First United Methodist ChurchFirst United Methodist Church · 2018-05-30 · week for the...

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Transcript of First United Methodist ChurchFirst United Methodist Church · 2018-05-30 · week for the...

101 E. Barbour Street

P. O. Box 72

Eufaula, AL 36072

(334) 687-8227

(334) 687-8285 FAX



May 30, 2018


Dr. Alan Cassady

Youth/Missions Director

Britt Martin

Music Director

Billy Wilbourne

Office Staff

Jodi Stockberger

Pam Hunter

First United Methodist ChurchFirst United Methodist Church

FUMC Women’s Event

Saturday, June 9


Guest Speaker:

Rev. Sara Shaver,

Dothan District Superintendent

Drinks & Main Course Provided

Please bring other items as listed.

Last names A—L: salad

Last names M—Z: dessert

RSVP by Thursday, May 31

Fill a Bottle, Help a Baby! Please remember to

pick up a baby bottle

from church and fill it

with money to benefit

the Pregnancy Re-

source Center. We

will continue our col-

lection through Father’s Day.

Please “adopt” one of these bot-


All men are invited to join us on

Wednesday, June 6, at 7:00 a.m.

in the fellowship hall for our

monthly Men’s Breakfast. You’ll

enjoy a delicious meal for $5, a

devotional by Ang Schramm and

wonderful fellowship. Please join


We offer our deepest sympathy

and heartfelt condolences to

Georgianne Slade Stillwell, Will

Slade, and all of their family follow-

ing the death of Lenora Slade.

Please pray for the comforting

presence of God’s Holy Spirit to

surround this family in Christ.


Vacation Bible School All rising kindergarteners through rising 5th–graders are invited to register

for FUMC’s Vacation Bible School to be held June 25—29 from 9:00—11:30

a.m. Splash Canyon: God’s Promise of Life’s Wild Ride is sure to be a

blast for your children! Register now at

June 25-29

Calendar of Events

►Sunday, June 3

Worship 8:30

Sunday School 9:45

Worship 11:00

Elevate—My Epic Sunday 10a—8p

►Wednesday, June 6

Men’s Breakfast 7:00

12:12 Youth Bible Study 12:12

Chancel Choir 7:00

►Saturday, June 9

Women’s Event 10:30

June 3 Volunteers


11:00 — Jackson Mitchell

Anna & Sarah Murph

►Sacristy Prayer Leaders

8:30 — Buck Earnest

11:00 — Ang Schramm


8:30 — Nick & Heather Smith

11:00 — John Howard

Richard Wingate

Ang Schramm

Lance Abbott

►Lay Readers

8:30 — Pam Wilkes

11:00 — Caty Richardson


8:30 — Phillip & Janet Wills

11:00 — Robert & Rhodes Bennett

Ben Taylor

►Children’s Church

11:00 — No Children’s Church

►Elevate Supper

6:10 — TBD

Hey FUMC Family —

Sometimes something's so important that you

need to read it more than once. In full transpar-

ency, this is the exact same article I wrote last

week for the newsletter. It's the top 5 reasons

you should send a kid on our Atlanta Mission trip

(June 17-21). I really believe that we're not clos-

er to the heart of God than when we're serving

the least, the lost, and the marginalized. The best tool we have on Earth

for expressing our love for God is the way we love others. Mission trips are

good "loving others practice." So, check out this week's Top 5 (again).

1) Awesome Mission Projects. This trip is a little different in that we

won't be doing a lot of manual labor. Our

projects are largely relational. We'll pre-

dominantly be serving the population of

people experiencing homelessness in the

city. The organizations we partner with

have a reputation for doing excellent work

in a very safe way. We'll be doing every-

thing from packing and serving lunches in

the city, to cooking a pancake breakfast

and inviting people to join us, to leading a

worship service designed for people experi-

encing homelessness. You can feel free

to check out some of the organizations we'll be serving with at 7bridge-,, and

2) After serving during the day we'll always take some time to have some

fun in the afternoons/evenings. We'll check out a Braves game, head to

Sky Zone trampoline park, tee off at Top Golf, and plenty more.

3) It's only $150 for the whole week! We do our best to make our mission

trips extra affordable because we believe the experience is worth it! We

also know that sometimes money is tough, and we never want that to be

the reason that a kid doesn't go on a trip. We always have scholarship

money available. Please don't hesitate to contact me if money is an issue

for this trip.

4) We spend time together at night recapping the day and connecting with

God in worship. It's always a special time together. We always seem to

meet God in powerful ways on our trips where we go to serve together.

5) This is really a repeat of a trip we did a couple years ago. We're repeat-

ing it because SO many of the kids and parents that participated were so

impacted by the trip that they insisted we do the trip again. We'll be serv-

ing with many of the same organizations and staying in the same accommo-

dations (Roswell UMC). Be on the lookout for some firsthand testimonies in

the coming days on our social media accounts from kids who were impact-

ed during our last trip to Atlanta.

Have I convinced you yet? I know often times it's easy to wait until the last

minute to sign up for these trips, but I'd encourage you to go ahead and

sign up now so we can plan for transportation. Our deadline for the trip

is June 3rd. You can register now at

That's all for now. God looks good on you — Britt

Prayer List

► New concerns:

*The Lenora Slade family

*Harry Nelson

Leigh Harris

► Continue to pray for:

*Kirven Gary

Bill Jones

Barbara Whitney

*Josh Jones

Mitzi Tzerman

Dave Allen

*Jane Pody

Jim Roberts

George Williams

Mary Sellers

Linda Dudewicz

Cruz Rios

*Mel Stephenson

*John Hagood

*Louise Britt

*Betty Searcy

Walter Harmer

*John Jenkins

Bobby Gray

Kathy Armstrong

*Taylor Washington

*Jeff Richards

*Brian Devlin-Meagher

Mary Lindsey Hannahan

*Richard Boyette

The Pastor’s Page

A Look at May 27 Sunday School .....................

8:30 Worship ................... 46

11:00 Worship .................. 76

Total Worship ................. 122

Offering received ........... $TBA

YTD received ................ $TBA

BTT balance ............ $263,041

► Prayer list guidelines:

Names remain for 4 weeks unless

requested to remain.

* denotes church members.

Abraham – Impossible Promise

One of the promises God made to Abram was the promise of a child. To be

sure, Abram and Sari misunderstood this promise and tried to help God out

on one occasion. However, in the passage, we will look at this week

(Genesis 17:1-8, 15-19) describes how this promise will come about: God

will give a son to Abraham and Sarah.

We all identify with the impossibility of this promise, and we might join

Abraham in laughing out loud at the thought of it (Sarah herself laughs in

the next chapter). How can a 100-year-old man and a 90-year-old woman

produce a child, especially since Sarah has been childless her whole life?

I wonder if we look at the promises we have in Scripture, especially the

seemingly impossible ones, and pass over them because we think that

there is no way God could do that for us. A person might see the promise

of salvation and wonder if God could save someone who has done the

things they have. We go through difficult times and think the promise that

God will be with us is just poetry. We wonder how God could bring good

out of difficulty like we are experiencing now, mainly since we caused it.

When we think promises like that are impossible, we dare not even ask in

prayer for God’s help because we feel we don’t deserve it. But why? Are

those promises more impossible that giving a childless couple in their nine-

ties a son?

What if we dared to ask God to bring the realities of his promises to us?

“Oh God,” we might pray, “I know I don’t deserve anything from you, but

please save me.” Or, “Lord I don’t feel you very close right now, but I

know that is your promise, so I will begin to pray and live as if you are al-

ready keeping your promise.” Or even this, “Father, I have made such a

mess out of this situation, and it is all my fault. I don’t know why you

would help me, or how you could bring anything good out it, but I will

choose to believe that you can, even if I don’t see it right now.”

Maybe that is all it would take.

Grace and Peace, Pastor Alan

Dear FUMC,

Last week, my grandson, Rhett and I went to Wild Animal Safari near Pine Mountain, Ga. I had

seen the ads on TV many times (“he’ll slobber on you”) and decided that I would take Rhett and

go see this nature park. The park allows you to take your own car through or you can rent one of

their vehicles. As one of the pictures showed one of the beasts with his hooves up on the top of

the door, we opted to rent. When we got to our rental, I noticed that there were bars on the

windows. At that point I was very relieved that I had not taken my own vehicle through the park.

We purchased a sack of food each from the friendly lady at the ticket desk, found our vehicle and

began our adventure. There was a “cattle gap” dividing the park from the parking lot. For those

who aren’t familiar with the term, a cattle gap is a series of pipes affixed at ground level across the entrance. The pipes

were far enough apart where the animals were afraid they might catch a hoof in the gap but close enough for a vehicle

to drive through. We had quite a large welcoming committee on the other side of the cattle gap.

We had been told not to feed the zebras and birds by hand as they would nip. We were to throw the food on the ground

for them. However, the zebras had a better idea. They would stick their heads partially through the bars and open their

mouths very, very wide (ala open wide and say “ahh”). All we had to do is toss the food into their mouths and they were

satisfied. As we went through the park, we met ostriches, a giraffe, elk, bison, pigs, and springboks to name a few.

To say the least, we had a blast. It was amazing to me that the animals had learned how to get food from us. Like the

zebras, some would open wide. Others had the unusual and humorous style of receiving food by just moving their lips in

the form of a kiss.

The whole experience reminded me of Matthew 6:25-27 which says, “therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life,

what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than

clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds

them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life.”

These animals had it within them to learn how to get food. God provided the instinct. God provided the food. I was

amazed at the experience. I urge you to go, it’s a great trip. We had a great time.

See you on Sunday. God bless, Billy

The mission of First United Methodist Church is

to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ for the

transformation of our church, community and world.


Friday, June 1

► Riley Givens

Richard Johnson

Saturday, June 2

► Alexandra Conniff

Jessica King

Sunday, June 3

► Davis Wingate

Monday, June 4

► Carol Garren

Tuesday, June 5

► Robin Flewellen



Alan Cassady:


Britt Martin:


Offerings left on the altar rail on commun-

ion Sundays are used to assist families in

need through the Family Service Center.

Thank you in advance for your offerings!