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Transcript of FINAL NARRATIVE REPORT - Ethiopian, ·...

ENV/2017/391 - 389 January 1 – December 31/2018

15 January 2016 Page 1 of 23

GEM 2018 Report EU format Final



This report must be completed and signed by the contact person of the Coordinator.

The information provided below must correspond to the financial information that appears in the

financial report.

Please complete the report using a typewriter or computer (you can find this form at the following

address <Specify>).

Please expand the paragraphs as necessary.

Please refer to the Special Conditions of your grant contract and send one copy of the report to

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The Contracting Authority will reject any incomplete or badly completed reports.

The answer to all questions must cover the reporting period as specified in point 1.6.

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GEM 2018 Report EU format Final

Table of contents

List of acronyms used in the report ......................................................................................................... 3

1. Description ............................................................................................................................................... 4

2. Assessment of implementation of Action activities ................................................................... 4 2.1. Executive summary of the Action...................................................................................................................... 4 2.2. Results and Activities .............................................................................................................................................. 5

A. RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................................... 5 B. ACTIVITIES ....................................................................................................................................................... 12

2. Beneficiaries/affiliated entities and other Cooperation ....................................................... 20

3. Visibility................................................................................................................................................... 21 3.1. Development of Communication and Visibility Plan ............................................................................ 21 3.2. Project launching workshop ............................................................................................................................ 21 3.3. Business run ............................................................................................................................................................. 21 3.4. Promotional Materials ........................................................................................................................................ 22

ANNEXES .......................................................................................................................................................... 23

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List of acronyms used in the report

CV: Communication and visibility

EBC: Ethiopia Broadcasting Corporation

ECCSA: Ethiopia Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations

ENA: Ethiopian News Agency

EU: European Union

GEM: Greening Ethiopian Manufacturing

MSME: Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise

OBN: Oromia Broadcasting Network

PRECISE: Precise Consult International

S.C.: Share Company

SCP: Sustainable Consumption and Production

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1. Description

1.1. Name of Coordinator of the grant contract: Ethiopia Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral

Associations (ECCSA)

1.2. Name and title of the contact person: Heyeru Hussien, Project Coordinator

1.3. Name of beneficiary(ies) and affiliated entity(ies) in the Action: Inoa, Innovative

Organizations (INOA) and Precise Consult International (PRECISE)

1.4. Title of the Action: Greening Ethiopian Manufacturing (GEM)

1.5. Contract number: ENV/2017/391 - 389

1.6. Start date and end date of the reporting period: January 1 – December 31/2018

1.7. Target country(ies) or region(s): Ethiopia (Addis Ababa and Amhara)

1.8. Final beneficiaries &/or target groups1 (if different)): 100 MSMEs in Ethiopian

manufacturing industries, including those in the informal economy

1.9. Country(ies) in which the activities take place (if different from 1.7): -

2. Assessment of implementation of Action activities

2.1.Executive summary of the Action

The main objective of this project is to support Ethiopian MSMEs in adopting SCP practices as well as

seizing green growth opportunities. Throughout its implementation period, GEM targets to support

more than 100 Micro and Small scale Manufacturing Enterprises (MSMEs), with special attention

given to women owned and operated enterprises, which are expected to benefit from improved

Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) competencies thereby contributing to increased sales

and exports as well as to the acceleration of the national strategy towards import substitution and

export expansion. GEM is following a cluster-based approach and focuses in Ethiopian textile, leather,

and handicraft sub sectors.

Year 2018 is the first year of the project in which major activities are executed, which laid the

foundation for planned interventions in subsequent years of project implementation. Though the plan

was to launch 3 clusters, the project managed to launch 5 clusters in Addis Ababa (Leather (1), Textile

(1), and Handicraft (2)) and Lalibela (Handicraft (1)) towns.

The project is ahead of its plan in supporting cluster member MSMEs to implement SCP practices.

The project already introduced 4 different types of SCP tools and 34 cluster MSMEs started

implementing them. These efforts are at very early stages and need to be further strengthened and

expanded during the second and third years of project implementation.

One impact (% of MSMEs meeting Environmental standards of the Ministry of Environment, Forest

& Climate Change) and two outcome (1- Average % Savings generated from reduced water

consumption & energy utilization by targeted MSMEs and 2 - % increase in SCP-related investments by

targeted clusters) indicators, which were included in the original project design document, are found to

be difficult to track due to lack of data related to them. The project will adjust these two indicators in

the first quarter of the year 2019 and will seek approval from EU.

1 “Target groups” are the groups/entities who will be directly positively affected by the project at the Project

Purpose level, and “final beneficiaries” are those who will benefit from the project in the long term at the

level of the society or sector at large.

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2.2.Results and Activities


As it was already indicated above, 2018 is the first implementation year of the project‟s interventions

and as such it is too early to expect meaningful results at impact and outcome levels. However,

encouraging results are already being observed, which will be further strengthen during the project‟s

second and third years of implementation. These results are related to the beginning of cluster member

MSMEs implementation of SCP practices as measured by the following two outcome indicators:

Oc2. to launch 3 pilot green manufacturing clusters and develop their action plans: 34 targeted

SMEs adopted SCP practices due to the project‟s support.

Oc4. to facilitate SCP practice-based collaboration among key stakeholders within each cluster‟s

value chain and disseminate lessons learned - 4 SCP tools adopted by cluster members.

Output 1.1. Interviews with 120 MSMEs and their business partners conducted

Face to face interviews conducted with a total of 122 MSMEs in the textile, leather and handicraft

sectors. The purpose of the interviews is to understand the firm‟s background, products and markets,

supply chain, the constraints they are facing, their status related to SCP practices, and their willingness

to participate in GEM. Visit reports are prepared, which summarize key information about interviewed


Output 1.2. Analysis Report for the Ethiopian Green Growth Manufacturing Industries


The objective of this intervention was to review Ethiopian green growth manufacturing industries,

with emphasis on leather, textile and handicraft sub-sectors and to assess SCP potential of targeted

MSMEs, using participatory approach.

A desk review is conducted to understand the Ethiopian manufacturing sector as related to SCP

practices with special focus on the targeted sub sectors.

A report, which synthesizes the findings of the desk research and the information gathered through the

face-to-face interviews of MSMEs, will be published in the first quarter of 2019.

Output 2.1. Three pilot green manufacturing clusters, including altogether 100 MSMEs,


GEM is following a cluster-based approach to support Ethiopian MSMEs in adopting SCP practices as

well as seizing green growth opportunities. Though the plan was to launch three clusters, the project

actually launched five clusters.

Four clusters (Leather (1), Textile (1), and Handicraft (2)) are launched in Addis Ababa. Two separate

handicraft clusters are organized in Addis Ababa in the handicraft subsector – a cooperatives based

cluster and another for top designers and sophisticated handicraft makers. The fifth cluster is launched

in Lalibela town in the Handicraft subsector.

List of launched clusters, their locations, and number of cluster members are depicted in the following


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Table 1: List of clusters established and number of participants

Subsector Location Number of participants

Males Females Total

1 Textile Addis Ababa 21 4 25

2 Leather Addis Ababa 16 5 21

3 Handicrafts (Cooperatives) Addis Ababa 2 7 9

4 Handicrafts (Sophisticated handicrafts

makers and top designers) Addis Ababa 2 9 11

5 Handicrafts Lalibela 22 11 33

Total cluster members 63 36 99

Textile cluster launching and Meeting

Leather sector cluster meting and group discussion

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A total of seven cluster meetings (1 for each cluster + a second cluster meeting for Lalibela Handicraft

cluster + a Textile and Leather clusters joint meeting for introducing the Market Portal platform) were

organized in the reporting period.

In these meetings, presentations were made on topics including global SCP best experiences and the

benefits of working clusters and discussions were also made on major challenges and recommended

solution in each subsectors. Members of respective clusters also prioritized their areas of interest to

receive the technical supports the project will offer as its initial engagement. The following SCP tools

were offered to cluster members:

1. Access to international markets, using Ethiopia Green Manufacturing Portal launched by GEM


2. B-Corp certification assessment,

3. Sustainable product design advisory and training,

4. Social media promotion.

Table 2: Number of cluster members by their first and second choice intervention

Cluster Market




Product Designing


Social Media


1 Textile 14 7 4 5

2 Leather 17 7 11 13

3 Handicrafts (Cooperatives) 9 - 7 9

4 Handicrafts (Sophisticated handicrafts

makers & top designers) 4 7 3 7

5 Handicrafts (Lalibela) 6 - 7 5

Total 50 21 32 39

Output 2.2. Three (3) GEM Pilot Cluster Action Plans developed

- Activities leading to this output will be implemented in the year 2019.

Fashion designers and sophisticated handicraft

makers cluster meeting participants Handicraft cooperatives cluster

meeting – Addis Ababa

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Output 3.1. Twenty (20) B2B dialogues facilitated:

- Activities leading to this output will be implemented in the year 2019.

Output 3.2. One hundred (100) representatives of MSMEs and other stakeholders trained on

SCP practices:

Though capacity building activities were planned to commence in 2019, in this reporting period the

project organized one round training program on sustainable wool handicraft design for Lalibela

Handicraft Cluster members. A total of 38 cluster members (18 Females) participated in the training

program, which equipped them with the techniques of designing handicraft materials (Including small

bags and various kinds ornaments) using wool as a raw material.

Output 3.3. Twenty-seven (27) MSMEs within clusters financially supported to adopt new

SCP technical solutions:

The financial support for MSMEs to adopt new SCP practices is planned for the second year

implementation of the project (2019). However, in this reporting period, the project technically

supported cluster member MSMEs with the following interventions:

Ethiopia Green Manufacturing Portal

Challenges related to access to international markets has been one of the issues raised at several cluster

meetings. To address this issue, GEM launched the “Ethiopia Green Manufacturing Portal, the

business opportunity marketplace:

Training participants with some of the products

they made during the training session The training session

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The portal allows users to promote their products in the international market and link with potential

buyers, suppliers, professional service providers and other potential partners from 84 countries around

the world.

A training program was also organized for interested textile and leather cluster members to show them

how to use the portal and other online platforms to promote their businesses and link with potential

partners. The training program was co-facilitated by the founder of the portal - an international expert

who joined the team through a videoconference from South Africa.

Altogether 23 cluster members registered in the Ethiopia Green Manufacturing Portal and thus gaining

support on market access from GEM project. One of the supported cluster member, leather product

manufacturer, has already succeeded in creating linkage with a buyer from South Africa. The project

will facilitate sharing the successful experience of this firm to motivate other cluster members to use

the platform.

Advisory on sustainable product design

Altogether 9 cluster members benefited from in-company advisory on sustainable product design.

Cluster expert designer provided individual consultancy on the following topics:

Pattern development for textile products and bags,

Product quality improvement,

New products, made from production scrap,

New designs of bags, using sustainable design principles,

Recommendations on production tools for sustainable product design.

Market portal training session

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Individual advisory on sustainable products design

B – Corp Certification

The project is also technically assisting interested cluster member MSMEs to be assessed for B – Corp

Sustainability Certification. The assessment is made online and measures businesses on five

assessment points: Governance, Community, Workers, Environment, and Customers. The service is

provided free of charge and to be qualified firms must score 80% in the overall assessment. Five

MSMEs are being supported to undertake their company‟s assessment (1 button and 1 garment

manufacturers and 3 sophisticated designers). The assessment will continue with more interested

cluster member firms.

Individual B-Corp Assessment Session

Output 3.4. Two (2) Study visits for cluster members organized

- Activities leading to this output will be implemented in the year 2019.

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Output 4.1. GEM media campaign conducted

Dissemination and media meetings

- Activities related to this output indicator will be implemented in the year 2019.

GEM webpage and community platform launched

Website Development

The project‟s website - is recently launched. The website, among

others, includes important links of project partners, stakeholders and the switch Africa green project.

GEM community building

Social media has been the main communication channel for GEM community building and promotion

of GEM efforts as well as for the presentation of inspirational SCP practices. Project Facebook page –

“Ethiopia Green” managed to achieve a total reach of over

32,500 viewers of posts. The project posts and shares events, news, best practices and green economy

related issues across the globe. We also introduced a special section on the page, named “GEM Best

Practice Series” where we present international best practices in sustainable textile, leather and

handicraft production and consumption.

Efforts are also underway to popularize the project‟s twitter account – “ethiopiagreen”

Blogging on sustainable development

Handicrafts sector enhancement is strongly related to sustainable tourism market. GEM project team

addressed international trend, which shows a re-emergence of so called „artisan economy‟ – as

opposed to mass consumption. This trend shows that there is a growing international market for

artisanal local products that are produced in a sustainable way, with care for the environment.

Keywords in the New Artisan Economy are local, authentic and sustainable. Expansion of sustainable

handicrafts goes hand in hand with expansion of sustainable tourism in Ethiopia.

Project expert prepared a blog, titled “10 Reasons Everyone Should Visit Lalibela” with special

attention given to emerging artisan scene in Lalibela and thus pave the way for handicraft sector

enhancement there. The blog has been promoted on social media, including Lonely Planet Travellers

Group and reached over 20,000 viewers from all over the world.

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Output 4.2. GEM Replication Plan developed

- Activities leading to this output will be implemented starting the year 2019.


MC. Project management and Communication: Implemented as planned

A1. Analysis of Green Growth Manufacturing Industries in Ethiopia:

A1.1. Desk Research of Green Growth Manufacturing Industries – Completed within the reporting


A1.2. Interviews with MSMEs – 122 MSMEs interviewed (the plan was to interview 120 MSMES)

A1.3. Analysis Report for the Ethiopian Green Growth Manufacturing Industries Preparation – the

report is completed within the reporting period. It will be published in the first quarter of the

year 2019.

A2. Launch of 3 Pilot Green Manufacturing Clusters;

A2.1. Organization of Cluster Meetings: The projected facilitated the launch of 5 clusters (2 more than

the plan). While the plan was to facilitate 3 cluster meetings in the reporting period, the project

managed to facilitate 7 cluster meetings. In the 5 clusters 99 MSMEs participated (the plan was

to register 100 MSMEs)

A2.2. Facilitation of Pilot Cluster Action Plans – this activity is planned for the year 2019.

A3. Capacity Building of Local MSMEs, Including Those in the Informal Economy, on SCP


A3.1. Preparation of Capacity Building Activities (related to Op3.1.): this activity is planned for the

year 2019

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A3.2. Implementation of Capacity Building Activities (related to Op3.2.): Though this activity was

planned to be implemented starting from the year 2019, the project organized one round

training program on sustainable wool handicraft design for Lalibela Handicraft Cluster

members and a total of 38 cluster members (18 Females).

A3.3. Implementation of New SCP Related Technical Solutions and Business Development Services

(related to Op3.3.): This activity was planned to be implemented starting from 2019. However,

the project managed to introduce 4 different kinds of SCP tools and supported 34 MSMEs to

implement them.

The project planned to employ an international consultancy firm to support the project team to

launch, run, and technically assist GEM clusters. All bid documents are prepared following the

EU guidelines. The bid process, however, is not officially launched yet due to constraints

related to hard currency access by the co-applicant who is in charge of implementing the

intervention (Precise Consult International). An arrangement is now made with ECCSA (the

lead applicant) and PRECISE, in which, the latter (PRECISE) will handle all the procurement

process and the former (ECCSA) will write a support letter for the Bank to facilitate payment

in hard currency. The procurement process will be finalized in the first quarter of 2019.

A3.4 Organization of Study Visits (related to Op3.4): this activity is planned for the year 2019

A4. Dissemination of Lessons Learned and GEM Replication Plan Development;

A4.1. Launch of the GEM Community (Platform) (related to Op4.1.): Implemented as planned

A4.2. Development of the GEM Replication Plan (related to Op4.2.): this activity will be implemented

towards the final years of project implementation

A4.3. Organization of Meetings for Dissemination of Project Results on Local or National Level

(related to Op4.1.): this activity will be started to be implemented starting from the year 2020.

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1.1. Logframe matrix updated

Submit an updated version of the Logframe matrix, highlighting the changes eventually introduced.

Results chain Indicators Baseline Current

value Targets

(incl. reference year)

Sources and means

of verification Assumptions

Reference year Reference

date 2019 2020 2020









The overall objective of the GEM project is

to support Ethiopian micro and small scale

manufacturing industries in adoption of SCP

practices and seizing green growth


% of MSMEs meeting

Environmental standards of the

Ministry of Environment, Forest

& Climate Change (MEFCC)

This indicator

will be

modified in

the 1st quarter

of 2019

- Survey to be

conducted by the



and economic

stability of

Ethiopia and





ic o









Oc1. to conduct assessment of most

promising green growth manufacturing

industries in Ethiopia;

Sectors identified and endorsed

by stakeholders 0, Year 2017 3, Dec.

31/2018 - - -

- Ethiopian Green



Industries Report;


No major





occurred in the



n period

Regional and



commitment s

to support

green growth

initiatives will

be sustained

Oc2. to launch 3 pilot green manufacturing

clusters and develop their action plans;

Number of targeted SMEs

adopted SCP practices due to the

project‟s support

0, Year 2017 34, Dec.

31/2018 20 21 - - Action Report

Oc3. to implement actions for green-growth

reorientation of MSMEs within pilot

clusters, build capacity on SCP practices and

contribute to their increased sales and job


Average % Savings generated

from reduced water consumption

& energy utilization by targeted


0, Year 2017 0, Dec.

31/2018 15% -

- Project monitoring


Oc4. to facilitate SCP practice-based

collaboration among key stakeholders within

each cluster‟s value chain and disseminate

lessons learned

Number of SCP tools adopted by

cluster members 0, Year 2017

4, Dec.

31/2018 3 3 -

- Action Reports;

- Monitoring reports

% increase in SCP-related

investments by targeted clusters

This indicator

will be

modified in

the 1st quarter

of 2019

0, Dec.

31/2018 20%

- Action Reports;

- Monitoring reports

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Op1.1. Interviews with 120 MSMEs and

their business partners conducted: Oc1.

Number of interviewed male and

female operated MSMEs. 0, Year 2017

122 (39%





- - - - Lists of


No major

change in


policy related

to SMEs

Motivation of


MSMEs to


participate and

adopt SCP


Op1.2. Analysis report for the Ethiopian

green growth manufacturing industries

prepared: Oc1.

Analysis report document 0, Year 2017 1, Dec.

31/2018 - - - - Report Document

Op2.1. Three (3) pilot green manufacturing

clusters, including altogether 100 MSMEs,

launched: Oc2

Number of clusters launched 0, Year 2017 5, Dec.

31/2018 - - - - Action Reports

Number of male and female

operated cluster member

MSMEs 0, Year 2017

99 (36%




- - - - Action Reports

Number of cluster meetings

organized 0, Year 2017

7, Dec.

31/2018 10 10 3

- Photos, list of


Op2.2. Three (3) GEM Pilot Cluster Action

Plans developed: Oc2. Number of cluster action plans 0, Year 2017

0, Dec.

31/2018 3 - -

- Action plans

Op3.1. Twenty (20) B2B dialogues

facilitated: Oc3.

Number of dialogue forums

conducted 0, Year 2017

0, Dec.

31/2018 10 10 -

- Lists of participants

Op3.2. One hundred (100) representatives of

MSMEs and other stakeholders trained on

SCP practices: Oc3.

Number of male and female

trainees 0, Year 2017

38 (18




31 31 - - Training

completion reports

Number of training topics

delivered 0, Year 2017 1, Dec.

31/2018 5 4 -

- Training

completion reports

Op3.3. Twenty-seven (27) MSMEs within

clusters financially supported to adopt new

SCP technical solutions: Oc3.

Number of MSMEs, receiving

financial support and adopting

new SCP technical solutions

0, Year 2017 0, Dec.

31/2018 18 9 -

- SCP technical

solutions‟ adoption

reports by MSMEs

- Action Reports

Op3.4. Two (2) Study visits for cluster

members organized Number of study visits 0, Year 2017

0, Dec.

31/2018 2 - -

- Photos, List of


Op4.1. GEM media campaign conducted:


Number of dissemination and

media meetings conducted +

closing event

0, Year 2017 0, Dec.

31/2018 4 4 4

- Lists of participants

in dissemination


- Action reports

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GEM webpage and community

platform launched 0, Year 2017

0, Dec.

31/2018 1 - -

- GEM webpage and



Op4.2. GEM Replication Plan developed:


Existence of GEM replication


No/0, Year


No/0, Dec.

31/2018 - - Yes/1, Mar.


- Visual inspection

of the plan

Number of lessons identified and

shared among platform members 0, Year 2017

0, Dec.

31/2018 - 4 5 - Action reports




MC. Project management and


A1. Analysis of Green Growth

Manufacturing Industries in Ethiopia:

A1.1. Desk Research of Green Growth

Manufacturing Industries (related to Op1.2).

A1.2. Interviews with MSMEs (related to


A1.3. Analysis Report for the Ethiopian

Green Growth Manufacturing Industries

Preparation (related to Op1.2.)

A2. Launch of 3 Pilot Green

Manufacturing Clusters;

A2.1. Organisation of Cluster Meetings

(related to Op2.1. and Op2.2.)

A2.2. Facilitation of Pilot Cluster Action

Plans (related to Op2.2.).

A3. Capacity Building of Local MSMEs,

Including Those in the Informal

Economy, on SCP Practices;

A3.1. Preparation of Capacity Building

Activities (related to Op3.1.)

A3.2. Implementation of Capacity Building

Activities (related to Op3.2.)

A3.3. Implementation of New SCP Related

Technical Solutions and Business

Development Services (related to Op3.3.)

A3.4 Organisation of Study Visits (related to




Desk top/lap top computers

Car to conduct activities in the regions

Travel costs and costs of study visits

Trainings/workshops/capacity buildings: training facilities (rooms, projectors etc.) – trainers – catering

External expertise

Visibility actions and dissemination tools (publications, banners, brochures, media promotion, GEM website

and community platform)

Direct financial support for MSMEs

Indirect costs (offices, telephones, printers, electricity, office supplies etc.)

Costs: What are the action costs? How are they classified? (Breakdown in the Budget for the Action)

Total budget breakdown by the Activities MC A1 A2 A3 A4 Total

1.1. + 1.2 Salaries 88,538 77,298 73,628 51,607 77,298 368,370

1.3. Per diems 6,722 15,528 31,932 28,854 16,759 99,795

2. Travel 4,740 2,140 2,140 1,886 1,070 11,976

3. Equipment 1,474 8,788 8,788 8,788 8,788 36,626

5.1. Publications - 1,000 - - - 1,000

5.3. Expenditure verification/audit 3,770 - - - - 3,770

5.4 Evaluation costs 9,600 - - - - 9,600

5.6. Financial service charges 6,244 6,244

5.7. Costs of conferences/seminars - 32,010 34,404 9,658 76,072

5.8. Visibility actions - 4,405 4,405 4,405 12,429 25,644

6.1. + 6.2. Study visits - - - 48,620 - 48,620

6.3.+ 6.4. External Expertise - - 60,000 60,000 - 120,000

6.5. Financial support to MSME‟s - - - 162,000 - 162,000

8. Indirect costs 13576 13576 13576 13,576 13576 67,880

9. Contingency reserve 2,909 2,909 2,909 2,909 2,909 14,546

TOTAL 137,574 125,644 229,388 417,050 142,487 1,052,143




for adopting

SCP practices

will be


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A4. Dissemination of Lessons Learned

and GEM Replication Plan Development;

A4.1. Launch of the GEM Community

(Platform) (related to Op4.1.)

A4.2. Development of the GEM Replication

Plan (related to Op4.2.)

A4.3. Organisation of Meetings for

Dissemination of Project Results on Local or

National Level (related to Op4.1.)

<Please list all contracts (works, supplies, services) above € 60 000 awarded for the implementation of the action during the reporting period, giving for

each contract the amount, the name of the contractor and a brief description on how the contractor was selected.>

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1.2. Please provide an updated action plan for the future activities of the project2



Half-year 1 Half-year 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Implementing body

Execution Activity MC (Project Management and


- Project Advisory Committee meetings ECCSA

- Adjust performance indicators (one impact and two

outcome) and seek approval from the EU


- Finalize the recruitment of international consultant PRECISE

- Participation in Switch Africa green networking



Preparation Activity A1. Analysis of Green Growth

Manufacturing Industries in Ethiopia

- Publish the report of the analysis made on

Ethiopian green growth manufacturing industries


Execution Activity A2. Launch of 3 Pilot Green

Manufacturing Clusters

A2.1. Organization of Cluster Meetings (10) PRECISE & INOA with the support

of the international consultant

A2.2. Facilitation of Pilot Cluster Action Plans (5) PRECISE & INOA with the support

of the international consultant

Execution Activity A3. Capacity Building of Local

MSMEs, Including Those in the Informal Economy, on

SCP Practices;

A3.1. Facilitate B2B dialogues (5) ECCSA

A3.2. Capacity Building of Local MSMEs (4 training

topics and 31 trainees)


A3.3 Implementation of New SCP Related Technical

Solutions and Business Development Services (18


2 This plan will cover the financial period between the interim report and the next report.

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- Technical Advisory PRECISE & INOA with the support

of the international consultant

- Financial support Led by ECCSA in collaboration with

Precise and INOA

- Organize “Lalibela Artisan Festival” in partnership

with Lalibela Tourism Bureau


A3.4 Organization of Study Visits (2) Led by ECCSA in collaboration with

Precise and INOA

Execution Activity A4 (Dissemination of lessons

learned and GEM Replication Plan development)

A4.1 Launch of the GEM Community (Platform)

- Continue disseminating information related to green

growth manufacturing and SCP practices through

GEM community platforms

Led by ECCSA in collaboration with

Precise and INOA

- Run GEM media campaigns (4) ECCSA

- Regularly upload information on the project‟s

website -


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GEM 2018 Report EU format Final

2. Beneficiaries/affiliated entities and other Cooperation

2.1. How do you assess the relationship between the beneficiaries/affiliated entities of this grant

contract (i.e. those having signed the mandate for the Coordinator or the affiliated entity

statement)? Please provide specific information for each beneficiary/affiliated entity.

- The project is being implemented by the Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral

Association – ECCSA (the Lead Applicant), Inoa, Innovative Organizations, from Slovenia,

and Precise Consult International PLC, Ethiopia.

- The project-implementing partners are closely collaborating in implementing the project

activities. An Advisory Board comprising of senior officials of the three implementing

partners is established, which is responsible for high-level strategic guidance and review of

project progress. In the reporting period, the Advisory Board had five meetings and

deliberated on project implementation status and challenges faced and provided strategic

directions to speedup project progress.

2.2. How would you assess the relationship between your organisation and State authorities in the

Action countries? How has this relationship affected the Action?

- The project is collaborating with Lalibela Tourism Bureau to support the handicraft cluster

members operating in the town.

2.3. Where applicable, describe your relationship with any other organisations involved in

implementing the Action:

- The project team had a meeting with H&M Ethiopia team. The two teams discussed about

their respective interventions in the area of promoting SCP practices and the potential for

collaboration. A consensus reached to keep exchanging information to seize opportunities

that may arise for collaboration to create synergies.

- The project team also had a meeting with UN Environment (

on December 18/2018 and reached a consensus to share information, to work together and

create synergy. This will further be cemented on April in the presence of EU Delegation and

other government partners.

2.4. Where applicable, outline any links and synergies you have developed with other actions.

- The project is looking for opportunities to collaborate with the other Switch Africa Green

funded project being implemented in Ethiopia by Solidaridad. Particularly, the two projects

can collaborate in the area of vegetables products based leather tanning.

2.5. If your organisation has received previous EU grants in view of strengthening the same target

group, in how far has this Action been able to build upon/complement the previous one(s)? (List

all previous relevant EU grants).


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3. Visibility

In this reporting period, the project made various efforts to increase the visibility of the project actions

and the fact that the EU is supporting the project.

3.1.Development of Communication and Visibility Plan

The project team developed GEM‟s communication and visibility (CV) plan, which is Aligned with

EU‟s Communication Guidelines. The CV plan, among others outlines: CV objectives,

communication methods, CV stakeholders, CV methods and human resource, CV work plan and

methods. Based on the CV plan project brochure and banners for the project-launching event were


3.2.Project launching workshop

The project was officially kicked off at a launching event organized on the 19th of April 2018 at

Churchill Hotel. A total of 50 key stakeholders including the media, private and government sector

actors participated in the event. A press release was prepared and distributed to various media outlets.

The following media outlets participated in the event and gave wide media coverage to the launching


Three TV stations (EBC, Fana, OBN TV),

One News Agency (ENA),

Three print media (Fortune, Capital and Reporter), and

Three Radio stations (Zami 90.1, Sheger 102.1 and Abay FM).

Project Launching Workshop

3.3.Business run

A business run under the motto - “Lets’ run for sustainable manufacturing” was conducted on the

17th of June 2018 in the presence of H.E. Mr. Ambassador Johan Borgstam, EU Ambassador in

Ethiopia, H.E Ato Ambachew Mekonnen (PhD), the then Minister of Industry, H.E Mr. Melaku

Ezezew (Eng.) president of ECCSA Board of Directors. The event attracted 2,600 participants from

the business sector. Though this activity was not included in the original project plan, its

implementation significantly contributed to promote “sustainable manufacturing”.

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3.4.Promotional Materials

The project also developed the following promotional materials to increase the project‟s visibility:

Publication of 1000 copies of GEM brochures,

Five different banners published and used for: 1-The project launching program 2-Permanent

display at the project office and 3- Different workshops and other events

A 60 second TV commercial produced and broadcasted four times through Fana Broadcasting

Corporate S.C.

The European Commission may wish to publicise the results of Actions. Do you have any

objection to this report being published on the EuropeAid website? If so, please state your

objections here. – We have no objection.

Name of the contact person for the Action: Heyeru Hussien

Signature: ………………………………………

Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Date report due: January 31, 2019

Date report sent: February 21, 2019

Some of the participants of “Let us run for Sustainable Manufacturing”

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1. GEM project press release

2. Attendance sheets

2.1. GEM project launching event

2.2. Cluster launch/meetings

2.2.1. Textile cluster launch/meeting

2.2.2. Leather Cluster launch/meeting

2.2.3. Handicraft Cluster launch/meeting

2.2.4. Top designers and sophisticated handicraft

2.2.5. Lalibela handicraft cluster launch

2.2.6. Lalibela handicraft cluster second meeting

2.2.7. Textile and leather joint meeting and training of market portal

2.3. Training program on „sustainable wool handicraft design” - Lalibela

2.4. B - Corp certification assessments