
Post on 15-May-2018

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Transcript of Until...


It may well be that we will have to repent in this generation, not merely for the vitriolic works and violent actions of the bad people who bomb a church in Birmingham, Alabama, or shoot down a civil rights worker in Selma, but for the appalling silence and indifference of the good people who sit around and say, “Wait on time.” Somewhere we must come to see that human progress never rolls in on wheels of inevitability. It comes through the tireless efforts and the persistent work of dedicated individuals. Without this hard work, time becomes an ally of the primitive forces of social stagnation. So we must help time and realize that the time is always right to do right.” -Jim Wallis “Wherever the early Christians entered a town the power structure got disturbed and immediately sought to convict them for being 'disturbers of the peace' and 'outside agitators.' But they went on with the conviction that they were a 'colony of heaven' and had to obey God rather than man. They were small in number but big in commitment. They were too God-intoxicated to be 'astronomically intimidated.' They brought an end to such ancient evils as infanticide and gladiatorial contest. Things are different now. The contemporary Church is so often a weak, ineffectual voice with an uncertain sound. It is so often the archsupporter of the status quo. Far from being disturbed by the presence of the Church, the power structure of the average community is consoled by the Church’s silent and often vocal sanction of things as they are.” - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

God is still speaking . .

No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey …


Thank you for joining us today! We hope that you feel the warmth of God’s spirit here as we worship together! Please complete the form (in the pew) to let us know a little more about you and place it in the offering plate. As our guests this day it is the only offering we ask. If you should have a prayer concern or would like to meet with the Pastor please indicate this next to your name. Thank you!

Following worship please join us in Fellowship Hall for an informal Continental Breakfast.

Please note our worship services are online and televised, your participation in the service may be visible during these live ministries. If you should not wish your child to be on screen, please refrain from sending them forward during the children’s time or have them sit directly in front of the pews in the front.

Children are welcome in worship; however, should your child grow restless feel free to sit with them in the Parlor at the rear of the Sanctuary.

Nursery/childcare is available for children up to age 2 and is located on Level 2 just beyond the Chapel.

Children are invited to attend Sunday School following the Children’s Message. Classes are offered for all ages.

Large print bulletins and hearing devices are available. Please ask an usher.

An elevator is at your disposal for all levels; our west entrance has a ramp.

Our Church Website is Follow us on: Twitter @

Facebook @ Web stream @


Please pass the clipboard in the pews. Sign in and sign up for events and let us know you’re here.

PRELUDE ANNOUNCEMENTS Pastor Scott *SHARING THE PEACE *OPENING SONG Better is One Day -Redman *CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsive) Pastor Scott Micah 4:3-5New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

3 He shall judge between many peoples, and shall arbitrate between strong nations far away; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more; 4 but they shall each sit under their own vines and under their own fig trees, and no one shall make them afraid; for the mouth of the LORD of hosts has spoken. 5 For all the peoples walk, each in the name of its god, but we will walk in the name of the LORD our God forever and ever

God, may Your Light displace our fears of one another. Help us to see as You see us so that we might be blind no more. Let us overcome our biases and prejudices with truth and love for what happens to our sister and brother affects happens to us. Amen. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Pastor Scott and Pastor Kim Luke James Molitor

Baptismal Song #680 Borning Cry -Ylvisaker Invitation and Words of Blessing to the Baptized Questions of Faith Identity Congregational Response of Support (read in unison) Luke, we thank God for you fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of the Living God. As your church family, we will do our best to walk with you as you grow in your journey with God as disciples.


We will seek to live out the faith we profess with you, and to learn from your faith and life as you grow in your relationship with Jesus. We will pray for you and for your family We give thanks to God, rejoicing with the Holy Spirit, that as sisters and brothers in Christ, we can share this faith journey with you. Amen. Baptism Gifts and Prayer Congregational Care and Pastor Scott

CHILDREN’S SONG Jesus Loves Me (1st Verse) CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Pastor Scott The Lord’s Prayer (read in unison) Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever and ever. Amen. CHILDREN’S SONG Jesus Loves Me (2nd verse) Jesus loves me still today, Walking with me on my way, Wanting as a friend to give, Light and love to all who live. SCRIPTURE READING -Marty Schranz Ephesians 2:1-5, 13-20 1 John 2:11 MINISTRY OF MUSIC Turning Over Tables -The Brillance REFLECTION MESSAGE Living in Blindness -Pastor Scott PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Pastor Kim Silent Prayer Prayer OFFERING OURSELVES AND OUR GIFTS Pastor Kim


Sharing Our Gifts with the Offertory Special Offertory Music Lean on Me -Withers The Band/Chancel Choir *Presentation of the Gifts with Praise (sung in unison) To God, all glorious heavenly light, To Christ revealed in earthly night, To God the Spirit now we raise, Our joyful song of thankful praise. *Prayer of Dedication Pastor Kim * CLOSING SONG #157 Come Now, O Prince of Peace -Lee *BENEDICTION Ancient Words - Deshazo One of our worship traditions to show our solidarity and love in community is to join hands and sing. If you are visiting with us, we invite you to join us in song and in spirit POSTLUDE Until The Whole World Hears -Casting Crowns The Band



Today’s Musicians

Vocals: Kelley Calpin and Anthony Berg Guitar Owen Cooper: Bass: Eric von Holst Piano: Sarah Younker

Percussion: Justin Kono


The Miller family, the Travis family, Coalition of Immokalee workers, all those affected by Hurricane and storm damage in our nation and beyond our borders, Ed Starzyk-brother in law of Carl Lorek, Avishai Bentzedek family of Leslie McFarland , Ted Prochot- father of Alan Prochot who died this past Weds.

Today’s Sunday School:. This week, all of our children will be given a paper dove during the Conversation with the Children in the worship service. They are each to take this dove home and write on it what they will do next week to do God’s work. Then they are to bring them back the following week. Also, beginning this Sunday, the 5th and 6th grade class will meet in the Coffee


House permanently. The 3 years – 4 ½ year old children will meet in room 202, the 4 ½ years – K children will meet in room 203. FOR THIS WEEK ONLY, DUE TO THE GARAGE SALE, THE 1ST & 2ND GRADERS WILL MEET IN ROOM 604. The 3rd and 4th graders will meet in room 603. If this is your first Sunday for this new Sunday school year, please see Miss Jan in the west entrance to fill out a new registration form. Thank you. GREETERS: Karla Sullivan, Dave & Margaret Swartz USHERS: Fred Borrowman, Kim Nagy, Gail Jaroski, Dave Swartz HEAD USHER: Tom Eisenhart COUNTERS: Lisa Lockett, Mark Lockett (Lead Counter) Larry Ferries

This week’s continental breakfast will be served by Worship and Arts. This week’s altar flowers are in celebration of the birthday James Hammack from Bill & Barb Hammack.

This Week’s Announcements What does Generous God - Generous Spirit mean to you? Come to the town hall meeting on October 1st immediately following the service to find out. Updates will be given on the reserve study, the capital campaign, a preliminary 2018 fiscal and ministry vision and an introduction to what a Generous God and Generous Spirit can do within First Congregational Downers Grove in 2018. We will not limit the POWER OF GOD in this place. Hope to see you all there. GARAGE SALE FINALE TODAY! ½ PRICE ALL TREASURES~$5 FILL A BAG 10:30-1:00: A big THANK YOU to all who helped so far this year! Don’t forget to shop in the Chapel and Fellowship Hall after the service for the ½ price and $5 bag sale. There are plenty of “treasures” left! After you’re finished shopping we will still need some help until 1:00-cashiering, bagging, or door watching. Also, we need lots of folks to help box up the leftovers and/or help clean up from 1:00-3:30-ish. Lunch will be provided. Prison Ministry: We’ll be kicking-off the Warrenville Youth Center prison ministry for the 2017/18 school year with a planning meeting at church on Monday, October 2 at 7 pm. Please join us if you are interested in learning more about this fun, and meaningful, outreach. You can also contact Amy Curran at


Women's Fellowship - Ladies of the Morning and Evening: We're going out for Lunch, Friday, October 6, at 11:30 AM at Yerbabuena Mexican Cuisine at 4734 Main St Lisle, IL, (630)-852-8040. If you plan on coming please email or call me. It is nice to have some idea of how big a table to get. Peggy Gutzke H-630/971-1382!

Pads-Food and Volunteers Still Needed for October! This is our 32nd year of serving the homeless in DuPage County. We provide three meals and a place to do laundry, shower, and sleep on Monday nights through Tuesday morning. I still have lots of blank spaces for both food and volunteer shifts. Come see me, Char Wild, after the service to sign up in Fellowship Hall or email

Traveling Feast Fundraiser: HOPE’S FRONT DOOR (HFD) will be hosting THE TRAVELING FEAST fundraiser on October 5, 2017. Guests will be tasting delectable food offerings from five downtown Westmont restaurants before traveling down the road to their next culinary destination. The money raised will be in support of the Financial Literacy Program – helping area residents gain financial self-sufficiency through baseline financial literacy including budgeting, savings and credit repair. Tickets can be purchased by calling Hopes Front Door at (630.241.0187) or by visiting the website at; or you may contact them by email at,

Night Ministry volunteers needed on Sunday, September 24th. Meet in the kitchen at 2 pm; head to Humboldt Park at 3 pm; serve our friends at 4 pm; return back to church by 7 pm. Faith Builders Group: A new Christian Education opportunity to share in prayer, read scripture and share our experiences with it as we grow together as disciples each Thursday at 10am in the Library with Pastor Scott.

FCC Book Club: The book club selection for October is "The Nobodies Album" by Carolyn Parkhurst. We will meet on Wednesday, October 4 at 6:30 PM in the Parlor. EVERYONE is invited - merely read the book and join us for spirited discussion. CROP WALK: The South DuPage CROP Hunger Walk this year will be held on Sunday, October 15th at 2pm. Starting point is at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, corner of Grant and Main Street, Downers Grove. There is a 6K and a 1K walk. Please consider participating in this worthy and fun event! Contact Adrienne Colvert at or 630-795-0535 to participate/register. Hope’s Front Door receives a portion of the proceeds from CROP Hunger Walk each year as well as 1,900 local food banks and soup kitchens in the US. This is a Church World Service event. Thank you!


Blood Drive: Mark your calendars for our next blood drive on Tuesday, October 17 from 3-7pm. Help us meet our goal of at least 20 donors! Did you know that someone needs blood every two seconds? Just one unit of blood helps three people. Be someone’s lifesaver! Blood can be donated every eight weeks. You can start donating at age 17 ( age 16 with written approval from a parent or guardian). Come see how easy and safe it is to be a blood donor! All participants will receive a coupon for FREE admission to Siegel’s Cottonwood Farm Pumpkin Festival, September 23- October 31. Please contact Joyce Doemland at (630) 971-3423 to schedule your appointment. Walk-ins are also welcome!

Chancel Flowers: Did you know that the flowers displayed on the Chancel are donated by church members? Everyone is invited to donate flowers in joy, celebration or remembrance of a loved one. The cost to donate is $35.00 and there is a sign up calendar on the bulletin board on the Sanctuary level, south entrance. When you donate a floral arrangement you are encouraged to take it home with you following service so that you may enjoy its purpose. We do ask, however that you return the vase so that we can recycle them with the florist. Any questions, please see Linda Schranz or Barb Hammack.


begins Wednesday, September 27th. High School discussion group returns on Sunday, September 24th at 11:00 am in the Library with Pastor Scott.

Lunch will be served. Sunday, September 24th, 11 am in the Chapel Parent

education continues a follow up discussion on keeping our kids mentally

healthy. 24 HOUR POWER RETREAT: Confirmation & High School, please RSVP by October 1st to attend a 24 hour retreat to Pilgrim Park. We will depart at 2:00 pm on Saturday, October 7th and return at 4:00 pm on

Sunday, October 8th. Sleep Out Saturday will be in Fishel Park beginning at 8:00 pm until 8:00 am Sunday morning. All donations benefit Bridge Communities. Any questions, please reach Dena Provenzano. 630-660-7445

B&G Update: Our August bill from ComEd was $1,792 or $863 less than in 2016 on 11,666 fewer kW hours. Our total ComEd savings (vs 2016) in 4 months since new RTU's installed is $2,463 on 34% fewer kW hours. This August was 5 degrees cooler, on average, than last year. The Variable Frequency Drive on the new 50 Ton unit allows the fan to operate at speeds less than 100% based on demand as indicated by the controls system. The old unit always ran at 100% capacity whenever it was running. Tom Williams


Bridge Mentoring Team: Bridge Communities Mentor Training-Saturday, September 30, 8:15 a.m.-2:30 p.m.! Location: Gary United Methodist Church, 224N. Main St. Wheation, Il! Register at! Class for persons interested in finding out more about Bridge and possibility of becoming a mentor. Mentors assist the client families as they work to develop the life skills necessary for self-sufficiency. They help families with: budget development and savings plan, debt reduction, financial literacy, self-esteem, emotional support, parental skills and healthy decision making. A team of 3 to 4 mentors works together to help the family. Any questions call Char Wild at 630 985-4416 or email!

MEN’S RETREAT 2017: Yes we are back! September 29th and 30th. A special thanks to the Weimerslags who have graciously offered their lodging to host us. We’ll head out 4pm on Friday and return Sunday morning for worship. This is an opportunity to talk life, God, and everything under the sun with the rest of the guys in the church and is a beautiful time of year to get out in the natural surroundings around Galena. Please email Pastor Scott if you are interested in attending. We ask each participant to give $40 for the weekend- this should cover meals, a Saturday night meal out, help defray gas costs, and allow us to do something kind for our hosts. The price does not

include beverages.

New Bible Study Coming This Fall - Bad Girls of the Bible! Yes, you read that title correctly. We know the Bible is chock full of men and women of good character who model a Christ-centered life for us…but have you ever been curious about the Bad Girls of the Bible? Who are they, and what makes them “bad”? Do they redeem themselves and become upstanding Women of God? If so, how? What does that mean for us as Christians – good, bad, or otherwise? Join Pastor Kim this fall as we embark on a colorful journey to examine these women, discover their transformation, and learn how their

experiences remain meaningful and relevant for all of us today! Our Bible study will follow the book and study guide Bad Girls of the Bible, And What We Can Learn from Them by Liz Curtis Higgs. The book can be found in local libraries, book stores, or ordered through Amazon. We will meet at 2:00pm and 7:00pm on a week day to be determined (Monday or Thursday) from October through December. Please call or email Pastor Kim with questions (630-601-2580, All are welcome!

Amazon Smile: When you shop @AmazonSmile, Amazon will make a donation to First Congregational United Church of Christ.


New Church App: Please download our new app on your iPhone or Android NOW! Just search for our church name. The app will keep you connected “real-time”.

MANNA: MANNA CARD CHANGES! The Manna company we have been using has been acquired by Great Lakes Scrip Center. There are some changes that will make it easier to purchase Manna Cards and support our church. Here is the website for the new company- You can use this to order cards on your own. Orders received by Tuesday night can be picked up on Sunday morning. You can also use the website to reload some of the cards you purchase. Check out the list of merchants and the percent they give back to our church on the website. Remember you pay for the amount you receive, so it is easy to help the church budget at no cost to you. Follow these instructions to set up your account and begin ordering today. If you have questions, see us at the Manna Table on Sunday mornings. Go to click on the grey "register" button in the upper right hand corner, click on the left side Join a scrip program. Use the enrollment code 92A2CLLA55623. You can create your logon information. Once you create your account you can order by clicking the "shop" button. If you sign up for Presto Pay, which is their ACH system you can order and pay online. You will need to go through their security process to sign up. If you do not want to sign up for Presto Pay you can email orders to Laurie Olsen and Steve Johnson

Greater Chicago Food Depository Wednesday Night Repack: Join church members each Wednesday evening from 6:00 – 9:00 pm for a food repack session. The Greater Chicago Food Depository is located at 4100 W. Ann Lurie Place, which is just off the Stevenson Expressway at Pulaski Road. For more information, contact David Hersemann at, or Laurel Carlson at

Christian Witness in Society: Make a positive difference. examines current justice issues within the call to be the hands and feet of Jesus in today’s world, and offers opportunities to take personal action. Receive weekly justice action alerts from the UCC by going to Click on “Advocate for Justice,” then click on “Take Action.” You can receive justice alerts by email or text. Sign up. You CAN make a difference in the world.






Coming Up This Week SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2017


Garage Sale Set-up Fellowship Hall & Chapel

9:30 AM - 10:30 PM Sunday School

9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Worship Service-Sanctuary

10:30 AM - 1:00 PM Garage Sale Clearance Sale

10:45 AM - 11:30 AM Alleluia Ringers-Music Room

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Praise Band Rehearsal-Sanctuary

11:30 AM - 12:15 PM Junior Choir-Music Room

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Garage Sale Cleanup

2:00 PM Night Ministry


Garage Sale Cleanup-Chapel

6:00 AM Acceptance Group of Alcoholics Anonymous-Coffee House

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Martial Arts Chapel


6:00 AM Acceptance Group of Alcoholics Anonymous-Coffee House

10:00 AM Adult Coloring Group-Parlor

6:30 PM MCB Joint Meeting-Fellowship Hall


6:00 AM Acceptance Group of Alcoholics Anonymous-Coffee House

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Bible Study (at members' homes)

11:00 AM Church Staff Meeting-Library

12:00 PM Administrative Deadline for Bulletin

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Greater Chicago Food Depository Wednesday Night Repack

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Grounds of Hope Worship Service-Coffee House

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Alanon meeting-Coffee House


6:00 AM Acceptance Group of Alcoholics Anonymous-Coffee House

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM FCLC Jumpbunch Chapel

10:00 AM Faith Builders Group -A New Christian Education Opportunity-Library

6:30 PM Cabinet meeting-503

6:30 PM - 7:45 PM ESL-Library

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal-Choir Room

7:00 PM Last Thursday-Two Way Coffee House Open Mike

7:00 PM Last Thursday-Two Way Coffee House Open Mike

7:00 PM Scouts-Fellowship Hall


Men's Retreat-Weimerslag Lodge in Galena IL

6:00 AM Acceptance Group of Alcoholics Anonymous-Coffee House

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Martial Arts Chapel

8:15 PM Two Way Street Concert-Coffee House


Men's Retreat-Weimerslag Lodge in Galena IL

8:00 AM - 11:00 AM FCLC Parent Pancake Breakfast-Fellowship Hall -Kitchen

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Martial Arts Chapel

12:00 PM - 4:00 PM All Bridge Saints-Fellowship Hall/Kitchen

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Country Western Jam-Coffee House

6:00 PM Two Way Street Barn Dance Setup Fellowship Hall

8:00 PM - 10:30 PM Two Way Stree Barn Dance-Fellowship Hall



The Rev. Scott Oberle, Senior Pastor ........................................... Rev. Kim Whisler-Vasko, Associate Minister of Faith Formation . ….

Cathy Sanders, Minister of Pastoral Care and Visitation ............. Kelley Calpin, Director of Music Ministries ..................................... Maria Carini, Assistant to the Minister of Music ............................ Dena Provenzano, Director of Youth Ministries .................. Jan Barker, Director of Children’s Ministries ...................................... Leslie McFarland, Administrative Secretary ................................. Kimberly Rutter, Bookkeeper…………………….. ........... Carl Lorek, Custodian/Maintenance Supervisor ................................... Kim Choate, Director, First Congregational Learning Center ... Radika Jungwirth, Admin. Asst, First Cong. Learning Center ...... Dave Humphreys, Two Way Street Coffee House ................ Bill Hammack, A-V Specialist ............................................................. Len Potter, Broadcasting Ministries .................................................. Justin Kono, Band Director ......................................................... The Rev. Dr. Robert D. Schieler, Pastor Emeritus

Each and every member of our church has a ministry! Church staff available

Monday – Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. and Fridays by appointment. Office Phone: 630-968-0358 Office E-mail: In pastoral emergencies, Pastor Scott can be reached at 630-432-0380.

*Visit our weekly Sunday Service on channel 6 each Sunday at 11:30am.

An Open and Affirming Congregation

First Congregational United Church of Christ 1047 Curtiss Street, Downers Grove, IL 60515

630-968-0358 Church Website

Twitter @ Donate here Facebook @ Broadcast Ministry

First Congregational Learning Center FCLC Website:
