Feb 2019 Newsletter Toronto -...

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Transcript of Feb 2019 Newsletter Toronto -...


ehs;: ngg;utup 14> 2019 vz;: c/fU


NjkJuj; jkpNohir cyfnkyhk;guTk; tif nra;jy; Ntz;Lk;

– kfhftp ghujpahu;

Date: February 14, 2019 No: 2/15

கன�ய� தமிழ� ேபரைவ சனவாி 19� ேததி தமிழ� மர�ாிைம தின�ைத�� ெபா�கைல�� வழைமேபால ெகா�டா�ய�. இ�த நிக�வி�ேபா� பிரபல இைசயைம�பாள� �.இமா�, ெராெறா�ேரா ப�கைல�கழக� தமி� இ��ைக கீத�ைத ெவளியி�டா�. அைத� ெதாட��� இமா�ைடய இைச ம��� தமி� ேசைவைய பாரா�� 'மா�ற�தி�கான தைலவ�' வி�� வழ�க�ப�ட�.

இமா� விழா��� வ�வா� என ஒ�வ�� எதி�பா��கவி�ைல. வி�வாச� பட� ெகா��த ெவ�றியி� அவ� பல தயாாி�பாள�க��� ஈ�ெகா��கேவ��ய ��நிைலயி� இ��தா�. எனி�� ெகா��த வா�ைக கா�பா��வத�காக அவ� விமான�தி� த� ெசலவி� வ�� விழாைவ சிற�பா�கியத�� நா� கடைம�ப���ேளா�. விழாவி� ��வி� ெராெறா�ேரா தமி� இ��ைக�கான ந�ெகாைடக� ெபற�ப�டன.

fdbaj; jkpou; Nguitapd; ,uhtpUe;J

Letter From Nidharshini Vengatajalapathy

Dear Sir/Madam,

2 Feb 2019

Toronto Tamil Chair

Yesterday my dad was talking to my mom that this generation is so lucky to study my language Tamil in the University of Toronto for which they are collecting funds. Nidharshini Vengatajalapathy

Grade 3, Oliver school, Edmonton, Alberta

I was really impressed and told him that I would also like to contribute. So today I have borrowed one hundred dollars from my piggy bank and made my cheque ready to offer to the Tamil Chair. My dear friends, please let's join hands together to make this golden opportunity possible.

Newsletter |02 ¼>\m«DThemathuram

ehs;: ngg;utup 14> 2019 vz;: c/fUDate: February 14, 2019 No: 2/15

Music Director D. Imman honoured by the University of Toronto

In its history of 192 years, the University of Toronto celebrated for the first time the Tamil Heritage Month. “During this special time, we want to recognize the many contributions Tamil-Canadians have made in our society,” U of T Scarborough Principal and Vice President Dr. Wisdom Tettey told the audience. “It is with the unwavering support of this community that the University of Toronto, Scarborough is able to strengthen and be a leader in Tamil studies.”

The night began and ended with dances by Niro Dance Creations, a Scarborough dance school that specializes in classical Indian dance. Their closing dance was choreographed for the original theme song donated for the

Donations were received from the audience for Tamil Chair at the University of Toronto. The public was encouraged to visit and pay www.torontotamilchair.caby clicking the DONATE button.

Tamil Chair by D. Imman, the famous film composer, music director and singer in the Tamil film industry. In recognition of his services to Tamil and music, Dr. Wisdom presented an award to D.Imman.

“The one thing that unifies all of us right here is because we are all Tamils and for that I feel very proud,” Imman told the audience. In the night's feature event, a traditional Tamil performance art form was used to tell an epic tale. It was Villuppaattu, or bow-song, an ancient storytelling form in which a large bow strung with bells is struck to create music and story-telling. The story was based on the 'Legend of Ponnivala' published by Dr. Brenda Beck.

I have been following the crowd-funding efforts adopted by the global Tamil Diaspora towards achieving Harvard Tamil Chair. I was looking for a project where I can assist formation of a Tamil chair. The reason I chose Toronto is that the

I am from Tamil Nadu and have been an active participant in Tamil and Tamil Nadu related activities since 1995. I have served as the President of Greater Washington Tamil sangam in 1998 and also the Founder-President (2001) of AIMS India Foundation ( ). AIMS www.aimsindia.netIndia is a charitable organization supporting multiple social projects in Tamil Nadu.

Tamil Unites

Andi Giri

largest North American Tamil community lives there. I have had a lot of respect for the University of Toronto. Moreover, I have observed the growth story of your vibrant Tamil community in just a short span of 3 decades. It is very important that we sustain Tamil language and culture across generations and I believe that Diaspora Tamils in Canada can definitely carry that mantle with enthusiasm and energy.

Caste divides; Religion divides; Tamil (identify) unites

(Andi Giri is a great supporter of Toronto Tamil Chair and has

paid an initial donation of $5000. He is actively promoting

Tamil Chair by fundraising in India and elsewhere.)

Newsletter |03 ¼>\m«DThemathuram

எ�லா� சா�திய���க�� உ�ளன. தமி� எம�

அைடயாள�. எம� அைடயாள�ைத எம� ச�ததியின�

இழ�காம� இ��க��, ப�வைக

கலா�சார�க��கிைடயி� தமி� ெமாழிைய க�க��,

ேம�ப��த�� இ�த தமி� இ��ைக அவசியமாகிற�.

இ�த �ய�சி��� உ�க� எ�ேலார� ஆதர��

ேதைவ. எ� த�ைதயாாி� நிைனவாக நா�� என�

���ப�தா��, உறவின��, ஆ�வல�க�� $20,000

ந�ெகாைட வழ�க ��வ���ேளா�. இ�த இ��ைக

ஒ� தனி மனிதனி� ெசா�த�ல. எம� ச�க�தி�

ெசா��. இன�தி� �க�. ெமாழியி� ெப�ைம.

ேதம�ர� தமிேழாைச உலகெமலா� பர�� வைக

ெச�த� ேவ���.

இ�� இ�த விழா��� வ�ைக த�தி���� தமி�

ெந�ச�க��� என� அ�� கல�த வண�க�. தமி�

இ��ைக ������, அெமாி�காவி� அ�ைவ

சிகி�ைச நி�ணராக பணி�ாி�� என��� எ�ன

ெதாட�� என பல�� வினவ����. எம� த�ைதயா�

ேபராசிாிய� வி�தியான�த�, இல�ைக�

ப�கைல�கழக�தி� தமி�� ேபராசிாியராக�

பணி�ாி�தவ�. அ��ட� நா������ கைலயி�

�கைழ ப�கைல�கழக�தி� மிளிர�ெச�த கைலஞ�.

தமிழரான நா� பல இ�ன�கைள எதி�ெகா�டா��

எ�ைம� தைல நிமி��� வாழ� ெச�த� எம� க�விேய.

க�வி�� மிக ��கிய��வ� ெகா���, யா��பாண�

ப�கைல�கழக�திைன சீராக நட�தி, அைத ஒ�

��ைமயான ப�கைல�கழகமாக �ரண�ப��தி,

�ைணேவ�தராக வழிநட�தியவ� எம� த�ைதயா�.

அத� வள��சி�� எம� த�ைதயா� எ��த

�ய�சிகைள��, ம�க� ெகா��த ஆதரைவ��

அ�கி� இ��� பா��தவ� நா�. ஓ� இன�தி�

ேம�பா���� க�வி எ�வள� அ�தியாவசிய�

எ�பைத உண��தவ� எ�ற �ைறயி� தமி�

இ��ைக�� என� �� ஆதரைவ�� ெதாிவி�க

வி���கிேற�. தமி� ெமாழியி� வள��சி�� �ல

க�வியாக அைமய�ேபாவ� இ�த தமி� இ��ைக.

பல �ைறகளி� எம� இன� எ�ணி�ைகயி�

�த�ட�தி� நி�ப� ெராெறா�ேரா மாநகர�தி�தா�.

இ� �ல� ெபய��த தமிழ�க��� தைலநகரமாக

விள��கிற�. இ�� தமி��பணி ெதாட�வத��

ஸ்ேடா�ல் நகரத்� த�ழ் மர�க் ெகாண்டாட்டத்�ல்

�ரதம ��ந்�னராக கலந்�ெகாண்ட

ம�த்�வர ் �வைமந்தன் ஆற்�ய உைர�ன் ��க்கம்.

ehs;: ngg;utup 14> 2019 vz;: c/fUDate: February 14, 2019 No: 2/15

Newsletter |04 ¼>\m«DThemathuram

The aim of the Tamil Chair newsletter is to record our trials, tribulations and ultimate triumphs carefully, meticulously and truthfully for posterity.

Editorial Board Appadurai Muttulingam Sivan Ilangko Rajkumar Gunaratnam | |

Sponsors for May 2017 newsletterDr. Manickam Sankaran, Manimekalai, Veda Murugan, Senthil, Saravanan

Please visit torontotamilchair.caand click the donate button to make your


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& make difference

>t¿B« åVxBú¼kVD>t¿B« åVtçð¼kVD

ehs;: ngg;utup 14> 2019 vz;: c/fUDate: February 14, 2019 No: 2/15

$10 000Toronto based leading print and marketing provider Print Fast pledged $10,000 (Ten Thousand Dollars) to the Toronto Tamil Chair. A pledge was presented to Dr. Wisdom from the University of Toronto at the Canadian Tamil Congress' Annual Pongal Dinner.

Print Fast has always been a great supporter of the Tamil cause and is committed to doing so in the future.

This newsletter was designed by their design team as compliment.

Print Fast was founded in 2001 and provides a full service printing, signs, branded products, design studio and online marketing to customers within Canada and around the world.

gj;jhapuk; fdba nts;sp

அ��ட� தமி� – Tamil with Love

please visit or http://torontotamilchair.ca

To establish the Toronto Tamil Chair, we need your help! By the end of June 2020, we need to raise 3 million dollars for the endowment funds to bring this initiative to life. With this in mind, we created Anbudan Thamil, an interactive fundraising project that anyone can get involved with!Here's how it works:» Host a dinner party, a get-together, potluck or meet at your favourite restaurant.» Gather a group of friends, family or acquaintances- the more the merrier!» Have a discussion about Tamil, what it means to you and the future of this beautiful and rich language» The goal of each event is to bring people together, spread awareness about the Toronto Tamil Chair and gather donations!» Challenge three of your attendees to continue the chain of hosting and spreading the Anbudan Thamil campaign to their friends/family.

For guidelines and more information,

call Sivan Ilangko 416-707-9104