Final presentation anggie taiana cuéllar.

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Final presentation anggie taiana cuéllar.

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MY BIG DESICION !The girl of the picture is me, my name is Liseth but my friends call me Lizzy, Im 20 years old, I am studying Plastic Arts in Paris, I began my career two years ago because I applied to a scholarship and I passed, my family is from Brazil, I lived in a small favela in Curitiba with my mother and my two sisters.Since I started to study here my life has changed a lot, I have learnt too many things of Plastic Arts which is what I love and I want to continue studying in order to be a big and important artist and help my family in Brazil.

But now I have to make a decision. All began when I met a guy here in Paris, he is from Toulouse, another city of France and he studies Chemistry Engineering, we began to date 7 months ago and it was amazing because he was very romantic and I fell in love almost immediately. However two weeks ago I went to the doctor because I was not feeling good, the doctor sent me to make some exams and the results of the exams were that I was pregnant. I told him and he said that he did want to have babies before to finish the career, and I also want to finish before to have a family; now I dont know what to do because if I decide to have this babe my scholarship will finish, I wont finish to study which is my dream, and I will have to come back to Brazil alone with my baby and without my dream finished, because my boyfriend said that if I decide to have this baby he will leave me.

On the contrary position if I decide to abort I will continue studying, I will finish my artistic dream, probably after that I will get a good job here in Paris, although Im not sure if I will continue in the relationship with him.I really do not know what to do, Im here talking a look at the results of the medical exams. In this moment I am thinking in everything, in the baby inside of me, in my mother and my two sisters, that I want to help to study as well and go ahead; I think in my boyfriend and his position.I am desperate, today I was at the church, I was trying to talk with God, I need someone helps me, I dont find the solution for this situation; and the worst is that I have to make a decision as soon as possible.


Do you think the song is mainly optimistic or mainly pessimistic? Justify your answer. In my opinion the song is mainly pessimistic, because the singer talks about a relationship in which she asks herself if she was loved ever. She feels so confused, she feels like a stupid or fool and her heart is bruised and according with what she says everything is out of reach.Taking into account the described its possible to mention that the song is not very optimistic although she says that she will be ok, the song show some elements and phrases that make us to think to the listener that she is sad, thinking about the relationship with that man and with a broken heart.Besides because in some part of the song she says that he never gave his heart, to the relationship.In conclusion from my point of view the song definitely is not an optimistic one and the feeling that transfers is sadness and heartbreaking thought.

What was the true problem according to the song?The real problem of the situation presented in the song is that she realizes that he does not love her, he never gave his heart to the relationship, she feels like a stupid and for him everything it was like a game; all is out of reach and for the reason she feels so confused, however she knows that the things will be good and she will be ok.

READINGSWhat do you think is the best solution for each situation? FIRST READING.According with the first reading I think that the best solution would be to he decides introduce her to his family, because if he says that he loves her so much he will be able to explain his family that he wants continue with her. But if he thinks that the best solution is to act like a friend, its not a true love for him, and he wont be able to give the importance to the relationship. In my perspective I believe that his family has to learn to be open-minded because if he shows that is a serious relationship his family will understand; they will continue but if is not very important for him he wont introduce his girlfriend to his family.

Second reading.if I were in her position I would be so confused, because is my mother but also is my husband, our children and the future economic situation. Its really difficult try to give an answer to this situation, but from my outlook in this moment of my life (now) I would decide be with my mother. I also think in our children and his job but I wont live in peace if my mother is alone, sick and very old; I consider she would be better if she is with me.However all the positions and point of views are good in this case, its really difficult have to give a decision.

Are you good at making decisions or not? if you find it hard to make a decision, what do you usually do? justify your answer.

In my case first of all I have to say that I am very bad to make decisions, the reason is because sometime I find difficult to choose what I want the most. so I think and think many times, the pros and cons in my mind, I make a movie with the decision taking into account my possible options.Sometimes when I am like this I try to talk it over with some member of my family or a very special friend; because you have your head so hot and a fresh idea and concept can helps you to choose the best option.

Talk about a big decision or event in your life.

Maybe for other people my decision is not so difficult but for me it was, my decision consists in come to live to Bogot alone and very far of my family. I decided this after a call from a company here in Bogot, (because I sent my CV here) so the call was to present an interview on January. I was in the last days of December and I had to decide quickly if I would travel or not; I did not want to leave my mother, sister, brother (my lovely family), friends and actually everything. however I decided to come, the first reason was because I was without job and I wanted to work and the second one, although I love so much my family I wanted to live in other place, to be alone, to depend of myself. so the last day of the year I decided to travel and on 04 January I had my interview.Now I miss them (my family and friends) but i think that it was a very good decision. I can conclude anything yet, Im still living the experience.