Final cover page

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Final cover page

black and red are contrasting colours, so it works well to use them over one another as you can clearly see the text.

Main image is large to attract the audiences attention. As T.I is a very well known artist, this also helps to sell the magazine. By the size of the image being large this shows how important the artist is and that the magazine contains a lot of features about him.

Clearly stating who the star is. Also a quote used beneath his name and written in slang shows that its from his own words which could involve the audience much more.

Plain white background makes the magazine looks clear and the colour scheme white black and red helps with the background being white because you can clearly see the subheadings.

The main heading of the magazine is large and bold. Clearly tells the audience what the magazine is called and the colour being red attracts the audience to the magazine.

The imagine on the front cover is of Drake looking straight into the camera. It is a medium close up image of him. His head is slightly tilted and so his baseball cap is also slightly titled. The imagine being large represents he is the main focal point of the magazine.

Drake t-shirt has the words ‘unstoppable’ written in bold at the front in white which contrasts with his black top. By his top saying this it gives off the impression that drake is defiant .

Sub headings are in bold and these also tie in with the colour scheme. The colours are really contrasting with the background therefore the text is easier to see as it stands out. the cover lines relate to Drake who is the main image being “hip-hop’s new religion”. This cover line suggests the artists status in the music industry and with reference to religion his following therefore must be large.

The masthead “VIBE” is the definition of the word vibe is that of a feeling or a flavour which suggests that it will appeal to people looking for an urban magazine.

Barcode vertically on the bottom left of the magazine.

His jewellery also relates to the cover line as it indicates his new status of religion.

This front cover is predominantly made up of the main image which emphasis the status off the artist. Other artists are written in

black which contrasts with the background colour which is her face which you can clearly see. This emphasis that the magazine will also include features about other artists but it doesn't give out any information on the front cover leaving its audience wondering what's new about the artists having them need to look into the magazine to find out.

Unconventional puff is used to emphasis the magazines reputation.

The ellipsis is used as a literary technique to make the reader want to know what the magazine is about.

The mast head is an abbreviation for the word ‘rewind’ , and this mast head also has a direct connation of the magazine being a music magazine.