Feature list of hmc v2

Post on 05-Sep-2014

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Transcript of Feature list of hmc v2

Feature Listi) User Options1. Home page with products

Product with multiple images Product Zooming effect

2. Latest Products3. Featured products4. Slide show with dynamic images5. User can browse categories6. User can view products7. User can add products to cart

Add to compareAdd to wish list

8. User can create accountLoginPasswordForget password

9. User can view order history10. Information pages like “About us”, “Contact us”, “FAQ” etc11. All products rates display in INR12. Users can add review13. Offline Payment Option14. Customized Search Option (Like With Name, Product Code, Brand,Name, Category)15. Users can add rating16. Users can share product on multiple social sites1719. Searching

By product name By category name

20. Choose the preferred mode of Shipping21. Company Logo / Banner Design22. Add, Manage & Search Product easily (Good Navigation)23. Set the Manage Product Brand & Brand Name24. Return & refund option25. Refer to the friend26. Track your order section27 mail when the product are stored in shopping cart. 28. User can see the all orders before checkout.30. Product viewed by the customer.31. Delivery mail to the customer when product is purchased.32. confirmation mail when the product is delivered33. mail if the products exist in wish list/cart34.user registration

ii) Admin options1. Add categories and subcategories based on collection2. Add products (Unlimited)3. Edit products4. Manage customers

Delete customer Search customer by Name, uid, mob no,

5. Manage and view orders6. Sales Report7. Check Customer log and Invoice log8. Change the terms and policy details9. Newsletter management10. Approve and disapprove the customer registration.11. User management12. config sub panel as per call centre13.Support for localization and Administration Permission System Roles and Users

14 Flexible tax rate management with support for Indian market (Tax Rates per location, customer group and product type)

15 Customer Groups16 Informational Pages17 Sales Report18 RSS feed for New Orders19 Tax Report20 Best Viewed Products Report21 Best Purchased Products Report22 Low Stock Report23 Search keyword Report24 Product Reviews Report25 RSS feed for New Reviews26 Tags Report27 RSS feed for New Tags28 Coupon Usage Report29 Total Sales Invoiced30 Product that are not ordered but are stored in shopcart31 in customer  detail-- customer unique id and created by (either webuser or agent) fields are required32 in order detail--order taken by field is required33 Active / inactive customer report34 pdf of invoices35 gift vouchers36 alert for low inventory product37 reports need to be exported to excel38 batch file to import/export  of product39 batch file to update product40 feedback,top offers

PS:=we will let you know the invoice no format.


Home page1.Shopping cart design2. Banner3. Offer of the month display4. Cart section5. Wish list

6.Registration/login page7. Payment Gateway8. Returning page9. Category setting page10. Chat integration11. Advance search

 Marketing Promotions and Tools

1. Flexible Coupons (pricing rules) with ability to restrict to stores, customer groups, time period, products, andcategories. For example: Percent Discount | Fixed Amount Discount | Free Shipping | Buy x, get y free. | Buy x, get y with percent or fixed amount discount | Buy x, get free shipping on order | Buy x, get percent discount | Buy x, get fixed amount discount.

2. Catalog Promotional Pricing by percentage or fixed amount with ability to restrict to stores, categories,products

3. Free Shipping Option4. Bundled Products5. Customer Group-specific pricing and group-specific tier pricing6. Landing Page Tool for Campaigns7. Search Engine Friendly URL's( URL Rewrites)8. Recently Viewed Products9. Recently Compared Items10. New Items Promotional Tool11. Up-sells in Shopping Cart12. Cross-sells on product pages13. Send to a Friend for all visitors, or registered users only14. Send Wishlist to a Friend by Email or RSS15. RSS Feeds for New Products, New Specials and New Tags16. Auto-generated Site Map17. Admin have option to enable /disable Google Site Map18. Polls19. Shopping Cart with tax and shipping estimates20. Saved Shopping Carts with configurable expiration time

Payment Shopping Cart 1.  PayPal PayFlow2.  Saved Credit/debit Card method for online payments3.  Accept Checks/Money Orders for offline payments like COD,etc

Order Management

1. View, edit, create and fulfill orders from admin panel.2.  Print invoices and packing slips3. Call Center (phone) order creation4.  Includes ability to create new customer, or select existing customer and view shopping cart, wishlist,

last ordered items, and compared products list, as well as select and edit addresses, give discounts and assign custom prices

5. Create re-orders for customers from administration panel.6.  Email Notifications of Orders7.  RSS feed of New Orders

 Customer Service 1. Contact Us form2. Feature-rich Customer Accounts3. Order History with Status Updates4. Order Tracking from Account5. Forgot Password Email from front-end and administration panel6. Order and Account Update Emails7. Customizable Order Emails8. Create and Edit Orders from the Admin Panel

Customer Accounts 

1 Order status and history2 Re-orders from account like re-order specific item, re-order all item and add item along with re-

order item3 Recently ordered items4 Default Billing and Shipping addresses5 Wishlist with ability to add comments6 Email or Send RSS feed of Wishlist7 Newsletter Subscription management8 Product Reviews submitted9 Product Tags submitted10 Account Dashboard for overview of: recent orders, personal information, newsletter subscription

status,primary billing address, primary shipping address, shopping cart, wishlist, recently ordered items, recently reviews and recent tags

 Catalog Management 

1 Inventory Management with Backordered items, Minimum and Maximum quantities2 Import and Export of catalog3 Updates to products in admin panel4 Google Base Integration5 Simple, Configurable (e.g. size, color, etc.), Bundled and Grouped Products6 Virtual Products7 Attribute Sets for quick product creation of different item types8 Advanced Pricing Rules and support for Special Prices (see marketing tools)9 Search Results rewrites and redirects10 Approve, Edit and Delete Product Tags11 Approve, Edit and Delete Product Reviews12 RSS feed for Low Inventory Alerts

 Catalog Browsing 

1 Layered / Faceted Navigation for filtering of products in Categories2 Layered / Faceted Navigation for filtering of products in Search Results3 Static Block tool to create category landing pages4 Ability to assign designs on category and product level (unique design per product/category)5 Configurable search with auto-suggested terms6 Recently viewed products7 Product comparisons8 Recently compared products

9 Cross-sells, Up-sells and Related Items10 Popular Search Terms Cloud11 Filter by Product Tags12 Product Reviews13 Product listing in grid view14 Breadcrumbs

Product Browsing 

1 Multiple Images Per Product2 Product Image Zoom-in Capability3 Product Reviews4 Related Products5 Stock Availability6 Product Option Selection7 Grouped Products View8 Add to Wishlist9 Send to a Friend with Email10 Analytics and Reporting11 Integrated with Google Analytics