ffiii Highistown, N. J, · ffiii Highistown, N. J, il 25,18721OBSos' tnd'rettdnul* r*ub««4 to...

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Transcript of ffiii Highistown, N. J, · ffiii Highistown, N. J, il 25,18721OBSos' tnd'rettdnul* r*ub««4 to...


il 25,18721Highistown, N. J,

. OBSos' tnd'rettdnul* r*ub««4 to , ."-.••• MAIS; ST., 1 Ao'on above ..UatVtrraliit 'Oharah...,

(fwfA'i: Hotfrii—Bjfats 8| Al i f , , iand from 1.'..to.

PHYSICIAN.. •Om«e la .D,»WI!' ) .BMiLitMain* Street.Office hours froia |T to S ft* ffi,. S to § p. m,, ajidiLt

all li ttra.wUeii uyfc pFunisslouiilly Qygajfoil,^ ' '•OrnHlinrr OUee.i-iit 51m Rabaooit Bargoa'i,

Main St., 2-1 duir lbOM;Motlioailt Gyurah, fromltn;3"Br Mr- f-i-r . -" • T « - ' - ^ -- - 7. tf •-


R. J. A. ,o-tpuultuliy oiicid hid nurvlucs Lu tLcllttloUBtoiTD and vicinityfur laodiiiiiUlionilituo*will rsooivo prompt

liuurn from TtD9A M , nnd T to 9 I" M

r(* t\t l i v i n e A^C^ITQMIC&t\y A f t e r j i u v m k

tjj*" O£IluckfinJ raiiiloiioo iu Stot-ktou streot, ojiHito 11 It Million »1> 1 Jy


cumiooncM Jnn 29. The O'OB'HO of Btudy'opmprli-Bi-o¥0>yihlHg oMdntln! to a'Ubordl odUMtlon, butipnlAl nltcjitioii i«: glTon, lOj lh« , eloBitiiArybrnriobsi, .Musis, Drawing,-'Mid Pain tfng are un-dor tho ohargo of n cooijjolont l i d efliolent toaoli-

' ". . . ;• .-• J RfiVv W M ! M , WBIJMJ, i1 April 1,1172. '•'. . ' • • " ! .

Olasflioftl and Soientiflo1 Institute,

.Third " "Fourth'-. ••". - _.

'.' Heoisi at ilia Kolber 30th to J&n, 2d,

a.j-isf.- .;:.;.«,;

ovewborSili.Jnnniu-y 31,


"' A.M.,1


NoifTorni MONDAY, SEPTi <tll, 187],


* HIliHTSTOWN, N J ,( ' O V M t E L L O l t AX* II A W'oil 26, 1U70 l j

DH A. D.VffES, SURGEOSDENT(31', atid M inufiicturer ul Inoorruptlblo

Guin Tenth,Oraoonoit to IHA SMOCKS btoro—

miitm uu Main btroet, upmitn th«riAliut Church

tajT I'ootli minuted V, IIIIOUl PAIN, by llm

N U — llm IIQV PatontGumit tf

Lp[)liod AllMtogtt-ftQ.d-0^mitiun itinvltod




l l m auhgcrlbt-r r«flpn)tfully mluriu tbo Ladifl*ncl CKntlemen ot Ili^litttyivn unJ vicm ty tlmt

lie bus purchiifud Llir nbftve (jaitery, and m n«wpitjMrtrt to PV onto portrait*! from luokot to Ufa

_siiiJ,_Ln thu lu^ho"t ftylp o,Mhoiirt

D , 11. OSDWAllD II. 13OWNE,

r i r. M D n a K t> nCUANIIUUY, N J

'AH oimriitioiii lipportnwiing t(i Doutftl Surgeryporforuieil, n.ntl Huti^UtiLiou ^Uiiruutuatl,

tulv 0. 1T71 . IT .


oo oi tlie Peace,


WtNDHOll LODOK. No. 59,vtrTtuiLhnia^u 3 H I M <JU T n

l>nsrocs conforrod Ihu hmt Tnunliiy Evcniuff Inu n i i u n i i i •'• UCNlll- UY1-, N (>O. H. rEJlBUOOK, Soo'y. iny'JU-tr

Gown imiii'i.xuatOI)Gl!, No 27

Muot I3VBRY MONDAY EVENING, ID tha OldUiptUr Uhur<ili'(a<»H>iiiI story), a.17 o'olflok

I)n 'reo intiotin^s aotoml Mondiiy OTeninsol onebmonth, ^ ' ' ' y

Th«^o wishing to putvrjmjQ In oitbet lafgonatl quantities, will nod it to-tljeirinterest

I wilt. ol«o knop ft full alockofONE AND-TWQHOUSE PLOWS uuitiiblefnrmorsof Ihimootimi,f luperlor qiiiillty^ud at LQUWH CdnhJOrie**.upt-tf JACOB EAHLY




Main S t , op BiptfstChureh

Tho Tnl»icribor would cn.ll nltomlnn to his a*«firtlimnt Of troodd, to wlllih bo \B oJiirtl tflLlj muklll^fn^h aimitlonn.oon luting oi truld fit Sll\oi Wutoliei <HiiirtlUhMna. AKililH""3 Itruiin L'ln ofcunrjatylii, I urninl Flngor Hin^a of v vrioun pitlornft,flilvuriinduUtort IV i 3t rihlospoon-j^ fcurkM*""fixtures, l*ockot uul Pon Jmltt, Nmlli* Violin»ml IKtMP-t, lo>H 6-r* AHo 1H--JI MLIH k of Sput-1u,loi i>T tllO < «lt,br it(«l m ikool L^Tiirni it "\l,uril

pLrUc-ular rLtirnHcin n»l<l to itll Llndflofup L tf IILPAIKING-L- JOHN" O TOIINSOrL—

Tbp ttuliacrUjor "Would ca\l attention to tlie newtook ofjiooils wh i b h*> nan just opened nt.it, doorDUuU-iIt i UirniH" SbJ>pT conalatln^ of <rold ind.il\ t r WiiLcbur*, Gmud Oh Lin Mmln-llloiifl, IJroaa'ini of t,"\ory nt>ln, ljiir und h~

n| i irirtus puttfinH HIIVIT und ,"ublo Hpuonnrnd forks, Ourt ntturcirt*p lired Pft^Hcular iLtt»n(.ti>n p it

to ILII kimlB of rtpaitln^ und irnrk wurrfluted toIjivt, natl faftloii-or tbo mono> rofundtd

All kinds A No. 1 Plated Ware.IRA




on hfind.^eiulj lor uso.

uhs ipe t C Mnbuin ( Mnuhtnq in tfia vrurldTlmy bivu for 3ilo th'o'giilvbrii'Uiil p

P U M ^ — lulolss*, Snoploi -Durable, ltoliubld,and the oioipQ-Jt Pump in ibQ unrld

.Vino Sleigh nnd SlodShoeiii Wngon ,Havini; inuJo ii aolofpftttorni fur tho right and



, JMihD^any, and Walnut miiu

tlinn pmi.bo pura.hiuoil.olfairliora

hoy nt-o pr«piraa to fortnh th«m Vt'Waa Yuci.

VI VOHIMCBY REPA.IRED oorei^DSblf tornn' 1, IBBD ^-iip-i it



tot*pd dcslcr )n

P,ute Oidor and Oidef Vinegar,

OffiAfl Hud C t*!* 9H Steoktqn S( , qQir Ohufdh.KjB1" Onion bj ni«ll p n u ^ t l / ittanded to. -


ti tti Iho nuWIo thrtt be b&d Laktn


W S "VI ^AII!,

L i Vimimnjiii Iu tho nuWle thnttin "room on \lnln itrout,


Lt.rt) ho In ptt-paiod to 4o a gcnurul


l i e rospoctrmly aollclt3.a shuro of pa

AITEIS'DLD TOApril 1, 1S72. ly

--M.iy4,-186!i tf,

for hrilllftrtnv of tuim tin! fuulifulm g to naturenot to Uo~i xcellotl by tLoio"uf any Galltry Til IU7iUilltod Stutou

LNLAKULD rHOTOQUAPUS Ukim from olilM^uorri.ot\ jii-* und Ambrytypefl, plninor fluiahcjn Ifik or Wutor OoloriPOXAQm wliil IlllVr hlld T^hnl/ l raplig takeD by

Mr Ami-it or Mr PIUKIT, quti W o piotnrs-.turn)

Pnoo ot OAHTfS 1)1, VI~.I1FS $2 r>0 per doi" LAROU fllOIOQKAl'HS, Jl 2J

1/nn;*- mnirtmi-ntior"CTmOMO?, ENGKATINUS, bll'llEOaUOPLS, &o

1*1* turcft fri imeit i n n i l nt> l e s .D P IJ0CC1IINSON. Photogrjpher


Priooi, such fts CouncilHoney llr^n

A good Buptih for tbn Kotnil

," Buck Mountain,




fTiistioo ot* tlie TmlsaLoner yfor taktn^Aoknoi

Proof of Uoodfl.

£ (JOLE & gON,

Furnishing Utiaet-tdR6rs

All "rdora prflirvptTj- atrendod to flt (til hour .

r. R cow. io. E COLJ:.• p ! l y I • i l . l n St , J- '

atITitU!JilrlborJ_tli ml. ful for jvijt faTom. wouli'reppOLttuIly cull tlm attontliin nThis Trlcnfln t<


e i n i t , punotuBlljnttoniliid to1.'Atio, J n r x i y s r • B a O s j B

in OKaoBery, i p l tf

PEOPLE'S FIBB ^•••• • •_ . OS T E E N T U N ,


. . . . • bihseTOBir :S.-B'Strykei', 0«[oba, Green, F.-B, Wjlklnion,

Wm. IHnedok, Joseph WhlUkor, D' P. Forit,Snmuel K. WilMn, J. MaeplierJon, J. E. Dnrrah,0, W.'.Blnoltfan, OharUa 8onttf jobn K. Bialth,

II.O. SoudilBr,Dnniul B.BftdhiOLWin, Iinmforil.B, 8 STRTKEU, 1'BRBIBKHT.

C t V. 0 , MURFHX.Sie, 0 , B. OUSBH, TreatUiska tftken. &s lew", a* oay other roliabji Co.,"

and all loiies promptly odjostod, . ™ . . _ . : i'a p l - l j r f. R. NOIITON. AUKHT, ntshKts

\ Inquire ot U H. NOB.T0N'B Store


&-JIMES0N,Wliolinalo C'llnriiloilpii 'llanlc'rii fii all itin


iiTlin IX VHf*7Wri.Sfll»

AUIJAII t'r MOUNT, JOSKL'U if. JiMicgorfIiP*^ vl/^ orders received toill 6e jiniidually at

tf,iidf:il co. ' [np 1-1 yr

itUTCillNbON, NOR1O>' A. HO, Commtiiton DfliLlen Nod ISO IDi^ton Murktt NEW YyilK


SQUANKUM j\tA RL.3 1 nriiiLr^ of our btftto"reJlud uu tTit ^ubjL^l

coming v**rj much

The f jlLowing An J!3 n*of MAllL'and M A.XURJwill b« yf serviiio

A hatidiu tbo Lid 1 en nslnro

' rnpn the Dotio cf hu d hed tha raflrin' o1 «omi,Wou2d_u_piinncd_out bctief that trip ,

Cut, con^idi,rin* ol hia broiijfbtnoug up,

rti.-*tt OF uAMI;ii itT^(JRI DI1 N h

Ltnd of


iion«nnd ^ nrl 7' Ibi ! TO IbJlonta



I :1 10 *

ID the nbovo tnblo, ihti liqiiul find fir>]itl dntp-i f t l i l d h f t i

anon bj> wiiBhuiaor tho i fl«ct uf ,x but nun V< Q | Fur mo tor bo spli

Prof COOK., in himcport to tbo N. J Legi^lntuiSHVJ of Marie *T um confirm d \j\ m*v opinii>u i

tbo firstI thrit IH novr poor Od^ UHtfttiLo wus lomidpnor o-n(i_tunily limij v(n* mnrlcd more thnn

thirty yea^s ngo, mi-d. bus ovor mn 'o b«*n tillrdTitliout miuiuro nnd nut Wi II innnu^cd \rhioh ibitiH tn gttod oondition " Ti»r fiutliLr nifornmlion

irices, Ao addrffiBA A . Sup


I I I G H T S T O W N , .N^ J-Jobbing promptly attended to, nnd Buildings pn

up in aflup<Jrior,TU.nrii*gr,hop on Mercor itreet, abpvtf'DuTrea' Hall

l l



„ ^ TV'puld respetftfully nnno^incer trttb"titii*n*'oftho i\icnity

thnt ho I propurbd. to furfti^h


and every thine inJ hHi •^uUjohouper^ UinJl^at^olsonherti Cull and ox>od save your money,


lna,, Xron.to.nw0t.work and pttoes

S FRTrR,Main fltreot, Hi

THo u^n-lcipignod Tronic most respectfully Informson-or, fAtol^pj.tcntcd-by iVj-lor A Co.^Wj-taflLjimifuiU'_B»iiciiiiiigfMrttfTia'liTfB

tho Jam thnt ho Is still at hli old placo on Mon-mouth etroet, iroaTlng carpets *ff formerlyWILL FURNRSIF CHAIN AT?D WEAVE ON

FAVORABLE " "At short notloe,

ANTHONY COLEMAN,III^htstoiTDj Mi\rch l t 1872 Jy

jtnk^n IUD nininxn fluiniiipiniivm i"i IIIC( ijr nn

R.A UtitoalrT irbore ho intends to ko.jp onAnd nmko to order, Double nnd Sin^la Sflvor pin

'tpdj^nnd j3lnokvmou^to4 light IlurncP* AlfinCnrryall nnd heavy (e»m Hnrnesp, mmls of thohfiRt mntenul, nncl tn tlie most workman likn rnnn*nnr, Constuntly onhAJiilC«U(irB l!nlt«ri^UJiIpi,.Elunkets, Mieofft,"Fly^fit*;"Cutry;rComh*I"Bfu»hoi!, A.a Kepinnng promptly fit tended to JJIowoaM ontl purUoalitr aMontton tti his I'atont

^heck Hook, it is easily Adjusted, docs nway withtho halt, consequently Is notlinblo to hurt fthnrso,Ai8» lua Patmrt ShTrffTuc mid Pufont Hip Stferi^" ' * foryoq "


ThoOrm ofPnrrlne fe MoDoimlil-hftTloir been.dlBSttlvril by nlutQHl consent, tho subcorlbor nn-:nounpB tbfit* ho trill ooiatlnao t^o

bdlccePH nml also that ho Is prepared to'arnlsh

SASH, BLINDSJ/BOORS) a&6.rThe email sizes frill bo kep^ ofl hanfl* &cA aUort

_diirfl_hyj&&JLj]E-iil pctsfla nllwA At. *Uayt noLlc*. r \ PAJNXESSJXCrtAiQaz—25 oonts per tooth I

COLI.r«B.BUII«t>ING. 614 PINE S T , . p n i L .DEIiPUIA Open from ( K M i o J P MPlomocut this out ouj g i v o i i s i call, . j


SLATEp i t roABon&blb rates4' r

OHAi.nd 3^O&<1 Stroetf, nearCRANBD»T( i . J

M*d» b j


^ Does ibRn»r*ery u o n r ,monthly inBtallmonu

f*P>1 TAHT , Sold on ^Sucomjora tojamsi M. Oatherj, W i B n u ILI

The unAertiKned'li&TlliKbeea nppolDtert %i tJiVt. W. (IRAYJ-TMIUOO, N. J,

WM. SASSAMAN,in i ffyrpot, Hightstown, N, J.


»:.!>:»'. 6 , the I'lHIiADELPJIIADENTIST, Mnnuf.otnrn the.Boilind Cbosiwit Artiflalsl Teeth In tlie

Hem»ki» molt bountiful CompIoHs Ssfn^frohi$5 to $16, anil gmrantoei them to l u t for TEffYEARS, Teeth ex&at'ted «nd Tilled FRO; or CHARGENo charge bnt for mAtennl


4 BUMTio •stoeX ron A QJOD •

It'i Deeoon Brown y«r aikln* afcoot fHe hais'lbien raund fur ayeiirt

They pi intea Him" isatltBMie time, " " ;Whieh !i why be lin't here, • • .

Fup p'f&p! ye're obiBfTed &g ft glfl'f&i tliinfThet thli ^ ln ' Hotiof grouad ;, • „

/ o E OF two don't make one feel - -;

Hti korrlotof, eh.T Wlist, old De»e. flrowi f.Woll, I'm tuthtr 'ibomed to any, ,'N; •'•.. A

Th»t he wnn't much Hie Mrt o' Mint ,Sotup by Hnria unSilBy, ,

Us aover euHsd iu Lli iint'r«l life— '' ' • -••'••;-I mention ihiiTflth ooniira-"

II« didn't know toif, thoagh he night a knun'd..-^If hohed s esrodUr.larB,—ii-! h——•,- 1L-

liut it.mukel i( rou^h fur the chap tbet gettThe wntmf uf his l>nl£,

To her ter oonfesi he's A slingin' ink-Over lioh u bump oh ti.log,

Who Utdu't amount to shucks in A row,V"|jo nawr^wnr ont.on a.toftr*

AndToV yrttknil7"!* neat Ii[tle~j£&ma of "^rair."Conliln't tuH a full tEonx a pur

irur ilio Dyao jest war a common cusi'0 tho most oroarlnit kft«Ut

Who.iiovur looked out o' tho wlfltUro' fin,And diirari't raise a blindi

Yo've-no idoo how piirTursoho wnB.I'VQ Hoftrn him remark—this limb '

Thet ho iriir riiU -t In a Chiiatiau laud.One irifo war auough fur hiiu^

ilis.cantU-boat Onc'c—it trat -yon fl^j --When drivora botli Uruv rtnd nlocred—

Kun a^io the blink J Bt above Ponn YAD,An' sumo o1 tljo help got ikoer'd;

The Pilot sot in th« iiiEin-room,And hult Ilia nozzle an' unoro.

q j j pOnfortuntt like fur tho Dono. nn' me,

r can't 'BJIPOI muah of IL ch ip, j c r ]

19 ha dprouts ti.r i <iluni

^.i lio ll occn (1 liiirli toilO(i frfiliibuli^r.

With n bushbl of tin in bii kurrntor,

An1 a toi lib of S&iray <} imp,

>r in inj^uccr or mi injin tlmr—

An; kind of n rvim.hislio*or'np» lift'tl n Hn ^ thing

A IGAIIIH' A good S(]ii it life,Till tho wnr k"u on—t!n.n hn puM4d up itak&4,—

An' satd j ouU hjq ter till nlfo. . ),„.>„ i.ii „ „ , ( , „ , „,„„ , , n r !,„„In battle never trtnl.

An' ho didn't l >t dtfwn iu the faco of Death,Although ho b'hoved in • Qod

.'» quoer hott be f nn in FieJurioktburg^ ~Ibn Dofto jvJt irout ID wot,

A prnj'u &n' boot'n, An ovory timeA totoliiti' h\n man you bt.t

Yot he wnn't ud t nurd b j tho ^oolbiu'thoughtn ho fill— October 'lsienth,—

d Ivnoi.kj.d fij>ot uut tho comaiandliU4iil4t

Au boon spuoiul rou^b on the mrunlh

Jo t orrr boyont tlirt turnip pitch,Somo t*T0iit> holes yer ken ee,

Thot utr flllod \iy ohipa who -went frnm hernTo (T ht \ui Oinornl Louli*y wont fr jm horc 'bout ptantin' tlmo,Tlioj kem back when otirn VTIL9 ripo

Au wo buried «ni b j that wnlnut troo—*All ohaps of the DOJLOII'X tftripo

VVoMl cro 3 over tlmr to tho old mMi'f griTf,And I-^uess I II bo gittln1 then . . .

Yer pnrdih, utrnngcr I alien unn'of ,At tho ^ruve o' that aoit o" mon . . . .

I'vo been gai*in' mf ly promi cud like,Dut now I miko bold ter 113 ,

It don't Mlor o n a mnn's n (incnkO.1UBO ho lives [n a. dcoont wnj, _

I know ffomo folks~Teck'n oonfi

Hut they hain't got holt tbo riRht ond on It,AocordiD* t9 n?3 id«o.' Ihnt'p why T'rq ifirt n ' hi-nn

A ploiidln' the Uoicou'i o


AnLflll women needn't hs looso

is Flint hn.il deciilcd tt? movo ; haddecided to movo to C ; hud decided Louommeurc moling nt proci^cly live o'clock

LMoudny morning, July 18th j nncl noonthnt identicfil Monday morning youmi"ht, hnd you been nn oarly riser, have

tlie DencoD, divested of hm coat, nndhis tjundny dignity, shaking the best roomcarpet in the back ynrd.

Thero IB no need of saying what h< did, of what Mrs. ^lint-was doing thep.-

They went through the tcntiog-up >cfea, very much na other people do ; andnot being endowed with an over-abundanco of this world's KOOCJB, the In»t londof furniture, consisting of the Deacon't.wlfa nnd baby, the twlnn aqd tho bestroora looking-glass, i »s on its wnj to" thodepot? at flv« o'clock P. M. >

"Blessed bo nothing ! " said the tireflittle woman, na the JDeacon helped herout' of the wugon. 4tIf wd had IfeeuBquiro Eansom's^olts, Samuol, iro would]not bn.ve been moro thao qunrtor throngb|

now^ would wcV,Myl how my poor boneswould hnre nebed through this t ime to-tuorrovf night. I'm glad lbs Lore) Knowswhnt.'s best for me," shb adderT^takin^tho liaby from the Boacobj" and looking

I t wns,but a few fcjopV'? r i d o t o c - . a n < l j

just ID the coolest dnsk of the July twi-light they walked up" to their neiribome,

j q »"work Into thnt PJ5htinutMliaUp4lofeottTtoy* ffia uniiobSltig dlthea aufl besUdins. - • • " • • • • . • ' . , " •

Tuuidi\y wnt a 4<>y *f mAny/lrouhlel.The biibiii were tired and fretfill ; .day-light reVcalad ti eontiiig of diit ou doorannd windows,' tho doptha of whtclj llioyknew not bpforo ; aud* the' 'boat wni1 it*--

put the dencon, poisesalng-energy, nodhis little wile the lUDiiloet of temperithey succeeded no wall Ihut, b T h i a

i h t h ' 4 t hy wal Ihut, yThursaiy

night, na. he' Bntn»4ttt();ihe .kltp.heu.wllu

: "Tljo Bonitou thinks h!l -wort it most dono.TBet ^f^t lgi If iaiuy ha'djull bo£qiO ..if. .

"Did you lioitr that, Samuol ?"shaiaid,inugUing, and tiiwing nrpuBd to look at

- h i m . . " • ' • " • • ' • • • • • ' . • : • , ' ;

" ' • ' • ' • ' " ' , ' ' •

It wns prnyer roebling a"mli"t, and ttie.Beacon went to pfnyor rriotiling for thefirst tiro»; InC., took nnnctiyo part,: andafter meeting wnStud to shnka liajida'wiilithe iiiiniBttr, tmd somo of'the brethren,answci inqmrits, and present ihtm luttorB.

He had tho sutiefnctiou of fLclms ol>his way liuiuo tlmt lio li«fi tmidu n gondimprtbaion .Jl^JJloa-elJiim , I L W l 1 '

lie tlmt ni^ht, 111 hij |>ra*t ituy, llmt tichopedfibi inng n» IFc did, 11) the uudsLof

a atinns;c pLoplu tlielu imi;lil n c v u be im\ucuaioii (it n-innik 1.;; mist him while hereinmncd nmdii^ Ihcui ] t

I ' m smu 1 hope nr.t, Rnmucl," shesaid, lookui^ inuoceuUy up iu lm_fnci-,aud .ldtlm;;, us »he uutllud liui litUeluuwti

on Ina shouldei, "I dnu't fuel veryinuih nlnriued nbuiil It "_ The iii-xt dav,-Trtdn>, the D a i c o n WPQIbnck to_tlic oli! iiqjiio, huviug some SLUIUJ™ PI 1 ta"ro~t il iiUu"Th ere

'Can't tLllicrtnin nhen I tJuM ha bitc-U;piobihly not till Moiultiy noon , 111-33tin li 'a wood enough iplit to last till thenGood b j i , " hu said, nnd u i u ROHL-

TIM; ftLP ^ o n n n \vt nl sm^m^ liiric toILT li»4f miahed i lnhes, miij, With—oihnot <iti Iho crndle-riickcr,_Bhe ainuu'd tl«invuh., wlulo she told the utoiy of "Jnefc

mill Gil l" to tlin twititrWhuLthc laa t kcttlo t-ns w i lied, the

kitLhcn «to\u and tublo bruihi-il nnd

«hitL, the bnhv nil^i_p_iii_hoi_liiilo nest ota"~CiXdli;, "blc-io IifF !n~iilio ~WIH1»L(1 thi'pu-tly twin fnoes till tlicj blu.hul likt! rtdpeppors, then n>.UlLd-lh(:nv lu their trun-dle bod lor 11 nap,

Dem httio nuiiiUD I she did lo ik eo !«•-cd n«—she-eiino- out-fronT-ilic^uTrdiiiiiiiirnnd BUippi-d to bru-.li a lly from undei theniusquito iif t ovei Lhe buby, it wouldJiiiM'iimlu >otir b ick aehf. to look nt hufc. But.hi. clieery heart iu thu weary bnily ,n-M'lted 'tsclt, and aim aimltd with tin-tliQUKliTot all »hu no'uUl do bofiiru t l iol ica-cou came UaLk.

ImustaliLkniy-linlr OTCI a little, sof.uiyouo should cmue 1 vronldn't Bpmlne Deacon's reputation," shouaid tojuifcell', goiu^ up lo tlio littiu >;ln8S tint butij;Ltwoeu the Kitchen wind

ftiQt 1 In n rt nii|ii tu itf. Iho window, 1 „.. „„ t l litBcll nil up in tho wavy brown hair.

"Oh, -how—pn»tt>," Bin- Biiidy

il bOintlioily'd bem at homo I'd hid a.kii%_lticn 1" and oil alie (lew In hn woikHow like niiii;n. tho while rurtnias HLHIi[i and tlie toliwi bs 1 ume down , now iliuliLol room looking gluns shonu aftLi ilhpoliahhlf;, and thu old dc/uLiicoiypt- of\"bnmuel, in tn«'bc<t-dAys,"*nevpi- slio'np*thion^li BO iluin 11 fctirlncr as 1' dul Ihutnay -bo tlin time How, bringing tlju Dcu-con'a lPiurn ni arer

One tuortims sl)B awakened paily, <>n-tmlj fit.u rioni n wicti hud ho.idaclui nhi"Ind tln> dny befoie. ".Now for Iho wi-jli-illy," sho s.ild tn horiolt "I want to linveit nil dmio, the kitchen ch'anpd up m}dnt>i chanytd befoiu bainiicl uouics atnoon

QilKtly dn_b in^ no ns not to nwak( 11tho cUild4-Gii, Hhe-6lippi>d out into tin.kiU.h.111, built n hru, und comminail op-iitUiouB. How she did work I i-\cry Btoptold of Bometlun^ iloui-, aud ut hnlt-pasiten, spHo "full lu-r liliidi.iuces (rum bnby,who HUSCIO83, »hu IV is han^iiij; out thuUotlictr, to Enuny wlnto they dazzled herrycR «R Uiu HUH shotio on them, Ouo endot tlio flotlie» line Inn ni.ni'ly out to~tllc

Xrout fence, through the Biilu ynrd, andtho whiuat, un.i.Bt clotbus w«ru tlieic, ol

n a T p v i y B r o u n d , an/iaat down, '. Thou perching 'herself on'hiikiioo, aha took hli 'honeit brown fnca idher i lirttida . nud iaitl i "JJo n apod boy,now, and t*ll rae ail tUo 'truth.-;,'reinetn-ber;GodrEe"Wns1iingt6n, Jihi.1,11 . . ; , '

The' deacon larailid, just, a • traon ,sfl ^ ! 3

cnuae ^eiterdav -n it, ,mj Smul iy, though1 had such a iiLk lieidiuhe, it siuuii Ididu'l know much about, thi^ d,x>, I'dtt.II jou «hnt, NunULl ( I'll slnj at homeni'h tho babies to night, and ynu tan yoto uiccliu,', nnd Him imoe out yom buu-dtn to rnoirow , won't that do ,•"' ,

But flic iluicoii cuuldu'l m I o%vr i t , bishimrt v.n<t hin\ <, , utjd while his wifu n isbti33 in (.lie kitcliLii, ho put on hn hat,nnd wil j hii huu lai-l.iaputl rtveu-nlly lie.hind mm, (lua .SuiuUy_walk) ilowly nnd;solcatifily~hi- walled out to the tlotbublinc.

Moit ol tho clothes wcie Jiy, fox thenun na-) vei\ hot, nnd one by 01m hy dtop-ped the anowy things into Hie bisket, un-consciously liuminui" lo hlinaelf, "IIJVUpity, l.cnd, () I,ord, fojjtvc "

tr<_ 1 lint n-.i i i \» naubwff llm dthhe^and ncirl> dioppi-d Iwi best %] \ni (li-.li,nhiu tic diiicon walked in with the Until(lothos "I couldn't stand it, Hutlii ,"'lie caid, in e\[ilnn;ttinn

"(Jticis t iiiutit f-pniiklo nnd iron theniilny, S> Hitrl,- would you :'" KIIU said

nrolily" ThiHenron merely rJTculUcd a d m pproinig ' My de-u '•' and went into theotlii'i 100111 lo ie-id Ii 1-3 Sundiiy pipi_r.

Uy and by thr pi-uplu bpgnn to tomefiom ilniiLh "Whit a iiidik-u, nnrpusui"

Tbidii iftyiner^ ,11 *So»(,\O-Iiotd, estah|ljfct|y .worJao

to'ftrtiwaB him'that renroncrioih %i' - i l ^ r " "•'•""' ""

fl 4b, iafO, .'.lHy.:brothaff,--.yotrj.iliBiIliavaon esnlaiiatlbn,"' mirM"V ifiMttrt

For we siail altttand «befor« the judg-nion t soat;©f JOhiist1, nnd' bfery ;pjiai;,ahM;

nSt'" t h"er oforg jutfp' ftim a So Unit gay"raowH' .Tour slfBp.imj-TbiothBr.iTtfif t«siveet tp-nlght if youf heart Is f,n| spfionightitlth Qjoj,' ai jaithat ntither deat

l l i

, Miamnor life,'

ppreitjnt.'nor th^rigttocoiajs, iDpriiWitpr|lBptIi, nor'any bther creature, gb|abl» to separata BB.rro'ni^lhB..JftfGod iwhloh i3 in, ChristHSjasrii,

tliniholii him cnpllvu, iii fiia own, said": rpTKSf mufake. arid- the deaeoat delay,"Wpli, llttla womiini I had avflrythinff tlion «ddfa,! "My brother; Judaa HtjthilJiBplshcd uu last aluhtv ready, to jtart for bpfore' tha time, jiotil tb*. Lo r (Ij.e

hoDio on the flve. o'ujpck.train. Sooithow* • - • - • • • • "'uneoiamoB-Tt irodroc

iep in the depot anil misioi the grain,. , , . , j 1 lliduglit I'd ,tako tUo nine p'elock

.t'l'ain'.'n'iid gat home at roMnlglit, up you;wouldn't ba io lmieiamo Sunday ; but sinbrolte down, nnd iusf'got hare a halfliourHgo. Thon totliiiik, nftor wftlklu1 throughtowu, froiutho enra, nqd,,follC9 a lookin'ftt me oil theic,way to bliurcli I'» ';.'.

• "To think| Snrauiy? she J)roj£8.]n,:,iln(W161- tliiit A rqiid ful' trial 'jyoa' shovrtd'wnlkSuto jour— fuiiil fjatu nud-niid-Vour wifohanging ont_clnt'ics in yoiH liontyaid,nnd jou a deacon ot good btandtng In thuolmrth ' Dear I dear 1 what do y o u 8l'I>-poso iho J,onl will do to me for tli'nkii)^ .this was wntth day 1 don't think •' *he '""KheU Jlr^- Hrown, so wu ciunc ciii.lv>

ho'll bu L-eriA Ivud \ntfrme' bo~* J-i-^W-li^dlj-watt to m-t-hpre nrrd, tnlfr —' ofer Uio fupny 'nffnir. HcDry said after

ynrt Bat down laBt night, he IHt liko iu-vitinsr you up into the pulpit."

Tho nett roprning the EI-T. Hewry_Brown nnd his vt\ 0 called »ery uncere-motilously on tho new Dencon, "\Vaknow it. wouldn't bo vrnahtog day here,*'1 Jtr^. Hrown, so wu ciime ciii.lv>

prcmiHis , tlicy guicd, ,inditarcd, ami looked b,ick, nnd yn/cd mjunBut tfio dencon « u a humble i»m, it

s R , t t ; n r e h c a r stn^ nil tin1 funny pussigeB to her "You

-haVc-m-ulo ynurhUirfilTOfflii , loblTout for7 ~~pluiitv of calls this week I"

*'Oh, well," she baid, tossing tht) baby,•'the waBhinij i's done, and I sharl havopliMily of time."

M.ca^Jiri>wn—lau«hcd,—nnd—smd-p " fIhluk I uhalL send )Ou word next Sntur-di»y nt^l't, th'it llie licit U,iy, will bg Smi-ibiy, aud^you lrtrd-betror not aafll untiP

k^ocU atjjio flofiriiHerriipted her, and<ihu wenflo open it.

She hid bi tibhud bqi brown wivy hair

"ami.. . K ? ^ . . ! A.Vfloi7i\iiJ8 oTpV.iV; amilooked not a bitliUe thoguilty lullij uash-

nnd Do icon Fioitnud E'ldir Cuininin^BntindULcd Llicmselvesand walked in with

lilutcly bows Deitcou Flint roso fioin hisopen Utble, nnd mnie lntiodULtiutis ftil-owed, whereupon Eldci Cd h i t d

','Hoiv many beoplo are paiuugv't shetllOUt{]l.t tQ .l.'.L3Lj.f,-il^ud_lm.W-t,lKiy—K.U-tiire.at me ; guees it mum bothe cloihfle,

though,- nieteiiU-of-nie,»-(ind she-tender*y pinned one of the DCUCOU'B hlnrls to

tho Imi-. t'llatk 1 WH3 that thu front^ e V" Before sh« liiid timo to turn.tiotind, the Deacoti'a rnclgPtic (ilndoehad brought him close ' tb.lier ; but whatwas tho mattfcr 1

d.u, dnu't \ou V Well, the futi was thude.11 on non'uwny, and 1 miulu tv nnaniuut111 the daji soun how, I ivas so btnj stt-tliu^, and so ytstciday was 1113 Suuilnj,Ihoiiyli I nns iu bed nil day \\ith a sickIn adncho, and so didti t (hid otitinj mis-take at all. Then, waso't il tunny '( I.jot up nl live tint morning anil went towashing, thinking it was Monday, nndI'd gut all through before the deaconcinii! homo , I deelaie, I'vo luu^htd soabout ll I l.iuly .iLlii:,'\ujd the litilo fem-ininu ollender lau^liud iignin, and RO COU-^nsio\l'ily that the three Hu^hi-d wiUi_h.ei.

"I've been SD eood"Eliou<jli,~EMUT., lliu"rest of tho diy, I'm dine tbu Lotd busfoigivcn 010 Itir it," nud-Bhe suiilLd so-swcctlj, thuy both weio coiiiplulajy won.When thev 1 osu 10 -'•• T ' — • T-!?J »O3u to go. Deieon Tm-

m Flint. "It Ii our imssi

ended hu Lhoso to taku up hu ru«idunc©irj, . _ _ th.u nuaiter of the world. H » «r.n i. n .to-Dencon I'luit. "It Ii our inissiOuary ra-.idt.nt of San FrnnelBCo, nnd it respon-

,mutilu»K Is-night, bLothw, and-ii-liltlo c c - | stblo for; tlie-statemonts'-here'gi'rtlnfi-JMs—planatloii fiotu jou there will sol the mat- chamjt.ter light, I tjues , "

Up apnko the fotninino TOICO ngnin.'Oh, jes, Dcaton Froit, bimuol was in-

tending to c\ril.ini to myht ; I only WIRIII cnul_dJjnjtliLit;,J}ut.I-C'»''.- i,,,lVH t.lm hn-

MinlSnTotnHetrrn=Tniiipiiopi.claimed "what In the wor'd nrn yon <ln-iiH ? Lome straight into tho house ' ""Lome Btratght into tho house

With a look that dellcs deBenpiion, tHi>ittlo body Btroii;litcued itscll no as lii«h

as it would go, ns she slid, "Not till youspeak to mo iliTorcnt from thht, Samuel,add tt-11 me why," bcr lip quivenng.

"Don't you see the peoplu all going toracolHJK, and you lianglug out shirts V it'sSunday morning 1"

Such n. laugh ns rang out then On tbojtrtHj* niryl4m snTe~tho~good "liuoplt! 0"f

C never heard-before.- J1Q, Samuel,"she said, holding her sides, "it's so fun-ny 1 no wonder the folks stntfcd at mo and_my clothes. Oh, oh,j>hj"_and she saukdo^n ou Tbi glass in a convulsion of

Tho poor deacon wns scand'aliKed J'•Martha, !*• he snid, in »uch a smlly an i -lOUi tone stie only laughed the morc~, andit wits not till she looked Up in his facethnt 6ho realized how ljo was touched ;then she stood up, Silberly, And walkedinto the house with him. ,

The door dosed behind therh, she wont'op to' him "with a little caress, and *«1d :"Samuel, kit's nnd fonjiva me, (>nd I'll eo

.to-CTQck-and-ravel it all out. I truly_wiI14U'and sho Uughed agafn wub tt*e thoughtofwhnt-ehe bad been guilty-of, till thedencon kiasct hur, and laughed loo,'inspllo at himself. Then be walked, to thewindow and looked out. - •

"You're not Koia, to let them clotheshang out there all daj1, arc you., Martha'Flint I" — — -

"Of course L a r a ; you don't suppose,now. J'vougoti, thorn outr .God's going toMudgB roe.lb,eJsui.ihlue,to dry. Ibem.withbecause it's Sunday^ do,you'( Why. >l>-would be wicked to briua j.hem la beforesundown. Butseq hpre,,J|Irt Deacgo, it's

W5»t.'t "

replied tin* Demion. "my Susiii will come,iud atay with, und lot you go ; nbo wouldbo delighted."

"Oil, tlinnk jou ' l int would bo no nice ;you are.very kind -1 and sho bowed theiiiout of tliii door.

"Ain't you gliwl yon -married 'nit^- Sam-uel, instead of Abimiil Howe?" «ald thoSmall woman, smiling up at him. Nomatter what the deacon: eald and il id.

siiu was MtlliijT. tb*j loa^TiiiVIij "fnTTTi

, "Why, bluss me I" said tha astonishedIntlle body, biuhlnntr like a girl, X felt30 a^huuicd of myself after that I got uu-du' the dcicon'a cont I 'twa> Ihu that tlmo

cvci-Kpokn In my life." ^"1 hope it won"t bo tbo last, Mr». Flint,

if V')u iilnuys speak us much to the pur-pose as jou did lust night," suld the miu-nloi emnitif; forward

"l"es 1" broku in his^wife. 'ho 'r. ilwuya advocatein meeting niter this.",

"It wna cnpltnl 1" said Mr. Brown, re-_crosimg the loonrTTS wlTero~n«r~3eatori~ntood. "Just what Job Dean has nec&tiCm along time, a gopil n*prnpf lmr HJ>one hid the cotijngo to give it to him.Your luilc iiltc lulu done Ju<|t what ihowhole parish will thank her for "

•'Ji\ cry body I've seen since m ju«t on-npluri-d with joii,''said hn wifa-.to tho

"Siirauel;" snid liis bohnie wife, as iliecloscd-tbtj door,: "don't yoa'.tiilii'k~tive''ln-lirithiced jou pretty well ? will you evercull mn 'Alnrtlin—Peudleton Flint P

-. ... . - , . . . . , !lltit} u l , joiti puUt itl

tho front viiril ?"Somebody was cbnsod:out in tho kitch-ou just then, and

encd the -bttUy:jlitd so loud it awixk-

A. MYSTERY SOLVPD —About once-. - r,-- in Tour 01 fivnjeara tin- qiiLBlion '"Wag

cd liu thioat, and in a piping\OILU, Baid . Morgan niuidered by Iho Ticemaaon* ?"'1 ou must cTCuec, Dcicou Phut, ouricomia up 111 tho nowspapeis, and is dls-

ij; on sucli da-y, but we thoughriV -cussed with i i much ftrvoras If the frans-llut some oxplin ilioua should be

made, bi'fuic our pLoplu again gather loiuvi nmg sen iciJ !"

"Oh, I know what j'ou menu, I giicsi,der Ciiminliigi ; yon wnilt to know why

I U-pt yc-fli-idiy fot bund iy mate id of ti

ac lion it rofiirs' to wait nmattiir of yestur-dny. It will sudden those who deliKlitinmjstciyto know, on so good nutborltyIIB that of Jl'irgt\o's son, that the suppos-ed victim of tho brothern of thp mjitic tinwas neither tied to a etoue and sunk, hadhis-thrit t t d

sunk, hadhis-throit cut, or wns torn asunder, ac-cord itig to Ibe general custom in BuchLIIBI'I. On tho contrnry ho lived untilnmrly thirty >iais nftor bis abduction,nml linally elided his days in corpulenceand contentment, nb~ II<>hanoiTirr-"vTtn•Dioman's Land, where ho for oomo yearspublished a newspaper, the ^Advertiserwhich is still in existence. A^CordinK to,the slatenieut of-thp eon rcfciretl to, Jilor- —^iii was released on condition of his leav-ing his country forever. l ie wns nccom-piimnil to Quebec.vwhero he entered theBiilish_n,iv3', and_w-n»-pl!iced on i*-sb|pwlm lrltlrsoon nflcr-for England.—Latir—bo neeompnnled a sovernjneut jvyBsei toLAKITl d his petiod of service beinj

t t k h

l nvi* nnntij|.ff|jf1n1|

nightrshc-DTnko out into-Trmcrry laugh."What's tho mutter now,' dem V" said

tha deacon. >"Oh Ejainuel; I wa.s thinking, how you

mu&l have lool-ed, coming up the streetwith your Sunday walk, join hands.cln&p-y y , j . ped fcolpmnly bobiud you, till you got tothe gate and saw roe hanging up yourshirt in the front yard, then how sudden-ly you broko into jour week-day stride j "Ila.'i ha ! and tlioy both laughed togetffertill the tenra came.

Supper over, dishes "washed, babyasleep, and Susie telling stories to thetwins, the-deacon and hli wife started lorchurch.. !

, SannmlyM sho. whi&pared at tha door^A'nrork In a little apice,if-yop can, and 1111 stop on jour cornswhen it's Umo toistop.'1 • < - • •>'

Tho meeting,wns opened as nsnal ; tbrother Bean wftn'. called, upon, fori a 're-port from India, ^ i >j i »( • I

A'littlo wiry, tlack-eyftd man rOBei.Bald j , ,"Bret6ern,.it,'s Dotjnuoh. usa'ire-jiprting ironi , hoathen' countrles,i>j<rheXLrighj, in our raiilst deacons,travol*iB»8uoi.d 4 l * h d i goat clothes, before &ur< very^yes n« 'we'

l k t e t b J m d i £ l l i '-uni V>nrnw in i in 'm "tl!:,ttiodtojritsB, abut.

(iNECDQTE —Speakingof tunipeiance reformers, somo ouu telle agood story n.t tho expense of ouo of thoHifisl nrdynt of t.hi-m, a.,.pni-jnn._mhnaa-wholo henrt. was in ths work lo such. «tt

"otices nr tnke caro of hla firm. A dis-tinguished teuiporaneo lecturer wal tonddreso tho citizens in the town who'ro thererortucr uvea. and tho latter took It up-on hitueolf to meet liim nl. the station, nndfike him home with hini to entertain hint.

Tho lecturer' was very talkative, and fullof "cause."

"There, now," said he, fta they'drbve-by a hauileome fnrru-honiie.-'ap.vhodyca~oG0 at onco that n temperance Wap live*tberer—Everything^ dhows industry andcontentment, arid no doubt a happy homois there. Isn't it so ?" 'in i '

Vrpa," was tbo reply, "Sqntre - ^ ~ i»-a touiperiinco man,, nnd has a veryfjjleftj-,ant hpmo and family."

>*.'! B^s^rtain of It," said the leotrireK;-~~"Biither« fs n place," ha continue^, * •they qnmo to an old house with a dilapi-ddated llince nnd l t d

^ i f e .ftnjwfieTeMtnS'8ee tha old'hil*W

qeglected, appearance «y»rytbiDff bM'i

thuig—H t sticks 'ont all oye^ it, »0&,iL'>

- He wa» 'About

/ '

- +L.***- MJr! -V' ' ^ * 1 *- ftV-t- € I

_ ^ t _ * v ^ - ^

. - , * > < * v

. f


Notlosi In lh» looul-oolnmni, 8 C«™ a linefar .MOblnwrt ton . - . -g -z - t . •-.r£-. :•-•:•-,-V.,j — .•:;.:

Ooapl»M tte» ir'tBa tiirhMBurn trawttti MB

Bulletin Building, PhUiii'a.

ft Oe.,f40 .t»iih.)l,G_«.!;P, *>#<« ft Oe.,40 .t

ng PhUii'a " '

t M t S T 1TH03 It APPLEOFT,

. APEIL 25,1872..

heretofore exist-i d d i l d

W O E ! . Y T h 0 p r t n o n h I i i heretofore exist-ing between ttyo nnilorslipioil, li this day dissolvedby mutniti «Mwnt All claims in l f l i l y10 firm•will TM settled promptly on uptiltolitlon at the G/iIXTTM t>uloe, and all Amount* dun us1 will bo colJbotsd at onoo, JACOB HTtIIjT«,

, , . . THUS H, 4-PPX-LUtTHlgUtstowti, Mkrcll 3v, 1372.


• S'Tho -momory of man goeth not bnclct o the time" when It TPUB not

tt> sntor rtt Wen Jersey and to "•

ranBactton—tho JCeglslatiire waiin the mnrtot, anj tho Comp.'iDy bought

tlna. .Hne^frora^balira^tarlea,ther flljgrftbBfui'jfor n-|inatooie,".^™~.-.-'~'---'&.-'-- ~~'»* -4

• 0, But JersoyiBon ouqht tn.riio nnd re-lslat tlie.fqroign invpdtji1,,—7Of qoljria tho

P.0."Bnirr6M in sbmo^chsSsTiftFreduoiiafVoijjht and, rntea, Hn« incrented lalarics,

bat eitabllBliad now depots,ond is appar-

ently, doing all it can to iniiku the roitda

payhiii'aha^M^la'felritFneVbr'rolntifrthia—they art ft foreign '.corporation and

ought tolio condtiuntJ. We du uoC say

«o. l \e, bavo j e t to be convinced that

iho.Jievr \a any worse, than the old admivi-

iotralioii,; and until tlioy have a fnlr

chance to ])ut (heir system to work upon

their new hnoa, and to nhow t'itLt they aro

d t th i

hm the folte*jfflg In introdwilon to a nonmtio

•touching tbn unknuifri'taAn. fciiuid noa;

tah^Oitpo Maj, ng*rTliojlfrip TorltB In wlillh

tbit it is uttnrl/ unnrailuhlo for »i;rioultiiranrodugti, Tho only Tegoiiitlnn found |n Shit

f t i T V h T j V l " h b 6 d ' l i ftall pine froea. These jreeiiov«r tb* s»iir« IMVtion of land, any he&Oiji ^aiul lt#Js*fli§ OfJtliX"Plnot,", A tnoro Jon,unto country or one taoro

Mbitatiim. ^'iidAQ.ihj-ftiialbjuiiijcJUTinu.

opposed to the true iuten^jta of tho Statewo will not cogent t o yna lu n lc ngauiat thu Penna^ynma Kulioad.

h e iDO'

rmlroad sy»tcrri>. ^ Di8 l l u e a n d cry start-

joa by j»ti)ou^ outsiders, has bei>i) jomcd

^y Uio thovigliUeiu and thn deeisnlnK

UD'>,il now it la a rarity to hcnr n wdrd on

t h e 'other aide. Bui tbia word wo ptopoao

to speak,' First,, in rtgiud to ojic'rail

roads in gpneial—our dyatom, ns it is call

ed. Thn complaint and cntichin !ma oi

Tglnatcd usually In the two £loat cihtu,

'"lying On f rtu«rTiide- uT us - In rLga.i^L^

ifuw York a Kewnik lourunl »bll Baj'S

that under our Byatqm "w<j havu been eri-

ftbksd to plant populona and thrifty cituo

in groups, to builil up a,n unexampled-lo-

cnl prosperity, to bring to.otir »horea th(i

York seeking a liomc safe from tho legal-

fzud plunder of » scoru oC "Hinus," to

conbttpclTTftvu railionds, two not~~quite

completed, omploying oven now nearly a

hdhundred tri.ins n, day to carrj HUBof our population to and from, to do it ntprirliK winch nrs not mill" nm»-)i(ilf tbO'c

charged on other ttieaUH of exit from }

York hnd with nrcmmoii.-itmna-fti.-

spk nilUl T nnd Lo increase our population

90 thu.li wbilo other Ei^Earn Statea only

hold ttipir own m national mrlucncu,' or

nrc~~falllng Into uVcidonce, JNpw~.Ti.ifccj

Tends, srvcu mvmbei! to~CoTIgieu^ uhen

she—only flent-dve-before Whnn-'JJciY-

Yyrk, crowdtn nnd trammed as she if,

mid blindly groping for a muana of exit

tp the uorlhw^iil or outward, canflhow


as nobly *{piippnl n? llitme on thn 3iilc,

TMthln sonnd of Trinity ilitme1!, elm nlll

bo IU luttu^lMpu to culmiae pur mtU-eml

b^Btera ami 11.« legr&luLLuu nluch ha" do

velopod II."

- Henry Vv n;a Ucecher isultt"- mn.ii in New York just

, vrit'1, a L'orlttin claua of people.

P,'I, dugs itji_tlntt lie la in favor with

nifty bo jud£<ld from tho following oxtrnct

from hie iidthcis nt Coopur Iustituto ou

Wednesday evening •

Whenever the Sabbath day is so ad-nimlstvrcd that any part of the eonimnn-y pity la oppressed by it, theyt i d b k th


ty pp , y gto rise up and break through that obsory-ancoi becauaq the Sabbath was not madeto keep dowil huinanity_r-ll. wna made tolift it up , it win not made to take nw.ayhbi'rly, but to increase i t , it win notiiiiit)i! to drcuinairibc intu'a (lioHgli',—' UPS' ol L O U ( l l l

3;^5 flo ] '

A hornlilc. rnttiL ivnn pi'rpatralLtl 111Uoiton nn Siturdit) 1 aet. Win llninei,ol No, fi'i!) UariiRon avenue, left Ins wifuin conipn-ti} it lib hid broih-i Jamta, whohuf reLLiitly conie to Huston from JM.n_^Toikjand on hi1! rbttuii alioltly ufU*t Insbrotlivr itifinnifd him that he w.is n"h tjipy—rniin,!' assorUuj; llml lim nifi;wits dutd "William alatmed ~lhe house*hold, nni] iu poropsury—vwlh hn-.entered the routu, and lound hi8 wilt,dLad on Ihf Ltd, with I101 head resting inil piill of vtnli-r ou LUu lluor I t 11 sup-

lii'i, and 111 the scullle, to tavo LxpoiUn*,killed hoi. IIu n ia .ineatcil.

Hil'srnjd Berlin, working for tho Penn-Bjlvania Huilroail Cinnpiny, in Josiah US l 1 H S l h A b TlSiultb1 py

H Soulh Aiubuv, on Tluiiid bd i^hint wit y

nltxrliLd 10 one ol the drillingI TVanil hid one of Ins IP^B cut oil' liy bt injj

run tHut-bj' ftoiiio-of-tiio—cits. —Two 00-JIIHH wcri' pnsning wink lit' v,,iaut woik,nus tlio r<-<Vion given loi Im not SLUIIJ;the limn lucking towards him.

The IT H Jjuprjinie CouxLJ)iis_J.U3t_tle-

"cidtd a t u j luipmtant luit tauc, Hireling

tho valid it} of certain <Jongiei-)ional log

lthition its fo L'tnh. The dedsioD, lfcm'-

rectly irpnrtnl, m ike s void all the cum

mill proceeding iu ihc (J.-S. Territoiiti1

ing tho brevity of the tibovo «ontcnccsit in woDdorfuMiotvi maiij errors tlioy oontfiinFor. inntanoo : Lanil two millet Soulh- of Eroi)buld ounnot 1)8 purohappa for leas thnn $l!iO parnoro ftir aKriouHurr,! purpoiua : Indian j;ruuB tlooanotgroir '.Jiot«, but produotj!, for whioh. H,Vofkeri piij a fabuloni prloo for tino, d<>: llourtimro"; it tsdouglitfultf there l» any »ootiobof thoSlalo where more thrifty1 fornioru1 oftti bo foVthnn an this strip of land , and, finally, ihcro oreflohoolhousos iTfflw miles npnrt nlunj: tho entireroute vrlioro tho bun mnn might utudy gcngra|»hyand civilization to advirttngo.—.Titiitt 4' •foltr-nal-

A CimioiM Tnoi'itT—'Ilio Smithsonian In9tltuto lias just received a curlouslly of great noTclly and vulUo for the Nnlliiiinl Museum I t In abattle trophy of a raou of niitivts n r l ng near thehead waters of the AniftKOuKiver, and id tho beadol h oapUro oondonsod by some unknuwu lirueeisto a size not moro than three lrinhm in diametor,tho original proimrtiuns i f tho fuuttircs being pru•orvgd I t looltfliko tho hi>«d of noino pigmyIhoso truiihuia arogntriiiui.il highly by Hie rtntlvou,mnl they arc_dlflinult to fibtnin Only o e otheri4 known to havo boon brought to this countryTI1I1 ODO Was-li-pffS.ult (0 llin Ins t i tu te by l t n j -mosd: Jo.^ittl^ijV. vFEcundor, iLfuuIfl) lj HuindGY\Vlug, oat **. ^-i£A*'~JQaYtdfe'r"^ •+• ****

O u t *J£ O I T H uMAQAinr — i h o Mny numberof thli uvor Htlcuuio muiittily visitor if crowdedfrith £aad ttun^s from tlio JKJIIA DT tho moat p<>pu-lar >mt«-rflff>r tlm younp Olivcr_0pt i i j j h t o r y"beft nnd SliurL, yr UnLlrinipa of a Irnvoller , '

Mrt J H 11101103 'a "bully Will mint, tho Mountn!n OIF! "i3conLiiTup71~J^lij(ih tColldgg'fl tl-Wli.a' tmtg I1 im,' 19 full of interest l l iu ro ' s a onpi*

tul poem unULkit * Tiirrty \u . i r s A ^ o , " by NoUioM Oar rab tan t "UnrufuoL K m p i , " b> Oto &llurloigli A tikinjj Bkotch of I h o Caltfurnta

Dniloguu aud a JlumoroiU Picco fur DLcliiiDiLtiujiIlioPiir^on JJnlji l'jiimrHari)PHiinn.cfl ^ritli ininrtmn ing funding and Vuluublo Informitton ThoJibuti ^ in k in puxrlitig—The Lottcr BUJJ, *if0 i u m , interesting The cdltorlnttf dotuiting ilioEJitor'1 ' iKUanUirc-i in tho lefrturo fi<*ld «u|utu.ITnd ilio iMii^lTfttions nttruotfvo No bytter nura j

"bur Ol tlntf ^fiTgir/ltiu hurt t VurTjani t^HiKil, lITl \T~^

buLLLnJHitrii^niy than ihia_iiubIiJh.flil_Jii_tl n_rf^,i iL I T A, Sun* lul>, Boston, nro (bo I l-*o'i^hora, ntC2 50 (nir )enr

Kutiljilns Water

and in Infufmotion asy gLo tho tbor*poutlo virtues of this fluid will on uppi left tIonr)ft-th^ffloWt«iW-^sB^jy^

fqets-tb^ soij jinflrrliig" toit sf the Tfllus of an j

through Its ng.«ncy ftioto jtflcOmmoroiiU Miodicljifi

mny ha nnmodiJrovJncml tif Ui*>

indifToront pnrtfl ofto hml t l

gvnc^iil intrfluiil P

Up JliDlit I U V PA«£HfM(iHt Onlnr of-

to hmltlytroihiotioi(iProminent

hylicft in thoUniltil Htates , 1 x Aitornaj' fitiriI Stutiburj , Jinn Jobn I>/ivifl, ol Da Msvifto

PJI L i racmbor of Congroa3, Surveyor of tho Port<f Philudelphia, and Apprutnor of tho PubhoiVoiks, Ex Guvoruyr Shntkoy of MiflimrppI ,Mr (lcor^o Juno^, of tho Now York Tunes, umong

nintisti Mr rrcdeno W llorring. of NowYork, ftmong iirtutB , Mr Dumm, of tlio Union

nro Ilotol, Now york (of Bnghl's ditfoiiio),among hotel koopors, ota , cfu

Dr Boll, im eminent Amor.can ph^^iainn andmodical imo>thcr, says " Iho tJL(,t)Bbuig Watermi proilucod si^nnlly ciiTQtiTQ iitul roetointivo efu to in different forms of Ilyipfpvin.^ hicAncn vf

tTilgw PuiiLf^ TJOU of Apjietttff VhioniLDmrrhot i, 1'orpt I Ltutr, Gpui, Ufuonic K/icu

;fMHiT JVotivsitfi Of //(<• Jamti A]prafichnti?d Actnftl Pjrtlti/ii-r, y)|flJWi, Kttttit3f Z>/rf JTC,airl yVuz-t/oj/T /JiTz-a'", Jl*matitna, Ahrfom

}i 1/ D>up*y% C liQl-Qia Iit/a/lttfrrt, trcvt-ta ITnt n 1/ DIM 1 *fit C ' J / hue lffrriion it (1 nt rut De>iti(i/t i\c , iV TJr Hull jf No ( O U i H t ^ m .i r t t i Now Yijrk (Jit; hu^ prnwiibLil rlin Ofstty-jiurg-nfitarsucgfisfuIljrorlil£l^Iii1<JSDf^IMSL l

n»i in ono instJinLL Un rcpultmg £01 VL I*AK \iA

SIS nf-tho lattxr t TlrLlniriLi \tn\ IliP'ipunitv tomo; L yr turn on tLc bid foi jo^fS v, ithnut uyajst-

r Phiirlos hljpij PT n. Tiomeop 1 lin ph~\ VK niu•f B ikiiuore, buy 1 uftd wjili t lu^^nlui OOT I*iUJ TJM VJISM, Kl l>NL\ ind UL\DD1 U D ( b

»rs i V I ' O J I M C r , AL D r U u b i r . I I o m i r,nd O'Neil, of tiLtt^ebur^ lm\r> tured with itnu^t ofnur ohi?>nii ill i i i j i 1 n< huh 111'1 KliiVNINfi«i>iu i j _NU J I O S I ^ (Hi JUViiULLU i(>> OL JLJIL

• L^, and tho bolupuii »r ('ALLUI US, iliird

l>r J( hn S^opo of In 11}4b_uig, Liir^d with t'rluter .in infmU oltild, Constip"u(i d iindD co , [ e r f-0111 itt birth I h o r i i i i i iu tx i f thr tjhi'.i-j Conli>itiiif;uMli tliD(}oLt> burg horn t m ^,,,n « f t t t]lioii^h tlm tMHtu WHS tho tAtnu lo ul ' ( e r pnlnti TiJr I Will 1 uiia, ul JMilwiiiLKer,i \y\, t M l i , r t

[1 lVllll tll!3 W Lt( I NLYjI' A] I.IA OT

ui?< d Jlb« hiN LA m ] J j j LJI^ Elt und *?T r1 ilum us ilistrn ig > "'Dr \\ h Wi r t 7 ,n n



Jlnving largely iuorensed *onr stou^duEin^ tliopust yiiur, tho undersigned uro.onnbJUid.to oflor.utthe old ntnnd-on Main fltro"ot,.. next door.t^ tholtail ltoad Hotel, IL complete dtock of nrtiolos usu-nlly Uopt in./irflt'olues Drug Stores


IT \IR OIL'j k TONICS, BRTISIirs i COMBS,of allkinds and'prtODS.




m i

I ' !• LI < IT. 11 1 n , l o naton1S J

l o n i i R h t r o . i | r , I 0 ihii n fn-ol-thu-inr i! l t protcsamn

" ' " l I 1 Vf rtwrut ( l'>r I cnso of

CI to u IftrD'i

~ Thfirikfal-^n^thfc pittruimuo uAluudud to-aa-Llu-ring tlm p a a t J*nr» w o rospLOtlullj iwk toriLonttiiu&nco of thu ^uino

up Iy flM B D D l l l i r 1 10

, , s

»•'<»,-(.n* l'irkerV , ] h ) t » r j of Pliolo

Bu>—^he—Btrio»«-crnn<^-^f-4t*t ti been

charged with tor years WIIB unjtihl anil

". opprtjsivt r.ulro.td lavitinn" nntl the

-cwpjm^t »f t

»<:% has AIWHJS rtiBcrirainattd in lnvnr of

b e r o i o jwople, nud has laxed Ihe people

of New Yorkttnil X'hilitdiilphia, who Usi'i

the nholc of our roid, muru th tu l»Pi 0 V V I |

(.Ulgi'll»~wlio ubi'tl bul pattTif'.Vr^Te IIHYL

no word lo suy m luvo>- ot a longoi coii-

ijLVUiitiLe of thu ii<ouopoly tharUrs. Tiii y

me out, of OMHICDCC, nnd we mo ylud of

it, Niitlivi IHIVL WO a word ot c\cusu for

* UicTtSKavi^^ce'n'nd^misWi'iii^uuLntor

Iho oFd corapanici , but Una we wiU nay,

Unit iniBmilujged jud extr.iviigni'.t aa «as

Hits tnouopoly it WIIB en tbKd, to a Urgu

dugrtc tlijti aay corporntioii we ever liatl

in CTLI will hnvQ m tho btute, to preserve

its owu crt,dil .inj nt tho aalnu Itinc con

tnbutoa lurse ptofloition of UIP annual

"ComI iu.ULih-dni:Lii<( Lhi* puit ycKTUiJ!4hai>i Vi>uiig anil the 0IU1 ilu.iili.rfi, n»« uuiki bail, '-. • I•_la said th.it ono huutl.Lfj nud^

will bo ii^ t-T,^F3

fri>e> j ,


inu^t lutcxc tin^^nuuibnro worth spec! ' ^ t J l t n i itlul Cni^i.' 1 ^ , _ j n [ ) | ; | |

IIuw ' lT5f;ni.u | | ,w ffiiT,

gr',^1 y m Amcrls- t L-prcsjion, Cnoly il lnatint

I ' a , Cli«i3in« -, Si rvnnt Hubert Ohnmdi ri, tlm

lUiUl!li;ht!! facottislL Aiubor_nnOL£jiMmlioT t

i"i»l ' ' i l tnt inJPr i ' iun lUWriii - Hn'mol of 1" ina AuionoanS , riio TTorluftti^o , Sifldlt PAi Hnd

| ' , in'lnntion , Irrigntfon in Culoi'mlo, Tlm lirMthn{>t-i*Tfl—Sn—Otnoiini,-nnotli^r inliirj*r«t4.tlu

ty Ol tl«i • , j

Jj1"- '1 ' '1 ii, will Jjnoi ' j Cour t tf i~i P",rit,,thnt , nndi,r til" CMSIHI

,1111!; U l J t t l l l t i i l l L "

ima tia '.uw

or tliu §^ta—a. temarkabla_LOu

Uaat to tli<i nmnnor m which oihor road^

h.ive demnnded and rucened aid fioni

t-hlir-^tnte trcnsniy.

But jUst now tho bullle cry of thu groivl-

< rs ts "down with the foreign monopoly—

the gigautic/ Pcnneylvnnla Uoniral—the

largest' cofpoiation In CMateucc ' Now

weJ'wiuh-lo know ;vliat-l(ira—thi3~l*r t".

BOIUPJICI Oono to yc». t int you Blumld be

bn«aing.dowu with it t Wu knowiFat It

io il is "gigantic1' and

W^ba-nnm-4q~tlie moun. ' Btit what

has tho P. C. Railroad done that Jcsoy-roeu »Iiould growl BO at them- J_.et us

1 ( Leased tlio rottda,—A whistle forwhich tlit,v pity the full price dentandccl

^ wJWti-ONt y ir-J9I 'Cut offth'e dcad-hsitld.—Whose bu-

jliexl ''pay fofc.thciiL-yoadj » t

3. Demand caali tn advance for fteight,

-*S»-&r v(&- for th* GAZttrrE, but we

dBtf>tlftl»r*jB gfet it. WoUka the «

1 cc.i allied mto 1)0 Sl,t ilHIlll.to hitvu duLidcdOIK "lIC ftLtB LIU

LS, Congrtsa could,. lo llitir goM iiimtiil

n in th it had no.t ar ight lo pis i fur thtStuii's ; tbiitdiLdiHipHol tht. U S TJisttittAUomty a nil Mai'ihall in i Ti.it ltoi) imthi' nnroc that they nn1 In lhi> bl.tte, uudth-t , (lieu fiio, UiLjuiifs whn.li bavt

r Mrn'pancireff"~1n1 ^ u t l ^ o " " irLTrerTn'^C'ouit cliirini; tht- pnst jt, ti nn; nrc^ul!!!mini' tln-y WCIL drinn in puiatnnro of

UIILOUStltUtlOIlItl k^l5llltlOll

Stdf l l iy U mtwLll ^tveb nolirt. tint aboard will cniiTinp it Si abri^hl, np.n HitIlighlandu, on Mrmdny, Maj 27, foi thepurpnAc ot rxnniitiin^' andpp ;BUrfnnd life-lionts aS may

h i f i

ytestitig' -etich

y be preoentcO,a view of a^cortiiinin£ their idapla

bility lu thuusc of tho Lite Havm» hoi-vlcc nn tliP co.tsts of ILouj; Ialatid andN Jersey.

The Suprt-mc Loilgt Kmghli of Pythianm BLs«lon at 1J illimoic^—on—Sntuiil.iy,iloctpd the following olUcert : Supreme\ciicrnblp 1'iitiitich, biitnucl Rutd, olNLH .TLiuey , Chamcllor, lion Ut'iityOli\j Jletry, ol IllinoiT; A'ice Chancellor"S S U.ivi'i, of Jf II , RtLorilitig and<3i>ii<»pi)inltnt^Si'jjbi, f'luieiici Mton, 1). O. ; Biinfcii, Wiu. A. Potter, PaGuide, Wm. Ji IC.-nnetly, Ohio ;

«SA\I HOLM," Tvho wrote that wonderful•jtorj entitRJ ' Lather Wjruin 3 Love Lettors,'containing tho JO cliurrnlng-PooinM, "Uhroe ktsgeftof ruront1lt,M'*Ilio Songof Clover," Ac , In the

ember PoUbusr, bus written n short birliil lobo coDimeiiLed th the Mnj ft^t'lbncr, ontitlodDrft^y Milkr t Douiy

uiiE ANI> IltiAi fn — rim April number of (hii

J i m , TJiluablo ami npuj fmnly umi ho ilth jtmniul ia

Stcninu, OhitrlLu II. Hodgson \V.,ya.

flcnsibly rtnd awfully a\nM Hi \i Hi

ThOfuns Scott is not n Jerrrymati and

th it U»i has rtn avyful penchant, foi bu>iuj>

rnllwaya Wo woviltl not be tmiprim'd to

hear.iit-Wiy:.tiinq tbat bt; hndj^nnwl tiw> jjutijaj of Imvnig- OQiaan£d...htic. hnalijiiil

milky1 ^ay for 90 years, pftyinq 10 pi*r

Mra, Lydia ShfrinaU in on trial in NViwHaven for thu murder of her husbmulIt will, bo remembered Unit Alia. Shcrraari.«TOS-nrrt'.»ted name - motli'R since on

and eevcral~childrt-n of thu fainily. fio_filT_tllLe e^ideueii produced-iLt-tlie tilitl—is\er> dumnfiing lo ti a LifusbuiAiig t>i,t i-tmin, nnd from present indications sfie inlikely lo bo coriviclctU

Wlnlti the nboic tn»l wnft progresBlugMib, Emily E Llo^d y,as air^aUd iULtujaiiuij;, Vft., ou tlio tluirga of b Lpoiaoued *lier yoiia<icab chihl. and i»supposed to bftvtj pomohed litr huBband,Liuco other ch)l<liLiit mid an nurjfc ot Mi


win. iSslrs. .jail for trml

l) "Lsmiiiimtioo.

loclotff of a

Bontin rUrlil»e-wn» p tTif« idea of Jpfin'TayTor John^p's. ' He


canae ih*- people


One thousand bilhj were introduced inthe ItiHtLogislutuie, and si* hundred andttu beoauif luw's. Govurtmr Purkcr vetoed- fcvd billn and hib VcLo wa« QHCC 1BUB-tumod- y

Tho l*ox iu Philadelphia-j-

luol-. for our A\tnimn, elf Term1!,IT ens, J

$1 i*)oork

• IIUVELIN'O EY lFLKJR V1»I(," !• the ti'lo of nn inttre^unK scin-h of ipli ndidly Illustral

od urii(.lif, Nhuh inlf hcgin lu the M»^ mnubt rifSi.ritnn.r'ii M inthly

•Tho (*Donie9l]c" is tho moat: dunvblo sewingmouhltto.

."NATHKK AND K(;tHNi;j5,". A now. rtc'pnrL-inent undor tho tillo of "Nn tu ra .n'nd fjoionso,"will bsoomuioneed in-the l i ny number oKborlbin»r...'. I t will consist of bridf 'artlc.loj of populitrmid jirnotloiil IIIIIDIIDS, nol i for. tlio prbfossionulf«Wj bul for tlio'romiing many. , ; ' v

I t . i s nn Untiibrislioa I'.wt, that Coiraomptiona n b o o u r o d ; but it U fnr better to provuut thu

'omul ditic.-iso fromt'iisttitiitip; iitiulf on tho systui")by tho tiinoly upo (if a remedy liko :. l>r* WislorlsUnlguiu ofWil.1 Ohorr j . Thin •Inndnrd priipnrn-tlou A7ill.flpGe1llly.ouro 4 oough or cold, iind:e.VttnConfiuinption ofton yioliis.to Ltd groat powor,

rccctvid mid <li«trvt3 moid tliun a pnising niuntiaii ACler it your of qnjin gWdontttil RucoeJ*, tlio

is—of—nnprulumuntFirhith but fnir to ii(itiiis&ui)yLtiiii|f hoKstoforo atifiopuT.**1 rfio^Sluj numb or ia t» b^ gn uly onlargud, and will bo undur tbu tsditorul mnnagpuutitoflUv OrO.ft hfni a ^tmtloinan of rari.ncqiurtm^ntfl In («fnr^ numhur thi ro will botho moat entertaining imd lustriictivA^rt-iitliiig for

_nad_ndult3. ihB_ohoifiB<i._*Uirngg aqt

UolonJuryoUpgpoople anil children,. » i t ; i d a ; h ujDi-rfor uldJLndjounni Tnlunblu ^format ion enpl«pc,'bWcrs", uaului hints on bnuBokoopTup unf'ookinir nnd n full suminOnftry uf current oronttrutisplnnjf in the world, togathur with tho moatv.iri.ud und oluboriite aitmlua o n hyyiona nndu^dif-iiio, nnfl nninorous pilnctioitlT Hu^^ostiona ontlv*i art oi prticrvnig iho hoi'th, on tho euro nndfood »f infillLe, nml on tho hom^troatmAtit < f alldinonscs and AilmaiiU NuLhiTithsundin^ alltfaoBO iinprQVflinontBt tho jirfoo \A to rtmuin tho

iu, 91 00 iwrrnitiurm ^ .ililru >a Ubifiu VubliiIng IIOIIBQ, or Do \*nyt Ljon S Co. , 52 FOUJAicnuf, Now Yorkt

AN PSBAtY0NJ0URN\LrflMJ hy*M-law Retd\ Mn^oging Kdttor of thi Kt-*w York Trtbunorwttl appear in un e^rly number of Sonb-

tapisliituro of luii State charLer^d a 'coi>i-pnnj-fQCtlieiQipr^veinent of a trncl of lm>d'H-JJstSA\'iiny " t^t tf l tf i-oo1 the—At^ t»li cconat-j The pfojt,qcis toiiuild up a newBCR hashing place,.'Witji ' ftllL the • ailvant-ngei to bofouudi touny now.-dxietfnr; inthejState." A cumpalili-yihas' been- organ-ized to push forward the work of iroprov-jifg- theT>lneo,'«md- (i. Jhrge hotel Ahd ' anumber ofiT)rrvitte*u«'iaeiiCc»'hroebort 'tnum T »bo erett^djthore, ) The ' p l n b e d t oBiirpaBe'iinytliinc.hf the kind in the State;j!tieuiJcean Jtcand. in hatti, 4nvel nfad broadtinli iscotwtrlttpdtlnrlloegloo t b f S b T

U > *pcci illy flnoto be in *TnrT Jitimu^

T*Tins%2a.'yonT % E vArtha5E! A.bon*-PIiili>d«

t l . In

'•MR LOWELL'b PJIDSEj" will b« icritloallj-considered in tidnbnei'i fur M»y, by Ml.Willitinon. Til" -1

, ] forJMAY'«B nnutually rjoU'iinlu plfrtbriaH^partir/dnt1; >nd dk^uYsgotod »nd-«Tti)i !{i««n ia th'e iruw<feclrC> mjt yet

juang 4ntf

1 1 1 j i t t h e P t i i l t I K > r I ** i?t> i>f - di»7 r j i i l ( s 1put 227 S 1'ront fat { 1 r l l^ul demijohn, 4* •

A lilfos* all (.iininniii^timis to our donf^i ilri HHJ Messrs \\ lnti'Ly lirolhcrn Z£i S>uihi nt ptret t, 1'h-il id th hi • their tub-ng ntiQuinini IW mil 1 iS \\rilliiifn -tiLPt Ni_*

\ rk L "\f lit blinu tf^_Itt7ithurp _0_i l.ninb ml t

Uilitm i o t JI (* iamith A ( u , biifl 1> eue t~\V I litii^ttm D C , v. til Uipj.lv Lh< t r n k an t in

JIL ihc-Hnhi'ldlphiii <rli p ft Ptrsons otdt rr bj letter inuiL^t Hi\ v,h*- bpr it sliull I>(ici^lit "1 «Tpn*ff if MKV furmt r tlic\nut thr Aiunnnt M IVtOfi i o M m c j f>r

iliriot Inirt Hi" Spim^ m ATI 11 ii<J o 'htrt (>niii)Unloiitiuns munt hu mldrLascil Lo our

rices iia[|^ \S iL,n

bihoulii rdm m i:


TIIE*TllOL' GlliyC'iJJ:, OF

Whonro ooiiiii^jthii t firtn rfliunci.1, that ithioiutc,

iiTnluuutinjf fti.1 Eh in tint efficacy of IIo^totlcr*8

wiiph Bitti TI an n runmlj foi nidit>i.qtliiii hitinteruiiffiiiH nn I lennttt lit ft \ t,r*»

whuh niitorum^lj p cv til m ill pmCH of iho Umid SlntPS ' Tl is Lonli li n t Ins been grfiwin firiTonty 3cai» , nnd it ii itill c \ t t n l l n ^ I t it nut

this n puHofor tdul i ty it h ic n )t been ( n^t nd* rei.by any hurarth dfiri^e b i ibn tho-Fpontnnetoif Am\imtunil eon4i quenco uf L\JHH IOHO i Wn it pt uplu

o tl uly going on u n J u tlu n o\"n < yus Uuy. cminot quLition Whon f i nniot in uuhi il thj di

Kt-i l)int resort to this win le omt- ^c^nt iblo toniLft i JI pr< venLivu, i^t ipo pv,ii iditnl fi.\ era, i inlIn ir i mined i ii to m l^lilmi a, \\ hn ntgl* ft thn prtiiu'i in, nro protlnilf d hy tlm th^umi hew I-* Hlimihlo tluit thu |)lu nurn-non ihoul 1 bo uitlivut

it'' lenton T Tn | i ! o mitniiLr vhen it i sci u Uintob'timiU ojidm «f ilyspcpji i ci| l | \or Lomplmni^ of

ftjicj-ali-iit—trf—(4M- J.Liii4mt<'utnijily, Iiui7i.au ciun lt i iridulity ltsclt uiUiholJtB eiiih>rjtLin.out ' J <j uitu a-its of tjio ilutiir^

LRCC S of tlio bitto^s ftru to Gwiyuud in uv^r\civili7Ld scltloniout on thin con Linent X tuthntiHun Ia upon tl*.«m! imH whu unu tht tr rLStum.ion to In ILKII and - t n nplh or IN* ir prfa tn itionrifin mi kueas, t*j Itn < x'riortUhur,) iiiLdiuiiiiil

piopLrtn.3, aro onthuniuJMo { \ jto praino llicnultitudoB who foGotfiine.i \ it in ancijjtiliiirly ITIJ-

Lir trmnda ntld tl'C.iuftiiit iiitt.5 114 ivoll^n^wh^iUuaTu public lh**ir osl imatoonia virtues

f4ith that il, in tlio'ii 1'lriy hlivonll i i lhcrfi. l l or

I '<l l ior i i i | ^ v i h f ^ - m c EO rom^iou that-ihnosl tin|>>>4nibl<* lur »T c d u i r in exprL^H Innuno nijuinon oCthnincrlh ot loi y ai ticla uitlluultin^ su3pot ti J of intcrndtLd moti\ CT 'I hi^ fa I

nk of 1 nutf'ndlitiiifi U> th< Mutvriit JMOUILI tonil our iiLtatitttfn hg3 bt,bit ro1 rt,f( r to Du J M ALKLH 1 ~C

\u J I I T I ' I H , n Ttrayf]^ nJiuh m milking In W J l v

into mom f imilioi junt noVth-ln nil Iho otllor atl-i c r u s e j tnodloinos put togethov Ibe r* »fotnT (0bo no qucHUon nLout tbt lnHi-noy of its lonio unrtnltorjiti>o proporhoa, w^i,lo it H poBsuises thegreat (nogfttivo rcconiiimndiihoii ol C(MIIIntiiihor nlcohol nor minernljinlfon That it 13 11upoclne for IbiligeitKm, BiLlitiuincss,' Conatirntianand mmij qom|)(oim or ntffroui" orgirt, WU'IUTIreason to know, unit no am a«surud on goo^ uuthotttjl Ihat »a n general Jnvigori)ii( l i reg«\atiDgnnd purlfjlnuUHjiliLlno, L<» hnu, jio tij^nj I t issfatud thnt i t . lligiodfcnU, (oljl unud horn , ^ ewiiaj'uf Cilllorntu,) aro notr to the mcilfonVworld,and Its oitriordlnnryjsffioU 6?r tnnty Warrant(ho tJMrcJmUin that It u a, j^oinpoaiid« oC ugnntahitherto unknown. If popularity 11 nnj c.itonon,there ojin bo nv doubt of (tho jpluoiqm.y oj Uw

-VU'tiiUAR B I T T E I I S ' fo r jho^ le 'o f the juUc ie t i s

n^VJKjtl^^nftl.^lind^lJiotdinf _, ,__,. ,„„_,feotry^jniJ permanoiiCly^urod by Aiifeoi«rroNt

fno dbtorttion frogK l»f»tn>?BH.i wuhiiu



BOIIND & OOr.-•• Bankari, 62 Wall St., &, T., ,

Trnngnot s, GsnarflU l i n k i n g Liu&mopa. and bHandBolLoncommUaitm all l

ot to t

nflo Conipnny jn Aurctlcn, Trrltlng

Policies by tho month or jour, ls tho

or Jlnrtford Conn It

iroi nion «f all

trudofl, ooaupAtii.no nml iirofcjaiom at rKlns

within tho monbH of all 1 l i r e TRAVFI ERH

VJ*ti1 pillitiai flf Lifo and Endowment

OSUJIAICE::;:;CTnni] Modoratn Coat undor a Definite

Conlrnbt Promlunl Bystooi l» 111" ^TiiTdnto

Low Rate, All Cnah, Mock Plun No other

LS norlil^ or jits

has rolnrnul so

Are HniYei;iiil.f«T(irUo«'wHh bsrry growon, doar-<5fn And onnBani'srS: :Tbbj are .the j'aBiesf^soni^i^ilstoit, bB« v«BtIInt<ii>"iiaA'dDnib'HltjssiuUars>fj; oheilpii«t;ffntlpW,h»g»in thffWOrii.IftUKlItT-

TMMEN6J3X main Hnd f

1 WANTED;.UoftBd-

StuUtnnd Cmiadag^ to sell, oar n^wfan3 moit yse-ful Patient T fibm qitd.-to sI^Ui^U'ih'BTory fanailj^10f) p«r oont^gunFfliitsgi* -For {Hmploa and tOfiBifmtlnio teji (units andjDUdreM ^ J l i Q U i O N i QQ.%

\ GIJNTS WANTED AgenlVmliilo-raiirBmBB.^ i r y i i t work fnr u« thBnnt"Bnytlilii|J oljor—Bui-siness liEbl (inii pnroiiiiifiHj j rt'frlicniirro froo O,"•sirnM.il A t o , jnW ArE-fubliikbrs^Portliinti,M ; i 11 4lT; . '

COMPAHY:mu«h monoy ..!.«• he

ers "n<5h As «I1?, jioil

toftp 11 4w

.. oflitiE


S 'WANTFDtho » i IT1> - T A T F ^ ,f AMTUFfM thn ,

S i n k 1 il<i I mji uy oi h \ i tl >r m - h i *p l o y A i , t i \ « Xi,*,,! tn U\ tt p. milt H u m iOOUntj Hid tiH"JL_lli LllL-tj^ll">i *!' LCM limiiliu i i U i i i ^ n t 'tn" fMiilm with ill rm i n on hlici il rti fi contuiunn" i*{i|iimi«"iinidi-L* thu ( umi nn> v.nh JitltOM (tt i P C miturn ui I u JtiajjdL Ofliuo, in Pu i lu i 'n ji

TTTK MOKMOXN o w i s U m t i m o f u r , A ^ o n l ^ i ( o s o i - ; i ; . y :tLi-. thulling nnd fLiiilt i I nuk I t uiiup'll • i_tlBllAdvcnliifc4 mil hTiiuVionte-or a wmu in— v rtttrnly hci M If— Toi ^ ciir^ thi tt_if< jtf I JVlmjii n rmph-ct- di-olosing nil Hint \" inyiiltnou' wiclied andStartling, ftbflitri hug tn thiillin^Jib* "|iir«, hniiioroufi jintl TWlthftlc irmitr—[he ninst t lscinntingbook extant Steel portruii ai_ Uit_ Aulhfirt^,portrii.it1) ofloiiilinK JVJorinoni both men find women LiTn nml V o n c in tltuli, etc ^filil onlv'byAfcinn 1 or lunihirinddio-sItMi-irORD l'OBL1SIII\G CO , 11 irtfunl, ('onn n]j 11 hv


Y""h in nil its YAlt^OUi: tilAbEbIIH Bplonilorq and wrotctuMlmfls , its high nnd lowl u c , its /iwrlilu Jmlttc(;a nnd d i r k d u i n , i l«n ttrni liona and dnnRirB, IIB l^inin nod Finuila , itsli-n.lmi; mi n nntl pulHli IIIIIB i itir idvontiiri r i , itsi.h um*.b , l t i my-ili rn s nnd crm in

I ll..mv it, il with T^ijnrl} /->fl Finn Kp^rfi>infrq.^ ind fur o n iijars wflh toriiia mil 1 IjiJl de

"onption of the ^ o r k 3^nf«)Ojl Publ i ih in i ;

mil j l l who contcinplnto Building, supplied will)LIUI now I l l in r il«d CntilOfiio on rcqoipt of ftlftinp. l ^ j J ^ J ^ I Bioknell.& C» , Arohitcctiir.il Jf j

Hook I'ub'rflj ^TwKrron S r T T l T " TTTC

THE CHRISTIAN.,,4^,,^;-^ligiutig f unity paper, full of im I'luntu, prn\ iih HOP


lire -n( i t v t/mn inIsow Ji.rHcy towhom oommi'-flion TTi M bo p iidin CASH ApplyIn prr*(~iil AE b ,letter at tluofheo or

ft.b 2D 3m ," h M Co , 'J« ChumbLr' St , N T

W.' I.


READt-MAOE ClATHUfFor MEW, - ""*_ _ YOUTHS ,- •'



w<Tii buii^lit r& oXdti'til In t t tout r nt\i\ N o u m k1«7) a t 10 lUtle Jiflvunot) uv-u tin. p-ioiliiuF soin -it i n t ii o intend Lu u\o\*t tailuciti xjn itc ii't^ihouiawool rfOTis to *l 00 p» r puund ^ •Oui iissoiainLiU In tiaih jlCpirtult nt itf unu-imll

JT.TT.r, A.ND COMRLKtaWn TiiLvt' n«t hcMluUd to m*iks up i \t,ry lurgt

Rtiil.lr f u r ffP ICTIIIW f^m- _C— _2_cJ_


CUSTOMprcRcnts tlio litst Htyjes rrmli tlio Now York nilit1'hll iilrlphla tnirket* In the l


~" ~* ' In" a\ V cjtfloa."


O w e n s & _Variiiest,,37 A y ^ ^ i !

cubital, or inqtrum^qts, by n yi A.

i t tdS^t -Dv, Nd'300r A'rin Stfee't', Phi»po IJHU refpr)1you1tu oipi SUOlK^nsui! olitftfu1 " Vyaidosiro to »av ^lo iha«a ainroto^, UlrfB Ifrjwsud el vno deoolitmn in t h e d u r e o l llioin Disonaos, it ftmt-tur^ not h i * lung or how [luVtu-ol/yua imvo, hcnrl'amiotodrW^ isiiij oqro jou We.iLho euro ElaUilB^

I'SrrlstaAil knit 'Hnve

The Uiattintnjiootm eliccc-ti nr tiilsutrn^Ke,. al^liuug}i j t rla hfLVlits- udnrecededlddsilks

t j fah81 !men n u j »>>l»ln luar.msq anplpyqieu I* t ^'iln^jn inonoy. J^uiVitiMrlpHvflUrri'liliiTi HiMlojt fti o

tics pufTui pillH oj palolit mrtllfiinesj ^ O r t i y - c i i r 'I D C o p I i u , ^ 1 Stud 1 (Jo fur 1 |iapi rs bejToru^on rorfece ! JLvtilo C^iriifrKtu, 8 copioaSl I IIt Unal]iius, liuet liepusitaiy, 11) I jndall Sc ,JJOSSON MASS n p r i l - l w

Agents who wnrit to m i k e mom1} enn soil nothingao rnptilly us our flow i^nd bonu.ttful Bttiel ongrn?

'THE MOTHEK OF OUK LOED.thcfltieaCsubjeflLrOVot ««ngi;nvAd., nnd-tsur" M pry beholder with it** wotidiuun be mty2^x^)ii i IVIMI $3 50. Highly onAur*p(l ^niK Divines of all donouihaiUlon^ A^en-ts wl«

und lh.it "Books go har t ) / can ni^ko Sin p^r da^wiili thii pplendid l*(»»k of a r t Mulo and fopiitli^Kenta wanted Writ* for circulars to WOKLHIN<U0N, D U S I I N & CO j J i i r t f o r d ^ t u p l l H



MINC FA^tnREU fir r

J, W. CHAPMiN &C0 , Madron,IndLJ^" Send fur (.iriulur. JZH npr 11 li


^ B I ' N E ^ ORGANSTho Mason & Hnmlin Or^an C(n—re4peoifull3

nnnouneos Ilio in/r'>diiction I>1 unpritvi'ini nt^ ofinueh inoro than oTilln"iiy|inloi"e1't JLbeso iro

RLUD Alrt> I T P E cAniNi^T 0TnjA"W!5i—boine Iho Only suocossful combination of HCALPIl'ES with reeds <n or mndn


nt$L10 SI!.'nnd J 1 2 J 040I1 Ciin"idorliig Cnpn.-ily ri(Kuni:o mil TlioVou^h CxcoMunoc of"Wurl(

' i tlie'cnro.ihcaptir-ihim-«ny luftno og'dd

iFon A.

SUPPI \ or i ! \HK ABBtrMD, Prloes HednMd.

BLISS, u r r N!B'*'c!p.isj&ibii>:'itxsfti,i¥|t r\Curi ^ C inaiir faLrofiiliiVlQ^lihiliStlQiitnf.iiliiJllhoris L_iniiti^in Noninlnjn, PufiiMiriftfy Oiimjnntnti,1 Ulj ,

onics Is puiLly. yL^utnhlu,. .Ths'iWiifV'-vinBW'n' :'mini Piinfiir Sold by iiiin.i!ii(si»t«'"PHw;'ss :prj- boltloi^ (ili^jyjtejhft^wJMkrijjitdfajjjjiiiil'j».rl ;V

#i :.!l

u n t i l i l i « l ' l l tI>ru|r(rit}ts

For Bny/. omf xof [,..,i,u,8luedliiK,lto!ilng nr Ploer.iltliil .Illes. that J)eBhig'i_Pilo Mehiiay'liiils to ouro.II i» .proiinrud s*|H?S(Jy to

G ftl'A 1> Ml UIOAErDOOK of u'isful kiiunipugoto-all-—bLnt-7froe'f(jr~tW9-itnmpartTAd(iTOJ!-

l)r BOVAI VHrt A Ooi, OlBcllimilti, O, ' '

,,„, rn,iia,isof ItiJllpensabiirta' P f TUTf evu ^ rfiMolor/tMilor, bny Jriirnloi', anilX liUJ^tor t YgltVUOpg ,|n d f WW

, ynoodiifiii i

p p c r C N i t n l WJr tchgi ib^gtoui i^brki im iuutriltpIiDBeiui6,. .BAr«lt*!ttli t i

rni i t c l Itnli n fiip;twn:yonrs H b l i lI lH l l THii lilitwrt l r ly

p ; t y

mil bo oiittTpfupSld; ,iinyw\iori|i'lfiirt*b ; ,3foi bt I n (mo Ulrijuliirafraij Urd.r nnlj'rrnialhi h ile AgoiiW, R. HHW *AfOQ ,',,-BpU.lnhoi'u;VtsrmotU. - ii ir II 4iv

KUuriTiiLiil lo nn ord.ernf. Iho O,r.ph?n;(

the County of Manor ; miulo. an ' thu i l i tM i r t h m-jt live giib.^iirlber, ^iliiWillmin II PLMhia^dee*! Fodj will p i 5ut P u l l u •V.,.liifi..on;TliU,ltSHA;Y. TI lBOIh

T v i ' " r i l ^ J l A J V K W C T r r 2 T S % t t w i r l l M nn ' t t ' e

1111„ nil I I t nf I fttld; bflinn^lng, to «uH I• i . I d B . i . « 4 f . I n I | . n | l n m . i « i~ i r l i Z j k i ? ^ t l i " • A I<_ t i i 11

-1 i n . l i I H H >i1_nlliiutt. in

I JI nni hitiflaVifI "1 f f'I lot I • 11 K "1 foul fr'nm byiWO feutiiloqp,1 ^fZ

l h n 1 11 \ 1 r\ . rivsirHb^o..prnper.tr-fill- any qntiinntiii), 1 g mil hiiine, hiiyiiij^u wull ijr.nevor-fiiili'i n i 'wi t i , r it the diioi-V 'nhd tf gotid'VirTeiy of »«•

Diti-d Mirch 8 18T2 np.ll , i t

Hliving f un haiod Iho .entlro stock of

•• M>', • •,'.%•: ?•


J j -

In IIIII^III;; tn Mr (Jaopp Il( tr i i l»e, (lilsS the bu l lni- n utriiid, upon f'liiojj ^oritu'hijiliiiail improife.miMits ar* to bi mud's, fequiring the remo?iU ofthe stock), I doaosf offivf ibi^aiBij n t v •


Ni-wBrunswiok, M«™t 8, l i f s , , :r , V.-,' " i , iV ,^ , . i MKroTi ]4.jjn"'.•".


J. Barclay Ijtiis, Hightstown* Ef.-J,

^ ^

•ihllua f»( uimiufiict|;ro t lm C jinpan* cn-n^ifibnl, ninl nnir undortake lo null lit Drion irhlyn render them

l i f A B L Y CllliAPtl^our—Oolivvo Organs Soft enoh J Ftvo Getnvfl Or-RIIHB $100 $12' mill ilp*Tiird» With three sotsrepd^ $t5U anil upwara& Forty styles, u p toSISdOeacli i , ' . . X

5^ow ptluMrftted Cntnloeiio.1 nnd loilituoinifUr i rculnr , ,vr iUi Oftinion^ O? MfaUK THAN ONE.


Tromont bt TTJoslon 590 Bromllrny, M. Y

Farms L_ _Free Homes I



A ^ B O O j K : FOJEl •

_3Cb&oi1*naj<ira, i^TJIio EentAt Tionhnn oft (ballmiKilStntoff, dnytll'o-4IsL!rtftro<rof-Noftti (Uii-

cB^Aprfd; XN'ptttCE.'mpra fitranblp terms(WlW, «5n* mftrs'bon'Jonlent to B M o l UiWpSb, Wft'tfundiliowhere * " ^ »>J

J 'J l


.n Hili frtllrtVrlTimtflWtilDOaM*|Blt^r^ T j *- \j\ "Or^an HU1 Hrm, Jiffrffl. Lolf, 'i . 1,J, jmiU ita<r

( B70 — ' i HEBcl tlio UqJl 00*3 Double Reined Ppu***.<1i7?TTl9rT?pi'l1n#" oh CorhTjTn"iT"Fotaloea with "Ilia

most satlsliiotnVy r^SoltS, aillltjctlorc It to bo thoilmuposifcrtlHioroUorcn to tho piibnoV*—Edmupd

>tib'tp Ji^fine'd Foudret'tc o\\ ClujC^hJ tMp jt Itfl»o fotLiliier, It 0{V^ ii^rrut^Hf mYrHipfeli bot-tor, giving It a flno atArt, vrTtJi dark tfioon color.Ihavoaison oil It In mr'tfurttonkucOf39 " - _ j w . 1 itili^rti^rcslilent, fito J

ftnr lJou^tBl*e^n^n^5S"etto oirTjorn'in ihehUl,


T HE* O A Z; ET TTH08. B


, B w » i

tlp'gls copy,. *l,60 In

16 or more copies, 1,00 4 l

JVaiTfvn'—TliS publisher "F th^OAXKTTr nniloatHj** ipeoliil vdiftaounU;pn advertising rates forthe aiidottrftico|no'nt:pf' »tlir*r-ti«ra In Hightatown,but in ilo eh«b will the pqbsarlptioil tu tho paperbo "thrown In "

Items and. Commonte.

j . Cttrcao.—Wa regrot ta an-_nounocy the death of Mrs. J. II. Crogo, onTuesday averting, after a protracted ill*

. Th(n estimable lady hns rcaid.cdUtqo;iti the place, but hud en-

dearotf hc^80ll to many friends. OQThursday lMtebo received, together withher oply and mfiimt child, the-s^cramentof baptism,-at the b^uds ;of- R«v. F. M.Bird, of tho Piotcstupt Episcopal chuich,and on /i.Weducadfty.' afternoon i a lnrgonuinbprcf fitends und acquaintancesgith.ored' at ; the residence of •Mrti..l.ll-ullcti_to.pay the h^t tribute of,rcaptct , the HLV,Mjv.Bird couducting bnef but very ira-pr<JB&ivo eervtees. iLnlie remains wore ta-ken to?IIotner("N, Y., Where they will boiuterCed' to^inorrd W.

re in forco, ^Cgulatlug_tho i(juors. / ' *• i ' •

ANOTHER FIHE..4, Tew momenta fifter seven o'clock on

Sunday moi nini£ last, Mr ^V _It Ogbornnoticed smoke and Hume issuing tioin theeoiitli cud of the .piisspnger depot, andfiitVHjifie iilarm nnd wrni.lnr tin'i ijguie'the bi-lls were iung, and in t M>rv ILW

• jniqiueiitBiihp.UttyBlift'd tlie en'|rlna out hu'Jin good - position,' aiHl,'.'were ruady to put

ra good stream on the flumes ; but a fuwbupketrfuli of water from MrVOgbbrn'spump had already ext[npuiBli«di.tlie firefliiidth depot was iavid.'. •Ths-fire:

y ' the .work, of an'hadjbeeh ligtited in' the water

y j ^ J ^ ^ f f l j j ^malii body of the building would have-been.in. .vWAii-lUtoJlK;AU<& a goofl pppfjetunity tocull attention to the minutes of the public

"• nieKJing .lielivoh 1,'liurBdaX eyeningrte aetion f

not end" tlitreo,' Our Brimen ouiilit to Imvethe inimrts for a more complete equipment,

*• There can be no doitjbt that tl)e "TCi-orLaw" iT supported by the people, nrid en-forced bytlit authorities,* will tson/bctie-lit to tiny coinmuuity Dmuitf the recenttemperance royiviil in ttan pliice we oftenlieird it <mil (but never tidicvcit vt) Ihil"taverns were a necessity, and could bocontrolled, it WM the saloons that did tbomischief." Now, under thia law saloonkeepers as well as tavern keepers must besober nnd honest men, and must Cbrnowell recommended by their follow citizen^

_In foot thu_law requires that ten freehold-ers, beside -tho salouu keepor himself,must aign~the apphcatipn ; and the penalties ami provisions of the law me suchns to enabl" ifY perRon to shut up a dis-reputable or diiorj"rly plnce.

The Monmouth Denial at sayB that mthat_eoutily "it hill bonecCh'iary for thosewho desire to continue'the blis'neBs afterthe 4lh of July to procure a. IiCt"?0 fromtho Mav term of our County Qouris, **»there will be no pessiou of Com t afterthat time until the iRt of October." Noiit 13 certain 'that although tha GV>m{~mameLt in May theie will bo no law in forciat that tune authorizing them to grantbrer hconbLs, and as the lam comes Infoice on tho 4th of July, and the Cointdots not meet nftijr that tuuo until October, thi.ro «ill be three monthi of RCVLHdLouth or incieaHod drnnkcrjucsi m Jtonmoulh—the RUzzlera will Lithn be forceto go thirsty, or to buy their lager by thquart.

VA 1 1EWJE —We hope our nations willbi piticnt with nt We will give themnJlignm OB soon ai " poisihle. Whave .iiow;{lii:eeifiillTBQliinina of Hdveriiaomenti more /than we; had a UapB'th ago,antil yetterday relBied, _a column and ahalf more, simply because we had notroom. We don't blame everybody for7

#tt"nttag-to-»dvertiza in the QAzBTTBri-wa njust-favor onT-hflme-ptttrona rlittlpi

15th day,of this: month Mr. Samuel Asaya farmer1 who has lived for 69 years atWrlghlstown,' BurliQgton county, took anotion iuto his head that ho would g'o toh i K h i


ruaiJQiiilentnf tlieMonmoiith .Democrat -inregard* to die k'stupTillly" aiid] "mlimjin-ngement" of our volunteer firemen areunjust,jind_-wete}JinV.no senso jitllud for

_byjjielr cbndu'ut at_tlie_' ngo.personwbowaalhero, bulieves

that .mere was any possibility or aavtii"tliu mill when the euglnu arrived—nnd all

i t nothing but the almost super,human efforts of the voluntoars saved the

- \\ e--a.ro.inuehi surprised tfat •••tho.. Ijong BranchJTctog, althpugh fufnished with a very fairaccount of thSHre by its own ebrresponn

I-? dent, sliould republish .tlio" unfair*com-..'.'• lufjnts from its neighbor's ooloinni, "Ja-..:io(ib"> knows %bettGr-than-to bollavc such

gs about the .IJightatowD hoys,,. JNa.-,- yilingB nued he-nahatnud of— aurih a eoto—

•- as, w,6: ha,¥e,""ailhoufh the oorres-pondentthinkliwaT'oaQ not boast of ourfiremen.1? The following Is a Hat of the(liflmbors, furnished bysporenjan Shangle,

1:7/A.J, Sfiiithi Jna, "B; Katelmia,O. I. dtfward, '••' g. M. Sqhnnofe, 78- Shiingle, - fteo. E, i?iersdn,'T; Orp.sai'oe, J.: A. JSstqn,

.j4-.wbd'j3itbdeib,.:,.,'/l,\.Jaliii'Jl^a1o.attnor.,...-..s.M, Ar piitealf,"T "-: E;;U. Riohartison," sJ.'Mouiv^Bmlth, ' " •

JSMsNvartTBaud,(j; II, Blake;O. Hi Bend, D, Wiissermfin,

., Jos,,Mp^un-an, (,'•. H. SJ oiouk,.'•'.•"Aitron O.'Prevo,:'; Juli'n H.1 Ford;

Jiinies-jSiillard,-,W. Beyv

Ezekief irughes,HToblft Douuull,

ptiekethlnd—went-fOSthT^Sl'ty"jjOEecars.The onlyatrange part of tills item is thefiiut that trjia w W l r : MJjayV'flrst ride onj y

i i

y7gaiiy s m a B h : u p . | p rafti}the,jHleaBUre of t h eold 'genl lemai j ' s t r ia l tr ipi •,':., "'•:,

meotiQg will be Jrildbn WedHe¥dBy~6veni

peqted to be debated : 'VEeioived, tfintcorporal puuisbnientlu the, public schools

h ;,to have beUn "abpl'lihiid,;',». Tn m l B n i V 1 h f Bn m l ••» 1 hn

mattve, anWhite on the negatiTer^Musiq will' be

idd^ mmr . i

OLDMUJL,—A'privStecation informs us that when the old millwas raiaiil, Papt.' Smithi;liM^ntttr : pre-pared for three hundred persons. Mrs.

b"ufwas too youag at the time of the raisingto femeinUer whether all tnpse invitedcame ornpl,.

VMRT . DANOJ5ilotrs,The plank walkalongKftliroad jAveuuej in front pf freightd ' " ' 1 ' ' ' • ' "

, Jiise)ph,,H7SinIth,

Win^ T. Brown, '• •O,,gs, pembrooit,)Ui ^ullMrBiiEriue,Charles B.- Oiink,I> ^ J b W

•'J. Oeo. .Van Matter,


necessary.aetion togtytttna urumen a suit"bi i t T H i V i r l h b d

e|^ • nbio ieqiiipment.--THinV-ir-no-elher g

* 4igurf't)J;j4i> thalE^ luvui rheif, ''GiVe Lheirithe fixtures.:: w <•;

ful to ie'H' ftlB,^tWnjfbeer, lager, beerilppf-ter or win^TSl^^frM^UIei^WS^a^uart. ter or


Hcatiptt.iigttid;: by ian"freehbiflers

• 2. Bisoivedj;Tlmteeominend

roan's ,:Tprei l d l h i

tettlatiaa^thfl1 wprkof.tl;7tlon 9th. jrp*i4oi*batliWeDSB jhill be

ery oafenoe: agaiast. Uii»la\v—^nehnlfitiiMr^^p,,^LM^^iWMmmmmwmmm^mMapf|i§f|»wio.fln«. In;

If5 tu(ad6ruoanor,-ano_ ...liaBlBf. WjfnaHiTOntV

.—The leotureaOhureh ' by this" gentlemanei d'Y'r d b l ^ i t t i i d a i

ratheM;iward very fineWe did (niand to publiBli'jftill report ofthese li'etureij but wllj not>baeiuio,we donot balioifo .in giving to paoplu, for hojhrIng,; good thlffgi that they*w4r06otuBB;BtcTpay for,7, . "" i ' 7: "

J H T ! DBQISIW.—the 4elebraited ease of.thi HlgBtstown and.Manalap-an Turnpike Company miff usj{fEt Wist-

Bhangle;,!,,iUpJBn Monday

J?V7*4ft b

lay?; iind'eyiduhye' the nibtion for'non-eiiit5Vas reiused by his honpr. T...Q.•Fearce

iTTSl, ScliantSk-for defBudant.

.friends - of -. s v ttttornpy

the auccesi of lili inalden eflurt.

WORK.—The\ Preshytery ofjidnhiouib atatiil^te/seMioq'iii Durling.",t d l f ljidnhiouib atatiil^te/seMioqiii Durliton, passed tlie followloff resolutions Jil E a ^ ^ h ^i l . y ^ ^ ^ y y t ;i)y approves the effort now being njade by'the women, of ,jojjr.hci1wn, I'liiByterlan "Jjp[jj;Church, 'no wqllias^otliBrB! to aand the0Oii«iJLtqjyomen and ohildren.in heath-

1 % l a o d j 7 ^ 7 7 7 ' : ^ l L I

MEBTINO.—At a meetiDg ofthe Inhabitants of tho1iorouBl>rheld at theTown Hull, on Holiday ovunlnR, MiijorA. J. Smith wns ektUd (Jhaiiman nndJohn Jr. Bey, Secretary^" Tlio followin(;resolution tt.B prcsiuled, nnd after nthorough conHideration wus adopted :

TteFikid, That the M iyoi and' Cornmon Council of the Bomugh of IliglUstown bo requested to appropriate a sumnot exceeding flvo uhndred dollars to-wardfl equipping tho inemberR of the firecompany, aud tho purchasing of buckets,ladders, Ac. '^

lion, T. C. Pearce, Dr. J. A. Extonaud M,\jor A . J . Smith wcro nppoiuted acommittee to lay tho action of the meet-ing-before tbo Common Council.

The proceedings of the meeting wereordered to bo published in Lhc HiRbtBtownGazette, and the meeting r.djouined

J. M. DEY, Sec'y.

UNBERT'AKiNa.—By lefctehco to flratpa«o it will be"Been that Jklr.'E. B. Colehue t.ikeo his son into partnership in theundertakingbusineBa. Charlie has Utelyrotutntd. from a tour through tho south-em &tntcs, and is in good trim for woik.We with the ne* b r a SUCCLSS.

W H A I J"JO YOU W A N T ? — G O to Ira

Sraoi-kV and get it

1ST -4f;cucV f o r l u o trtover and BakerImpiuvcu &ei\ ing MaLhine, s\t E\ixtou &Savige'3,

a i " The Rjfeltm1 ievci has appoired atl- iii unr.jjdale. We i~e«>et ID kani ihatour fueiHi Mr. Wi.i. II- D i y . of thatpiatcbus lost ono ot hiB childi«n by that dif-eaic, ajui tluvt oflier Liembi' '8 cfhis ^ imUy are prosprated.b; -~^^&~~~£ "^Hi~<,

,&• Qcaud Floi-al dispIajV a t

^gypfc, on Huud^ydlutJ

Through tbe ooltcitation of Dfriends, I herehy give notice that Ihu consulted profLsaiounlly lieieafler onevei v Satardrty,

ap 18 Lf Aifv at Lair.

~ In ihU borough, on the inst.; Citherloo

OD the 22ierly, agod,

o' John II Cnjgd, ftged 2^ joa, C(ib-

•r\\ aor\lcca, Mornhijr 11 oVlu^k, t \ o n l

1 rhurail i j UMiilnif, TJ4 o'ofcicV[Un*.», It*i\ T S 1'iiFi i » I1 \3Ton —Si

it uiATr Cmlwii , I1.Q-\ I It I)A\iS I'ftSt,1> 4or\ ILI.3, Murnln^" 10'£ ci i ly* k, .Li* ni

IK Tlllllfallui Oirjiinn*" oNjlytkM V I n'i \.LIBT (""IILIICII, Ilttv Ii Ilftthnway,

Ice? Morning ut 11 o*cloafc;Silit)Uh oliuyl, 10 A M

MI Ro\ J , V r i ^ n f r , PanI [114 lO1- oVloclc, l]\eiiiiijr,th aclmol, X F M Prnyor,

Mooting Tuciihiy o\oninK, ?1£ o clockV itf U A l*if \A Iwii TM.h.i Tt"*f>i Sund Ly A,fL0rtioon

Hmn Kcctqr in < hir^f—Snn inn r^rry frldny

Ft'usT1 l*nii(Tir—SiL^bnthnorTKvLMilnjf, VA o'csloelc.

tur—Sorvjuos, ftlti7 V J ' l l R b b


R , O T j ,Mnl IIIIL hyiupiHum? nni] ^hniiMorDikil Uocf,,TonciitEJl i r i -hunS PolkI?riod Poaohes,"Giirrnnlrt, I-'rHiFlits, l1ritnollc.'41S'Homti!.1' nm\

Turks N J I I S , Spadoi,hlii>*Ll*, Hues,

Applo!,K scnoir, 0 1 tor Oil,tjlpolio h\rpct OilMutrhoi, "jpaouli Puh h,Jvoro^eno Oil,

i>*T4<*rs AI11D1, Conr^n nml Finn *3alt.iijHf r»k r Ilultor, t

[fil Tobacro P,itutooff, Onionj f m : r h B i ) f i » ; T«uij :;

fiiiiips iniTiituroi, . pnU»viOrii*lio»,'••_•Wlis.ilt tf lour, Corn Men!,OiiliiiirBiii Wilio, ' •ffnnnj'J Fruit, Plaklsi For ninliuinul use.bj"tiiii il»««n,or jiiri' Port nnd,Oborry7WlnB7Englisli Piiifclus, Biiitiv'; Trenliin. Crohin. 'W h l f P " ifaTAd

at ;hia;

matJJaion ~galley_jon_II;)n.dayievBning.

_ a . = , . 'aiiilTJftnUnn'.Crilekttrs,Btnreh, Bo.ip, (j.indlos, Hiirso JUruehea, .Rnlsins, BrtiOniEi, I*URfl Spl^glj Uil^nilindo, .Powilsf niid Sim!,— —; ' Alliiptiid.Qlovejf.Miioo,,- ,•

s=fby' driiiitliig Soda7#ay-ter—at Maple & Ounningliam'g.

SEASON.—D; W, BobbSna hoiited his feu Ureamll«» last week,and'served a.very good^rticle of tliatdu.liOiouB ftilid7~^IIe^hS n-veFy-eonifiirtable-Baloon for ladies, and yentli;men.: Eoinem.ber the place—up iialrs. Don't iqake amlatake and ^o _dOjvn_st!iirB_£

j ^ diflorenlvfluiddown there'.' We_underatninl thai ho iinr>'

himsBlf, but'he kenpa it farors. So go up itairi, if yyu^o at all onour recommendation, ., vi ,.u

WAKTBD.—lpOO bushels of Wheat, at"81.90, at Nbrtori'sJ- -.' .. •_

W Cottage Qi-eam 'liger al theI Stock,ton St., ijrug itoie.

Latest stylas of fnnoy. (Jalaimeresr&Savlgjj'sT"

io- Wbuy olioleofioso's. Geraniums, Flowedug , Shrub-

hn,,' n nt7thgNdreSeooKoli streSt; neat

door to Orego't Trimming store, ap25-tf

SUDDBir DEATH.— A^maHboy about

Mm,m^mmdsmSLMErMM[itaying on the railroad track at BeatiB

i ^ ^ H f 'Ne*' Brunswick,, wai gun-.by a thrqugli

dTwo jnetri ffnd two small girlii h h b 1 f

Ine on >itantly,were in eompaDy with the,boy,; all-for-:ol«netsvand neither eoiild apfakglith latiRnagb." Theij:namt;i were notascertained. The body was taken tjb;Trenton, N. J.

The small ;pos has brolcan; put io thoCanal slabliijat'Kinjjstpn, Wifjl,(|c(urtirflvf eases'are/Mpqriqd, ( soiiidfof *er|; se-

''typii"'LiA.;Duildin^- hna>bien irioted;o sarve-at^K^ieapitali -niid the featflt "i-eggrted are doiag well.

'!—ThU is irij title of a y$ry. Bprigh t-,v magazine^fiumbgx^f which is onpur,;abla, "It is to ibis pibilshed in tari nuni-

id"rich is the. pbief editor, and pfeourselie .iUeri\ryi- matter, is oxoailent. "Thisair becuplei four la^a, hallj ahd yhas

tj-WJe t,iibles7f|n7fapt;is:a7tprtible

' itopiied • JWpW'\; Itt'/thb street_JBether diiy and asked him to giv? notice that

h ^ i ' h t i i j b id i hi'Bhoit ;any:iittje-bird an this,would be Iflned to tht full'este'nt:

JBfJo0 school lifcea'gqod boy.

r 'fqr p idirasiJu S.J^otetaii, HigUtittJwn. yr ,\iiV i ' f i T ^ h e m :

asatiman's new store in ? the 0oie t te•uiiding.'1' --'7' ;':','• •:''"': '^'STT-J.,''•

• 4.11 brands qf beit

^fiJJihQ Tom, tiuhnirigh'aio'i 7

jayinf-thart fcj^^i^ '

mine their^flne leiietieB. of tjlbthg aad;

*;wHl f*«"»Hfthffdayi t | S

Prn IIUBO silsh a," E,1g«i Butter, Bugs, i e , , Inktm

' iBA.yMOCK'B, MOn Stockton Sti-eet, Hightatown.

npr JJ'-t'f.

Uust Fiit i b aust Fiijiilly sowluK Miiuli 'nil Intiboa Agcnlaivnlltiiil In oyi'fi" Ui


N O T I C K r rpiITK-JBIiSEY CITYOCEAN GllOVELOTSFORbvLE,«.tu»l!!<loo ( . - J i r ,

C " " ^ ^ d n c . m « I U I ' t o il'l'd.iilrllig'aM*\ r«lojr Liko unU tho Ooo»o «0 (>!•« fiont . o i u u ln,Ur»nof i |W» nil rrop«ttolmbl»t«

drstru^^fb by fir*.1 1 Dwolhnt lluiisi., t'Hblli. Uulldlng»v hurctm

F O B . S A L E A N D K E N T . ooiiog»«, qo».u»i iiou.o.. »i«, in^t«d for »«.,throo, or llvo ycftra, orporpctuftl

^ T • TT- 1 1 ' Sltiron Mnrrlnndlsn'Oi'Mli. Mills, MuTiufuctorH o u s e s 111 l l lUUta tOWn l o r lo j . in l P«r«oiml l'mporty of every dewjiptlon

t»kon at M fnYOriibl* r«t»» M saf«ty *nd piuUf no«will pi-rmlt • ' ,

Also , o n e citore. A p p l y soon. oo^nV'.bu.mcis KorimSrUooapply ">Good Chance^ TJIOS C PEARCE, AO***,

-n »ohlS-Jy inghtitov'ih M 'J

T)noJtttict of Woodland, 14, for .sale.

A GENT FOR THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST CO.OFPUILAUFXPUlA Insuranbo on Lifogrnntod at tbo t 6 l \ ES"T~lHUTUAL KATES All IhoprofitsdiTidud iMjiong tho p»hcy huUlon _ f

A GENT TOR THE FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. of PhikdolpjiiaiV. Assots, J3,S25,711




Tnflumneft t^tccn nt tho lowest. rMos oonaUtont \t\\h 'infotyflttlod, both tn Firo ft 111 IJICO polioius T, C PFAKCL A

jFAKCL, Ag*nt

Everybody is Moving, and all who hang their own

• • * • • „ - - ' *


T. 03l-O DD L...E"XJ•&;.For tVioro !i tho only pines to"have lfTKTSl'MED"PIlEl!™',na"W«rH-liy"iaMliTn«fjrr»niIjr in put

•tp%, the, Wftllt. Frse of^ClUifgs.'ttiitl e\\\n ft triicjr tidge thfin nM pirfiiTillortBoniof-WsllPapon—iho-Ii&WHS'S-WW^BBiTBiid^hrtaojfl


TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE,v Handsome Glazed Paper, 18 anfl 20 omits, •"• •__

-4-: —^-Handsomo .Whito-.Paper, 12 and 1-5 CQhts a rol1._

lisa Olioiinut Siv, Slilliurn,.

roL'iilo of thu snlil Oiiiililyuf MiilillMrx, if'.iiei ,-sntar-.nnil illroel, to hrlnu In lliulr IIBLIH, aui.'«Mi. n" .nml oliilitis, HDilor Bum or iifllriiiullun nL-nlns t-Ui. *-- 1 ' nine innnlln Irom i K d i l i i ' o f

„ >.itTpti™to Ladles', ALG A unf»r «xullsold. Address T. WiULliB » J "lihla ' - ', '.


; book. 100IODO<Ob'*, Ph l tnde l -



Tho S<'*nJN U*'1UntiU tinst lIluotmtM;.ry nmnhor (janlMni

itUJVNls Ul»«hoap(i»tlyptipcr A--1 '•-*-*< "--tab) Is or

l!iH>Icnump, Attrt ovcrj n

trnl li

, jn 'dl

riiou« t


Rri) nr^sarvtMl toA>lnillntr fiirl l4r<>fBn<M). Tiinprai^ll< il nuLlpts lire well UMvrih t i n . times lliu «ulAcrlptloty price Term*. Vfi* yfur 1( mull SJHUI-luiiiis snnt free J Tny b tmil uf ILII NCHB uonlurs

1'ATL.NTS iibt ilttiit on Uif bujt tonnii Moilolsof new inyonllons innl jik, Ichts I A ijnlmiV, itni] inUvlcnfrtti All pii£encn drt' publll1l>3A la the Snlon-Lllm AioerlDAU thti, wut.k ibi/y , l ^ u e bend forPuuiphlit, 110 pittceff, pontHliilntC lil^s uud lull *rl-tOLllons lor onitvinWK t-n-winiBA,ltlri>Rp riif^^aporjjrjowcomliig Pfttnnt? MUWVft; Ui I 37 Park Ildir, N T Ur^noh oUluo, tor 1".and 7Ui bti , WaililnetDtt, D <J.' up 1-i.x

J<S£ >

....-rift;I nr u\»r in

IIS1 *aul>lLthtd mmi r

rtitrioUB I D


rp ILS,

Lambraquiris and othor Decorations.lorj nnd o'hern w/rtitlnj; flr^t eKsi ^miit H I T

b n t on (ippllommn DRAW1VWS .r t l r lSVir-MATEa for EUWNirURi; LAMI


I ' ,

,. aetffi'l


HiVlii'lf o b t a i n e d J ^ i u s s i l s n n t tlio myolriliiK Ulrtld-I n g WB wil l bo l ,cugr«i iu . l j | t (B t i ' HocoiuiundiiUi p u r«l«ndl !y InoroBSlnB iPiiilu;' •-•••" • • - - . - • ,' ,, ,

W e wil l o lhi r Siiopli i l - ' lnrt i iSoinsii t i t h f i « B j H » Bla ul) t ho J i i r o r c n t d. j | jarlm.)l i l». : • : >


EL89AST l• F«l!llno«ijl-



m ILKS snU' tfRA&S1

All iiilr.flwn'iiiiinufiloture, lit l.isa Ikan Jnlilwin'iii-iccis. ,Sum| for ouf frou Dufofluiive "-»—»•ur uf r Dufofl

Special nivrliulni,feJlHiHtKHV, I*IIiSAl LA01SS KIlLOVMs!, UiSAl, LA01SS, KMBHOiOEBllU,

MtimL[MMJA8»Ktm»WMaBm: u ;

Itt-twenty iliiys alfir 'llilTi.ln.to Hiireniriii live of wmost piilille ijlnqes In-sivld Oounly far the simoo ortwoTiientlii, iinil nlad by ailriirlUlnn Ilio iiiiBo rorLhe Ilko »ii]ioo online In thy HlKlitBtoirn On

itfoot, inforins thostantly .in liaml nand choicest varioli

~~ : -PtAWTB

yMy' • -

All our' uwn Impcirtivtioh,'ills' v'4ryitw>x qunliiVW U M l u a l W ^ W ^ t l M l JW W y ^ . F W M l K H l N l M l l l M J iuriiloroln thuol lr . Elnifhql I'litlurBS llmil On).piira iMBBt, full g to 4!^ wide ill 5S,8tf, ?5 uiid'-'SSii-nll ul t ra sboap • • ' , : • ; ' - • -pnll ultra sboap,

sJiloitiint I'dtierni. full 3lncUnB»|.liiat M,u,,irorl!t*i,4ir..Klci[iinLiliiturns,niiHhiobM ividii. tiiiifar,.WurthM.'TS. Siilnlilci iiinl by iniil^f™*-. tinltialiruuiplly llUnd ' ; "Xfli,'W i am KtUimi AVJSNUM, Bm.tWill SI,,

Tho Trilllo Suilpljun,

roads uiin.roiieh Hi jiieil donvpnlin'tiy Iiy JpnroBl

ASKTON Tho renoyollndmiiohinii Till remnin intildlDg, at lligkiilown. for oiii.»iont'h'._'B'i<rt<

will ,bu onllod Tor nnd raljiriHtl (ojintruWiTfWiih

HIGHTSTOWNTj j J .. , .lorlljdfr, will bo proinptWuttondedtip •

apr 4.1nr-^ v , * ^ f ! . .JlyNaLA SNJED

Poor, opposito tbo aopot, on Stookloatho piiblls Unit sW6 will ie'abp odtf-l n full liipply'of all the noweat

riolius of • . ' '. ' . •. -

1- - *-2 :- w- . kri; " ^ it'j i>*.



Tlio PoILHinMOBliH. U r i u a l i i being tho o l knnd one of tlio Inyontoj Mit.tlimtioji'i g r aa t e t tndnjOTOBienli, ' " •: . ' ' . ' • ' • •

7B last Kinth Btroit.( O f r o s j i t S I S W A B T ' I ) ,


ino;orj.ljy.liaWBpMpl)ri prlluud .InthU Starte; Aiidir-itny oroiliiDr >hull nugioet to exhibit hit or bur.IS.bl, Usnan.il qr olnlm,- iWlliJn inldpiirloif of nino.Lhuntliirifiof jiiibllp'noticeglyiiii nt fffottSrililKttohorcdUor ainU balorcver liarrsd of lili or her rtetlahHjtnln«l tholilllndiniiiliitritrr1 - : . > - - : i ^nitnlnsi thol.illlndiniiiliitriitrir,1 - : .>--:-«-i.-. alvSnuttilorraj'hiind Ihls slitoerilh tiny of Aorll^ g | 5 ^ . . • • - - . l_**_r 1.WIT f l f U i i i>i » r ^


«i cheap as they oiui be bought nnywhers.and iio for "--

H A S E Y HINDIBSOH'I STOEY.An American Tale for

VX' H A B I I I I T ^TBBOfllEii; ^I^tVJB,

"I t Is one of her very bMt',"-^tl'i'tef'i'j „_"Thli, huf^itejl work, IsJBBqlMiifllljly her Vest,

H i II i\i)T«tfTi.nil 0. varyiiln.ts(iu(inir wl'«-'IVi> fall_r iliou'KiiT, "Anil'^iirniio.'ii'Bir li'aUna."~.ilufalo(N. IT.) BmnijififJol •A*™*"—>• - . . , . * . . -

0i, izino," - B i t r i i 01oth,;Stilfflpoil' "" • Fpf «n,lo by ill 'nnnksdiiSrlj'ofwlirOo


"VTe nrp rniitliprlBcd to mayANiT PERSON W^HO CAN RBAD THB.AIOVH

Can haTB tW jajf lha if rt

5r f rirtliatniWerst"<llff ItfwtSt prjaei by oalilng at

No.-5fif MWETON ^BJf Mstown.'


Pinna can 'p, . r - ¥

J l «»ftr as Inour powor tu u r llorTlanos tltWn Ihs roiieh of njl 1,rnusiu ind IOBTB no,feaMn for u; 'D< n <g io oor'ShtSOh Pb°ff w % V' b ' o i s iM'trouenn-W. Sish•ISO By lol lab le i u s l nn f lo ro nnd rsnponabloft i qu . - iq a toi i l n II tha jpejiey In« * h tab Is s o u

'"," «onoicio«'.prlbe llaUr,; find yti tE?5W Ihts of I NiBlrihnBH gBln Tpr yi lhe eqnadBinJe nf (ho pub.

"™ " ' "~ " jwart's,

on reesipt efprl


;Ti K tt: sunsoBiBtinHAVISQ;' SOLD m ai ilookfltaiothlBE,(Sherrt

7lar#kfflfTP ."'flY OOODS, OBNTS1 'FOilNlsSlHa b i

f-.-4.nTs-'•!-—• J7TTTrKsrosone-wSth-sll it» d«ni»rs and ilrl , Ii in.


DAJf OF MAY, IMS,of'aillil day, lit tho'njninn'ji, i.lin rinnft

owi t Beginning on thi..ood streets lit a gtiikfi ia 'aofner of Liberty and Wo^ttrBBtaii^ltitaka In

narSf;R,"J:~Ogborn'l 16i, tlienoo"(l) alc.UK- laidi d < itrooi BonUi 81 dagreei w«t (»»IB HIT) «S'fSiit*'\n

BKroosemtloliiltfaSiVSj links to. the rtfc'r alloy;hinoe (3) ILIBB^ the suns » foot to tha north cor!

nil - - - -

u j j p ^ , j ^ U f f l i a ^ 7- np6n a trlah prouuning a. light superior f¥~Uie or*7^^ ^iZIj_

' ' J 1 d r n a r y » t t y ^ a « a n i a t * ' . ' ' . • i ' l ."•-•. : ! • • ' • ' • .-. " : : ' ! > i . ' . " . """"• • ' h ! v«f»N«tl*toHii, ii roftljiSm?).'lot, tlii'Doo (<) HIODKIIII line

ii«nrooa 1 oh«ln,IiBd M llnkJ.to tho planelng,iantalplnjiwolyo hnndreaihiWiin'd l h ihim" Stuck to Ohiir'lej p ;

if MM d«B4 ill - "

iken in BioeHtion ut tho iiyt o rwni . T. Smooki.

nnafll.BlaJiruBa Wtlllllnl SLH«( to Olla8e» Piount by .docd dltod th« Hlh day ofDocomlor,

rriigbtJ.lt will ,fee"pftt in ge¥efftl dwellings . . . =BO in si few d*yg1CaadJnMsMJLhtiimWtJ"'-'. A"1 f '"i

B,:T..B..Applegate and etbori, and. to (« idld' by

I t Is theiiest ligfit yofl sas.bsy for jonf.sBureh,hqpj, hjillj .stiiMi^faetofyjdweUind.-flBd.i " ""

foV anj"plftee^waffBllgbt ii riqaiNd*. '• *=* y^f t r^ '•*^ gHSrffiitfil is. oTerT e&is, by the .;

' t:%vr± : '

qf «II kinii, Inalualig ' ; . . ..;. ^ j j . ^ - , . . , . ; ; , , !

fwlor, Bedroom^

^wts B5TS tpB BsfilHilTB ^eoittfo] Bf ^MBrgeF:|OgaBty^ ^ -. „=... ,*-.. ., ~T . •


G, R, RtJSSELiind for

LAND PLASTElt, in Bagi, Dinsti ui4 BBU. tttltl. ' «ita4,.asd (1,50 per ;7,;5ai>:j4iM


' " JOSTA-H Aut fflak^s,of Sblftjaps In i£f. s^rkst. .

|tfarletyoln»tterBB6«ero»r|d, ,j

THEOOaTI Oaliaotbdetptijded.'-KoelilitiniiT

Boater t&l&'ueiitr " ;nI W ,-.'.'.••

n't on t of joint MB,* fB ory, •:

makes Boriiok'

6 02 PM•>,, 8,10 P M

, i , . , , » 4 a P M_ E i i frots Plofi NorthRlror, ot 4 P, M , snd from foot of Diibioligior OofttkBdt St. vin Jerioy Olt^ ppd Moamouih

J l at % A,. H. sni t p . M._iiWdlllfcliiTi foot of Msrkit itrfel


CaddU hlaand 1OT« blB !Bleued sing!'

U 3 W. Ooti.bitsf ilflng L8«fld BH off with Biddy

_LjJTBry jlngls day,,"Bo • good kaj, Ohirllo ;

RUB *w»y and nliy,"


iMTiSi'uaiitip, nj;' 1 , . , *•"" ' ' ' ! 'Leave IroBton for. BordeBtowB »t ,7 65 ,9 4!,,

1 I , « «,. m., BBd J.flO, 2,42; 3."«,' 6,10, «,», ' T.098 , I | » ,*Bdi«P 4Ii,"",..- - i • • '

•. ' '-- yoh LOtfo BRANOH,'Mi Airj™ 4it .LoB|"Df«Boi »V STlT

P, M,,«t T,1S ArM, i r r i n i i

oi 1 won't: ioHro'•S

1'.'.;.'. ."j ffol fot titty Jilr, v . ", ^ , ; Oat all a y BIO» klsms, • - • ' ,"••-'•••-•;: Qot n y pUottn h«d;. v: Men ts tika my dram Itiek, ., ' - And sruk him on th» head,

f Jo ' i BNBMY,—"W'l n>j draaafal tem-per 1 . 1 try to euro It; I think-1 hayo,

, and then it breaks "out worse than ever.Oh, mother 1 wbnt shall I do V what shall

-.,..•!*'Watch and pray, Avar ; haver get tir-yd of trying ; and never think; it • Irnpni'tl

to eoyquar your,,fault,", mid jSIrf,

• '.iin'dWly thatjq cfffed%a)fasipitin"!»wfS,.': "You don't know ; youoan I BUBSS liewbnd it is I Itleemij as if I qouUI do any-thing wiian I ' B I In a panion j I got IOMVage, 1 could hurt any; one, and enjoyit, JL'Brafraid I iHall do something dread.

.fuliaomo day,.*and'ipoH myl(fo,.and.raake""eVirybpdy hate" me, Oli, "m'othir I help

mi, do help me 1" . . ."Iivill, my child ; I: will. Don't ory ao

-bitterly, burraiuoinWr""* J--™=1 1 ""----

A PaiiaspFtrola WHIIMTS HtghutowB *t7Alit nnd'a JVoiKht and Puian^r train it 9.80 A Miaf PhiladalpHla.Tis Pemberlon and Mouat Hollj-KotBrniiie, will iBiivotPBiIudelphiai-ffoiB iho

fool of HarkstBt (uppjrFerpj.Sstl PM,rr«lghiund Pnarongor train; and nt3) P, li.PiuaBngortrsln for Hlghtstoirn, t . •.,APsiiongsrtrAin lsn?oi Philiidol^bld for llighti

town &t 5,45 A. M,, raAehlq^'tha'latter plhoo iii0,00 Anil oannogtlDg i t thnt pojnj,«lth_ihoitiAll-for 'New York via cither MonmouLb. Junotion QIBouth Amboy, - Itatj^rninf, !en¥o New Ysrk froniPlor Ho, 1,11(4,00, or from OortliBdtat. at4 PM., rasshlBg nightstowB at VM, and CamJou a I

Trnlnii lon« W. Pliilida for Huffiiburg, PItli.burg Bad the Wut gl g 00, A, Jl. aad li.40 P,, M,dnily except ^undaj, Sfid S4 C30, 0,00 Bad 1140PrW; Bally; — — J - —-T--••"— • "T7 : ~ r

Fnr Hnrrlrtur^, WilllntnBJiofl, tbe Oil n»gf0Bt-•nnil Brio (^ 12,40 and W O P . M , " , , i "• •• Fbr JlftrrlsJjiir^, i lBlirh, OahAadslgsb\ Njsgnra

O y l y i r i n e ver know another like Iti Jo, dear, we nilhayo our temptnt[ODe,'iOme far gronter

•' than youri, And it often tnkos ui all sur, lives tp conquer them. You llilnjf yoiirtemper is the %orat in iho' world | butnine urtBtrli6~Jult liko 1tM • '

"Yours, mother ? Why, you nro nev-er BiigrY 1" ana,,foi' tho fl!0iOeUt,.iIo_lQri.

-.got rieiaorae in iurprlso, ••'•;. " jv ' e been trying to cure H for forty

^years and li(w?ft;o,nly,iuycddiloaItioontrol-ing it, I am angry nearly OTary day of

-nay-ilfB,- Jo : buHl-liiwa'learncd.not toi i t n d J_8ttH-nopB-to-iBft-fn n o t t

h It t k lh^ _ pfeel it, though It mny take me ftno,lhor for-ty.yiara/tp ao_so,"

,'-, ,'Tiifl paUene'eTaBd £hp ,ljumnty.jf. the.faeo ho loved io.wisll wna a baiterlMiionto "Jo than tfte wfsOnt li-ntni-n, tliB • aliKrp-citjfoproof. She iclt comforted at oateby the lympalliy.and, coslidence given

n fault [Ike hers, aud tried to 'amend it,made borxjv,!) easier to bear, and atrenpth-onod.h'urreaolutlgn tocura i t ; thoUBb Tor-

•'Vy tears seemed rutlier,.n. lofap time . to^ ^ j l f l l f

. "My child, Uio troubles' nud temptn-- t ioni of your Ufa are boBlnniog^nd njay

y all if you loaru to feel theitrength ttud'teDdernsaa of your heavenly;rather as you do that pf your earthly

" ^ h ^ T f l f ^ l * " ( i r n i i t " l i i ithe nearer you foe) tp him, and the. leuyou will depend on human power and wiiUU|D, -Ills lavii;nttd-citro y j i r rohaage can never be'lakijn from-you; butmay "become the souree of Ufe-long peacej*liappinesa and strength, Bellevo thislieartllj|, and RQ to Oouiwith all your lit-tle oares, and hopes ; and sins; sorrowa,:


'your mother."—From "LHtlt women."

-'• !Tgv' SnAya SoiteTiFigAtiYi—AsMen continue to shave and to tie shaVou,wo transfer to fiucoolunn/thai/ foilo'Wingbreif essay upon iUavitflg, Mfhioh is. fromthe pen of a celebrated authority ',

1 • "Never fall to well waih your beard••fljlth soap and water and to; rub. it dry,inimedifttely befoco yau apply the lather,of wliiehlhj more youuie, anfl the thiek.ar it is, tile taiior you will eliaTO, ' ';••'','„ ifover liso warnj water, which makes aioqder face. In oold weather plaee yourqloied razor in your poekot or under yourtaBfvt frrt: Hurt e m ! *• - • I^k™ *TI FiiYl firl f tr'ntt ln*i wnrirm to worni it,: The momerit you „_.,„your b«d(M ...bath) ii the belt • tim? to

lime for iill Irestern .points.—^^or passago ;hy ; thistrain npptientiou should be rnado to Friiliyis Funk,Ajont, 110 Market St., Phjlnda,, where firstOiui and JCBlgraBt/tiokehi pan bo obtained.

V, W,JArjKSONV' , .Oen. Bupt, U, R It, of M, J. Ply, __jnT2 I j


-'-— Ilaf ing pBroliaiid af Dr. J A BXTOM bla -


Anil now offer to the pnblie s


,; G


of the d«j,mch m


. n d

All klniispiiistns Wright's, Jayne'li,Hclo!land'«Ayres*, BehenL'k'?, Qrai'enUUrif, WooUhBlPs 1)1»ner, Seiiors uhlil, Roger's Ll?er, Brandeth's, Herrieli'l, eie,, ete, .t. .__;. .: j_ . , . . _ _ ..


and elegant assortlncnE just reeeiredyr T , ^

TOILKt snAPS in all Tiirlatlos, andat~allpriees

H'jiX riOIPBi! MATERIALS, n« •hsdoi'i'ilnami dnuiile, Was nil eelorl, leaf mqldf staiheeouon anil sii|c ivire, erosgei, Harps, ^e",. *

LINIMENTS, nt Low'i, Doet'or,.; Fouti'sr Jwin's, Wells', Totilfis1, OiirBllnK Oil, Qreok iAnderson's DeiniMior, .WoodiiBil's Wlhlflre, Eeltie oil, liyrain'a lions, Miller's Baini,

Hopkins'/ Affea% airs,

Konr the |j-on Drldj{o, MllinSt ,, l l ieii i i i lown, K. J-,

. OoBJtaBtly SB kasd ssd to i

Ali6 HsfaBfioturars and Daalar i i s "

Fine Parlor





. ' . manufaeture),


W h j t t d r i ndmado to erf orj W.i ••••"; E X S , An.",1 • i o . " / . . • . . i


; ;

SILVEE PLATEDen hnnd and to order. First elnss TABLE andPOCKET OUTLKllY, BLANK BOOKS un" ' — " - " Also . ' • ; . - • ' •

Mattresses ivixcl,., goystantly on. hand and madeupio brdes,


• Ai eu'r enitro Btoek has boon purahBiod o t t h ob It Houses in New York And' Philadelphia for

= e asbt-.we. tireprepared... toJflfitoUA-eiisipiners .and™the Buhlls in Bejierivl, a-fimnL-na.inttiiiijnt nf tho

jmetftLggQ.di-thJia^hnl^^e-f.eE_ii thli aUy, ahQ at allow prises .

asanypihef fesponsible

,; ysb 22 ly

£ooff ^ogder Ouarfl^DtintplBKand'silifeYh^ irrtfiBiroe'l draft, TViltmi, WAMEN £W»r febl^ai : i;i •••;. ,v~M« Water street, W,* .

f y n o f gF\ A TT r T'Tl" l*W Don't ha deooiTad byKjMiXiJ\X IXJlHwaiimnii imitaUpM Oilonlj Wbli<| Oirholio Tnolofss PHbsiaSeenli perBo*; JpI lSQ.SBI i l iOaOi lB P ls t t f l t r .M. i r i l^ -Send for OiroBl»r,,flolo Agent for ino U.^.S, alB^lw

L-*r ^^,- =^---^;^T^.-.-^, =^.,^-**•**',.w,ni, Bfte^.thol^t1 Y. o r April,1 iSTiJp be,iboatBdiii'.thfi=te#^-tta0j

shidp, anil Rwllio J- porforin all opcratliint Snfb jelltmtiflg mnhflfF^'and ^iil;-:hnve esnstfa'&tly a n b ^ d

A soBipariloB to **TgN HiqiiT^s i j f , A ^ R p o f ,b j T, 8, Ant iioB,,(the moa{ .populnrof Augrionfl'anthors,) j i i « » feady;"1( Is .».ifnrtllHjvtttmie' F l i k i . a n d selling, a thrniing'reaifaj| ef

i a B a i t i d r p ' ! i i I i h o p i h i ^ !f a , . , i p ! p l .e-vilS"d060ptibnl'"|!riielieeH in . h i r r ^ r o V f i r

ijthe mnat nqwerful Jiorjtat the jjiiad e^af writ.t W i n b i t b f t i 6 u i a d i^^^ -^—^ -^ —^. - — . -.. — _ ,. |.-rf for a sngeoey .sad djtjgned w. well nt.ittakq:, totfrieyJo'_. ..' w.Qriiadgjtaat.) • " '*.•;!;

O^MJl pe'r;XARD'^\

jH'B-:0NMfr7WA«BAHD BOOK of thekiiul.pulflinhpil. . A tiOil iBTed,yoar!y by all who

MOREMONEl bj Aganti !B

"'•'. jWlargo Btooli of flEUBSSLS, S.PLf S and i f fOEAINB.ia Npw'DosJ(nsy • •''. :.••'•'• • ' ;

"" d l L Olf l i f i at BiBBBr«otBTV|£' 'trloes,^' wAliii

fOiOOn Ttfeeipfe lit ivory Depsxttnent'efJIumaB Eftfort,ithftfl ip any pthor.poiitiblij way, I*roin, i l sto $10 a,WOBI^insured. I t U'Bjf every Bouiokeep-feiyFarBieryTrnde Bfld;Professlon, Foj^tho ;3Iekand Well, A rdiahh hmk tfjiBf'tiidiient TalBo to

itieif, Kitra teraft Addresi, T, M, RRRD, iSOEighth Street, Now Tork, " " "

OOKHIOSi', Tory eieap, ' All goods guuBBtoedas represe'ritedi:1 | r; • " ' > >'• :-v:*a -..'••, ;

S pBfiBBSf DisOOnHTOH ALtBl l t i iOTis JSOiOO.

SELECT BOARDING SCHOOLi Or Young,Lafi!ss=oLt Greeiiwieb, bonti.s Fbf o!r-euIarB addrcsi Mrs; D. gfTftOWBHrDGE. fttS^4w

nUovo. - - , . , . , . P H I L A p I M H I A , , , ; , . , . ,• Has just opgn'gdj with, a large and welligleeted^stoekior "'Foreigtt and DoniegtlcOarpetfngB.^falioioo'Styles and qualities,Al O i j ' f l K ' ' M t t i s D t s UO a r p e t f n g B ^ f l i i y n qAllo, Oij'ufnlKs' 'Mattings,Druggets, UvM t B t i R d i ^ ifU ll t h i h

, O i j u f KSr Btair Rodsi

will sell TerytOhef


g , g g ,feU all et whish: tie

• • I -',ti~3i tiTUViALiX UUVVg it t,al (if 2i3

South Booonil Btroet;' but Svith_Thpi, p8puy;"' !

ri-.T=-3 niQSi=.l'iill jind 3 niq', Spring., tijiic^

gfghs the wenry.afld esKausled oho/" ai? 'the 'lap-gudr ana* laisilyde of "spring," aoffles5BpoBrhifflv

• • • • • strength froni,.the

V: AND T • — *-:-- ;r^"r T

TUo BiQit extensive and best as^drl.yd'stoak In, thaabove line of gniids.enn be fuandBt • -

G. &S.HEYMAN&MACK,' Who in .eoBsiiquenoiji ef.tlie eHormity\'of iheir

tluB ore onaUlod to offer thee n And the

Paring eoBiing seiigdii, we offir ipeeiiil tidv^ntngosto parties intending! hoiiiokeelillig,

'••'. , ' V [ a w i l l ' M i l ' . " . r , i

A OoypLRTlCllAMDBBBDlTB, * ,. • '; (ImifiHisn Wninut) wilh ine be'3,' bolster and

pillows, oonsliting "of 14 Pibooi for $30,A doHptRTB 1'Anton Suita, . v '

CcjnMlitlng • of ,Teto*a'Teti, Lndlel' it Qnnjg'Obulra, nud fuur «ide OhairnlB llopl, iolid Wai-

,- / ! ' BuE-frBmei ; ISU,,-. . . , ,-, 'LiVte flBlBl FBATHEaB> MATTHESBES

••-'••••-• •'•.; ' - • , A B P E c r A L f f l f

•:= M A I N

he raBet''{ljalng"oniy w j i f Yihpuld be mqviO inii sl pHig pr tawlnii.

fine, l a 'p^ iBg taftbojfo'draw the ikihnitight jis posaiblo with Uiu lol't linnd, >ons.to {>reient a new lurlaQei'atiil to throWgut the boafd,;-.••..„.• . • . - ; p •. ^ 'I'lhs prafltic^sf^ppiigltifi. bo tyo edge ofa razorvin i t roppil i^ it •' sooS rbireda It j

^ti^i,'ffbluU'liipuitf naver.

point-.«jf the 'rflzdr, stropit froia iiolnt to

tliebiiroiflt-froiu Irfqlto-pointi"-':iJOiic(yJut away; your rhznr

ly elimpingH'Oa effgijiyDU|BajisS'nfi tdnger

, tho iiue Uictl) ,auded "




A, very large assortment,of•

Lamps, Braokelsy G

Ulass, i*utty, nnd all i\iaohins xtm,: ' ; '; ' ^ : ^\

^ ^ ^ PliyilglaBi' - pjeicriptloni -'carefully com*psundetl by ii ogmpeteiit Dj'H^lBt..-Slore oneti on BuBUdy liom s to 10 A U ,•miU6 W T P M • ' •2 and £ to 7; P.M.

p 1 72Jy, 1 ) 1 JI MAPM1,111 N CUNNINGHAM


'Whitney's NoaU ^ootCnI wnrlrmi'n trj\t to all pa,tli_Oj th" 001111-try n-p -I Jin4y« be kByt^jtB-rasprBi'iaiwlpelheni

i B|uoks, i*(tlijBfi<ja and ^ontune P u t u p HI" lnr

mid Qtnall S I ID Irti^fi, HIVO ID 3 lb b


| ; / ; j & y , JO51E3,iiVis. 482 liofiKFfailtStritti P/nlarlrlphia, J>a,

.liHYB SSIki, Wool on arid Fiitiey'Uoddt ofLoTcry,JL/dosorlptlon, Tlioir •uporlorlly 6rt)y^lng Ln-di«i"mid-HBiitieBoB'».0«rtuojit(T»-^lo«iy knownQrapo Biid.MiriBB ihftwls dyqd tho most.brtinu'nt

Il,,doC3tftijd.^,Tlierp:ii »« t publishing ; itpao»?:ini t t i d e t w l t ' i l i ' t


J3OGTS AND SHOES. T ARGEST ASSOR0?MENTy U g i j h d trow,:^}l Chnillu's

China 'and jSlasswareToboflnmJ iB tile Cfty ofTriJntott/tn'ajbwsoirtint

elen,nB§d-,Sf dyed to look like nowand.rtuEiloar nork iljofdfo" going slie-


A Y\«\t t o otir storiilfi&oltottcil, whotliot yto nuLtUnHij-o^ ht>t. i 4 t » i


1'OILET iSETb, Plain And DecoratedFHENCtE.CaiNA.JilaJiliiid.aordaj



iihe;?»h|tniciJi!rf?Wiftn;;'*'*biW' IPTO^VM'dqiJg-hVnCiJ.iittdVgln.'

betng ntne-pioBths frpd ^tbo dftts1 of^tftdorder;p orMlto* nxgleatUg 16 brtDg"ln and oil

hlblt hi*or hor elaluVftiudsr ijiitbr ornfflrmntl6o,)

Boulikefjpliiift^WrHln^ "Etiicilm'

n hkro their goods aftrd w i t h t > " '

;t Lught to j sn,iwDmi}pttiaTa And fflrla>pr4«t

V ure noff ptspftredAtt glvei positions Ad Ajt l tO

od Without fwianfonallitarn Tolegr«jiby»'»»irii.li»*Bt.J!p«»Mniont-WIIbAidOlnipMiy ttxl*Ke alljlttlnjr 1

•thelrUeulnnd II Kroilsr thwi punfinply n I51* Stumping for Braid and Emtatldprjf H I07

MsFner'riTiroBithn Bhf "ghtfanne-on the earner,'.Braiifk 8lert\ hbb &//L ^iig, for Slki ISii . .* - - .-JJriinrkSlorii, 102S MAvf. ilttSh _ •"'•Ftieitnti, 3I8T375[ 43807/«rf.!fl« aY, mh2I73nr



• ' ;>AT:-O

26?ngtwseB Flirk iplnno anti- 'RTilTrny^ Street I T.WSHloiiks IMIB, Erie H, B-: Depot, and Ono i)lo«liabayeVUqlHJlteB orJEIiirelay Struet Furry, . , --' A

Silk HatSs,$Bj|6, and ,HeiV|7J

V iBalltlrafiirr

';> '. tfqti,,' irpm

phil'driiii 's

laal l j l ie latoi t stylos, TJe, to'tJ,.,. ,",.„,.;; :,-.'.';.;.'l'oob''l)nVRB ftlonjs and IJQys1- Webl.illats,:, . •..';:

" tuta,oo:eiflr


M Env« an d "iftMl SJIj; jSS'Ojlt

iO|M0Do™n Men's and Boya'lltriiw Hiiti, -iV- Jroifl"' .:^ '.:• \ . • . ' 10;UyBtB .19 $1 qaeh.10,000 J>o*eh \\r6tricn's fc Misses Shndo Hii'tK,

nil colors and stjlufe, from ^Fi O u t s tq$leai*)i


fits ft pnwtjrful-Tenie, and Piitsnt Pufltibr ofBlypdj ft Is found ovon to 0s8oed"tb*bftnirci^n7t.Sfounded on Its grant ftpiitfttion.- iAqiiofdli]p='=to"the rscdica] nnd gpientifid 'r^Hsillsali2 of Jjotiflonand parts* It p6gaeg§«§ \hQ:ftTe$t jPowskfiii iUproportidi known to Maiiria^Medim, ''

Dt Hfll'S Irtmct^.of JjiruBeba __- ' ' ' . i = •

: . - • •

:. , " , - . , • • M = - , • • ; • U , ' ? = • . j ' j _

U ft perfect rqoiefly For &\{ dipeaHOI pf UioBLnOP*Oil«X#IG-Wi AKNKSSi: GL ANBtlTKJtfS iTUM^OKJ; BKOPEY;, SGttOFULAs:,INTERNAL .AmS O I E S , and,wiil Eenio_?:Q /iL] obstruotions of th«

1'nrinurs irml I5pnit?rH fire lufuruiud thftt.this ar-t icle vciiilnhK nil r lr trai i i i l i i l louleinonWiis.a r e r .

H^ Wtli iils<i;SE, Jinfl whilt.. It Is£ iv'U'pRrnYunbBt In^itg effeetr ' '•

.*iui:iiiui»!iiM'ii, ||i'Hii"nia,|r(if .thin (fiii>n,o.iii tuoJttuftiisi'ti ftuil Jlktrtlu stutini, U'n'suru ufit'uflon ofits ¥u,iue.


E Ii ilfgagthsning aod. BSurliliinp JXIka nH T

tridlous food ta,kcj2= into thg Stomfieh, it nfeiirailrtteiand dlffuiea i^iolf through th i l i i ivigor fltid'hcitlth, : ' '=, Ifc regulatqa tHe b9weIg,fqBe . jtroetly on the fEdretlve er^iinif andrby jta pow*-rrd! Tenfe and riitofiiig effeafa^ pfndy§ea]ieaUhj;

iid iYighiroua nation to tue whole sy^tom ^ •Cniik Q^KELLOGajlBPlnUSt^New York,aif-4w '!'. Solo AgenTforlLhe Pn ! tga^

Prlee OB§tDolIar v&t bottle. .Bgnd_far_GJf

D^layfare Aveaa0,

, 4B- Wo.oiiU thu iittoBtiori of lubaooo gro#ers tokia U uiiiio',^ , , 1 :. . . .

Discount to Deilwrs.

M:=,. and Roy.Cheek OutfifB, =..., Q==. . . .-^.. .^^andt'fiill ipurtieulars - FREE; 87 M,, Ei KHdnft,1

Ar? wnrrftntad ^fluslittJ say pi^ie* .They are pF?/i¥pedfi — . .

bettor tbaB many of theiEntrnet! that are sold.


gor'sExtroeU. , , »__; B A E L O W * ! IKDICO BLUE

la, without doubt, thebestartieitiinithBiniurketifor blueing alothes. I t Bljleoior moro'WatefibilBfour ..times the sa.njO|We1glii of indigoj and : muchmore than any other wash blue in'tho^arkot, Theonly fenOina ii t i-jm- BB , ' > , g ~ J ^ g |

'• Ttia LAaailt hftM hqth WrtTBMIiCTBtPF1iHB*njTO*r,(iw'a nuBie on Hieji, all ptliers are, opuntwfiilt,'

.Ifijr iale by Bjoitffroooriaijtt uruggists.i '•'*•'

^AVwayson handJforTiile at rq'iVioniibly prlees; PureOround.Si'IOJSB, Qonuino MBDIOINEB, OhnraiiiiSkliisi; Sponjttf,^-Tapiooa, Pearl, BngOj .mBU all'arlloles in fife drug line,'at_ • ; : - '.,-f .• AIJPUEI>-WIBTOWIt!JBB48-DHrlJG^8T0»fir—:No,' 2 p NnBTii SBOONB Sf , PHILABBL!'II>£, Jf,*,

. • - . . . . , , . . . . • 7 i i 0 B e . y e a r f 1 . ' " ' '•-.; '•'.• v l !- ' •'••

iii#.jThnne Tubleti pruoBt tboiAoiii in Coinblnnllon

nilb othor offlolont roBediai, in n popular form,iorthrojiro fnTJinOAT d ' E T O B iHOABSENKBS afld, lILOlSttATIOir of the ihreataro itninoJialuly xolloyo.l,.and 8|atejnoDt« nrooon-•taBtly ' being'rtijt to tHo proprietor of rillof InMoi ifTbroat iliffloiiltioa of yonri ntnofUng

\ A T T r T ' T " * W D ' h d i dI j , B, BoOEM

fiii l tr»lt t '»t; , , , , , , , . ;

Flrit train lawaiat, . .iMonddo.Third do,

of tbo itoiis, >:THB KOVILTY ' ' •'•'• " y ' ;:. : , _, ^ ' •. l._ Rolls sepftratg frgQly ftjriii. NOVILTV.! . .- lifts the Patent CuT I I E ' N O V E W Y • ' • • ' • '. '•.•; • , " > la the'gaiieit wntking Wrlflger

Is the Strongest Wringerv i c i t " . " ' ' " • " ; ' " • ' • " • ; • • • • • " ^ - • '

litho'nioitdntBhloWringsr—iffftjus-wlih'-eilier. iidgsirablo tbyn any btber

: [ ' 'No'PRASTidALcan aWoTd t'6sb'iiy a Wringer ' t tn t i l ' ibe ha l ejEfttn^. r. :• f :,, vi(;lnad thoNOVMLTC: :••-,,< .••••• •:<'•'- ,% Try. i t andla t i i fy .ypur ip l f tha,t(l^ i s t h t »«.».?inld.everywhere, . - . .— rBAiLwr. WASiiiNo :i wniNOtNa MAoiiiN nCo , ChniiiljOrt Sirool Now Ifurlt.

Tlioa.NBBtar; iTiiit, Jhp; flBjt J1JA- JinpBrlfd

T WtirmvtfAMJUii ail fnst&s,^'Pnt up in our' trade 'mark HnlfiPoiind Mid ^pan(|*Paekagf soaj^;3il jiiid BO'Pound Boxes.' ;:

• Wit Sale af'Whol8s*Te otflypyTliD Gr^at AtianUfi..^.Payjiic

' l e a Obi, P.-0. Bui SJOe^NoWT b l k O i t y r * — " " - — • " ( • • ' • - - • " • • •

•_" '- "Onicd and: LibfaVj'Turhltiire, ' V• I -'Kp -103 SUiTplfiaTHEBT, NEWu¥0nipi.FIne(jjlnid«r Desks,

y—** s .,


1 Order! promptly &tteBUid:ts.<p s - i y ; " " ,V'•':• '•• " ' : : • ' " I .

The iahkeriber would sail attention (s his lBrjsand eompiete- ateek of Qroiieriei, ProTistons, £e. ,

i - i 1 • --• i f , . -if ----<•' y-| t>w#t|rq<(gh.JgBrefPurehaior.^ 'are vequeStbd1 to "sail befere io|ng

olsoiThore,, Theyun ip i ida l lk iBd jo f r ; _' ,."

'IIuoui%arki.l!iird, ,,Fi<hi Ohooso, JJutlerj 4of4 .ttiED PKurtrBPioiig, poATieB A»D,sisa.sALt, BKOOMS, PAxiiS^BRtfsiiBai'itepii.j ;

by thi J to l i , t bbl, and hafrol, Thoie wantlnfto purohase, will'il^d.it to their advantagt ^ooall "

! - 4 i i 8 3 , A i K L B r T S T O C K flr . | J fj ii i t i j f'

• • =. ,.',. ., of the dhoieoit,hraBils,. -,- = ',;,!=,I5 "' *w

'Qgnstuntiy on hand at lowest prioei •

BpeoiaLattention is palled to

For medicinal .purposes, A flno artiolo,!: *:j

IB B i ^. ; , . . , ! i

, n , E o a s , ajiATN, , . . - .And ^IVOBVOE OFALL'KIMBB waBted,'.' !

for'whlsh tne'highestmarket .ra,teg(wi!i h

. HiihtatowB, Maj• l^lgf l.-tC V . ;•- .

' ' ' T R A p i ; . . . - • • \ \ / - - . ; -JST- . ; | . O . .!•. MARK. .•-•'•':•

"•The beat lini 'olieapoft* tttlUlieii T o r Sale by

i . . . , i - . . ' , i . - • : • ; • • . , • . . 6

•130 NORTH- •fabl5-lyI ; - n ' ! ; . - . ' ( • . " , • ' ! . • . : •


Stone a^_ r ^ , .gr at any ^tatlbnaloni^hj panideni Ainhoy or: JaBiuiharg:lipilI.rbadif at'asi'sw pyoei'MS 'aari'be purehasnd elsoirehofo." OrdtrswrilroooiveinjiaediaioiittoBtiiin,.

. HighUtow»4' Fob, 55,1109,.

/"lONTIMUBSi to maBUfaoture.- O11IAP IOB• K j ~ a A B a , r r - : • • : : • • ~ - ^ ' - • ; • - • • • • •- - • • •

i aiNTB1 -f ANCT' ajdI R B StlPBOOTB, Sliois, OAITERB, atlPPBliH i'o,

: : ' i , i - ' M ; ) ( ' • • • ' • ; • . i i s i _ :

' ^ _ • : . ; . u i ) i -j',' ; - \ - n \ : , i

• Best materials used, andsatisfaetion.guariinteed..A Good assertaient of Ready,Made Boots and

s h o o s e o B s i n n t i y ' i i B h a n d , ' ; i • •• " ' • • •• •• •• ' ! •.•'


peoraily solieitod •»-'-: iHighttwwn.^pr.il 1,

r6 is r

One.door belay, Brpemo street, ara;offerin|rjft''i'olii; Tlif (oiPly/Bngi jsli fc Amurieaii Ingrain Sar-'puts ; Oil Olotlli of tljoiatest aiiileholoesl'piilternBlit reasimiiUle'prices,:> Hotels, .dwollinjjj and pBBi

" " '" •^Sfif^fHio'p'oar oh Bowory, boti-Orahd aliil-

o;-,jA^pWT^ lyWA^yjEP 1, tf)ir our .nowv

The Chsapestl'ertnizerA ffldrt aeeUrate end fulolBiiting. desonpLloii: OI

ti.u wiidness BBd weiiiUiMil tho fbomidii.'is .West,Its iihjtoid rloJieiJ'lliqJtiijusi.'jJpFJ'ALD, WffLVKS'A-o." UrowdSdiwltli, valuiUlp^ tftrolintttHfp, iyivrKiriiKwith the keeiicst wltnndriulestliBmor, rlvaliiiifMftrh TmilB'l ibkat nnd gutgsniDtY 11,108111**110,\Ylji bqlninienseiy tionular itad sell beyond .preeo*dent,' KFof SBtn'pHf pah-enHllttltrKtlohS,' totliii, «0^idijrcts, HMJljlAHOi littua, (Pi;BiJiJ!!iiRg,jM a AS-BOMW$.\'Pis.iijb -.""*:""/ '•• ^' 'L'^? .•• raplBAiw

Ai ioafllhif .psrjoillqftlltoivijl'eiloheri, with, full lit-

ly Bu.eo'nts jl>ear, , = ^ •.' , . " ' " - ; " .= , - VJ-ilK CIItl.IV'SAroRTip. AHJllluutrivtcll.pii.p6r ibr'ehildreB,. 100 eoplei monlhly, oao ysar^ftt^,OQ, or twiee a'month, W£Sft. ' ' ^ '-i 'v ' '^-yi e-. wCMOIiAH;n.-yAi?gB. -Plying the; toit,.

.ofamoraaiBipie '

1 tiJS AMMHIOANjailJTDAf pi^HUqi! V-Hi : JIM OIlustBUt SMB4trPnlli«lIl|pBtB,;'"•appllilw-

-"f ' I

,-I "Vi-'H*,1 avjtfi ; tv '«ii i(Wrt '»#! l# • " • , " *i t aMtodriiiiSjiwt " 'thofletiri'l.tls/pai1« W .bOO" S,ve¥,SoL_ =j.^.n j , , ^ - ^ ^ . . — ^ - . — .h-re oa aorF,f»jr^iaeh,aiboiife 'ftnd ?W.H)I B;brlBii it'ib thom, wrlto'for (emit *(,; (roe, jtau.MAOBIA^^jihHsaerpJiiSflaftroiSlrBctjIhllrt,,7.?. :^rr"".;::.;••:• ' . • ; : : . . ; , . ; , . ; :^B l | . ; .»p^ir [

I . Ha ti ti HOVH f»q t



r y iterlpturoIlium nul.iiia to anyBoole Agentirree a£piafuq.^.f. AaJreaa NATtosAL-l'u"LiuuiriO Oo,t





Btf i 0UrLpiY,,PLAi'KD WAUMitJAMPa," !,.• • -UOOSliKOHMIBHINQ-SOODH; ..-. 'i'-.'f

' ' • • ' • • ' • • 1 A n . . ' W . ' ^ " • , • ' • ' . • . ' • • , i , i , . : - " l i i

Eioturei PrttB«d toiOrdor! Blhtes pat ic Looking

• 'OLOTUES "~ ' ' • ' " ' ' " 'doel j i t f . . , .

To raike'good .Wheht nhd Rjg, iipd hflVe yoar'Sre's. : : ; I^gefl take well, , : ! . { ; . .

• . , . , . : , „ . . ' • • 0 - • - I ' !1

' " ' '

To double yWur'ffrop ofiihiekwhent, use 25^6r' 5bX:

!*,M,i ;• bhihylsper aere pf,,j., r; ,T ,H:",'.-To ioiihle your JJo'y ff/op, ortTroip'S'to B-toa">.': per aore, applied on young gram iii ibt full. .',1 •-' I• "... : . ; : . : ' : ••"••-' • ' • : , j . u 1 ; x . ; : r v v : - . ! i i i - |

P P ,MBAS,yltOLL,,a,Be*rVi-iie'eBt:':



i.' i3. v^w^-tkhilii^1'* * ; ^



ftTftd Hii|.tBrtWnirtd»dfli«aBgttiB*.B»«fleffl»»,,i jsiuat njitteflBis Bt price* .10 Iplt tBB timBI. .

*- )h - ^ Jg -£u^^h^^^M¥'£.W:;^^^^^^