Feldtest DP BA 040902 e

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Transcript of Feldtest DP BA 040902 e

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Field-test Dew point

Type 5672-104 (Ex) / 5672-110 (Non-Ex)

Operating Manual

BA 040902

BARTEC GmbH  Schulstraße 30  Postfach 63  D-94239 Gotteszell  Phone (+49 9929)-301-0  Telefax (+49 9929)-301-112E-Mail: info@go.bartec.de  Internet: www.bartec.de/messtechnik

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Table of contents

Contents Page Issue date

1  Description_______________________________________ 1 1.1  Task_____________________________________________ 1 1.2  Operating principle__________________________________ 1 1.3  Ordering details ____________________________________ 1 1.4  Sources of errors ___________________________________ 2 2  Start-up__________________________________________ 3 3  Measuring________________________________________ 5 3.1  Requirements _____________________________________ 5 3.2  Preparing the measurement __________________________ 6 3.3  Carrying out the measurement ________________________ 7 4  Measurement correction____________________________ 9 

Conversion table for Field-test Dew point_____________ 11 

Copyright © 2004 by BARTECSchulstraße 30,D-94239 Gotteszell

 All rights reserved and subject to change.Duplication, processing and distribution of this document,including parts thereof, is prohibited without the priorwritten consent of BARTEC.

Document: BA 040902 valid from: 10.04

Revision: 30.10.2008 Author: Walter SturmTranslation: E. Bauernfeind Nov. 2004

Field-test Dew point Operating Manual, Type 5672-104 (Ex) / 5672-110 (Non-Ex) BA 040902 44.08/me

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Field-test Dew point Operating Manual, Type 5672-104 (Ex) / 5672-110 (Non-Ex) BA 040902 44.08/me

1 Description

1.1 TaskMeasurement systems and devices need to be inspected in regular intervals.The depth of these checks depends on the operating conditions as well ason the metrological features of the measurement system itself.For the field test of the humidity measurement system HYGROPHIL F 5672,BARTEC recommends the Field-test Dewpoint , by means of which functionand stability can easily be verified. If it should turn out that for example dueto an irremovable film on the sensor, the measured value has to be cor-rected, Field-test Dewpoint  provides for  the required correction factor.This method, which is particularly easy and practicable for measurements ofresidual humidity, is based on long years of experiences with the applicationof HYGROPHIL F 5672, which prove that a one-point-correction is abso-

lutely sufficient in many applications (s. chapter 4).

1.2 Operating principleThe Field-test Dewpoint  works according to the principle of the saturated sa-line solution. Excessive salt makes sure that there is a constant relative hu-midity in the closed  measuring chamber. For Field-test Dewpoint   thisamounts to 10 %, which stay constant in a large temperature range. Byknowing the relative humidity and precisely measuring the temperature, youcan calculate further humidity values. In the field test of HYGROPHIL F  5672, the dewpoint (DT) is calculated in °C and, if required, is used for thecorrection in the device. This quite simple method offers a possibility to carryout a field test of the sensor technology with a satisfactory precision, pro-vided that some conditions are observed:

•  The constructive design of the measuring device has to be adapted to theon-site requirements. A stable and homogeneous temperature has to beguaranteed.

•  Temperature measurement in the measuring chamber has to be as pre-cise as possible and should also be possible in the Ex range.

1.3 Ordering detailsDesignation Type Specification Contents Order no.



5672-104 Humidity standard gener-ates dewpoint of - 10° at23,3 °C in the measuringchamberCheck and adjustment inuse  through nominal/actualvalue comparison Ex range EEx ib IIB T4 

Measuring chamber with temperature

compensation and built-in Pt 100 Class APrecision thermometer ±0,1 °C, port-able device EEx ib IIB T4Portable complete set in the servicebox 



5672-110 Humidity standard gener-ates dewpoint of - 10° at23,3 °C in the measuringchamberCheck and adjustment inuse  through nominal/actualvalue comparison

Non-Ex range 

Measuring chamber with temperaturecompensation and built-in Pt 100 Class A Precision thermometer ±0,1 °C, port-able devicePortable complete set  in the servicebox


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Field-test Dew point Operating Manual, Type 5672-104 (Ex) / 5672-110 (Non-Ex) BA 040902 44.08/me

Measuring chamberwith PT 100

Protective tubeagainst draught


Screw feet forstanding ring

Standing ring

 Adapter forL 1631

Sealing foradapter


Components of Field test Dewpoint in the service box

1.4 Sources of errorsThe easy handling of Field-test Dewpoint  must not tempt the user to ignoretwo potential sources of errors: 

1. In the measuring chamber, the temperature of the sensor and the tem-

perature of the humid air have to be as identical as possible. A tempera-ture difference of 1 Kelvin can result in an error of up to 3 % of relativehumidity.

For an ambient temperature of 20 °C, this results in the following errorlimits: RH 10 % = > -12,5 °C DT = nominal value RH (10-3) % = > -16,9 °C DTRH (10+3) % = > -9,2 °C DT

2. The second source of error is an unstable temperature.This is caused if- the read-out takes place too early, or- due to unfavourable placement,  e.g. at a draughty place, there is a

permanent fluctuation of   the temperature in the measuring chamber, or  

- read-out and adjustment  at the device do not take place simultane-ously or almost simultaneously.

 An error of 1 °C TT leads to the following results:TT 20 °C = > -12,5 °C DT = nominal value TT (20+1) °C = > -11,8 °C DTTT (20-1) °C = > -13,3 °C DT

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2 Start-upBefore starting the first measurement the measuring chamber has to be filled

up with the humidity standard.

To this the measuring chamber is held with the left hand and unscrewedclockwise with the right hand.

The humidity standard contains 5 ampoules and 6 pads.

Put a pad in the round notch at the bottom of the measuring chamber (whichconsists of four single sheets).

Break off the head of an ampoule under slight pressure.

Use protective gloves for it absolutely and keep the ampoule head face-




Field-test Dew point Operating Manual, Type 5672-104 (Ex) / 5672-110 (Non-Ex) BA 040902 44.08/me

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Field-test Dew point Operating Manual, Type 5672-104 (Ex) / 5672-110 (Non-Ex) BA 040902 44.08/me

Then dribble the whole ampoule contents on the pad.

Subsequently screw the bottom and top of the measuring chamber togetheragain by hand.

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3 Measuring

3.1 Requirements1. The most important requirement for an accurate measurement: In the

moment of the measurement, the temperature at the tip of the humidityprobe and the gas temperature in the measuring chamber have to beidentical.

2. The read-out of the temperature in the measuring chamber and the entryof this temperature into the evaluation unit HYGROPHIL F 5672 have totake place almost simultaneously; the temperature in the measuringchamber must not change within this time.

Please note before the measurement

To make sure that the test is successful, it is required by any means thatthere are stable and balanced temperature conditions  in Field-test Dewpoint  and its environment.

How can this be achieved in a real environment?Protect the measurement device against every factor that can cause tem-perature changes. By any means, it has to be shielded from draught, solarradiation etc. 

Some tips :

•  Look at the environment as if instead of Field-test Dewpoint  you yourselfwere sitting there in a wet bathing suit.

•  Put Field-test Dewpoint  on an insulating base, e.g. a piece of styrofoam,a wooden board, a jacket.

•  If the measuring spot is draughty, wrap Field-test Dewpoint  into a cloth ora jacket.

•  If the measurement is in open air, provide some shadow for the protectivetube. This is even necessary when the sky is cloudy, as the sun can bevery strong even behind the clouds.

•  Take your time! Assume one hour per measuring procedure. Even whenthe temperature display is steady, there are still some compensatorymechanisms in the measuring chamber.

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3.2 Preparing the measurement1 Take the humidity probe out of the process.

2 Check the probe visually for soiling or damages.3 If required, clean the probe with a painting brush or with a soft cloth and

some Isopropanole.

Make sure that no water „hides“ in the probe tip .

4 Mount the probe in the measuring chamber.

4.1 By means of an open-end wrench (13 mm), loosen the cover of themeasuring chamber and take it off.

4.2 Slowly insert the humidityprobe as far as it will go andpull it out again for 2-3 mm sothat it does not bump against

the bottom of the measuringchamber.

4.3 Slightly tighten the fasteningnut. This should be donequickly to make sure that aslittle humidity as possible getsinto the measuring chamberfrom outside, as this wouldprolong the waiting time.

4.4 Establish the connection be-tween Pt100 and theprecision thermometer.

5 Place the measuring chamberin the protective tube.

5.1 Take off the lid of the protec-tive tube.

5.2 Mount the screw feet and putthe protective tube onto thestanding ring.

5.3 Put the measuring chamberonto the protective tube.

5.4 Lead the connection cable ofthe Pt 100 through the cut-out in the protective tube.

Now the measuring chamber is  ina container with balanced tempera-ture conditions.

Field-test Dew point Operating Manual, Type 5672-104 (Ex) / 5672-110 (Non-Ex) BA 040902 44.08/me

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3.3 Carrying out the measurementWhen the conditions in the measuring chamber seem to be stable, the actualevaluation is carried out.

On the sensor side

•  Read the temperature at the precision thermometer.

•  Make no changes at the measuring chamber and at the protective tubeand go immediately to the evaluation side

On the evaluation side

•  Disconnect the automatic temperature input and the pressure input. Youfind both of them on the rear of the evaluation unit HYGROPHIL F 5672.

Remove the connection wires  at the terminals for the inputs of the tem-perature sensor and the pressure sensor.

Device type Terminal designation

5672-10 T+ and P+ at the 12-pole plug 

5672-20 /-30 TEMP I+ und PRESS I+

5672-21 /31 TEMP 1, 2 und PRESS 6

•  Now the device is ready for the manual input of temperature and pres-sure.

•  Make sure that temperature and pressure appear in the lower line of thedisplay. If in this line the wave length is displayed instead of temperatureand pressure, press [F2] to switch over to this display.The values for temperature and pressure which are then displayed are

the stored fixed values. Note both values, as you will have to enter themagain after the test has been completed.

Field-test Dew point Operating Manual, Type 5672-104 (Ex) / 5672-110 (Non-Ex) BA 040902 44.08/me

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Field-test Dew point Operating Manual, Type 5672-104 (Ex) / 5672-110 (Non-Ex) BA 040902 44.08/me

Pressure value input

•  Press the [SP] key.

The display shows the selection of pressure units. The number of the cur-rently set pressure unit is underlined and the flashing cursor is at this posi-tion.Press [ENTER].

The currently set pressure at the measuring point is indicated.Now enter the atmospheric standard pressure (1013 hPa). Enter the newvalue by using the numeric keys ([0]...[9]).Entries can be deleted with the [CLEAR] key if you need to make any correc-tions. The cursor then returns to the beginning of the line and you can repeatthe entry.

•  To adopt the newly entered value, press [ENTER]. The unit then returnsto display mode.

Temperature value input

•  Press the [TT] key.

The display will show the temperature value currently stored in the evalua-tion unit.Enter the temperature that was indicated at the precision thermometer ofField-test Dewpoint . Enter the new value by using the numeric keys([0]...[9]).Entries can be deleted with the [CLEAR] key if you need to make any correc-tions. The cursor than returns to the beginning of the line and you can repeat

the entry.

12 9 °C

•  To adopt the newly entered value, press [ENTER]. The unit then returnsto display mode.

Calculating the deviation of DT

•  In the table on p. 8, select the value for DT belonging to the entered tem-perature value (TT) .

•  Press the [DT] key at the evaluation unit. The dewpoint temperature DT isdisplayed. Compare the displayed value with the value calculated fromthe table.

•  If the value does not deviate by more than ± 2 °C , there is no need to

act. The tolerance is within the precision this test can provide.•  If the value deviates by more than ± 2 °C, you have two possibilities:

1. Send the complete system to the plant for recalibration.2. Carry out the offset procedure. You find the description in chapter 4 or

in the user manual of the evaluation unit.

 At the precision thermometer, you read a temperature of 12,9 °C (TT). Fromthe table on p. 8, it follows that there is an appropriate value of -18 °C for DT. At the evaluation unit, a dewpoint temperature DT of -16 °C is displayed.The required change of the offset setting is -2 °C.

The settings shown in chapter 4 refer to this example.

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Measurement correction


Field-test Dew point Operating Manual, Type 5672-104 (Ex) / 5672-110 (Non-Ex) BA 040902 44.08/me

4 Measurement correctionMeasurement correction is carried out by changing the offset settings in the

programming mode.

To call up the programming mode, press the [PROG] key at the 5672evaluation unit.

 After calling up the programming mode you will first be asked for the pass-word. To make any changes to the program you must enter the correctpassword. The password is: 5672.

Press [ENTER] twice, so the menu „EQUIP.-CONF.?“ is displayed.

Press [1] [ENTER], to open the menu „EQUIP.-CONF.“.

Now press [ENTER] several times until the menu „OFFS-CAL?“ appears.

[1] [ENTER] Call up offset setting function

 After the offset setting function is called up, the date of the last offset changeis indicated.

Call up programming mode


Selecting the menu

•  Enter the current date in the form „20,06,2004“ and confirm it by press-ing [ENTER].

→  The current values for temperature and pressure will be indicated.Confirm them with [ENTER] .

12,9 °C1.0 bar 


→  The current measured value is presented under the readout "SET-POINT".


→  Enter the value for DT that you have found in the table and confirm itwith [ENTER].


→  The offset setting is indicated in the measurement variable's unit ofmeasurement. Confirm it with [ENTER].


→  The offset setting is indicated in the wave length shift. Confirm it with[ENTER].

•  The evaluation unit exits the programming mode and switches to displaymode, returning to the operating mode last set there.

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Measurement correction


Field-test Dew point Operating Manual, Type 5672-104 (Ex) / 5672-110 (Non-Ex) BA 040902 44.08/me

•  Now re-enter the original fixed values for temperature and pressure(see. page 8 Pressure value input  and Temperature value input ).

•  Connect the temperature and the pressure sensor to their terminals atthe rear of the evaluation unit.

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Conversion table


Field-test Dew point Operating Manual, Type 5672-104 (Ex) / 5672-110 (Non-Ex) BA 040902 44.08/me

Conversion table for Field-test Dew pointThe temperature displayed on the thermometer leads to the corresponding Dew point temperature DT (rated va-lue) at RH = 10%.


5,0  -24,2 9,5 -20,7 14,0 -17,2 18,5 -13,7 23,0 -10,2 27,5 -6,8

5,1 -24,1 9,6 -20,6 14,1 -17,1 18,6 -13,6 23,1 -10,2 27,6 -6,7

5,2 -24,0 9,7 -20,5 14,2 -17,0 18,7 -13,5 23,2 -10,1 27,7 -6,7

5,3 -23,9 9,8 -20,4 14,3 -16,9 18,8 -13,5 23,3 -10,0 27,8 -6,6

5,4 -23,8 9,9 -20,3 14,4 -16,9 18,9 -13,4 23,4 -9,9 27,9 -6,5

5,5 -23,8 10,0 -20,3 14,5 -16,8 19,0 -13,3 23,5 -9,9 28,0 -6,4

5,6 -23,7 10,1 -20,2 14,6 -16,7 19,1 -13,2 23,6 -9,8 28,1 -6,4

5,7 -23,6 10,2 -20,1 14,7 -16,6 19,2 -13,2 23,7 -9,7 28,2 -6,3

5,8 -23,5 10,3 -20,0 14,8 -16,5 19,3 -13,1 23,8 -9,6 28,3 -6,2

5,9 -23,5 10,4 -20,0 14,9 -16,5 19,4 -13,0 23,9 -9,6 28,4 -6,1

6,0 -23,4 10,5 -19,9 15,0 -16,4 19,5 -12,9 24,0 -9,5 28,5 -6,1

6,1 -23,3 10,6 -19,8 15,1 -16,3 19,6 -12,9 24,1 -9,4 28,6 -6,0

6,2 -23,2 10,7 -19,7 15,2 -16,2 19,7 -12,8 24,2 -9,3 28,7 -5,9

6,3 -23,1 10,8 -19,6 15,3 -16,1 19,8 -12,7 24,3 -9,3 28,8 -5,8

6,4 -23,1 10,9 -19,6 15,4 -16,1 19,9 -12,6 24,4 -9,2 28,9 -5,7

6,5 -23,0 11,0 -19,5 15,5 -16,0 20,0 -12,6 24,5 -9,1 29,0 -5,7

6,6 -22,9 11,1 -19,4 15,6 -15,9 20,1 -12,5 24,6 -9,0 29,1 -5,6

6,7 -22,8 11,2 -19,3 15,7 -15,8 20,2 -12,4 24,7 -8,9 29,2 -5,5

6,8 -22,7 11,3 -19,3 15,8 -15,7 20,3 -12,3 24,8 -8,9 29,3 -5,4

6,9 -22,7 11,4 -19,2 15,9 -15,7 20,4 -12,2 24,9 -8,8 29,4 -5,3

7,0 -22,6 11,5 -19,1 16,0 -15,6 20,5 -12,2 25,0 -8,7 29,5 -5,3

7,1 -22,5 11,6 -19,0 16,1 -15,5 20,6 -12,1 25,1 -8,6 29,6 -5,2

7,2 -22,5 11,7 -18,9 16,2 -15,4 20,7 -12,0 25,2 -8,6 29,7 -5,1

7,3 -22,4 11,8 -18,9 16,3 -15,3 20,8 -11,9 25,3 -8,5 29,8 -5,17,4 -22,3 11,9 -18,8 16,4 -15,3 20,9 -11,9 25,4 -8,4 29,9 -5,0

7,5 -22,2 12,0 -18,7 16,5 -15,2 21,0 -11,8 25,5 -8,3 30,0 -4,9

7,6 -22,1 12,1 -18,6 16,6 -15,1 21,1 -11,7 25,6 -8,3

7,7 -22,1 12,2 -18,6 16,7 -15,0 21,2 -11,6 25,7 -8,2

7,8 -22,0 12,3 -18,5 16,8 -14,9 21,3 -11,5 25,8 -8,1

7,9 -21,9 12,4 -18,4 16,9 -14,9 21,4 -11,5 25,9 -8,0

8,0 -21,8 12,5 -18,3 17,0 -14,8 21,5 -11,4 26,0 -8,0

8,1 -21,7 12,6 -18,2 17,1 -14,7 21,6 -11,3 26,1 -7,9

8,2 -21,7 12,7 -18,2 17,2 -14,6 21,7 -11,2 26,2 -7,8

8,3 -21,6 12,8 -18,1 17,3 -14,6 21,8 -11,2 26,3 -7,7

8,4 -21,5 12,9 -18,0 17,4 -14,5 21,9 -11,1 26,4 -7,7

8,5 -21,4 13,0 -17,9 17,5 -14,4 22,0 -11,0 26,5 -7,68,6 -21,4 13,1 -17,9 17,6 -14,3 22,1 -10,9 26,6 -7,5

8,7 -21,3 13,2 -17,8 17,7 -14,2 22,2 -10,9 26,7 -7,4

8,8 -21,2 13,3 -17,7 17,8 -14,2 22,3 -10,8 26,8 -7,3

8,9 -21,1 13,4 -17,6 17,9 -14,1 22,4 -10,7 26,9 -7,3

9,0 -21,0 13,5 -17,6 18,0 -14,1 22,5 -10,6 27,0 -7,2

9,1 -21,0 13,6 -17,5 18,1 -14,0 22,6 -10,6 27,1 -7,1

9,2 -20,9 13,7 -17,4 18,2 -13,9 22,7 -10,5 27,2 -7,0

9,3 -20,8 13,8 -17,3 18,3 -13,9 22,8 -10,4 27,3 -7,0

9,4 -20,7 13,9 -17,2 18,4 -13,8 22,9 -10,3 27,4 -6,9

aligned to DIN 50 008

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