov.96Oct.96Sept.96Aug.96 76% 48% 38% 25% 15%10%5% 82% 72% 61% 53%50%45% 35% 15%10% 58% 23% 5%2% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Achievement May.97April.97Mar.97Feb.97Jan.97Dec.96Nov.96Oct.96Sept.96Aug.96 Observed Forecast Forecasted and observed achievement of the project between August 1996 and May 1997: Forecasted and observed cost of the project between August 1996 and May 1997: Observed Forecast 5. Existing Situation: There is some major problems in terms of : -Communication -Intercultural Differences -Ethic Differences -Management 6. Communication: John and Bierman dont have any experience in Mexico. They try to work in Mexico as they would do in the US. 7. Intercultural Differences: Americans are more close minded They have an individualist culture They pay more attention to cost saving processes rather than focusing on quality. Mexicans accord more importance to tradition They are attached to the group, and solidarity La siesta is very important to Mexicans workers. 8. Ethic Differences: TheAmerican managers always try to find out what the Mexicans workers could have done wrong. They tend to blame only one worker Whereas the Mexicans Managers try to share the fault, and avoid conflict. 9. Management: There is less dialogue between American managers and the workers They want to do it the American way, instead of adapting themselves. 10. Statement of the problem: Difficulties in the management of all those factors led to problems of costs and delays 11. Option 1: status quo Measures to take Intermediary impacts Possible risks High number of errors Supplementary purchase of raw-materials High increase of costs and delays High negative financial impacts (lower margin, lower profitability of the investment, late positive cash flows) 87.5% 12. 30M 90% 100% 20M 40M 80% 30% 10M 5M 60% 70% 35M 50% 40% 0 25M 20% 15M 10% 0 Mar.98Oct.97Sept.97Aug.97July.97June.97May.97 Achievement Cost 36M Jan.98Nov.97 Feb.98Dec.97 100% Cost curve Achievement bars Forecasted cost and achievement of the project following option 1 between August 1996 and May 1997: 13. Option 2: Tighter supervisory control by a Mexican manager Measures to take Intermediary impacts Possible risks Hire a mexican engineer (the supervisor) Establish a daily control & report Training of the workers Decrease of construction errors Increase of productivity Increase of costs and delays Negative financial impacts (lower margin, lower profitability of the investment, late positive cash flows) 75% 14. 20M 10M 20% 30M 32M 34M 4M 6M 2M 8M 16M 18M 22M 24M 26M 12M 14M 28M 100% 10% 00 50% 90% 80% 70% 60% 40% 30% Cost Achievement Feb.98 34M Jan.98Dec.97Nov.97Oct.97Sept.97Aug.97July.97June.97May.97 100% Cost curve Achievement bars Forecasted cost and achievement of the project following option 2 between August 1996 and May 1997: 15. Option 3: Tighter supervisory control & pressure by John Perkins Measures to take Intermediary impacts Possible risks Convert the siesta break (90) in a 30min lunch break Establish a daily control & report Establish a climate of pressure on workers about deadlines Negative relations between workers & the management Decrease of construction errors High Increase of productivity Strike of workers 60% 16. 50% 60% 30% 40% 70% 20% 10% 0 0 15M 90% 25M 10M 5M 35M 20M 30M 80% 100% Oct.97 Nov.97 Dec.97 Jan.98 100% Cost Achievement 33M May.97 July.97 Aug.97 Sept.97June.97 Achievement bars Cost curve Forecasted cost and achievement of the project following option 3 between August 1996 and May 1997: 17. Option 4: Increase workers personal implication Measures to take Intermediary impacts Possible risks Offer to workers: the possibility to work longer with the same salary Significant bonus for the most productive workers Some opponents High increase of productivity Low increase of staff cost Resignation of severals workers / sub-contractors 75% 18. 20M 15M 45M 40M 35M 30M 25M 10M 10% 5M 50M 80% 100% 0 0 70% 90% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% Cost Achievement Nov.97 50 M Oct.97Sept.97Aug.97July.97June.97May.97 100% Achievement bars Cost curve Forecasted cost and achievement of the project following option 4 between August 1996 and May 1997: 19. Option 5: Hiring Measures to take Intermediary impacts Possible risks Hiring 30 unskilled workers Hiring 4 young engineers (to supervise sub- contractors) Decrease of construction errors High increase of staff cost High increase of the constructions speed Supplementary unexpected delays due to the training of the newly hired staff 75% 20. 25M40% 50% 35M 40M 45M 50M 55M 60M 0 90% 100% 10% 80% 70% 5M 60% 30% 30M 20% 20M 15M 10M 0 Achievement Oct.97Sept.97Aug.97July.97June.97 100% 58M May.97 Cost Achievement bars Cost curve Forecasted cost and achievement of the project following option 5 between August 1996 and May 1997: 21. Recommendations: Reduce delays Reduce costs Option 5 Option 3