FIREPLACE - Wood StovesA. Typical Fireplace System 6 B. Design and Installation Considerations 7 1....

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Transcript of FIREPLACE - Wood StovesA. Typical Fireplace System 6 B. Design and Installation Considerations 7 1....



Fire Risk.


For use with solid wood fuel only.Other fuels may overfire and generate poisonous gases (i.e. carbon monoxide).

O-T LTested and Listed by

PortlandOregon USA

OMNI-Test Laboratories, Inc.C US


Installation ManualInstallation and Fireplace Setup

WARNINGHOT SURFACES! Glass and other surfaces are hot during operation AND cool down.

Hot glass will cause burns.• DO NOT touch glass until it is cooled• NEVERallowchildrentotouchglass• Keepchildrenaway

• CAREFULLY SUPERVISE children in same room asfireplace.

• Alertchildrenandadultstohazardsofhightemperatures.

High temperatures may ignite clothing or other flammable materials.• Keep clothing, furniture, draperies and other flammablematerialsaway.

INSTALLER: Leave this manual with party responsible for use and operation.OWNER: Retain this manual for future reference.


• DO NOTstoreorusegasolineorotherflam-mablevaporsandliquidsinthevicinityofthisoranyotherappliance.

• DO NOToverfire.Overfiringwillvoidyourwarranty.

• Complywithallminimumclearancestocom-bustiblesasspecified.Failuretocomplymaycausehousefire.

WARNING: If the information in these instructions is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing property damage, personal injury, or death.

Pourdemanderunexemplaireen français de ce Manuel dupropriétaire,

Installation and service of thisapplianceshouldbeperformedbyqualifiedpersonnel.Hearth&HomeTechnologies recommendsHHTFactory Trained or NFI certifiedprofessionals.

1Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

Safety Alert Key:• DANGER! Indicatesahazardoussituationwhich,ifnotavoidedwillresultindeathorseriousinjury.• WARNING!Indicatesahazardoussituationwhich,ifnotavoidedcouldresultindeathorseriousinjury.• CAUTION! Indicatesahazardoussituationwhich,ifnotavoided,couldresultinminorormoderateinjury.• NOTICE:Indicatespracticeswhichmaycausedamagetothefireplaceortoproperty.

Table of Contents1 Product Specific & Important Safety Information

A.FireplaceCertification 4B.GlassSpecifications 4C.Non-CombustibleMaterials 4D.CombustibleMaterials 5E.ElectricalCodes 5

2 Getting Started A.TypicalFireplaceSystem 6B.DesignandInstallationConsiderations 7

1.SelectingFireplaceLocations 72.LocatingFireplace&Chimney 8

C.ToolsandSuppliesNeeded 9D.InspectFireplaceandComponents 9E.FireplaceSystemRequirements 9

3 Framing and Clearances A.FireplaceDimensions 10B.Clearances 11

1.MinimumClearancestoCombustibles 12C.ConstructtheChase 13D.FrametheFireplace 14E.SecureandLeveltheFireplace 14F. ProtectiveMetalHearthStrips 15G.FacingMaterial 15H.OutsideAirKit 16I. AuxiliaryConvectionAirSystem 18J. HeatZoneKit(Optional) 19

4 Electrical Wiring 5 Chimney and Termination Requirements

A.ChimneyRequirements 23B.Offsets/Returns 24C.TerminationRequirements 25

6 Chimney Installation A.TypicalChimneySystem 26B.AssembleChimneySections 27C.InstallChimneyAirkit(CAK4A) 27D.SecureOffset/Return 29E. InstallCeilingFirestops 29F. InstallAtticInsulationShield 30G.RoofPenetration 31H.ManufacturedHomeInstallation 31I. InstallChase/ChaseTop 32J. TerminationCapRequirements 33K. InstallTerminationCap 33

7 Finishing A.Template 35B FinishtheWall 35

1.Stone,BrickFinish 352.Tile,Granite,MarbleFinish 35

C.MantelandWallProjections 36D.FinishingtheHearthExtension 36E.Non-CombustibleSealantMaterial 38

8 Fireplace Setup A.FirebrickPlacement 39B.BaffleandBlanketPlacement 40C.InstallFascia(Fronts) 40

9 Reference Materials A.ChimneyComponents 41B.Accessories 45MESH-HHTFirescreen 45

2 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15


Model (circle one): 7100FP-BK-B 7100FP-GD-B7100FP-NL-B

Fireplace Install YES IF NO, WHY?Verifiedthatthechaseisinsulatedandsealed.(Pg.13)Requirednon-combustibleboardisinstalled.(Pg.15)Verifiedclearancestocombustibles.(Pg.11)Fireplaceisleveledandsecured.(Pg.14)Hearthextensionsize/heightdecided.(Pg.14&37)Outsideairkitinstalled.(Pg.16)OptionalHeatZonehasbeeninstalledbyaqualifiedservicetechnician.(Pg.18)

Chimney Section 5 (Pg. 24)Chimneyconfigurationcomplieswithdiagrams.Chimneyinstalled,lockedandsecuredinplacewithproperclearance.


Electrical Section 4 (Pg. 23)Switchwiresproperlyinstalled.

Finishing Section 7 (Pg. 36)Combustible materials not installed in non-combustible areas

Dealer/Distributor Phone #Serial #:

WARNING! Risk of Fire or Explosion! Failuretoinstallfireplaceacordingtotheseinstructionscanleadtoafireorexplosion.


Attic insulation shields installed.

ATTENTION INSTALLER:Follow this Standard Work Checklist

Thisstandardworkchecklististobeusedbytheinstallerinconjuctionwith,notinsteadof,theinstructionscontainedinthis installation manual.

Date Installed:Location of Fireplace:Installer:

Combustible materials not installed in non-combustible areas.Verifiedallclearancesmeetinstallationmanualrequirements.Mantelsandwallprojectionscomplywithinstallationmanualrequirements.Protectivehearthstripsandhearthextensioninstalledpermanualrequirements.

Fireplace Setup Section 8 (Pg. 40)Allpackagingandprotectivematerialsremoved.Firebrick,baffleandceramicblanketinstalledcorrectly.Faciaanddoorsproperlyinstalled.


Hearth & Home Technologies recommends the following:•Photographingtheinstallationandcopyingthischecklistforyourfile.•Thatthischecklistremainvisibleatalltimesonthefireplaceuntiltheinstallationiscomplete.







3Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

1 Product Specific & Important Safety Information

Model: 7100FP

Laboratory: OMNITestLaboratories,Inc.Report No: 061-S-41-2

Type: WoodFireplace

Standard: UL127andULC-S610-M87and(UM)84-HUD,ManufacturedHomeApproved.

A. Appliance Certification


C. Mobile Home Approved This appliance is approved formobile home installationswhennotinstalledinasleepingroomandwhenanoutsidecombustionair inlet isprovided.Thestructural integrityofthemobilehomefloor,ceiling,andwallsmustbemaintained.Theappliancemustbeproperlygroundedtotheframeofthemobilehomeanduseonlylisteddouble-wallconnectorpipe.D. Glass SpecificationsThisstoveisequippedwith5mmceramicglass.Replaceglassonlywith5mmceramicglass.Pleasecontactyourdealerforreplacementglass.

Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service ormaintenancecancauseinjuryorpropertydamage.


• Installationanduseofanydamagedappliance. • Modificationoftheappliance. • InstallationotherthanasinstructedbyHearth&Home Technologies. • Installationand/oruseofanycomponentpartnotapproved byHearth&HomeTechnologies. • Operatingappliancewithoutfullyassemblingall components. • DoNOTOverfire-Ifapplianceorchimneyconnectorglows, youareoverfiring.Anysuchactionthatmaycauseafirehazard.

WARNINGFire Risk.Hearth&HomeTechnologiesdisclaimsanyresponsibilityfor,andthewarrantywillbevoidedby,thefollowingactions:B. BTU & Efficiency Specifications

Hearth&HomeTechnologiesWILLNOTwarrantystovesthatexhibitevidenceofover-firing.Evidenceofover-firingincludes,butisnotlimitedto: • Warpedairtube • Deterioratedrefractorybrickretainers • Deterioratedbaffleandotherinteriorcomponents

NOTE: Thisinstallationmustconformwithlocalcodes.IntheabsenceoflocalcodesyoumustcomplywiththeUL127, (UM) 84-HUD and NPFA211 intheU.S.A.andtheULC 610-M87 and CAN/CSA-B365 Installation Codes inCanada.

The 7100FPmeets the U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency’scribwoodemissionlimitsforwoodheaterssoldafterMay15,2015.

EPACertification#: 5714-1-03EPACertifiedEmissions: 3.1gramsperhour*LHVTestedEfficiency: 77.6%**HHVTestedEfficiency: 71.8%

***EPABTUOutput: 12,100to58,800/hr.****PeakBTU/HourOutput: 92,400

VentSize: 8inchesFireboxSize: 3.4cubicfeet

RecommendedLogLength: 24inchesFuel SeasonedCordWood

**WeightedaverageLHV(LowHeatingValue)efficiencyusingDouglasFirdimensional lumberanddatacollectedduringEPAemissiontest.LHVassumesthemoistureisalreadyinavaporstatesothereisnolossinenergytovaporize.****WeightedaverageHHV(HighHeatingValue)efficiencyusingDouglasFirdimensional lumberanddatacollectedduringEPAemissiontest.HHVincludestheenergyrequiredtovaporizethewater in the fuel.***ArangeofBTUoutputsbasedonEPADefaultEfficiencyandtheburnratesfromthelowandhighEPAtests,usingDouglasFirdimensionallumber.****ApeakBTUoutoftheappliancecalculatedusingthemaxi-mumfirsthourburnrate fromtheHighEPATestand theBTUcontentofcordwood(8600)timestheefficiency.

4 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

E. Electrical Codes

NOTICE: This fireplacemust be electrically wired andgrounded in accordance with local codes or, in theabsenceoflocalcodes,withNational Electric Code ANSI/NFPA 70-latest editionor theCanadian Electric Code CSA C22.1.

• A110-120VACcircuitforthisproductmustbeprotectedwith ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection, incompliancewiththeapplicableelectricalcodes,whenitisinstalledindamplocations.

WARNING! Improperinstallation,adjustment,alteration,serviceormaintenancecancauseinjuryorpropertydam-age.

E. Non-Combustible MaterialsMaterialwhichwillnotigniteandburn,composedofanycombinationofthefollowing: -Steel -Plaster -Brick -Iron -Concrete -Tile -Glass -SlateMaterials reported as passing ASTM E 136, Standard Test Method for Behavior of Metals, in a Vertical Tube Furnace of 750° C. F. Combustible MaterialsMaterialmadeof/orsurfacedwithanyofthefollowingmaterials: -Wood -CompressedPaper -PlantFibers -Plastic -Plywood/OSB -SheetRock(drywall)Anymaterialthatcanigniteandburn:flameproofedornot,plasteredorun-plastered.

5Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

2 Getting Started

Termination Cap

Chimney penetrates roof preferably without affectingroof rafters

Offset/Return (with hanger straps)

Attic insulation shield must be used to keep insulation away from chimney if attic is insulated

Storm Collar

Framing headed off in ceiling joists


Chimney system

Combustible framing/headeron top of V-shaped standoffs (spacers)

Non-combustible material

Hearth extension

Non-combustibleroof flashing maintainsminimum clearancearound chimney

Additional lateralsupport for chimneyabove roof (or enclosedin chase) if needed

Enclosed space aboveand around fireplace

Ceiling firestopon floor of attic

Support strapson rafter supportschimney (not shown)

Outsidecombustion air

Outsidecombustion air

Chimney Air Kit (CAK-4A) (not shown) must be used with SL300 chimney

Protective metalhearth strip(s)

A. Typical Fireplace System

Figure 2.1 Typical Fireplace System

6 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15











In an exterior chase or projecting into a garage

Across a corner

Along a wall

As a room divider

24 in. (610mm)

24 in. (610mm)

24 in. (610mm)

48 in. (1219mm)

24 in. (610mm)



Figure 2.2 Fireplace Locations

NOTICE:• Illustrationsandphotosreflecttypicalinstallationsand

areFORDESIGNPURPOSESONLY.• Illustrations/diagramsarenotdrawntoscale.• Actualinstallation/appearancemayvaryduetoindividual

designpreference.• Hearth&HomeTechnologiesreservestherighttoalter



• Clearances(Section3).

NOTICE: Aminimum1/

B. Design and Installation Considerations

NOTICE: Checkbuildingcodespriortoinstallation.

• InstallationMUSTcomplywithlocal,regional,stateandnational codes and regulations.

• Consult insurancecarrier, localbuildinginspector,fireofficialsorauthoritieshavingjurisdictionoverrestrictions,installationinspectionandpermits.

1. Selecting Fireplace LocationsThis fireplace may be used as a room divider, installedalongawall,acrossacornerorusedinanexteriorchase.SeeFigure2.2.

Locating the fireplace in a basement, near frequentlyopeneddoors,centralheatoutletsorreturns,orotherloca-tionsofconsiderableairmovementcanaffect theperfor-mance.

Outside air must be used for combustion. The 7100FPcomesequippedwithanoutsideairinlettofeedcombus-tionair fromoutside thehome,alongwithanoutsideairterminationcap;themetalductisrequiredbutnotsupplied.Considerationshouldbegiventothesefactorsbeforede-ciding on a location.

Model#7100FP A B C D E F G H I

(Dimensionsfor finishedwalls)

in. 44 16 89-1/2 63-5/16 22-7/16 44-3/4 14-1/16 55-15/16 50-7/8

mm 1118 406 2273 1608 570 1137 357 1421 1292

7Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

2. Locating Fireplace & Chimney


• Installwithinthewarmairspaceenclosedbythebuildingenvelope.Thishelpstoproducemoredraft,especiallyduringlightinganddie-downofthefire.

• Penetratethehighestpartof theroof.Thisminimizesthe effects of wind loading.

• Locate termination cap away from trees, adjacentstructures,unevenrooflinesandotherobstructions.

• Minimizetheuseofchimneyoffsets.• Considerthefireplacelocationrelativetofloorandceiling

and attic joists.• Takeintoconsiderationtheterminationrequirementsin


Marginal Location:• Below peak

Location NOT recommended:• Not the highest point of the roof• Wind loading possible

Multi-level Roofs



Recommended Location:• Above peak

Recommended:• Insulated exterior chase

in cooler climates

Recommended Location:• Above peak• Inside heated space

Location NOT recommended:• Too close to tree• Below adjacent structure• Lower roof line• Avoid outside wall

Marginal Location:• Wind loading possible

Not recommended in lower level due to high negative pressure concerns that effect draft

Figure 2.3 Recommended Chimney Locations

• Installtheoutsideairkitwiththeintakefacingprevailingwinds during the heating season.

• Ensure adequate outdoor air for all combustionappliancesandexhaustequipment.

• Ensurefurnaceandairconditioningreturnventsarenotlocatedintheimmediatevicinityofthefireplace.

• Avoid installingthefireplaceneardoors,walkwaysorsmallisolatedspaces.

• Recessedlightingshouldbea“sealedcan”design.• Attichatchesweatherstrippedorsealed.• Atticmountedductworkandairhandlerjointsandseams

taped or sealed.

8 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

C. Tools and Supplies NeededBeforebeginningtheinstallationbesurethefollowingtoolsandbuildingsuppliesareavailable:

Reciprocatingsaw Framingmaterial

Pliers Non-combustiblesealant

Hammer Gloves

Phillipsscrewdriver Framingsquare

Flatbladescrewdriver Electricdrillandbits

Plumbline Safetyglasses

Level Tapemeasure


Misc. screws and nails

D. Inspect Fireplace and Components

WARNING! Risk of Fire and/or Explosion! Damagedpartscouldimpairsafeoperation.DO NOTinstalldam-aged,incompleteorsubstitutecomponents.Keepfire-placedry.

• Removefireplaceandcomponentsfrompackagingandinspectfordamage.

• Vent system components and doors are shipped inseparatepackages.

• Reporttoyourdealeranypartsdamagedinshipment.• Read all the instructions before starting the

installation. Follow these instructions carefully during the installation to ensure maximum safety and benefit.

E. Fireplace System RequirementsTheQuadra-Firefireplacesystemrequirementsconsistofthefollowing:

• Fireplace- Firebrick(includedwithfireplace)- Door(includedwithfireplace)- Non-combustible facingmaterial (included with

fireplace)- HearthExtension

• OutsideAir System (hood and collars includedwithfireplace)

• Fascia• ChimneySystem

- Chimneyairkit(includedwithfireplace,requiredwithSL300serieschimney)

- AtticInsulationShield(includedwithfireplace)- Chimneyterminationcap

• Non-combustiblefinishmaterial

Optionalcomponentsinclude:• Firescreen• LintelBar• HeatZoneKit

9Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

3 Framing and Clearances

A. Fireplace Dimensions


Blower Electric Access(right side of fireplace)

3-1/2 in.(89 mm)

32-1/2 in.(826 mm)

38 in.(965 mm)

40 in.(1016 mm)

42-5/16 in.(1075 mm)

45-13/16 in.(1148 mm)

23-7/16 in.(595 mm)

13-3/16 in.(335 mm)

10-13/16 in.(259 mm)

4-5/16 in.(109 mm)

6 in.(152 mm)

1 in.(25 mm)

13-3/4 in.(349 mm)

9-7/16 in.(240 mm)

43 in.(1092 mm)


Outside Air

Figure 3.1 Fireplace Dimensions

10 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

B. ClearancesWARNING! Risk of Fire!

YoumustcomplywithallminimumairspaceclearancestocombustiblesasspecifiedinFigure3.2.DO NOTpackrequiredairspaceswithinsulationorothermaterials.Framingorfinishingmaterialusedonthefrontof,orinfrontof,thefireplacecloserthantheminimumslistedmustbeconstuctedentirelyofnon-combustiblematerials(i.e.,steelstuds,concreteboard,etc.).Failuretocomplymaycausefire.

Figure 3.2 Clearances to Combustible Materials




2 in. (51 mm) min.

Attic Insulation


Ceiling Firestop(attic)

Storm Collar

Roof Flashing

2 in. min.(51 mm)

2 in. (51 mm) min.

2 in. (51 mm) min.

Ceiling Firestop Offset/Return with hanger straps

2 in.(51 mm)


2 in. (51 mm) min.

Must have 2 in. (51 mm)minimum clearance

to header

Electrical wires must be 3-1/2: (89mm) from top

0 in. to levelof standoffs

1 in. (25mm) to side of appliance

1/2 in. (13 mm) to backof appliance

0 floor

36 in. (914 mm) standoffs to ceiling

Chimney Air Kit required with SL chimney

11Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

1. Minimum Clearances to Combustibles

Position combustible/ non-combustible mantel60 in. (1524 mm) from base of fireplace

12 in.(305 mm)

46-1/4 in.(1175 mm)

24 in.(610 mm)

2 in.(51 mm)

50 in.(1270 mm)

44in.(1118 mm)

The finished cavity depth must be no less than 24 in. (610 mm) from the finished backwall to the outside of front wall framing.

Figure 3.3 Framing the Fireplace

WITHIN ENCLOSURE AREAFireplacetobackwall 1in.(25mm)Fireplacetosidewall 1in.(25mm)Ductbootstoframing 0in.(0mm)Top standoffs to header 0in.(0mm)Door opening to sidewall 22-7.8in.(581mm)

EXPOSED SURFACESFaceplatetosidewall 16in.(406mm)Heatzoneairgrillstoceiling 12in.(305mm)

MANTELNon-combustiblemantel(Non-combustibleframingmaterialsabovethefireplacetoceiling) 46in.(1168mm)Combustiblemantel(Combustibleframingmaterialsabovethefireplacetoceiling) 60in.(1524mm)Maximummanteldepth 12in.(305mm)

12 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

C. Construct the ChaseAchaseisaverticalboxlikestructurebuilttoenclosethefireplaceand/oritsventsystem.Verticalchimneysthatrunontheoutsideofabuildingmustbeinstalledinsideachase.







Ceiling Firestop

Metal Chase Top

Round Termination Cap

False Ceiling

Insulation in the outside walls of the chase

Attic Insulation



Ceiling Firestop


False Ceiling False Ceiling Insulation Insulation

Storm Collar

Figure 3.4 Chase Assembly

1 2 3

All outside walls should be insulated.

Figure 3.5 Chase Constructions

1. Fireplaceandchimneyenclosedinanexteriorchase. 2. Chimneyoffsetthroughexteriorwallandenclosedinchase. 3. Chaseconstructedonroof.

• Thechaseisconstructedusingframingmaterialsmuchthesameasthewallsinyourhome.Avarietyofsidingmaterialsmaybeused includingbrick, stone, veneerbrick,orstandardsidingmaterials.

• In constructing the chase, several factorsmust beconsidered:- Maintain a 2 in. (51mm) air space around the

chimney.- The chase top must be constructed of non-

combustiblematerial.- Incoldclimates,afirestopspacerandatticinsulation

shieldshouldbeinstalledinaninsulatedfalseceilingat the 8 ft. (2438mm) level above the fireplaceassembly.Thisreducesheatlossthroughthechase.

- Incoldclimates, thewallsof thechaseshouldbeinsulatedtothelevelofthefalseceilingasshowninFigure3.4.Thiswillhelpreduceheatlossfromthehomearoundthefireplace.


WARNING! You must install false ceilings and ceil-ing firestops at each floor of the chase or every 10 ft (3.05 m) to control spread of fire.

WARNING! Risk of Fire! DO NOT sealareabetweenfirestopopeningandchimneypipeexceptwhere theyentertheatticorleavethewarmairenvelopeofthehome(use600°Fsealant).

WARNING! Risk of Fire! Youmustmaintainaminimum2in.(51mm)airspaceclearancetoinsulationandothermaterialssurroundingthechimneysystem.• Insulationandothermaterialsmustbefirmlysecuredto

preventaccidentalcontactwithchimneysystem.• Thechasemustbeproperlyblockedtopreventblown

insulation or other combustibles from entering andmakingcontactwithfireplaceorchimney.

• Failuretopreventcontactbetweeninsulationorothermaterialsandchimneysystemmaycauseoverheatingandfire.

13Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

D. Frame the Fireplace

NOTICE: Hearth extension designmust be determinedbeforeinstallationoffireplace.

Ifthefireplaceisplacedonthefloorthemaximumheightofafinishedraisedhearthis5-3/4”, ifyouwantahigherraisedhearththefireplacemustbeplacedonaplatform.

NOTICE: Wiring for fans must be done before framed enclosure is completed. If using a Heat Zone Kit, it also must be installed before enclosure is complete.The7100FPFireplacewillfitaframedopeningheightof46-1/4in.(1174mm)talland44in.(1118mm)wide.Figure

WARNING! Risk of Fire! Youmustcomplywithallminimumairspaceclearancestocombustibles.DO NOTpackrequiredairspaceswithinsulationorothermateri-als.

WARNING! Risk of Fire! Complywithallminimumclear-ancesspecified.• Aminimum 1/2 in. (13mm) air clearancemust be


• Chimneysectionsatanylevelrequirea2in.(51mm)minimumairspaceclearancebetweentheframingandchimneysection.

3.3 shows a typical framing (using 2 x 4 lumber) of thefireplace, assuming combustible materials are used. Allrequiredclearancestocombustiblesaroundthefireplacemustbeadheredto.SeeFigure3.2.Anyframingacrossthetopofthefireplacemustbeabovethelevelofthetopstandoffs.(Norecessabovestandoffs.)

The finished cavity depth must be no less than 24 in.(610mm)fromthefinishedbackwalltotheoutsideoffrontwallframing.Framingmustextendstraightupallthewayto the ceiling.

CAUTION! RiskofCuts/Abrasions.Wearprotectiveglovesandsafetyglassesduringinstallation.Sheetmetaledgesaresharp.

WARNING! Risk of Fire! Preventcontactwithsagging,looseinsulation.• DO NOT install against vapor barriers or exposed

insulation.• Secureinsulationandvaporbarriers.• Provideminimumairspaceclearancesatthesidesand


E. Secure and Level the FireplaceThis fireplacemaybeplacedoneither a combustible ornoncombustiblecontinuousflatsurface.Followtheinstruc-tionsforframinginSection3.Slidethefireplaceintoposi-tion.Besuretoprovidetheminimum1in.airclearanceatthesidesand1/2in.atthebackofthefireplace.



These surfaces must be even!

Drywall Non-combustiblefacing material

Figure 3.6 Drywall - Non-combustible Facing Material

Standoffs are attached to the fireplace.The unit can be positioned with the standoffs touchingcombustiblewallsorframingbutDONOTpackinsulationorothermaterials intheairspacebetweenthefireplaceand wall.

14 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

1in. (25 mm) Overlap

Metal strips 2 in. (51 mm) under edge of Fireplace and Hearth Extension and extended 2 in. (51 mm) beyond both sides of fireplace opening.Nail or screw metal strips in place.

Pallet Mounting/Floor Brackets

Raised Platform


2 in.(51 mm)

1 in. (25 mm) min.overlap

2 in.(51 mm)

Top piece must overlapbottom piece

Figure 3.8 Protect the Front of an Elevated Platform

F. Protective Metal Hearth Strips

Figure 3.7 Position the Protective Metal Hearth Strips

• Locatethetwoprotectivemetalhearthstripsmeasuringapproximately26in.x4in.(660mmx102mm)includedwiththisfireplace.

• Slideeachmetalstrip2in.(51mm)underfrontedgeoffireplace.

• Overlapstripsinthemiddleoffireplaceopeningby1in. (25mm)minimum.

• Metal stripsmust extendbeyond the front and sidesof the fireplace opening by at least 2 in. (51mm),Figure3.7).

• Protectthefrontofaplatformelevatedabovethehearthextensionwithmetalstrips(notincludedwithfireplace)per Figure 3.8. See Section 6 for hearth extensioninstructions.

WARNING! Risk of Fire! ProtectivemetalhearthstripsMUSTbeinstalledoncombustiblesurfaces.DO NOTcovermetalstripswithcombustiblematerials.Sparksorembersmayigniteflooring.

WARNING! Risk of fire! Hightemperatures,sparks,embersorotherburningmaterialfallingfromthefireplacemayigniteflooringorconcealedcombustiblesurfaces.• ProtectivemetalhearthstripsMUSTbeinstalled.• Hearth extensionsMUSTbe installed exactly as


WARNING! Risk of Fire!Followtheseinstructionsexactly.Facingmaterialsmustbeinstalledproperlytopreventfire.NomaterialsmaybesubstitutedwithoutauthorizationbyHearth&HomeTechnologies.

G. Facing Material

TOOLS NEEDED: Powered drill with #2 Phillips head bit;caulkinggun.Onlynon-combustiblematerials(suppliedwithfireplace)maybeusedtocoverthemetalfireplacefront.

NOTE: Allboardsarepre-drilledforyourconvenience.BoardsMUST be attached in the following order:bottom,top,andthenthetwosides,red-paintedsideout.Thetopandbottomboardshouldeachhaveahangtagattached.Leavethemattachedforreferralforthefinishingoperation.

• Attach the bottom board to the bottom of the outerfireplacecanwithenclosedscrews,ensuringtheboardis centered. DO NOT remove hang tags.

• Centerandattachthetopboardtotheoutercanandframingmembers. DO NOT remove hang tags.

• Using the SuperCalstick, run a light bead (1/8 in.minimum)between themetalsurfaceof thefireplaceandthebuttedgesofthetopboard.SeeFigure3.9.

• Ensuringthetopofthesidepiecesandthetopboardalign,attachthesidepiecestotheoutercanandframingmembers.

NOTICE: 1/8 in.of thefacingmaterialmaybevisibleafterfinishingmaterialsareapplied.This1/8 in.mustbepaintedortheredwillshow.

Figure 3.9 Apply Non-combustible Materials

Side Board

Bottom Board

Side Board

Top Board

DO NOT remove hang


Apply bead of Super Calstick to

edge here

15Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

H. Outside Air KitAnoutsideairkitmustbeusedforcombustion.Hearth&HomeTechnologiesrecommendsyouutilizetheshortestductruntooptimizetheperformanceoftheoutsideairkit.Theoutsideairinlethoodshouldbepositionedinamannerthatwillnotallowsnow,leaves,etc.toblocktheinlet.Insomeinstallationstheairductmayneedtoberunvertically.Insuchaninstallation,a3ft(914mm)heightdifferencemustbemaintainedfromthetopoftheupper-mostchimneysectiontotheoutsideairinlethood.

RefertoFigures3.10and3.11whenplacingtheoutsideair inlet hood.


• Cut a 6-1/2 in. (165mm) hole in outside wall toaccommodateairpiping.

• Use6in.(152mm)metalflexorrigidpiping(notsupplied)todirectlyconnectoutsideairtofireplaceintake.Insulatethepipetopreventfrostcondensation.

• Insulating thepipe isn’t requiredbutwillhelppreventfrost condensation.

• Usethesuppliedoutsideairinlethood.• Seal between thewall and the pipewith silicone to

preventmoisturepenetrationandairleaks.• Sealbetweentheoutsideairinlethoodandthehouse


CAUTION! Risk of Cuts/Abrasions. Wearprotectiveglovesandsafetyglassesduringinstallation.Sheetmetaledgesaresharp.

CAUTION! Risk of Fire or Asphyxiation! DO NOT drawoutsidecombustionairfromwall,floororceilingcavity,orenclosedspacessuchasanatticorgarage.• DO NOTplaceoutsideairinlethoodclosetoexhaust


• Locateoutsideairinlethoodtopreventblockagefromleaves,snow/ice,orotherdebris.Blockagescouldcausecombustionairstarvation.

16 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

3 ft. (91cm) min. from top of uppermost chimney section to outside air inlet.

Locate outside air inlet to prevent blockage from leaves, snow/ice, or other debris.

Attic insulation shield must be used to keep insulation away from chimney.

Ceiling firestop on floor of attic

Outlet blocked bysnow, leaves, etc.


Garage orcombustible

liquids storage


Attic spaceNO

Outlet placedhigher than 3 ft

below thetermination cap


UL181 Listed Class 0 or Class 1 metal flex orrigid duct Figure 3.11 Outside Air Installation

Figure 3.10 Outside Air Inlet Locations

17Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

I. Auxiliary Convection Air SystemNote: Boththeoutsideairandauxiliaryairkitsareinstalledontherighthandsideofthefireplace.


Figure 3.13 Auxiliary Convection Air Duct



Figure 3.12 Outside Air

Termination Caps supplied with fireplace

UL 181 Listed Class 0 or Class 1 metal flex or rigid duct

Outside Air intake

Auxiliary Convection


Open/Close Knob for

outside air



Auxiliary Convection Air LeverTheauxiliaryconvectionair lever is locked fromthe fac-tory.Ifyouaregoingtousethisfunctionforairmovementyoumustremovethelock.



Theauxiliaryconvection lever is locatedunderneath thefrontlowerpanelasshowninFigure3.14.

Figure 3.14 Auxiliary Convection Air Lever

8-32 Screw

Convection Lock Bracket

NOTICE:If you live in an area with very cold winter months, you will want to use room air as opposed to bringing in ex-tremely cold air from outside of the home. This will eliminate creating a draft of cold outside air infiltrating your home. Definitely keep the lever to the LEFT when not using the fireplace if the duct has been installed.

18 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15







CAUTION! ALLwiringshouldbedonebyaqualifiedelec-trician and shall be in compliance with local codes andwiththeNationalElectricCodeNFPA/NECNo.70-current.CSC22.1CanadianElectricCode.

Possible Air Duct Runs / Locations

Figure 3.15 Minimum Clearances to Combustibles

Ceiling RegisterWall Register

Floor Register

Two Duct Kits

Ceiling Register

12 in. (305mm) minimum clearance from register to ceiling

J. Heat Zone Kit (Optional)TheHeat-Zoneaccessorykitconveyswarmairfromthefireplacethroughairduct(s)toremotelocationsinthesameroomorotherroomsofthebuilding.Youmayinstall1or2Heat-Zonekitsonthefireplace.InstallationofthiskitMUSTbeperformedbyaqualifiedservicetechnician.Ifanypartsaremissingordamaged,contactyourlocaldealerbeforestartinginstallation.DONOTinstalladam-agedkit.


TheHeat-Zone®Woodkitiscarefullyengineeredandmustbeinstalledonlyasspecified.Ifyoumodifyitoranyofitscomponentsyouwillvoidthewarrantyandyoumaypossiblycauseafirehazard.Installationmustbedoneaccordingtoapplicablelocal,state,provincialand/ornational codes.


19Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

Installation• Removetheknockoutorcoverplatefromthetopofthe

fireplaceanddiscardit.SeeFigure3.16.• Cuta3in.(76mm)holeintheinsulationboardasper



Mounting Plate

Starter Pipe


Cut a 3 in. (76 mm)

hole in insulation board

3-13/16 in. (97 mm)

3-1/8 in. (79 mm)


Run Length Cut Pipe20 - 40 ft (6-12 m) 2 in. (51 mm)*


10 - 20 ft (3 - 6 m) 8 in. (203 mm) 3 - 10 ft (1 - 3 m) No cut needed**


• DeterminethenecessarylengthofstarterpipefromtheTable3.1andcutasrequired.

Figure 3.16

• Slide the starter pipe into the fireplace,matching theholesintheplatetotheholesinthefireplace.

• Placetheadapteronthemountingplateliningupholes.Usingfoursheetmetalscrewsincludedinthekit,securethe adapter andmounting plate into fireplace.Aftersecuringtothefireplace,tapedowntheadapteredgestothetopofthefireplacewithaluminumtapetopreventleakage.

• Determine the location for the air register and fanhousingassembly.Cuta7-5/8in.x13-5/8in.(143mmx346mm)holebetweenframingmembers(wallstudsorfloor joists).Thebracketscanberotated180°andmountedtothebacksideofthe2x4ifnecessary.SeeFigure3.18.

NOTICE: The fanandelectricalconnectionsmustbeaccessibleforservicingperlocalcoderequirements.

NOTICE: Ifthefanhousingisinstalledina2x4wall,thefrontofthehousingwillprotrudeapproximately1/4in.(6mm)fromthefinishedwall.

• Attachenough6 in. (152mm)B-Ventas required foryourinstallationtothefanhousing.A maximum of (4) 90° elbows is recommended. Securely twistlocktheB-Venttotheadapter. AlsoscrewtheB-Venttotheoutletboxonthefan


Figure 3.17

WARNING! Risk of Fire! Comply with all minimumclearancesspecified.• Aminimum1 in. (13mm) air clearancemust be


NOTE: It is important the pipe length be adhered to or it will affect the performance of your fireplace.

• Onthemountingplate,handbendthetabsdownward.Slidethetabsovertheoutsideofthestarterpipe.Securewith four sheetmetal screws included in fastenerspackage.Figure3.17.

Table 3.1

20 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

Securely Twist Lock B-Vent to Adapter

Secure B-Vent to Fan Housing with sheet metal screws

Return Air GrilleInstall with Louvers pointed down


Can rotate 180o

2 x 4 Wall

Fan Housing

1/2 in. (13mm)clearance tocombustiblesmust bemaintained.

2 x 4 wall

Sheet Rock

Leave 1/4" (6mm) clearance from all 4 outer edges

Seal grille using gasketing supplied with the kit

• Installthevariablespeedwallrheostat(withsettingon“OFF”)inaconvenientlocation.ThisswitchwillcontroltheHeat-Zonefanoperation.

• Remove the junctionbox.Wire110VACserviceTOthewall rheostatandFROM thewall rheostat to thefanjunctionbox.Usewirenutstosecurethe110VACservicewirestothehot(black)andneutral(white)fanwiresandscrewthe110VACgroundwiretothejunctionbox.SeeFigure3.21.

• Securethereturnairgrilletothefanhousingmakingsure it is flush.Thegrillemust be installedwith thelouverspointingdown.


Junction Box Removed

Wire Clamp

Wire Nuts

Junction Box




NOTICE: Secure the duct so that clearance to the fire-placeouterwrapismaintained.Tapeallseamswithalumi-numtape1-1/4in.(32mm)minimumwidthorasspecifiedbylocalcodes.)• Sealallthewayaroundtheinsideofthereturnairgrilleto


Figure 3.18

Figure 3.19

Figure 3.20

Figure 3.21

21Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

14-2 w/ground

Standard wall mount with Junction Box

14-3 w/ground








WHITEMatch colors to wire harness (red to red, white to white, etc) and secure with a wire nut

Incoming Power(110V)

Power to the FireplaceSnap Disc bypass switch

Figure 4.1 Fan Wiring Diagram

NOTICE: Themanual override switch, rheostat speedcontrolandcoverplatearesupplied.Youwillneedtosupply:14-3wirewithground;14-2wirewithground;standardwallmountjunctionbox;wirenuts.

• Remove junctionboxcoverplateon thebottomrightsideofthefireplace.

• Threadthe14-3withgroundwirethroughtheopeningwiththestrainreliefonthecoverplate.

• Matchcolorstowireharness,(redtored,whitetowhite,etc.)andsecurewithwirenuts.

WARNING! Risk of Fire! DO NOT applycombustiblefin-ishingmaterialsoveranypartofthefrontofthisfireplace.• Themetal fireplace facemay only be coveredwith

noncombustiblematerialssuchasceramic tile,brick,orstone.

• Donotcoverorblockanycoolingairslots.

NOTICE:Wiring for fansmust be done before framedenclosureiscompleted.IfusingaHeatZonekit,italsomustbeinstalledbeforeenclosureiscomplete.

4 Electrical Wiring

22 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

6 ft (1.8 m) max.unsupportedrun

20 ft (6.10 m) max.pipe between anoffset & return

Ceiling firestop

35 ft (10.7 m)max. straightunsupported

chimney height

14.5 ft (4.42 m) min. height/single offset-return20 ft. (6.10 m) min. height/double offset-return

50 ft (15.24 m) max. height

6 ft (1.83 m) max.unsupported chimneyabove roof

45 3/4 in.(1162 mm)to top of standoffs

Attic Insulation Shield

Chimney Air Kit required with SL


Figure 5.1 Chimney Requirements

NOTICE: Amaximumoftwopairsofoffsetsandreturnsmaybeused.

Minimumoverallstraightheight 13ft 3.96mMinimumheightwithsingleoffset/return

14.5ft 4.42m

Doubleoffset/returnminimumheight 20ft 6.1mMaximumheight 50ft 15.24mMaximumchimneylengthbetweenanoffsetandreturn

20ft 6.1m


35ft 10.67m


6ft 1.83m


35ft 10.67m


6ft 1.83m

WARNING! Risk of Fire! Youmustmaintain2in.(51mm)air space clearance to insulation and other combustiblematerials around the chimney system. Failure to do somaycauseoverheatingandfire.

NOTICE:Youmust provide support for the pipe duringconstructionandchecktobesureinadvertentloadinghasnotdislodgedthechimneysectionfromthefireplaceoratanychimneyjoint.

A. Chimney RequirementsVerticaldistancesaremeasuredfromthebaseofthefireplaceasshowninFigure5.1.

5 Chimney and Termination Requirements

Table 5.2 Chimney Component DimensionsTable 5.1 Chimney Requirements


Chimney Stabilizer

SL3 4-3/4 121


SL315 13-3/8 340

SL330 15-1/2 394

Chimney Sections*

SL306 4-3/4 121

SL312 10-3/4 273

SL318 16-3/4 425

SL324 22-3/4 578

SL336 34-3/4 883

SL348 46-3/4 1187

* Dimensions reflect effective height.

23Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

Table 5.3 Offset Dimensions

B. Offsets/Returns• Useanoffset/returntobypassoverheadobstructions.• Anoffsetandreturncanbeusedasasingleentityorseparatedbychimneysection(s).

WARNING! Risk of Fire! DO NOT useoffset/returnsgreaterthan30°.Chimneydraftwillberestrictedandcouldcauseoverheatingandfire.Secureoffsetswithscrews(nottoexceed1/2”/13mminlength)Securereturnswithstrapping.Straightchimneysectionsmaybesecuredwithscrews.Keepchimneysectionsfromseparatingortwisting.

• Measuretheshiftneededtoavoidtheoverheadobstruction.RefertodimensionAinFigure5.2.• FindtheappropriateAdimensionlistedinTable5.3.TheBdimensioncoincidingwiththeAdimensionmeasurementin

Table5.3representstherequiredverticalclearanceneededtocompletetheoffset/return.• Readacrossthecharttofindthenumberofchimneysections/modelnumbersneededbetweentheoffsetandreturn.



1-1/4 in. (32 mm)OVERLAP

Figure 5.2 Chimney Offset/Return

Example: Your“A”dimensionfromFigure5.2is14-1/2in.(368mm).UsingTable5.3thedimensionclosestto,butnotlessthan14-1/2in.(368mm)is14-1/2in.(368mm)us-inga30°offset/return.



15-degree 30-degree

SL306 SL312 SL318 SL324 SL336 SL348A B A B

in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm15/8 41 133/8 340 35/8 92 151/2 394 - - - - - -

27/8 73 173/4 451 51/2 140 185/8 473 1 - - - - -

41/8 102 223/8 568 71/4 184 213/4 552 2 - - - - -

41/2 114 235/8 600 81/2 216 233/4 603 - 1 - - - -

53/4 146 281/4 718 101/4 260 27 686 1 1 - - - -

6 152 293/8 746 111/2 292 29 737 - - 1 - - -

71/4 184 34 864 131/4 337 321/8 816 - 2 - - - -

73/4 197 361/8 918 141/2 368 341/8 867 - - - 1 - -

83/4 222 393/4 1010 161/4 413 373/8 949 1 - - 1 - -

103/8 264 455/8 1159 191/4 489 421/2 1080 - - 2 - - -

105/8 270 463/4 1187 201/2 521 445/8 1133 - - - - 1 -

117/8 302 513/8 1305 221/4 565 473/4 1213 1 - - - 1 -

131/2 243 571/4 1454 251/4 641 527/8 1343 - - - 2 - -

133/4 349 583/8 1483 261/2 673 55 1397 - - - - - 1

15 381 63 1600 281/4 718 581/8 1476 1 - - - - 1

161/2 419 683/4 1746 311/4 794 631/4 1607 - 1 - - - 1

18 457 745/8 1895 341/4 870 681/2 1740 - - 1 - - 1

195/8 498 803/8 2042 371/4 946 733/4 1873 - - - 1 - 1

205/8 524 841/8 2137 391/8 994 767/8 1953 1 - - 1 - 1

223/4 578 917/8 2334 431/4 1099 841/8 2137 - - - - 1 1

24 610 961/2 2451 451/8 1146 871/4 2216 1 - - - 1 1

257/8 657 1031/2 2629 491/4 1251 941/2 2400 - - - - - 2


24 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

Slanted Roofs

Flat Roofs

Chimney mustextend 3 ft (.9 m)above the roof

Chimney must extend 2 ft (.6 m)above any portion of the roof oradjacent structures within 10 ft (3 m) of the chimney

Chimney mustextend 3 ft (.9 m)above the roof

Chimney must extend 2 ft (.6 m)above any portion of the roof oradjacent structures within10 ft (3 m) of the chimney

Multiple Chimney Locations

A B6 in. (minimum) up to 20 in.

152 mm/508 mm18 in. minimum

457 mm20 in. and over 0 in. minimum

Gas, Wood or Fuel OilTermination Cap






Cap **

A *




ar W


* If using decorative cap cover(s), this distance may need to be increased. Refer to the installation instructions supplied with the decorative cap cover.

** In a staggered installation with both gas and wood terminations, the wood termination cap must be higher than the gas termination cap.

Figure 5.3 Multiple Chimney Locations

C. Termination Requirements• Installacapapprovedandlistedforthisfireplacesystem.• Locatecapwhereitwillnotbecomepluggedbysnoworothermaterials.• Locatecapawayfromtreesorotherstructures.• Thebottomoftheterminationcapmustbeatleast3ft(.91m)abovetheroofANDatleast2ft(.61m)aboveanyportion

ofroofwithin10ft(3.05m)asshowninFigure5.3.• ThedistancerequiredbetweencapsisshowninFigure5.3.

25Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

6 Chimney Installation

Termination Cap

Additionalsupport fortall chimneys

Storm Collar

Maintain minimumclearances to combustibles asspecified

Chimney must extendbeyond combustibleroof structure

Maintain minimumheight of chimneyabove roof

Install roof flashingaccording to minimumrequirements

Offsets/returnsmay not exceed30° from vertical Support straps for offsets/

returns must be securedto adequate framing

Ceiling firestopsare required wherechimney passes through ceiling orfloor

Attic Shield isrequired where chimneypasses through attic

Figure 6.1 Typical Chimney System - Guidelines for Chimney System Installation

NOTICE: Chimneyperformancemayvary.

• Trees,buildings,rooflinesandwindconditionsaffectperformance.• Chimneyheightmayneedadjustmentifsmokingoroverdraftoccurs.

A. Typical Chimney System

26 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

Attach Flue First


Secure with Screws Provided

Push TogetherSecure to Top

C. Install Chimney Air kit (CAK4A)

NOTICE: ChimneyAirKit,PartCAK4A is requiredwhenusing theSL-300PipeSeries.Detailed instructions aresuppliedwiththekit.IfusingtheDura-PlusSystem(mustbe8 in./203mm indiameter), thestarter ring thatcamewiththefireplacemustberemovedandreplacedwiththeDura-PlusBasePlate.TheCAK4AisnotrequiredwithaDura-PlusSystem.

• Installthechimneypipefirst.• Handbend the tabs inpositionbeforeplacingon the

fireplace.• Placetheboxontopofthefireplacearoundthechimney


• Usethepre-punchedholesinthetabsasguidesanddrillholesthroughthefireplacetop.

• SecuretheCAK4Ainplace.SeeFigure6.3.• Sealaroundthekitattheflueandatthetopofthecan


Figure 6.3 Installing the CAK4A

NOTICE: Chimneysectionscannotbedisassembledoncelockedtogether.Planahead!

• Lockchimneysectionsand/oroffsets/returnstogetherbypushingdownwarduntilthetopsectionmeetsthestopbeadonthelowersection.

• Pullonthetopsectiontomakesureitisfullyengagedand will not separate.

• Youmayuse#6or#8sheetmetalscrewsnolongerthan1/2in.(13mm)tofastenchimneysectionstogether.DoNOTpenetrateinnerflue.

WARNING! Risk of Fire! YouMUSTusescrewstofas-tenoffset/returnstochimneysectionstokeepthechim-neyparts from twisting.Failure todosocouldcausefire.

• Fasten offset/returns to chimney sections. DoNOTpenetrateinnerflue.

• Secure chimney returnswithhanger strapsprovided;fasten to studs or joists.

• Verticalstraightrunsofchimneymustbesupportedevery35ft(10.7m).

B. Assemble Chimney Sections Useonlythosecomponentsdescribedinthismanual.


Attacheitherastraightchimneysectionoranoffsettothetopofthefireplace(dependingonyourinstallationrequire-ment).Chimneysectionsare locked togetherbypushingdownwarduntilthetopsectionmeetsthestopbeadonthelower section.


WARNING! Risk of Fire! DO NOT install substitute ordamagedchimneycomponents.

Figure 6.2 Assembling Chimney Sections

27Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

NOTES: • TheCAK4Aterminationcapmustbeaminimumof4ft

(1219mm)abovethegroundandkeptfreeofdebris.• If theCAK4A is installed inachase, theCAK4Aside

terminationcapmustbeat least3ft(914mm)belowthechimneytop.

• Sealaroundthecapandflexwithcaulktostopairfromgettingintothechase(seeFigures6.4).

Wire Ties



4" Duct - Use UL181 Class 0 or Class 1 ducting.

Figure 6.4 Installing Flex Pipe

WARNING! Risk of Fire!• Theflexpipemustneverbecompressedordeformed!• Restrictingtheairflowinsidetheflexpipemayincrease


28 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

D. Secure Offset/Return

E. Install Ceiling Firestops CAUTION! Risk of Fire! Ceilingfirestopsmustbeused

wheneverthechimneypenetratesaceiling/floor.• Chaseconstructionrequiresceilingfirestopsateach

floororevery10ft.(3.05m)ofclearspace.• Theceilingfirestopslowsspreadoffireandreduces


• Installaceilingfirestopwheneverchimneypenetratesceiling/floor.

• MarkandcutanopeninginceilingasshowninFigure6.6.• Frametheopeningwiththesamesizelumberusedin

the ceiling joists.• Nailtheceilingfirestoptothebottomoftheceilingjoists

whenthereisaroomabove.• Useanatticinsulationshieldiftheceilingisinsulated.

Theceilingfirestopmaythenbeattachedaboveorbelowthe joists.

ROOM ABOVE (non-insulated ceiling)

ATTIC ABOVE (insulated ceiling)


Ceilng firestop attached to bottom

of framing

Ceiling firestop attached to top of


Note: Use same dimensional lumber for framing ceiling firestop and joists.

2 in. (51mm) clearance

2 in. (51mm) clearance

WARNING! Risk of Fire! DO NOT seal area betweenfirestopopeningandchimneypipeexceptwheretheyen-ter theatticor leave thewarmairenvelopeof thehome(use600°Fsealant).

Figure 6.6 Installing the Ceiling Firestop

Whenoffsetsandreturnsare joined tostraightpipesec-tions,theymustbelockedintopositionwithscrews(outeronly).Topreventgravityfrompullingthechimneysectionsapart,thereturnsandthechimneystabilizershavehangerstrapsforsecuringthesepartstojoistsorrafters.SeeFig-ure6.5.

* Use#6or#8sheetmetalscrew,orlarger,nolongerthan1/2in.(13mm).

WARNING! Risk of Fire!• Secureoffsetswithscrews(nottoexceed1/2in./13mm

Inlength).• Securereturnswithstrapping.• Straightchimneysectionsmaybesecuredwithscrew

(nottoexceed1/2in./13mmInlength)atthejoints.• Keepchimneysectionsfromseparatingortwisting.






Figure 6.5 Secure the Chimney

Catalog #A B

in. mm in. mm

FS338 14-1/2 368 14-1/2 368

FS339 14-1/2 368 18-3/8 467

FS340 14-1/2 368 23 584

29Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15


• RefertoFigures6.7,6.8,6.9.• Rolltheshield(aroundthechimneyifalreadyinstalled).


• Insert threescrews into thematchingholes to formatube.

• Bendthetabsonthebottomofthetubeinwardto90°tomaintainchimneyairspace(refertoFigure6.8).

• Resttheinsulationshieldontheceilingfirestopbelow.• Bendthetabsatthetopoftheshieldinwardto90°to



• Metalispreferred,althoughanymaterialstiffenoughtoholdbacktheinsulationcanbeused.

WARNING! Risk of Fire! Useofcardboardorothermaterialsthatcandeflectunderhumidityorotherenvi-ronmentalconditionsisnotrecommended.

• The shield or barriermust be tall enough to extendabovetheinsulationandpreventblown-ininsulationfromspillingintothecavity.

• Maintainspecifiedairspacesaroundchimney.• Checkinstructionsandlocalcodesforfurtherdetails.

Insert three screws

Tabs bent 90°

Figure 6.7 Prepare Attic Insulation Shield

Tabs bent in 90°and taped

Tabs bent 90° to rest against pipe

Attic Insulation Shield

Ceiling Firestop

10-1/2 in.(267 mm)

14-1/2 in. (368 mm)diameter




2 in. (51 mm)air space

Tabsbent in 90°and taped

Tabs bent 90° to rest against pipe

Attic Insulation Shield

Ceiling Firestop10-1/2 in.(267 mm)

14-1/2 in. (368 mm)diameter




2 in. (51 mm)air space

Figure 6.8 Install Attic Insulation Shield (firestop above ceiling)

Figure 6.9 Install Attic Insulation Shield (firestop below ceiling)

F. Install Attic Insulation ShieldWARNING! Risk of Fire! YouMUSTinstallanatticinsu-lationshieldwhen there isanypossibilityof insulationorother combustible material coming into contact with thechimney.• DO NOTpackinsulationbetweenthechimneyandthe

atticinsulationshield.• Failuretokeepinsulationandothermaterialsawayfrom

chimneypipecouldcausefire.• DO NOToffsetchimneyinsideinsulationshield.

Double-check the Chimney AssemblyContinueassemblingthechimneysectionsupthroughthe ceiling firestops as needed. While doing so, beawareof theheight andunsupported chimney lengthlimitationsgivenunderSection5.


30 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

G. Roof Penetration• RefertoFigure6.10.• Plumbfromrooftocenterofchimney.• Driveanailupthroughrooftomarkcenterofpipe.• Measuretoeithersideofnailandmarkthe14-1/2in.x

14-1/2in.(368mmx368mm)openingrequired.• Measureopeningonthehorizontal;actuallengthmay

belargerdependingonroofpitch.• Cutoutandframeopening.• RefertoChapter 25 of the Uniform Building Code for


Figure 6.10 Ceiling/Attic Construction

Install Flashing• Assemblechimneysoitpassesthroughtheframed

opening.• Sliptheflashingoverthechimney.

NOTICE: Roofingshinglesmustbebelowtheflashingplateon the lowersideofasloped roofandover theflashingplateonthesidesandtop.

• Nailtheflashingtotheroof.Keepgapsbetweentheflashingplateandtherooftoaminimum.

• Caulktheflashingplateandroofjunctionaswellastheverticalseamontheflashing.Allnailheadsmustbecaulkedwitharoofingsealant.

• Caulktheoverlapseamofanyexposedpipesectionsthatarelocatedabovetherooflinetopreventleaks.







Figure 6.11 Installing Part: 12966A, Configuration 1

NOTICE: REQUIREDformanufacturedhomes.

• Locatethepointwherethechimneywillexittheroofbyplumbingdowntothecenterofthechimney.Layout,cutand framea14-1/2 in. (368mm)squareopening(measuredonthehorizontal)throughtheceilingandroofstructure. Consult local codes for framing details.

• The thimblemustextendcompletely through theroofstructureshieldingcombustiblematerials.Fivelocationholeshavebeenprovidedtoallowforavarietyofceiling/roofthicknesses.Athimbleextensionisrequiredwhentheceiling/roofthicknessexceeds12-1/2in.(318mm).Theextensionshouldoverlapthethimbleoneinch.

• Toattachtheextensiontothethimble,drill1/8in.(3mm)holesthroughtheoutershieldofthethimbleusingthepredrilledholesintheextensionasguides.Attachtheextensiontothethimbleusingthescrewsprovidedwiththeextension.

• Installthethimbleassemblyandnailitsecurelytotheframingmembers.

H. Manufactured Home Installation SL-300 Series Ceiling/Roof Thimble

• Centertheflashingoverthechimneyandnailittotheroof.Keepgapsbetweentheflashingplateandtherooftoaminimum.Caulktheflashingplateandroofjunctionaswellastheverticalseamontheflashing.Allnailheadsmustbecaulkedwitharoofingsealant.

• Finish assembling the chimney storm collar andtermination cap following the installation instructionsprovidedwiththem.

31Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15








Figure 6.13 Installing Part 12966A Configuration 3

I. Install Chase/Chase Top• YouMUSTuseachasetopinachaseinstallation.

Chase tops are available from yourQuadra-Firedealerormaybefieldconstructed.

• Includeaturndownanddripedgetopreventwaterfromseepingintothechase.

• Includea2 in. (51mm)soldered,weldedorspuncollararoundpipeopeningtokeepwaterout.

• Providea1/8in.(3mm)gaparoundthefluepipe.• Slope the chase top downward away from the


WARNING! Risk of Fire! DO NOT caulkthepipetothechasetopcollar.• Caulkallseamstopreventleaks.

Slope Downward(1/4 in. per footminimum)

Turn-down Drip Edge


2 in. (51 mm) Collar on Chase Top

.018 (26 ga) min. Galvanized Chase Top

Figure 6.14 Chase Top Construction







Figure 6.12 Installing Part 12966A, Configuration 2

32 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

J. Termination Cap Requirements• Installacapapprovedandlistedforthisfireplacesystem.• Locatecapwhereitwillnotbecomepluggedbysnow

orothermaterials.• Locatecapawayfromtreesorotherstructures.• Thebottomoftheterminationcapmustbeatleast3ft




Chase Top



6 in. (153 mm)Minimum top ofchase to top ofchimney pipe

Collar2 in. (51 mm)

Minimum Height

Do NOTblock air holes

Caulk gaps between storm collar & pipe,

and storm collar& chase top.

Termination cap pipe and chimney section must be snapped together to maintain an overlap of 1-1/2 in. (38 mm).

Slipstorm collar

around chimney pipebefore termination

cap pipe is snapped into the chimney


Figure 6.15 Installing a TR344 Round Termination Cap



Chase Top



14 1/2 in. (368 mm)Maximum

Collar2 in. (51 mm)

Minimum Height

Caulk gaps between storm collar & pipe,

and storm collar& chase top.

Do NOT block air


3 clip brackets.Slip over chase collar

and attach with screwsprovided.

Termination cap pipe and chimney section must overlap 1-1/2 in. (38 mm)

Assemblestorm collar

around extended termination cap

pipeonce cap is


Figure 6.16 Installing a TR342 Round Telescoping Termination Cap

K. Install Termination CapInstallthechimneysectionsupthroughthechaseenclo-sure.

• Caulktheoverlapseamofanyexposedpipesectionsthatarelocatedabovetherooflinetopreventleaks.

• Refertoterminationcapinstructions.

WARNING! Risk of Fire! Theminimumoverlapofcaptopipe(asshowninthefollowingillustrations)MUSTbemetorchimneymayseparatefromcap.Separationallowssparks,heatandemberstoescape.

NOTICE: Painttheterminationcapwitharust-resistantpainttoprotectagainsttheeffectsofcorrosiononthosepartsexposedtotheweather.

33Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15


Chase Top

Termination Cap


Collar2 in. (51 mm)

Minimum Height

Place waterproof caulk or sealer under each flange of the termination cap and on top of each screw to help prevent leaks.


Termination cap pipe and chimney section must overlap 1-1/2 in. (38 mm)

2 in. (51 mm)maximum

4 3/4 in. (121 mm)maximum

The last section of pipe must stop between 2 in. (51 mm) above the top of the chase and 4 3/4 in. (121 mm) below the top of the chase.

Figure 6.17 Installing an ST375 Square Termination Cap


Chase Top

Termination Cap


Collar2 in. (51 mm)

Minimum Height

Termination cap pipe and chimney section must overlap 1-1/2 in. (38 mm).

Place waterproof sealer under each flange of the termination cap and on top of each screw to help prevent leaks.

2 in. (51 mm)maximum

4 3/4 in. (121 mm)maximum

The last section of pipe must stop between 2 in. (51 mm) above the top of the chase and 4 3/4 in. (121 mm) below the top of the chase.

Figure 6.18 Installing a TS345/TS345P Square Termination Cap


Chase Top

Termination Cap


Collar2 in. (51 mm)

Minimum Height

Remove 2 screws from front & back to lift the top off

Termination cap pipe and chimney section must overlap 1-1/2 in. (38 mm)

Place waterproof sealer under each flange of the termination cap and on top of each screw to help prevent leaks.

The last section of pipe must stop between 2 in. (51 mm) above top of chase and 7 in. (178 mm) below top of chase

2 in. (51 mm)

7 in. (178 mm)

Figure 6.19 Installing a TCT375 Terra Cotta Cap

34 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

7 Finishing

A. TemplateAcardboardtemplateofthefrontisprintedontheoutsideoftheshippingbox.Cutoutthetemplatealongtheout-sideofthelineforuseinyourinstallation.Ametaltem-plate(seecatalog)isavailableformoredurablecontin-ueduse,remainingaccurateovertime.Bothmeasure1/8in.(3mm)largerallthewayaroundthantheactualfront.


Tools Required: 1/8in.Allenwrench.• Removethedoorsonthefireplace(ifinstalled).• Removethescrewsfromthefasciaandremovefascia


• Installthetemplateonthefrontofthefireplace(Figure7.1)usingthescrewssavedinthepreviousstep.


NOTE: Thedecorativefasciamustberemovableforfutureserviceabilityoftheautomaticcombustioncontrol.

Figure 7.1 Install the Finishing Template

Note: DO NOT remove hang tags until installing finishmaterials.

B Finish the WallUseawetordrytowelorasoftbrushtoremoveanydustordirtfromthenon-combustiblefacingmaterial.


1. Stone, Brick FinishWARNING! Risk of Fire! DO NOT applytarpaperorwaterresistivebarrierovernon-combustibleboard.

• Applymetallathtothe1/2in.thicknon-combustibleboardwith corrosion resistant self-tapping screwscapableofpenetratingthemetalsurfacebehindthenon-combustibleboard.

• HHT recommendsusing typeNor typeSmortar.Duetohightemperatures,reviewpolymermodifiersspecificationsheetbeforeusing.

2. Tile, Granite, Marble Finish• Duetohightemperatures,HHTrecommendsusing

unmodifiedthinsetwhenapplyingtile.• Whenapplyinggraniteormarble,HHTrecommends

usingthinsettoadhere.Ifusingadifferentadhesive,review specification sheet for application in hightemperatureareas.

35Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

C. Mantel and Wall ProjectionsAcombustiblemantelmaybepositionednolowerthan60in.(1524mm)fromthebaseofthefireplace.



• themetalsurfacesofthefireplace• where the non-combustible board is placedover the

metalsurfaces• thespacebetweenthemetalfaceofthefireplaceand


60 in.(1524 mm)


Clearances are from bottom of appliance to lower edge of mantel or trim


48 in.(1219 mm)

36 in. (914 mm)


Figure 7.2 Mantel Specifications - Combustible Mantel

D. Finishing the Hearth Extension

Table 7.1

R = 1/k x inches of thickness

Table 7.2

WARNING! Risk of Fire! Hightemperatures,sparks,em-bers or other burning material falling from the fireplacemayigniteflooringorconcealedcombustiblesurfaces.• ProtectivemetalhearthstripsMUSTbeinstalled.• Hearth extensions MUST be installed exactly as



• YouMUSTuseahearthextensionwiththisfireplace.

• RefertoFigure7.4forminimumdimensions.• Thisfireplacehasbeentestedandapprovedforusewith


• ThehearthextensionmaterialMUSTbecoveredwithtile,stoneorothernon-combustiblematerial.

• Manufactured hearthmaterials will usually have apublishedR value (resistance to heat) or k value (conductivityofheat).RefertotheformulainTable7.1toconvertakvaluetoanRvalue,

• Refer to Table 7.2 for hearth extension insulationalternatives.

Hearth Extension Insulation Alternatives, R Value = 2.06

Materialk per inch

thickr per inch


Minimum thickness required

Hearth&HomeHX3,HX4 0.49 2.06 1 in.

USGMicore300™ 0.49 2.06 1 in.

USGDurock™CementBoard 1.92 0.52 4in.

CementMortar 5.0 0.20 101/2in.

CommonBrick 5.0 0.20 101/2in.

CeramicTile 12.50 0.08 253/4in.

Armstrong™PrivacyGuardPlus 0.46 2.18 1 in.

Marble 14.3-20.0 0.07-0.05 29 1/2 - 41 1/4 in.



Figure 7.2 Mantel Specifications - Non-Combustible Mantel

46 in.(1168 mm)

Noncombustible Mantel

Clearances are from bottom of appliance to lower edge of mantel or trimAll construction materials, framing members, sheeting and finish materials MUST be noncombustible.

36 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

8 in. (203mm) minimum from each side offuel loading door


Figure 7.3 Minimum Hearth Extension Dimensions

Model # 7100FP A Bin. 41 20mm 1041 508

• FireplaceandHearthExtensionflushonthefloor Non-combustibleflooringaminimumof20in.(508mm)


The constructionof, andmaterials used for a hearthextensionareshowninFigure7.4.Ahearthextensionof this constructionmay be coveredwith any non-combustible decorativematerial andmay have aminimumthicknessasperFigure7.4.Sealgapsbetweenthehearthextensionandthefrontofthefireplacewithabeadofnon-combustiblesealantorgrout.

FasciaOuter Can Flange

Protective metalhearth strip

Tile,marble or other non-combustible finish material

Minimum 4 in. (102 mm) Cement Board or equivalent, (or two pieces HX4)

Minimum 20 in. (508mm) in front and 8 in. (203mm) on sides to fuel loading doors

Combustible Floor

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . .

. . .

. .

Non-combustible material supplied with unit.

. . .

. . .

. . .

. .

Non-combustible sealant or groutTile,marble or other non-combustible finish material

Figure 7.4 Fireplace and Hearth Extension Flush on the Floor.

• RaisedHearthExtensionFraming The hearth framing must be constructed of non-

combustible materials (such as metal framing orequivalentmaterial) and toppedwith twoHX4s, orequivalentmaterial(Table7.2).

When creating the platform, allow for the thickness of the non-combustible finishing materials (Figure7.5).

Outer Can Flange

Non-combustible material supplied with unit


Protective metalhearth strip

Minimum 4 in. (102 mm) Cement Board or equivalent, (or two pieces HX4)

Minimum 20 in. (508 mm) in front and 8 in. (203 mm) on sides to fuel loading doors

Combustible Floor

Non-combustible sealant or groutTile,marble or other non-combustible finish material. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

. .

. . .

. . .

. . .

. .

Non-combustibleframing materials

Figure 7.5 Raised Hearth Extension to Bottom of Fascia

• Fireplaceinstalledflushonthefloorandhearthextensionraisedtobottomoffascia:


WARNING! Risk of Fire!

Hearth extensions are to be installed only as illustratedtopreventhightemperturesfromoccurringonconcealedcombustiblematerials.

37Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

E. Non-Combustible Sealant Material• After completing the installation of non-combustible


• Abeadofnon-combustiblesealant(orSuperCalstick)mustbeusedtocloseoffanygapsatthetopandsidesbetween the fireplace and non-combustible facing(Figure7.6)topreventcoldairleaksandtheriskoffire.Largegapscanbebridgedwithfiberglassropegasket.

• Wheninstallationofthedecorativematerialiscomplete,replace/installthefasciaandfireplacedoors.

WARNING! Risk of Fire! • Maintainclearances. • Useonlynon-combustiblematerialbelowstandoffs,

materialsuchascementboardisacceptable. • Framingorfinishingmaterialusedonthefrontof


WARNING! Risk of Fire! Hearth &HomeTechnologies is not responsible for

discoloration, cracking or othermaterial failures offinishingmaterialsduetoheatexposureorsmoke.

• Choosefinishingmaterialscarefully.

Seal inside perimeter of fireplace finished opening with non-combustible grout to prevent risk of fire and cold air infiltration.


45-1/4 in.(1150 mm)

47-1/2 in.(1207 mm)


Figure 7.6

38 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

8 Fireplace Setup

A. Firebrick PlacementThefireboxofyourfireplaceislinedwithhighqualityfire-brick,whichhasexceptionalinsulatingproperties.




- Remove new brick set from box and lay out todiagramasshowninFigure8.2.

- Laybottombricksinfirebox.- Install rearbrickson the topof thebottombricks.


- Installsidebricks.Slidetopofbrickunderclipsonsideoffireboxandpushthebottomofthebrickuntilitisflushwiththesideofthefirebox.


5 5 5 5 5 5




5 5 5 5 5







5 5 5 5 5

5 5 5 5 5 11

4 2 2 2 2 2 4









Left Side Right SideBack





# BrickSize Qty.InSet1 9”x3-1/4”x1-1/4”Angled(seedrawing) 22 6-1/4”x4-1/2”x1-1/4” 53 9”x2”x1-1/4” 24 6-1/4”x3-1/2”x1-1/4” 25 9”x4.5”x1-1/4” 16

Figure 8.1 Fire Brick Configurations

Figure 8.2 Fire Brick Configurations

Table 8.1

39Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

B. Baffle and Blanket PlacementEnsurecorrectbaffleandbaffleprotectionchannelplace-ment;replacebafflecomponentsifdamagedormissing.

TheceramicblanketandbaffleboardMUSTbeincontactwiththebackofthefireboxandevenwitheachotherinthe front.ThebaffleprotectionchannelMUSTbeinposi-tion.

Figure 8.3

Ceramic BlanketBack of Firebox

Baffle Board


C. Install Fascia (Fronts)Frontsarerequiredtocompletetheinstallation.The7100fireplaceallowsachoiceoffronts,thereforetheyareshippedseparatelyfromthefireplaceduetocustomerpreferenceandselection.Instructionsforattachmentofthefrontsareincludedwiththem.Contactyourlocaldealerwithanyquestionsonofferingsorinstallation.

40 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

A. Chimney ComponentsThefollowingdrawingsshowtheSL-300Serieschimneyandfireplacecomponentswhichmaybesafelyusedwiththisfireplace.

ID4 Insulated Duct

UD4 Uninsulated Duct

42 in. (1067 mm)

4 in. (102 mm) i.d.

42 in.(1067 mm)

4 in. (102 mm) i.d.

8 in.(203 mm)

10-1/2 in.(267 mm)



10-1/2 in.(287 mm)

12 in.(305 mm)

5-1/4 in.(133 mm) 4 in. (102 mm)

12 in.(305 mm)

CAK4A Chimney Air Kit (shipped with fireplace)

Catalog #A B

in mm in mmSL306 6 152 4-3/4 121

SL312 12 305 10-3/4 273

SL318 18 457 16-3/4 425

SL324 24 610 22-3/4 578

SL336 36 914 34-3/4 883

SL348 48 1219 46-3/4 1187

9 Reference Materials

Catalog # DescriptionCAK4A ChimneyAirKit(shippedwithfireplace)

ID4 InsulatedDuct(usedwithchimneyairkit)

UD4 UninsulatedDuct(usedwthchimneyairkit)

SL306 ChimneySection-6in.(152mm)long

SL312 ChimneySection-12in.(305mm)long

SL318 ChimneySection-18in.(457mm)long

SL324 ChimneySection-24in.(610mm)long

SL336 ChimneySection-36in.(914mm)long

SL348 ChimneySection-48in.(1219mm)long

SL3 ChimneyStabilizer

SL315 ChimneyOffset/Return-15deg

SL330 ChimneyOffset/Return-30deg

FS338 CeilingFirestop-Straight

FS339 CeilingFirestop-15deg

FS340 CeilingFirestop-30deg

AS8 SL300StraightAtticInsulationShield,24in.(610mm)(shippedwithfireplace)

JB877 ChimneyJointBand

CB876 ChimneyBracket

RF370 RoofFlashing-Flatto6/12Pitch

RF371 RoofFlashing-6/12to12/12Pitch

DTO134/146 OctogonalDecorativeCaps

DTS134/146 SquareDecorativeCaps

ST375 SquareTerminationCap

TCT375 TerraCottaTerminationCap

TR344 RoundTerminationCap

TR342 RoundTelescopingTerminationCap


TS345 SquareTerminationCap

TS345P SquareTerminationCap-Painted

TV342 TopVentRoundTerminationCap

12966A ManufacturedHomeThimble

MH841 ManufacturedHomeThimbleExtension20in./508mm

HX4 MicoreHearthExtension,20in./508mmwide

LDS33 DecorativeShroud-3ftx3ft(.91mx.91m)

LDS46 DecorativeShroud-4ftx6ft(1.22mx1.83m)

LDS-BV DecorativeShroud-26in.x26in.(660mmx660mm)


CT-3A Adapter-Maybeusedwiththefollowingcaps



Heat Zone WoodHHT - TemplateLintel Bar - HHT

41Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

RF370 - Roof Flashing Flat to 6/12 Pitch

RF371 - Roof Flashing 6/12 to 12/12 Pitch

Firestop Spacer




B 14-1/2 in.(368 mm)

24-5/8 in.(625 mm)

27-3/8 in.(695 mm)

12 in.(305 mm)

31 in.(787 mm)

24-5/8 in.(625 mm)

12 in.(305 mm)

Catalog # A BFS338 0-deg. 14-1/2in. 368mm

FS339 15-deg. 18-3/8in. 467mm

FS340 30-deg. 23in. 584mm

20-3/4 in.(527 mm)


8 in.(203 mm)

OutsideDiameter10-1/2 in.(267 mm)

4-3/4 in. (121 mm)Effective Height

SL3 Chimney Stabilizer

Inside Diameter8 in. (203 mm)

Outside Diameter10-1/2 in.(267 mm)

SL315 Chimney Offset/Return - 15 deg.SL330 Chimney Offset/Return - 30 deg.

AS8 SL300 Straight Attic Insulation Shield (shipped with unit)

2 in. (51 mm)

10-1/2 in.(267 mm)

JB877 Chimney Joint Band

10-1/2 in.(267 mm)

CB876 Chimney Bracket

MH841 Manufactured Home Thimble Extension

24-5/8 in.(625 mm)

16-5/8 in.(422 mm)

29 in.(737 mm)

16-5/8 in.(422 mm)

12966A Manufactured Home Thimble

AssembledDiameter: 14 1/2 in./368 mm

Height: 24 in./610 mm

42 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

20 in.(508 mm)

66 in.(1676 mm)

1/2 in.(13 mm)

HX4 Micore Hearth Extension







DTS134/DTS146 DTO134/DTO146Decorative Caps

DTO134 A B Cin 34 20 24mm 864 508 610

DTO146in 46 22.7 26mm 1168 576 660

DTS134 A B Cin 34 21.18 24mm 864 538 610

DTS146in 46 21.18 26mm 1168 538 660

23 in.(584 mm)

19 in.(483 mm)

15-5/8 in.(397 mm)

ST375 Square Termination Cap

22 1/2 in.(572 mm)

9 1/2 in.(241 mm)

16 1/2 in.(419 mm)

9 1/2 in.(241 mm)

TCT375 Terra Cotta Termination Cap

34-3/4 in.(883 mm)

32-1/2 in.(826 mm)

TR342 Round Telescoping Termination Cap

15-3/4 in.(400 mm)

TR344 Round Termination Cap

43Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

TR-TVK Top Vent Kit

13 1/4 in.(337 mm)

18 in. (457 mm)

16 1/4 in.(413 mm)

26 1/2 in.(673 mm)

28 5/8 in.(727 mm)

TS345 Square Termination CapTS345P Painted Square Termination Cap

32 in.(813 mm)

34-1/4 in.(870 mm)

TV342 Top Vent Round Termiantion Cap





Catalog #A B C D

in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mmLDS33 36 914 36 914 8.5 216 11 279

LDS46 48 1219 72 1829 8.5 216 11 279

LDS33/LDS46 Decorative Shroud

Catalog # A B C D E

LDS-BVin. 26 12.5 15.5 22 23

mm 660 318 394 533 584




LDS-BV Decorative Shroud

26 in.

7 3/4 in.

CT-3A Adapter

44 Quadra-Fire • 7100 FP • 433-3610 Installation Manual • Rev J • 9/22/15

B. Accessories

MESH-HHT FirescreenDoors: Classic Black Gold Satin NickelFronts: Valley Forge Mission Hill Rolling Meadow

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