Fedor Emelianenko

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Fedor Emelianenko



*Fedor Emelianenko Russian sportsman Ukrainian origin, four-time world champion in MMA Heavyweight «Pride FC», a two-time - according to «RINGS» triple - according to «WAMMA» four-time world champion and seven-time Russian champion in combat sambo. Honored Master of Sports in Sambo and world-class athlete in judo

. For nearly a decade, Fedor remained undefeated, which is unprecedented in the history of MMA. The first official defeat Emelianenko received under very controversial circumstances: December 22, 2000 in the tournament «King of Kings 2000 Block B» Japanese fighter Tsuyoshi Kosaka pierced eyebrow Fedor banned for elbowing, and already in the 17th second of the match doctors were forced to stop the fight

In addition to the career professional fighter Emelianenko is one of the co-owners of the company «M-1 Global» - Russia's largest promoter of fights in Mixed Martial Arts and in 2012 was elected president of the Union of mixed martial arts MMA Fedor Russia is also a character in a computer game from Electronic Arts, the deputy of the Belgorod Regional Council of the party "United Russia" and a member of the Council for the Development of Physical Education and Sport

Sports Fedor fighting began with Sambo and Judo classes led by Vasily Ivanovich Gavrilov. A year Fedor was adopted in sports class, completed with Vladimir Voronov, a coach who works with him to this day based on DYUSSHOR behalf of Alexander Nevsky. According to Vladimir Voronov, a child Emelianenko does not stand out against the background of his peers, and has achieved success through his own perseverance and hard work over the years

In addition, throughout the career of Fedor were the hallmark of his composure and restraint, which, combined c-demand and wastewater technology devices, allowing the athlete to win victories regardless of outside influences, be it a large number of viewers, the importance of the fight or verbal abuse from rival