Feeding habits of house and feral cats (Felis catus) on ... · 1 1. Feeding habits of house and...

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International scientific research journal of zoology and animal ecology

of the Herpetological Club - Oradea

Univeristy of Oradea, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology

Univeristatii str. No.1, Oradea – 410087, Romania

Publisher: University of Oradea Publishing House

Contact e-mail: sas.steve@gmail.com

NORTH – WESTERN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY (International journal of zoology and animal ecology)

ACCEPTED PAPER - Online until proofing -

Authors: József LANSZKI; Eduard KLETEČKI; Balázs TRÓCSÁNYI; Jasmina


Title: Feeding habits of house and feral cats (Felis catus) on small Adriatic islands


Journal: North-Western Journal of Zoology

Article number: 151708

Status: awaiting English spelling editing

awaiting proofing

How to cite:

Lanszki J., Kletečki E., Trócsányi B., Mužinić J., Széles G.L., Purger J.J. (in press):

Feeding habits of house and feral cats (Felis catus) on small Adriatic islands

(Croatia). North-Western Journal of Zoology (online first): art.151708

Date published: <2015-07-28>


Feeding habits of house and feral cats (Felis catus) on small Adriatic islands (Croatia) 1


József LANSZKI1*, Eduard KLETEČKI2, Balázs TRÓCSÁNYI3, Jasmina MUŽINIĆ4, Gabriella L. SZÉLES1, 3

Jenő J. PURGER5 4


1Department of Nature Conservation, Kaposvár University, H–7400 Kaposvár, Hungary 6

2Croatian Natural History Museum, HR–10000 Zagreb, Croatia 7

3Duna-Drava National Park Directorate, H–7625 Pécs, Hungary 8

4Institute for Ornithology CASA, HR–10000 Zagreb, Croatia 9

5Institute of Biology, University of Pécs, H–7624 Pécs, Hungary 10


*Corresponding author, J. Lanszki, e-mail: lanszkij@gmail.com 12













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Abstract. The domestic cat (Felis catus), a globally recognised invasive predator, was introduced to the Adriatic 23

islands (Croatia), but its feeding ecology and impacts on biodiversity in this region is unknown. We studied the 24

feeding habits of house cats living in villages and feral cats on the outskirts of villages on two small islands (Olib 25

and Silba) by analysing faecal samples collected in the spring and autumn periods. Our hypothesis was that the 26

feeding strategies of cats as top mammalian predators vary in different environments, due to significant 27

dissimilarities in their food resources. We surveyed the abundance of cats and their primary food types, e.g. 28

small mammals, birds, rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus, and lizards. Our results suggest that house cats fed most 29

often on birds and household food, while feral cats ate mostly small mammals and lizards. Feral cats preferred 30

the invasive mesopredator black rat (Rattus rattus) (Ivlev’s index of preference, feral cats Ei = 0.72, house cats Ei 31

= 0.14), suggesting that cats might have an effect on rat populations. Common rabbits had a low density and 32

were preyed on only occasionally. In both cat groups, predation on birds was more frequent during autumn 33

migration when bird abundance was higher, than in the spring breeding period. Both groups were food 34

generalists but in different ways, which is a fact that should be considered in planning predator pest control on 35

the islands. 36


Keywords: invasive predator, domestic cat, Mediterranean island, prey abundance, rat preference 38

Running title: Feeding habits of domestic cats on small islands 39



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Introduction 40


Species on islands generally have small populations, narrow distributions and restricted genetic diversity 42

(Blondel 1995), and even small environmental changes can considerably affect their persistence (Vitousek 43

1988). Continuous human impacts which have influenced landscapes, habitats, and biodiversity are documented 44

in the Mediterranean area, and also on the Adriatic islands for over 2 000 years (Blondel et al. 2010, Jelaska et 45

al. 2010). Two major causes of the decline of biodiversity on the Adriatic islands are habitat degradation and the 46

introduction of non-native predators, such as feral domestic cats (Felis catus), the black rat (Rattus rattus) and 47

the small Indian mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus) (Barun et al. 2008, 2010, 2011). 48

The domestic cat has a long history of coexistence with man (Fitzgerald 1988, Randi & Ragni 1991, Driscoll 49

et al. 2009); having been transferred by humans to almost all parts of the world (Fitzgerald 1988, Dickman 50

1996a, Doherty et al. 2014) and they are considered to be one of the 100 worst invasive species in the world 51

(Lowe et al. 2000). Feral domestic cats are principal predators of small-sized native animals (mammals, birds, 52

reptiles and insects) as revealed in different climates, such as tropical, warm, temperate and sub-Antarctic islands 53

or other inlands (Fitzgerald 1988, Dickman 1996a, 1996b, Pearre & Maass 1998, Nogales & Medina 2009, 54

Bonnaud et al. 2011, Doherty et al. 2015). The cat as a predator may have a substantial effect on wildlife (Carss 55

1995, Dickman 1996a, Woods et al. 2003), e.g. causing local decline or extinction of many species (Dickman 56

1996b, Medina & Nogales 2009, Hervías et al. 2014). Cat eradication experiments are often effective in stopping 57

such extinctions and in preserving biodiversity (Nogales et al. 2004, Bonnaud et al. 2007). However, in some 58

cases the removal of the top predator can result in an increase in mesopredator numbers, based on the 59

“mesopredator release effect” (Courchamp et al. 1999, Crooks & Soulé 1999, Russell et al. 2009). 60

Depending on the particular area, the most important prey for feral cats can be mammals such as rats (as 61

mesopredators), mice or even rabbits (Liberg & Sandell 1988, Pearre & Maass 1998, Nogales & Medina 2009, 62

Hervías et al. 2014). However, in cases of low availability of small mammals or in the breeding period of birds 63

on islands, cats may alter their diet to feeding on birds or native amphibians during their breeding season 64

(Fitzgerald 1988, Peck et al. 2008). The feeding ecology of domestic cats is less known on small Mediterranean 65

islands (Clevenger 1995, Bonnaud et al. 2011), and on the Adriatic islands it has not yet been studied, especially 66

where the cat is the sole carnivorous predator at the top of the food chain. House-based domestic cats (Liberg 67

1984) depend on food supplied by their owners; therefore, their populations are not limited by the availability of 68

wild prey (Woods et al. 2003), although the domestic cat is still capable of moving from a tame to a feral state 69



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(Liberg & Sandell 1988). In contrast to house-based domestic cats (hereafter: house cat), the diet of feral cats 70

includes household food at low ratios or none at all (Liberg 1984, Doherty et al. 2015). Although a small part of 71

scat samples collected within villages might originate from feral cats, and on the outskirts from house cats (Biró 72

et al. 2004, 2005), in this study we distinguished the following two groups of cats: 1) house cats which are 73

highly dependent on human households, and 2) feral cats which are independent of human households (Liberg & 74

Sandell 1986, Pearre & Maass 1998). 75

In order to understand better the ecological role of the introduced domestic cat on small islands, the objective 76

of this study was to carry out a comparative analysis of the diet composition and feeding habits of house and 77

feral cats during the autumn bird migration and the spring nesting period on two islands in the Adriatic Sea. We 78

assumed that the feeding strategies of cats as top mammalian predators on small Mediterranean islands vary in 79

different environments, due to significant dissimilarities between the food resources of house cats living in 80

villages and feral cats living on the outskirts of human settlements. According to the previous surveys (reviews: 81

Fitzgerald 1988, Dickman 1996b, Bonnaud et al. 2011) we predicted that the feral cat, in comparison with the 82

house cat, a) preys more frequently on wild-ranging prey species, such as rabbits, small mammals, birds, lizards 83

and insects, and therefore b) has a more diverse food composition, and due to higher dependence on wild-84

ranging prey types, will be more food generalist and opportunistic than the house cat. 85


Materials and methods 87


Study area 89


The study was conducted on two similar islands, Olib and Silba located in the Adriatic Sea, Croatia (Fig. 1). 91

These islands belong to the western part of the Zadar archipelago which is part of the National Ecological 92

Network – areas important for birds in Croatia (Radović et al. 2005). Olib Island is 9.5 km long, stretching in a 93

N-S direction. Its width is only 1.4 km in the middle, increasing up to 5.8 km, with a total area of 26.14 km2 (0-94

71 m ASL). It is located 23.5 km from the mainland and the only settlement and harbour, Olib, has existed since 95

Roman times (Magaš & Faričić 2002). The human population is low with only 140 inhabitants in 2011. The 96

island of Silba, a smaller island (14.27 km2, 0-77 m ASL), with similar natural history (Duplančić-Leder et al. 97

2004), is located about 1.8 km west of Olib. Its only settlement, Silba, had a population of 292 inhabitants in 98

2011. Current human activity (including tourism) is limited and restricted to the port area, where both islands 99



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have their villages. There are no surface water streams and the majority of the population’s freshwater demand is 100

supplied from rainwater reservoirs and tanker ships. The temperate Mediterranean climate on the island is 101

characterised by mild and rainy winters with warm and dry summers (Magaš & Faričić 2002), with a mean 102

annual precipitation of 970 mm and mean annual temperature of 15˚C. The vegetation consists of Mediterranean 103

forests of Pubescent Oak (Quercus pubescens) and Holm Oak (Q. ilex) and their successional stages (Horvat et 104

al. 1974). In the outer zones of the islands there are extensively managed olive groves and abandoned fields, 105

whereas inside the village traditional gardening is practiced. Gardens and lands in the outer zones are bordered 106

by traditional dry stone walls (Purger et al. 2012). 107


Populations of cats and their prey 109


A distance sampling method (line transect survey) using GPS was applied for estimating the population size 111

of cats in autumn (October 2008) and spring (May 2009) within the same areas (Table 1). In order to reduce 112

differences between detection probabilities depending on different habitats, two or three people performed the 113

different surveys in parallel. In order to quantify cat abundances we used two survey methods. We calculated 114

minimum cat density (D) along the total length of transect (L), based on the distance of cats (n) from the line, 115

recording cats observed on the line and on its two sides within a 20 m strip width (w), using the line transect 116

method (Krebs 1989), D = n/(2wLp) and probability function. Cat occurrences were only taken into 117

consideration within the 20 m strip. Individual distance data were divided into four quartiles (up to 4 m, 4.1-8 m, 118

8.1-15 m and above 15 m (max. 20 m). 100% probability was within the first quartile ( which is approximately 119

the road width), than decreased to 40.0%. Mean observation probability (p) was 68.1%. Due to terrain 120

morphology (high stone walls along narrow and winding roads with dense woods and undergrowth along them) 121

we counted cats during the day instead of the optimal night time (e.g. Peck et al. 2008), therefore we also used 122

the density of scats (faeces) for drawing conclusions regarding dense or sparse cat occurrence. This method 123

seemed to be justified by the fact that the hard and dry rocky soil found on the islands left the cats with limited 124

possibility to bury their faeces, meaning that they remain exposed and observable. Relative scat density can 125

potentially be used as an indicator of differences in population abundances between areas and periods if the data 126

collection (survey) is standardised (Mason & Macdonald 1987, Gese 2001, Kamler et al. 2003). Therefore, to 127

assess the “relative abundance of cats” we estimated a scat density index on the basis of scats found per line km 128

(Table 1). Fresh or dry intact scat samples were collected inside and outside the two villages. Inside the villages 129



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samples were collected on both sides of the 4 m wide roads and outside the villages on the ca. 3 m wide dirt 130

roads. All roads within villages and all approachable dirt roads outside villages were assessed. 131

We determined the abundance of small mammals of Olib Island by the capture-mark-recapture (CMR) 132

method (Krebs 1989, Herczeg & Horváth 2015). In 2008 and 2009, we used 100 and 120 glass-door wooden live 133

traps (size 1807070 mm), distributed along lines. In the village 20 traps were set in gardens in both years (10 134

and 5 nights, respectively), whereas in the habitats on the outskirts we used 80 and 100 traps. Sixty percent of 135

these were in secondary closed canopy forests in abandoned fields and 40% in forests with open canopy, close to 136

the coastline (10 and 8 nights in the two years, respectively). Traps were set every 10 m with maize as bait and 137

the sites were checked twice a day. In order to avoid overestimating the number of captured animals, the fur on 138

their head was trimmed as a marker. We standardised capture data as individuals captured per 100 trap nights. 139

Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) abundance (number of rabbits observed per km) was estimated by relative index, 140

on the basis of observed rabbits along transects (Table 1) surveyed for cats. We surveyed bird populations in the 141

village of Olib, using a GPS device, along seven different transects (mean length ± SEM: 352 ± 33.9 m) of 50 m 142

width, the total length of the route being 2466 m. In the outskirts transect the length was 800 m of 50 m width 143

and the transect counts were repeated 7 times in autumn 2008, and 3 times in spring 2009. The total number of 144

individuals was counted for each bird species in transects and on seasonal mean data the relative abundance was 145

estimated (Bibby et al. 1992). We estimated lizard abundance, predominantly of the Italian wall lizard (Podarcis 146

sicula), in the coastal area of Olib, and inland, along both sides of the roads, on ca. 1.5 m high stone walls, along 147

a total of 15 different transect lines (200 m per line) in early summer. 148


Diet analysis 150


In order to determine the diet composition of the cat groups we analysed scat samples which we collected by 152

walking on the same routes as described for cat density estimation (Table 1). The standard wet procedure was 153

used to analyze samples (Jędrzejewska & Jędrzejewski 1998). Scats were soaked in water, washed through a 154

sieve (0.5 mm mesh) and then dried. All food remains were separated and identified based on hair, bones, 155

dentition, feathers, and arthropod exoskeletons under the microscope with the aid of keys, atlases (e.g. März 156

1972, Teerink 1991, Brown et al. 1993), and our own vertebrate, invertebrate, and plant reference collections. In 157

the case of invertebrates, we only considered prey remains weighing more than 0.05 g, in order to avoid the 158

counting of other indirect prey previously ingested by lizards, birds or rats (Medina & Garcia 2007). Vegetable 159



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food remains were also identified (as well as matter originating from litter), but, because cats are obligate 160

carnivores (Bradshaw et al. 1996), these diet elements were excluded from the calculation of food composition 161

(e.g. Hervías et al. 2014). 162

For expressing diet composition, two methods were used: the relative frequency of occurrence (or RFO, 163

number of occurrences of a certain food type expressed as a percentage of the total number of occurrences of all 164

food items) and the frequency of occurrence (or FO, percentage of scats containing a food item). To avoid over- 165

or under-estimating the importance of a given food item the minimum numbers of diet components identified 166

from the scats were taken into account. Prey species have paired skeletal structures (e.g. jaws), that allow an 167

assessment of the minimum number of individuals in a scat through the pairing of left and right sided bones of 168

the same size. RFO data was used for trophic niche calculations, and the basic data of FO calculations (cases) 169

was used as input for log-linear analysis. The lack of exact (measured) body mass data for the species observed 170

in the area did not allow us to calculate biomass values (e.g. Liberg 1984, Nogales & Medina 2009). 171

Trophic niche breadth was calculated in accordance with Levins (Krebs 1989): B = 1/ pi2, where pi = the 172

relative frequency of occurrence of the ith taxon; and standardized across food taxa: BA = (B – 1)/(n – 1), rating 173

from 0 (dietary specialization) to 1 (broad diet). The following six main food taxa (types) were used in the 174

calculations related to trophic niche and the comparative analysis of scat composition for cat groups: small-sized 175

(< 0.5 kg) mammals, rabbit, birds, reptiles, invertebrates and human-linked (or household) food. The trophic 176

niche overlap was calculated by means of the Renkonen index (Krebs 1989): Pjk = n(minimum pij, pik)]100, 177

where Pjk = percentage overlap between cat group j and cat group k; pij and pik = the proportion of resource i 178

represented within the total resources used by cat group j and cat group k; n = the total number of resource taxa, 179

rating from 0% (no overlap) to 100% (full overlap). 180

We applied Ivlev’s index (Ei) of preference (Krebs 1989) according to the most important prey type i.e. 181

small mammal species as follows: Ei = (ri - ni)/(ri + ni), where ri = percentage relative frequency of the given (ith) 182

item in the diet and ni= percentage relative frequency of the given (ith) item in the environment, derived from 183

abundance index . Electivity varies from -1.0 to +1.0, where -1.0 indicates avoidance, and +1.0 indicates a 184

preferred prey item. 185


Statistical analysis 187




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We applied multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA, GLM procedure with type III sum of squares, 189

Bonferroni post hoc test) on abundance and density data, where density or relative abundance indices were 190

dependent variables, whereas the time of the year (October and May), the island (Olib and Silba) and the habitat 191

type (village or outskirts) were fixed factors. Log-transformation was performed on densities, relative abundance 192

of cats and rabbits, birds and lizards. We used the Chi-square test for distribution analysis of the diet 193

composition regarding plant matter and non-digestible food of the cat groups (house and feral) on both islands. 194

We compared preference indices and trophic niche breadth values (normal distributions) using paired sample t-195

test between the two cat groups. General log-linear likelihood tests were used on frequency of occurrence data, 196

to test for dietary differences between cat groups (house and feral), periods (October of 2008 and May of 2009) 197

and islands. The unit of analysis was feral cat and house cat scats and the response variable was the presence or 198

absence of the food item considered. We fitted the complete models using cat groups, period/season and island 199

as independent variables and adjusted the level of significance to 0.0064 with a Bonferroni correction (Revilla & 200

Palomares 2002). For the analysis of correlation between the resource and consumption of small mammals, 201

rabbits and birds, the Pearson correlation was applied and the SPSS 10.0 for Windows (1999) statistical package 202

was used for data processing. 203


Results 205


Abundance of cats and main prey types 207


The estimated relative abundance of cats (Table 1, estimated cat numbers per km2) was significantly higher in 209

villages than on the outskirts (180.7 vs. 0.42, MANOVA: F1,1,1 = 106.45, p < 0.0001). It was also higher in 210

autumn than in spring (87.3 vs. 17.1, F1,1,1 = 4.67, p = 0.033), but there was no island-dependent difference (Olib: 211

70.4, Silba: 59.0, F1,1,1 = 0.67, p = 0.416). In accordance with these tendencies, the relative abundance of cats on 212

the basis of scat index (Table 1, scats per km route) was also significantly higher in villages than on the outskirts 213

(0.68 vs. 0.44, F1,1,1 = 4.29, p = 0.048), was higher in autumn than in spring (0.83 vs. 0.55, F1,1,1 = 9.63, p < 214

0.0001), and the difference between islands was not significant (0.83 vs. 0.55, F1,1,1 = 1.59, p = 0.219). 215

Small mammal relative abundance values (individuals captured per 100 trap nights, Appendix 1) were higher 216

on the outskirts of Olib village than inside the settlement, and they were also higher in spring (outskirts: 23.63, 217

village: 4.50) than in autumn (outskirts: 7.25, village: 1.63). The most frequently caught species was wood 218



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mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus), and the proportion within the small mammal community was 67.2% in autumn 219

and 95.8% in spring. Substantial numbers of the black rat (Rattus rattus) were captured in the village in autumn 220

and spring (15.4% and 22.2%), while the percentage of white-toothed shrews (Crocidura suaveolens) on the 221

outskirts in autumn was 25.9%. No other species of small mammals were found in the traps. The relative 222

abundance of rabbits was significantly higher on the outskirts than inside the villages (0.60 vs. 0.25, MANOVA, 223

F1,1,1 = 12.74, p = 0.0005), but the difference was not significant between the autumn and spring periods (p = 224

0.355) or between islands (p = 0.274). The relative abundance of birds (Appendix 2) was significantly higher in 225

Olib village than on the outskirts (MANOVA, F1,1 = 8.29, p = 0.008), and was higher during the autumn bird 226

migration than in the spring (F1,1 = 5.45, p = 0.028). The calculated mean density of lizards in the breeding 227

period of birds on Olib (mean ± 1SE) was 26.7 ± 5.79 lizard/km per transect. 228


Diet, prey choice and trophic niche 230


A total of 578 scat samples were collected and analysed, and of these 325 samples were from Olib and 253 from 232

Silba (Table 2). Total number of prey items was 838 (Olib: 496, Silba: 342). To this we added the number of 233

plants and other food items, which were 99 and 74 on the two islands. The main prey type was small mammals 234

(Fig. 1, Table 2). On both islands, the small mammal prey analysed from scats contained the Etruscan shrew 235

(Suncus etruscus), in addition to the species caught with the traps. In the consumption of small mammals, the 236

main effects (log-linear analysis) of cat group and island × period interaction were significant (Appendix 3), but 237

not the island, period, cat group × island and cat group × period interactions. Feral cats, as compared to house 238

cats, consumed small mammals more frequently (FO, 95.2% vs. 44.0%). Small mammal consumption on Olib 239

was more frequent in the spring, whereas on Silba it was more frequent in the autumn (Table 2). 240

Regarding the available small mammal resource on Olib, cats preferred (Ei, Ivlev’s index) black rats (feral 241

cats Ei = 0.72, house cats Ei = 0.14), and slightly ate less (avoided) wood mice (feral cats Ei = -0.18, house cats 242

Ei = -0.08) and shrews (feral cats Ei = -0.30, house cats Ei = 0.00). The preference for various small mammal 243

taxa did not differ significantly between the two cat groups (paired samples t-test, black rat: t1 = 1.64, p = 0.349, 244

wood mouse: t1 = 2.35, p = 0.256). Small mammals as a resource (individual per 100 trap nights) and their 245

consumption (RFO) did not show a close relationship (Pearson correlation, rP = 0.79, p = 0.209). 246

Among the birds consumed by cats, small passerines were present (on Olib: Sylvia sp., Passer sp., on Silba: 247

Erithacus rubecula, Regulus sp.), and on Olib medium-sized species and eggs (egg shells) were also found in 248



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scat samples in spring. Regarding birds as food, the main effects of cat group and period were significant 249

(Appendix 3). Birds were consumed more frequently by house cats than by feral cats (FO, 12.7%, vs. 7.3%), in 250

autumn than in spring (FO, 15.9% vs. 4.1%). On Olib, bird abundance (n/km/day) showed a close relationship 251

with bird consumption by cats (RFO) (Pearson correlation, rP = 0.999, p = 0.025). 252

Among reptiles consumed by cats, the Italian wall lizard was the predominant species, but on Olib a few 253

cases of snake consumption also occurred. In the consumption of reptiles, the main effects of cat group 254

(Appendix 3), island, period and island × period interaction were significant. Reptiles were more frequently 255

consumed by feral cats, as compared to house cats (FO, 21.7% vs. 2.7%), on Olib than on Silba (15.9% vs. 256

8.6%), and in the autumn than in the spring (15.8% vs. 8.7%). 257

Household food included fish (e.g. Percidae), food leftovers e.g. remains from ruminants and poultry, poultry 258

eggs, and, most often, cat (or pet) food. In the consumption of household food, the main effects of cat group 259

(Appendix 3), island, period and island × period interaction (were significant. The consumption of household 260

food was more frequent in house cats than in feral cats (58.1% vs. 3.9%), on Silba than on Olib (41.3% vs. 261

20.6%), and in the autumn than in the spring (36.0% vs. 26.0%). 262

The effect of cat groups (feral and house cat) was not important in the consumption of rabbits (FO, 4.3% vs. 263

1.5%) and invertebrates (3.9% vs. 6.0%), nor were the other main effects significant (Appendix 3). Relative 264

rabbit abundance (n/km) did not show a strong correlation with the consumption of rabbits (RFO) (Pearson 265

correlation, rP =0.46, p = 0.248). 266

Among invertebrate prey, we found locusts (Acridoidea), European mole cricket (Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa), 267

beetles (Cetonia sp., Scarabeidae) and snails (Gastropoda) on both islands, and bees and wasps (Hymenoptera), 268

scorpions (Euscorpius sp.), seashells and starfish (Asteroidea) on Olib. 269

House cats consumed plant matter more often than feral cats on both islands (Chi-square test, Olib: χ21 = 270

8.92, p = 0.003, Silba: χ21 = 9.97, p = 0.002). Plant matters found in scats from feral cats were mostly leaves of 271

grass, and on two occasions olive fruit were found on Olib. On the other hand, in the case of house cats we also 272

found debris of plant matter, and fruit peelings, as well as grapes from the village. 273

The scat samples of house cats from both islands more frequently contained non-digestible substances and 274

litter (20 types, including plastic, rubber, fabric, aluminium foil, paper, paint, wax pieces and lead shot), than 275

those of feral cats (three types: nylon, plastic fibre, paper) (Chi-square test, Olib: χ21 = 36.28, p < 0.0001, Silba: 276

χ21 = 9.81, p = 0.002). 277



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We identified altogether 20 different animal species or taxa in the diet of feral cats, and 24 in that of house 278

cats. The trophic niche was not significantly broader in house cats than in feral cats (mean ± 1SE, BA = 0.27 ± 279

0.070 vs. 0.17 ± 0.049, paired-samples t-test: t3 = 1.68, p = 0.191). The trophic niche overlap between the two cat 280

groups was moderately low (35.6-41.5%), except for Olib where its value in spring was higher (74.3%). 281


Discussion 283


Differences between cat groups 285


Feral cats prey more frequently on small mammals and lizards 287


We found differences between feral and house cat groups in the consumption rates of four important food taxa. 289

For both cat groups, small mammals were the most important prey, but they were caught more often by feral 290

cats than by house cats. The primary importance of small mammal prey was reported in most of the studied 291

islands (Fitzgerald 1988, Peck et al. 2008, Nogales & Medina 2009, Bonnaud et al. 2011, Hervías et al. 2014). 292

The difference between the two cat groups was explained by the availability of small mammal resources, 293

regardless of whether they were fed on household food or not. The frequency of small mammal consumption by 294

the two cat groups in the autumn in Olib village and on the outskirts differed between the groups, which 295

reflected the differences in small mammal availability between the two habitats. In the spring, however, both cat 296

groups had similar frequencies of small mammal consumption. The changes in small mammal consumption 297

frequencies are probably due to the fact that small mammal availability was higher in the spring than in the 298

autumn in both types of area, while the difference between the two types of area remained constant regarding 299

their actual small mammal resource. 300

The consumption of small mammals by cats on the study islands did not depend on the small mammal 301

supply. This suggests the presence of an unlimited food resource (Carbone & Gittleman 2002) for the cats. Our 302

study shows that with such an abundance of small mammals, the overwintering lower population of cats 303

preferred hunting for common small mammals (e.g. wood mice) to hunting for birds. The less pronounced 304

predation by cats on native species (such as lizards) in the Adriatic islands may be due to the presence of small 305

rodents as a primary food source, similar to the effect of rabbits in New Zealand (Norbury 2001). This 306

moderating effect is particularly important in the case of the feral cat group which, compared to house cats, fed 307



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more often on lizards, as well as on small mammals. Feral cats showed a preference for black rats, an invasive 308

mesopredator of particular importance (Courchamp et al. 1999, Bonnaud et al. 2007, 2011), suggesting the 309

possibility that this predation may regulate (Fitzgerald et al. 1991) or at least effect rat populations. 310

Our studies revealed that there were lizard remains in the scat samples of one in five feral cats. Lizard 311

consumption by cats inhabiting islands is either occasional or regular (Nogales & Medina 2009, Bonnaud et al. 312

2011), however, in our studies, cats consumed lizards less frequently than in other cases at lower latitudes 313

(Fitzgerald 1988). Based on cat density data on the Adriatic islands studied and regarding the 1 scat per day 314

defecation rate (Liberg 1984), the observed predation rate on lizards is higher even than that found in most other 315

studies performed in warmer climates (Juan de Nova Island: Peck et al. 2008; Canary Islands: Nogales & 316

Medina 2009), except in Australia (Doherty et al. 2015). 317

With a view to the rich reptile fauna of the Adriatic islands (Tvrtković 2006), the high rate of lizard 318

consumption by feral cats is worrying, and this may also indicate the vulnerability of the food network. The 319

lower rate of lizard consumption observed in the case of house cats is due to the fact that they can utilise food 320

resources that are much more readily available for them (Fitzgerald 1988, Norbury 2001, Corchamp & Caut 321

2005). The difference can also be due to other factors, e.g. cats often hunt without actually being hungry 322

(Mertens & Schär 1988), and in such cases they can leave the prey without eating it (Carss 1995, Woods et al. 323

2003). 324


House cats consume more frequently household foods and birds 326


The group of house cats took domestic food 15-22 times more often than the group of feral cats, meaning that the 328

feeding strategies of the two groups were sharply dissimilar in this respect. Feral cats do not depend on 329

household food (Dickman 1996b), yet they may occasionally take such food (Liberg 1984, Pearre & Maass 330

1998). This food might have been taken, apart from when occasionally visiting the settlements (Biró et al. 2004, 331

2005), from sources further off from the settlements (dumping grounds, food leftovers). 332

The Adriatic islands, including the two study areas, are important in bird migration and in the wintering of a 333

number of bird species, but they are also important habitats for nesting of several rare bird species (Radović et al. 334

2005). The diet of cats was influenced by the fact that the number of birds, important components of the wildlife 335

of these islands, varied seasonally. Feeding on birds by house cats was more pronounced at the time of the 336

autumn migration (Olib, high bird abundance). In addition to direct predation (Purger et al. 2008), predation of 337



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songbirds may have been assisted by the attraction of birds to the sticky flowers of common leadwort (Plumbago 338

europaea) which was flowering in that period (Purger et al. 2012). This was especially the case for small (4-7 g) 339

goldcrests (Regulus regulus) which arrived in high numbers (Appendix 1). The feeding rate on birds was 340

relatively low in both cat groups, especially when compared with other islands (Bonnaud et al. 2011, Hervias et 341

al. 2014), continents (Fitzgerald 1988; Biró et al. 2005) or urban environments (Heezik et al. 2010). 342

During the bird breeding season when the numbers of birds were lower, house cats on Olib did not consume 343

birds, and feral cats did so only occasionally. On Silba, bird consumption was relatively rare (<9%, RFO), 344

irrespective of season or cat group. The fact that it was possible to find the remains of egg shell in cat faecal 345

samples despite the limitations of the faecal analysis method (Reynolds & Aebischer 1991) indicates that cats 346

may have a role in nest predation on the study islands. The low rates of bird consumption in both cat groups only 347

partially support our prediction in this matter. The relatively low frequency of predation on birds could be caused 348

by the easier availability of other food sources such as house food and small mammals. 349


Importance of other food types 351


Rabbits, arthropods, plants and kitchen waste were supplementary cat food sources with low importance on the 353

study islands. The rabbit population of the islands was said by locals to have dropped substantially as a result of 354

an epidemic of myxomatosis in the years prior to our studies. Feeding on rabbits was occasional in the studied 355

period, although it can be a frequently taken food for domestic cats during periods of high rabbit abundance 356

(Corbett 1979, Liberg 1984, Carss 1995, Medina et al. 2006). 357

Invertebrates normally have a minor role in the feeding of cats, mostly due to their small size. The small 358

pieces of invertebrate remains found in cat faecal samples could also originate indirectly from consumed lizards 359

(Medina & Garcia 2007), even though it is well known that cats do prey on rare, endemic invertebrate species 360

too (Fizgerald 1988, Medina & Garcia 2007). As has been found on other islands (Medina & Garcia 2007; Peck 361

et al. 2008; Nogales & Medina 2009), their food included mostly easily caught species (Fitzgerald 1988) of 362

greater size (e.g. locusts that often stay on roads). Individuals of the small-bodied, moderately poisonous 363

scorpion species of the islands were directly taken by house cats, in spite of the fact that scorpions are normally 364

seldom taken by cats (Bonnaud et al. 2011). Although cats only occasionally eat plant matter (Fizgerald 1988, 365

Biró et al. 2005), house cats in our study fed more frequently on vegetable food. In the case of feral cats, the 366



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digestive tract of various prey items is more likely to contain the vegetable nutrients and vitamins essential for 367

cats (Fizgerald 1988), and this may explain why plant matter was eaten less frequently. 368


Trophic niche and opportunism 370


The trophic niche values of the two cat groups did not differ significantly. So our prediction that the trophic 372

niche of feral cats will be broader because of more frequently predation on wild prey types could not be 373

confirmed. 374

Besides household food, house cats practically took all the other food types eaten by feral cats. Although the 375

hunting abilities of the two cat groups are very similar, their feeding niche overlap was smaller than in the case 376

of wild cats (Felis silvestris), hybrid wild cats and feral cats on the mainland (Biró et al. 2005). This suggests 377

that the difference between food compositions is due to the difference between feeding strategies. Both cat 378

groups studied can be regarded as generalist predators (Fitzgerald 1988), because they adapt to the food resource 379

available in the particular habitat, and take a variety of food types, as found in other studies (reviews: Fitzgerald 380

1988, Bonnaud et al. 2011). Yet, the preference by feral cats for black rats still indicated an ability to specialise 381

(and potentially regulate or effect other species populations). When the subjects of such specialisation are 382

endangered endemic small mammals, such as the San Jose Island kangaroo rat (Dipodomys insularis) (Bonnaud 383

et al. 2011), this may be a serious species conservation concern. Our studies confirmed the different feeding 384

behaviour with both generalist and opportunism (and trophic flexibility) being shown in each of the two cat 385

groups. This should be considered when predator control measures are taken in these islands. 386


Implications for conservation on small Mediterranean islands 388


The removal of predators from sensitive ecosystems is often a successful solution even in itself (Nordström et al. 390

2003, Nogales et al. 2004, Smith et al. 2010). In seriously altered habitats with a number of introduced species, 391

cascade mechanisms function on trophic levels. According to Courchamp et al. (1999), in the three-species 392

system (prey – mesopredator – superpredator) the eradication of feral domestic cats (as super- or apex predator) 393

is not always the best solution to protect prey (e.g. endemic birds) when rats (as mesopredators) are also present. 394

Similarly, in an urban setting where cats are important predators of introduced species (house mouse, rats, 395

certain bird species), controlling cat numbers or reducing their night time activity would need to be accompanied 396



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by rat control (Heezik et al. 2010). Although no such investigations or interventions have been performed in the 397

Adriatic islands our study showed that cats prefer the introduced and common black rat in their feeding, 398

suggesting that the question of nature conservation-oriented habitat management in the islands is complex and 399

has to be carried out carefully. 400

The frequent consumption of lizards by cats (especially by feral cats) can mean a threat to the native lizard 401

populations of the Adriatic islands. In islands where endemic subspecies (e.g. Podarcis melisellensis 402

melisellensis, P. sicula adriatica) also occur (Tvrtković 2006), lizard predation by cats can be critical during 403

certain periods. 404

The abundance of rabbits introduced to the Adriatic islands can decrease due to diseases (myxomatosis; Flux, 405

1993), and their population can be kept at low levels by hunting (Norbury 2001). By that means, the number of 406

predators (cats) can be reduced, which can indirectly help the survival of native lizard populations, and directly 407

serve the preservation of native plant species (Courchamp & Caut 2005). On the other hand, decline in rabbit 408

abundance may result in cats’ switching to other prey groups, such as lizards and small mammals (Norbury 409

2001, Doherty et al. 2015). The complexity of the predator-prey systems on islands is likely to be important in 410

multi-species management (Courchamp et al. 1999, Doherty et al. 2015). 411

Cats are common domestic animals on the Adriatic islands. Partly due to tourism, the human population of 412

the islands grow in the summer months, but when autumn comes, a significant proportion of even the local 413

inhabitants move to the mainland. Cats left behind on the islands mean a continuous supply to add to the feral cat 414

population. 415

Currently, the possible functional and numeric response of intensive rat and rabbit control on various cat 416

groups on small Adriatic islands is unknown. Based on models and the mesopredator release effect hypothesis 417

(Courchamp et al. 1999, Norbury 2001, Russell et al. 2009, Heezik et al. 2010) we assume that the most 418

successful method for preserving the native fauna of the Adriatic islands would be a combination of feral cat 419

control accompanied by intensive rat control (rats being both an important food and predator), and moderate 420

rabbit control (rabbits being an occasional food source). Because the feeding strategies of the two cat groups are 421

different, it is reasonable to look for different management techniques to be applied inside human settlements 422

and outside them. 423


Acknowledgements 425



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We are grateful to Grace Yoxon for revising the English of the manuscript and two reviewers for advice and 426

comments on early draft of the manuscript. The study was supported by a grant awarded within the framework of 427

an agreement of international scientific co-operation (2007–2009) between the Croatian Academy of Sciences 428

and Arts (J. Mužinić) and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (J.J. Purger), and Bolyai Research Scholarship (J. 429

Lanszki). The research on Adriatic islands was facilitated by the Hungarian-Croatian Intergovernmental S&T 430

Co-operation Programme for 2007–2008, project “Sustaining biodiversity in true islands and insular habitats” 431

(No. CRO-17/2006). 432


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Table and Figure captions 574


Table 1. Estimated density and relative scat density indices of cats in Olib and Silba islands (mean ± 1SE). 576


Table 2. Diet composition of feral cats and house cats on two small Mediterranean Islands (Olib and Silba, 578

Adriatic Sea, Croatia). 579


Figure 1. Geographic location of the study areas in the Adriatic Sea, Olib and Silba islands. 581


Figure 2. Diet composition of feral cats (black bars) and house cats (open bars) on a) Olib and b) Silba islands 583

(Adriatic Sea, Croatia). RFO (%) – percentage relative frequency of occurrence (mean ± 1SE). Food types: Sm – 584

small mammals, Ra – rabbit, Bi – bird, Re – reptile, In – invertebrates, Ho – household food. 585


Appendix 1. Abundance of small mammals based on numbers captured per 100 trap nights by CMR technique 587

on Olib island (Adriatic Sea). 588


Appendix 2. Abundance and dominance of birds observed on Olib Island. 590


Appendix 3. Results of log-linear models for the frequencies of occurrence of food types in the scats of 592

domestic and feral cats during autumn (2008) and spring (2009) in the Adriatic Sea, Olib and Silba islands, for 593

the effect of cat groups, periods, islands and their interaction. Numbers in italics indicate significant values 594

(Bonferroni correction). 595




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Table 1 597

Island Habitat Season Surveyed lines

No. of lines Sum. length (km)

Olib Village Autumn 18 9.42

Spring 8 10.77

Outskirts Autumn 36 32.72

Spring 12 20.65

Silba Village Autumn 9 8.17

Spring 6 14.53

Outskirts Autumn 12 10.05

Spring 7 13.41

Estimated cat Scat

density (n/km2) index (n/km)

Olib Village Autumn 266.6 ± 131.22 8.9 ± 1.31

Spring 40.7 ± 25.71 6.2 ± 1.35

Outskirts Autumn 0.6 ± 0.63 4.6 ± 1.27

Spring 0.4 ± 0.43 2.9 ± 0.98

Silba Village Autumn 191.6 ± 35.37 17.0 ± 8.28

Spring 46.9 ± 20.21 3.8 ± 0.37

Outskirts Autumn 0 10.0 ± 3.51

Spring 0 5.1 ± 2.20



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Citation as online first paper: North-western Journal of Zoology (on-first): art.151708


Table 2 598

Food items Olib Silba

Autumn Spring Autumn Spring

Feral cat House cat Feral cat House cat Feral cat House cat Feral cat House cat


Wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus 24.3 41.8 11.0 15.3 68.5 78.3 57.4 62.7 26.3 31.6 7.1 10.3 29.4 42.4 10.3 11.3

Black rat Rattus rattus 27.2 49.3 10.0 13.9 21.7 29.0 9.8 11.8 51.3 68.4 21.2 30.8 35.3 50.8 14.7 16.1

Mus sp. 0.8 1.5 0.9 1.3

Lesser white-toothed shrew Crocidura suaveolens 4.5 6.0 3.3 3.9

Etruscan shrew Suncus etruscus 2.9 5.2 0.9 1.3

Soricidae, indet. 0.8 1.5

Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus 2.1 3.7 1.1 1.4 4.9 5.9 2.6 3.5 5.9 8.5

Robin Erithacus rubecola 1.3 1.8

Typical warblers, Sylvia sp. 1.0 1.4

Crest, Regulus sp. 1.8 2.6

Sparrow, Passer sp. 1.0 1.4

Small passerines, indet. 4.5 8.2 23.0 31.9 3.9 5.3 7.1 10.3 7.1 10.2 2.9 3.2

Medium-sized bird, indet. 0.4 0.7 1.1 1.4

Bird egg 1.1 1.4

Wall lizards, Lacertidae 23.9 42.5 4.0 5.6 5.4 7.2 6.6 8.8 15.3 22.0 2.9 3.2

True snakes, Colubridae 2.9 5.2 1.6 2.0



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Citation as online first paper: North-western Journal of Zoology (on-first): art.151708


Table 2 continued 599

Food items Olib Silba

Autumn Spring Autumn Spring

Feral cat House cat Feral cat House cat Feral cat House cat Feral cat House cat


Locusts, Acridoidea 2.5 4.5 1.0 1.4 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.5 1.8 2.6 2.4 3.4

Scorpion Euscorpius sp. 3.3 2.0

Other invertebrates 1.23 2.2 6 8.3 1.64 2.0 2.6 3.5 1.8 2.6

Fish, Pisces 1.6 2.2 22.0 16.7 1.1 1.4 4.9 5.9 1.3 1.8 8.8 12.8 3.5 5.1 8.8 9.7

Poultry 5.0 6.9 1.2 1.7 2.9 3.2

Poultry egg 1.0 1.4 1.3 1.8 3.5 5.1

Domestic ungulate offal 0.4 0.7 5.0 6.9 4.9 5.9 8.8 12.8

Cat (pet) food 10.0 13.9 6.6 7.8 36.3 52.6 57.4 62.9

Number of scats (n) 133 72 69 51 57 78 59 59

Number of items 243 100 92 61 76 113 85 68

BA 0.25 0.47 0.04 0.18 0.13 0.26 0.24 0.17

Fruits (N) 1 8 1 4

Other plants (N) 16 13 16 14 8 20 3 13

Other materials (N) 3 23 1 3 2 17 2 5

Scat samples collected in October 2008 and May-June of 2009. RFO – relative frequency of occurrence, FO – frequency of occurrence. BA – standardized trophic niche 600

breadth value. Empty cells mean that the given taxon was not detected. 601




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Figure 1 603





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Figure 2 606







SmRa Bi Re In Ho



Food types


SmRa Bi Re In HoFood types





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Citation as online first paper: North-western Journal of Zoology (on-first): art.151708


Appendix 1 609


Species Autumn Autumn Spring

Outskirts Village Outskirts

N % N % N %

Accipiter nisus 9 1.3 2 0.2

Alcedo atthis 1 0.1

Apus apus 1 0.6

Buteo buteo 1 0.1

Columba livia 1 0.1

Columba palumbus 65 9.2

Corvus cornix 39 5.5 16 1.7 12 7.5

Dendrocopos major 2 0.3

Erithacus rubecula 279 39.5 42 4.6

Fringilla coelebs 39 5.5 67 7.3

Hirundo rustica 13 8.1

Larus michahellis 21 3.0 6 0.7 51 31.9

Luscinia megarhynchos 17 10.6

Motacilla alba 1 0.1

Parus major 36 5.1 10 1.1

Passer domesticus 18 2.0

Phalacrocorax aristotelis 2 1.3

Phasianus colchicus 3 0.4 10 6.3

Phoenicurus ochruros 2 0.3 17 1.8

Phyllosclopus collybita 2 0.3 1 0.1

Regulus regulus 113 16.0 85 9.2

Saxicola rubicola 1 0.1

Serinus serinus 1 0.1 25 2.7

Streptopelia decaocto 12 1.3 3 1.9

Streptopelia turtur 1 0.6

Sturnus vulgaris 2 0.3 612 66.4

Sylvia atricapilla 15 2.1 4 2.5

Sylvia cantillans 38 23.8

Sylvia communis 1 0.1 2 0.2

Troglodytes troglodytes 43 6.1 2 0.2

Turdus merula 24 3.4 1 0.1 8 5.0

Turdus viscivorus 7 1.0 1 0.1

Summarized number 706 921 160

Bird abundance (n/km/day), mean 126.1 434.4 66.7

± 1SE 8.04 169.70 12.49




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Appendix 2. 612


Small mammal species Autumn


Village Outskirt Village Outskirt

Individuals captured per 100 trap nights

Apodemus sylvaticus 1.25 4.88 3.50 22.63

Rattus rattus 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.00

Crocidura suaveolens 0.13 1.88

Summarized 1.63 7.25 4.50 23.63 614



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Citation as online first paper: North-western Journal of Zoology (on-first): art.151708


Appendix 3. 615


Item Effect df χ2 P

Small Cat group 1 208.7 <0.0001

mammals Period 1 5.0 0.0258

total Island 1 7.9 0.0093

Cat group × period 1 0.1 0.7402

Cat group × island 1 3.5 0.0619

Period × island 1 20.0 <0.0001

Birds Cat group 1 8.2 0.0043

Period 1 16.8 <0.0001

Island 1 1.6 0.2003

Cat group × period 1 7.4 0.0065

Cat group × island 1 1.5 0.2169

Period × island 1 5.8 0.0161

Reptiles Cat group 1 64.3 <0.0001

Period 1 15.1 <0.0001

Island 1 12.7 0.0004

Cat group × period 1 2.1 0.1469

Cat group × island 1 0.4 0.5461

Period × island 1 29.6 <0.0001

Household Cat group 1 233.1 <0.0001

food Period 1 11.2 0.0008

Island 1 36.4 <0.0001

Cat group × period 1 1.3 0.2537

Cat group × island 1 2.1 0.1519

Period × island 1 12.1 0.0005

Rabbit Cat group 1 3.7 0.0529

Period 1 1.6 0.2062

Island 1 0.1 0.7759

Cat group × period 1 2.5 0.1132

Cat group × island 1 4.6 0.0314

Period × island 1 0.7 0.3910

Invertebrates Cat group 1 1.5 0.2277

Period 1 4.5 0.0332

Island 1 1.9 0.1649

Cat group × period 1 0.3 0.5797

Cat group × island 1 3.1 0.0805

Period × island 1 <0.1 0.9563 617



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Citation as online first paper: North-western Journal of Zoology (on-first): art.151708