Final File Report(food court)

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php food court

Transcript of Final File Report(food court)

Project Report



Submitted By: Gurmeet Kaur Saini


Submitted To: Er.Shivani Khurana

CT Institute of Engineering and Technology, Shahpur, Jalandhar



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It is my pleasure to acknowledge the help, that I had received from different individuals and

GTB Technologies during the project based training period.

My first sincere appreciation and gratitude goes to respected Mr. Satnam Singh, Project guide,

GTB Technologies for his guidance, constructive comments, valuable suggestions and

inspirations. During the entire training session, I have received endless help from him.

Also, it gives me immense pleasure to express my sincere and wholehearted sense of gratitude to

my esteemed Head Training Mr. Vinay Mohan Sharma, for their invaluable and untiring

guidance and supervision throughout our training Period. To derive benefits of their enormous

experience, it is a matter of great privilege for me.

I also take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and full appreciation to Mr. Manjeet

Singh, who extended his wholehearted cooperation, moral support and rendering ungrudging

assistance whenever and wherever need arisen. I am very thankful to him.

Finally, I wish to say thanks to all people of the company for their kind cooperation.

Overview of Project :

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The online ordering system benefit the owners with increased sales, decreased employee expenses, reduce the time spent on incorrect ordering and many other conveniences.

The online ordering system attracts new customers as the websites allow them to find a good restaurant that provides quality services.

Online ordering systems can streamline the ordering process and can promote the website. It cuts down on the time spent maintaining the food inventory .

It will save time on man power that can be used to perform more productive work for the restaurant. Online food ordering system can maximize the capabilities of the staff working in a restaurant.

This system allows you to reach to your customer through a personalized website. It open ups the doors to marketing opportunities through listings on the important search engines, email marketing campaigns and social media platforms.

Customers will take menu online, customers will easily find your contact information, hours and other relevant details. Your customers will have instant confirmation of their orders .This can ensure improved customer satisfaction.

Online ordering system is totally different from fax based solution and so the orders cannot be lost.

Customers can make their payments in a hassle free manner as the payments are securely processed.

Customers no longer have to wait on hold when ordering during a busy period such as lunch or dinner.

Customers find it much easy to make large order online because they have the ability to be patient, weight their option and calculate different pricing options.

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Ram : 512MB

Hard Disk : 40GB

Processor : Pentium– II processor or equivalent


Ram : 128MB

Hard Disk : 20GB

Processor : Any Processor

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Operating System : Windows NT /95/98/XP/7

Database : MySql Database

Web Server : Wampserver


Operating System : Any Operating System with

IE 5.0/0.6 is supported.

Browser : Internet Explorer Version 5.0/0.6,

Mozilla Firefox 12.0

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Objective of Project :

The objective of the project is to improve the customer services by providing a convenience to customers to make order through online and increase sales. By this way it can save transport, calling charge, and time. This enables user to find favorite foods from favorite restaurant there is no any tye of distance or time constraints. .This system provide full customer satisfaction because this allow customers to register and allows them some privileges. Customers can place order without hold or busy signals.All the payment made through this project is made very securely.

As the outcome of the project is a network application, most of the project objectives match with the characteristics that this application should have. Thus, our system should be:

Attractive and easy to use Flexible Efficient Profitable for all involved payers Secure

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Functional components of the project-

Following is a list of functionalities of the System, more functionality that you find appropriate

can be added to this list. And, in places where the description of functionality is not adequate,

you can make appropriate assumptions and proceed.

Administrator is registered in the system. He must have some exclusive privileges (for example,

will accept/reject company’s advertisements and can make insertion, deletion, modifications etc.

to the existing advertisements in database also).

Functionalities of the system are mainly divided into two components/Modules:

Administrator Component

User components

The features that are available to the Admin are:

An instructor acting as admin can register users

Login to the system and change his password after logging in

Can view the different categories of products available

Can view the information as well as modify the information

Flash the database after specific time period

The features available to the customer are:

Login to the system through the initial screen of the system.

Change the password after logging into the system.

Search the various products according to their requirements.

Online stores are usually available 24 hours a day, and many consumers have Internet access

both at work and at home. Other establishments such as internet cafes and schools provide

internet access as well. In contrast, visiting a conventional retail store requires travel and must

take place during business hours.

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The PHP Hypertext Pre-processor (PHP) is a programming language that allows web developers to create

dynamic content that interacts with databases. PHP is basically used for developing web based software

applications. PHP started out as a small open source project that evolved as more and more people found

out how useful it was. Rasmus Lerdorf unleashed the first version of PHP way back in 1994.


PHP is a recursive acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor".

PHP is a server side scripting language that is embedded in HTML. It is used to manage

dynamic content, databases, session tracking, even build entire e-commerce sites.

It is integrated with a number of popular databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle,

Sybase, Informix, and Microsoft SQL Server.

PHP is pleasingly zippy in its execution, especially when compiled as an Apache module on the

Unix side. The MySQL server, once started, executes even very complex queries with huge result

sets in record-setting time.

PHP supports a large number of major protocols such as POP3, IMAP, and LDAP. PHP4 added

support for Java and distributed object architectures (COM and CORBA), making n-tier

development a possibility for the first time.

PHP is forgiving: PHP language tries to be as forgiving as possible.

PHP Syntax is C-Like.

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Common uses of PHP:

PHP performs system functions, i.e. from files on a system it can create, open, read, write, and

close them.

PHP can handle forms, i.e. gather data from files, save data to a file, thru email you can send data,

return data to the user.

You add, delete, modify elements within your database thru PHP.

Access cookies variables and set cookies.

Using PHP, you can restrict users to access some pages of your website.

It can encrypt data.

Characteristics of PHP :

Five important characteristics make PHP's practical nature possible:






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"Hello World" Script in PHP:

To get a feel for PHP, first start with simple PHP scripts. Since "Hello, World!" is an essential example,

first we will create a friendly little "Hello, World!" script.

As mentioned earlier, PHP is embedded in HTML. That means that in amongst your

normal HTML (or XHTML if you're cutting-edge) you'll have PHP statements like

this: <html>


<title>Hello World</title>


<?php echo "Hello, World!";?>



Output: Hello, World!

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PHP Environment Setup

In order to develop and run PHP Web pages three vital components need to be installed on your computer


Web Server - PHP will work with virtually all Web Server software, including Microsoft's

Internet Information Server (IIS) but then most often used is freely availble Apache Server.

Download Apache for free here:

Database - PHP will work with virtually all database software, including Oracle and Sybase but

most commonly used is freely available MySQL database.

PHP Parser - In order to process PHP script instructions a parser must be installed to generate

HTML output that can be sent to the Web Browser. This tutorial will guide you how to install

PHP parser on your computer.

PHP Parser Installation: Before you proceed it is important to make sure that you have proper

environment setup on your machine to develop your web programs using PHP.

Type the following address into your browser's address box.

Wampserver Configuration: If you are using Wampserver as a Web Server then this section

will guide you to edit Apache Configuration Files. Just Check it here : PHP Configuration in Apache

Server PHP.INI File Configuration: The PHP configuration file, php.ini, is the final and most

immediate way to affect PHP's functionality. Just Check it here: PHP.INI File Configuration

Windows IIS Configuration: To configure IIS on your Windows machine you can refer your

IIS Reference Manual shipped along with IIS.

Escaping to PHP: The PHP parsing engine needs a way to differentiate PHP code from other

elements in the page. The mechanism for doing so is known as 'escaping to PHP.

Canonical PHP tags: The most universally effective PHP tag style is: <?php...?>

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PHP is case sensitive:

Yeah it is true that PHP is a case sensitive language. Try out following example: <html>



$capital = 67;

print("Variable capital is $capital<br>");

print("Variable CaPiTaL is $CaPiTaL<br>");




Output: Variable capital is 67

Statements are expressions terminated by semicolons:

A statement in PHP is any expression that is followed by a semicolon (;).Any sequence of

valid PHP statements that is enclosed by the PHP tags is a valid PHP program. Here is a

typical statement in PHP, which in this case assigns a string of characters to a variable

called $greeting: $greeting = "Welcome to PHP!";

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PHP Variable Types :

The main way to store information in the middle of a PHP program is by using a variable.

Here are the most important things to know about variables in PHP.

All variables in PHP are denoted with a leading dollar sign ($).

The value of a variable is the value of its most recent assignment.

Variables are assigned with the = operator, with the variable on the left-hand side and

the expression to be evaluated on the right.

Variables can, but do not need, to be declared before assignment.

Variables in PHP do not have intrinsic types - a variable does not know in advance

whether it will be used to store a number or a string of characters.

Variables used before they are assigned have default values.

PHP does a good job of automatically converting types from one to another when


PHP variables are Perl-like.

PHP Constants : A constant is a name or an identifier for a simple value. A constant value

cannot change during the execution of the script. By default a constant is case-sensitive. By

convention, constant identifiers are always uppercase. A constant name starts with a letter or

underscore, followed by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores. If you have defined a

constant, it can never be changed or undefined. To define a constant you have to use define()

function and to retrieve the value of a constant, you have to simply specifying its name. Unlike

with variables, you do not need to have a constant with a $. You can also use the function

constant() to read a constant's value if you wish to obtain the constant's name dynamically.

constant() function: As indicated by the name, this function will return the value of the constant.

This is useful when you want to retrieve value of a constant, but you do not know its name, i.e. It is

stored in a variable or returned by a function.

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Wampserver is a web container developed program, providing an environment for php website to run offline in cooperation with a web server.WAMPs are packages of independently-created programs installed on computers that use a Microsoft Windows operating system.WAMP is an acronym formed from the initials of the operating system Microsoft Windows and the principal components of the package: Apache, MySQL and one of PHP, Perl or Python. Apache is a web server. MySQL is an open-source database. PHP is a scripting language that can manipulate information held in a database and generate web pages dynamically each time content is requested by a browser. Other programs may also be included in a package, such as phpMyAdmin which provides a graphical user interface for the MySQL database manager, or the alternative scripting languages Python or Perl.

WAMP is a mini-server that runs on almost any Windows Operating System. WAMP has Apache 2, PHP 5 (SMTP ports are disabled), and MySQL (phpMyAdmin and SQLitemanager are installed to manage the user’s databases) pre-installed.An icon on the taskbar tray displays WAMP’s status, which lets the user know if: a) WAMP is running but no services are opened (the icon will appear red), b) WAMP is running and one service is opened (the icon will appear yellow), or c) WAMP is running with all services opened (the icon will appear white). Apache and MySQL are considered to be services. They can be disabled by left-clicking the taskbar icon, placing the cursor over the service to be disabled, and selecting “Stop Service.”The files/web pages that are hosted on a WAMP server can be accessed by typing http://localhost/ or in the web browser’s address bar. WAMP must be running in order to access either of the above addresses. share files/web pages with others, click the icon on the taskbar tray and select “Put Online.” The user must have access to the Internet in order to continue. Send one’s IP address to the people that will be given access to the files/web pages hosted on one’s WAMP server.

Advantages of PHP Programming :

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PHP programming which had a humble beginning has now turned to be a major player in software development. It was successful in launching fast and simple scripting language that could work seamlessly with many other components. The execution speed of web applications is very important as it cannot afford to slow down the rest of the machine, either. PHP integrates well with other software, especially under UNIX. It can be very fast, because it is a thin wrapper around many operating system calls.

PHP offers various security levels which can be set in the .ini file to defend the system from attacks of users, both as programmers and as surfers.

Another important advantage of PHP is its simplicity. Even HTML coders can integrate PHP programming straight into their pages.

Ease of writing interfaces to other libraries. Large amount of database interfaces like MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle, Informix, and

PostgreSQL etc. PHP programming is similar to C / JavaScript and Java. PHP will run on (almost) any platform. The PHP Extension and Add-on Repository.

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The database has become an integral part of almost every human’s life. Without it, many things we do would become very tedious, perhaps impossible tasks. Banks, universities, and libraries are three examples of organizations that depend heavily on some sort of database system. On the Internet, search engines, online shopping, and even the website naming convention (http://www...) would be impossible without the use of a database. A database that is implemented and interfaced on a computer is often termed a database server.One of the fastest SQL (Structured Query Language) database servers currently on the market is the MySQL server, developed by T.c.X. DataKonsultAB. MySQL, available for download at, offers the database programmer with an array of options and capabilities rarely seen in other database servers.

These capabilities range across a number of topics, including the following:

Ability to handle an unlimited number of simultaneous users. Capacity to handle 50,000,000+ records. Very fast command execution, perhaps the fastest to be found on the market. Easy and efficient user privilege system.

Reasons to Use MySQL:

1.Scalability and Flexibility: The MySQL database server provides the ultimate in scalability, sporting the capacity to handle deeply embedded applications with a footprint of only 1MB to running massive data warehouses holding terabytes of information. Platform flexibility is a stalwart feature of MySQL with all flavors of Linux, UNIX, and Windows being supported. And, of course, the open source nature of MySQL allows complete customization for those wanting to add unique requirements to the database server.

2. High Performance: A unique storage-engine architecture allows database professionals to configure the MySQL database server specifically for particular applications, with the end result being amazing performance results.. With high-speed load utilities, distinctive memory caches, full text indexes, and other performance-enhancing mechanisms, MySQL offers all the right ammunition for today’s critical business systems.

3. High Availability : Rock-solid reliability and constant availability are hallmarks of MySQL, with customers relying on MySQL to guarantee around-the-clock uptime. MySQL offers a variety of high-availability options from high-speed master/slave replication configurations, to specialized Cluster servers offering instant failover, to third party vendors offering unique high-availability solutions for the MySQL database server.

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4. Robust Transactional Support : MySQL offers one of the most powerful transactional database engines on the market. Features include complete ACID (atomic, consistent, isolated, durable) transaction support, unlimited row-level locking, distributed transaction capability, and multi-version transaction support where readers never block writers and vice-versa. Full data integrity is also assured through server-enforced referential integrity, specialized transaction isolation levels, and instant deadlock detection.

5. Web and Data Warehouse Strengths: MySQL is the de-facto standards for high-traffic web sites because of its high-performance query engine, tremendously fast data insert capability, and strong support for specialized web functions like fast full text searches. These same strengths also apply to data warehousing environments where MySQL scales up into the terabyte range for either single servers or scale-out architectures. Other features like main memory tables, B-tree and hash indexes, and compressed archive tables that reduce storage requirements by up to eighty-percent make MySQL a strong standout for both web and business intelligence applications.

6. Strong Data Protection : Because guarding the data assets of corporations is the number one job of database professionals, MySQL offers exceptional security features that ensure absolute data protection. In terms of database authentication, MySQL provides powerful mechanisms for ensuring only authorized users have entry to the database server, with the ability to block users down to the client machine level being possible. SSH and SSL support are also provided to ensure safe and secure connections. A granular object privilege framework is present so that users only see the data they should, and powerful data encryption and decryption functions ensure that sensitive data is protected from unauthorized viewing. Finally, backup and recovery utilities provided through MySQL and third party software vendors allow for complete logical and physical backup as well as full and point-in-time recovery.

7. Management Ease: MySQL offers exceptional quick-start capability with the average time from software download to installation completion being less than fifteen minutes. This rule holds true whether the platform is Microsoft Windows, Linux, Macintosh, or UNIX. Once installed, self-management features like automatic space expansion, auto-restart, and dynamic configuration changes take much of the burden off already overworked database administrators. MySQL also provides a complete suite of graphical management and migration tools that allow a DBA to manage, troubleshoot, and control the operation of many MySQL servers from a single workstation. Many third party software vendor tools are also available for MySQL that handle tasks ranging from data design and ETL, to complete database administration, job management, and performance monitoring.

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PHP MySQL Connect to a Database:

Connecting to a MySQL Database

Before you can access and work with data in a database, you must create a connection to the database.

In PHP, this is done with the mysql_connect() function.


mysql_connect(servername, username, password);

Parameter Description

Servername Optional. Specifies the server to connect to. Default value is “localhost”

Username Optional. Specifies the username to log in with. Default value is the name of the user that owns the server process

Password Optional. Specifies the password to log in with. Default is “”


In the following example we store the connection in a variable ($con) for later use in the script. The “die” part will be executed if the connection fails:

<?php$con = mysql_connect(“localhost”,”arman”,”abc123”);if (!$con) { die(‘Could not connect: ‘ . mysql_error()); }// some code?>

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Closing a Connection:

The connection will be closed as soon as the script ends. To close the connection before, use the mysql_close() function.

<?php$con = mysql_connect(“localhost”,”arman”,”abc123”);if (!$con) { die(‘Could not connect: ‘ . mysql_error()); }// some code mysql_close($con); ?>

Main Features of MySQL:

Written in C and C++. Tested with a broad range of different compilers. Works on many different platforms. The MySQL Server design is multi-layered with independent modules. Fully multi-threaded using kernel threads. It can easily use multiple CPUs if they are

available. Provides transactional and non-transactional storage engines. Uses very fast B-tree disk tables with index compression. Relatively easy to add other storage engines. This is useful if you want to provide an

SQL interface for an in-house database. A very fast thread-based memory allocation system. Very fast joins using an optimized one-sweep multi-join. In-memory hash tables, which are used as temporary tables. SQL functions are implemented using a highly optimized class library and should be as

fast as possible. Usually there is no memory allocation at all after query initialization.

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Introduction of Project:

Online Food Court project is a user friendly website developed in PHP language as front end

and MYSQL server database as back end. This project is designed to provide users a best

method to buy food online which will reduce manual work and helps users to compare products

from other product and read reviews by users to buy best product. This project is aimed at

developing an online food ordering system.. It helps to select and purchase new food and

different taste and also it facilitate the people to get information about latest new menu items .

It provides the simplest, cheapest and an less time and energy consuming way of ordering food.

This system runs on multiple terminals, offers a GUI interface to its users and connects to a

database(s). Online food are usually available 24 hours a day, and many consumers have

Internet access both at work and at home. Other establishments such as internet cafes and

schools provide internet access as well. In contrast, visiting a conventional retail store requires

travel and must take place during business hours.

In the event of a problem with the item (e.g., the product was not what the consumer ordered,

the product was not satisfactory), consumers are concerned with the ease of returning an item in

exchange for either the correct product or a refund. Consumers may need to contact the retailer,

visit the post office and pay return shipping, and then wait for a replacement or refund.

The application is divided into two modules. The modules are as follows:

Administrator Module: It includes the managing of users and databases of this site by the


Customer Module: It includes facility of searching products according to the choice.

The intended audiences for this Project are:

The innovative team members.

The Professional people either freshers or the experienced people and recruiters.

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Existing System

The existing system was an automated system. But It was found to be inefficient in meeting the

growing demands of population . The automated system was so time consuming that it did not

meet the requirements of users. As in modern era everyone wants to do anytime in a very short

period of time . But if we will use that existing automated system in modern era then it does

not fulfill the needs of the users and will not prove advantageous for the users . So in order to

remove the drawbacks of the existing system we are developing an online shopping system.

Drawbacks in the existing systems:

Time Consuming


Needed an agent

We have to out for that.

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Problem Recognition

A problem is well defined very rarely. It corps out with a vague feeling of some statements that

lead to vague conclusions. So the first task is to get more crucial information by interviewing

and meeting concerned people. It clarifies how the problem is felt, how often it occurs, how it

affects the business and which departments are suffering with this. This phase consists of the

following tasks.

Problem Definition And Initial Investigation

This was a preliminary investigation done with a view to have a “feel” of the working of the

proposed system. This phase has been identified the end-user directly involved in the system

who were the managers, assistant officer and database administrator, and the development

department. By understanding the working of database, its flow and also after conducting

meetings and interviews with the concerned persons of the department, a clear idea about the

working was obtained. A flexible approach is adapted towards people who are interviewed.

Short hand written notes are prepared based on the response of the employees. The interviews

are preferably conducted at the work place of the person being interviewed. Detailed

investigation is done in order to define the scope of the problem .The interview is concluded

with a quick resume of the ground covered during the interview .The Questionnaire technique is

combined with interviews to get the best result. Proper care has been taken in the design of such

questionnaires so that the persons answering these questions do not feel hesitant. An

explanatory note that serves to gain cooperation and avoid misunderstanding by setting out the

purpose of the exercise clearly accomplishes each questionnaire.

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Observation technique

It is also used for fact finding. The work described at the time of interview is observed

personally ads it reduces the chances of misunderstanding and omissions. Some important

things observed are like the flow of information through the system and important data

transactions, the data being maintained and the frequency of their updating.

By the end of this phase, idea as to how the information enters the system, how it is stored, how

it is processed, how information changes affects the working of the system and finally the

output format required by the end-user was collected. All the information generated from this

phase acted as an input to the next phase.


Steps in Feasibility Analysis

Form a project team and appoint a project leader.

Prepare system flowcharts.

Enumerate potential proposed systems.

Define and identify characteristics of proposed system.

Determine and evaluate performance and cost effectiveness of each proposed system.

Weight system performance and cost data.

Select the best-proposed system.

Prepare and report final project directive to management

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Types of Feasibility

In the conduct of the feasibility study, the analyst will usually consider seven distinct, but inter-

related types of feasibility. They are:

1. Technical feasibility

2. Operational feasibility

3. Economic feasibility

4. Social feasibility

5. Management feasibility

6. Legal feasibility

7. Time feasibility

Technical Feasibility

This is concerned with specifying equipment and software that will successfully satisfy the user

requirement. The technical needs of the system may vary considerably, but might include:

The facility to produce outputs in a given time.

Response time under certain conditions.

Ability to process a certain volume of transaction at a particular speed.

Facility to communicate data to distant location.

In examining technical feasibility, configuration of the system is given more importance than

the actual make of hardware. The configuration should give the complete picture about the

system's requirements: How many workstations are required, how these units are

interconnected so that they could operate and communicate smoothly. What speeds of input and

out- put should be achieved at particular quality of printing. This can be used as a basis for the

tender document against which dealers and manufacturers can later make their equipment bids.

Specific hardware and software products can then be evaluated keeping in view with the logical


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Operational Feasibility

It is mainly related to human organizational and political aspects. The points to be considered


What changes will be brought with the system?

What organizational structures are disturbed?

What new skills will be required?

If not, can they be trained in due course of time?

Generally project will not be rejected simply because of operational infeasibility but such

considerations are likely to critically affect the nature and scope of the eventual recommends.

Economic Feasibility

Economic analysis is the most frequently used technique for evaluating the effectiveness of a

proposed system. More commonly known as cost / benefit analysis; the procedure is to

determine the benefits and savings that are expected from a proposed system and compare them

with costs. If benefits outweigh costs, a decision is taken to design and implement the system.

Social Feasibility

Social feasibility is a determination of whether a proposed project will be acceptable to the

people or not. This determination typically examines the probability of the project being

accepted by the group directly affected by the proposed system change.

Management Feasibility

It is a determination of whether a proposed project will be acceptable to management. If

management does not accept a project or gives a negligible support to it, the analyst will tend to

view the project as a non-feasible one.

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Legal Feasibility

Legal feasibility is a determination of whether a proposed project infringes on known Acts,

Statutes, as well as any pending legislation. Although in some instances the project might

appear sound, on closer investigation it may be found to infringe on several legal areas.

Time Feasibility

Time feasibility is a determination of whether a proposed project can be implemented fully

within a stipulated time frame. If a project takes too much time it is likely to be rejected.


The design of an information system produces the details that clearly describe how a system

will meet the requirements identified during systems analysis. Systems specialists often refer to

this stage as logical design, in contrast to the process of developing program software, which is

referred to as physical design. Systems analysts begin the design process by identifying reports

and other outputs system will produce. Then the specific data on each are pinpointed. The

systems design also describes the data to be input, calculated or stored. Individual data items

and calculation procedures are written in detail. Designers select file structures and storage

devices, such as magnetic disk, magnetic tape or even paper files. Procedures they write tell

how to process the data and produce the output. The documents containing the design

specifications portray the design in many different ways-charts, tables, and special symbols.

The detailed design information is passed on to the programming staff for the purpose of

software development. Designers are responsible for providing programmers with complete and

clearly out lined software specifications. This phase is the first step in moving from problem

domain to solution domain. In other words starting from what is needed,design takes us towards

how to specify needs.

Design: The overall objective in the development of the database technology has been to treat

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data as an organizational resource and as an integrated whole. Database management system

allows data to be protected and organize separately from other resources. Database is an

integrated collection of data.

The databases are implemented using a DBMS package. Each particular DBMS has unique

characteristics and general techniques for Database Design.

phase is often divided into two separate phases:

System Design:In System design main focus is on what components are needed.

Detailed design:During detailed design focus is on specification of the internal logic for each

of the modules/components.

Database Design:

The proposed Management Information System stores the information relevant for processing

in the Microsoft SQL Server Database. This MS SQL Server contains tables, where each table

is called a field or column. A table also contains records which is a set of fields. All records, in

a table the same set of fields with different information. Each table contains key fields that

establish relationships in a MS SQL server database and how the records are stored. There are

primary key fields that uniquely identify a record in a table. There are also fields that contain

the primary key from another table called foreign keys.A database design is a collection of

stored data organized in sucha way that the data requirements are satisfied by the database. The

general objective is to make information access easy, quick, inexpensiveand flexible for the

user. There are also some specific objectives like controlled redundancy from failure, privacy,

security and performance. A collection of relative records make up a table. To design and store

data to the needed forms database tables are prepared. Two essential settings for a database are:

Primary key: - The field that is unique for all the record occurrences.

Foreign key: - The field used to set relation between tables. Normalization is a technique to

avoid redundancy in the tables.

Code Design:

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When large volumes of data are being handled, it is important that the item be identified, stored

or selected easily and quickly. To accomplish this, each data item must have unique

identification and must be related to other items of the same type. Codes can provide brief

identification of each item, which replace longer description that would be more awkward to

store and manipulate.

The ability to interrupt codes, evaluate coding schemes and devices new or improved codes are

important skills for a system analyst. Common types of codes includes validation checks.

A common problem with computer system is that it is very easy to put incorrect data into them.

So the input data is validated to minimize errors and data entry.

A validation check is an automatic check made by computer to ensure that any data entered into

the computer is sensible. A validation check does not make sure that data has been entered


Input Design:

The input design is the link between the information system and the user. It comprises

developing specification and procedure for data preparation and those steps that are necessary

to put transaction data into a usable form for processing data entry. The activity of putting data

into the computer for processing can be achieved by instructing the computer to read data from

a written or printed document or it can occur by having people key data directly into the

system. The design of inputs focuses on controlling the amount of inputs required, controlling

errors, avoiding delay, avoiding extra steps and keeping the process simple.

Output Design:

Output design is a process that involves designing necessary outputs that should be given to

various users according to their requirements. Efficient, intelligible output design should

improve the system’s relationship with the user and help in decision making.


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Detailed Study of Existing System

This phase provides the overall requirement for the system what is to be done. Input for this

phase is the information collected through several data collecting schemes such as survey,

cross-questioning-answering etc and the raw data obtained which is not properly ordered and

not in the precise manner. So here this raw data is converted into useful information written in

precise manner and thus output is a formal document. After collecting all the information and

requirements, they were verified from the concerned persons by presenting a diagrammatic

version of the proposed system. The points missing were added to the system specifications for

the desired system. So this final document provides the system requirement specifications for

the desired system. It helps in reducing the total development cost and also establishes the

various points for validation and verification.

Existing Systems And Details : It was difficult to set the JDK information on the system in the

mean time. Moreover it was a time consuming affair if a person is new to start working with

java. It was difficult to solve the problems those were arising during a particular installation of

the software because of hardware compatibility issues.Moreover there is usage an issue

concerned with the software .This issue has been resolved by the WEB-IDE by providing

Integrated Environment facility to its users. This system provides the feature of uploading a

java file already on the local machine of the user or he can make altogether a new java program

using this IDE and save it on his local machine also.

User Requirements:Since end users are the ones who are finally going to use the system, their requirements need to be identified. This involves questioning the end users what their expectations were. The main requirement of the end user is that the system should be easy to use and take less time. In addition to these another important factor was to eliminate the need for database conversion and migration that had to be carried out presently. After conducting interviews with the users a document called the software requirement specification was created. This is the most important document that forms the basis for system development. It should be consistent, complete, unambiguous, traceable and inter-related.

This document has the following components.

Functional Requirements : The functional requirements specify relationship between

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the inputs and outputs. All the operations to be performed on the input data to obtain

output are to be specified. This includes specifying the validity checks on the input and

output data, parameters affected by the operations and the other operations, which must

be used to transform the inputs into outputs. Functional requirements specify the

behavior of the system for valid input and outputs.

Performance Requirements: This section includes performance of the product that are

set by user interaction and studying the existing system of the organization. These are

stated in complete measurable terms, so that they can be verified during system

evaluation phase. Some of the performance requirements are stated below.

User Friendly : the system produced is user friendly, understandable and easy to use

so that the users of the system can easily learn to use the system. For this the system is

made menu-driven with well-documented programs.

Time Element (response and processing time): the response time of the system is

very less and takes less time to execute queries and triggers.

Maximum Throughput : the system gives maximum throughput with relevant


Robustness : the system will be able to handle undesirable situations and errors

encountered at various levels e.g. if the user supplies invalid input for processing, the

system gracefully halts, displaying a message to the user indicating the cause of the

error and prompting him it enter the correct input.

Flexibility: the system is flexible in nature so that likely changes and alterations can

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easily be made.

Information Security : records in the system must be safe, confidential and must be

prevented from unauthorized access.

Design Phase

After the analysis phase we have with us the details of the existing system and the requirements

of the user for the new system. This phase diverts focus from the problem domain to the

solution domain. It acts as a bridge between the requirement phase and its solution. The design

phase focuses on the detailed implementation of the system recommended in the feasibility

study. Emphasis is on translating performance specifications into design specifications.

External Design

External design consists of conceiving, planning out and specifying the externally observable

characteristics of the software product. These characteristics include user displays or user

interface forms and the report formats, external data sources and the functional characteristics,

performance requirements etc. External design begins during the analysis phase and continues

in designing phase.


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1. Implementation Issues

Implementation phase of the software development is concerned with translating the design

specifications into the source code. After the system has been designed, arrives the stage of

putting it into actual usage known as the implementation of the system. This involves putting

up of actual practical usage of the theoretically designed system. The primary goal of

implementation is to write the source code and the internal documentation so that conformance

of the code to its specifications can easily be verified and so the debugging, modifications and

testing are eased. This goal can be achieved by making the source code as clear and as

straightforward as possible. Simplicity, Elegance and Clarity are the hallmarks of good

programs whereas complexity are indications of inadequate design and misdirected thinking.

The system implementation is a fairly complex and expensive task requiring numerous inter-

dependent activities. It involves the effort of a number of groups of people: user and the

programmers and the computer operating staff etc. This needs a proper planning to carry out the

task successfully. Thus it involves the following activities:

Writing and testing of programs individually

Testing the system as a whole using the live data

Training and Education of the users and supervisory staff

Source code clarity is enhance buy using structured coding techniques, by efficient coding

style, by appropriate supporting documents, by efficient internal comments and by features

provided in the modern programming language.

The following are the structured coding techniques:

1) Single Entry, Single Exit

2) Data Encapsulation

3) Using recursion for appropriate problems

2. Testing

The most important activity at the implementation stage is the system testing with the objective

of validating the system against the designed criteria. During the development cycle, user was

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involved in all the phases that are analysis, design and coding. After each phase the user was

asked whether he was satisfied with the output and the desired rectification was done at the

moment. During coding, generally bottom up technique is used. Firstly the lower level modules

are coded and then they are integrated together. Thus before implementation, it involves the

testing of the system. The testing phase involves testing first of separate parts of the system and

then finally of the system as a whole. Each independent module is tested first and then the

complete system is tested. This is the most important phase of the system development. The

user carries out this testing and test data is also prepared by the user to check for all possible

combinations of correct data as well as the wrong data that is trapped by the system. So the

testing phase consists of the following steps:

Unit testing:

In the bottom of coding technique, each module is tested individually. Firstly the module is

tested with some test data that covers all the possible paths and then the actual data was fed to

check for results.

Integration testing:

After all the modules are ready and duly tested, these have to be integrated into the application.

This integrated application was again tested first with the test data and then with the actual data.

Data Flow Diagram of Food Court:

Level 0 DFD:

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Level1 DFD:

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16. CART

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Database Tables of the Project


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Online Food Court is a different experience and you can make the order over the internet as you

get used to it. There can be lot of apprehensions about online ordering when you get in to it for

the first time. As you experience more and more of it those apprehensions

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get disappeared slowly. Remember that if you stick to the basics, online ordering become more

enjoyable and easier than real-world shopping. Having access to online ordering of food has

truly revolutionized and influenced our society as a whole. This use of technology has opened

new doors and opportunities that enable for a more convenient lifestyle today. Variety, quick

service and reduced prices were three significant ways in which online shopping influenced

people from all over the world. However, this concept of online shopping led to the possibilities

of fraud and privacy conflicts. Unfortunately, it has shown that it is possible for criminals to

manipulate the system and access personal information. Luckily, today with the latest features of

technology, measures are being taken in order to stop hackers and criminals from inappropriately

accessing private databases. Through privacy and security policies, website designers are doing

their best to put an end to this unethical practice. By doing so, society will continue to depend

upon online shopping, which will allow it to remain a tremendous success in the future. Online

ordering is the process whereby consumers directly buy goods, services etc. from a seller

interactively in real-time without an intermediary service over the internet. Online ordering of

food is the process of buying delicious food from merchants who sell on the Internet. Since the

emergence of the World Wide Web, merchants have sought to sell their products to people who

surf the Internet. Shoppers can visit web stores from the comfort of their homes and shop as they

sit in front of the computer. Consumers buy a variety of items from online stores. In fact, people

can purchase just about anything from companies that provide their products online. Many

people choose to conduct shopping online because of the convenience. For example, when a

person want to order food, she has to drive to the restaurent, find a parking place, and walk

throughout the store until she locates the products she needs. After finding the items she wants to

purchase, she may often need to stand in long lines at the cash register. Despite the convenience

of online shopping, not everyone chooses topurchase items and services online.. Online shopping

doesn't permit shoppers to touch products or have any social interaction.

It also doesn't allow them to take the merchandise home the same day they buy it. Online

shopping allows you to browse through endless possibilities, and even offers merchandise that's

unavailable in stores. If you're searching for a niche product that may not be distributed locally,

you're sure to find what you're looking for on the internet. What's even more useful is the ability

to compare items, similar or not, online. You can search through multiple stores at the same time,

comparing material quality, sizes and pricing simultaneously.. Online shopping also eliminates

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the catchy, yet irritating music, as well as the hundreds, if not thousands, of other like-minded

individuals who seem to have decided to shop on the same day. Say 'goodbye' to the days when

you stood in line waiting, and waiting, and waiting some more for a store clerk to finally check

out your items. Online shopping transactions occur instantly-saving you time to get your other

errands done! Additionally, unlike a store, online shopping has friendly customer service

representatives available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you with locating, purchasing

and shipping your merchandise.


Online Food Ordering is rising day by day in India. Because India is the country where computer

users are increasing day by day so as the online shopping trends are also increasing.  In past few

years, so many online shopping portals are come up with very good product range. Competition

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between these stores is keep increasing day by day.But go for niche specific product not to go for

generic. This product has great future scope. Online shopping Internet software developed on

and for the Windows . This project also provides security with the use of Login-id and Password,

so that any unauthorized users can not use your account. The only Authorized that will have

proper access authority can access the software. In the real world everyone wants less time

consuming way to do everything so online shopping is the best technique for all of them.

Sometime the people are unable to get quality products because the lack of consultation. Now in

the market there are number of consultant those provides consultation. So, this project is useful

for make the people to buy the things of their choices.

The remaining area of concern for advancement or modification is to implement the following

features to the software:

Enhance its features and increasing the number of services provided.

Maintaining log files for unauthorized user.

Implementing higher level of security.



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Core PHP Programming: Using PHP to Build Dynamic Web Sites

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