
Post on 27-May-2015

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Getting the best online resources into the classroom.

There are many helpful and creative websites that are available to teachers though the internet. Three of the best that I have found are,,

and 100 helpful tools for every kind of learner.

These links are free to everyone.

Click the icons below to see what each site has to offer!

Educational Games


Quizlet is an addictive site that aids in the

memorization of facts, spelling, and

definitions of terms. This site is broken

down by subject content. There are

premade flash cards for everything from

SAT prep to Literature and Art. Quizlet

even has a top 100 list search.

This site gives you the option to create flashcard sets! Easily create flashcard sets with as many questions and answers as you want.

Import questions and answers from your computer or other websites (or just type them in directly).

Cut and paste questions from other peoples' flashcard sets to make your own.

Invite friends to share your flashcards via email, Facebook, or MySpace.

One-click lookup of official dictionary definitions, and other users' previous answers.

Quizlet. (2005). Retrieved from

This site is provides a new way to look at

learning. Instead of forcing information into

students heads, teachers have the option to

turn them over to this site where learning is

cloaked in fun.

Quizlet also allows the user to create his or

hers own flash cards, and to share them with

friends and classmates. Becoming a member

is quick and easy.

I enjoy using this website because it truly is

fun learning.


Educational Games is a fun, interactive website that challenges students in a number of subjects. This site is very up to date with the current technology and news, making the learning experience come alive.

This site is linked with, helping establish itself as a reliable and creditable source.

This site deals more with issues of health, chemistry, and the history of the Nobel Peace Prize.

It is still very fun, but fun is not the main appeal of

the site.

Here is the Top 10 Games list directly from the main page of the site,

1. The Laser Challenge Game 2. The Blood Typing Game 3. The Pavlov's Dog Game 4. The DNA - the Double Helix Game 5. The Lord of the Flies Game 6. The Electrocardiogram Game 7. The Control of the Cell Cycle Game 8. The Peace Doves Game 9. The Immune System Game 10. The Split Brain Experiments Game

Click each game to play!

I have played the games from the educational games site. They are just like the games a 5-8 grade student would play at, but they have lessons attached all the way through.

Lesson range from dealing with crime and punishment to the use of lasers in everyday life.

I think this is a successful site because the games closely mirror games that students already play.


100 helpful web tools for every kind of learner is an excellent

cite for ideas on how to teach different learning styles.

The site is broken down by learning styles and each style has

over 25 links to websites that will make learning fun and

entertaining for each student with every style.

This site is powered by

College at the home has a whole list of links that aid in

everything from learning to read on your iPhone to ways to

better use

Because this site has so many links to other sites, I decided to try a few at random.

I came across With this site users can do the following:

Create colorful mind maps online Share and work with friends Embed your mind map in your blog or website Email and print your mind map Save your mind map as an image

Tools.Retrieved from

This site has revolutionized the way brainstorming is done.

Users start with a topic and the chart just grows from there.

Charts are colorful and fun. If you decide you don’t want a

part of the web anymore, you simply blow it up!

This site is useful at any age for any job.

Using this site pumped the thoughts from my head without

me even thinking about it. It is a very fun and easy.


Quizlet, Educational Games, and 100 Tools are

three free and fun site that can are great for

grade school through college students and


These sites allow teachers to show students how

to get the most from the internet, while in or out

of the classroom.

Hopefully you found something here that you

have been inspired to try.

Thank you for viewing the show.