Fernando Fernández - Architect / Urban Planner

Post on 25-Jul-2016

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Fernando Fernández Alonso, Master degree in architecture and urban planning. Partner in AUIA Arquitectos Urbanistas Ingenieros Asociados, SLP. Professor of the Urban and Regional Planning Department of School of Architecture in the Polytechnic University of Madrid.

Transcript of Fernando Fernández - Architect / Urban Planner



Portfolio - Fernando Fernández Alonso

Master degree in architecture and urban planning. Architecture School of

Polytechnic University of Madrid, (ETSAM-UPM) 1994. Collegiate at Colegio Oficial

de Arquitectos de Madrid (COAM) n ° 11561.

Partner since 1999 in AUIA Arquitectos Urbanistas Ingenieros Asociados, SLP

(Architects Urban planners and civil engineers). www.auia.es. Professor of the

Urban and Regional Planning Department of School of Architecture in the

Polytechnic University of Madrid, a member of the Planning Advisory Board COAM

(2009) and currently secretary of the Club de Debates Urbanos de Madrid.

Since 1994 I have developed and led plans and projects related to

establish territorial strategies and guidelines, city planning and urban

design projects. This practice includes regeneration projects and planning

new projects in different cities, center cores, touristic areas and industrial

zones, attending to a wide diversity of contexts and agents.

As a partner in AUIA, my duties are related with the project management,

including search and contracting of projects with public and private clients,

internal financial control of the project, the management and coordination

of employees and outsourced offices, and the relationship with the


As team leader, my role is to set the objectives and strategies of the

project, the design direction, responsibility for the final products and the

coordination of the team members.

I present you a brief presentation of my experience, organized in four work areas.

Urban renewal in the city center of Madrid

Urban renewal in Bogotá and Pereira, Colombia

Comprehensive Action Plan of Playa de Palma

New Towns urban planning and design

Industrial, Business and Logistic Parks developments

Date of birth: September 29th, 1966 Nationality: Spanish Cell: +34.686.694.092. Tel: +34.917.216.580. E-mail: f.fernandez@auia.es AUIA / T.+34.917.216.580 / +34.686.694.092 // www.auia.es C/ Toronga, 9B. 28043 Madrid. SPAIN

Linkedin profile: www.linkedin.com/pub/fernando-fern%C3%A1ndez-alonso/32/59/782




Urban renewal and social development of the Traditional City Center of Pereira,


Pereira has historically acted as a central node in the territory known as "Eje del

Café", in a system of regional departments located between Cali, Medellin and

Bogota. The capital cities of these departments, Pereira, Manizales and Armenia

are part of a coordinated and complementary structure of cities, where the

traditional centers maintain its foundational role of social, economic and equity


The scale of the Traditional Center Pereira is highly suitable for the implementation

of a strategic plan, that can include accurately detailed aspects that go beyond logic

and procedures of the plans covering the entire city.

The joint venture composed by AUIA SLP, BN Asociados SA and Burgos & Garrido

Arquitectos Asociados, along with a team of Colombian professionals, was selected

for the development of consultancy services designed to prepare the Revitalization

Plan from socioeconomic, historical, urban and cultural aspects, in order to restore

the quality of the urban environment, economic sustainability and promoting social

and competitiveness of the Center to meet the demands of the city,

The work, led by the city of Pereira, is embedded into Inter-American Development

Bank and World Bank projects support for Intermediate Cities Planning .

International Competition for the urban renewal of the Administrative Centre of


The team composed AUIA SLP , BN Asociados SA and Burgos & Garrido Arquitectos

Asociados S.L.P. received from the National Enterprise for the Development and

Urban Renewal Virgilio Barco Vargas SAS invitation to participate in the last phase

of the International Competition for Urban Regeneration National Administrative

Center Bogota.

The project has a great importance for the professional sectors involved,

architecture, urban planning, civil engineering and transportation-in the city of

Bogotá which is defined as a strategic project for Urban Regeneration of the

National Administrative Center in Bogota.

The team, the only Spanish, was selected after two previous rounds, along with five

premier international brands, Foster and Partners (UK), OMA - Rem Koolhaas (The

Netherlands), AECOM (USA), McAslan (United Kingdom), SOM-Skidmore, Owings &

Merrill (U.S.). The proposal placed third.




Urban Renewal Plan for the Manzanares River and Portugal Avenue // Delicias –

Méndez Álvaro – Abroñigal Master Plan

The urban space around the Manzanares River and the two train stations, Atocha

and Delicias, has been, historically, an area of transition between the central city

and the first industrial suburbs of Madrid. South area of the Prado – Recoletos axe,

the main walkway and museistic core into the city, is a space that is undergoing

deep changes.

Connected with Madrid Rio Project, the strategies of Revitalization of the “Central

Area" and the approach for the new Madrid City Planning, we had the opportunity

to work in the urban projects of a large and strategic district of Madrid city. Both

works are the result of open competitions.

The Urban Renewal Plan for the Manzanares River environment and

Portugal Avenue is the third stage of action in the vicinity of Madrid Rio

Project, and tackles the treatment of all built-up and buildable areas, by

means of the renovation and rehabilitation of their buildings. Once

realized the burying of "M.30" beltway and the urbanization of this new

big public space, a new urban centre axis has been created, whose primary

identity sign consist in being the key of the reconciliation of Madrid with

its river.

The Master Plan for Delicias - Mendez Alvaro – Abroñigal is presented as a

plan to coordinate the projects focused on the role of major interregional

access infrastructure in the town centre, the location of new large facilities

and corporate buildings, and ultimately, on the quality of urban life and

competitiveness of the district wide.




Global Action Plan for Playa de Palma // Plan for the Urban Renewal of Can

Pastilla // Planning for the sustainable refurbishment of residential buildings

Playa de Palma, a touristic district near the capital of Majorca, with 1,000 acres of

surface, 10 km of coastline, and 40,000 touristic places sprinkled with the same

number of residences, is a typical example of an area of the Spanish Mediterranean

coast mistreated. Having been one of the main icons of “miracle tourist” in the

Spanish seventies, the region is seen today dragged into a phase of general decline,

with the loss of any value of tourism competitiveness and socio-economic vitality.

With the objective of lead back this situation, the Central Government, the region

and the two municipal councils concerned have set up in 2005 an Urban

Association in which the different parties are involved. The Association has directed

its work towards the setting up of a new tourism model for Playa de Palma. It will

be a global benchmark and it will include a new model of change: sustainability,

climate change, global change, social cohesion and residential qualification,

definitely for a new destination, according to the twenty-first century and the

people who will visit the site the following decades.

AUIA has been involved in the design of the proposed comprehensive revaluation

of the Consortium Platja de Palma. Working, among others professional teams,

with the Dutch firm West 8, ARUP, IMEDEA o THR, we have developed operational

planning of urban reform and development of sustainable projects to rehabilitate

residential buildings.

My participation is focused on three work areas:

Global Action Plan of Playa de Palma and overall project strategy.

Plan for the Urban Renewal of Can Pastilla, the master design for the

rehabilitation of one of the urban cores.

Planning for the sustainable refurbishment of residential buildings,

including g the general planning and pilot projects.

The experience of Playa de Palma work is the professional continuation of some

previous projects related with tourism, such as Local Agenda 21 in Calvia

(Experience selected in the 1998 Dubai Award for Best Practice, and catalogued as

GOOD), Tourism Management Territorial Scheme of Doñana, the Plan for the

sustainable mobility and public space in Punta Umbria, Huelva, or the Good

Practice Program for the beautification of tourist destinations, for the Ministry of





Loranca Ciudad Jardín, Fuenlabrada, Madrid // PAU El Reino de Don Quijote,

Ciudad Real // PAU at Esquivias, Toledo

The practice of urbanism in Spain in the last 10 to 15 years is related with two

factors, as current as contradictory: the continued increase in the size of the new

urban development projects and the strong relation with environmental

procedures and laws. The last processes of new towns or growth of cities have

been urgent and accelerated, and yet strongly attached to urban design,

environmental assessment related to land use, energy and water, etc.

The new regional laws give an important role to entrepreneurship and concerted

public - private, making to private developers one of the main agents at work.

While some of the presented projects are already part of the metropolitan area,

others have disappeared due to the mismatch between supply and demand,

exacerbated by the global economic crisis.

The objective of urban design in the proceedings is to get the highest quality of

urban life, using various instruments and criteria, consistent with the sustainability

policies of the European Union and renewing practices of contemporary urbanism:

configuration of dense and socially active urban centers, which provide

vitality and identity to the whole;

mixed use and diversity of types according to the different spaces and

promotional needs;

design of streets, with trees and shades, as the main public space,

Landmark and urban microclimate control;

sustainable criteria for urban mobility, as traffic calming, increasing the

use of bicycles, etc.

integration with the natural an urban landscape,




Guidelines and Plan for the Industrial Land in the Region of Murcia // Master

Planning and development projects for diverse places.

If, as asserted by Deyan Sudjic, "work in the broadest sense is what shapes the

city," the processes for the urban planning for economic activities places in which

we have participated, give us the knowledge of the varied dynamics involved: to

the demanding relationship between town planning, urban design and

infrastructure, must be added the consideration of comprehensive territorial scales

management throughout the life cycle of industrial emplacements, the

involvement of multiple public and private actors, or some principal characteristics

of the industrial economy and ecology.

I have participated in various projects and processes that include all scales of


Murcia: regional and local guidelines for industrial land, master plans of

industrial and institutional economic activities complexes.

Barcelona: planning and urbanization of the Zona Franca logistics park


Vigo: logistical platform planning - industrial of second port line.

Tenerife: strategic management of an economic activities complex that

brings together a technology park, industrial park, port and airport areas.

Toledo: design and management proposals for the Town Planning.

Madrid: planning and urbanization of business and logistic parks at the

third orbital higway of metropolitan area.




Touristic development strategy of the territory surrounding the Doñana National

Park // Master Plan Almonagua // Spatial development plan for Campo de


The country planning is probably one of the newest challenges in our professional

practice. In places with strong environmental values, with the risk of abandonment

or urban occupation, we bring the analysis and design of the framework for new

activities related to tourism, leisure, agriculture, within a framework that respects

the environment and local identity.

Doñana: analysis and management of tourism resources, urban and rural

heritage and landscape, in a huge area between Sevilla, Huelva and the

coast, that surrounds the Doñana National Park, and is dominated by

agriculture and the constraints of environmental protection.

Almonacid de Zorita: Master Plan, feasibility analysis and marketing plan

for a proposed resource management, activities and natural spaces, in and

around a town affected by the decommissioning of a nuclear plant.

Campo de Gibraltar: a territory marked by the big transformation linked to

the tourist and residential phenomena, in a geo-strategic position for the

development of industrial and logistics activities, is the subject of a

Management Plan which aims to integrate planning, orderly development

of coastal, touristic and productive uses, within a framework for the

protection of environmental values and landscape.



Fernando Fernández Alonso

Profession Architect / urban planner

Date of birth September 29th 1966 Nationality Spanish Business address C/ de la Toronga, 9B. 28043 Madrid. Tel / Cell 0034.917.216.580 / 0034.686.694.092 E-mail f.fernandez@auia.es Linkedin profile: www.linkedin.com/pub/fernando-fern%C3%A1ndez-alonso/32/59/782

Training, professional and teaching experience

Master degree in architecture and urban planning. Architecture School of Polytechnic University of Madrid, (ETSAM-UPM) 1994. Collegiate at Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (COAM) n ° 11561.

Partner since 1999 in AUIA Arquitectos Urbanistas Ingenieros Asociados, SLP (Architects Urban planners and civil engineers). www.auia.es.

Professor of the Urban and Regional Planning Department of School of Architecture in the Polytechnic University of Madrid, a member of the Planning Advisory Board COAM (2009) and currently secretary of the Club de Debates Urbanos de Madrid.

Since 1994 I have developed and led plans and projects related to establish territorial strategies and guidelines, city planning and urban design projects. This practice includes regeneration projects and planning new projects in different cities, touristic areas and industrial zones, attending to a wide diversity of contexts and agents: the last experiences specially involved in urban renewal in Madrid and Mallorca (Spain), Pereira (Colombia), and now in a new logistic project in Tangier (Morocco).

As a partner in AUIA, my duties are related with the project management, including search and contracting of projects with public and private clients, internal financial control of the project, the management and coordination of employees and outsourced offices, and the relationship with customers.

As team leader, my role is to set the objectives and strategies of the project, the design direction, responsibility for the final products and the coordination of the team members.



Main projects

Masterplan for the Integrated Activity Area Ain Dalia, Morocco

In progress (2016). Centre regional d’investement Tanger-Tetouan. In collaboration with Whitestones Capital Africa.

Senior advisor for the urban planning and design of a new multi activity area (Industry, logistic, services, commercial) located in the south of Tangier. With a surface of 1.200 Ha, the development is linked to the new economic territory of the north of Morocco and the port of Tanger Med

Urban renewal and social development of the Traditional City Center of Pereira, Colombia

(2014-2015). Pereira Town Council and Inter-American Development Plan.

The Plan is performed in the framework of the IDB Sustainable Intermediate Cities, including policies on social, economic and urban space. As coordinator of the Plan, I lead a large team of architects, economists, sociologists and lawyers.

Comprehensive Municipal Plan of Aranda de Duero, Burgos

In progress (2012). Aranda de Duero Town Council

The challenge of the Comprehensive Plan meets the criteria arising from the regional planning, which defines the municipality as reference node, and the management of growth and urban regeneration. In Aranda, the quality of life in the city is linked with a strong industrial activity based in international companies, and the integration with traditional agricultural activities.

Delicias – Méndez Álvaro – Abroñigal Master Plan

2012 / 2010. Madrid City Council.

The work is presented as a plan to coordinate the projects focused on the role of major interregional access infrastructure in the town centre, the location of new large facilities and corporate buildings, and ultimately, on the quality of urban life and competitiveness of the district wide.

Urban Renewal Plan for the Manzanares River and Portugal Avenue

2008 / 2010. Madrid City Council.

The third stage of the action around the River Manzanares involves the treatment of all the built up and buildable areas. Based on the burying of the M-30 and the landscaping of this public macro space, a new central urban backbone was created for which the main identity compared to other central areas of the city will consist of the reconciliation of Madrid with its river and the renovation and rehabilitation of its buildings.

Master Plan, Feasibility analysis and marketing plan of Almonacid de Zorita

2011 / 2010. Almonacid de Zorita Town Council.

The development project, after the closure of the nuclear power plant of Zorita, is based on a territorial analysis: membership to a territory characterized by a singular values, especially nature, water, energy infrastructure and local culture related to agriculture. The main objective is the social, economic and environmental revitalization of Almonacid and its environment.



Comprehensive Action Plan of Playa de Palma

2011 / 2009. Consorcio Platja de Palma

Playa de Palma, a touristic district near the capital of Majorca, with 1,000 acres of surface, 10 km of coastline, and 40,000 touristic places sprinkled with the same number of residences, is a typical example of an area of the Spanish Mediterranean coast mistreated. AUIA has been involved in the design of the proposed comprehensive revaluation of the Consortium Platja de Palma, working, among others professional teams, with the Dutch firm West 8, ARUP, IMEDEA o THR.

Best practices for the improvement and rehabilitation of tourist destinations

2008. Segittur SA and the Secretary of State for Tourism.

The best practices model comes within the framework of the Spanish Horizonte 2020 tourism plan and the Spanish 08+12 tourism plan and favours the decoration of tourist destinations in order to stimulator the adoption of actions that allow the decoration of tourist destinations, taking advantage of their character and properties.

Town planning action programme for the “El Reino de Don Quijote” leisure, tourism and residential complex in Ciudad Real

2009 / 2005. ERDQ, SA

The generating concept of ERDQ is to develop a high quality tourism complex for leisure and residence with town planning criteria that respect the environment and match the guidelines for development in the La Mancha region. ERDQ is a special project formed around a powerful and new structure of uses relating to leisure and tertiary/teaching activities on an inter-regional scale. The operation is designed as an area of opportunity for the north of the city relating to the new identity of the place, accessibility and visualisation from the high-speed railway.

Plan for sustainable urban mobility and public space in Punta Umbría, Huelva

2007/2006. Punta Umbría Council.

The objective is the integration of the treatment of pedestrian mobility, public and private transport with the renovation of the functional structure and public space of the tourist core of Punta Umbría, setting an agenda for rehabilitating the urban landscape.

Zoning plan for the Campo de Gibraltar

2006. Department of Public Works and Transport, Government of Andalusia. In collaboration with Arenal Grupo Consultor SL.

The Campo de Gibraltar is an area undergoing great changes due to tourism and residential phenomena in a geographically strategic position for carrying out industrial and logistic activities. It is the subject of a zoning plan designed for territorial integration and the ordered development of coastal, tourist and productive uses within a framework of protecting the environmental and landscape values.

General plan and environmental assessments in the Region of Madrid

2007/2003. General zoning plan for the municipality of Torres de la Alameda and various environmental assessment studies.

The work carried out in the last two years is related to the framework for the town and environment planning of the Region of Madrid. In one of the European regions with the highest economic dynamism and with great real estate pressure on the land, the municipalities



that have until now maintained agricultural, forest and natural spaces in a good state of preservation are defining their roles and expectations and metropolitan insertion.

The idea is to include the environmental assessment from origin in the methods of the general plan, valuing the potentials and threats in terms of landscape, environment, reserve, and beyond the exclusive protection of legal areas. The quality of life and the urban form as a model participated in and planned by the municipality is expressed in the zoning of the density, uses, centrality, types and buildability, mobility, etc.

Town planning in the Region of Castile – La Mancha

2004/2006. Esquivias and Toledo Councils.

The work carried out in the Region of Castile - La Mancha, in the municipalities of Toledo and Esquivias, falls within the territorial context of the Sagra and the regional capital with strong dynamics of internal changes reinforced by the closeness of the metropolitan region of Madrid, reflected in great expectations for growth in population, employment and buildable land and in the legal framework of the new regional land laws which give a leading role to business initiative and public and private collaboration.

The methods of the projects provide proposals on the quality of urban life, the density and concentration activities, etc.

Environment of Doñana National Park (Huelva)

2005/1999. Fundación Doñana 21 and Almonte Council.

Strategy for zoning the environment of Doñana considering tourist activities and the overall transformation of the environmental and landscape perception of the area of Matalascañas through key operations on the tourist, teaching and centrality models that improve its functional structure. The work includes the territorial tourism master plan for the Doñana environment, the general guidelines for the integral rehabilitation of Matalascañas and studies for the zoning of hotel and urban leisure spaces.

Territorial and urban projects for Calvià Council

2005/1996. Calvià Council.

The work comes within the Calvià Agenda Local 21, a specific strategy for sustainable development for a mature tourist town on the Mediterranean coast. The proposals are designed for an overall transformation of the environmental, landscape and mobility perception of a tourist and residential town and are based on a series of key actions that improve its functional, perceptive and environmental structure as well as the relationship between the urban and natural systems in the area of Calvià.

Industrial land zoning in the Region of Murcia

2004/1997. Department of Tourism and Zoning, Region of Murcia and Institute for the Economic Development of the Region of Murcia.

The objective of the project is the zoning and sectorial re-arrangement of the industrial land in the region in a transition process towards a mature and integrated spatial model in a more balanced and sustainable environment. The work consists of preparing the industrial land directives in the Region of Murcia and the later development of master plans for some of the proposed economic, teaching and industrial activities complexes.



Analysis of alternatives for a possible tourist park integrated into the coast of Gandía

2001. Gandía Council.

This is a study of prior considerations on the possibility of developing an integrated tourist park with various town planning models or the environmental preservation of an important marshland on the coast, the latter being the chosen alternative.

Gran Sur Metropolitan Operation in the regional strategic zoning plan for the Region of Madrid

1994. Department of Public Works, Town Planning and Transport.

Zoning and strategic project to set proposals and criteria to be followed for the re-preparation of activities and the environment in the area consisting of eight municipalities in the southern metropolitan area (Alcorcón, Leganés, Getafe, Móstoles, Fuenlabrada, Parla, Pinto and Humanes). The process involves the Gran Sur Metropolitan Operation for the regional strategic zoning plan for the Region of Madrid and the planning and urban design of spaces for productive, residential, teaching and landscape activities. The operation won the International Bau Ausstellung (IBA) in 1994.

Loranca - Garden City

1997-1996. Loranca Garden City Town Planning Consortium.

Loranca is a new city project, strongly attached to urban design, environmental assessment related to land use, energy and water, etc, consistent with the sustainability policies of the European Union and renewing practices of contemporary urbanism. The Urban centre design formalizes an active pedestrianised centre in this new city with a population of 23,000.

Logistics platforms and complexes for economic activities

Partial zoning plan for the southern logistics platform in Tenerife.

Logistics Park in the Barcelona Free Port area.

Sector plan for the industrial logistics platform in Salvaterra – As Neves. Vigo.

Sector plan for the industrial estate in Morrazo. Vigo.

Industrial logistics platform in Chaves – Verín. Orense (initial).

Speeches and working groups

Representative of COAM (Official Association of Architects of Madrid) in the Iberoamerican City Forum. (Veracruz, México, 2014, Lima, Peru, 2013)

Currently, member of the Town Planning and Environmental Committee of the Official Architects’ Association in Madrid.

CONAMA-10 National Environment Congress. Lecture: "The Urban Renewal Plan of the Manzanares River environment."

Congress SB10mad - Sustainable building conference "Sustainable building. Revitalization and rehabilitation of neighborhoods." Madrid, April 2010. Lecture: Integral rehabilitation of urban areas and residential buildings in Playa de Palma.



Member of the working group of the Official Architects’ Association in Madrid to analyse actions for the M-30/Calle 30 project of Madrid City Council (2006).

Member of the technical advisory committee for the Thyssen-Bornemisza Foundation to analyse allegations for the “Prado – Recoletos Axis” special plan in Madrid (2007-2006).

8th Congress of the Spanish Tree Cultivation Association (Citizen tree. The roadside tree): Actions for the integral rehabilitation of a tourist city. Madrid, November 2004

Walk 21 Congress “Steps to the pedestrianised city”: "Actions towards the integration of pedestrian mobility in the Agenda Local 21 in Calvià.” San Sebastián, May 2002


2015 Modes and opportunities for urban transformation in southern Madrid. Atocha Delicias Méndez Álvaro Abroñigal. Planur-e, nº 4, digital review. (http://www.planur-e.es)

2014 Arganzuela collage. Working on the consolidated city. About urban regeneration in the southern central core of Madrid. Article in the collective book "Madrid, a matter of debate." Editor: CDU. Madrid 2014.

2013 Reinvention of amortized territory: between energy, rural and nature. Planur-e nº1, digital review. (http://www.planur-e.es)

2012 Plan of Urban Renewal of river Manzanares banks in Madrid. Urban-e nº 3, digital review, Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio de la E.T.S. de Arquitectura de Madrid (http://urban-e.aq.upm.es/).

2008 Town planning. Madrid 2008. Debates and criteria of the Town Planning Committee of the Official Architects’ Association in Madrid. Article. EA! Ediciones de Arquitectura, Fundación Arquitectura COAM.

2007 Actions for the integration of mobility in the Agenda Local 21 in Calvià. Article in the magazine Estudios Turísticos, number 172-173. Report prepared for the Horizonte 2020 strategic tourism plan. Institute of Tourism Studies.

2006 Operation Calle 30: the River Manzanares. Article in the newspaper El País, 14 January 2006, with Alfredo Villanueva.

2004 Trees in the urban landscape. Spanish Tree Cultivation Association (AAVV)

1999 Industrial land zoning directives for the Region of Murcia. Department of Land Policy and Public Works.

1997 Passeig Calvià. Calvià Council.

1995 The historic Madrid - El Escorial road: a proposal for treatment as a landscape, recreational and cultural route. Department of Transport, Region of Madrid (with Daniel Zarza).

1991 " New notes on the architecture of Madrid.” Series of articles for the newspaper El Sol (member of the editorial team).