First Sight

Post on 12-Apr-2015

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❝Our memories never fade, even if I wish it would...❞ –Im Yoona ⋆Meeting those guys at hate, fall, and love at first sights were the worst thing I've ever experience.

Transcript of First Sight


A Story Only in Wattpad

-curfew – no cellphones – no going out – no free time –

"I realize my true feelings. Will my bruises start healing?" -{Quote from: ChocoAzian}

Maybe it’s better to call it quits before you fail.

“But it’s harder to stop when you know it’s everything you ever wanted.”~Unknown

F1RsT S1GhT is a popular boy band group in Seoul, Korea. If you first saw them, you'll love them within a second. Kim Ha-jin [Guitarist/Singer] is the leader of F1RsT S1GhT and is a very mysterious person who keeps his privacy hidden - if that's possible, he comes off as a mean guy and has a one sided dark secret from his past. Lee Hyun-jae [Keyboard] is a notorious playboy who makes girls fall for him at first sight. The last, but not least is Hyun Lee Shin [Drummer] - of course no one forgets about him. He tends to have a short temper and unlike, Hyun-jae he isn't a player. But what he hates the most is seeing girls cry. When an unlucky day collides the F1RsT S1GhT with a peculiar girl with a bad influence, thing are just about to change in their lives forever and secrets are just getting discovered.

Kim Ha-jin: reddish black hair – he doesn’t fall in love with just anyone – never had a girlfriend before – mysterious one.

Lee Hyun-jae: messy brown hair – makes him look hot.

Hyun Lee Shin: curly blondish brown hair. –always in a hurry and forgetting things

Chapter One: First Impression

I stared at Appa’s own cursive writing.

[1] Don’t embarrass me.

[2] Stay away from trouble.

[3] Practice the piano every three times a week – your piano teacher will be visiting.

[4] If you need anything, tell the maids or Butler Han to get it for you, don’t go outside.

[5] Don’t call or visit me – I will be doing that.

I groaned in frustration. Who does he think he is? Appa is my dad, but he doesn’t act like one. We just move into a new place, leaves me here alone with maids and butlers and the next thing I know, he’s gone. Like a blink of an eye. He didn’t even say bye to me or when he’s coming back. He’s a complete stranger.

Why did Appa buy a mansion when we both know it’s only me going to be living in it? It’s a waste, I thought.

Appa thinks he has all the money he needs and waste them by buying me expensive products, but does he even know money can’t buy happiness? He doesn’t show up his monkey face every now and then, just once a month or not show up.

I can’t live like this, I thought. It’s been eighteen years and he still hasn’t change, not even a centimeter. If Appa didn’t want to have a daughter, why couldn’t he just send me away over the seas or at least give me freedom so I can go wherever I like instead of hiding me from everyone. How can I embarrass him when in all my life he pretended he didn’t have a kid?

I crumpled the sheet of paper in my hand and threw it on the floor. I’d rather be poor than be rich kid without a father knowing if his daughter was okay or not.

I slip the coat in my arms and button up walking towards the entrance way.

I crumpled the sheet of paper in my hand and threw it on the floor. I’d rather be poor than be rich kid without a father knowing if his daughter was okay or not.

I slip the coat in my arms and button up walking towards the entrance way.

“Aliice,” Butler Han said looking slightly handsome and old at the same time. He is looking good in that butler tux, but the hair was just out of character. “The President said that you can’t leave the house until he comes back. And your piano teacher will be coming here soon.”

“Clear my schedule for tonight. I’m not following Appa’s orders,” I commanded.

The maids opened the doors for me as I walk outside to get on my car. They opened the passage door open. I sigh.

“Tell the driver to get out of my car, his not driving. I’ll be back before midnight. Don’t come looking for me. If Appa comes tell him I’m at a friend’s house.”

“A friend’s house?” asked Han, closing the passage door. I went inside the car as soon as the driver got out.

“Make something up; you can lie – can’t you?” I asked curiosity in my voice.

He nodded and closes the car door. I put on my seat belt and drove, stirring the wheels and stop for the people to open the entrance gate. I honk signaling it was a goodbye.


Lee Shin’s P.O.V

Hyun-jae phone rang for the tenth time. He took it out from his jacket pocket and looked at the screen. He groaned in frustration. I smirked glancing at him one more time.

“What are you laughing at?” he asked in American words, trying to pronounce them as best as he could. My smile grew bigger. F1RsT S1GhT has been going around the world, making money and of course trying to find our ladies. Hyun-jae, in the other hand had more than five girls in less than a week. Girls fall for him at first sight with the power of his looks and of course, flirting.

I pretended to cough, “nothing. I just think that you should shut down your playboy for a little bit.”

“What do you mean?” he asked now looking through his phone – texting to whatever girl he was interested in for just a day or two.

“We’re backing home in Seoul. Don’t treat the girls you did in the States the same in here.”

He smirked, “All the girls are the same.” He glances at Ha-jin across the seat of the limo that happens to be ignoring us by covering his ears with headphones. His eyes were closed, is he sleeping already? He spent three hours sleeping in the plane. How tired can he be?

“What do you think he’s thinking?”

I shrugged. “Same old, same old,” I replied putting both hands behind my head and rest my feet on the empty seat across from me. “A new song.”

Hyun-jae sighed, “How long are we going to get to our house? I want to go to the studio already and met some new girls.”

“We’re going straight to the studio,” Ha-jin peeped in suddenly, slipping the headphones towards his neck.

I chuckled, “whether this punk has headphones on or something in his ears, he can still hear us.”

“What did you say? We’re going straight to the Studio?”

“Ye,” he nodded.

“Eh, this bastard always plans ahead. What are we going to do without you?”

Ha-jin was about to close his eyes and leave Hyun-jae and me with our conversation when he added, “Daetonglyeong ulileul bogo sip-eo.” [The President wants to see us.] (As in the President who owned the studio building, not the president of Korea)

“The President?”

“Ye,” he nodded again.

Before we could get any farther question, the black limo halted. We both stared at each other for a second and got out. I went after Hyun-jae and when I got out, the air welcomed me in surprise making me shiver.

“Ready?” Ha-jin asked closing the door putting his hands in his pocket looking bored.

As we entered Hyun-jae looked around and pulled out a lollipop out of his pocket and started putting it inside his mouth.

Hyun-jae looked around the place, or look around for any girls that caught his eyes. We were walking forward like we knew the place – but we didn’t – and stopped when the President came to view with five bodyguards behind him.

“F1RsT S1GhT!” he smiled and clapped his hands together like he just a gift he wanted from Christmas.

“Annyeong,” we all greeted.

“Kkayo?” He asked us. [Shall we?”]


Aliice Kim’s P.O.V

What I always see in him never changed. He will be a stranger to me at times, but never my Appa. These feelings I always carry inside me are always hatred towards that man. I gave up believing he is my Appa.

I thought of more sentences to type on my phone – which is like my diary. Finishing it, I clicked on save and closed it flipping the top cover to protect the screen from scratches. I took my coffee cup and exited Starbucks. Opening the driver’s door after pressing a button to my car, I went in and turned in the heater right away.

“Ahh,” I said in relief feeling the warmth surround around me. I took one more sip on my dark coffee and started driving.

As I drove, I kept thinking where I would go. But for sure I know where I can’t go – at home. I need to go to a place where Appa use to take me – not like I want those memories to happen in the present. The

Ferris wheel? No, it’s already too late. Restaurants – heck no. I can’t even remember the names of the restaurants he use to take me when we were back in Korea. That leaves me with the Studio he owns. We use to go there a lot to up the roof and see the beautiful horizon of the sky above us.

After turning left and forward, I slowed down into a stop and took out my car keys. Here goes nothing.

The building is the same as I remembered it when I was six. Nothing had changed – well except for the people who worked here of course. In hid from the lady behind the desk and went into the elevator pressing the close button. After it closed, I picked the top button and waited. Of course, that doesn’t lead me to the rooftop, but to the rooms of the recording. And that’s the floor that has a staircase that leads me to the rooftop. After a few more seconds, it dings. I got out of the elevator and went to find the staircase. But, I was also pretty curious what’s in the room – or who’s recording.

I put my ear against the closed door and tried to make out the words that are being sung out loud. But nothing came out.

I sigh, well that was a waste, I thought. I’m about to go move on and just find the staircase, when I passed a door that is the only one that’s half open – unlike the rest.

I peeked in the room through the half opened door. There was a long wooden table with several white sheets. Three chairs and a couch against the wall, facing the glass wall which lead to where the people sing. I leaving my phone on the table and went where hundreds of buttons exist.

I press a few buttons playing with them until a song came out. A lady’s voice. The melody in the beginning was good – soft and just by listening to the lyrics it felt like the emotions were real.

I listened to it the second time – after finding the reply button – until I heard voices coming my way.

Crap. I’m in trouble. I poked more buttons hoping the song would pause – and also at the same time I hadn’t edited or deleted either. If someone found out I was messing around here, I’m freaking dead – literally. This is Appa’s building and they’ll report me of stealing the song or whatever.

Getting the right button, I opened another door inside the room I was in and went in the other room as the voices got louder and louder every second.

I bent down against the corner of the wall and bit my bottom lip.

“Ja, yeogi bin gong-gan-i issseubnida,” said a male voice. [Hey, there’s an empty room here.]

“Johguna,” said another. [Alright.]

“President Kim,” said one of the bodyguards. “Geubhan il i saeng-gyeoss-eo.” [Something urgent came up.]

I heard my Dad sigh and I could imagine him giving a man a fake smile – as if nothing had gone wrong.

“Ulineun dasi mannal su-iss-eul geoyeyo,” Appa said. [We’ll meet again.]

“Ye,” they’ll all said.

Counting five seconds, I am confident that they left the room. Looking up I regret it. I regret coming here; regret leaving the house and regret peeking through the window to see three boys with different colored hairstyles.

I clenched my teeth wishing that they won’t record any songs or open this door.

“Ha-jin,” said a male voice, I immediately look up when I heard the door knob twist. My eyes went wide; my heart was thumping even at a faster rate than it shouldn’t.

No, no, no, I prayed. Please don’t open the door.

“You created a new song right? Let’s go try it out here, I want to hear it.”

I kept my eyes at the handle and the pale hand as he kept opening it every centimeter. I could even make out how he looks - especially with that messy brown hair. And also the black clothing he’s wearing, I could make out that he’s hot.

I blinked, did I just think about him? What am I thinking? Am I going crazy? Falling in love with a guy at first sight? I shook my head, I need to pay attention. I did not fall in love with him at first sight, I just thought about him at first sight. Nothing more. Plus, this is a life and death situation, it’s pretty pathetic thinking about a guy before you get caught.

“Later, I still need to make a few changes and the chords are everywhere. It’s still not ready,” said Ha-jin.

The messy brown haired with good looks shut the door tight.

I let out a breath I’ve been holding for a while. I loom up the ceiling, “thank you.” I mouthed.

That reminds me, they speak so well in English – but they look Korean. Did they take speaking lessons on English?

I took a peek at them again. One reddish black hair guy had his earphones on his ear listening to music with his feet on the table. Great way to treat a place, I thought. The second one had another different color hair – blondish brown and it’s curly. He was staring at the CDs and rewards hanging from the wall. And the other one who I almost fell for – which is never going to happen because I don’t fall that easily, is sitting next to the bad attitude guy with headphones.

Just examining them, I could tell they were band members. I could also point out who are the good guy and the bad wolf. The one looking at the wall – he’s good – for sure. He doesn’t like touching other people’s stuff and he probably isn’t the type of guy who likes to steal things either. The one with the headphones – bad attitude, doesn’t care a thing but himself, band members and their fame. For sure, he is the type of guy who mutes things out in reality. Now the last one, I couldn’t tell whether he’s a goodie, goodie or a bad wolf. Probably a little bit of both. Telling by his expression, he’s bored. He is a

party boy that likes to have fun – pick girls up and never calls them back, but also don’t want to beak their hearts so he just denied their calls instead of saying quits.

Man, am I good, I thought. I should get paid for doing this.

“Ahh, so boring,” the playboy. “I think I’m going to die. I’m going to be right back.”

The gentlemen one replied, “Ye. Just don’t cause any trouble.”

I kept watching them after the bad wolf left. Just two more then I could get out of here without actually getting in trouble. The brownish blonde dude turned around, I ducked.

“I’m headed for the bathroom,” he said to his friend.

Debating whether to look up or not, I peeked one more time.

Please leave, I thought. As I stared at him, he didn’t move an inch. Is he dead? I can’t see if he was breathing or not, but I did see his eyes being closed.

New plan: I could just sneak out without him noticing. His ears are occupied he can’t hear a thing from the outside world can he?

I stood up and headed for the door, but I bent down again when the curly one came in.

“Ha-jin, wake up you punk. Hey, I can’t find Hyun-jae.”

“Huh?” he asked. “He’s probably around.”

“We haven’t been in Korea for four years; do you think he can remember where he fined us back?”


“Well, you have a point. Let’s go.”

When I counted up to ten I peek through – vacant, no more people.

Thank God.

I opened the door looking for my phone on the table. I moved the papers away, where the heck is my phone?

I look around and found it on the coach. Oh, it’s there, I thought. How’d it get here though? I shook my head, whatever at least I have my phone back – that’s all I needed right now.


Ha-jin’s P.O.V

Agrh. This punk really needs to get a map to know where the places are in Korea instead of bothering me.

We went in the elevator and before I could press any button, Lee Shin interrupts.

“Ah, I forgot something in the room. Go meet me at the entrance – I’ll be back.”

Before I could say anything, he left – same old Lee Shin always in hurry and forgetting things. I sigh and pressed the button. Right before the elevator closes, a lady was coming – or running to get in the elevator. It was at least three inches before the doors closed, instead of helping her – whom I didn’t of course because it’s out of my characteristic – I just watch her half running and walking.

The elevator finally closed – too bad that she missed it. I put my headphones on, continuing to listen to my sound tracks.

Few seconds later I was at the entrance – waiting for Lee Shin hoping that no one would recognize me.


Aliice Kim’s P.O.V

This is just my unlucky day today. First, I get stuck in a room waiting for these band members to get out and now I’m actually stuck in the elevator with one of them – the curly one. If the bad attitude had actually helped me out and stops the elevator from closing, I wouldn’t have this situation and it wouldn’t feel awkward around the atmosphere between the curly dude and me. It would be two times better if I was in the elevator with the bad attitude cause then he would put on his headphones and look at the floor and close his eyes. But that didn’t happen and I’m still stuck here with him. He is a few feet away from me and that still didn’t help me. Just looking at him close, it’s uncomfortable for me.

Finally the elevator opened and he let me go first – see? Total gentlemen here.

At some point, we were headed for the same direction too – the exit or entrance. He held the door for me; I gave him a shy smile and shivered walking away from him.

Thank goodness this night’s finally over.

Chapter Two: Hate at First Sight, Falling at First Sight, Crush at First Sight

Hyun-jae’s P.O.V

“Call Ha-jin,” Lee Shin replied without looking from his phone.

“I thought you called him already about two hours ago,” I said confused.

“I did,” he said. “His not picking up. If this bastard geta into a fight – Manager Lee will kill us to death.”

I chuckled, “Let him be. His living how life should be, unlike you.”

Lee Shin threw a pillow at me, but I dodged it just in time, I smirked.

“Punk, just call him.”

“Okay, jeez.”

I picked up my phone from the glass table in front of me and started scrolling down the contact list as Lee Shin went to the kitchen, leaving me in the dining room all by, myself.

After calling for the second time, he didn’t pick up. This is unlike him; he isn’t usually the type of guy who wouldn’t answer his phone after one call. Something’s up.

“Hey, Lee Shin,” I called walking towards he kitchen. “He won’t pick up. You think he’s dead?”

“Dead? If he was, we would’ve known two hours ago.”

I look at the screen at my phone when I suddenly heard the phone rang.

“Hello?” I asked.

‘Who is it’? Mouthed Lee Shin making a sandwich.

‘Manager Lee’.

“Oh. Hyun-jae,” he said. “We are going to have a talk show live early in the morning tomorrow. Tell your band members too. And don’t stay up all night partying with strangers. You guys are popular, don’t ruin your reputation, and watch out – paparazzi’s are everywhere, creating rumors. “

“Ye,” I said in a bored voice.

“Let me talk to Lee Shin,” he suggested.

I handed the phone to him without even hesitated. I would be very glad if he talked to him instead of me because all he does is give us lectures.

When Lee Shin wasn’t looking, I took his sandwich and ate it quietly. He gave me a look after turning around.

“Hey, you!” he said out loud while he still had the phone close to his mouth.

“Nothing’s wrong,” he said narrowing his eyes at me. “Ah, Ha-jin?”

My eyes went wide. Lee Shin stared at me as I stared back at him. “Sure, he’s right here.”

He handed the phone to me and I threw it back to him like hot potatoes. Finally he sighed and cleared his voice putting the hone closed to his ear.

“Hello?” he said deeply in a wired and funny voice that made me spit out the food that was still in my mouth.

Lee Shin pulled the phone out of his ear as Manager Lee yelled at him. “Yes his here…Give the phone to him…Okay.”

I too cleared my voice trying to mimic Ha-jin’s voice as he handed me the phone.

“Yes,” I said softly.

Lee Shin finishes his half eaten sandwich that I bit.

“Hey! If you don’t give me Ha-jin in 10 seconds I’m coming there and you’re all dead!” he yelled. I pulled the phone away from my ear. I look back when I heard the door open and close.

“Ha-jin!” I said. “Here, take it. It’s Manager Lee.”

“Hello?” he said.

I walked away from him and went to the kitchen to get juice. “I thought we were going to die.”

“You bastard, where have been in the past two hours and a half?” Lee Shin asked as I took a glass, opening the fridge.

“Why? Worried about me?” he smirked handing me my phone back after I emptied the glass.

“We called you a bunch of times – why didn’t you pick up?”

He had a confuse face on, “you guys never called me.”

“Check your phone,” Lee Shin suggested. “You probably just shut it down or put it on vibrate.”

“He never puts his phone on vibrate,” I said.

Ha-jin took his phone out of his pocket and suddenly his face changes into a surprise.

“What?” I asked.

He shook his head, “nothing.”


Aliice Kim’s P.O.V

After getting home schooled by personal teachers that Appa hired for me, I decided to take a break and went to the room where the black piano was sitting.

Whenever I get frustrated or get sad I would play the piano because it would remind me of Eomma since she was a piano teacher. What I hate is that she’s gone and I only know little things about her.

I sat down on the black wooden bench that matches the piano’s color. I reposition the chair so it would be comfortable for me to play the piano. I cracked my fingers and started to play ‘River Flows in You’ by Yiruma. I stepped on the soft pedal under the piano with my foot as my fingers slowly played with the keyboard. As I played that song, all I ever wanted is to feel warmth again. I’ve never felt like that for such a long time and I miss it. I miss having to be cared for, to be loved or to have fun with somebody. I have never felt like that again since I was thirteen.

Finally, finishing the song, I just say there replaying the conversation Appa and I had yesterday.

‘“Please, don’t cause any trouble that would humiliate me in public.”

I smirked, “humiliate you? Out there they don’t even know you have a daughter that you’ve been hiding. Are you embarrassed of me or regret having a daughter? If you regret it, all you have to do is say a word and I’d be gone forever out of your sight. When I was little you could’ve just put me in a foster home after Eomma had died of cancer, but no. You have to bring me with you so I can feel how hell is. Is this what you want?”

He stood there, without saying a word as I sat on the couch, a tear escaping from my eye. I thought I couldn’t cry anymore, but I guess I’m wrong – I still don’t have that strength.

“Aliice, just promise your Appa that you won’t cause trouble that might be spotlight in the news.”

I smirked, folding my arms against my chest. “Why would I do that? Your sweet Aliice had died ten years ago.”

I examine his closely as I said that. “You’re just like all of them. All you care is your image, your fame to the outside world.”

I still couldn’t believe that my sweet Eomma would marry a cold blooded jerk like him. Or that I’m related to him.

One of his bodyguards came up and whispered something in his ear, he nodded and step back.

“Take care,” he said. “I hope you do as I said. Bye.”

He was walking away, but I couldn’t let this subject go.

“Why?” I asked him suddenly. “Just answer this one question, why didn’t you put me in a foster home – that would’ve been an easier choice would it?”

He sighs.

“If you don’t answer that question,” I said threatening him. “Good luck getting your perfectly fabulous image back.”

“It was you Mother’s promise to me to never let you go,” he replied without turning around. After that, he left.’

I clenched my fist and hit the keys making it into a loud ‘thud’. For minutes I sat there, my face covered with my hands until a knock interrupted me.

“Miss Aliice,” Butler Han called coming in the room. “Your teacher is waiting for you to continue.”

I sigh, “Clear my appointments for today and tomorrow and fire the piano teacher. I don’t need to be reminded of Eomma.” I said half lying at the last part.

“Ye,” he said bowing his head before he could go.

I wish I didn’t exist, I wish I never had this life.


Ha-jin’s P.O.V

For hours I’ve been locked in my room going through someone’s phone. Correction, there was only one contact name: Aliice. This girl has only one friend and nothing more. No pictures were taken and her background picture was simple – music note. She’s an average girl, who doesn’t like to have fun and she’s probably boring, was the first thought I had in mind, but when I got further and further of going through her phone I found many notes. All the notes seem to have the same title: Her Complicated Life.

Another thought came in mind: she’s a writer; maybe this person isn’t boring at all – except that she’s a geek – not my type.

After hours of reading the diary book she had written, I stopped. She’s a good writer, it feels like that she is writing about herself into it by putting a lot of emotions of the complicated life she had. Sometimes she even wishes of running away. Who could live through that?

“Ha-jin!” Lee Shin knocked. “Let’s go to the studio, a producer want to see us there.”

“Ye,” I said flipping the cover and putting it on my desk so I could change my clothes. I look in the mirror putting a t-shirt in front of deciding if blue was a better color on me. Nah, black or white would be a better option. For celebrities, they need to watch out what they were because if you wear a clothing that’s pretty much trashy, they’ll be talking about what you wore the other day and how terrible it was.

After changing into skinny black jeans with a chain at the back and a white t-shirt with black leather, I combed my hair using my fingers. Perfect, I thought.

After making up my mind I decided to call the only contact on this girl’s list.

It ranged several times that I would have actually given up when at the sixth ring, she finally picked up.

“Hello?” she asked. “Who are you and why do you have my phone?” she demanded. So it’s her phone…or her friend’s?

“Ah,” she said when I didn’t say anything. “eotteohge nae jeonhwagiga eodiseo nass-eoyo. [How did you get my phone?],” She asked in Korean words, or tries to say them at least.

“I should be asking you the same thing,” I said trying not to laugh of her pronunciation. “We seem to have exchange phones.”

“You don’t say,” she said. “Where are you? I need to pick it up.”

“Go to the Redhouse Studio – meet me at the entrance,” I replied. “You know where that is right?”

“Yes, I’m not an idiot,” she said and hung up on me.

Well that was the first a girl hung up on me before I hung up on them. What type of girl is she who writes stories, emotional, too average and is mean?


Aliice’s P.O.V

Argh! This guy waking me up when I was sleeping, I’m not even in a mood to go out and travel Korea. Heck, I don’t want to get reminded by Appa by going to one of his studios. When I get ahold of my phone I would sue him for stealing it – you could do that right? Oh well, whatever I’m still going to kill him no matter whom he is or where he’s from. I don’ care if he’s a pop star, a president or even a dog. The only thing I want right now is my phone. How in the world did I even lose that thing? Wait, I think I remember – in the studio. Shoot, what if the guy I talked to actually read my diary and shows it to other people and make fun of it? Double shoot, I have my other phone’s number there, what if he gives it to some freak and starts calling me or sending me messages in some wired convo.


Hyun-jae’s P.O.V

“Now if you can sign this contract here, we can start tomorrow,” said Chung Hee – the record producer. Manager Lee gave each of us a sheet of paper. I took the pen right away and signed my name in cursive. Ha-jin skim through it and then them both signed it.

“Any questions?” he asked.

“When is this meeting over?” asked Ha-jin taking out his phone.

Manager Lee smiled, “he didn’t mean it in a rude way.”

“What time should we start tomorrow?” asked Lee Shin giving a shy smile.

“I’ll call you,” he said standing up. “I got to go; I’m late for my next meeting.”

We bowed our heads to show respect, “ye,” I said.

After he left, Ha-jin got up on his feet and started walking away.

I gave Lee Shin a face that says let’s-see-what’s-he’s-up-to look.


Aliice’s P.O.V

Argh! I’m freezing cold out here. This arrogant jerk! He said to meet me here; I came but where the heck is he? I hugged myself to death shivering. It was late at night and no one was here, except for me and for the first time I felt scared meeting a stranger who has my phone.

His phone vibrated on my hand – I put it on vibrate because I didn’t like the old ringtone he picked – yeah, that’s right I made a few changes in his phone. Who cares, I bet he won’t even notice.

He texted: I’m heading to the entrance.

Hm, nice to know. I typed in a few words for him: What are you wearing?

A few seconds later he replied with a: Why?

Me: So I know who has my phone you idiot.

Him: black jeans, white t-shirt with a black leather jean.

He’s probably a bad boy or just dresses like one to get people’s attention.

Him: What about you?

I thought for second should I lie to him or not? What if he was a rapist?

Me: you’ll know.

After a few more seconds someone came out.

What the….am I dreaming? This cannot be happening. This guy who has my phone…is the guy who I saw earlier. That blackish red haired dude with a gothic style and who has a bad attitude.

I went behind the tree when I saw Appa went up to him. Oh great, they’re going to talk for a few minutes and I’m stuck here shivering to death. Why does it seem like I’m always in hiding – like the holocaust.


Lee Shin’s P.O.V

We followed behind Ha-jin. We stopped when he went outside.

“Let’s go to the back exit,” I suggested. “If we go out where he went, he might spot us.”

“You go,” he said. “I’m hungry, I’m going to get snacks, see you in the room we went last time.”

“Okay,” I agreed and went into the opposite direction where we came from. When I went outside, I saw President Kim and Ha-jin talking. I turned 90 degrees to get a good look and to hear their conversations, but stopped when I several leaves fell on me. I look up to see the elevator girl I had seen yesterday up in the tree.

Firs thought that came in my mind: Is she trying to kill herself. Second thought that came in my mind: She’s crazy for climbing that up high.

What is she doing? Hiding or eavesdropping on them? Both, I guess. I step back a little to get a good look at her, how did she climb so high?

I hadn’t notice that the President had left and Ha-jin was just standing there looking for someone. He took out his phone and started texting. After that he went inside.

I walk towards the elevator girl; she was still up on the tree- standing up. Isn’t she scared?

“Hey!” I yelled. “Elevator girl!”

She turned around, one hand on the branch and the other was occupied with a phone. When she turned around, she was off balance. The only thing I had to do was catch her before she could fall on her face.

Everything was too fast to react what happened between us. For a second she was going to fall in my arms, but that didn’t happen – I wish it did. Something more unexpected made our eyes wide. The moment I caught her in my arms, I fell too on the hard ground while she fell on top of me and our lips touched. Our eyes went wide as her mind process to what just happened.

She stood up whipping her lips with her hand.

“You okay?” I asked. Stupid question, she should be asking me that because she fell on the soft warmth body when I fell on the hard ground.

“Don’t you know it is bad surprising a girl who is up on a tree and scaring her like that?” she asked. “You could’ve killed me to death!”

I stood there like an idiot, this girl…she…she stole my first kiss. She…

She took a deep breath, “thank you for saving me, but don’t do anything like that to me again.”

And that was her last sentence after she left me standing there under the tree at the cold night.

How did this even happen? I met her yesterday in the elevator and today we kissed…by accident. As much as I hate to admit it, she is the only girl I’ve kissed and who stole it too.

I look down at the ground when something light flashed up. A phone. I picked it up, and turned around hoping I would see her still here, but she’s gone. The screen of the phone popped up again: two new messages. Without stopping what I was about to do, I look through her messages with an unknown number.

First message: You weren’t outside.

Second message: You know what? Forget it; you’re not getting your phone back. Keep my phone; I don’t care what you do with it.

Wow, this guy or girl is mean. So that means this isn’t the elevator girl’s phone? Then whose is it?

I didn’t hesitate into looking someone’s phone, you might say it’s nosy, but I’m not I’m just curious who’s phone this is so I could return it back.

Looking at the photos, there were few pictures of…scrolling down…the F1RsT S1GhT? Could it be…?

I went to the contacts and saw my name, Hyun-jae, the manager and some other producers/workers.

Interesting, that’s why Ha-jin wasn’t acting like himself. The elevator girl and him switch phones, but when?

Then I remembered meeting her in the elevator. Yesterday – that’s why the elevator girl wanted her phone back from Ha-jin, but of course this jerk doesn’t like things taken away from him.


Hyun-jae’s P.O.V

After waiting in the room for Lee Shin, he still hasn’t come back.

“Did you see lee Shin?” I asked Ha-jin as he step foot in the room.

He shook his head taking out his phone.

I stood up and went to the elevator. He’s possibly outside looking for Ha-jin. When the elevator door opens, I ran and opened the exit door looking for Lee Shin. Where is that punk doing in this cold night? I look around, squinted – nothing. It’s hard looking for someone at night this dark, I barely see anything. When I turned 180 degrees I bumped into someone hard that made them fall. I blinked a few times to see a brownish black haired girl on the ground rubbing her shoulder.

I pulled out my hand; she blinked a few times – shock probably that a celebrity would take her hand. She took it and I pulled her up. As I did that, she was too close in front of me, five inches away from my face.

For a second our eyes made contact until she fake cough and let go of my hand and ran away.

To start with, she is actually the first girl that ran away from me like that. And if I was in a truth or dare game, I would pick truth and say, crush at first sight. My heart started beating hard against my chest the moment I pulled her close to me. But my charms weren’t enough for her to fall in love with me.


Ha-jin’s P.O.V

I kept reading her book, it’s funny how the main character and I have so much in common, how we try to survive for the people we love, but that’s the thing – we don’t show our love for one another to the people we care. We keep it inside and it builds up inside us until one day we would both bursts it out loud and say the truth to everyone.

What am I thinking? Am I getting a fever?

Lee Shin and Hyun-jae walked in, I smirked at their faces.

“What’s wrong with you two?” I asked chuckling. “It looks like you guys saw big foot or a ghost.”

They stared at each other.

“Me?” Hyun-jae asked. “I’m not scared; I think they’re scared of me that’s why they ran away from me.”

“Here,” said Lee Shin throwing a solid flat item at me. I caught and took a look. My phone. I look up at him, “Where’d you get this?”

“Outside, I found it on the ground,” he replied sitting down next to me. “You never told us you lost your phone.”

“I must’ve forgotten,” I lied.

We were silent for a while. What’s wrong with them? The atmosphere had never been this quiet or awkward before between us.

“Let’s go,” I broke in.

“Where?” asked Hyun-jae.

“A club, to celebrate for having a record producer in second day of Korea and our return for Korea.”

“You guys go,” Lee Shin said. “I need to do something.”

“I’m heading home,” Hyun-jae replied. “I’m tired.”

Hyun-jae tired? This is unlike him.

“Hey,” I said. “What’s wrong with you guys?”

“Nothing,” they both said.

“You guys got into a fight?”

“No,” they both said at the same time.

“Fine, go” I said sounding bored. “I’m busy too anyways.”


“See you at home,” Hyun-jae said.

I sat there staring at the snacks hyun-jae had bought. I sigh and took out the girl’s phone and started to read. To be truthful, I never thought someone like this would feel the same way – in the book of course.

Chapter 3: The Mistake of Knowing

Ha-jin’s P.O.V

“Eseo 5, 4, 3, 2 ...,” said the director counting down for the show talk we’re about to have, live.

“Joh-eun achim [Good morning],” said the lady beside Lee Shin. She’s probably the host for this show talk.

“Annyeonghaseyo,” we all said bowing our head a little and not giving a simple smile.

“Oneul ulineun hangug-eseo , yeogi cheosnun baendeu geulub-i issseubnida. jeohuineun dangsindeul-i migug-ui seongchwi keun eul han geos-i anila gohyang-e dol-a camr balo geu haengbog. [Today we have the First Sight band group here, in Korea. We are very happy that you camr back to your country and also that you guys have made a big accomplish in the States],” she said. “Ttalaseo da-eum keun gyehoeg eun mueos-ibnikka? [So what is your next big plan?].”

“Eum, sasil-eun ulineun joh-eun eum-ag-eul mandeul-eo , ulineun hangsang choeseon-eul dahandaneun geol geos-ibnida. geuligo uliga manh-eun jayu sigan eul gajigo issgi ttaemun-e , ulineun myeoch gaji jangsoleul bangmun saeng-gag hago eonjenacheoleom jeulgeobge. [Um, actually we would do what we always do best, make good music. And since we have so much free time, we thought of visiting a few places and have fun like we always do.]” Hyun-Jae said gaining confidence.

“Ah,” the lady said switching the flashcard that she already read to the back. “Jeonche aelbeom migug-eseo nawass-eul ttae neohuideul-eun eotteohge saeng-gag haess-eo? naega chungbunhi ga eobsdaneun sasil-eul deul-eossda ,i maejin doeeossseubnida. [How did you guys feel when your full album got out in the States? I heard that there weren’t enough, it was sold out.]”

“Ulineun uliui aelbeom i maejin doen geos-eulo , haengboghan heungbun hago nollassseubnida. [We were happy, excited and surprise that our albums were sold out],” Lee Shin said smiling.

After she asked a few more questions to the guys – I kept quiet as usual, her next question caught me off guard.

“Dangsin-eun migug eiss-eul ttae dangsin-i yuji doen geos-eulo dangsin-ui ma-eum ttoneun ma-eum e teugbyeolhan ai ga uli ege. [So tell us, is there any special girl in your mind or heart that you’ve been keeping while you were in the States?]”

Of course she would ask that question, all the people want to know are who we dating, what we’re doing for next week or so.

Lee Shin chuckled, “Ani [no],” he said shaking his head.

“Nae ma-eum e myeoch gaji haessda [I had a few in my mind],” Hyun-jin said using his charms. “Geuleona amudo nae ma-eum e nan nae nae wanbyeoghan yeoja leul chaj-ji mos hagi ttaemun-e [But no one in my heart because I never found my perfect girl for me.]” He winked at the lady. The lady blushed, trying to cover it.

“Mueos ha jin e daehan [What about you Ha-jin?]” she asked. “Dangsin-i gwansim-i teugbyeolhan yeoseong [Any special women you’re interested?]”

“I,” I said smiling a little. “Do.”

Her and my band members stared at me. Even the crew that was witnessing was probably thinking: Who?

I saw Manager Han slicing his neck with his hand going side-ways at me. I knew the trouble I’m creating; I can handle it – if that’s what he thinks.

“Nugu? [Who?]” she finally asked.

“Secret,” I replied.

“Wau, geunyeoneun dangsin i hal su-issneun aju teugbyeolhan yeoja ya . cheosnun paen deul-eun kkaejinjag-eun simjang-i doel su issdeolado gippeohago issseubnida [Whoa, she’s a very special girl to have you. The First Sight fans are happy for you, even though they might be a little heart broken,]” she said. “Geuleom uliga jigeum gajin sigan ibnida. sicheong e daehan modeun gamsa [Well that’s all the time we have right now. Thank you all for watching.]”

“Gidalida [Wait,]” I interrupt. “Mwongaleul malhae jul su [Can I say something?]”

She look for the director, he nodded.

“I yeoja jeonhwaleul ilh-eobeolin sonyeomesijiibnida [This is a message for the girl who lost her phone,]” I said. “Dangsin-i jikyeobogoissneun gyeong-u , dangsin-i onlain-eulo gaseo doseo leul Google sipseubnida. dangsin-eul wihae leul balganhaessseubnida. dangsin-i al-a geunyeoui chaeg-eul ilg-go sip-eun gyeong-ueneun, ileum-i ' geunyeoui bogjabhan saenghwal.' [If you’re watching, I want you to go online and Google your book. I published it for you. If you want out read her book, it’s called ‘Her Complicated Life.’]”

I hope that settles it. But now I have to face my own problems now – dealing with the scandal I just created and explain to Manager Lee and the band members about my fake imaginary special girl.


Aliice’s P.O.V

After taking a long shower, I went to the kitchen. I saw breakfast – pancakes with different kinds of fruits on top and syrup -sitting there on the table waiting for me to eat. I sigh, “I’m not eating that.”

I went to one of the cabinets trying to find where the maids would put the plates and bowls. I finally gave up,” Get me a bowl, spoon, milk and cereal. That’s all I need for breakfast.”

I went to the living room and turned on the flat screen TV as I sat down on the coach. Worst morning ever. I woke up with a headache and I dreamt that I had kissed one of the guys. It felt real, how did I dream all that? I shivered just by thinking about it, “yuck.”

I kept flipping through hundreds of channels not bothering to even to stop for ten seconds per channels. I rubbed my eyes, taking ou the fake round glasses and putting it back on my face.

I put the remote down on the glass counter when the maid entered with my breakfast. I took the bowl and started to it with the spoon. The cereal was sweet like I want. I look up when I the channel I stop to was a show talk.

I hate those; people who are nosy in another person’s life. I’d say get a life and stop going into my business. I was about to change the channel when the flower boys appeared suddenly. I took another spoonful of cereal and kept eating.

What the…

“Dangsin-i jikyeobogoissneun gyeong-u , dangsin-i onlain-eulo gaseo doseo leul Google sipseubnida. dangsin-eul wihae leul balganhaessseubnida. dangsin-i al-a geunyeoui chaeg-eul ilg-go sip-eun gyeong-ueneun, ileum-i ' geunyeoui bogjabhan saenghwal.' [If you’re watching, I want you to go online and Google your book. I published it for you. If you want to read her book, it’s called ‘Her Complicated Life.’],” the guy said.

I spit out the food I had in my mouth.

No, no, no, no, no! This can’t be happening – which it is happening because it’s out already, but still!

“Thank you Ha jin for the message,” the lady said and after that it was commercial.

I sat there staring at the TV like we were having a staring contest. I lost when the maids appear with janitor supplies and started cleaning the floor.

I put the bowl down and walked away.

“Butler Han,” I called. “Clear my appointments for this week or the next – I’m going to be busy dealing with problems I have to solve on my own.”

“But,” he said just standing there. I left before I could hear any more words from him.

My only plan is to get my phone and give that guy a good bet up. He sure needs a taste of his own medicine.

I took my white bag, slug it on me and put my jacket on taking my phone – my second one and a pink beanie hat. I went in the car, starting the engine and went off. I don’t care anymore if I get in trouble or if they discover that he has a daughter.

I turned wheel making the car turn around, I step on the brake and step outside my car going in the grocery’s store. I know this isn’t the time to shop for food, but I just thought of a plan to get back at him.


Ha-jin’s P.O.V

After the door closed behind us, I sat down putting on my headphones, tuning up the volume because I know for sure Lee Shin, Hyun-jae and Manager Lee would be bugging and

asking questions about my ‘girl’ and why I blurted that out in public.

“Hey Ha-jin!” Lee Shin yelled at me. I pretended I didn’t hear and let my head lean back.

He came up to me, lowering down the volume of the song I was listening to down to 0. I look at him putting down the headphones around my neck.

“What?” I asked acting annoyed.

“Is it true? You have someone in your heart?” he asked.

Hyun-jae chuckled.

“No,” I said keeping a stern face. “I’m not the type of man that likes to go on dates and like girls.”

“You rascal, then what was that about?” Lee Shin asked. “You were using your charms. I’ve never seen you done it; I think this is the first time.”

“It is the first time idiot,” Huyun-jae said elbowing him.

“I did that for us,” I said. “To get more fans. Do you know how boring our life is? It’s always singing, playing around, and getting in trouble. I’m tired of that. It feels like reliving another day every hour.”

“Our life isn’t boring,” Hyun-jae said. “It’s only to you because you don’t know how to have fun.”

Manager Lee came in, “Ha-jin. What the hell did you just put up there?”

“Manager-” Lee Shin started. I shook my head telling him don’t say anything.

“Who is that girl? Why did you suddenly blurt that out in public? Do you know how much damage you’ve cause?”

“No,” I said getting bored. “What do you want me to do?”

“Break up with her and say it was a misunderstanding.”

“Yes,” I replied.

“If you don’t I’m going to – wait, what did you say?”


He cleared his throat fixing his clothes, “well then. My job here is done.”

After he left, the guys and I laughed and for the first time since I came here I finally felt relaxed.


Hyun-jae’s P.O.V

“Argh!” I said. “Tomorrow we got to work and record a new song. Ah –are you finish writing your song Ha-jin?”

He shook his head, “I forgot about it.”

“Really?” I said hearing this for the first time. “You never forget about writing a song.”

“He has an imaginary girl in his heart,” Lee Shin said tapping his heart with his fist.

“No angry calls?” asked Ha-jin.

I shook my head, “no. I’m going to change. Starting today, I’m taking in serious relationships.”

“Whoa,” lee Shin said. “Is this our Hyun-jae? Hey, stop talking nonsense you punk.”

“I think his serious this time,” Ha-jin replied examining my face by cocking his head. “Who’s the girl?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know I met her yesterday at the studio during the night. It was like love in first sight, she was beautiful like a moonlight shining right before my eyes and how she looked when saw me. Ash, I can’t stop thinking about her. I don’t know if I’m going to see her again or not.”

“Wow,” Lee Shin said. “You’re so deep man.”

Ha-jin chuckled as I punched Lee Shin’s arm.

“I’m not going to stop looking for her,” I said.

“That’s how much you like her huh?” asked Lee Shin. I knew he’d say that because no one had ever seen me take relationships seriously, ‘cause well I’m a player. But after meeting her, I want to change that.”

The clack car stopped, I opened the door.

Ha-jin poked his head outside squinting as the sun blind his eyes. “This is the studio. Why we are here, I told the driver to drive us home.”

“Go,” I said. “I’m going to wait for her here. I feel that she’s really going to come today.”

“We’ll come with you,” Lee Shin suggested. Before I could even irrupt, they all got out and the car drove away.

So much for plan B.

We went inside heading to the elevator, but there was a note taped on it.

“It says it’s broken,” Lee Shin said. “Let’s use the staircase.”

I look back to see Ha-jin with his headphones on. We went up the stairs, Lee Shin’s hands were in his pockets – head down like Ha-jin. When we were almost there to the top, I heard a few things dropping and cracking. The next thing I knew Ha-jin’s hair was covered in raw egg. The shell was falling down his head as the egg white was making its way down his face. I look at Lee Shin; he looked up trying to indicate who would do that. I heard Ha-jin groaned and then ran up to the stairs to catch the troublemaker. I laughed hard.

“Man, you could’ve seen his face,” I laughed out loud.

Lee Shin smiled, “you planned this?”

“Me-e?” I broke. “No, but whoever did this, I got to thank them.”

“Well we’re about to find out who did it,” he said motioning me to follow Ha-jin.


Aliice’s P.O.V

This wasn’t supposed to happen. He wasn’t supposed to follow me and catch me. That wasn’t my plan, why isn’t this working? I thought as I ran for my life. I’m going to die in the hands of a jerk pop star. I’m doomed.

I turned left, then right then left again then left – this building is so big that I could predict I’m going to get lost any minute and not find the exit for the next two days. Just then I found an opened door, I went in closing the door behind me. I breathed in and out looking through the little window on the door every so often to see if he passed by this door. Ten seconds pass by; I look through the window again. Vacant. Just what I needed. I was about to open the door when I felt a hand over my mouth and another around my neck.

Oh joy! He found me.

For second we stayed there, our bodies touching each other and I swear I could hear his breathing against my ear.

“Who are you?” he asked in English instead of Korean, which of course am grateful because I’m not use to Korean words yet.

I swallowed hard counting down to three.

Three…two…one…one. Then I kicked his shin behind me hard, making him release me. I heard him groaned in frustration. That’s my cue; I swung the door open and ran for my escape but then

stopped as I bumped into something, hard. I look up to see his face so close to mine that if I just tilt my head a little further up, our lips will be touching. He smiled. Why is he smiling at me like a freak?

“You,” he said.

He looked up to see his friend coming. I bite my bottom lip and tried to walk away but the dude caught my wrist. I gave him a look.

“Ha-jin,” he said. Oh, so that’s the jerk’s name that put my personal life out there in the world to see. Good thing, he’s only seeing my back instead of my face.

When I look straight ahead I saw the dude that I’ve accidently kissed in the lips.

Oh, today is just the best day ever, wouldn’t you say so?


Lee Shin’s P.O.V

I stop in my tracks when I saw the elevator girl who’ve I kissed the other day. Hyun-jae was holding her hand…does that mean that…that’s his first love? Question is when did they even meet? And out of a million girls in the world, he picks her. When did he start having a bad taste in women’s?

We made eye contact for five seconds until I broke it away. No one can know that we’ve kissed, especially Hyun-jae.


Hyun-jae’s P.O.V

I couldn’t believe she’s here in front of my eyes – not technically.

“Ha-jin,” I said smiling in happiness.

He looks at me for a moment then his eyes traveled to the girl next to me, that’s when his expression change. He walked away pass the two us. As minutes passed by, I forgot I was still holding her wrist when she peeked in, “let go.”’

I let her go and turned around.

“Let’s go eat,” I suggested. She turned raising an eyebrow.

“He…Is he your friend?” she asked.

I nodded, “And I’m thinking that you’re the girl who threw the eggs at him.”

I chuckled, she soft punch me on my arm giving me – or try giving me an angry look.

“He deserves it,” she said smiling a little. She’s different, she is the first girl to get Ha-jin mad, but he didn’t do anything towards her…yet.

I grabbed her wrist pulling her as I walk, but she wouldn’t budge.

“Let’s go,” I said.

She still wouldn’t move.

“To where?” she asked.

“Eat,” I replied.

“But I don’t know you,” she said. “You might be a killer or a kidnapper.”

I sigh, “You’ll get to know me once we get food first. Aren’t you hungry?”

She hesitated, but I just pulled her towards me so she could follow where I was going.


Aliice’s P.O.V

I didn’t like him smiling like an idiot or him touching me. I didn’t even like him forcing me to do stuff I can’t decide yet.

The halls became recognizable, where to the room where they hand out, I thought. I can’t go in there and see him.

“Ha-jin, Lee Shin let’s go. We’re going out to eat,” he said giving back my wrist. I look around the room keeping my eyes away from the guys.

“You guys go,” one of them said. “Ha-jin and I will just order take outs here.”

I rolled my eyes, it’s obvious they hate me – but I don’t care anyways.

“Okay, I’ll you later,” he said.


Ha-jin’s P.O.V

After washing my hair in the sink I can still feel the egg yolk and white in there. I couldn’t think I’m so bothered by that girl that I just want to get her back. Who does she think she is?

“Argh!” I groaned rubbing my head, taking off my headphones and sitting up straight.

“Ha-jin,” Lee Shin said like he knows what I’m thinking – or he does. “Don’t touch lay a finger on her.”

“Who said I’m interested in devil?” I asked laying my elbows on my knees trying to think of the song I was supposed to finish yesterday.

“Hyun-jae sure has a different taste of girls,” he said smirking. “Love in first sight. Do you believe in it?”

“No,” I said. “I’m not in a zone for dating.”

He chuckled remembering a flashback, “but then again, I envy her for throwing eggs at you.”

I didn’t reply I don’t know how to reply to that.

“What did you do to her?” he asked.

“What do you mean? This is the first time I’m meeting her,” I said in defense.

He seemed to take that answer.

“Aren’t you going to order a take out?” I asked.

He chuckled, taking out his phone from the pocket.

That reminds me, I took out the unwanted phone that the girl didn’t take. Did she forget about her phone?

I flipped open the cover and reread my favorite passages.

‘Sometimes what you wish will never come true, what people’s dream will always come first. But when it comes to love…

I never know how love feels. I never received one or gave one. Is love the feeling of warmth? Is it the feeling of happiness or being cared of? No, I don’t believe in love. I believe that people love one another for a reason. For desperation, for center of attention and because they’re alone. I’ve always been alone in a big house for ten years after my mother died. There is always this big hole in my heart that can never be filled. It can never be filled with love or happiness. It’s awful having to feel this kind of emotion that you kept for ten years. Sometimes I ask myself, am I the only one with a complicated life?’

Chapter Four: Too much to Deal

Ha-jin’s P.O.V

I couldn’t survive anymore. For the past three months I’ve been bothered a lot. There are many noises in the building and I get distracted easily because of Aliice. I swear if Hyun-jae brings her at home or at the studio I would explode.

She’s been hanging around Hyun-jae a lot these days and going out. I don’t even know if they’re in a relationship or not. I just want her gone so I could finish my song that I was supposed to finish since I got here.

My phone rang; I took it out, flipping the cover.


“Mister,” a guy said that I hired.

“I found them,” he said. “They live a few minutes from the studio.”

“Text me the address and I’ll be there,” I said. “Give the rest of the men that you hired money and tell them thank you. For now on, pretend you don’t know me. I’ll send you’re payment.”

“Thank you.”

I locked the house door and went in my car. This is the day to find out the truth if she was still living or not. She’s the reason why I became famous.


So Yeon’s P.O.V

I opened the door after I heard the bell.

I smiled widely when I saw Appa standing in front of me. I hugged him.

“So Yeon,” he said. I pulled back.

“Sorry,” I said bowing my head.

He smiled, “it’s fine.” He rubbed my head messing up my hair.

“Ho-jun,” said Eomma.

“Look who’s here,” I said letting him in with two body guards carrying grocery bags. After they placed the bags on the table, Appa dismissed them. I closed the door going to the kitchen and looking through the white bags.

I smiled when I saw the chocolates – he remembered.

“Thank you,” I said hugging him again as I took three chocolates in my hand.

“It looks like you love seeing the chocolates more than me,” he chuckled.

“Yeah, because the two of you are just so sweet,” I said ripping out the wrapper.

“It’s good to see you,” Eomma said smiling a little.

“Eomma,” I whined between chews. “Appa doesn’t come here often, why are you being like this?”

Appa looked at Eomma, “How are you doing these days?”

Eomma shrugged, “Good, always alone, but I’m used to it.” That’s a lie. She’s not okay; I look at Appa – wanting to tell him that Eomma doesn’t want to be alone anymore.

“Appa,” I said. “Are we going to live with you now after you and Eomma get married?” I asked changing the subject.

He smiled,” yes. You’ll see me more often.”

I knew they wanted to talk so I slipped out of the kitchen and went in my room closing the door.

Long story short, Ho-jun a.k.a President Kim and Eomma are engaged. But Appa had to go to the states to take care of things, so he made a promise to Eomma – when he comes back; they’re getting married, making him my official Appa. He also promised me that I’ll see his daughter; making her my sister and I can’t wait. It’s just like a fairytale for me waiting to begin. Just thinking about it made it seem like a dream because my Appa died when I was at age five. Eomma had been lonely for years, I know she has me, but when I go to school I know she’s lonely – that’s why I don’t always want to go to school.

A knock interrupted my thoughts making me jump.

“Come in,” I said speaking in English – I learn how to speak that when Ho-jun was at the states so I could surprise him of my speaking.

“You want to go to a restaurant?” Appa asked. I nodded. “Okay, let’s go.”

During the car ride, I wanted to ask about my going-to-be-sister.

“Appa,” I said. “When am I going to meet Aliice?”

He gave me a shy smile, “When she’s ready.” My smile faded. When will she be ready?

Never or soon?

“Can you tell me more about her?” I ask. “I want to know what she’s like, what she likes, what are her hobbies.”

Appa hesitated first then giving me a good answer, “She’s…different. She likes to fight the ones she loves and she’s a lot like you, always asking questions.”

I smiled; I think she and I will become great sisters and great best friends. I just hope I’m going to see her soon.


Ha-jin’s P.O.V

I lowered my hat a little and fixing my glasses hoping no one would recognize me in this disguise.

I watch behind the glass window as the old lady took the customer’s orders. She’s still the same and hasn’t changed. She should rest instead of working so hard. I look at the old man next to her – handing out the appetizer at the other table. I can’t watch them anymore, it’s too much. They just remind me of the past that I burned in my heart. They don’t exist, I thought in my head. This is all a fake. It’s all a fake. Then my heart stopped beating when I saw her. She was sitting at the counter, doing workbooks and trying to concentrate of studying. She grew too much, I put my hand on the glass, getting flashbacks of relationships we both had. I then pulled my hand back when she turned around as we heard a cup of glass drop. She ran clearing up the broken glass from the floor helping Appa out. Eomma bowed her head saying sorry, it’s okay. They can’t live like this. I can’t live like this. I turned around and ran. I wish I never found out where they worked.

I sat behind the driver’s wheel thinking about the past. As much as I hate to think about what’s been untouched, I couldn’t help it. I thought she was going to die. I thought she would be gone forever. She’s the only reason why I became like this. Why I couldn’t be like this anymore. I can’t keep up with the promise that’s burning up my chest.

A picture popped into my mind – the hospital and I could still remember her words.

“Hyeong,” her voice was above a whisper, I leaned in holding her hands into mine.

“Oppa is here,” I said trying to keep a smile. “Tell me what you need.”

“Nan dangsin-ui eung-yong peulogeulaem-eul boassda. [I saw your applications,]” she breathed. “segyelo nolae hasibsio geulaeseo nan gal kkeoya hal ttae eodieseona dangsin-ui mogsoli leuldeul-eul su. [Please sing to the world so when I’m gone I can hear your voice everywhere.]”

“I promise,” I said trying not to cry in front of my little sister.

The doctor said it would take a miracle for her to be alive – and it did. I just couldn’t believe my eyes that she’s alive. I was away for four years training to become a guitarist and a vocalist just for her. The only question I got in my head is where my family got the money to pay for Hana’s surgery.


Aliice’s P.O.V

I sat there awkwardly with Lee Shin, every time I see him there would always be an awkward moment. Thanks Hyun-jae for leaving me here with him. I watch the time ticking away and make that tick-tock noise every second.

Lee Shin cleared his throat making me turn my attention to him.

“About the kiss,” he started.

“Don’t bring that up,” I said.

“I just want to make it clear between us – that meant nothing. It was an accident and that it should’ve not happen. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“I know,” I said. “Because that kiss means nothing to me.”

He had a sour face on but it faded.

“How much do you like him?” he asks.

“Huh?” I ask looking up at him again. “Who?”

“Hyun-jae,” he said making it obvious.

I giggled, “I don’t like, like him.”

He raised an eyebrow. I sigh rephrasing what I should say, “I love him as a brother, nothing more. His like a brother to me that protects me. Truth is he is the first friend I made in my whole life. I don’t want that to turn into something more.”

He looks down at his shoes processing the answer I just blurted out.

“Why?” I asked. “Does he…”


Hyun-jae’s P.O.V

After going to the bathroom, I was about to walk into the First Sight’s hangout room when I heard Lee Shin and Aliice talking.

“Yes,” he said. “It’s not your fault. It was love in first sight, you know his a player – he never felt this way before, it’s also his first time loving something and keeping it. So can you please take it easy with him?”

I heard silence after that I went in acting like I just came out of the bathroom.

“So what’d I miss?” I ask taking a sit next to Lee Shin.

“Nothing much,” Lee Shin replied.

“Ah,” he said. “Tomorrow is our concert at Seoul. You’re coming right?”

Aliice hesitated thinking about it.

“Aliice is busy tomorrow, right?” Lee Shin said eyeing on her like a prey.

“Oh come on,” I whine. “If you don’t go tomorrow I’ll pretend that I don’t know you and you should pretend that you don’t know me too.”

“Hyun-jae,” Lee Shin said putting a hand on my shoulder.

“If you do,” I said leaning into her to whisper the words in her ear. “We both know it’s something more than that.”

I took out a backstage pass and put it in her ear, “don’t come late. Concert starts at 6.” I got up not looking at both of them.

“I’m heading home first,” I said walking away and closing the door. I lean back and breathed out a heavy breath I’ve been holding.

Unexpected things happen, you have to be ready to face it, to know what you’re sacrificing for and to know what you’re fighting for. Now I know mine.


Aliice’s P.O.V

After Lee Shin left, I sat there thinking his words and Hyun-jae’s words. I can’t be Hyun-jae’s girlfriend; I made a promise to Lee Shin. I can’t break both their hearts. What should I do?

I took out a scratch paper with music notes on them and a pen I found from under the desk and started writing. I haven’t done this in a long time probably because I have been busy and my feelings are always a little less hatred but not a lot of happiness.

‘Your feelings can be change little at a once. But, also it can be played. I made a very important promise to friend who thinks about others before himself. I envy him for doing that, but have he ever cared himself for once and make decisions he want best for himself instead of thinking of other people? A promise I cannot miss, a friend I cannot dismiss, and a decision I got to rethink. A decision that can

change everything in a person’s life. Today, I felt like I was being cared for – like someone was protecting me from a war. I don’t want that friend to go away because of a decision I was going to make. I don’t want to be a failure; Eomma didn’t raise a child for that. For once I wish I didn’t know how I felt for others.’


Ha-jin’s P.O.V

As soon as elevator door opened, I stepped out going to the First Sight’s hangout room. I took out the keys and put it in the knob, but before I could I twisted the knob and the door was unlock. I went in seeing a sleeping Aliice asleep on the sofa. I smirk and searched for the music notes I created. I look through the books and then under the table. I took them out, organizing them and counting five sheets, that’s when I notice that the beginning of the song of the sheet is missing. I groaned when I saw that someone had written something on the back when I flipped it. This girl really pisses me off.

As I examine the paper in front of me that’s when the writing style was familiar and how it spoke. Reading the printed words Aliice had written I couldn’t believe my eyes. Was she the girl who owned the phone? Who wrote that book or that…diary? Did I really post her personal everyday life diary up in the internet for everyone to read? Wow, now I know why she hates me.

I too out my jacket and put it around her. The expression of her face is something she doesn’t do every day – smile. I smirk again and left with my papers.


Aliice’s P.O.V

I woke up with a coat black leather coat around me smelling cologne. I rubbed my nose, sitting up. It was almost morning and I remembered sleeping here, but not having a coat around me.

I opened the door with the coat, and immediately stopped when I saw Appa. Just great. I’m not in a mood to be angry, I have other else to worry about that I’m in no mood for that. He looked at the door then me then the door again. I gave him a look and walk pass him like I don’t know him – that’s what he wanted right? Pretend that I don’t exist; well his gift is going to be brought.

Just as predicted, he followed me home. Oh how sweet – like I care.

“Aliice!” he yelled.

I turned, “Tell me what you want and I’ll do it.”

“We need to talk,” he suggested.

I smirk, “we? Don’t you think that’s a little too late? I’m not your daughter anymore, you aren’t my father anymore. I could live through my life whatever I feel like it. Why? Because you’re daughter died years ago when you made a bad decision of not caring for her.”

I went upstairs, but stopped when he said, “ttal.”

I turned, “You have no rights calling me your daughter.”

And went upstairs.

Chapter Five: Hidden Secrets

Hyun-jae’s P.O.V

Twenty minutes left before we start singing on the stage. She should be here right now, I thought. If she decided not to come, then I need to accept her choice. I sigh as the people put makeups on me and fixed my clothing.

“Go,” I said waving them off. “It’s fine.”

Manager Lee walked in telling the people in the dressing room to take a break, after they were gone; he closed the door behind him.

“Tomorrow you guys have a curfew,” Manager Lee said reading off the paper.

I turned, “what do you mean curfew?”

“Yeah,” Ha-jin said looking up from his phone. “We never had curfew before, why so suddenly?”

“There’s a rumor about you guys,” he said. Then he turned to Ha-jin. “Did you break up with that girl of yours?”

“Yeah whatever,” he replied going back to his phone.

“What time is our curfew?” Lee Shin asks going back to the subject.

“Seven,” he replied.

“Seven?” I ask. “Why so early?”

“What?” he asks. “You have some plans to go out at night? You have to be careful who you’re hanging with, there’s already tons of rumor about you guys since you the day you arrive here.”

“Is that it?” I asked.

He shook his head and started to read whatever he wrote in that white sheet of paper, “During your free time you’ll be in the training room practicing, no going out, be on time for your appointments. Which reminds me,” he turned to me. “Have you thought about it?”

“Thought about what?” I ask.

“The solo album with Jayjay,” he said.

“Solo?” asked Ha-jin.

“Jayjay?” asked Lee Shin. “Isn’t she the one who…”

The moment they knew her name they laughed. That just brings the bad memories I had with her.

“Think about it,” Manager Lee said looking at his watch. “Let’s go.”

We all stood up, but the guys were still laughing their ass off.

“Shut up,” I said as we were in the hallway.

“Man, I cannot believe she wants to do a solo with you after she broke up with you” Lee Shin said still chuckling. “Didn’t you guys hate each other before you started dating?”

“Technically,” I said making a point. “I broke up with her. Andi will not sing with her, over my dead body I won’t.”

“Right,” Ha-jin said rolling his eyes. “The one who shed a tear.”

“Hey!” I said. “She was my first girlfriend, I was back then I didn’t know any better.”

“Yeah,” Lee Shin said. “We believe you. 100% man.”

I gave them a look, but they were too busy. Lee Shin took his drumsticks as Ha-jin took his electric guitar and slug it around me. We took our positions.

“50,000 Won that he’ll sing with her,” ha-jin said.

“Deal,” Lee Shin replied. “50,000 Won that he won’t. You know Hyun-jae, he doesn’t like seeing the girls he already saw once. He never dated anyone twice.”

“I can hear you,” I replied.

“Watch your head,” Manager Lee said. “When this raises you up, try to smile – don’t give them a killer look.”

We all bent down waiting until a second later the panel was raising. The fans got even louder as they saw us. We stood up trying to smile and squint. All I could see was darkness with glowing sticks and colorful lights moving in every direction.

I went behind my keyboard before Lee Shin could hit his drumsticks in the air yelling, “One…Two…One, two, three, and four…”

And our music started. Every time we were on stage, I always feel like I was a different person with a normal life. Ha-jin once said to us, “Ignore the people who don’t like our music because I think they have bad taste in what they listen to.”

That jerk really has a heart – I thought it died when we all first met.


So Yoen’s P.O.V

The line couldn’t get any shorter, I’ve been waiting outside in the cold while it’s snowing just to watch F1RsT S1ghT’s concert here. I move forward an inch, just twenty feet away. I tell you, it feels like I’ve been in that position for the past two hours of waiting, but it’s worth it. It’s going to be the first time I see F1RsT S1GhT in person, I just can’t wait.


Aliice’s P.O.V

“Yeogi jusibsio jungji. [Stop here please,]” I said to the taxi driver. I handed him the cash as he held out his hand. “jigeum naiga salam-eul gamsahabnida. [Thank you old man.]”

I step out closing the door. I look up as little white fluffy snow balls were falling from the blue sky. I wrapped my black leather jacket around me – reminding me the other night of someone’s black leather jacket. I never found out who owns that jacket.

I started walking as I look at the time on an electric board on top of the building. Five minutes. After walking for several minutes I waited in line. I took out the backstage pass Hyun-jae gave me and put it back when the guy asks for my ticket. Good thing that the line is short, I don’t want to stay outside where it’s snowing. I handed it to him and went in. The music is blasting so loud I swear I could feel the floor vibrating on my feet. I look at what the people were wearing jeans, jackets, shirts and shoes. Gosh I feel like an idiot. How am I supposed to know that you don’t wear dresses in concert? I have never been in a concert before and this is my first and will be my last. I feel like taking off my black three inch heel, but then I’d be more of an idiot for being barefoot. Too late now, I can’t change my clothes.

As I got closer to the stage, it got darker. People were holding glowing sticks, screaming their lungs out and taking pictures.

I smiled at the three musketeers do their thing at the stage. Just looking at them, it was like seeing an angel – with a very loud music playing. They all seemed happy as if nothing exists around them but the ones they love.

The song ended with a long note given by the guitar. Hyun-jae took a red electric guitar the ones Ha-jin has, but his is black. They removed the keyboard and put two microphones up on the stage. Lee Shin, on the other had is just the drummer.

Hyun-jae cleared his throat touching the microphone if it worked and it made a loud noise bursing our ears.

“Joesonghabnida. [Sorry],” he said looking at Lee Shin then at Ha-jin. He whispered something in his ear; Ha-jin leaned back moving his lips. Who’s he taking to? Ha-jin nodded and that made Hyun-jae smile a little.

“Before we start our next song,” he started. “I would like to dedicate this song to a very special person I met a while ago who filled my heart with happiness.”

The crowds explode yelling and with that the song started.

I felt my heart drop. What the hell did I do to him? I thought I made it clear that we were only friends. Spending time with each other, laughing, and a lot of exploring in Korea. Good times, good times, I thought. But those are just friends hanging out, I don’t feel the same way Hyun-jae does to me and I can’t return his love. Argh! Why is life so complicated with me? No one can steal my heart. No one.


Hyun-jae’s P.O.V

After hitting a few strings, we were finish. For the past thirty minutes I looked everywhere in the stadium. She isn’t here, I keep thinking, she never came. But my heart wouldn’t believe me. Finishing the song, the crowds screamed our names; I gave them a wave then left.

“You have a meeting with Jayjay today about her full album,” Manager said. “Just think about it for once and-.”

“Fine I’ll go,” I replied.

“If you don’t go – you’ll go?” he asked.

I nodded twisting the cap of the bottle and drinking it.

“When we get back, you guys better be in the restaurant celebrating,” he said. “See you there. Don’t drink too much.”

I took the bottle and walk away trying not to make eye contact with the guys. I know what they were thinking: Why so suddenly? But I knew Ha-jin’s happy winning the bet and earning money without moving a muscle.


Ha-jin’s P.O.V

“You guys go,” I said. “I’m tired.”

“Yeah, let’s just go,” Lee Shin replied. “Ha-jin is not a person that likes to have fun or have a party.”

“I’m heading home,” I replied. “See you there.”

“Call Manager Lee where you’re heading,” he said.

“Yeah, whatever,” I replied walking towards the car as the driver put an umbrella over my head for the falling little soft snowflake. He closed the door behind me and started driving. “Turn the heat a little high,” I recommend as I sent the message to Manager Lee.


Aliice’s P.O.V

I couldn’t stop thinking about his words: “I would like to dedicate this song to a very special person I met a while ago who filled my heart with happiness.” There are so many powerful words in there that I don’t deserve.

I slowed my walk a little and hugged myself to death. God it’s snowing hats and dogs. The only thing to do is forget my friend in order for him not to get hurt by me even more. I don’t want the funny, happy and always fun Hyun-jae to get affected by my dark life. He doesn’t deserve to feel the way I am feeling. I don’t want people getting into my life; I don’t want them to know who I am and to know how my life works.

I walk a few more steps, and then stopped at a store with a TV at front of the store. The TV was facing the glass – outside where I am. It was showing the concert F1RsT S1GhT had a moment ago. They all looked happy, I can’t affect them. I can’t ruin their lives with my life.

I walk a little bit more towards the TV when it showed Appa with older women about his age and a young adult at his side. They were talking and talking. I whipped the glass with my bare hands so I could read the subtitles.

“So you’re telling us that you’re engaged with this beautiful women right in front of us?”

Appa nodded.

“And that’s her daughter, So Yeon. If I become super old she’ll be in charge of all my companies,” he laughed.

“Appa!” she said smiling at him. Appa rubbed her head like she was a dog; she gave him a look and fixed her hair.

“We’ll congratulations to both of you,” a man said. “So yoen, how much do you like Appa?”

“I love him,” she said. “I love them both.”

They all smiled like a one big family.

I felt a lump in my throat, my eyes started to blur, my knees felt weak. I couldn’t think, I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t move. I felt like someone had stabbed me a billion times in my heart. I couldn’t take it anymore.


Ha-jin’s P.O.V

I look at the window, nothing good happen all month – except me winning the bet and getting money. It was like taking money from a baby – how easy was that?

I straighten up when I saw Aliice staring at a TV.

“Stop,” I said to the driver.

What the hell is she trying to do out in the snow? Kill herself? It’s freezing cold. Goddamn it, now I got to take care Hyun-jae’s girlfriend. The time I need him. I took the umbrella from the seat next to me and opened the door. The moment I opened the door, I regret getting out of the warm car.

“Aliice!” I called. She wasn’t listening. Why is she just standing there? I opened the umbrella and walked towards her, the next thing I knew she’s falling to her knees suddenly, but before she falls to the concrete ground I caught her dropping the umbrella.

“Aliice?” I asked. She wouldn’t budge.

“Ahhsss,” I said straighten her up and then sweeping her off using both my arms to carry her to the car. For a moment I thought if it was really Aliice because the women I am holding on my arms weigh like cotton.

Chapter Six: Lies

Aliice’s P.O.V

A cold breeze welcomed me, I shivered.

“Why is it so cold?” I asked Butler Han with my eyes closed. All I want to do right now is sleep in my bedroom all day and never meet the sun.

Wait…how did I arrive at home? Nobody knows where I live so…how is that possible? I opened my eyes to find Ha-jin sitting down next to me, smirking. Seriously, out of all the people in the universe, why is it got to be him?

“Why am I here?” I asked. “How’d I even get here?”

“You tell me,” he replied. “It’s not like I took you here on purpose.”

“Yeah right,” I murmured shivering some more. I put my hands together making it warm and breathing them on them. Why is it so cold here? My head is hurting; I just want to go home. Is that too hard to ask for?

He sighs, “Here, take it.”

I glance at his direction to see him holding out his back gloves.

“I’m fine,” I replied. I put my head against the leather seat as I felt another pang in my head. I need aspirin. Please, God take me away from this jerk and bring me home.

He sigh again taking both my hands into his and tried putting in the glove through my fingers. I pulled my hand back, but his grip is tight.

“I got it,” I replied taking the gloves away from him. After putting them on I look away and leaned on the seat again trying to close my eyes, until the breeze welcomed me again. I shivered again. Can someone please just kill me already!

“Here,” said a man’s voice.

“Thanks,” he said. “You can drive now.”

I keep hugging myself, trying to collect the warm and not release them but it’s not working. Seriously, I can feel my lips quivering.


Ha-jin’s P.O.V

I was going to ask her where she lives, but this girl already fell asleep. I sigh, too late I’m already home. I look at her and smirked again. Her face is angry when she sleeps. I shook that thought away.

“Hey!” I said shaking her. “Wake up!”

She sat up, keeping her eyes awake as much as possible. We both got out; I saw her shiver and asked, “Why are you wearing those clothes? It’s freezing outside. If you want to die there are many ways to start, but don’t start with that. You’re freaking me out.”

“Hurry up,” she said. “I’m freezing cold.”

“That’s what you get for wearing thin clothes that doesn’t match you.”

She ignored me. I twist the doorknob and let her walk in and as she walk in the lights tuned on automatically. I close the door behind us and turned on the heat. When I turned she was already on the coach sleeping.

Well she’s a sleeper, I thought.

I went to the kitchen making food for myself and making tea. I took out the ingredients from the fridge and started cutting some tomatoes, lettuce. I put the ham and cheese together on top of the bread adding on tomatoes and lettuce and topped it with a bun. I sat down drinking tea and ate. I look at Aliice again as I ate.

Is she really the girl who wrote that book and who lost the phone? If she did lose the phone, why didn’t she tell me when I said it on TV and messaged her about it? Argh! Girls are just complicated as life.

After eating, I wash the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. I was about to go to my room, when I forgot Aliice was still here. I sigh, the boys can’t know about this. They can’t know that Aliice is here.

I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder, “Aliice.”

She didn’t budge. I put my hand over her forehead and pulled it back right away the moment I got the feeling her skin is boiling hot.

I went back to the kitchen boiling hot water and took a thermometer sticking it in her mouth. When I pulled it back, her temperature is 106 °F.

I put the thermometer down and carried Aliice in my arms, if the boys found out she’s here, I’m dead meat. Once I was in my room, the light automatically turned on. I lay her on the bed putting blankets around her. I took some more from the closest and put them one top of each other. After doing that I went in the kitchen turning off the stove. I put the hot water in a bowl with a white towel. I then came back in my room with the bowl and thermometer; I placed it on the table and turned on the heat.

I sat on the bed next to her, “Aliice,” I whispered.

Why couldn’t I take her to the hospital? Oh that’s right because I have curfew and she fell asleep before I could even ask her where she lives.

I took the towel feeling the warm liquid in my hands; I twisted it, letting the water drop. I pat it on Aliice’s forehead, neck, cheeks and arms.

This is what she gets for not using her brains.

After repeating that for many times, I felt the water had turned cold. I stopped and checked her temperature, well that didn’t help a bite, It went down by one.

I stood up getting the bowl and disposing them in the sink and took a glass of water for Aliice and aspirins from the bathroom.

I tried pulling her up, “Aliice.”

She didn’t reply, I sigh sitting her up carefully.

“Here,” I said. “Open your mouth.”

She didn’t. I groaned she’s making this harder than I thought.

I put the pill in her mouth, she didn’t spit it out – that’s a good thing. I brought the glass of water into her mouth and she started drinking.

After cleaning and making my room warm enough for her, I closed the door and went to the living room coach falling asleep.


Lee Shin’s P.O.V

“That was a good party,” I said.

Hyun-jae nodded.

I was about to sit on the coach when I spotted Ha-jin sleeping. I tap him on the shoulder, but he ddin’t move. Then I pushed him out of the coach and sat as he rolled off.

“Hey!” he yelled, “What the hell was that for you bastard.”

Hyun-jae laughed.

“You’re taking up the whole space you punk,” I replied repositioning myself. I look behind me and pulled out a black leather jacket.

“The hell…”I said examining a girl’s leather jacket.

“Ha-jin, since when did you switch genders?” asked Hyun-jae chuckling.

Ha-jin snatches the jacket, “it’s nothing. I’m going to bed.”

After he left, I ask “What’s wrong with him? He hasn’t changed his clothes since he got here.”

Hyun-jae shrugged, “I’m going to bed, you too. Manager Lee said we’re getting makeovers tomorrow. He said our looks are old fashion.”

I smirk, “old fashion, my butt.”


Aliice’s P.O.V

I woke up early in the morning feeling good. I look around, where am I? Ha-jin was sleeping on the floor while last night he took care…of…

Did he really do that for me? I look at him again on the floor, why is he sleeping there? It’s freezing cold.

I got out from his bed, taking a pillow and slowly putting it under his bed and then covering him with blankets.

After that, I took my heels from the corner and opened the door slowly hoping I wouldn’t wake him up.

I slowly walk around, looking in every direction then stopped. My eyes went wide when I saw Hyun-jae in front of me with a cereal bowl he was eating while his chest was bare.

I screamed, he screamed dropping his cereal causing the milk to flow on the floor and cereal to drop in many directions.


Lee Shin’s P.O.V

The moment I heard a scream, I came running through the hallways finding Aliice there in front of Hyun-jae.

“You…” I said. “How’d you get in here?” I look back at Hyun-jae, “you let her in?”

He shook his head, and then we found our answer when Ha-jin came out of his room looking at the three of us. His eyes wide like he couldn’t believe this is happening right now. He has a lot of explaining to do.

Aliice bowed her head saying, “sorry,” and out of our sight.


Hyun-jae’s P.O.V

I looked at Ha-jin one last time and ran towards Aliice. I don’t know why, but I want to know a reason why she was in Ha-jin’s room. Why she didn’t come to the concert, why she….played with my feelings. God, I feel like she’s me and I’m a girl feeling hurt because my feelings were just played like toys.

I caught her hand before she could open the front door.

“Don’t,” I said. “Stay.” I regretted saying that, but it’s too late – it left my mouth.

“I can’t,” she responds.

“You can’t go outside looking like that – it’s freezing cold,” I said making a point. “You’ll get sick.”

She sighs dropping her shoes, turning to me.

“Just one question,” I said.


“Are you interested in Ha-jin?” I asked.


Ha-jin’s P.O.V

“Don’t start with me Lee Shin,” I said. “Nothing happened between us, she got sick – I took care of it. End of story.”

“I thought Hyun-jae and you were going to start a fight here,” he said. “Oh well, it’s gone now.”

“Shut up,” I replied walking pass him to get a drink of water, but stopped when Hyun-jae asked, “Are you interested in ha-jin?” to Aliice.

She hesitated, thinking. She shook her head, “I still think he’s a jackass.”

Hyun-jae laughed hearing what he wanted for her to say. This is what I get for doing something nice to a person I don’t even like.


Lee Shin’s P.O.V

“Why is she taking so long in the bathroom?” asked Ha-jin.

“She’s a girl,” I response flipping the omelet I made.

“Who cares,” he said whining. “She’s been in there for about an hour now, what’s she trying to do? Waste the whole lot of water to herself?”

We heard the door open and closed, he sigh. I turned off the stove and slide the omelet on the plate.

“Here,” I said to Hyun-jae and Aliice as they came. “Eat.”

“Smells good,” Aliice said.

“Thanks,” I replied as she took a fork and started eating. Hyun-jae sat next to her eating his breakfast.

“You eat like a pig,” Ha-jin notice and turned. I chuckled when Aliice stuck out her tongue at Ha-jin’s back.

“You look good,” Hyun-jae said using his charms. “As always, especially you wearing my clothes.”

She giggled, “Shut up, before I break your arm.”

“Do it,” I said smiling.

Hyun-jae punched my arm, getting scared. “How’d you learn how to break a person’s arm?”

“I took material arts for four years straight,” she said and suddenly changed the subject, “how’d you learn how to cook?”

“You don’t want to learn,” Hyun-jae said.

“Why?” she asked.

“Because-,” he was about to start when the bell ranged.

I walked towards the door, looking through the peep hole then turned back.

“Hyun-jae!” I said. “Hide Aliice, Manager Lee is here, he can’t know about her.”

After they left, I opened the door, “Manager Lee, what are you doing here?”

“I thought Hyun-jae told you,” he said. “You’re changing your new style, it’s getting old.”

Shoot, how can I forget about that?


So Yeon’s P.O.V

“So this is my office,” Appa said. “And this is going to be yours.”

I laughed, “Appa, stop joking around. Let’s go see the studios upstairs please? I want to see someone singing.”

He smiled, “Alright, but we have to be quiet I don’t want them suing me.”

We both went to the elevator and when it dings, we both got out; ‘wow’ was my first word when I arrived here. The hallway of the walls had rows of albums produced by artists.

“You have the greatest jobs ever,” I said walking side by side next to him. “Did you ever meet one of the celebrities here?”

He nodded, “lots.”

I heard a door opened in front of us, but I didn’t look up because I’m so fascinated by the albums up on the wall that I didn’t notice Appa had stopped walking. I look up to see a lady.

She gave me a smirk and gave a look to Appa.

“Seriously,” she said. “Don’t you have anything better to do then show her around your rotten building? What’s so fascinating about this dump? It’s all in the past it belongs in the dump.”

She walked towards us, “Oh right, I forgot you don’t have a heart.”

I took a few steps to her direction, but Appa caught my wrists. Why isn’t he doing anything to this rude lady? He doesn’t deserve to hear those words. Does she even know the accomplish he made in the States and here?

“What are you doing here?” he asked her. “I thought you agreed that…”

He stopped, the girl smiled.

“Right,” she nodded, “You haven’t told her about everything in your past, right? It’s interesting how a person keeps making the same mistakes all the time and not getting tired of repeating it.”

“If people ask me what words would you describe President Kim,” she continued. “I would say you’re nothing but a piece of rubber whose lies keep getting longer and longer.”

I didn’t hold back, I went up to that lady and slapped her across the face. No one talks to Appa like that.

She smirks, “you’re just like him.”

She walked passed me and went to the elevator.

Chapter Seven: Rumors and Fights

Ha-Jin’s P.O.V

“I can’t believe Manager Lee appointed us to have an interviewer with the reporters,” I said. “I never agreed to this.”

“I want to go home,” Hyun-jae said. “I thought after our makeover we were going home.”

“Too late to ditch now,” Lee Shin said fixing his messy reddish brown hair.

The three of us were facing the reporter, camera man who is getting ready with their electronic stuff that needs to be fixed or replaced. There was a long black table in front of us with bottle water next to the microphone. But next to us, there was another black table with one chair. Who could be sitting next to us this time? I know how this works; I’ve done this for as long as I can remember. A random reporter would ask you a stupid question and you would have to answer it – not truthfully of course because sometimes they don’t care about the truth, they just want the answer.

“Manager Lee,” I called. “Why is there another table? I thought it’s only us.”

He shook his head, “The Entertainment wants us to have a guest – he also have similar rumors to you guys. Isn’t that a coincidence?”

“Let’s start,” one of them said. They all nodded.

“You, with the black hat,” Hyun-jae said.

“We heard that you agreed singing with Jayjay,” he said. “Is that rue.

Hyun-jae nodded.

“Do you guys have a past relationship? Because since you guys were at age 17, the F1RsT S1GhT and Moonlight went to the same school,” he said.

The people looked at one another, whispering and taking pictures of us. Manager Lee took Hyun-jae’s microphone trying to laugh, “That’s a personal question. Next.”

“I have a question for Lee Shin,” said another as Manager Lee put the microphone back. “Have you ever had an eye for a girl yet?”

I chuckled, yeah right like he would go in that zone, I thought. Lee Shin isn’t the type of guy that likes to have a relationship then break up. He’s a full gentleman to ladies, but with his friends is another story.

He smiled leaning in, “no, I still haven’t found that special girl.”

“There was a rumor spreading around that one of you slept with a girl,” one asks. “Is that true?”

I heard them murmur to one another.

“You got it all wrong,” Lee Shin replied trying to make it clear.

“Is she on the other hand Ha-jin’s girlfriend?” a middle man asked. “One of the paparazzi took a picture of her exiting your home this morning wearing one of your clothes,” he said holding up an ipad with a picture of a girl, but good thing that the wind was covering her face – making it hard to recognize her.

From the corner of my eye I saw Hyun-jae glance at me, I kept a boring face. I can predict what Manager Lee’s thinking is: Who’s that girl? Why the hell is she wearing Hyun-jae’s clothes? Most importantly, who slept with her?

I chuckled at the last part.

“Settle down please,” Manager Lee said taking a microphone. “Your answers will be questioned, but no that one.”

They all groaned, “I have a question for Ha-jin.”

I look up. “There was a rumor about your family. Did they really die when you were at age ten?”

I cleared my thought, not leaning up, if they can’t hear me from here, sucks to be them. “Yes,” I replied.

“Ah I see,” he replied. “Another of our paparazzi caught a picture of you staring at a restaurant and looking at the employees.”

“That’s true,” I replied. “I was staring at the restaurant because my family use to take me there, but I wasn’t staring at the people who worked there.”

He seemed to take that answer.

They turned their attention away from us and took flashing pictures at…President Kim?

Then the pieces of the puzzle started to build up in my head. Rumors about the F1RsT S1GhT that relates to President Kim. Only one answer could answer that mischievous question: Aliice. I remembered in one of her diary entries about President Kim and her not getting along and all this hatred she felt towards him every time she sees his face.

He took a seat.

“President Kim, we heard that you’re getting engaged,” women said. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you,” he replied.

“We also heard that the F1RsT S1GhT is hanging in one of your buildings.”

He laughed, “Yeah, they’re all quiet – I hadn’t heard any troubles from them…yet.”

“I have a question for you,” a man said standing up. “Do you have a daughter?”

He nodded, “yes, her name’s So Yeon.”

“I mean a daughter with the same blood type as you.”

He leaned in, “no comment.”

I kept an eye on him. I’m starting to get why Aliice hates his guts. It’s hard to believe that Aliice’s Appa is President Kim. The guy who owns famous buildings in Korea and some over the states.

“Okay,” he replied. “What about this question. Is Aliice Kim your daughter or not?” he asked holding up a picture of Aliice. “You keep visiting her house a lot of times,” he replied swiping the picture to another. “This is you right?” he held the image higher so we could see it better. It was a picture of him and Aliice talking in different places.

“Is she or is she not your daughter?” he asked again.

He hesitated, but leaned in anyway answering his questions, “No.”

And that’s when it began. The fights about the rumor, interviews were fighting about that he’s statements were false – the picture is worth a thousand words and that’s an evidence that, that is his daughter. But I guess that’s just how a cold blooded man he is who doesn’t care about his own daughter.


Aliice’s P.O.V

I turned off the TV and started banging on the table with my fingers. I can’t, I gave up playing the piano. I reread my diary on the internet. Millions of people might have already read this, my life is complicated. I can’t take it anymore. I groaned shutting off my laptop and took out a suitcase from under the bed. I then took some clothes from the closest and stuff them in the luggage as much as I can. After adding a pair of shoes in, I zipped it up and left my room slipping on a jacket.

“Tell Appa I’m leaving,” I said Butler Han.

“Where would you be staying?”

“Tell him I left,” I said and went to the music room.

I stood next to the doorway staring at the black piano. Memories filled in my thoughts – the ones I’ve been trying to erase. A tear escaped my eyes, but I whipped them away sniffing. I came towards the piano covering it with a blanket on top.

With that, I left the past in the past. The memories burned in my heart and the ones that I hate stayed behind. I’m not going to repeat the life I had. I’m starting fresh starting today.


So Yeon’s P.O.V

“Appa,” I called over the phone. “Is what you said on TV really true? Aliice isn’t your daughter?”

“So Yoen, listen to me,” he said. “Stay inside, don’t tell the reporters the truth. I got to find your sister before something happens.”

“Ye,” I agreed. “Bye.”

I sigh; if only Appa spoke the truth then this wouldn’t be happening. I feel terrible, it feels like this is all my fault. I got to make it up.


Ha-jin’s P.O.V

“She’s not here,” Hyun-jae spoke.

“Call her,” Lee Shin suggested. “Are you sure President Kim’s daughter is Aliice?”

I nodded, “Positive.”

“How?” Hyun-jae asked, phone still on his ear.

“If Aliice’s dad isn’t President Kim, she would be answering your calls,” I replied hoping I convinced them because I can’t tell them about the phone and the diary being up on the public.

“She’s not answering,” he said.

“If I was Aliice and I just watch my Appa saying in public that I’m not his son…” Lee Shin said thinking. “She would run away.”

“Let’s go,” Hyun-jae said. “I don’t care how far of a distance she is away from me, I need to find her.”

“We don’t know her address,” I replied.

“I got my ways,” Lee Shin said. “Hyun-jae, you can’t come with us, your solo with Jayjay is today. Manager Lee won’t be happy if you ditch because a girl is missing.”

Hyun-jae sighed, “Tell me if you found her.”


“Split up,” I suggested.

“I’ll go to the airport,” he replied, but before I could interrupt, he left.

I know Aliice better than she knows herself. If Aliice was running away from home, she wouldn’t go to the airport. Where would she go? She has no relatives, but her Dad. I went back to her phone and scanned through her diaries. I read something about three places she wants to go or her favorite places that she wants to visit again. I stopped scrolling down. The park and Miasamgeori. I groaned in frustration, Miasamgeori. I can’t go in Miasamgeori during this time; if I go I’m dead meat.

I put on my hood as people started to notice me, I walked away looking for a park.


Lee Shin’s P.O.V

I went on my phone and found an exact picture of her and President Kim talking.

“Excuse me,” I said tapping a lady’s shoulder. “Have you seen these women?”

She shook her head and left everyone started to reorganize me, I wrapped my grey scarf over my head and started walking to the entrance of the airport.

I looked everywhere, trying to find her. I dialed a number on the phone and the first rang it picked up.

I need you to find Aliice Kim, the President’s daughter. Find where she lives and contact me as so as you find it.”

“Yes sir,” the man said before I could hang up.

I looked around as people were walking pass me with their luggage. I continued walking looking everywhere with my two yes, then stopped when I saw a girl. Skinny – tall – luggage with a pink bennie on her head. Aliice. I ran towards her and caught her wrist turning her full 180 degrees.

It was like opening a present, you thought it was the item you wanted in there, but when you opened it. You were wrong.

The lady gave me a wired look.

“Sorry,” I said letting go of her wrist and bowing my head.

Argh! Where can she be? There are about six hundred people here.


Aliice’s P.O.V

I sat on the bench scrolling the suitcase beside me. I sigh staring at how the little kids throw snowballs at each other. It’s been a long time since I’ve went to the park or smiled. Those good two or three weeks were good, but I can’t accept the happiness that I don’t deserve. I giggled at one of the kids as he got tagged. I took out my phone and started putting in contacts then my message.

‘Thank you Hyun-jae for making me smile and laugh. For protecting me when a guy pushed me, for caring about me. I’m grateful to have a friend like you. Lee Shin,’ I thought smirking. ‘Who could forget about you? You’re a kind warm hearted man to women’s, but to your band members you act like a different person. I might not get you a lot of times, but thank you for making me feel like I have friends and a family. And…Ha-jin. As much as I hate you, I couldn’t forget your angry face,’ I thought laughing. ‘How I threw that egg at your head was priceless when you looked up. That was one of the greatest moments of my life. We may- scratch that, we don’t get along very well but thanks for making me feel alive. For once, just once I am thankful to have you as my friend.’

I whipped a tear of my face as it fell from my eyes, I continued.

‘I’m sorry for leaving like this, for not saying my goodbyes properly. I’m sorry for being a coward and running away. I’ll come back when I’m not having a hard time anymore and forgetting my past. I wish if we see each other again, that you all will forgive and forget me. Pretend that you don’t know me anymore. Forget the times we had together as a friend and the laughs and smile we all shared. I hope you won’t come looking for me, good bye and thanks.’

After typing the last word, I sent. I sat there for another ten minutes and left.


Ha-jin’s P.O.V

I looked around the park, showing a picture of her to the citizens that might have spotted her around here.

“Excuse me, ma’am,” I said tapping her shoulder. “Have you seen this lady?”

She shook her head, “Sorry.”

The women next to her cooked her head, “I’ve seen her. She sat at that bench and left just now.”

“Thank you,” I replied as I got a text. I opened it as soon as I found out it was from Aliice. How’d she get my number? No, the question I should be asking is why did Hyun-jae put Aliice in one of my contacts?


Lee Shin’s P.O.V

I stared at the bid house; wow her house is really big. I ran the bell waiting for an answer. A butler came.

“Hello,” I said keeping a smile plastered on my face. “Is Aliice here?”

I’m making sure she’s here; I still couldn’t I understand why she would leave. I mean I do, but it’s still a little blurry.

“Miss Aliice left a little while ago,” he replied.

“Do you know when she’s coming back?”

He shook his head.

“Do you know where she went?” I ask. I turned around when I heard a car stop. Standing before me is President Kim. So it’s true, father and daughter didn’t get along very well.

I bowed my head in respect, he gave me a smile.

“What are you doing here Lee Shin?” he asks. “Come in.”

“Uh, no it’s okay” I replied. “It’s an emergency I need to get back.”

“Oh…okay,” he said.

I swipe my finger on the phone when I heard a beep – a new message…from Aliice?


Hyun-jae’s P.O.V

After singing a song with Jayjay, I got out of the room as fast as I can.

“Where you going?” she asked walking next to me as I put on my jacket.

“Somewhere,” I replied.

“Then I’ll come with you,” she said. “I’m free.”

“Where’s your friends?” I asked. “Did you break up with them?”

“What’s wrong with you?” she asked. “I just want to hang out like old times.”

“I don’t have time for that,” I replied groaning.

“You always say that.”

I stopped, “What do you want? You want us to get back together? Don’t you think that’s a little too late, since you’re the one who broke up with me – does that even make sense?”

She didn’t respond.

“What’s in the past stays in the past, we use to have a relationship, but that was over.” I smirk remembering her last words to me and using it to her. “Plus, you’re not good enough for me.”

I stepped in the elevator leaving her stand there as the door closed shut.

I sigh deeply and closed my eyes for a while when I got a text. From Aliice, it says. I smiled at the text message like an idiot, but immediately faded after reading a few words.

She’s gone…just like that. It’s over.

Chapter Eight: Finding Her

Lee Shin’s P.O.V

It’s been almost a week since we last seen Aliice. Of course we all wanted to go and find her, but Manager Lee keeps adding on appointments and our schedule is all pack up. Hyun-jae’s busy with Jayjay’s album; Ha-jin in another hand had been trying his hardest to finish the song for our next single. During our free time we Manager Lee would make us practice our script for an advertisement show about some kind of ice cream. We’ve been doing the advertisement for five days now and eating ice cream for a whole day just makes me vomit.

“Let’s take a break,” the director said.

We all sighed in relief; Hyun-jae ran taking his water bottle to drink.

“I hate ice cream,” Ha-jin said. “Especially the ones with sticks.”

I smirk, “Sucks to be you.”

He gave me a dead look I backed up.

“You look like you still want more ice cream,” Ha-jin said taking a Popsicle and opening it. “What’s your secret?”

“I keep my coolness outside and the opposite in the inside.”

He raised an eyebrow, “I don’t believe you. Your tongue must have at least turned into solid like Hyun-jae’s.”

I smirked, he smirked back then at that moment he came out me trying to stick the Popsicle into my mouth.

“You bastard!” I laughed as I turned the Popsicle to him and started pointing at his nose.

“You guys are really immature,” we stared back at Hyun-jae. Is this really our Hyun-jae.

Ha-jin and I stared at each other.

“Oh really?” asked Ha-jin handing me a Popsicle. I took off the wrapper. We stared at each other for a second. We had the same thoughts: New target, Hyun-jae.

We came at him holding his hands and sticking in the Popsicle in his mouth. We all laughed and for the first time since Aliice have been gone – he finally smiled.


Hyun-jae’s P.O.V

I woke up early in the morning going through maps.

“I’ll find her here,” Lee Shin said pointing.

“Okay, then I’ll find her here then,” I said making a big red circle on the map.

“That’s too big, how can you find her? There are a lot of people there,” he said.

I shrugged, Ha-jin walked in with fresh clothes after taking a shower. “What are you guys doing? Ditching me already?”

Lee Shin and I looked at each other. “It’s nothing important,” he said.

Ha-jin looked over our shoulders, “you think I can’t find her?”

“No,” I replied. “I think you don’t want to find her because – like you said, she causes rackets, noisy and annoying. She’s totally different from you, now I see why you guys don’t get along.”

Ha-jin thought about it for a moment then he said, “True. You want to bet?”

“On what” Lee Shin said really interested in bets again.

“Whoever finds her first,” he said. “I’m really curious who’s going to find her first.”

“Deal,” I said.

“I’m in,” Lee Shin responded.

“How much should it be?” Ha-jin asked thinking hard. “100,000 Won?”

We all smiled and nodded, “that’s it then. Good luck finding her.”

“You’re going to stay here?” Lee Shin asked smirking thinking this will be easy if Ha-jin stays out of it. Long story short, whenever Lee Shin and Ha-jin bet on something it’s a 70% Ha-jin will always win.”

“Probably,” he said. “But I’m still in the bet, so good luck finding her.”

“Fighting!” I said holding up a fist.

“Fighting” Lee Shin agreed.

I was about to go out when Ha-jin threw a black leather jacket he was holding earlier.

“What’s this?” I asked.

“Aliice’s jacket,” he responded going back in his room. I looked at the jacket and took ut an ID that is sticking out. When I flipped it, it was a backstage pass. She went, I thought. She went to the concert and got sick because of me. I can’t believe she didn’t tell me.


Aliice’s P.O.V

I knocked on their doors, waiting for an answer. The door opened showing a Mom with her little son.

“Annyeonghaseyo,” I greeted bowing my head and waving my head to Ren. He smiled blowing an air kissed at me, his Mom laughed.

I gave a lunch bag to Ms. Cha, “I packed a lunch for you,” I said in Korean.

She took it, “gamsahsbnida.”

Ren hugged his Eomma and took my head, “Annyeong,” he wave in goodbye.

“I’ll take good care of him,” I said looking back. “Take care.”

After saying the goodbyes to my neighbor, Ren looked around. His so cute that I want to pinch his cheeks, but every time I do that he gives me a look –like Ha-jin’s face. I laughed, but then stopped. I have to stop thinking about First Sight members.

Since I’m babysitting Ren, I have to take responsibility and be like a kid.

“Where do you want to go today?” I asked him in a different language.

He pursed his lips thinking, “Park.”

I nodded, “okay.”

When we got to the park, he let go of my hand running to one of the swings.

“Push me,” I smiled at the six year old kid. I went around him and pulled the two medal holders up to me, “hold on tight.”

He giggled when I releqased the pressure of the swing. I push his back for a couple of times until he asked, “Where’s your Eomma?”

I stopped, “She’s…” how can I say she’s dead to a little kid? “In a happy place.”

“Eomma told me everyone has a Mom.”

I sheepishly smiled and started pushing his back, “that’s true.”

I let him run around with his friends at the park as my phone started buzzing. I looked at the screen to see twenty messages from Hyun-jae and five missed calls from him. Can’t he give up? I simply ask him if he can forget about me. Is that too much to ask?


Ha-jin’s P.O.V

After four hours of finding her – with the help of the people I hire. Does that count as cheating, I thought. Nah, they won’t know. I look around her block cocking my head side to side. I sigh finally knocking on the door, no answer. I tried again, no answer.

“Um…sir?” said an old women. “If you’re looking for the beautiful lady who lives there, she won’t come back for another thirty minutes.”

“Ah,” I said understanding. “Thank you.”

“What’s your name boy?” she asked. “Are you her boyfriend?”

I gave a fake laugh, “no, Halmeoni.” [Grandma.]

“Well goodbye,” she said leaving. I sigh in relief and leaned against the concert wall.


Aliice’s P.O.V

I looked at the watch on my wrist, “Come on Ren. We got to go; your Mom’s waiting for us.”

“Will you eat with us tonight?” he asked as we walked after eating his favorite snacks I bought him.

I smiled, “no. It’s a family dinner, only for a family.”

His smile faded, “will we go to the park again?”

“Only if you don’t have school,” I replied gripping his hand tighter as we cross the street. As walking for several minutes we reached our block. It was a tiring day and happy at the same time that I made someone smile – making this the best day for him.

“Eonni,” he said suddenly meaning sister. I look up at him and looked where his finger was pointing at. Ha-jin sitting down on the ground blocking my door. “Do you know him?”

“No,” I shook my head, “let’s just keep walking towards your house.” Which is past my house. Darn it Ha-jin.

As I past my house, I felt eyes on me, I kept my back straight like I hadn’t seen him there earlier. I knocked on the door before Ren’s mom could swing the door open.

“Annyeonghaseyo,” I said bowing my head. She smiled opening the door more wider, “Please come in,” she said as Ren went in taking off his sweater.

I gave her a shy smile, “Ah, not today.”

“Okay,” she replied. Ren appeared in the doorway looking sad.

“Eonni,” he whined. “Please?”

I shook my head.

He sighed, but then smiled agin hiding it.

“Come here, I’m going to tell you a secret,” he said coming to the doorway a little further. I lean my my head forward so I could hear the secret he was going to tell me. But I got tricked when I felt his lips on my cheeks, he laughed.

“Sorry,” his Mom said.

“It’s okay,” I replied feeling my cheeks blush. Next time, I thought. Next time I’m going to get you and pinch your cheeks.

“Annyeong,” I said walking away. When I turned around Ha-jin smirked. Damn it, I forgot he was still here.

“I think Hyun-jae is going to get jealous if I tell him that you let a little kid kiss you before him,” he said.

“What are you doing here?” I asked getting my eyes out. “No one called for a lemonhead to be here.”

“Lemonhead?” he asked raising an eyebrow.

“Yes. Lemons are sour, so are you. You have a bad attitude,” I replied.

“I like the nickname,” he said. “It fits.”

“Whatever,” I said opening the door and going in, but before I closed it he put his foot out.

“Is this what you do to a person who helped you out?” he asked.

I sigh, “What you want?”

“Talk,” he said.

I sigh again closing the door behind me and started walking.

“First things first, promise to be honest with me,” he said glancing at me.

“Fine, if you do it too,” I said planning a head.

“Second, is the book – or diary whatever you call it, is it based on your life?” he asked. I look straight ahead keeping a stern face.

I nodded, “is that what you came here for?”

He shook his head. “How’d you find me?” I ask. “I mean out of all over the world, you find me in a week.”

“Your diary,” he replied making it an obvious question at the same time making me feel like an idiot. “Of course,” I said rolling my eyes.

“Can I have my phone back?” I asked taking out my hand from my pocket.

He hesitated, but then gave it. I took it right away and stuffing it in my sweater.

“Why didn’t you show your face at the concert when you went?” he asked. “Hyun-jae was waiting.”

I shrugged, but then stopped walking when I spotted an ice cream store. I pointed at the store, Ha-jin rasied his eyebrow.

“Buy me that,” I said.

“What?” he asked.

“You’re famous,” I said. “Meaning you has more money than me.”

He sigh, “Fine, but I’m going to put that in the I. O.Y. list.”

“I.O.Y. list?” I asked walking in.

“I owe you,” he replied. When we were in line, I wandered around looking at the different types of ice cream they have. Mint, vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, coconut, walnut, and more that I couldn’t read. I was about to tell what ice cream I wanted when Ha-jin was holding one already.

I took it, “thanks, but how’d you know I like mint?”

“Diary,” he replied again.

“Did you read all of it?” I asked walking out not holding the door for him.

He nodded, I groaned, he smiled.

“Got any more questions?” he asked as we turned the corner.

I licked my ice cream thinking, “No, but tell Hyun-jae that he should forget about me.”

“You tell him that, I’m not your messenger,” he responded, then changing the subject. “When you coming back?”

“Miss me?” I said.

He smirked, “never, like I care if your dead.”

That was offensive, “then why’d you come here?”

“Because of a bet,” he blurted out.

I stop in my tracks, “You guys are stupid.”

He turned, “you didn’t actually think I came here because I liked you or cared about you, did you?”

I smirk, “Who said I like you? I like Hyun-jae better than you anyways.”

I walked away from here, I’m sick of this. I’m sick of my life getting all tangled with them. I hate it. I just wish that I didn’t exist, that I wasn’t born.

~*~Ha-jin’s P.O.V

Her words offended me – not that I take it seriously, but she’s the only girl I couldn’t stand. I bought her ice cream; all I get is a smack on the door with the face and a bad attitude. And she say I have a bad attitude.

I was about to walk away, when a car was coming and Aliice was just crossing the street, stupid girl. How can she cross the street without looking, I thought she knew how to – oh, that’s right, her father is President Kim, people treating her like a princess. I ran taking her hand and pulling her against me, making her ice cream drop. When the car passed by, we stood like that. Our warm bodies close to against each other. Then déjà vu hit me. Aliice got out of my grip, “thanks.”

“Yeah sure whatever,” I said. “But running away makes you a coward. Leaving everything your afraid of, that you’re scared of, that’s not you.”

“You don’t know anything about me so don’t pretend you know me,” she said.

“Your right, I don’t know you,” I said. “But what I do know is that you left the people behind that cared about you. You gave them a hole in their heart – same thing that your Appa did. So don’t be making the same mistakes like he did, because what I’ve seen, you’re not like him.”

I walked away leaving her there. I hope this works.

Chapter Nine: A Misunderstanding

So Yeon’s P.O.V

“So your telling me that their related?” asked the repoter.

I nodded, “Appa only did that to protect us. He didn’t want Aliice to get hurt.”

“I see,” she said.

When I heard the door open, I shut my phone and pretended to fall asleep in the covers.


Ha-jin’s P.O.V

“I can’t believe you actually listened to my words,” I said laughing once we got out of my car.

“For the last time, I’m doing this because of Hyun-jae,” I said.

Whatever, I thought opening the door.

“Hyun-jae, Lee Shin!” I yelled in the house. They should be here – I called them an hour ago that I bought food. Meaning Aliice is cooking for us.

“What?” Hyun-jae said.

“Aliice,” Lee Shin said, Hyun-jae looked up like he – both of them couldn’t believe their eyes.

Hyun-jae ran and hugged her, “Don’t leave me like that,” he whispered. I looked away from them walking towards Lee Shin holding out my hand.

“My award?” I asked them both.

Lee Shin gave me a look, “I don’t have my wallet.”

“I’ll give it to you later,” he said.

“it’s fine, I’ll just steal it from your bank accounts – you know the ladies fall for First Sight,” I said smirking.

“So where’s the food?” asked Hyun-jae.

I looked at Aliice, “she’s here.”

They all stared at me like I was an animal.

I burst out laughing, “We’re not going to eat her, and she’s going to cook for us.”

“You punk,” Hyun-jae said. “She’s not doing that.”

“Yes she is,” I said. “Because if she doesn’t I’m going to tell Hyun-jae about this kid that…”

Aliice’s eyes went wide, “beat up Ha-jin with just a single punch.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, I was blackmailing her a second ago and the next moment it turned down into a lie she made up.

“Ha-jin?” ask Lee Shin. “Getting beat up?”

She nodded

“Hey!” I said groaned in frustration.

“Put that in the I.O.Y list, “she said.

“Whatever,” I said walking away to go to my room.


Aliice’s P.O.V

It feels so good to be back, but I will miss Ren and his Eomma because they feel like a real family to me. After eating, talking, and playing video games we all got tired.

“You’ll be sleeping here,” Hyun-jae said leaving out two pillows for me on the bed.

“Where are you going to sleep?” I asked.

“The sofa,” he replied.

“Thanks,” I replied.

“Can you answer a question for me truthfully?” he asked before leaving.

I nodded before thinking, “sure.”

“You went to the concert didn’t you?” he asked letting out a smile on his face.

I nodded; he took a few steps closer to me, taking my hand into his and putting it on his chest. Under my hand, I felt his heart beat louder and louder every second.

“You feel that?” his breathed travel down my neck. “Thank you for filling my life.”

He leaned in and kissed my forehead, I closed my eyes wishing this wasn’t happening that I wish he didn’t let out his true feelings for me. He doesn’t deserve me, I’m only making his life harder, I thought.

He leaned back smiling, letting go of my hand. “Goodnight,” he said leaving closing the door behind him.

I sigh heavily, what did I just do?

After turning side to side, I couldn’t sleep. I opened the door and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, but when I got there Lee Shin was there too drinking tea. I looked at Hyun-jae sleeping and smiled, how can I smack that smile from his face?

“Couldn’t sleep?” asked Lee Shin?

I shook my head taking out a cup from one of the white painted wooden cabinets and poured water.

“I’ve never seen Hyun-jae this happy before,” he commented.

“His always happy,” I retorted.

“Yes, but his hiding it. Ever since he was little, his parents died, his grandma didn’t want him,” he said. I stopped drinking and swallowed.

“Sorry I didn’t know,” I said.

“Just do me a favor and don’t make his smile go away because that’s the best when it comes out of him,” he responded and walked away.

Well that certainly helps a lot, I thought.


Aliice’s P.O.V

“I don’t think this is a good idea,” I said folding my arms over my chest. I heard Ha-jin smirked in front of me as he drove in Lee Shin’s clue car.

Hyun-jae grabbed my hand, I looked at him.

“Do we really need to do this?” I asked. “What if you’re Manager gets mad.”

“I don’t care,” he said smiling.

The car halt and the Ha-jin got out first.

I opened my door to see many reporters and paparazzi taking pictures of us. Oh crap, I thought. I had a hard time getting out of the car since there were a lot of flashing lights and the people were pushing in, making it hard for me to escape.

I felt a hand pulling me out, I grabbed it tightly and followed that hand through the Entertainment’s building.

When we were in, I look up I saw Ha-jin standing next to me, I immediately took my hand giving distance between us.

“Let’s go,” Hyun-jae said walking in with a smile. He grabbed my other hand – which Ha-jin didn’t touch and walked beside me to the elevator.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Lee Shin glance at us every now and then, probably making sure the smile is glued to his face.

We came out and entered a room where a table, chair and other furniture were sitting. The boys sat on the sofa, Ha-jin with his headphones on – as always and Lee Shin on his phone.

The doors opened with a guy in his late thirties early forties.

“Ha-jin,” he said. “You’re dating President Kim’s daughter, Aliice?” he asked looking at me.

Ha-jin coughed like there was something stuck in his throat, “Who said that?” he asked eyeing me; I narrowed my eyes at him.

“It’s all over the internet,” he replied. “This is what I mean to watch who you’re hanging with.”

“You got it wrong,” Lee Shin interrupts before the Manager could reply.

“So everything was fictional?” he asked.

“You got it all wrong,” Hyun-jae said getting my hand and kissing it. “She’s my girlfriend, not Ha-jin.”

My eyes went wide, I never declared about this, what confuses me more is that we never talked about being in a relationship.

“Hyun-jae,” I said.

“It’s okay,” he said. “They have to know.”

“Here’s the problem,” Manger said. “Aliice and Hyun-jae need to break up – as in for real. Ha-jin and Aliice needs to be in a relationship.”

“No I’m not doing that,” they both said at the same time.

“You have to; she’s Aliice Kim, the president’s daughter who owns famous buildings. Her life will change starting now. If the people found out that Hyun-jae and Aliice are dating instead of Ha-jin, they’ll think that it was all a lie. They’ll never leave her life alone; the reporters will ask her questions, the paparazzi won’t stop putting her privacy out in public. People will think she dated Ha-jin for Hyun-jae,” he explained.

I felt eyes on me as I looked down at my sneakers.

“Alright, I’ll do it,” he said not letting go of my hand. I let out a breath. At least I wasn’t going to break his heart, I thought. This got to be easy. “In one condition, Ha-jin and her date for fake in public, Aliice and I will still stay together.”

Yay life.


Ha-jin’ P.O.V

We got out of the building; Ha-jin was behind me, his hand lying on my back as we walk through the crowed people. The guard opened the car door, letting me go in first. I sat down at the back seat. Lee Shin was driving while Hyun-jae was in the front.

“Where we going?” I asked.

“Anywhere,” Lee Shin said making it obvious.

My phone buzz on my pocket, I took it out looking at the caller ID. I sigh, “What do you want?”

Ha-jin and Hyun-jae both glance at me once I said that.

“Let’s talk,” Appa said. “As a family.”

My heart dropped, a lump immediately formed in my throat. “Where?”

“The restaurant you and I use to go to,” he responded.

“Fine,” I said and hung up. I looked out the window, just a few more blocks.

“Drop me here,” I said.

“Huh?” Lee Shin asked. “It’s cold outside.”

“I don’t care just does it,” I said. “It’s an emergency.”

“Where you going?” asked Hyun-jae.

“Somewhere, I’ll be back. Don’t wait for me.”

I opened the door and started walking, turning the corner so they won’t know where I’m heading.


So Yeon’s P.O.V

“IS she coming?” I asked Appa after he came back to make his call.

He nodded, I smiled. “We are going to be in a big happy family,” I said appily already imagingign our future.

I took out my camera, “Eomma and Appa go closer. I’m going to take a picture.”

They moved repositioning themselves, “One…two. Three!” they smiled. After that I took more pictured of them without notice.

“Aliice,” I heard my dad say.

I looked up after putting the camera away to see the girl I slapped. Aliice…that’s…that’s her?

I closed my mouth; she smirked at me and gave a look at Appa.

“Sit,” Appa said gesturing to her seat next to mine.

He smirked again, “I don’t have time for this. I thought you wanted to come to talk, not eat and get to know each other. If we’re here to do that, I’m going.”

She walked away, but Appa came running after her.


Aliice’s P.O.V

I couldn’t believe this, same old same old person that I hated more than 10 years.

“Aliice,” he called grabbing my arm.

“What?” I said.

“Let’s go eat and become a family again.”

“Did I hear that right?” I asked. “Because last time I heard I wasn’t your daughter, nor did you ever tell me you were engaged with women. Is that it? You’re replacing Mom, and now you’re replacing me with a girl that slapped me the other day. Is that what you meant by a family? Dad, you killed your daughter, it’s too late. Heck, I don’t even know if she still exists anymore, you don’t deserve to have a family or to have them, you don’t deserve anything.”

I walked away whipping the tears out of my face. Ones the cold air hit me, I started crying. A jacket was put over me; I looked up to see Ha-jin. Before thinking, I slammed my face into his chest crying, bursting everything out inside me. I just need someone to lean on, hear my problems and understand what I’ve been through.

Chapter Ten: Confusion

Lee Shin’s P.O.V

Every day, I read her diary Ha-jin had posted online. So everything was coming back to pieces. Aliice came from America and before meeting anyone else, Ha-jin met her first, Ha-jin knows where she will be hiding, Ha-jin knew all about her better than she knows herself. What’s interesting is all the answers to question are in her diary and in reality at the same time. It’s fascinating how people find the answers to their question when the answer that they are looking for are right in front of them.

It was all first sight that we all collided. The moment Ha-jin met Aliice it was hate at first sight. They hated each other after that because like what Aliice had told me, he has a bad attitude just by looking at his style, but what about now? Can that stay longer or will they have to lie to themselves that they don’t have feelings for each other?

Hyun-jae is getting the best of his life, but at the end, it’s not worth it all. He never fell in love at first sight, it’s his first timer and some people don’t get that every day. Heck, he never took a relationship so seriously with a girl before that this is the first time I’ve seen him let out his real smile after his parents had died.

Aliice, she’s a broken hearted girl who doesn’t deserve what she’s feeling in her entire life. No one should ever feel that way. It is terrible hat she’s been through, she may have her ups and down, but she’s strong. I just don’t get why she kept the hatred all inside her heart, but Ha-jin understands her better than anyone could.


Aliice’s P.O.V

Yesterday Lee Shin told me to follow my heart, not my mind. Let everything out and spill the truth no matter how bad it can affect other people. He told me to say with before it’s too late. But I didn’t know what he meant by that. Follow my heart? My heart doesn’t exist anymore, to me my heart isn’t full of love, it’s full of just…emptiness.

‘There is always this friend who holds onto someone no matter how tired they are. They don’t want to let them go because of a reason. Sometimes people wants to tell the people they love to never leave, but they just can’t do that because they have no confidence in themselves.

A friend asks me to follow my heart. Since the beginning, I don’t know what my heart wants, what’s its telling me to do. Should I give up everything and find what my heart wants? What if it it’s in the wrong path, will people accept that? Why are many problems so complicated to solve?’

I clicked on save and flipped the cover of my phone.


Ha-jin’s P.O.V

“What’s’ taking her so long?” I ask Manager Lee. “She’s been in the dressing closest for an hour now. It’s just makeup and clothes to wear on.”

“She’s a girl; girls need time to prepare something like this.”

“We’re just taking pictures for the magazine, who cares if she looks bad, the photographer can edit the image on his computer. And done,” I replied closing the phone. “Where’s Hyun-jae and Lee Shin? I thought they were coming here?”

“Since your ‘dating’ Aliice, you guys have separate plans from the guys.”

I groaned.

“Ha-jin,” said the photographer repositioning his lens. “Stand there and give me your best shot.”

“Ye,” I said getting out of the chair and stood at front of the studio lights.

“One…two. Three,” he said as I stood there giving him my best boring look. The camera flashed on me. “Little bit lightening on the back,” he commanded to his assistant. He looked at the computer with Manager Lee. He put a thumb up on me.

“Okay,” he said coming back to take more pictures. I put my hands in my pocket tilting my chin a little and giving my best smile. “Three,” he said as the flash made its way. He looked back at the computer discussing some stuff to Manager Lee.

The makeup crew immediately went to me fixing my hair, clothes and makeups that needs to be added or erased.

“Wow,” I heard the photographer say. “She’s beautiful.”

I look up to see Aliice made her way here. She was wearing a dark red dress with a hint of black matching my suit – simple but effective. She looks pretty – truthfully, but if I was lying I could’ve said that dress isn’t her taste. For a moment I thought she isn’t Aliice because she sometimes wears those fake eyeglasses, but when it’s taken off she looks different with those curls.

“Aliice, stand next to Ha-jin,” he replied. “This scenery is about Ha-jin expressing his love to you, Aliice, but you don’t accept it.”

She stood next to me, her back in front of me. Alright, I thought. She doesn’t need my help. I was facing her back, my hand almost touching her face.


Another one was Aliice folding her arms against her chest giving me a look, I stood there admiring her.

“Hold it,” he replied. “Great.”

She smirked when the photographer went to the camera.

“What?” I asked annoyed.

“Looks like you’re falling head over heels for me,” she replied. “I can see you almost drooling.”

I chuckled, “in your dreams princess. Like I would fall in love with you.”

“Since you’re so good at winning bets,” she said. “Want to bet?”

“Like you said, I’m good at making bets, this is your worst mistake,” I said shaking her hand as we both gave each other dirty looks.

“You guys are in fire,” he said interrupting us with a light flash from the camera. “Next scenery.”

Aliice took off first going to the dressing room.


Aliice’s P.O.V

What the photographer had said to us was: This is about relieving your love to each other. And I already have a plan that will flunk Ha-jin and me winning the bet.

I grabbed Ha-jin’s neck, he made a face and the guy laughed in laughter as he took more pictures. I let him go.

“Are you a girl?” he asked fixing his blue vest and white t-shirt.

“No, I’m your worst nightmare,” I replied as his position himself for the last picture. I leaned in and kissed his cheek, he stood there for a moment not moving as the photographer.

“That’s a cut,” he said smiling.

I leaned back, rubbing my hands as if there was dirt in there. Ha-jin straightens up looking confuse, “Did you just…”

“Yep, to make them happy,” I replied. “I’m just following Manager Lee’s demands.”

I gave him a smile and left.

Chapter Eleven: Letting It Out

Hyun-jae’s P.O.V

“Why did you order so much food?” she asked me.

“Well it’s our first date, I want it to be perfect,” I said.

She looked away from me, looking down. I know how she felt; I know that she looks at me only as her friend not her boyfriend. As much as I ignore that information, I can’t because it’s bothering her so much that I can’t go any further. I can’t make someone fall in love with me if they have their hearts settled into someone else.

“Here,” I said handing her a plate of shrimps; she gave me a shy smile. A shy smile is better than getting nothing from her, I thought. “Eat whatever you want, if you want more; tell me I’ll order a lot.”

She laughed, “Are you trying to fattening me?”

“Either way, you’re still going to be pretty,” I replied winking. I took some dubuseon – a steamed tofu mixed with ground beef and vegetables.

“Here,” I said leaning towards her. “Open your mouth; I want you to taste this.”

She opened it and chewed, “it’s good.”

“That’s my favorite,” I responded.

“What’s this?” she asked pointing at a noddle filled with vegetables.

“That is Japchae with vermicelli noodles cooked with stir-fried vegetables and small pieces of beef.”

She nodded, “Impressive. How do you know the ingredients?”

“Lee Shin,” I replied.

“Of course,” she said picking some more food. “These are good.”

“I told you, Jung Sik Dang (정식당) Restaurant is one of the best in Korea,” I replied.


Ha-jin’s P.O.V

“Hey, Lee Shin have you seen my black clothes?” I ask.

“You’re wearing it,” he said looking over his shoulder.

I sigh, “Not funny. Dude, did you see it somewhere?” I looked under the coach, then the closest next to the entrance door.

“Yeah, I saw Hyun-jae wearing some of your clothes. By the way, he looks cool wearing your style.”

“Where is he?”

“On a date with Aliice,” he replied. “You know he acts lke you by wearing your clothes.”

“Come on,” I said getting my keys. “We’re about to party up their date.”


Lee Shin’s P.O.V

Okay, probably it was a bad idea telling him that Hyun-jae has his clothes, or is in a date with Aliice.

The waitress came, “Table for two?”

Ha-jin shook his head, “We’re looking for-.”

“His right over there follows me,” she said walking.

“What’s up bro,” Ha-jin said taking a seat next to Hyun-jae.

“If you need anything, please let me know.”

I sat next to Aliice smiling, “How was your boring date with him?”

She silently laughed, “It’s not boring. I tried new foods that I never ate.” She then looked at Ha-jin and then me raising an eyebrow, “What are you guys doing?”

“We were lonely because we missed our Hyun-jae,” I said chuckling.

“Can you guys get out?” Hyun-jae said.

“Sure, if you could give my clothes right now and be naked in front of her,” Ha-jin said.


Aliice’s P.O.V

Hyaun-jae sigh.

“We can ditch them later if you want,” I whispered to him so he wouldn’t be mad at his members.

“It’s fine,” he replied.

The boys started eating our meals and I just fished around my plate looking down.

“So what were you guys talking about earlier when we didn’t budge in?” asked Ha-jin.

I look up making eye contact with Hyun-jae, “Food.”

Ha-jin smirked, “of course.”

I looked down again.

“I would like to have this,” Lee Shin said beside me to the waitress.

“That’s it?” she asked.

“Hm-mm,” he replied. “Thank you.”

“So how’d it go with the photographer?” asked Hyun-jae making a conversation to eliminate the awkwardness in the atmosphere.

“It was…” started Ha-jin.

“Okay,” I peeped in. “Nothing surprising happened.”

Ha-jin raised an eyebrow, I muttered ‘just go on with it and put it on my I. O. Y. list.’

The waitress came back carrying four plates; she put them in front of us taking some plates that are vacant to make some room on the table.

She left and I took a fork looking at it for a second, something tells me that I shouldn’t eat it.

I look at the boy as they ate theirs.

“Aliice,” Hyun-jae said taking out a clean spoon and scoping up a couple of the ingredients that Hyun-jae ordered. “Here, try it.”

I hesitated, and then opened my mouth leaning in.

Ha-jin snatch the spoon away, I sat back raising an eyebrow. “What’d you do that for?”

“Your allergic to it idiot,” he replied. “There’s peanut butter in it. Some people use peanut butter here as their ingredient. God, are you trying to die?”

I was about to ask him how the hell does he know so much about me, but the answer was obvious: My diary.

“You’re allergic to peanut butter?” asked Hyun-jae.

I nodded, “it’s no big deal.”

“I’m sorry,” Hyun-jae responded.

“It’s fine,” I snapped. “You didn’t know.”

“I’m going first,” Hyun-jae said. “Take care of Aliice for me.”

“Hun-jae,” I said, but he left. I sigh, “He’s mad at me isn’t he?”

“No, he’s mad at himself for not knowing this information,” Lee Shin said. “Don’t worry about it.”


Ha-jin’s P.O.V

“He did that on purpose,” I said.

“Huh?” she asked walking beside me still looking concern.

“Lee Shin,” I continued. “He left on purpose, making up a fake excuse about him being tired – my butt.”

“Hm-mm,” she said.

I looked at her hands, “Aren’t they cold?”

“What is cold?” she asked boringly.

I sigh, I hate her replies now. I count down to ten, just be gentlemen for once, I thought, for her.

I took her hand as we walked, she didn’t even notice.

“Stay here,” I said to her. I went to a store, brought her white gloves that matches her jaket, when I came back, she didn’t move a centimeter.

“Here,” I said.

“What’s this?” she asked.

I rolled my eyes, taking her hand and putting the clothing on. I struggled doing it for a while until she sigh putting her hand onto mine. I look up, “I got it,” I she said.

She took the gloves and put it in her hands making it easy. “Where we going? We’ve been walking for a long time.”

Oh, so she notices that, I thought.

“Ice skating,” I replied.

She glances at me, “I can’t-.”

“I know,” I replied smiling, “that’s why we’re going there so I can teach you.”


“Don’t be such a coward,” I said when we were here. “Look, the kids are doing it much better than you.”

“Shut up,” she said.

“Two skater shoes,” I said to the man behind the table. “A seven and a nine.”

He nodded as I gave him the cash.

“Here,” I said handing a pair of ice skater shoes. We sat on the benches we both finished and I put our stuff away in the lockers in the room. When we went outside, I look back to Aliice still sitting.

“Come here you coward,” I said holding her hand.

“I’m not a coward,” she replied.

“Then prove it,” I challenged.

“Fine,” she said standing up and heading towards the door. I smirked, that’s what I thought. When we entered the ice rink, I went freely skating around and showing off. I spotted Aliice holding onto one of the holders, I smirked, “You know, that’s only supposed to be for the little kids.”

“Whatever,” she replied taking little steps.

I laughed taking her hand, but she refused it.

“Do you trust me?” I asked.

“No,” she said making it obivous.

I sigh taking her ahnds anyway.

“Ha-jin!” she yelled as she let of the holders. She grabbed tight on my hands.

“Come on,” I said letting go of one hand. “It’s fun.” I guide her around the rink swaying my body as she held stay. I turned around, “Relax. Take a deep breath.”

She took a deep breath closing her eyes for a moment then opening there, “Oh, you’re still here.”

I chuckled, “Yes, your prince charming is here.”

“More like Prince Loser,” she murmured as she followed beside me letting go of a hand and just holding one. “Is this a trick? Why are you suddenly being gentlemen to me?”

“Because I want to win the bet,” I replied.

“Of course,” she said. “I mean, who doesn’t?”

The next moment I know we were talking without any insults – well only a few, but we were actually having a conversation.

“You’re doing it,” I said.

“Doing what?” she asked. I let go of my hand as she skated a few more.

“That,” I replied. “See? I told you, you could do it you coward.”

“O’ my gosh!” she yelled skating some more.

I smirked at her, “Don’t do it too fast, you’ll lose your balance.”

I skated around the rink twice before I spotted Aliice. “You’re getting used to it.”

She smiled, “thanks.”

Then almost all of us looked at the dark sky as fireworks came out. Different glowing lights blow making it cool.

I looked at Aliice, she was staring at the sky while smiling. And for a moment, I heard my heart beat loud in my ears – if that was even possible. The spot she’s standing was perfect, making it show her real feature. Did I already lose the bet, I thought. I’ve already fall for Aliice. And just once, I wish she was mine. Nothing seems to matter anymore; I just want her and only her. And that’s the risk I’d be willing to take.

Chapter Twelve: Surprise Gift

Aliiice’s P.O.V

After about two weeks I went back home. I didn’t want to be a burden to them, especially when the people are watching over us. As in taking pictures and writing down every step we go. I looked around the place, this hasn’t changed one bit.

“Miss Aliice?” asked Butler Han.

I turned, “Hmm?”

“You have a phone call,” he said holding out his hand.

“Hello?” I said. “Who’s this?”

“Meet me at a café shop, a block away from the studio,” said an anonymous voice. “Be there at three.”

The line went dead before I could even find my voice and ask questions that popped into my head.

Hyun-jae’s P.O.V

“What do you mean have a reunion?” I ask Manager Lee. “With who?”

He walked back and forth sighing, “Those paparazzi are getting more information in your background life with Jayjay. You’re past relationships with her.”

I groaned, “The past is the past, I can’t undo it no matter how much I want to.”

“Meet the reporters with her, talk to them to clear things out,” he replied.

I sat back; I won’t be seeing Aliice tomorrow. My head snap up when Jayjay came in, I stood.

She gave me a smile, “Would you mind?” Manager Lee shook his head and left.

“You haven’t changed a bit,” I noted.

“So have you,” she replied sitting down in front of the mirror to fix her makeup. I sat back down crossing my legs.

Jayjay’s P.O.V

After adding a little red blush and lipstick I turned around facing the man I once broke up for fame and still loved. To be famous you have to cut out the things that are most important to you so it wouldn’t get in your way. But I never expect him to fall apart from me like that. I don’t want him seeing another girl besides me. I don’t want him loving another girl, especially Aliice. He should watch out for himself. Dating Ha-jin’s “girlfriend” and fooling around with her like toys. He really wants to get his life a mess. If only he fought for me and asked me to be by his side, this wouldn’t be happening.

I smirk to get his attention; he looked at me I smiled back.

“Remember when I broke up with you?” I asked. “You said no matter how apart we are or how we look, we’ll still be together no matter what the stitution is. You always said that I’m the only girl that makes your heart skip a beat and flutter at the same time.” I stop to stare at him, he was looking at that stupid wall. “Does it still do that?”

It took a moment for him to answer, “No.”

My heart sank, but I know deep down Hyu-jae still has feelings for me. I continued, “Well what Aliice? Does she do that to you?”

He looked at me. His eyes asking a million questions. “Let’s cut to the chase.”

I stood up getting a little closer to him, “You said you never met anyone like me, what’s so different about her besides she’s the President’s daughter?” I saw his eyes flicker; I went on getting to my point. “Let’s get back together.”

“Are you insane?” he asked. “We’re about to have a meeting with the reporters about our past relationship and you want us to get back together?”

I stare at his hands being into fist and then unclenching them, “Remember who broke up with whom.”

“I’m not doing this for me,” I lied. “I’m doing this for you. You can’t go around dating a whore like her, especially if Ha-jin and she are dating.”

“They’re not dating,” he blurted it out. I smiled, so the truth comes out, I thought. Still as weak as usual.

“I know they’re not,” I respond. “But do you know what they’ve been doing when you’re not around?”

He didn’t talk, I walk up to the table where my bags are and came back to him throwing the pictures of Ha-jin and Aliice together. “Look, there’s your proof. They may not be dating for real, but their feelings speak the truth.”

He stared at the images on the floor, “it’s not real.”

“Face it Hyun-jae,” I almost yelled. “She’s not worth it. She’s a backstabbing girl that you fell for love at first sight. If you keep this up, the truth will come out and you’ll make both their lives harder.”

I sat down next to him, putt my arm around his waist, “look at them, their happy together. They fit perfectly like a pair of shoes. If you just open your eyes and see the truth between them.”

“Stop,” he said balling up a picture in his hands. He stood up, “Just stop. Remember who you’re dealing with.”

Ha-jin’s P.O.V

I stare at the restaurant again. I think I’m ready to face the truth, I thought. I took a deep breath and opened the door followed by a ding.

“Annyeonghaseyo,” said Hana bowing her head. I smiled keeping my eyes on her. Eomma came whipping her hands on her apron about to bow to the customer, but stop when she saw it was me standing before her eyes.

“Ha-jin,” she let out.

I took a deep breath again trying to stay calm, I can’t go back. I can’t.

“Table for one,” I said acting as if I’m not a family of theirs. I followed them at the corner where there was a table big enough for two. I sat down with a menu there. I opened it – scanning and looked up to take whatever handmade food they’ve got.

Lee Shin’s P.O.V

I slammed the drumsticks on the drummer for half a minute when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

“Hyun-jae,” I said.

“Is Aliice and Ha-jin there?” he asked.

I raised an eyebrow. “No, why?”

I heard him sigh trying to be calmed, “nothing.”

The line went dead. I tried calling him back, no answer. I put my phone back, “That bastard calling for no reason and interrupting me.”

Aliice’s P.O.V

I look around the café and sat down. A moment later a girl with the hood sat there.

“Excuse me,” I said. “That seat’s taken. I’m waiting for someone to come…” I stop when the girl put her hood back. My heart sank. “I’m leaving.”

I stood up getting my bag, but So Yeon took my wrist. “Stay.”

I sigh sitting back down, “If I’ve known it was yuo I wouldn’t be coming.”

She looked at me, “Sorry.”

“For what? Slapping me, ruining my face, telling the reporters the truth about me. What’s there to be sorry about? “

“For everything,” she said.

If I had a hot coffee right now I would love it to throw it at her face.

“Here,” she said giving me an envelope. “I hope you come, it’s an invitation to our parents wedding.”

“I’m not coming, “I said looking at the window.

“I know we didn’t have a great start,” she said. Then smiled, “I always wanted to get a sister, that’s why I want this to work. Appa said that during your childhood you’re always lonely. No friends to talk to, or anything.” She laughed thinking of a memory, but then faded. “You’re lucky to have him. He’s always talking about you nonstop.”

I look at her as she continued to talk. “Sometimes I wish he was my Dad. He may not be there for me for a lot of things, but at least he tried his best staying a little longer to meet his daughter.”

“I know your father and you didn’t get along, but at least try to be there for him, for us,” she said.

“Don’t act like you know a lot about me because you don’t,” I finally spoke. “I don’t know what he told you, but all of those are not true.”

“I know he kept you hostage in a mansion every time you move, but he was protecting you from the reporters and paparazzi.”

“He was protecting himself,” I said.

She looked out the window as the black car pulled up the driveway, “please, just rethink about this. I hope I see you again…as my sister.”

She stood up and left. I stared at the envelope having a staring contest. I blinked. Alright you win, I thought. I’ll give it a try.

Hyun-jae’s P.O.V

“Did you and Jayjay have a past relationship?” he asked.

She nodded, “yes, but it didn’t last long.”

“Why is that?”

She pursed her lips, “he found a new girl.”

I gave her a look.

“Is it Aliice?” he asked.

I faked laugh, “huh? No, you got it all wrong.”

“So you’re telling me that this picture you’re having dinner with the other month wasn’t Aliice? It sure does.”

I sigh remembering the interruption when we had our first date. Good times…

“Yes that is Aliice,” she said. “But she’s dating Ha-jin.”

“Then what were you and Aliice doing at the restaurant during the night? To me it sounds like a date, don’t you think so?”

“Can you please ask another question?” Jayjay asked.

“How did you guy breakup?” he asked.

“I broke up with him,” Jayjay said remembering the past. “It was going so well between us, until I got my debut. It was either my boyfriend or my debut, I wanted to have both, but having a long distance wasn’t good. As much as I hate breaking up with him, I had too. I asked myself, what if you get famous. What if you found another guy you will like? Would it be the same?” I stared at her. “So after meeting about two boys, it wasn’t the same. He was my first love and if I hand to turn time back, I wouldn’t make that same mistake again. It’s hard finding love, but harder to get rid of it.”

Jayjay stared at me, our contacts held still together until another question came up. “Hyun-jae, do you still have feelings for her?”

“Hm?” I said at him then looked back at Jayjay.

“No he doesn’t,” she said. “He found a new girl that removed me out of his heart.”

Was this the Jayjay I met four years ago?

Ha-jin’s P.O.V

After eating I paid, I don’t know what to do next, but leave.

“Ha-jin,” said Eomma. “I’m happy you came, I hope next time you’ll be back.”

I looked at her and left. I knew if I stayed any longer, I wouldn’t keep calm.


“Where’s Hyun-jae?” I asked Lee Shin.

“With Jayjay,” he replied.

I stop in my tracks, “you don’t mean….”

He nodded, “he called telling me he’ll get home later than usual.”

“You don’t think they’re getting back together do you?”

He shrugged, “I don’t know. His love for Jayjay is powerful, but his feelings for Aliice are true.”

Jayjay’s P.O.V

I stared at Hyun-jae as he became drunk.

“Stop,” I said. “Stop drinking, please. I don’t want to see you like this.”

I knew saying that to him sounds a little – well a lot cliché, but this just brings déjà vu to me when I broke with him.

“Let me have fun a little Jay,” he said smiling my favorite smile. He lay on the coach in the dressing room, still drinking. I took the bottle away from him.

“You know, I’ve never drank tis much before,” he said.

I sat down next to him, “if only you still have the same feelings you had for me. You were so happy then.”

I stared back at him, sleeping. I smiled taking a blanket and putting it on him.

I leaned in and laid a kiss on his forehead, “goodnight Hyun-jae.”

Chapter Thirteen: Too Dumb To Realize

Aliice’s P.O.V

I rolled over taking the pillow out of my head and covered my ears. The piano was playing a while ago. Wait, what? Piano…playing, I thought. Eomma? I stood up opening the door of my bedroom and going downstairs? Am I going crazy to be imagining things? I opened the door and the piano keys got louder, I stood there watching Ha-jin play. After pressing a few more chords, it ended.

“You like it?” he asked without turning around.

Of course it’s his music notes that he was playing.

I sat on the small bench next to him. “No, the chords are everywhere; the song was okay, but not perfect.”

“I was asking if you like it, but judge it,” he replied.

I looked at his notes, shuffling the papers over. Then I put my fingers on the keyboard and started playing with that I made I went to a different direction and made up some notes. He then joined me and tried added more notes that might go with music.

I stopped playing and looked at him, “What are you doing here? And what’s with the outfit?”

To tell you the truth, the Ha-jin facing me right now isn’t Ha-jin, he was too…suitable like he’s running a business.

“I came to torture you,” he replied taking out a folded white paper from his back pocket. “Come and have a date with me.”

“What?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“You owe me remember?” he asked. “It’s time for you to pay your debt.”

I grabbed the paper from him and scanned through it; ice cream, ice skating, ruin computer – wait, I don’t remember about…oh, that. Long story short, Ha-jin was minding his own business when he asked, scratch that, ordered me to get him hot coffee, for revenge I threw it at him – which landed on his laptop. You see I suck at throwing, if you haven’t notice.

I sigh, “I’m busy, and I have an appointment with an editor.”

“I cancel that for you,” he replied with a smile adding on a wink.

I crossed my arms against my chest, “I don’t have anything to wear.” Okay, that was a total lie. I have a bout hundred clothes in my closet right now from different countries and top designers.

“Not to worry princess,” he said getting a pick bag from the floor. “I bought this for you. Here try it on.”

“This jerk has everything plan already,” I murmured.

“I’m still here,” he said. I stood up and left.

I locked myself in the bathroom and sighed. Should I stay here forever? I thought, no if I do and ditch him he won’t stop bothering me about the I. O. Y list. Why did I owe him much?

After putting on the blue dress, I examined myself in front of the long mirror. I awkwardly stood there trying to fix the dress. In front of me, the dress was short; it stopped on my knees while the back was long making it look like I have a tail. I took a deep breath and opened the door. As I entered the room, Ha-jin was sitting there, looking at his black shiny shoes.

His head snapped up the moment I came in. For a moment I thought he was going to start laughing at me.

“Wow,” he whispered. Was I imagining things or did he just…?

“Let’s get this over with,” I replied.

“Sit,” he said.

I sat down a foot from him as he took out a squared box, “what’s that?”

He opened it ignoring my questions and put on the peach colored high heels with black straps on me.

He took my feet and softly tried putting them on my foot; I put my hand over to stop him. “Stop, I can so it.”

He waved me off and smirked completing his work. I watch as he took the other matching heel and put it on my left. A smiled popped into my face. Is this the real Ha-jin I’m seeing right now? Deep down in this jackass lemon head is a gentleman? He stayed like this the first time we met there wouldn’t be problems happening.

He looked up and smirked, “Looks like you’re already falling for me –hard.”

I crossed my arms, “Says who?”

“Your face,” he commented. “You’re drooling.”

My cheeks burned red from embarrassment and I quickly whipped off the drool on my face.

“Maybe winning this bet wouldn’t be as hard as I thought,” he explained.

My heart sinks, oh so he did this for that stupid bet we made [which I totally forgot]. If he’s going to play like this, we’ll let the games begin. It’s time for this game to get interesting and for Ha-jin to learn his lesson to never mess with my feelings. Yes, right there, I thought he was a gentleman. I thought for a second, I might be falling head over heels for him. But I’m wrong; he is still the jerk he is. He hasn’t changed a bit.


Hyun-jae’s P.O.V

I woke up with a blanket around me and my head hurting. I sat up looking around. Where am I, I thought. As if cue a female voice answered, “Finally you’re awake.”

I turned to see Jayjay coming with a glass of water, “here.”

I took the two white pills and drank water. “What happened?”

She chuckled, “you don’t even remember. You were drunk because of Aliice. Getting a flashback yet?”

I shook my head thinking. She sigh, “you found out Ha-jin’s feelings for Aliice were real and true.”

I looked at her, “you’re lying.”

She stood up from the coach, “Get change, there’s breakfast on the table.”

I sat there after she left. The harder I thought about yesterday, the more my head starts to hurt. I stood up and finally changed. I bent down and took a paper ball that fell on my pans. Unfolding it, it was a picture of Ha-jin and Alice ice skating, having fun. Then it struck me like lightening. I remembered everything. I opened the door and went to the kitchen, grabbing my coat.

“Where you going?” she asked. “Don’t tell me your going after her. She’s on a date with Ha-jin. You can’t possibly stop them from having feelings for each other.”

I turned, “what are saying?”

“Let’s get back together like last time,” she said.

I smirked, “keep dreaming about that.”

I was about to open the door when she said, “remembering what I told you yesterday? Aliice and you are in a relationship, but her feelings towards Ha-jin are real. You can’t stop her from loving another guy.”

“You don’t know what you’re saying,” I replied.

“Oh yeah?” she said. “Then what’s this?”

I turned around to see her holding a magazine. The front page was a picture of Aliice kissing Ha-jin on the cheek during their photo-shoot.

“If you know something, cut to the chasse Jay, I don’t have all day to deal with this.”

She smiled dropping the magazine back on the table, “Let’s just say, her life won’t be the same again.”

“What did you do?” I almost yelled.

She gave me a smile, “I didn’t do anything except letting her follow her dream.”

I turned and shut the door.


Lee Shin’s P.O.V

“Hello?” I said frustrated that Hyun-jae would call me after I called him many times and he hasn’t answered.

“Is Aliice there?” he asked.

“No, she’s with Ha-jin,” I replied. “Why?”

“She’s in trouble,” he replied. “Call Ha-jin and tell them to cancel their date.”

“Why what’s going to happen?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” he replied and before I could reply the line went dead.

I went through m contacts and called Ha-jin, a second later his phone was ringing. I went to his room to hear his phone there. I groaned, “Stupid Ha-jin not bringing his phone.”


Ha-jin’s P.O.V

After we ate from the restaurant, we walked around the streets eating ice creams. Yes ice cream, it seems no matter how full Aliice is it’s not going to stop her from eating ice cream.

“You know,” she said cutting the silence. “You should go back to your bad boy style; I’m uncomfortable of you wearing a suit.”

“What’s wrong with me and this suit?” I asked.

“You look old,” she said smiling. I laughed. “Okay, next stop – shopping.”


She shuffled around the hangers of clothes. I looked around for t-shirts, pants and shoes. She laughed as she took out a colorful t-shirt, “try this on.”

I gave her a look, “I’m not wearing a girl’s clothes.”

She chuckled, “oh, I thought it’s be perfect for you.”

“Go pick something you like, I’ll do the shopping here,” I said irritated. After a few minutes of searching, I paid and wore them on.

“What do you think?” I said turning around.

“Fine,” she said sounding bored. “Is this what you call of a date?”

I shrugged and came closer to her, “I don’t know. You got any ideas of how to run a date?”

She smiled, “a few.”


I admit it. I regret saying those words because I didn’t know how she would run it, until now. We were in Gwangjang Traditional Market – a market that has no fewer than 20 shopping malls and more than individual shops.

She tugged my arm, “Let’s go try that.”

I followed her to where there stood a stand full of food vendors.

“You’re seriously hungry?” I asked. “You know for a little girl like you, you sure do have a big appetite.”

“Shut up and try some of these,” she said. “The snacks here are better anyways than the restaurant you bought me to.”

“Pshh,” I said getting a stick that had white-ish meat. I took a bite and chewed. Aliice watched as I ate.

“Well?” she asked a smile popping in her face.

I swallowed, “its good.” I went for another bite, “what’s this anyway?”

“Cow’s liver,” she said, then I notice her not eating it. I spit it out whipping my mouth and throwing the stick away, “Cow’s liver?”

She laughed, “Your face was priceless. I thought you knew that was cow’s liver, why’d you spite it out?”

“I don’t like any kind of livers,” I replied spitting out the little pieces out. “Is this what you call a date?”

“Pretty much,” she said. “But you still haven’t seen the rest. Come on.”

She walked away, I took out my wallet trying to look for a 100 Won, but all I found was 5,000 won. I bowed my head and gave her the money.

“What are you doing?” I asked Aliice shuffled around the traditional clothes of dresses for the girls. “If you’re thinking of wearing that, think again – it’s too small for your size.”

She gave me a look, “it’s not for me, idiot. I’m just looking – don’t you think the dresses are cute?”

I rolled my eyes and looked at the glasses. I took out a big round highlighted neon green color an put it on her face. She gave me a look. Next thing I knew she put on a pink hat on my head.

“Not my type,” I replied.

“You sure it isn’t?” she asked.

The next few minutes we were trying on random items until it started running on a sunny day. “That’s wired,” Aliice said.

I turned around getting a black umbrella and paying the guy. I opened it, Aliice watched me.

“Let’s go,” I replied slipping my arm on her waist. She didn’t hesitate the moment it started failing cats and dogs out here. I opened her passenger door and then got on turning on the car as well as the heater.

“Stupid,” she murmured at me. “You got wet.”

I smiled, “Thanks for caring.”

“I didn’t care; I’m just irritated that you didn’t use your brain properly to buy two umbrellas.”

I ignored what she said and started driving. On the way home the ride was quiet until we got home and there was a group of people there standing out front. I looked at the driveway seeing a familiar car, “You go first, Hyun-jae’s here. Don’t mind our fans, there sometimes here.” She opened the door.

“And you’re the one calling me stupid,” I whispered. “You forgot something.”

She turned taking the umbrella from my hand and left. I backed the car up and went around the house to park my car in the garage.


Hyun-jae’s P.O.V

The moment I heard the car pull up, I looked through the window seeing Ha-jin’s car. Then my eyes wandered towards the group of people. Is this what Jayjay meant? I thought. I opened the door and ran.


Aliice’s P.O.V

I looked at the crowd of people in front of the house. Crazy fans, I thought. It’s raining and they’re staying here, they’ll get sick.

“Hey!” one of them yelled at me. I turned, “Hm-mm?”

“Are you Aliice Kim?” one of them asked.

I nodded, “yes?”

They all looked at one another and started murmuring.

“You’re a slut,” she said. “A two timer whore.”

I raised an eyebrow, the next thing I knew eggs were flying at me. Cracking and it felt as if slim was pouring hard instead of rain. I stood there, trying to cover myself with the umbrella, but they snatched it. Wow, I thought. These boys have crazy fans. Then, I thought again. Why are they throwing eggs at me? The eggs they threw at me didn’t feel like eggs, it felt like bricks. And as one was thrown by another it kept hurting my skin like knives.

“Stop!” Hyun-jae yelled, covering me with his jacket. He hugged me tightly on his chest as he yelled at them.

A few minutes later, silence.

“Aliice,” he said. “Are you okay?”

I nodded shivering.


Ha-jin’s P.O.V

When I went back from my room, I watch as Hyun-jae put medicine on her injuries. She flinched.

“Ow,” she murmured trying to hold it in.

I put the blankets on the coach next to her and was about to walk away when she said, “Ha-jin, thank you for making my day.”

I didn’t say anything and walked away. I knew I could’ve stayed with her instead of Hyun-jae. I should be taking care of her and making her laugh. But I can’t, not now. It’s only the beginning of how I began to have feelings towards her. I don’t care about the stupid bet anymore. I just want her and make

her happy. I don’t want any other guy besides me making her happy. Everything time she smiles I wish the reason is me. But I know that can’t happen. She loves Hyun-jae. Hyun-jae loves her back – perfect couple. Aliice and I may not be a perfect couple but at least we make each other happy no matter if it’s night or morning.

I closed the door behind me, lay down on my bed and sighed.

I wish I started having these feelings towards Aliice earlier. If only she feels the same way about me.

Chapter Fourteen: Give It All

Hyun-jae’s P.O.V

“We should call our band First Sight,” Lee Shin interrupts showing us his notebook with the cursive design.

I nodded, agreeing with him. “Yeah, I like that. Girls fall in love with me at first sight.”

Lee Shin punched me on the arm. Ha-jin smirked, “First Sight…yeah. It goes with it. But it’s missing something.”

“What’s that?” asked Lee Shin. “I thought we already agreed it’s going to be First Sight, what do you have to change now?”

“The i’s,” he said examining the design on the notebook Lee Shin had created. “I think it’s missing something.”

I chuckled, “yeah, it needs coloring.”

“No…” he said then took a pencil and started writing. He then let us sees the finishing touches.

“F1RsT S1GhT,” I said reading the capital, lower capital letters with numbers mixed in there.

“Why is the i’s replaced with the number one?” asked Lee Shin.

Ha-jin looked back at the design, “it’s eleven if you put the two numbers together.”

“Eleven?” I said rasing an eyebrow.

“The month and day we all met,” he said. “11 – 11.”


I sigh remembering the past of how we came up with our brand names.

‘What will happen if the band broke up?’ is the question that has been on my mind for a long time. What will happen if it did break up? Where would we do in our own paths? Where would we go? More importantly, what if we wanted it to happen?


Aliice’s P.O.V

Ha-jin grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards him. But another grabs of hand took my other wrist.

“She’s coming with me,” Hyun-jae said giving Ha-jin a sharp look.

“Aliice,” Ha-jin said getting my attention. “Pick who. Is it going to be me or him?”

My heart started beating. This can’t be happening. I…I can’t. Not now. I can’t lose one of them. If I pick Ha-jin, I lose the most important in my life and my best friend. If I lose Ha-jin....


What do I consider him? A friend, stranger…or more than a friend. For the first time I don’t know I felt for someone who is always a jerk.

What is Ha-jin to me? What am I to him?

I shook my head out of it before answering, “I pick…”


I suddenly woke up from the nightmare I had. Between picking your favorites and the one that you hate, it was harder than I thought. If you think about it more, you would ask. Why did I hate that thing? When did I start hating it? The ore you thought of it, the more confusing it made.

I can’t pick between them…I just can’t. but it’s the time to tell them the truth. I can’t keep all this inside me then regret it later. I have to give it all I have. I grabbed my phone and called.


Lee Shin’s P.O.V

“I know what you mean when you said to never break Hyun-jae’s heart,” she said looking down. “I’m sorry I couldn’t keep that promise.”

I tried to smile, “it’s okay. You tried.”

She looks up, “But how did you know that I would pick him?” she asked.

I shrugged, “he was the first one to meet you, and you know the elevator. And his one who knows your life before us. I guess it was faith that brought you both together.”

She didn’t speak for a while. I cleared my throat changing the topic. “We took care of it. Hyunjay’s fans –.” I chuckled. “Their angry fans who misunderstood that Hyun-jae and Jayjay broke were because of you. Congratulations, you’re now famous because of the drama we got going on here.”

She smiled, “I never wanted this to happen. For Hyun-jae playing his heart and breaking him. For everything that’s happened lately.”

“Don’t worry about it, we get this every time,” I lied trying to comfort her. But her smile faded. I took a sip of my coffee and cleared my throat. “I know you called me here for a reason, so what do you have to say?”

“I…” she started taking a deep breath. “I’m going back to the states. An editor wanted to work with me there and you know what my dream is.”

I smiled; yeah she wanted to be a writer. Thanks to Ha-jin her dream is becoming true.

She looks down, “I’m sorry for everything.”

“No,” I shook my head. “I’m happy and thankful because of you. Before you, our life had become the same as usual – crap and somehow this little interesting girl made it fun for us.”

“Can you do me a favor?” she asked.

I nodded, “anything.”

“Help me to breakup with Hyun-jae,” she said. “I need to do it, but I also can’t see him broken hearted. Seeing him without a smile is heartbreaking to see.”

I nodded, “I’ll try, but I won’t be making promises.”


Hyun-jae’s P.O.V

I listened to Jayjay’s voice as it collided with mine. To be truthful, it’s great for a love song.

Someone knocked on the door, “come in.”

“Can we talk a bit outside?” a female voice asked. I spin my chair around seeing Aliice. Just seeing her makes my heart skip a beat – too corny huh?

“Sure,” I replied.

“I’ll meet you outside at the back,” she said before leaving.


Aliice’s P.O.V

I stood outside the doorway waiting for him. I took out my phone and called Ha-jin without hesitation.

“Meet me at the studio,” I said. “And bring some ice cream for me.”

“Why?” he asked.

“I need to tell you something,” I replied hanging up before he could ask any more questions.

I hope this works. Telling my real feelings towards Ha-jin takes a lot of bravery. But I have to do this. It’s now or never. After telling letting out all my feelings I need to thank Lee Shin for giving me this idea. After a few minutes, what seemed like hours standing outside? Hyun-jae finally arrived…with a stupid smile on his face. How can I tell him the truth when he has a happy face plastered on his face? It’s like saying no to a puppy or a baby.

“Hi,” he greeted smiling.

“Hello,” I replied putting my hands in my pockets.

“Before you can say anything,” he said. “I want to say something to you first.”

“Hm?” I said raising an eyebrow.

He took a deep breath, “this isn’t a joke, but truly deep down inside me I feel like I can’t live without you. You’re like my personal oxygen….”


Ha-jin’s P.O.V

I got out of my car and went to the back of the studio so I could surprise Aliice with her favorite ice cream. She seriously can’t live without them. It’s an addiction for her to keep eating these. I stop on my tracks when a view of Hyun-jae and Aliice came. I pressed my back against the wall. Hesitating if I should interrupt them or surprise them with ice creams. But the three words stop me before I could take a breath.

“I love you,” Hyun-jae said. My eyes went wide, my heart sink deep down in my stomach. I couldn’t breathe.

“Hyun-jae,” Aliice replied, probably smiling I bet. “I love you too…”

And with those four words, I walked away throwing the ice cream on the garbage on the way and left. I wish I didn’t that. I wish I was the first one who stole her heart who made her happy. But it’s too late now. I can’t turn back time. Things can’t be undone just because you want them to.


Aliice’s P.O.V

“Hyun-jae,” I said. “I love you too..” I took another deep breathe closing my eyes than opening them again. “As a brother. I can’t have feelings for you when I have feelings for someone else. You’re my best friend, I’m sorry and I hope you’ll forgive me. I can’t afford to lose you. I wish you’ll give me a chance to become one of you best friend again.”

I felt before his smile faded. I made a boy’s life turn upside down. I won’t be seeing him smile again, I thought. I’m sorry, I wish you know how I feel.


I called Ha-jin many times and texted him too, but he didn’t come. He never did. I sigh calling Lee Shin.

“What can I do for you?” he asked.

“Do you know where’s Ha-jin?” I asked.

“No, I thought he would be with you,” he replied. “He said that he’s going to meet you.”

I sigh, “He’s not here.”

“Wait for him a little bit more,” he replied.

“And Lee Shin,” I said. “Thank you for the advice.”

“Anytime Aliice.”

Chapter Fifteen: A Mess Grown

Aliice’s P.O.V

After a week I told my…er sister and family that I’m going back to the states. I know we didn’t get along sometimes, but I’m trying here. I sat on the airport benches where a bunch of other people sat.

“Aliice!” I heard someone call my name. I turn my head to see Lee Shin and Hyun-jae. And guess what? He forgave me – turns out he knew everything before I get to know how I truly felt.

Hyun-jae hugged me tight, “we’ll miss you.”

“I know,” I replied. I look behind them hoping Ha-jin would be there.

“Don’t worry about him,” Lee Shin said reading my mind. “We’ll take good care of him.”

“Do you really have to go?” Hyun-jae asked. I nodded.