FINAL- The Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of FINAL- The Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship

The Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship

Background: This scholarship was created by the 2016-2017 Student Body President, Brandon Rivera, in collaboration with other Executive Board members. The scholarship came to be because of the continued efforts that both students and administration have taken to address this issue. This scholarship looks to not only “continue the conversation” but to begin to formulate plans and ideas to solve the issue at hand. The topic of diversity is important because it allows a community to come together in unity and create a more inclusive place.

Eligibility: All full-time students (with the exception of those serving on ASUP and serving on the judging committee) from the University of Portland are welcome to apply. No financial need, state, age, major, class, or GPA requirement is needed to apply.

Award:A $1,500 scholarship will be awarded to the selected student, that will be given in the spring semester of the 2016-2017 school year, during Diversity Dialogues week.

If awarded the scholarship, the student must make efforts to make their vision on diversity into reality. This can mean teaming up with ASUP, CPB, or a club to create some sort of event on campus, asking ASUP to create a resolution, etc.

Criteria: To apply, you must submit an essay on the topic of diversity and inclusion, using the guidelines listed below. Your essay may not exceed 3 pages.

Essay: Students must write an essay addressing the prompt below.

1. How do you encourage people to honor the uniqueness of each individual? How do you challenge stereotypes and promote sensitivity and inclusion?


The application, along with the essay, must be submitted by January 22. No late applications will be accepted. All applications must be typed. To submit your application, please fill out the following information and include the essay to your submission.

Name: Hometown:

Major: Anticipated Graduation date:

Local address: Phone number:

Student ID #:

Terms and Conditions: By agreeing to sign, you attest that the written essay is your own original thoughts and that it is not copied in any form. You agree to waive your rights to allow the written work to be published online through any service provided within the University of Portland. Any further publication will be pending upon the approval of the applicant.

Signature: ____________________________________

Printed name: _________________________________