featuring… · Quick Tips: It is easier to create (or download) Nearpod presentations on a...

Post on 05-Jul-2020

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Transcript of featuring… · Quick Tips: It is easier to create (or download) Nearpod presentations on a...


What is Nearpod:

Nearpod is a program that allows teachers to

create or download interactive presentations

that can be shared with students on their iPads.

In addition, Nearpod allows you to include

assessments so that you can monitor students’


Quick Tips:

It is easier to create (or download) Nearpod presentations on a computer than on an iPad.

You can control students’ Nearpod presentations from either your computer or iPad.


Create a free Nearpod account at


Choose from your “dashboard” what

you are wishing to do.

Anything you download or create will

be saved in your library.


Click “Create” on your dashboard.

Select “Add Presentation” or “New

Presentation.” Or, if you have a pre-made

Powerpoint presentation that you want to

include, drag it from your file and drop it at the

bottom of the screen.

Click the pencil icon next to Untitled Presentation to add presentation name/info.

Name your Untitled Presentation to type a name and add unique info. Click Save when finished.

A green bar will appear showing that it saved successfully and your presentation name will appear in blue.

To edit a slide, double click on it.

You can add an image, text, or audio to a slide by clicking the buttons on the bottom row.

When you click to add an image, you can browse your files, among other locations. Click save after choosing file.

Click to add text. Click save when finished.

Click to +Add or Add Slide to create next slide.

Choose which kind of slide you would like to add.

Add an open ended question: Click

Add activity > Open ended question.

Type question. Click save. Your new

slide will appear with your


Add a poll. Click add slide > Add Activity >

Poll. Type question and responses. You can

add additional response options by clicking

Add Answer. When finished, click save.

Your poll will now appear with your


Slide Audio Video Slideshow PDF Viewer Twitter Stream

Insert content from the web by entering a URL.

Open Ended Question

Poll Quiz Draw It

Add a Quiz. Click add slide > add activity > add quiz. You can name your quiz (optional) at the top. Add questions and

multiple choice answers. You can add possible answers by clicking add answer. Click the check mark next to the correct

answer. To add questions, click add question. When finished, click save.

Add a Draw It slide. Draw it allows students to

write on the screen and then send their

responses back to you. You could use this slide

for students to show work on a math problem or

mark on an image you’ve uploaded. You must

upload a picture file type (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif).

You can type in a question or directions at the

top (optional). Click save when finished.

Rearrange slides. You can change the order of your slide by dragging and dropping them where you’d like them to go.

When you are finished, click

Publish. Your presentation will

now appear in your library, but you

will still be able to make changes to

it. A presentation must be

published for students to access it.

However, students will not be able

to access your presentation until

you give them an access code

(more on that later). If you click

done, it will also give you the option

to Publish.


Teachers, open Nearpod App on iPad. Log into you Nearpod account and click on My Library. Tap on the presentation

you wish to use. Click Live Session at the bottom.

A pin number will appear on your screen. Don’t worry if you accidentally click close before all students are logged in. The

pin number also stays located on the top toolbar.

Have students open the Nearpod app on their iPad. Students should enter the pin number in the “Join a Session” box.

Once students have entered the session, you are in control of their Nearpod app.

On your teacher device, the top tool bar shows how many students have joined the session (indicated by the green number

next to the people icon) and the session pin. Pressing the arrow on the right will change your screen and your students’

screens to the next slide. By pressing the arrow at the bottom, it will display (on the teacher screen only) what slides are

coming next.

Switching to the second slide (sign in screen), students will be prompted to type their name. This will not be visible to other

students, only to the teacher. It is necessary for students to type in their name so that you, as the teacher, will know who

your student responses are coming from. As students type in their names, they will populate on your screen. Once all

students have logged on, proceed to the next slide.

In my example, my next slide had an open ended question. Each student’s name will be displayed on the teacher device.

As students submit their answers, they will become visible on the teacher’s screen only. Clicking share next to a student’s

response will send that response to every student’s screen; however, it will not reveal who submitted that response.

Multiple Choice Responses:

As students respond to multiple choice

questions on their iPads, their responses will

generate on the teacher iPad. Nearpod will

display each students answer, as well as

generate percentages for how the whole class

is doing. This allows you to redirect and

modify your instruction as needed for students.

Draw It Responses:

As students submit responses to “Draw It” questions, their submissions will populate on your iPad. Clicking on a student

response will enlarge it on your screen and provide you with the option of sharing it with the class.

Reaching the end of a presentation:

When students reach the end of a presentation, it will

display the Nearpod logo and “Thank You” at the

bottom. In the upper right hand corner, students can

click “Exit.”


In addition to helping you create interactive presentations

for students, Nearpod also stores all of your data in the

Reports sections.

In your reports section, select which

presentation reports you would like to

view. Nearpod saves every session

you present. So, if you create one

Nearpod presentation and then share

it with different class sections, all of

their results will be sorted and saved


Session reports

Click Summary for overall

summary of class/student


In this summary report, there may

also be tabs for Quiz, Poll, Open

Ended Question, and Draw It.

Clicking a tab allows you to view

individual responses.

Download. You’ll also notice on a

download option at the top if you

would like to download or print a

PDF or CSV report.