Finding Meaning in the Data Avalanche: The Ethical Dangers & Community Value of Digitizing the Past

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Finding Meaning in the Data Avalanche: The Ethical Dangers & Community Value of Digitizing the Past


Structured Light Scanning

3D Modeling


Aerial & Terrestrial

Laser Scanning

Augmented Reality

Point Clouds


CISA3Layered Realities & Beyond…

Conclusion: Constructs need to be meaningful & navigable

Escher WikiCommons

Storage Issues

Access & Discovery


Danish AntiquarianOle Worm’s 17th Century Cabinet of Curiosities

The recently “discovered” olinguito

The Physical Site The 2D Representation of

the Site

The 3D Layered Navigable

Representation of the Site

*Economic Issues-Price IS going down slowly –

hope for cost efficiency in the future

Graph: M. Mansour

*So Much Data-Who is Combing through it?

Anyone? Anything?

Sustainability of Storage Platforms?

If we have a Star Trek holodeck that can show us the past – the real scientific remains of sites and artifacts as well as the imagined re-created layers in all

temporal forms…what will that mean for site preservation and the devotion of spaces to physical artifacts?

Too Little Information… Too Wrong!…

Too Much Information without means of clarification?

Smithsonian Natural History Museum

British Museum Creationist Museum

Rarely does the archaeologist get to directly write the museum labels…

Digital = Potential for Auto-Publication (and shouldn’t things be available as soon as possible without interference?)

Changing International Legislation Paradigms on cultural access? (a whole new can of worms someone can tackle in a different presentation?)

Archaeology & Nationalism

The Past Re-Invented to Justify Nation-Building and Religious


The Pop Culture Past: Casting

Aspersions on our Methodologies

Fringe Archaeology Prevalence in

the Media

We can’t let pseudoscience win!

(Forthcoming Paper: Technology Engineered for Cultural Heritage as a

Means to turn STEM into STEAM)

International Education Emphasis is on:

Should be on:







Not just the descriptives of where it came from, but how it came from there- what technologies were used? In which combination? Under

what conditions?

How was it collected?

We need/want enough information to make digital collection replicable (and therefore more diagnostically viable)

Who collected the raw data?(What qualified them?)

Who processed the data?(What qualified them?)

How did the data get processed?

Who accessed the data?

What did they add/subsequently create from



What will 3D Printed Artifacts Mean for Authenticity?

How will this change Storage priorities and conservation legislation?

What will this mean for low-cost educational engagement in schools and museums?

= TEASER for an upcoming paper of mine at Marseilles’ Digital Heritage

3D Printed Artifacts By CISA3 collaborator Cosmos Wenman