Feridas difícil cicatrização

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  • 7/30/2019 Feridas difcil cicatrizao



    Treating the chronic wound: A practical approachto the care of nonhealing wounds and

    wound care dressingsMargaret A. Fonder, BS, Gerald S. Lazarus, MD, David A. Cowan, MD,

    Barbara Aronson-Cook, BSN, RN, CWOCN, Angela R. Kohli, RN, BSN, and Adam J. Mamelak, MD

    Baltimore, Maryland

    Chronic wounds are a major healthcare problem costing the United States billions of dollars a year. TheAmerican Academy of Dermatology has underscored the significance of wound care in dermatologicalpractice. It is critical for all dermatologists to understand the elements of diagnosis and therapy. Weemphasize major aspects of diagnosis and present a simple classification of wound dressings withguidelines for usage and relative cost data. (J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;58:185-206.)

    Learning objective: After completing this learning activity, participants should be able to diagnose

    common types of chronic wounds, formulate a therapeutic plan, and describe the major classes of topicaltherapies and dressings for the chronic wound.

    Achronic wound is defined as a break in theskin of long duration ([6 weeks) or frequentrecurrence.1,2 In todays society, chronic

    wounds represent a major health care burden.Approximately 1% to 2% of individuals will beaffected by leg ulceration during their lifetime, andthis figure will likely increase as the population

    ages.3-5 The associated costs are staggering. A recentarticle suggests that treatment costs for venous ulcersalone approach $3 billion, accounting for a substan-tial portion of the total health care budget.6 Globalwound care expenditures amount to $13 to $15billion annually.7

    A myriad of factors can delay wound healing.Chronic disease, vascular insufficiency, diabetes,neurologic defects, nutritional deficiencies, ad-vanced age, and local factors such as pressure,infection, and edema can all impair healing.Wound care is a holistic endeavor that requires an

    accurate identification of the specific entities inter-fering with wound healing in a particular patient.

    PHYSIOLOGIC WOUND HEALINGNormal wound healing requires proper circula-

    tion, nutrition, immune status, and avoidance of

    negative mechanical forces. The process usuallytakes 3 to 14 days to complete and has three phases:inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling withwound contraction8-10 (Fig 1). During the inflamma-tory phase, neutrophils and macrophages appear inthe wounded area to phagocytize bacteria anddebris. A functioning immune system and adequatesupply of growth factors are necessary in this phaseof wound healing. In the proliferative phase, fibro-blasts produce a collagen matrix, new blood vesselsinvade the forming granulation tissue, and epidermalcells migrate across the wound surface to close the

    breach. Protein or vitamin deficiencies may impair

    Abbreviations used:

    ABI: ankle-brachial indexCMC: carboxymethylcelluloseCRP: C-reactive proteinESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rateMRI: magnetic resonance imagingMRSA: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus

    aureusPG: pyoderma gangrenosumrhPDGF: recombinant human platelet-derived

    growth factorTBI: toe-brachial indexTNP: topical negative pressure

    VAC: vacuum-assisted closureVEGF: vascular endothelial growth factorVRE: vancomycin-resistant enterococci

    Department of Dermatology, Johns Hopkins University.

    Funding sources: None.

    Conflicts of interest: None declared.

    Reprint requests: Gerald S. Lazarus, MD, Professor of Dermatology,

    Department of Dermatology, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical

    Center, MFL Center Tower, Suite 2500, 5200 Eastern Ave,

    Baltimore, MD 21224. E-mail: glazaru1@jhmi.edu.


    2008 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc.



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    collagen production, and necrotic tissue in thewound bed may impede re-epithelialization.During the remodeling phase, fibroblasts reorganizethe collagen matrix and ultimately assume a myofi-broblast phenotype to effect connective tissue com-paction and wound contraction. Wounds gain about

    20% of their final strength in the first 3 weeks of

    normal wound healing through collagen deposition,remodeling, and wound contraction.10 When any ofthe components of the wound healing process iscompromised, healing may be delayed.

    APPROACH TO THE PATIENT WITH ANONHEALING WOUNDA thorough medical history and physical exami-

    nation are essential to every patient evaluation.Healthy patients usually heal in a timely manner,while patients with chronic wounds almost alwayshave factors that impair the ability to heal. Thus, theclinician must assess the patients general healthstatus. History-taking should address:

    1. Description of how the wound occurred2. Past history of wounds, including previous diag-

    noses and response to treatment

    3. Family history of chronic wounds and/or poorhealing

    4. Dermatologic conditions that predispose toulceration

    5. Edema6. The presence or absence of pain, with particular

    emphasis on pain quality, precipitating factors,and methods of ameliorating pain

    7. Systemic conditions that may predispose towound development or poor healing, includingHIV/AIDS, sickle cell anemia, Raynaud syn-drome, rheumatologic disease, chemotherapy,

    anemia, weight loss, viral hepatitis, illicit druguse, transfusions, or neurologic disorders, toname the most common

    8. Previous hospitalizations and surgeries, includ-ing insertion of meshes, prostheses, or otherforeign bodies

    MedicationsAll systemic and topical medications used by the

    patient should be recorded. Antiinflammatory andimmunosuppressive medications can compromisewound healing and put patients at increased risk for

    wound infection.


    Specific inquiries about topicaltherapies are essential, because a substantial numberof patients have contact allergies to preparationscontaining balsam of Peru, neomycin, bacitracin,and other common ingredients.13-16 The resultantdelayed hypersensitivity reactions can retard heal-ing.17 Additionally, many commonly used topicalantiseptics are directly toxic to human cells.18-21

    NutritionSound nutritional status is essential for successful

    wound healing and immune response to injury.22,23

    Carbohydrates and fats supply cellular energy and

    Fig 1. Normal wound healing. Physiologic wound healingoccurs in three phases that may overlap in time.9,10 A,Inflammatory phase: aggregated platelets and damagedparenchymal cells at the site of tissue injury secrete growthfactors and other chemical mediators of wound healing toattract and activate inflammatory cells and fibroblasts.

    Vasodilation and increased permeability of local capillariespermit neutrophils to move into the wound site to phag-ocytize bacteria and debris. B, Proliferative phase: withinhours of wounding, the process of re-epithelializationbegins. Epidermal cells detach from the basement mem-brane to migrate across the wound surface. Activatedmacrophages phagocytize debris and release vascularendothelial growth factor (VEGF) and other growth factorsto stimulate granulation tissue formation. C, Remodeling:fibroblasts remodel the collagen matrix to enhance tissue

    strength and decrease wound thickness. During the sec-ond week of healing, fibroblasts assume a myofibroblastphenotype to facilitate contraction of the forming scar.


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    protein is utilized in anabolic repair. Sufficient quan-tities of vitamins A, C, and E, selenium, thiamine,pantothenic acid, zinc, copper, and manganese havebeen reported to be essential for healing.24 Frail,elderly, and institutionalized patients are at particu-larly high risk for malnutrition,23,24 but even obesepatients (especially those who have undergone bar-iatric surgery) may be malnourished and susceptibleto nonhealing wounds.

    Social historyIt is essential to understand each individual pa-

    tients motivations, capabilities, home environment,family support, and financial resources, becauseeach of these factors directly affects wound care. Inaddition, general habits, such as tobacco and alcoholuse, should be noted, because both are associatedwith compromised wound healing.25,26 Intravenous

    drug users are inherently prone to developingwounds and infections related to repetitive traumawith nonsterile instruments, the injection of foreignmaterials, not to mention HIV and hepatitis C infec-tion. International travel and occupational exposuresshould also be considered, because these may bedirectly involved in the etiology of a nonhealing orrelapsing wound.

    Physical examExamination of the extremity. The vast ma-

    jority of chronic wounds occur on the lower extrem-

    ity. A thorough limb evaluation may reveal signs ofpredisposing systemic disease. For example, edema,hemosiderosis, lipodermatosclerosis, and varicosi-ties are markers of venous disease. Duplex ultraso-nography can be used to confirm the presence ofvenous insufficiency. Cool extremities with slowcapillary refill and dependent rubor reflect arterialinsufficiency. Ankle-to-brachial and toe-to-brachialblood pressure indices (ABI and TBI, respectively)can be used to gauge a limbs arterial supply.Doppler ultrasound can also assist in evaluatingarterial supply, showing triphasic waveforms in

    areas of normal arterial flow, and biphasic or mon-ophasic waveforms when arterial stenosis is present.Patients with compromised lower extremity sensa-tion, as in diabetic neuropathy, are at increased riskfor foot wounds. Thus, the SemmeseWeinstein 10-gram monofilament evaluation of lower extremitysensation is an essential component of the physicalexam. Finally, the presence of regional adenopathysuggests infection of the extremity.

    Ulcer appearance. The ulcer must be cleansedof all slough, eschar, and debris so that its borders,base, and surrounding skin are clearly visible. The

    wounds edges can provide clues to its etiology.

    Sharply demarcated, punched out lesions are sug-gestive of arterial insufficiency (Fig 2, A), whilepoorly defined, irregular borders suggest venousulceration (Fig 2, B). Firm, rolled edges should raisesuspicion for neoplasmic involvement (Fig 3, A), andundermined borders are characteristic of pyodermagangrenosum and Behcets disease. Geometric orlinear wounds may suggest trauma or factitialprocesses.

    At each encounter, the clinician should record thecolor and texture of the ulcer base. Healthy granu-lation tissue is pink and plump in appearance,whereas purple, gelatinous, purulent, or bloodytissue may indicate infection (Fig 3, B and C). Theappearance and quantity of wound exudate shouldbe noted as well, because this directly affects dress-ing selection and wound care.

    Measurements. The wound dimensions must

    be measured at each visit to track healing overtime. Dimensions of greatest length, greatest per-pendicular width, and greatest depth should berecorded. Additionally, the clinician must documentthe extent to which wound edges are underminedand the presence of sinuses or tunnels. If bone isdirectly visualized at the wound base or can be felt byprobing with a blunt instrument, an evaluation forosteomyelitis is appropriate. Radiologic assessments,including plain films, magnetic resonance imaging(MRI), computed tomography (CT) scans (whenmetal prostheses have been placed), and indium-

    111 leukocyte scans may be useful.

    Laboratory evaluationsGeneral laboratory values can provide important

    insights into a patients general health and ability toheal. Anemia or infection, as indicated by abnormal-ities in the complete blood count, and proteinmalnutrition, reflected in the serum albumin andprealbumin levels, can impair wound healing.Elevations of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR) and/or C-reactive protein (CRP) may indicate

    ongoing infection or inflammation. The hemoglobinA1c level provides a measure of a diabetics bloodsugar control over the preceding months. In patientsfor whom there is a suspicion of underlying vascu-litis, hyperviscosity, or thrombosis, laboratory inves-tigations for specific rheumatologic, infectious, orhematologic processes may be instructive. Levels ofantithrombin III, factor V Leiden, and proteins C andS, as well as coagulation times, can point to pro-thrombotic conditions. Family history and early ageof ulcer onset may render testing for sickle cellanemia appropriate. Markers of autoimmunity may

    suggest rheumatologic diseases, and cryoglobulins


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    and dysproteinemias may indicate hepatitis C orunderlying neoplasms.

    Wound cultures are necessary in instances wherethere is suspicionof infection. Toavoid misinterpretingpositive cultures from superficial wound colonization,deeper tissue should be sampled and specimens sentfor quantification of colony count per gram of tissue.Tissue can also be submitted for histologic examina-tion and stained for bacteria, mycobacteria, and



    Venous stasis ulcers account for more thanhalf of all lower extremity chronic wounds.27

    Approximately 1% to 2% of the adult populationhas a history of active or healed venous ulceration.4,5

    It is not unusual for this type of wound to persist for5 years or longer.6 Venous stasis ulcers are morecommon in women than men and increase in inci-

    dence with age.


    Fig 2. Common chronic wounds. A, Arterial ulcer at the lateral malleolus. This ulcer has sharpmargins and a punched out appearance. The surrounding skin is dry, shiny, and hairless. This

    wound was treated with a sheet hydrogel dressing to hydrate the area and provide pain relief.B, Venous stasis ulcer with irregular border, shallow base, and surrounding hemosiderosis andlipodermatosclerosis. This wound was treated with an absorptive hydrofiber dressing andUnna boot. C, Diabetic foot ulcer with surrounding callus. Severe diabetic neuropathy andbony deformity contributed to wound formation. Sharp debridement was employed to removethe surrounding callus, and an alginate dressing was then used to manage the high level ofdrainage. The patient was later fitted with appropriate offloading shoes. D, Pressure ulcer in aparaplegic patient, causing full-thickness skin loss. Because the wound edges had rolled andbecome quiescent, the patient was taken to the operating room for wound edge debridement.

    A topical negative pressure (or vacuum-assisted closure) dressing was subsequently applied,

    and the patient received an offloading home mattress.


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    Venous ulcers usually occur in the setting oflongstanding venous hypertension and insuffi-ciency, and are a consequence of venous thrombosis

    and/or reflux through incompetent valves. Patientswith chronic venous insufficiency commonly com-plain of swelling and aching of the legs that is worseat the end of the day and improves with leg eleva-tion. These wounds can occur anywhere there isreflux between the deep and superficial venoussystems. The medial malleolus is the most commonsite.28

    The borders of venous ulcers are typically irreg-ular and ill defined, and the wound bed is usuallyshallow (Fig 2, B). Chronic wounds caused by sicklecell anemia or other procoagulant disorders may

    have a similar appearance. Venous ulcers tend to be

    larger than most other chronic wounds, ofteninvolving the lower extremity circumferentially.The surrounding skin may exhibit pitting edema,

    induration, hemosiderosis, varicosities, lipodermato-sclerosis, atrophie blanche, and/or stasis dermatitis.

    Arterial ulcersArterial leg ulcers are a consequence of inade-

    quate blood supply to the skin. Atheroscleroticdisease is the most common cause,29 althoughthromboembolic disease can also infarct skin andlead to ulcer formation. The risk for lower extremityarterial ulceration is increased in smokers, diabetics,elderly patients, and individuals with evidence ofarterial disease at other sites.30,31 Arterial insuffi-

    ciency often causes symptoms of intermittent

    Fig 3. Wound complications. A, Marjolins ulcer in a nonhealing pressure sore. Marjolins ulceris a squamous cell carcinoma that can develop in a longstanding scar or chronic wound. Anonhealing wound with firm, rolled borders warrants biopsy evaluation. B, Infection. Theexudate overlying an infected wound may be malodorous, with a green or blue hue. This

    wound requires debridement. C, Infection. Dark red granulation tissue that bleeds easily on

    contact may be a sign of infection. D, Maceration. The periwound area here is white, plump,and friable. A highly absorptive dressing such as an alginate or hydrofiber, used in combination

    with a periwound protectant (for example, a drying calamine/zinc oxide paste), would be anappropriate choice for this wound. E, Eschar. Heel eschar in a patient with peripheral vasculardisease should not be debrided. F, Dry wound. This desiccated wound was debrided andtreated with a moisture-donating hydrogel dressing. G, Skin tear. Patients with thin, fragile skinare susceptible to skin tears as a result of certain strongly adherent dressings. A nonadhesive

    wrapped dressing would be preferable in this patient.


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    claudication and rest pain (relieved by hanging thelegs in the dependent position). Cool feet, weakpedal pulses, and slow toe capillary refill on physicalexamination support the diagnosis of arterial insuf-ficiency. Doppler ultrasound assessment of the distalpulses, ABIs, and TBIs can confirm a compromisedlimb arterial supply.

    Arterial ulcers are usually round with a sharplydemarcated border. These wounds typically occurdistally, often over bony prominences29,30 (Fig 2, A).The surrounding skin may be hairless, shiny, andatrophic. Wound pain is often significant and isexacerbated by leg elevation. Arterial leg ulcersmay benefit from surgical correction of the underly-ing vascular problem and restoration of the periph-eral blood flow.29 Arterial disease can be found inapproximately 25% of patients with leg ulcers.Ulceration of mixed arterial and venous etiology is

    not uncommon.30,32

    Diabetic foot ulcersDiabetics have a 15% to 25% lifetime risk of

    developing a foot ulcer, usually as a consequenceof diabetes-associated peripheral neuropathy orvascular disease.33,34 Peripheral motor neuropathyweakens the intrinsic muscles of the feet, producingstructural deformities that, when coupled with sen-sory neuropathy, increase the risk for wounds fromcontinuous mechanical stress.34 Typically, a thick-

    ened callus forms at the area of repeated pressureand ultimately breaks down, leading to ulcer forma-tion31 (Fig 2, C). The insensate foot is also atincreased risk for wounds from acute trauma.

    Diabetic foot ulcers are often nonhealing becauseof poor blood sugar control, poor tissue oxygena-tion, and impaired immune response to injury.35

    Depressed immune system functioning also putsdiabetics at increased risk for wound infection.36-38

    Diabetic foot ulcers are a major risk factor for limbamputation,39 because osteomyelitis of the underly-ing bone is not uncommon.40 For healing andavoidance of recurrence, patients with sensory neu-ropathy must wear protective footwear at all times toprevent repeated trauma. Many patients also requirecustom offloading shoes to redistribute weight off ofthe ulcer site.

    Pressure ulcersPressure ulcers are caused by impaired blood

    supply and tissue malnutrition as a result of pro-longed pressure, friction, or shear. Tissue compres-sion exceeding the capillary filling pressure of 32 mmHg that lasts longer than 2 hours can cause local

    ischemia and necrosis. Skin overlying boney

    prominences (eg, sacrum, malleoli, or hips) is espe-cially vulnerable.41

    Pressure ulcer development begins with non-blanching erythema of intact skin and can progressto full-thickness skin loss with extensive destructionof underlying tissue (Fig 2, D). Individuals who areimmobile, paralyzed, elderly, or malnourished are athighest risk.23,41 Frequent repositioning and off-loading with special beds and cushions are keycomponents of pressure ulcer prevention andmanagement.

    VasculitisImmune complex deposition in vessel walls can

    lead to inflammation and vessel necrosis. Palpablepurpura is a common early cutaneous manifestationfrom which ulceration may eventually ensue (partic-ularly if medium-sized vessels are involved). Lesions

    tend to occur over dependent areas and may be verypainful. Vasculitis may be associated with autoim-mune, infectious, medication-related, malignancy-related, or idiopathic etiologies. Systemic symptomsmay accompany the cutaneous manifestations andcan help to define the underlying etiology.42

    Pyoderma gangrenosumPyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is a noninfectious

    neutrophilic dermatosis that causes recurrent painfulinflammatory ulcerations. PG is associated with un-derlying systemic disease, such as inflammatory

    bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, or malignancyin up to 70% of cases.43-47 Lesions begin as tenderpustules with an inflammatory periphery that ex-pand to form sharply circumscribed ulcers withviolaceous, undermined borders. PG commonlyhas a pretibial location, but can occur anywhere.The pathogenesis is poorly understood and diagno-sis is generally made on clinical grounds. Ulcerseverity may parallel that of the underlying disease,and treatment of the systemic condition often leadsto improvement of the skin.44-46

    PRINCIPLES OF WOUND CAREMoisture and occlusion

    The Greek physician Galen of Pergamum (120-201 A.D.) noted empirically that wounds heal opti-mally in a moist environment.48 Nevertheless, fornearly 2000 years, therapeutic efforts focused ondrying the wound site, with absorptive gauzes amainstay of wound management.49 It was not untilthe 1960s that Winter proved the critical role ofmoisture in healing, when he demonstrated thatacute wounds covered with moisture-retentive oc-clusive dressings healed twice as rapidly as similar

    wounds left exposed to air.


    In contrast, excessively


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    dry wound healing environments actually causedfurther tissue death.51

    In the latter half of the 20th century, as clinicaldata accumulated in support of moist wound heal-ing, manufacturers began producing polymer-basedocclusive wound dressings designed to preserve andprotect a moist wound environment.48,49 Modernocclusive wound dressings may be either fullyocclusive (impermeable to fluids and gases) orsemiocclusive (impermeable to fluids and partiallypermeable to gases like oxygen and water vapor).52

    Not only do these dressings speed re-epithelializa-tion; they also stimulate collagen synthesis andcreate a hypoxic environment at the wound bedthat promotes angiogenesis.53-55An added benefit ofmoisture-retentive dressings is that many patientsexperience pain relief with their use.56-59

    Despite initial fears that occlusive dressings would

    promote wound infection, it has now been shownthat they actually decrease infection rates comparedto nonocclusive dressings.60 This difference is likelyattributable to occlusive dressings ability to maintaina more effective barrier against external contamina-tion.61,62 Additionally, some occlusive dressings de-crease the pH at the wound surface, helping to createan environment inhospitable to microbial growth.54

    While moisture is essential for proper healing,excessive wetness on the wound bed can be prob-lematic. Occlusive dressings applied to highly exud-ative wounds may cause maceration of the

    surrounding skin. Overhydrated, macerated tissueis soft, white, and friable (Fig3,D) with a tendency tobreak down, which can delay wound healing ormake the wound deteriorate further.13,63 Further-more, the fluid from chronic wounds may activelyinterfere with the healing process. Chronic woundfluid inhibits fibroblast proliferation64,65 and con-tains proteases that destroy extracellular matrix ma-terial and growth factors.66-68 The ideal wounddressing should thus absorb exudate without exces-sively drying the wound.

    Bacterial colonization versus infectionBacteria are present on virtually all open wounds.

    When growth and death of microbes are kept inbalance by host defenses, a wound is considered tobe colonized.69 In some instances, colonization mayactually hasten wound healing by increasing woundbed perfusion.70,71 At the point of critical coloniza-tion, however, host defenses can no longer maintainthis balance and the wound may enter a nonhealing,chronic inflammatory state.69 Bacterial loads in ex-cess of 105 organisms per gram of tissue are said toimpede wound healing, though the status of the host

    immune system and the number and types of

    bacterial species present may alter this thresh-old.69,72-74 Wounds become clinically infectedwhen host defenses are overwhelmed.69 Infectedwounds often demonstrate increased erythema,edema, warmth, pain, and exudate (Fig 3, B andC). There may be associated malodor as well.Systemic signs, such as fever, chills, and leukocyto-sis, suggest that the infection may have progressed tobacteremia or septicemia.

    Infections of chronic wounds are often polymi-crobial, with Staphylococcus aureus and anaerobesamong the most common pathogens.74,75Wheneverpossible, clinically infected wounds should be cul-tured and microorganism sensitivities determinedbefore systemic antimicrobial agents are prescribed.Signs of wound infection are sometimes subtle,especially in the elderly, who may lack brisk inflam-matory responses. Mycobacterial and fungal

    infections may similarly lack intense signs of inflam-mation. A high index of suspicion is warranted forwounds with inexplicable failure to heal.

    DebridementDebridement is the process of removing slough,

    eschar, exudate, bacterial biofilms, and callus fromthe wound bed in order to permit healing. Sharpdebridement using a scalpel, forceps, scissors,and/or curette is the most rapid and precise method,though the procedure may be painful even whenlocal anesthetics are used. In sharp debridement,

    nonviable tissue and debris are removed until nor-mal, well vascularized tissue appears. This has thebenefit of converting chronic wounds into acutewounds with improved ulcer bed perfusion and anacute wound healing response. Neutrophils andmacrophages recruited to the area can then secretegrowth factors and phagocytize bacteria and nonvi-able tissue.76,77 Sharp debridement can be used ondiabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, and pressureulcers, but caution should be exercised with arterialulcers because ischemic tissues tend to desiccateafter debridement, potentially causing ulcer enlarge-


    In particular, eschar overlying heelwounds in patients with suspected lower extremityvascular compromise should generally be left inplace (Fig 3, E). Still, for appropriate patients, sharpdebridement is our preferred debridement ap-proach. Second-line alternative techniques aredescribed below.

    Wet-to-dry debridement involves placing saline-moistened gauze over the wound, allowing thegauze to dry out, and then removing the dry gauzewith nonviable tissue adhered. The value of wet-to-dry debridement is often questioned because this

    technique is associated with a high degree of pain


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    and has only limited selectivity for nonviable tissue.That is, there is a tendency to strip the wound ofvaluable fibroblasts, macrophages, and keratino-

    cytes along with slough and debris.79Autolytic debridement is the gentle separation of

    slough and necrotic tissue from the wound bed thatoccurs slowly in a moist wound environment.Moisture-donating wound dressings promote auto-lytic debridement by rehydrating desiccated anddevitalized tissue, aiding its separation from healthytissue. Autolytic debridement may take severalweeks, but can be useful for instances where sharpdebridement is inappropriate (eg, in patients withbleeding tendencies).

    Enzymatic debridement via topical protease prep-

    arations may also be employed. These ointmentscontain enzymes that target the fibrin and collagen ofnecrotic tissue and wound exudate. Papaineureapreparations (eg, Accuzyme; Healthpoint, Ltd, FortWorth, TX), for example, contain papain, a nonspe-cific cysteine protease derived from the Carica pa-paya, and urea, a protein denaturant.80 Collagenasepreparations (eg, Santyl; Healthpoint, Ltd), on theother hand, are derived from Clostridium histolyti-cum and target collagen specifically.81 Small clinical-and laboratory-based investigations suggest thatpapaineurea may provide somewhat more exten-

    sive debridement than collagenase.



    autolytic debridement, enzymatic debridement cantake weeks to achieve the desired effects.85 Somepatients experience a temporary burning sensation

    or erythema with application; thus, care should betaken to ensure that the product contacts only thenonviable tissue within the wound and not thesurrounding skin. To increase topical enzyme pen-etration of tough eschar, cross-hatching by sharpincision before application can be beneficial.

    WOUND DRESSINGSPast to present

    Translations of the ancient Egyptian EbersPapyrus (1550 B.C.) reveal descriptions of wounddressings composed of lint (vegetable fibers), grease

    (animal fats), and honey. Modern day scholarsbelieve that the lint may have been used for itsabsorbency, the grease for its barrier properties, andthe honey for its antibacterial effects.48 Thus, eventhe earliest wound dressings appear to have beendesigned to manipulate the wound environment inpurposeful ways. This same approach is utilized inthe development of modern wound dressings.

    The enormous array of wound care products onthe market today (Table I) makes selection of themost appropriate dressing for a given wound asometimes daunting task. The current concept of

    the ideal wound dressing is one that removes

    Table I. Summary of basic wound dressings94,195

    Product Advantages Disadvantages Indications Comment

    Gauzes Inexpensive



    Poor barrier

    Packing deep wounds Change every 12-24


    Films Moisture-retentive


    Protects wound from


    No absorption

    Fluid trappingSkin stripping

    Wounds with minimal

    exudateSecondary dressing

    Can leave in place up to

    7 days or until fluidleaks

    Hydrogels Moisture-retentive

    Nontraumatic removal

    Pain relief

    May overhydrate Dry wounds

    Painful wounds

    Change every 1-3 days

    Hydrocolloids Long wear-time



    Protects wound from



    Fluid trapping

    Skin stripping

    Malodorous discharge

    Wounds with light to

    moderate exudate

    Can leave in place up to

    7 days or until fluid


    Alginates and


    Highly absorbent


    Fibrous debris

    Lateral wicking

    (alginates only)

    Wounds with moderate

    to heavy exudate

    Mild hemostasis

    Can leave in place until

    soaked with exudate

    Foams Absorbent

    Thermal insulation



    Malodorous discharge

    Wounds with light to

    moderate exudate

    Change every 3 days


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    excess exudate, maintains a moist environment,protects against contaminants, causes no trauma onremoval, leaves no debris in the wound bed, relieves

    pain, provides thermal insulation, and induces noallergic reactions.86,87 Given the biologic complexityof chronic wounds, it is unlikely that there will everbe a single dressing that is perfect for every woundtype.

    The ideal wound dressing should also be costeffective.86,87 In Tables II through X, we list repre-sentative products of each dressing type. To facilitateproduct cost comparisons, we have included ap-proximations of cost per week to treat a standardsized wound, taking into consideration the averagefrequency of application. (These cost values do not

    reflect the true relative cost efficacies of these

    products, however, which would also take intoconsideration differences in healing time and varia-tions in required nursing time associated with each

    dressing type.)

    Periwound protectionWound-associated inflammation can compromise

    the barrier integrity of the surrounding skin, render-ing it especially vulnerable to damage from excessmoisture, wound fluid proteases, and dressing ad-hesives.88-90 This area is also at increased risk forcontact dermatitis from topical agents.91 Barriercreams, ointments, and other periwound protectants(Table II) are available to protect the skin around the

    ulcer. We use these preparations frequently.

    Table II. Barrier products

    Product Company Cost/wk * Comment

    Vaseline petroleum jelly Kendall $0.60 Protects periwound162

    Can interfere with dressing adherence13

    Zinc oxide paste Generic $4.37 Protects periwound162

    Antiinflammatory, may improve healing160-162

    Can interfere with dressing adherence13

    Calmoseptine ointment Carrington $6.34 Protects periwound

    Helps to dry out macerated tissue

    Contains calamine, zinc oxide, menthol, lanolin

    Helps relieve discomfort, itching

    Cavilon No Sting

    Barrier Film

    3M $11.95 Protects periwound

    Single-use wand

    Easier removal than zinc oxide196

    All Kare

    Barrier Wipes

    ConvaTec $2.49 Protects periwound

    Single-use wipes

    *Assumes a daily re-application of 0.25 oz. or daily use of single-use products. This table is not meant to endorse a single product and should

    not be considered inclusive. Costs are based on prices listed in the Edgepark Surgical 2005 ordering catalog 197 or at www.drugstore.com.198

    Table III. Gauzes

    Product Company Cost/wk * Comment

    Curity gauze sponge Kendall $1.02 100% cotton sterile gauze

    Curity packing strip Kendall $3.08 width 100% cotton gauze ribbon

    Vaseline gauze Kendall $5.95 Gauze impregnated with petrolatum

    Less adherent than plain gauze

    Xeroform Kendall $25.90 Gauze impregnated with 3% bismuth tribromophenate

    (xeroform, an antiseptic and deodorizer) in petrolatum

    Less adherent than plain gauze

    Mesalt MoInlycke $20.25 Hypertonic sodium chloride-impregnated gauze

    Highly absorbent

    Discourages bacterial growth

    Inhibits overexuberant granulation tissue formation

    Iodoform impregnated

    packing strips

    Derma Sciences/

    Dumex Medical

    $2.73 width iodoform (antiseptic) impregnated gauze ribbon

    *Approximate cost per week to treat a 2 in 3 2 in wound or 2-in deep sinus wound (for ribbon dressing) with daily dressing changes. This

    table is not meant to endorse a single product and should not be considered inclusive. Costs are based on prices listed in the Edgepark

    Surgical 2005 ordering catalog.197


    Fonder et al 193

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    GauzesPlain dry gauze has historically been one of the

    most popular wound dressings. While plain cottongauze does offer good absorption, it also promotesdesiccation of the wound base, which can be detri-mental to healing.51 Furthermore, dry gauzes oftenbind to the wound surface, causing pain and traumato the wound bed at dressing changes. Finally,because gauze dressings are susceptible to full-thickness saturation with wound fluid (strike-through), they have limited ability to provide aneffective barrier against bacterial invasion.62

    Although many knowledgeable clinicians insistthat wet-to-dry gauze dressings are as effective as the

    newer, more expensive, moisture controlling dress-ings, a recently published a study of 767 woundstreated using standardized dressing protocols foundthat moisture-retentive dressings are associated withfaster healing times than gauze dressings.92

    Furthermore, although they are more expensiveper individual dressing, moisture-retentive dressingsare more cost effective over time as well.92

    Many modern gauzes are impregnated withsubstances intended to optimize the healing envi-ronment (Table III). For example, petrolatum-impregnated gauze is less drying and less adherent

    than dry gauze, but it also offers less absorbency.


    Sodium chlorideeimpregnated gauze, on the otherhand, has the benefits of absorbing well, creating a

    hypertonic environment that is hostile to bacteria,and preventing formation of excess granulationtissue, but it has a tendency to adhere to and/ordesiccate the wound surface. (We often use pre-moistened sodium chloride gauze to dress very wetwounds requiring an absorptive dressing.)

    Gauze dressings are available in both pad andribbon form. Gauze ribbons are ideal for treatingdeep wounds and sinus tracts, which must heal fromthe base upwards in order to eliminate dead spaceand prevent abscess formation. Loose packing withgauze ribbons encourages healing from the base

    outward. Packing should never be tight, because thismay cause localized ischemia and woundenlargement.93

    FilmsFilms are transparent, conformable, adhesive

    dressings (Table IV) that may be used as primarydressings directly over a wound or as secondarydressings to secure various nonadhesive primarydressings in place. These thin membranes are semi-occlusive, permitting the exchange of oxygen andwater vapor between the wound bed and the envi-

    ronment while remaining impermeable to liquid and

    Table V. Hydrogels and related products

    Product Company Cost/wk * Comment

    Restore hydrogel Hollister $15.05 Amorphous gel

    Carrasyn hydrogel Carrington $15.40 Amorphous gel

    Contains aloe vera gel extract

    SAF-Gel ConvaTec $16.43 Contains alginate for increased absorption

    Curagel Kendall $12.90 Sheet hydrogelSuperior pain control

    XCell cellulose dressing Xylos $36.43 Sheet of biosynthesized cellulose from Acetobacter xylinum


    Can absorb or donate moisture depending on wound


    *Approximate cost per week to treat a 2 in 3 2 in wound with 0.25 oz. amorphous gel application daily or sheet dressing application every

    3 days (longer average wear-time). This table is not meant to endorse a single product and should not be considered inclusive. Costs are

    based on prices listed in the Edgepark Surgical 2005 ordering catalog.197

    Table IV. Films

    Product Company Cost/wk * Comment

    Bioclusive Johnson & Johnson $6.51 Classic film dressing

    Blisterfilm Kendall $6.10 Adhesive-free wound contact area

    OpSite Flexigrid Smith & Nephew $6.40 Printed with wound measurement grid to track healing

    Tegaderm HP 3M $7.98 Extra-strength adhesive for wounds with moderate moisture

    *Approximate cost per week to treat a 2 in 3 2 in wound with dressing changes every 3 days. This table is not meant to endorse a single

    product and should not be considered inclusive. Costs are based on prices listed in the Edgepark Surgical 2005 ordering catalog. 197


    194 Fonder et al

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    bacterial contaminants. Film dressings are not absor-bent; they manage moisture by vapor transmission


    For this reason, films should be reserved forwounds with minimal exudate. If used inappropri-ately over a wound with heavy exudate, films cancause fluid trapping and maceration.94

    Because films are transparent, wounds can bevisualized without having to remove the dressing.Therefore, dressing changes may be made asneeded, rather than on a rigid schedule.95 The acrylicadhesive on most film dressings is deactivated bymoisture, so that films adhere to the dry periwoundarea only. This property minimizes wound bedtrauma at dressing changes.96 Still, there may be a

    tendency to strip delicate new epidermis from newlyre-epithelialized areas of a healing wound if films areapplied and removed too frequently.53

    HydrogelsHydrogels are water-based products used to

    maintain a moist wound-healing environment(Table V). They are best suited for dry wounds orwounds with low levels of exudate, and should beavoided in wounds with heavy exudate because theexcess moisture can lead to maceration of peri-wound skin.95,97 Hydrogels also promote autolytic

    debridement of slough and necrotic tissue, making

    them suitable debriding agents in patients for whomsharp debridement is contraindicated.97,98 A key

    advantage of hydrogels is that they can be appliedand removed with minimal pain or trauma to thewound bed. Additionally, many patients experiencepain relief with hydrogel dressings, likely because oftheir cooling effects.99-101 Hydrogels are available inamorphous gel and sheet form; in our experience,pain relief is most pronounced with sheet hydrogels.

    While laboratory-based studies have noted differ-ences in the fluid-handling capabilities of differenthydrogels,102,103 clinical evidence suggests that nosingle hydrogel is more or less efficacious thanothers in practice.101,104 Several small studies have

    shown hydrogels to perform similarly to moist gauzeand hydrocolloid dressings in rate of pressure ulcerhealing.105-107

    HydrocolloidsIn contrast to the fluid-donating hydrogels, hy-

    drocolloids (Table VI) provide absorption. Theseadhesive, occlusive, conformable dressings absorbwound exudate to form a hydrophilic gel that helps tomaintain a moist healing environment.108 Comparedto films, hydrocolloids have less moisture vaportransmission; thus they rely predominantly on ab-

    sorption for exudate management.



    Table VI. Hydrocolloids

    Product Company Cost/wk * Comment

    Tegasorb 3M $13.06 Becomes transparent with use110

    Film backing

    DuoDERM CGF ConvaTec $17.00 Prevents lateral invasion of microorganisms from

    the dressing edge61

    Foam backing

    Comfeel Plus Coloplast $19.16 Contains alginate for increased absorption

    Film backing

    *Approximate cost per week to treat a 2 in 3 2 in wound with dressing changes every 4 days. This table is not meant to endorse a single

    product and should not be considered inclusive. Costs are based on prices listed in the Edgepark Surgical 2005 ordering catalog. 197

    Table VII. Alginates and related products

    Product Company Cost/wk * Comment

    Kaltostat ConvaTec $14.61 High guluronic acid content

    Sorbsan Bertek $12.15 High mannuronic acid content

    Tendency for lateral wicking118

    Tegagen 3M $9.71 Available in high integrity (HI) and high gelling (HG) formulations

    AlgiSite Smith & Nephew $11.12 High mannuronic acid content

    Aquacel Hydrofiber ConvaTec $15.81 Hydrofiber dressing composed of sodium carboxymethylcellulose

    (CMC) fibers

    More absorptive than alginates200

    Vertically wicks to prevent periwound maceration201

    *Approximate cost per week to treat a 2 in 3 2 in wound with dressing changes every 3 days. This table is not meant to endorse a single

    product and should not be considered inclusive. Costs are based on prices listed in the Edgepark Surgical 2005 ordering catalog. 197


    Fonder et al 195

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    are best used over wounds with low to moderateamounts of exudate.80 They are less appropriate forwounds with large amounts of exudate because ofthe risk of periwound maceration and because thehigh degree of moisture can cause the dressing toseparate from the wound bed.103,109

    An important advantage of hydrocolloid dressingsis their relatively long wear-time (Table I), a feature

    that decreases the cost, inconvenience, and local

    trauma associated with dressing changes.2,110

    Additionally, hydrocolloid dressings can protectagainst shear force at the skin surface, which is acontributor to pressure ulcer development.109

    Certain precautions must be taken with hydrocolloiddressings. Although the hydrocolloid adhesive isinactivated by moisture,49 it may adhere aggressivelyto the dry periwound area, potentially causing injury

    at dressing changes. Barrier products and periwound

    Table VIII. Foam dressings

    Product Company Cost/wk * Comment

    3M Adhesive Foam 3M $14.64 Border of transparent adhesive film

    Lyofoam C ConvaTec $24.17 Contains activated carbon for odor control

    Allevyn hydrocellular dressing Smith & Nephew $15.79 Trilaminate structure with nonadherent wound

    contact layer, absorbent central layer, andsemipermeable film outer layer

    Allevyn cavity dressing Smith & Nephew $55.26 Cavity dressing

    Absorbent foam chips covered

    with a nonadherent wound contact layer

    *Approximate cost per week to treat a 2 in 3 2 in surface wound with a sheet foam or 2-in diameter cavity wound with a cavity dressing,

    with dressing changes every 3 days. This table is not meant to endorse a single product and should not be considered inclusive. Costs are

    based on prices listed in the Edgepark Surgical 2005 ordering catalog.197

    Table IX. Antimicrobial dressings

    Product Company Cost/wk * Comment

    Iodosorb gel(cadexomer iodine)

    Healthpoint $28.76 Cadexomer iodine plus compression gives superiorvenous ulcer healing than moist gauze plus


    May speed pressure ulcer healing204

    Silver sulfadiazine

    1% cream

    Generic $5.11 Contains silver ions and sulfonamide

    Cream may form pseudoeschar as it dehydrates;

    must be removed prior to reapplication


    Tendency to cause temporary local discoloration150,151

    Avoid in sulfur-sensitive individuals137

    Aquacel Ag Hydrofiber ConvaTec $32.39 Silver-impregnated hydrofiber dressing

    Acticoat 7 Smith & Nephew $23.92 Coated with nanocrystalline silver

    Rapid release of silver ions144,148

    Contreet Foam Coloplast $15.86 Foam dressingRapid release of silver ions148,206

    Actisorb Silver 220 Johnson & Johnson $18.19 Contains activated carbon (odor fighting) and

    metallic silver

    Relatively low silver content

    Sequesters and inactivates microorganisms within

    the dressing148

    Silverlon Wound

    Contact Dressing

    Argentum $16.38 Silver-coated wound contact layer, absorbent pad,

    and film backing

    Limited activity against S aureus despite high silver content149

    SilvaSorb Medline $53.61 Silver-containing hydrogel

    SilverCel Johnson & Johnson $17.72 Pad composed of alginate, hydrofiber, and

    silver-coated nylon fibers

    *Approximate cost per week to treat a 2 in 3 2 in wound. This table is not meant to endorse a single product and should not be consideredinclusive. Costs are based on prices listed in the Edgepark Surgical 2005 ordering catalog197 or at www.drugstore.com.198


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    protectants can be employed to minimize this type ofdamage. Another downside of treatment with hy-drocolloid dressings is their tendency to produce abrown, often malodorous exudate that can be mis-taken for infection and can be troubling for thepatient.94

    A meta-analysis of 12 randomized controlled trialscomparing hydrocolloid dressings to conventionalgauze dressings for the treatment of chronic woundsfound that hydrocolloids improved the rate of ulcerhealing.2 This benefit appears most pronounced forpressure sore healing.111,112 The few trials comparingthe efficacy of different hydrocolloid products havefound no significant performance differences.110,111

    AlginatesAlginates are highly absorbent, fibrous dressings

    (Table VII) that can hold up to 20 times their weightin fluid.95 Alginate dressings are utilized mainly fortheir strong absorptive capacity on wounds withmoderate to heavy levels of exudate.113,114 Derivedfrom brown seaweed, alginates contain the calciumand sodium salts of alginic acid, a polymer ofmannuronic and guluronic acids. When placedover a moist wound, an ion exchange reactionoccurs between calcium in the alginate and sodiumin the wound fluid, producing soluble calciume

    sodium alginate and forming a gelatinous mass.94

    The resultant gel helps to maintain a moist healingenvironment.

    Because alginates require moisture to function,they are not indicated for dry wounds or woundscovered with hard necrotic tissue unless they are firstmoistened with saline.94 It is important that thesevery absorptive dressings be kept from desiccatingover the wound, because the resultant dry environ-ment could delay wound healing.115 A uniqueadvantage of alginate dressings is that they areinherently hemostatic116,117 and can be used to

    control minor bleeding.

    Alginates are available as ropes (twisted fibers) orpads (fibrous mats). These dressings are nonadhe-sive and thus require a secondary dressing to securethem in place. Mannuronic and guluronic acid arepresent in varying proportions in different alginateproducts, altering gelling characteristics. Dressingswith high concentrations of mannuronic acid formsoft amorphous gels that partially dissolve when incontact with wound exudate, whereas high gulur-onic acid dressings swell in the presence of exudatebut retain their basic structure.113 Depending on itsviscosity, the gel that forms when alginates absorbmoisture can be removed intact or irrigated awaywith saline solution during dressing changes.

    Several concerns have been raised regarding theuse of alginate dressings. Because of a tendency to

    absorb fluid across the entire surface of the dressing(lateral wicking),118 some alginates may cause peri-wound maceration if they overlap normal skin.Alginates, therefore, should be cut to the shape ofthe wound bed. These products also may leavefibrous debris in the wound.115,119,120 Despite claimsthat these fibers are readily biodegraded, there havebeen reports of long-term foreign bodyetype reac-tions.117,119 Furthermore, in vitro studies have raisedconcerns that alginate dressings may be inhibitory oreven cytotoxic to keratinocytes.121-123 It is unclearhow these findings translate clinically, because some

    studies have reported that alginate dressings accel-erate wound healing as compared to control dress-ings (eg, nonadherent gauze, dextranomer paste)and others have detected no difference in healingrates.124-126 Comparisons amongst different alginateproducts demonstrate no significant wound healingperformance differences.118,127

    FoamsFoams are moderately absorbent, semiocclusive

    dressings that may be used over light to moderately

    draining wounds (Table VIII). These dressings

    Table X. Compression systems

    Product Company Cost/wk * Comment

    Unna boot Generic $23.00 Moist zinc oxide gauze covered with elastic compression

    bandage (Fig 4)

    Change every 7-10 days

    DYNA-FLEXCompression System

    Johnson & Johnson $37.44 3-layer systemChange every 7 days

    Imprinted graphic to ensure appropriate degree of compression


    Bandaging System

    Smith & Nephew $34.20 4-layer system

    Change every 7 days

    *Assumes weekly reapplication. This table is not meant to endorse a single product and should not be considered inclusive. Costs are based

    on prices listed in the Edgepark Surgical 2005 ordering catalog.197


    Fonder et al 197

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    provide thermal insulation114 and protect againstshear,109while the nonadhesive wound contact layerallows for nontraumatic dressing changes. Foamdressings may occasionally be used for their cush-ioning effect, though they are not intended as asubstitute for proper pressure-relieving devices.128

    Foam sheets are available in a variety of shapes andsizes, with and without adhesive borders. The fluidabsorption capacity varies with foam thickness.57

    Some foams have a film backing to prevent exudateleakage and to provide an additional barrier tobacterial contamination.

    In studies, foam dressings are comparable tohydrocolloids in terms of ulcer healing.111 Likehydrocolloids, foams may promote development ofexcessive malodorous drainage necessitating fre-quent dressing changes.129

    CollagensRecalcitrant chronic wounds are sometimes trea-

    ted with collagen products, which are thought tosupport wound healing by laying down a matrix thatfavors the deposition of new tissue and attracts celltypes necessary for healing. Available in particle andsheet form from human, porcine, and bovine sour-ces, most collagen products absorb wound exudateto form a soft biodegradable gel over the woundsurface that helps to maintain wound moisture.80 Forexample, Promogran (Johnson & Johnson, NewBrunswick, NJ) is a freeze-dried matrix of type I

    bovine collagen and oxidized regenerated cellulosethat has been shown in clinical trials to improve therate of pressure sore and venous ulcer healing.130,131

    Promograns efficacy may be partly attributable to itsdemonstrated ability to deplete and/or inactivatefactors detrimental to the healing process, such asproteases and free radicals.132-134 Oasis WoundMatrix (Healthpoint Ltd) is an extracellular matrixsheet dressing derived from porcine small intestinalsubmucosa that, when used in combination withcompression dressings, speeds the healing of venousulcers as compared to compression dressings alone.

    Additionally, Oasis reduces venous ulcer recur-rence.135 Finally, Cymetra (Lifecell; Branchburg, NJ)is micronized, decellularized cadaveric dermal ma-trix, initially developed for cosmetic applications,that has been shown in a series of cases to success-fully close recalcitrant sinus tracts.136

    AntimicrobialsEven in the absence of frank clinical infection,

    wound healing may be impaired when bacterialcolonization counts exceed 105 organisms per gramof tissue.72 Systemic antibiotics should be reserved

    for clinically infected ulcers,


    but topical

    antiseptics and antibiotics (Table IX) can be em-ployed to reduce the wound bioburden. Antisepticsare chemical agents that are broadly toxic to mi-crobes, whereas antibiotics are narrow-spectrumantimicrobial agents with specific intracellular tar-gets. In general, microbial resistance is more likely todevelop against an antibiotic, whereas antiseptics aremore frequently toxic to human tissues.

    Topical antibiotics can be very effective whenused against sensitive organisms. Mupirocin oint-ment is particularly effective against Gram-positive organisms, including methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus(MRSA), while topical metro-nidazole gives good anaerobic coverage.137 Eventhough they are effective, the topical antimicrobialsneomycin and bacitracin are typically avoided inchronic wound care because of their significantpotential to induce contact sensitivity.15-17 Signs and

    symptoms of contact dermatitis include increasederythema, edema, and pruritus in the distribution ofthe topical exposure.

    Commonly used topical antiseptics include hy-drogen peroxide, iodine-based preparations,Dakins solution (dilute hypochlorite), and silver-releasing agents. Both hydrogen peroxide and povi-doneeiodine are toxic to human tissues, and shouldnot be applied chronically to wounds.18-21 Instead,patients wishing to clean their wounds at homeshould do so with gentle soap and water. Otherantiseptic preparations may be beneficial in appro-

    priate situations. For example, a modified Dakinssolution at a concentration of 0.025% elicits antimi-crobial effects without harming human tissues.139

    Similarly, cadexomer iodine, a complex of iodinewith cadexomer (a modified starch-based polymerbead), can serve several important functions at thewound bed.81 Cadexomer promotes the absorptionof fluid, exudate, debris, and bacteria from thewound bed while facilitating the controlled releaseof iodine at levels that are not toxic to humancells.81,140,141

    Silver ions have proven efficacy against com-

    monly encountered wound pathogens, includingGram-negative bacteria and antibiotic resistant orga-nisms like MRSA and vancomycin-resistant entero-cocci (VRE).142-144 Silver ions kill bacteria by bindingto and disrupting bacterial cell walls, damagingintracellular and nuclear membranes, poisoning res-piratory enzymes, and denaturing bacterial DNA andRNA.142,145 Although some species of bacteria(Pseudomonas in particular) have demonstratedresistance to certain silver preparations,146 silverhas a far lower propensity to induce bacterial resis-tance than classic antibiotics on account of its multi-

    targeted mechanism of action.



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    Silver has been incorporated into a multitude ofwound dressing products for prophylactic and ther-apeutic defense against potentially harmful orga-nisms. Gauzes, hydrocolloids, alginates, foams, aswell as creams, gels, and barrier layers are availablewith incorporated silver (Table IX). The varioussilver-containing dressings all possess a silver reser-voir, but differ in the way in which the silver ions arereleased. Because silver ions, not silver atoms, pro-duce the antimicrobial effects, silver must be presentin a solution in order to exert its bactericidal prop-erties.142 Therefore, dry silver dressings requirecontact with wound moisture in order to releasethe active agent. In in vitro comparison studies, mostsilver-containing products exert some degree ofbactericidal activity, though variation in the spec-trum and rapidity of action exists.144,148,149

    Disadvantages of silver products include potential

    irritation or discoloration of the surrounding tissues(argyria).150,151 Additionally, in vitro studies suggestthat silver may be toxic to keratinocytes and fibro-blasts.152,153 It is unclear if these findings are signif-icant clinically, however, because in vivo studieshave shown that silver-containing dressings actuallyaccelerate wound healing.154


    Compression therapy is considered the first-linetreatment for venous ulcers. Numerous reports have

    indicated that compression therapy is superior tovirtually any other type of dressing for the treatmentof these wounds.155-157 Compression relieves edemaand stasis by reducing distention in superficial veinsand assisting the calf muscle pump.155 Compressivedressings also stimulate healthier granulationtissue.158

    Because many patients with venous disease haveconcomitant arterial insufficiency, and because com-pression therapy in patients with undiagnosed arte-rial insufficiency can lead to ulcer worsening,gangrene, or limb amputation,30,159 the caregiver

    must rule out clinically significant arterial diseasebefore applying compression to a venous leg ulcer. Alower extremity with an ABI or TBI of 0.9 to 1.2 isconsidered normal and can generally be safelytreated with compression. However, if the ABI isbelow 0.6 or the TBI is below 0.4, or either index isabove 1.2 (suggesting noncompressible vessels), theclinician should seek consultation from vascularsurgery before applying significant compression.Significantly increased pain on application of thecompression dressing is a sign of arterial compro-mise in the bandaged limb, secondary to either

    iatrogenic overcompression or unrecognized

    underlying arterial disease; in either case, the dress-ing should promptly be removed. We often use lightcompression stockings to treat venous ulcers in caseswhere we suspect concomitant arterial disease.Uncompensated congestive heart failure is also arelative contraindication to compression therapy.

    Compression may be administered in the form ofsingle-layer bandages, multilayer bandages, com-pression stockings, or combinations of stockings andbandages (Table X). Bandages and stockings areclassified according to the level of compression theyapply to the limb. Although the optimal pressurenecessary to overcome venous hypertension is notwell defined, it is generally agreed that an externalpressure of 35 to 40 mm Hg at the ankle is necessaryto prevent capillary exudation in legs affected byvenous disease.157 Compression stockings, usedboth for the treatment of acute ulceration as well as

    for the prevention of ulcer recurrence, can provideup to 35 mm Hg of pressure at the ankle, andcompression bandages can apply up to 60 mm Hg atthe ankle, depending on the style of application.157

    The Unna boot is a commonly used compressionbandage (Fig 4) consisting of a zinc oxideeimpreg-nated gauze wrap applied over the skin from thebase of the toes to the popliteal flexure, covered witha layer of soft cotton, and wrapped with an elasticbandage that supplies compression. The zinc oxideprotects the periwound skin and is thought to alsoenhance wound re-epithelialization and decrease

    inflammation.160-162 Unna boots are typically left inplace for 1 week, though they may need to bechanged more frequently if the wound is especiallyexudative. Proper application of an Unna boot tosupply the appropriate degree of pressure requirestraining and experience.

    A Cochrane systematic review of 22 trials157 foundthat compression therapy was more effective thannoncompressive dressing types for the treatment ofvenous leg ulcers, and that high-compression sys-tems were more effective than low-compressionsystems. There were no clear differences in the

    effectiveness of different high compression systems(eg, multilayer bandages, short-stretch bandages, orUnna boots). None of the included studies measuredthe amount of pressure applied by the bandages orstockings used, and therefore the actual doseeresponse relationship between compression andulcer healing is unknown.

    Once a venous ulcer has healed, it is critical toprevent recurrence. Relatively low pressure gradedcompression stockings that provide at least 30 mmHg at the ankle are well suited to maintain intact skin.Because stocking elasticity decreases with time and

    washing, we encourage our patients to purchase two


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    pairs of stockings every 6 months to maintainappropriate pressure. Patients should also be en-couraged to elevate their legs as often as possible to

    prevent ulcer recurrence.

    Topical negative pressure devicesTopical negative pressure (TNP) devices, also

    known as vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) devices,consist of a fenestrated evacuation tube embeddedin a foam dressing and covered with an airtightdressing. The tube is attached to a vacuum source,and subatmospheric pressure (100-125 mm Hg) isapplied in a continuous or intermittent manner.163

    TNP dressings hasten wound healing by maintaininga moist environment, removing wound exudates,

    reducing bacterial loads, increasing local blood flow

    and granulation tissue formation, and applying me-chanical pressure to promote wound closure.163-167

    Current indications for TNP dressings includepressure ulcers, venous ulcers, and diabetic ulcers.TNP dressings are not appropriate for ischemicwounds because they may cause necrosis of thewound edges.167,168 Wounds must be thoroughlydebrided of all necrotic tissue before beginningtherapy.167,169 The foam component of the dressingshould be changed every other day.166,167 In somepatients, dressing changes may be painful or causetrauma to the wound bed because of the ingrowth ofnew granulation tissue into the foam; the use ofdenser sponges and more frequent sponge changescan help alleviate this problem.167

    A recent Cochrane review of the use of TNPdevices for the treatment of chronic wounds foundtwo small trials suggesting that TNP may increase the

    healing rate of chronic wounds compared to salinegauze dressings.170

    Growth factorsGrowth factors control many of the key cellular

    activities involved in the normal tissue repair pro-cess, including cell division, cell migration, angio-genesis, and synthesis of extracellular matrixcomponents. Some have suggested that a deficiencyof growth factors may exist in chronic wounds andinvestigators thus have examined the benefits ofexogenous growth factor application for wound

    healing.171 Recombinant human platelete

    derivedgrowth factor isoform BB (rhPDGF-BB homodimer,becaplermin; Regranex; Johnson & Johnson) is theonly topical growth factor approved by the US Foodand Drug Administration for the treatment of chronicwounds, indicated for use on chronic neuropathiclower extremity diabetic ulcers. The biologic activityof becaplermin is similar to that of endogenousPDGF-BB, that is, it promotes the chemotactic re-cruitment and proliferation of cells involved inwound repair.172 Becaplermin clearly increases theprobability that well perfused, properly debrided

    diabetic forefoot ulcers will heal completely and inshorter times.173,174 It also appears to be beneficialfor the treatment of pressure ulcers.175-177

    Skin substitutesIn patients with serious recalcitrant ulcers, surgi-

    cal skin grafting may be a treatment option. Graftingof split-thickness autologous skin is an establishedmethod of treating serious chronic venous leg ulcers.Allogenic and synthetic skin substitutes are now alsoavailable for the closure of longstanding wounds.Some such products have the advantage of eliminat-

    ing the need for a graft donor site. Living skin

    Fig 4. Unna boot application.A, Zinc oxideeimpregnatedgauze is wrapped around the limb, beginning at the base

    of the toes and extending to the popliteal flexure. Eachtime the limb is encircled, a pleat (see arrows) should beadded to the dressing to accommodate potential futureswelling. The foot should be held in 908 of dorsiflexionduring dressing application. B, A soft cotton wrap isapplied next. C, The elastic bandage layer supplies thecompression. Each successive layer should have 50%overlap with the preceding layer.


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    substitutes have shown benefits for the treatment ofvenous ulcers and diabetic neuropathic ulcers.178-183

    A comprehensive review of surgical options inwound management is beyond the scope of thispaper.

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapyHyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is occasion-

    ally used as an adjunct to standard wound care.HBOT, which involves breathing 100% oxygen atsupra-atmospheric pressures while inside of a com-pression chamber, is based on the rationale thattissue hypoxia contributes to the failure of manychronic wounds to heal.184 The benefits of HBOT forchronic wounds remain controversial.185 Krankeet al184 reviewed randomized controlled trials eval-uating HBOT efficacy and reported that HBOTappears to decrease the rate of major amputation

    related to diabetic foot ulcers and may improve thechance of diabetic foot ulcer healing at 1 year. Therewas insufficient evidence to suggest benefits forvenous, arterial, or pressure ulcers. In contrast,topical oxygen therapy, which involves insertingthe wounded limb into an airtight bag and surround-ing it with oxygen under slightly elevated pressure, isgenerally considered clinically ineffective.186

    HBOT is associated with several potential adverseeffects, including oxygen toxicity to brain and lungas well as barotrauma to the ears, lungs, and sinuses.In addition, temporary myopia is a very common

    adverse effect.


    In order to minimize associatedrisks and costs, clinicians should attempt to confirmsignificant periwound hypoxia via transcutaneousoxygen measurements in candidate diabetic footwounds before beginning therapy, in order to selectwounds where a favorable treatment responsewould be most likely.184

    TretinoinPaquette et al187 report that short-contact daily

    application of topical tretinoin solution (0.05%) im-proved the healing of chronic leg ulcers in fivepatients by stimulating granulation tissue formation.

    Tom et al188

    then compared the effects of treatmentwith short-contact topical tretinoin versus placebo in22 patients with diabetic foot ulcers, and demon-strated improved healing as well. In our own expe-rience, application of small amounts of 0.025%tretinoin cream can precipitate neovascularizationin ischemic wound beds. Because tretinoin maycause irritation, erythema, and/or burning, however,application should avoid the periwound skin.

    PentoxifyllineIn patients with venous leg ulcers that persist

    despite compression therapy, oral pentoxifylline

    may be a viable treatment adjunct. A Cochranesystematic review of nine trials189 determined thatpentoxifylline plus compression produces superiorulcer healing than placebo plus compression. Thesebenefits may be caused by pentoxifyllines fibrino-lytic properties,190 antithrombotic effects,191,192

    and/or inhibition of the production of proinflamma-tory cytokines.193,194

    GLOBAL APPROACH TO WOUND CAREThe treatment of patients with chronic wounds

    requires a team approach. There must be a partner-ship between the patient, the patients family, themedical team, and outpatient support agencies, withclear communication and an understanding of thefundamentals of care between all individuals. Eventhe most expert wound care team will fail if com-munication with the patient and the patients family

    is faulty. In order to be successful, there must also beknowledgeable collaboration between wound carespecialists (both physicians and nurses), dermatolo-gists, geriatricians, surgeons, and primary carephysicians.

    To meet the communication goals we need audi-ence-appropriate educational materialsfor healthcareworkers as well as patients. Educational materialsmust be culturally relevant, because there are majorregional differences in family dynamics, outpatientsupport systems, financial circumstances, and ap-proaches to the elderly within the United States.

    Such differences are even more profound interna-tionally. Nevertheless, there are certain universal coreprinciples that can be incorporated into clearly artic-ulated documents which can be modified dependingon culture, language, and historical precedence.

    CONCLUSIONMedicine generally and dermatology specifically

    must place great emphasis on quality wound care. Inorder to remedy the dearth of wound care expertiseamong physicians in the United States, we mustmodify how we teach medical students, residents,

    and colleagues. We are in major need of evidence-based wound care. Often, wound therapy is anec-dotal and predicated upon the dressing of themonth. Medicine must establish suitable protocolsthat allow us to quantifiably determine which mate-rials are effective in facilitating wound healing whileremaining cost effective. The costs of wound care areescalating dramatically, and as our population ages,the incidence of chronic wounds will almost cer-tainly increase. The staggering expenditures pres-ently extant do not even quantify the loss ofproductivity, deleterious effects of wounds on qual-

    ity of life, or the indirect costs incurred by voluntary


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    caregivers in time and effort spent caring for patients.Medical dermatology has a major responsibility toshape the future of care for skin ulcers.

    This manuscript would have been impossible withoutthe extraordinary contributions of the staff of the Johns

    Hopkins Wound Center, including Phyllis Keys, RN, BSN,CWON (nursing director), Mary Frances Valle, CRNP, andEvelyn Taylor, RN, BSN, CWCN.

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