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Year Book 2003

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Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book 3


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FREMANTLE FOOTBALL CLUB:Fremantle Oval, Parry Street, Fremantle WA 6160P.O. Box 381, Fremantle WA 6959T: (08) 9433 7000 F: (08) 9433 7001


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From the President .............5

From the CEO .....................7

From the Coach ..................9

From the Captain..............11

The Doig Medal ................12

The Doig tradition .............17

The year in review.............18

The year ahead .................21

The international stage .....23

The finals ..........................25

Crowds & attendances......27

‘Showing their passion’ .....29

The faces of 2003 ............31

Recruits ...........................33

The 2003 team.................35

2003 Results....................36

Honour board ....................38

2003 Statistics ................39

Executive profiles .............40

Off the field ......................41


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4 Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book

From the PresidentFrom the President

Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book 5

This year has been a great year for theFremantle Football Club. It has beena year where the Club has continuedits rise from the disastrous 2001 season,a rise that can be attributed to the effortsof all involved at the Club, players, staffand, most importantly, the Club’s loyaland passionate supporters.

The end of the 2001 season saw the Clubat the bottom, both on and off the field.We not only finished last on thepremiership ladder but posted a $2.5million trading loss for the year. The endof 2001 saw a new Board of Managementappointed, Cameron Schwab appointedas Chief Executive Officer, Chris Connollytake the reins as the new Senior Coach,and a new executive managementteam appointed to set about rebuildingthe Fremantle Football Club.

While season 2003 is one that we canall be proud of, we are only still in thefirst stages of that rebuilding. The Clubimproved its financial position in 2002by over $1 million and in December2003 the Club was pleased to announcea trading profit of $711,223. This isa fantastic result and completes asignificant turnaround over the last twoyears. This result clearly shows that theplans put in place at the beginning of2002 are delivering the Club thefinancial stability necessary to be a realforce in the AFL. I must acknowledgethe efforts of the staff and players whohave worked tirelessly to deliver whatwe have set out to achieve both on andoff the field.

Fremantle had recorded trading lossesof almost $5 million from 2000 to 2002including a trading loss of $2.5 millionin 2001. This Club has affected aturnaround in excess of $3.2 millionin the past two seasons. The Club ison track to be debt free by 2005, froma situation where we had total debtsexceeding $7.7 million in 2002.

This year was indeed an historic one for theClub in many ways, culminating in our veryfirst appearance in the AFL finals seriessince entering the AFL in 1995. While wemay not have played our best in that finalsappearance, the future of our Club and ouryoung players, will benefit significantlyfrom the experience. The passion ofour supporters and the outpouring ofappreciation at game’s end on that FridaySeptember evening were amazing anddrive all of us on for the future.

In another significant developmentduring the year, the Club’sconstitution was amended to bringabout two important changes.

Firstly, the previous two-tier Boardstructure, with a Board of Directors anda Board of Management, was replacedwith a single Board of Directors.Our dedicated Directors, Syd Corser,John Fuhrman, and Tom James resignedto allow the seven members of theBoard of Management to become thenew Directors. I would like to extendsincere thanks on behalf of the Cluband its members to the fantasticefforts of Syd, John and Tom overthe years.

Secondly, the changes to the constitutionprovided for two member-electedDirectors to be appointed. The WesternAustralian Electoral Commissionconducted the electoral process on behalfof the Club and we welcomed Mr DavidGaric and Mr Les Everett to the Board on1 December 2003. Mr Garic wasappointed for a two year term andMr Everett for a one year term. We lookforward to their contribution as we enterthe next phase of growth.

Our year is just reward for our loyal,passionate and often long-sufferingmembers and supporters. It is with theirunwavering support that the Club hasachieved what it has this year.

Whilst everyone at Fremantle takes greatpride in what has been achieved to date,we clearly realise that we still have along way to go. The foundations havebeen set for the long term success bothon and off the field.

Our staff and players have shown thecommitment, dedication and belief inwhat we set about achieving at the endof 2001, and it is a great credit to eachand every one of them that they havegiven so much to helping us achievewhat we have to date.

We can look forward to 2004 and beyondwith much anticipation.

Rick Hart

“This year was indeed an historic one for the

Club in many ways,culminating in our very

first appearance in the AFL finals series”

From the CEOFrom the CEO

Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book 7

Thinking about this year, meant thinkingabout the moments that made itso memorable.

Fremantle was the last to be first and asa result there were nine seasons of pentup emotion which was played out on asingle day of football at Subiaco Oval –our first taste of September, and welearnt just how tough this competition is.

It took nine seasons, three coaches,198 games and 107players for Fremantleto make the AFL finalsfor the first time.

It was only a step,albeit a verysignificant one, as we stay on track toone day win a premiership.

Our attitude has been to take a long termview, and let the short term look afteritself – and it has.

It is hard to imagine a club being at amore exciting phase than the FremantleFootball Club, regardless of who you are –player, coach, administrator or supporter.

Football is about moments, and we dealwith them in different ways, and asexciting as this season was, it will meandifferent things to different people,and that is a personal thing.

But let us focus on some of thesemoments, and what it means to our Club.

I have said that the saddest thing aboutthe Fremantle Football Club is that it hasproduced a generation of people whonever experienced collective success.There has been individual achievementalong the way, and a near miss hereand there, but sadly little else.

So how does that generation feel todayhaving watched the team play in itsfirst final?

If you are a Ross Kelly, David Hatt,Gerard Neesham or Gerard McNiell whocreated an AFL football club from nothing,but with a million opinions on what itshould look, feel and sound like, what areyour emotions today?

Gerard was quoted in the paper themorning of the Elimination Final after hispenultimate game as Fremantle Coachin 1998: “They reckon the best steel ismade in the hottest furnace… ours hasbeen a pretty hot furnace”.

It might have taken a bit longer, but whenyou hear about the purple army, thehouse of pain, and the scope Fremantlehas to build without being hand-cuffedby tradition, but at the same time so

representative of the Fremantle tradition,you should be so very proud that you gotit so right… even the theme song isstarting to sound OK.

If you are Ben Allan, Peter Mann, orStephen O’Reilly who walked away fromsuccessful clubs, finals and Grand Finalsto come home, and be a part ofsomething so different, but have yourcareer over, well before team success,

how do you feel?

You were thepioneers, forced tolead with no point ofreference, sacrificingpersonal success tobuild an AFL Club,

and your role can never beunderestimated.

If you are Chris Bond, captain when noone else could be, not because you werea superstar player, but because you weremade of good stuff, but a career finishedin the saddest of ways, how does it feel?

So proud Bondy, because the players stilltalk the example you set.

What if you are Dale Kickett,Jason Norrish, Luke Toia or AnthonyJones, and you straddle the old and thenew. Always good enough to be a part ofit, but careers running out of time, andjust missing out?

There will be somesadness, some angermaybe, and perhapssome jealousy, thatis understandable.

They feel painbecause they know and are close enoughto those who took the field and couldrelate to the excitement and the emotion.Hard to console, but a huge part ofthe day. You are a big part of ourClub’s folklore.

And what if you are Troy Cook, a fabricperson and the toughest of players, whomissed his first game for Fremantle andcould not even get to the game becauseof surgery to his ankle. We felt so muchfor him.

And what about the new generation,already a small part of history, but withso much responsibility to fulfil thepromise and potential, a burden whichwill weigh heavily as expectations rise,and Club enters unfamiliar territory.

In 2003 many created their own specialmoments:

Paul Medhurst and his happy knack ofkicking goals at the most significant

moment and in the most unique fashion.

Jeff Farmer who seems to end up with theball in his hand, seconds to go, when agoal will win the game. And he delivers.

Matthew Pavlich, decided to take ona game like few have before him andetched himself in the collectiveconscience of anyone privileged enoughto watch the game.

Des Headland, again seconds from thesiren when the call was ‘any score willdo’, and he did.

Peter Bell took the ball knowing that thefull force of Mark Ricuitto was bearingdown on him because that’s what youdo when you’re Peter Bell.

Luke McPharlin flew over the top andmarked it against the Premiers. Why?Because he knew he could.

Graham Polak marked in front of DavidNeitz, who crunched him, but he held hisground because he knows no better andthat is what you do.

A coach who stays true to himself,reputations count for nothing whilstbuilding his own, and tells you not to goout and do the garden during the thirdquarter, regardless of the score becauseyou cannot underestimate the fightingqualities of the team – and we win by apoint against the Kangaroos at the MCG

after the gameseemed lost.

And the Fremantlesupporters stayed,even after thedisappointment of

getting beaten in our first final, becausethat was their moment, and they wantedto thank the players for what they did tomake the year so memorable. That wasa great moment, and I don’t care whatanyone says.

A famous photographer who was beinginterviewed about what he does and whathe tries to achieve once said that he is‘pleading the fleeting moment to remain’.

Continue to enjoy the fleeting moments,contest by contest, phase by phase,quarter by quarter.

There will be other moments, because theFremantle Football Club will have its day– of that there is no doubt.

Cameron Schwab

“Our attitude has been to take a long term

view, and let the short term look after itself

– and it has.”

“the Fremantle Football Club will have its day – of that there

is no doubt”

8 Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book

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Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book 9

Season 2003 was a positive one for theFremantle Football Club in many ways.

When I first accepted the senior coachingposition my main fears did not concernthe potential of the Club or the talentedyoung playing group. The major worrieswere the Club’s financial position, losingmoney and increasing debt, and theposition of the salary cap. Both theseconcerns had the potential to impactsignificantly on maintaining our playinglist and creating the right environmentfor our players to develop.

Thankfully everyone at the Club hasworked so hard,directors, staff andplayers, and thingshave started to turnaround. This startedin 2002 andcontinued positively in 2003. Our salarycap management has been fantasticand the list management team has donea terrific job to increase our chances ofkeeping this squad together and hopefullyadding to it as we continue to buildand develop.

Reflecting on season 2003, the majorityof our players improved their individualcontributions to the team. As a team ourbrand of football has improved but ourweaknesses were exposed against anexperienced outfit in our first final.We did achieve a lot during the season,and in the end exceeded the plans weset back at the beginning of 2002.

It was always our plan to build the teamtowards making the finals in 2004 andonce there to be consistent finals

contenders. The aim is to be on trackto one day win a premiership. Historyshows, and I have always said it, that tobe in premiership running you must finishin the top 2 on the ladder and to do thatyou must have a great team.

Our aim in 2004 is to again make thefinals. We had our first taste in 2003 andwe were all bitterly disappointed on thatFriday night. But one thing is clear, we alllearnt from that game against Essendon.

What that night provided all of us was thehighlight of season 2003 in my view.The reaction of our supporters after

our first final wasamazing. On arrivingat Fremantle so manypeople told me of thepotential greatnessof this club and that

it could establish amongst the mostpowerful clubs in the AFL. Whilst acrossthe season we saw glimpses it was in thedying moments of our season that thedream stepped into reality. It was notan acceptance of mediocrity but anexpression of commitment. It is thiscommitment on and off the field thatwill drive this club up the ladder.

We expect to improve our brand offootball in 2004. Our players aredesperate to improve and trainin a dedicated fashion thatwould make everyoneassociated with the club proud.Our planning for this pre-seasonbegan back in July 2003 andour football staff have beendiligent, and extremely

focused, in evolving the skills basedprogramme of last pre-season.

Our programmes are very specific andtailored to each individual. There aredifferent running and strength programmesthat are all aimed, as with last pre-season,to build each individual to be durable overthe grind of the home and away season.We are working hard at improving ourindividual disposal techniques.

Our focus next season will be in threemain areas – our ruck clearances,contested ball wins and direct ballmovement. The playing group has nowbeen together for a while and will betogether for many years to come.We have recruited well again this yearto add more young, talented players tothe group. The players’ attitude, whichcontinues to impress, has again beenfantastic and the commitment to takethe next step is indeed very strong.Our membership is growing and the purplearmy is on the march.

Season 2004 will be the most excitingseason in the Club’s history.

Chris Connolly

From the CoachFrom the Coach

We did achieve a lot during the season, and

in the end exceeded the plans we set back

at the beginning of 2002.

Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book 11

Twelve months ago I spoke of the stepthat we had taken in 2002 towardssetting the foundations of a great footballclub and of the players’ hunger to maketheir own piece of history and our hungerfor success. It was only the first step andeveryone knew what we needed to do tomake sure that the gains of 2002 werenot lost.

One thing is certainin the AFL, you can’tmake it happen inone season and youcertainly can’t gettoo far ahead of yourself. We not onlyhave a plan for the future but we verymuch believe in that plan.

The commitment of the players throughthe tough pre-season, certainly one of thehardest I have been through, to make usready to take that next step wasfantastic. It was a level of commitmentthat we took with us through the 2003season and it proved valuable in many ofthe tough challenges we faced as a teamon the field.

We took that next step and achieveda piece of history by playing in our firstfinals series. While our performance inthe final against Essendon is one thatdoes not rest well with the players, thesupport shown by our supporters on thenight was fantastic and makes us moredetermined for 2004. In fact, the level ofsupport we received in 2003 has beennothing short of sensational. It seemsthat support is getting louder and morepassionate, if that is at all possible.

Off and on the field we are improving,working to our plan to build a greatfootball club. We are continuing todevelop as individual players and asa team. We are older and wiser after2003, gaining much needed experiencetogether. We welcome new players in2004 and farewell others who have hungthe boots up or moved on. Most of allwe still have the hunger and we stillhave the commitment, though they areboth stronger.

While we faced many challenges in 2003I know that as others now sit up and takenotice of us, we will face even tougherchallenges in 2004. There are higherexpectations on us to take yet anotherstep, this time though the step is higherand harder but one we are lookingforward to taking together. Other teamsare improving as much as we are and willalso take their next steps as well. This isa very competitive and even competition

and we must respect that at all times.Nothing can be taken for granted.

It was definitely a year to look back onwith pride. We were fitter and strongerand while we have demonstrated a newtenacity and belief in each other and ourplay, we still have to continue to developourselves and our game plan. Some may

say that we havecome a long way intwo years and I mayagree with someparts of that butone thing is certain

we still have a long way to go.

On behalf of the players, thank you foryour support in 2003. You have beenamazing and we look forward to yoursupport again in 2004 as we strive forthat next step.

Peter Bell

From the CaptainFrom the Captain

“Off and on the field we are improving,working to our plan to build a great

football club.”

12 Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book

The Fremantle Football Club named its Best and Fairest award The Doig Medal in 2003, honouring one of the great footballingdynasties of East and South Fremantle. The Doig Medal honours the deep football heritage of Fremantle, represented by the manymembers of the Doig family over the years who have played for either East or South Fremantle Football Clubs since the beginning ofthe last century. (See feature story page 17.) The award dinner and presentations were held at the Grand Ballroom at the BurswoodInternational Resort on Friday 3 October 2003, and was attended by over 1400 people.

WINNER – PETER BELLInspirational Fremantle Football ClubCaptain Peter Bell capped off anoutstanding year winning the 2003 DoigMedal. Peter becomes the only Fremantleplayer to win multiple Best and Fairestawards, winning in 2001. He was runner-up in 2002.

Peter’s individual performances andleadership in season 2003 have beenexceptional as he led the Club to its firstfinals campaign. Peter became the Club’slongest serving Captain in 2003.

The Captain’s performances this yearwere recognised with his selection inthe WA State of Origin side as Captain,winning the 2003 West AustralianFootballer of the Year and All Australianselection for the second time.At the 2003 Brownlow Medal Count,Peter collected 19 Votes, the mostby any Fremantle player in oneseason, and included four beston ground performances.

Peter played all 23 games this year andcollected the most disposals for the Clubwith a total of 596 (354 kicks and 242handballs). He was also in the top 5 formarks, tackles and goals and collectedthe most free kicks.

Peter was the first player signed by theFremantle Football Club in 1995 and tookthe field in the Club’s debut game againstRichmond on 1 April 1995. He went on toplay 2 games in 1995 and kick 2 goalsbefore continuing his career at theKangaroos until 2000.

During his 123 games with theKangaroos, Peter was an AFLRising Star nomination in 1996,played in 2 premierships in1996 and 1999, a pre-seasonpremiership in 1998, won theKangaroo’s Best and Fairestaward in 2000, was runner-upin 1999 and placed third in1997. He won All Australianselection in 1999 andplayed in the InternationalRules Series that year.

The Doig MedalThe Doig Medal

Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book 13

RUNNER UP – MATTHEW PAVLICHMatthew Pavlich continued the formthat won him the 2002 Best and FairestAward and in 2003 finished just threevotes behind Doig Medallist Peter Bell.

Matthew earned All Australian selectionin 2002 as full back and was instrumentalin Australia winning the first InternationalRules Series match in Ireland. In 2003,he again earned All Australian selectionas a half forward.

In his fourth season with the Club,Matthew continues to develop into aninfluential player of the future. Playing all23 games this season, predominantly inthe midfield, Matthew amassed 449possessions (330 kicks and 199 handballs)and kicked 37 goals. He has now played84 games and kicked 98 goals for the Club.

THIRD PLACE – PAUL HASLEBYPaul Hasleby played all 23 games inseason 2003, arguably the fittest hehas been since his debut year in 2000when he won the AFL Rising Star awardand finished runner-up in the Club’s Bestand Fairest.

The rewards of Paul’s pre-season hardwork showed, as he gathered a total of561 possessions (341 kicks and 220handballs), second only to his Captain.His outstanding year was rewarded withhis first All Australian selection, hissecond consecutive WA State of Originselection and 13 votes in the 2003Brownlow Medal, including two best onground performances. Paul has now played86 games for the Club and with 17 goalsthis year, has kicked a total of 80 goals.

FIFTH PLACE – SHAUN MCMANUSThis year has been without doubt themost consistent for inaugural Fremantlelisted player Shaun McManus. An AFLRising Star nominee in 1995 and ClubCo-Captain in 2000 and 2001, Shaunplayed all 23 games this year to take hisgames tally for the Club to 146 games.Winner of the 2002 Best Clubman Award,Shaun’s consistent performances thisyear, particularly on the road, wererewarded with his selection in the 2003WA State of Origin team.

FOURTH PLACE – ROBERT HADDRILLAfter making his AFL debut in 2001 andplaying a total of 8 games in his firstyear, a career threatening knee injuryeffectively ended Robert’s 2002season before it could begin.Robert’s commitment to the long andoften lonely rehabilitation program sawhim rewarded with his selection for theRound 1 clash with Adelaide in 2003.Making the most of his chances, Robertplayed all 23 games for the Club this yearand was rewarded with selection in the2003 WA State of Origin team. Robert’sefforts to return from such an injury andperform so consistently well in 2003 isan outstanding achievement.


Matthew Pavlich 107

Paul Hasleby 97

Robert Haddrill 93

Shaun McManus 91

Matthew Carr 89

James Walker 88

Paul Medhurst 87

Dion Woods 84

Roger Hayden 84

14 Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book


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Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book 15

BEST CLUBMAN – TROY LONGMUIRWith 36 games for the Club prior to theseason, Troy’s pre-season focus wasclearly aimed at putting himself in thebest position for a strong 2003. Afterbeing selected to play in the first threerounds, Troy returned to West Perthwhere he played the next 13 gamesbefore being recalled for the round 17clash against Sydney at the SCG. Heremained in the side for the durationof the season playing a total of 10games, including the Club’s first final,and kicking 10 goals. Despite thesetback of being out of the team, Troymaintained his positive approach to hisfootball and continued to train hard andenthusiastically. Troy set a fine exampleand his hard work was rewarded. He wenton to play in West Perth’s WAFLPremiership side in 2003.

BEACON AWARD – GRAHAM POLAKGraham played 6 games in season 2002after being selected by the Club atselection 4 at the 2001 National Draft.He made his debut in round 1 2002against West Coast but a shoulder injurycurtailed his season. He played 22 gamesthis year, earning an AFL Rising Starnomination in Round 9. Graham continuesto show why he is regarded as anoutstanding talent for the Club.His strong performances in 2003 wererewarded with selection in the WA Stateof Origin team.

The Doig MedalThe Doig Medal


2001 Peter Bell

2000 Troy Cook

1999 Adrian Fletcher

1998 Jason Norrish

1997 Dale Kickett

1996 Stephen O’Reilly

1995 Peter Mann

Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book 17

The Doig Medal honours the deep footballheritage of Fremantle, represented by themany members of the Doig family overthe years who have represented eitherEast or South Fremantle Football Clubssince the beginning of the last century.

Since 1898, the Doig family has beenan integral part of the history of not onlyEast and South Fremantle, but also ofWestern Australian football in general,with a total of seventeen Doigs playingfor either Club from 1898.

James (Scotty) Doig(226 games for East from 1898 to 1915)

John (Hooky) Doig(225 games for East from 1899 to 1912)

Charles Doig (Senior) (209 games for East from 1903 to 1921)

Norman Doig (20 games for East from 1905 to 1908)

Cleave Doig (34 games for East between 1910 and1912 and then 47 games for South)

Bill Doig (62 games for East from 1932 to 1936)

Norman Doig (Junior) (138 games for East from 1932 to 1940)

Edgar Doig (14 games for East from 1932)

Charles Doig (Junior) (196 games for East from 1932)

George Doig (202 games for East from 1933)

Ron Doig (Senior) (99 games for South from 1927)

James Doig (Junior) (114 games for South from 1927)

Dave Doig (78 games for South from 1937 to 1940)

Ron Doig (Junior) (117 games for South from 1959 to 1967)

Ron Bowe (58 games for South from 1959 to 1963)

Ross Bowe (43 games for South Fremantle in 1962/3)

Don Doig (4 games for South in 1963)

The family has provided seven lifememberships at either club, clubbest and fairest winners, and clubadministrators. Their story is one oftragedy, courage and achievement.

Ron Doig Senior commenced his footballcareer at South Fremantle in 1927 as a17 year old. Tragically, at 21 years of agein 1932 as Captain/Coach of the Club, hesustained fatal injuries in a finals matchagainst East Perth. He played 99 games

during his short career,including State games for WesternAustralia in 1930. He was an outstandingsportsman having also representedAustralia in cricket against South Africa onone occasion.

Perhaps the best known of the Doigs isGeorge Doig, known as the “Bradman ofAustralian Rules football”.

George started his football career withthe East Fremantle Football Club in 1933,kicking 9 goals in his first match andfinishing the season with 106 goalsbecoming the first person to score morethan a hundred goals in a season.

In nine consecutive seasons from 1933to 1941 George kicked more than onehundred goals a year, with a seasonaverage of 120 and a match average of5.46 goals per game. He missed his firstand only match in 1938 after 142 gamesand went on to play 202 games beforeretiring. He also kicked 62 goals in 14state games. George never missedgetting a goal in any league matchin which he played.

In September 1988 George was inductedinto the Western Australian Hall ofChampions, which includesrepresentatives from all sports.

George was the inaugural inductee intothe Fremantle Football Club’s Hall ofLegends in October 1995. As part of theEast Fremantle Football Club’s centenarycelebrations in 1997, he was selectedinto the Team of the Century. In 1998he was an inaugural inductee in theFremantle Sporting Wall of Fame and in2000 he was selected into the WestAustralian Newspapers Football Teamof the Century.

In 2002 George was inducted into theAFL Hall of Fame in recognition of hisoutstanding career – 1,103 goals, 202games for East Fremantle, captain from1940 to 1941, played in threepremiership sides (1933, 1937 and 1945)and played 14 games for WA.

The Doig traditionThe Doig tradition

President Rick Hartwith George DoigPresident Rick Hartwith George Doig

George Doig at theheight of his career

George Doig at theheight of his career

Paul Medhurst interviews hismother, GenevievePaul Medhurst interviews hismother, Genevieve

18 Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book

BOARD OF DIRECTORSThis year represented a significant andprogressive change at Board level for theFremantle Football Club. Our constitutionwas amended to provide for two member-elected Directors. Further, the Board ofManagement as a structure within theClub ceased to exist from 1 November2003, with the seven members of thatboard being appointed Directors of theFremantle Football Club Limited. As partof this process, the titles for the positionsof Chairman and Deputy Chairman werechanged to President and Vice Presidentrespectively to reflect a more traditionalfootball club environment.

With the constitutional changes to providefor the election of two member-electedDirectors finalised, the WA ElectoralCommission was appointed to manage thenomination and election process on behalfof the Club. This took place in October2003, with the election processcompleted in November. The FremantleFootball Club welcomed Mr David Garicand Mr Les Everett to the Board ofDirectors of the Fremantle Football Clubon 1 December 2003. Mr Garic wasappointed for a term of two years andMr Everett for a period of one year.

The Club’s Board of Directors nowcomprises Mr Rick Hart (President),Mr Len Hitchen (Vice President),Mr Mel Ashton, Mr Gary Berrell, Mr TonyBuhagiar, Mr David Rawlinson, Mr GregWall, Mr David Garic and Mr Les Everett.All members of the Club’s Board ofDirectors assume their roles andresponsibilities voluntarily.

FINANCEPoor trading performances thatculminated in a trading loss of over$2.5 million for the 2001 financial year,together with mounting debt, placed theClub in a very precarious financialposition. This was addressed by the newBoard and executive management teamfrom the commencement of the 2002season and the development of the Club’sStrategic Plan for the 2003–2005 periodspecifically focused upon turning the Clubinto a profitable and financially stablefootball club.

While inroads were made in 2002 thatsaw trading losses reduced by nearlya million dollars, it was the aggressivemanagement of all business costs, salesand asset management that have seenthe 2003 financial year deliver asignificant turnaround in the Club’sfinancial affairs. For the first time since

1998, the Club recorded a substantialoperating profit of $711,223 and positivecashflow after repaying in excess of $1min debt. On a normalised basis, theoperating profit recorded in 2003 hasnot only delivered a financial trading turnaround in excess of $2 million over theprevious year and $4.7 million over thepast two years, but is the best financialresult for the Club since inception.

The increasing debt burden of the Clubprior to 2002, reaching a level in excess of$7 million, was also specifically addressedin the Strategic Plan and programmesdeveloped and implemented to bring abouta reduction of debt and improvements inthe Club’s net asset position. Positivecashflow has enabled payments to bemade to reduce the liability on the AFLLicence Fee for the first time since 1998and to continue repayments on debtrelating to the Club’s headquarters atFremantle Oval. The Club is targeting tobe debt free by the end of 2005.

Following reductions to the operatingcost levels of the Club in 2002,management continued to implementfurther significant cost reductions during2003 that contributed to the improvedtrading position of the Club.

The strength of the cost managementinitiatives implemented in 2003 will allowthe Club to judiciously manage costs insubsequent years to align strategicallywith the growth of the Club.

The Club is again budgeting for anothertrading profit in 2004, additionalrepayment of debt and the achievementof positive cashflow and with continuedmonitoring of financial disciplines andperformance, the Club aims to beginbuilding reserves, repaying all debtand be in a position to provide apositive contribution to football inWestern Australia.

COMMERCIAL OPERATIONSFollowing the conclusion of the 2002season, the last stage of the Club’sadministrative restructure was put intoaffect with the centralisation of allrevenue generation, service andmarketing functions into a unifiedbusiness division, the CommercialOperations Department with a singlemanagement structure to guide the Club’srevenue operations forward in 2003.

This restructure remedied the previouslyfragmented structures and establisheda coordinated and common strategicdirection. Narelle Finch was appointed in

October 2002 as the CommercialOperations Manager. The Club’s StrategicPlan 2003–2005 identified that,along with stringent cost management,Club revenues required significantimprovement to bring about the requiredfinancial turnaround necessary to correctthe significant trading losses sustainedover the 2001 and 2002 financial years.

The Commercial Operations division wassubsequently structured into 5 businessunits – membership, corporate sales,merchandise, sponsorship and events –over the course of the year and werecharged with implementing the Club’sdetailed revenue and cost managementstrategies.

While the focus for the CommercialOperations division during 2003 centredon the stringent cost management andthe profitability of current operations,significant emphasis was placed on thedevelopment of new product initiativesand service improvements forimplementation in 2004.

Following the significant growth inbusiness activity during the year and withthe development of the future commercialstrategies, products and services, theCommercial Operations division wasrestructured at the conclusion of 2003with the appointment of Steve Rosich asMarketing Manager to head up corporatesales, membership, merchandise, andevents, and Narelle Finch taking the roleas Sponsorship and Special ProjectsManager. The new management structurewill take the Club forward from the solidbase established in 2003.

MEMBERSHIPWhile achieving its highest evermembership levels in season 2003,the significant potential of the Club wasrealised by the end of 2003 with over3,500 new members joining the Club, andmany more promising to take this step.Membership records are set to reachunprecedented levels in 2004 and positionthe Club within the reach of theestablished and powerful Clubs in the AFL.

To capitalise on the potential formembership growth, the membershipoperations were streamlined under theleadership of the newly appointedMembership Services Manager BenHammond and the membershipdepartment was bolstered with additionalstaff. The new strategies for the 2004membership year include new membershipcategories, developments to supportergroups, improved benefits and the

The year in reviewThe year in review

Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book 19

introduction of a member rewards programintegrated into membership packages toprovide additional value for members.

MERCHANDISEThe Club’s merchandise availability andmanagement has failed to contributemeaningful revenues for the Club.In 2003 a merchandising partnership wasestablished with a third party aimed atre-establishing the Club’s merchandisecapabilities and increasing availabilityfor members and supporters both at theClub’s Fremantle headquarters and alsofor game days at Subiaco Oval.

The partnership delivered the Club muchimproved product and service delivery formembers and supporters over the courseof the year. As a result, Aaron Bester wasappointed Merchandise Manager to beginestablishing the Club’s new merchandiseoperations and at the conclusion of 2003the Club’s new Team Store was opened atthe Club’s headquarters.

CORPORATE SALESThe Club has enjoyed loyal and valuedsupport from its corporate partners sinceits inception. This loyalty had been testedduring the tough 2001 season and whilethe level of corporate support throughsponsorship and sales of corporate suites,private boxes and coteries has beensteady since, there is great opportunityin this regard.

Again, 2003 provided for the developmentof the corporate sales activities andreassessment of the products andservices offered to the corporate marketin 2004. Greg Erskine was appointed asCorporate Sales Manager and anadditional four staff were added to thesales team during 2003. New commercialproperties were developed for the 2004season, and existing products andoperations were refined and enhanced sofurther improve the breadth ofopportunities for the Club’s corporateclients to become involved with the Club.

By December 2003, all corporate suitesat Subiaco Oval had been sold out for thefirst time in the Club’s history and allsales of private boxes and coteriesremained on target to meet budget asthe new year approached.

SUPPORTER DEVELOPMENTA significant new initiative developedduring the year and implemented in theoff-season was the establishment of anew business unit – SupporterDevelopment. The new unit is aimed atdeveloping the Club’s supporter bases

and its community initiatives throughoutWestern Australia at all levels and JonHaines, formerly from the WA FootballDevelopment Trust, was appointed tohead up this new unit.

The activities of the SupporterDevelopment group are based upon thelong term development of the wide-basedsupport of the Club and for football atall levels.

SPONSORSHIPThe restructure of the CommercialOperations division during 2003 sawthe Club establish a new sponsorshipdepartment to capitalise on theoutstanding support that the Clubreceives from its current sponsors, andthe development of new sponsorshipopportunities as the Club heads into themost exciting period in its history. PhilGallagher was appointed as SponsorshipManager to identify and develop newsponsorship opportunities for the Club.

The Club enters the 2004 season withBankWest becoming the Club’s newMajor Sponsor for the 2004 and 2005seasons, replacing Alinta who willbecome a Premier Sponsor of the Club.In December 2003, the Club announcedthat leading WA company Allphones willalso became a Premier Sponsor, withtheir brand on the playing shorts for the2004 and 2005 seasons.

The Club has been successful in securing arange of new organisations who will partnerwith the Club for the first time during thisexciting period in the Club’s history.

FOOTBALLThe Football Operations division set outat the end of the 2001 season to rebuildthe fortunes of the Club on the field andin the process establish itself as one ofthe most progressive and professionalfootball operations in the competition.

Much was needed to be done as the Clubhad to address all areas of footballoperations, from player list management,salary cap administration, training andconditioning programs and team supportservices. This required a long term planto be developed to set about establishingthe Club as a leading edge footballoperation.

The first stage of the plan was deliveredin 2002 and resulted in greatly improvedon field performances. However, the 2003season has enabled the fullimplementation of the changes necessaryto establish the Club as a consistentfinals contender.

The player list management and salarycap administration protocols implementedin 2002 have restored respect to the Clubthat now operates with one of the mostprofessional list management systems inthe competition. While the Club operatedduring the 2003 season with a reducedsenior playing list, it now enters the 2004season with a full playing list of 44players as a result of the stringent andeffective administration of player rulesover the last two years. More importantly,the increased professionalism has seenthe re-signing of all out-of-contract playersfor 2004 and beyond.

The Club’s strength and conditioningprograms under the guidance of Strengthand Conditioning Coach Adam Larcomover the last two seasons have seendramatic improvements in the fitness,durability and performances of playersand a significant reduction in injury ratesthat now lead the competition. The rolesof Adam and Physiotherapist Jeff Boylehave been critical and the impact ofhaving the Club’s best players availablefor selection cannot be underestimated.

The Club continued to develop its leadingedge training programs and resources withthe appointment in 2003 of Kevin Ball asthe first Biomechanist to be employed fulltime with an AFL club. The introduction ofextensive player training and performancemonitoring technology systems will againplace the Club at the forefront in this areain the competition. This is a facet offootball operations that the Club willcontinue to invest in for the long termfuture of the Club and its players.

Team travel routines that were refinedand established through the later part of2002 following extensive research ofworld-wide practices, proved during 2003to be successful and, together with theincreasing travel experience of theplaying group, on-road performancesimproved. On-going research in this areawill identify further improvementpossibilities.

The continual development of the footballoperations for season 2004 has seen theappointment of Steve Malaxos asAssistant Coach to join fellow assistantsKelly O’Donnell and Chris Watermanunder Senior Coach Chris Connolly.Steven Icke, who filled the dual roles ofFootball Manager and Assistant Coach in2003 will now focus totally on his role asFootball Manager.

Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book 21

There is little doubt that everyoneassociated with the Fremantle FootballClub will look back on the 2003 with asense of pride. We must also recognisethat it was just a step, albeit a significantone, but there is substantially more thatneeds to be achieved.

Importantly, the foundations have beenestablished.

The Club’s objectives for 2004 remainunchanged, and accord with the StrategicPlan (2003-2005) that was developedand implemented in mid 2002. This planeffectively became our Club’s blueprintfor the future and centred around fourstrategic priorities:

Financial Viability – to turnFremantle into a profitable,financially stable football club bybuilding net revenues, judiciouslymanaging costs and reducing debt

On Field Success – to build ateam that is a consistent finalscontender and is on track to winFremantle’s first premiership

Powerful and Definitive Brand andEthos – building a national,commercially attractive brandthat reflects our values andtraditions, establish a winningand professional Club culture thatdemands respect, and make anannual contribution to WA football

Successful Decision Making – tobe regarded as the best decisionmakers in the AFL

The Club has remained true to thesepriorities and whilst they are continuallyreviewed and reassessed in the contextof the changing environment in which weoperate, the fundamentals of the strategyremain solid and will guide our progressforward.

The year ahead will be one focused oncontinually improving and developing,on and off the field.

Off the field, the stringent costmanagement practices set in place in2002, and the cornerstone of the Club’s

2003 profitability, will remain a key focus,as will the generation of long term andsustainable revenues. Another tradingprofit is budgeted in 2004 and we willoperate on a sound commercial andbusiness basis to ensure that the gainsthat have been achieved are not lost. TheClub will continue to be innovative andlead the way.

On the field, we understand thatexpectations will be high. But we are alsovery respectful of this competition, one ofthe toughest and most even in worldsport. Perhaps we achieved ahead ofexpectation in 2003, but that does notalter our objective of becoming aconsistent finals contender, fundamentalto giving ourselves a shot at apremiership. Our objective is to make thefinals again in 2004, and this will againbe a tough challenge. It seems that allclubs have recruited well, many will riseabove their misfortunes of 2003, playersimprove and luck certainly plays a part.To achieve the objectives that are set,Fremantle must continually improve.

The year aheadThe year ahead

Proud tosupport the

FremantleFootball Club

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Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book 23

2003 saw the Club represented on theinternational stage in the AFL Challengematch at the Oval in October againstCollingwood and when three Fremantleplayers represented Australia in theInternational Rules Series.

Before a crowd of over 12,000 people ina carnival atmosphere at the Oval,including 2000 Olympic Gold MedallistCathy Freeman, Collingwood’s end ofseason woes continued with Fremantlewinning the International Trophy with a19 point win. Justin Longmuir took thehonours as best on ground in theentertaining game. Due to the withdrawalof Peter Bell with a groin injury, actingcaptain Matthew Pavlich accepted thefirst piece of AFL silverware for the Club.The game also gave the opportunity formany young players to show their waresbefore the match committee.

Returning back to Australia after thematch, Matthew Pavlich and Paul Haslebydonned the Australian jumper for the firsttest at Subiaco Oval in front of over40,000 people while Matthew Carr joinedMatthew and Paul in the team for thesecond test in Melbourne in front of acrowd of over 60,000. Peter Bellwithdrew from the team before the firsttest as his groin injury had failed torecover in time.

Mathew Pavlich made his internationaldebut in the first test in 2002 in Irelandwhere he was instrumental in Australia

securing a first test win, while for PaulHasleby and Matthew Carr the hometest series represented theirinternational debuts.

The Australian side had never won anInternational Rules Series on home soiland despite narrowly losing the secondtest by 3 points won the series onaggregate by virtue of the 10 pointvictory at Subiaco Oval in the first test.

The international stageThe international stage

Above: Acting Captain Matthew Pavlich andbest-on-ground Justin Longmuir with theClub’s first piece of AFL silverwareBelow: Andrew Browne in action

Action in front of the famous gasometer at the Oval Inset: Steven Dodd in action

Action in front of the famous gasometer at the Oval Inset: Steven Dodd in action

Olympic Gold Medallist CathyFreeman was an interestedspectator at the Oval

Olympic Gold Medallist CathyFreeman was an interestedspectator at the Oval

Matthew Pavlich inaction for the secondyear against Ireland

Matthew Pavlich inaction for the secondyear against Ireland

Paul Hasleby and Matthew Pavlichcelebrate the Subiaco win over Irelandwith Australian Coach Gary Lyon

Paul Hasleby and Matthew Pavlichcelebrate the Subiaco win over Irelandwith Australian Coach Gary Lyon

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Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book 25

No longer was September a month forother teams. The Fremantle Football Clubplayed its first finals game on Friday5 September 2003 at Subiaco Oval.

The Club had taken our seat at the tableand had tasted the feast. While we were notable to dine this year, our hunger has grown.

So too that of our supporters. Theirundeniable passion was on display for allthe nation to see when, remaining to thevery end, the victor’s song could not beheard for the chants of “Freee-o, Freee-o,Freee-o” saluting the players fromthe ground in recognition and appreciationof their achievements and the pleasuretheir performances had brought to so many.


Friday 5 September 2003 at Subiaco Oval

Fremantle 8 9 57

Essendon 15 11 101

Goals: Medhurst 2, Pavlich 2, Webster 1,Hasleby 1, Farmer 1, Headland 1

Kicks: Bell 18

Handballs: Hasleby 12

Disposals: Hasleby 28

Marks: McPharlin 9

Hitouts: Sandilands 41

Tackles: Hayden 7

The finalsThe finals

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26 Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book

Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book 27

CROWDSSupport for the team has been at record levels over the last twoseasons with both home ground attendances and membershipreflecting the continued improvement of the team and thedeveloping respect for the Club in the competition. Our homecrowds, the Club’s 23rd man, proved to be the decisive factorthat helped the team get home in many close and importantgames in 2003.

Membership had risen to an all time high of 26,742 in 2003,an increase of 12.58 per cent over the previous year. Not onlyis the financial contribution made by individuals, families andbusinesses by taking out a membership of importance to theClub, but the demonstration of the vocal and colourful passionof the Freo supporters attending our games is what makes ourClub unique.

Members and supporters have shown their support at games thisyear like never before. Since the beginning of the 2002 season,the aggregate home crowd has increased 103,644 or an averageof 9,423 per game. The two home Derbies in those yearsexceeded 40,000 people for the first time.

Non Derby home crowds have exceeded 30,000 on only 6occasions since the Club’s first game in 1995 – one in 2002and five in 2003.

Season 2003 also saw a raft of individual home gameattendance records set against individual Clubs in eight of theClub’s eleven home games. A remarkable year.

Crowds & attendancesCrowds & attendancesMEMBERSHIPYear Total Change


1995 18,447

1996 19,622 + 6.37%

1997 19,937 + 1.61%

1998 22,500 + 12.86%

1999 24,875 + 10.56%

2000 24,925 + 0.20%

2001 23,879 - 4.20%

2002 23,753 - 0.53%

2003 26,742 + 12.58%

HOME ATTENDANCESYear Aggregate Average Largest Crowd

Crowd Home Crowd (non-derby)

1995 256,235 23,294 27,997 (Kangaroos)

1996 246,062 22,369 26,461 (Melbourne)

1997 242,275 22,025 28,752 (Geelong)

1998 250,592 22,781 28,135 (Essendon)

1999 261,845 23,801 25,022 (Sydney)

2000 246,845 22,440 28,191 (Carlton)

2001 233,842 21,258 23,716 (Carlton)

2002 291,888 26,535 33,503 (Collingwood)

2003 337,486 30,681 35,518 (W. Bulldogs)


Brisbane 28,450

Essendon 28,492

Western Bulldogs 35,518

St Kilda 26,723

Richmond 31,725

Geelong 30,127

Carlton 33,250


Brisbane 20,338 (7 games)

Sydney 21,091 (7 games)

Port Adelaide 18,927 (5 games)

West Coast 37,695 (9 games)

Essendon 25,916 (6 games)

Western Bulldogs 23,195 (4 games)

Kangaroos 24,619 (5 games)

Melbourne 20,734 (7 games)

St Kilda 22,060 (8 games)

Hawthorn 21,251 (6 games)

Richmond 21,655 (8 games)

Collingwood 25,621 (3 games)

Geelong 23,874 (7 games)

Carlton 25,800 (8 games)

Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book 29

In March 2003, the Club announced thatHis Excellency, Lieutenant General JohnSanderson AC, Governor of WesternAustralia, had accepted the appointmentas Patron of the Fremantle Football Club.In making the announcement in thegrounds of Government House, ClubPresident Mr Rick Hart also announcedthe appointments of Hon David Malcolm

AC, Chief Justice of the Supreme Courtof Western Australia, prominent businessidentity Mr Syd Corser, and FremantleLegends Mr Jack Sheedy and Mr SteveMarsh as Vice Patrons of the Club.

“Fremantle is fortunate that in its shorthistory in the AFL competition, it hasattracted a passionate group ofsupporters from all walks of life,” RickHart said. “We are indeed proud that fiveprominent West Australians have becomethe first Patron and Vice Patrons of theFremantle Football Club.”

The announcement of the Club’s Patronswas followed in April with theappointment of comedian Rove McManusas the Number 1 Ticketholder. ChiefExecutive Officer Cameron Schwab,making the announcement at the MCG,said “We are very proud that Rove hasaccepted the invitation to be our Number1 Ticketholder as he is indeed apassionate Fremantle person with directlinks to the Club via his cousin Shaun,an inaugural Docker and former Captain.”

And for the new number 1 ticketholder,Rove McManus, “I feel like I grew up inand around footy in Fremantle, many ofmy family have either played, coached orcut oranges in Freo all through my life.There are still McManus’ dottedthroughout the Fremantle FC, my newrole now cements the family takeover![insert evil laugh]”

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Captain Peter Bell, and senior players TrentCroad, Paul Hasleby, Des Headland and TroySimmonds were on hand to welcome theGovernor as Patron of the Club.

Number 1 Ticketholder, Rove McManusshows his colours when winning the GoldLogie and two Silver Logies in 2003.

30 Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book

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Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book 31

The faces of 2003The faces of 2003Sir Richard Branson in the rooms

after a great win against St KildaSir Richard Branson in the rooms

after a great win against St Kilda

MelbourneCaptain DavidNeitz found outthat the 2003Dockers hadbite

MelbourneCaptain DavidNeitz found outthat the 2003Dockers hadbite

Captain Peter Bell and Byron Schammer

know the finals are safeCaptain Peter Bell and Byron Schammer

know the finals are safe

Shaun McManus and son Lachlancelebrate another winShaun McManus and son Lachlancelebrate another winRoger Hayden’s

joy at kicking hisfirst AFL goal

Roger Hayden’sjoy at kicking hisfirst AFL goal

Paul Medhurst and Hayley Moxon study the

items available at the Banquet AuctionPaul Medhurst and Hayley Moxon study the

items available at the Banquet Auction

Luke McPharlin and Steven Doddat the Banquet Auction

Luke McPharlin and Steven Doddat the Banquet Auction

Disappointed coach after

the finals lossDisappointed coach after

the finals loss

A devastatedDion Woodsafter the finalsloss toEssendon

A devastatedDion Woodsafter the finalsloss toEssendon

Rove and Shaun catch up after anothergreat home winRove and Shaun catch up after anothergreat home win

President Rick Hart and then AFLChief Executive Wayne Jacksonafter a great win against Melbourneat the MCG

President Rick Hart and then AFLChief Executive Wayne Jacksonafter a great win against Melbourneat the MCG

Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book 33


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Height: 192 cmsWeight: 81 kgsDate of Birth: 24/5/85National Draft Selection: 12

Recruiting Report:Tall outside defender/forwardwith good lead and excellentkick.Has clean hands and iscapable of winning a lot of theball. Was in top 10% for the5 metre sprint and 3km timetrial at the 2003 NationalDraft camp. Played forVicCountry in the 2003 AFL U/18National Championships. From Gippsland Power.R






Height: 190 cmsWeight: 82 kgsDate of Birth: 20/7/85National Draft Selection: 19

Recruiting Report:Tall, outside key defenderwho has pace and is a long,accurate kick and has a coolhead under pressure. Spoiling and smothering isexceptional and is capable ofgoing forward. Played for VicCountry in the 2003 AFLU/18 National Championships.From Murray Bushrangers.






Height: 183 cmsWeight: 80 kgsDate of Birth: 5/7/83National Draft Selection: 43

Recruiting Report:Super competitive midfielderwith good defensive skillsand speed. Played all seniorgames with East Fremantlein 2003 and continued toimprove. Taken at selection43 under the Father-Son Rule.






Height: 192 cmsWeight: 78 kgsDate of Birth: 25/1/85National Draft Selection: 27

Recruiting Report:Tall inside key forward whocontinually presents himself.Has speed off the mark andis a good kick. Versatility andleadership qualities arestrengths. Played for VicCountry in the 2003 AFLU/18 National Championships.From North Ballarat Rebels.








Height: 195 cmsWeight: 87 kgsDate of Birth: 20/10/84Pre-Season Draft Selection

Recruiting Report:Tall, athletic key positionplayer with the ability to playat both ends of the ground.Very good overhead mark.Member of the WA U18 sidein 2002 and played everygame for the Perth leagueside in the WAFL in 2003.








Height: 184 cmsWeight: 83kgsDate of Birth: 7/10/85National Draft Selection: 10

Recruiting Report:Medium, inside forward/defender who has greathardness around the contest.Likes it in tight and has cleanhands. All Australian in 2002and 2003 at AFL U/18National Championshipsplaying for Vic Country. From Murray Bushrangers.






2003 Rookie DraftPAUL DUFFIELDHeight: 187cmWeight: 80 kgDate of Birth: 5/2/85From: South Fremantle

DYLAN SMITHHeight: 175cmWeight: 77 kgDate of Birth: 29/1/82From: Kangaroos

MICHAEL WARRENHeight: 194cmWeight: 89 kgDate of Birth: 20/3/82From: Claremont

BEN COLREAVYHeight: 181cmWeight: 80 kgDate of Birth: 29/1/82From: Claremont (FFC Rookie 2002)

Fremantle’sNo 1selection in2002, ByronSchammer

Fremantle’sNo 1selection in2002, ByronSchammer

Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book 35

Ladder Position: 5th

Weeks in the Eight: 16

Wins: 14

Losses: 8

Average Winning Margin: 28.4 points

Average Losing Margin: 41.6 points

Average Score For: 97.4 points

Average Score Against: 94.5 points

Kicked highest score in Round 4 vKangaroos 25.17 (167)

Kicked highest score away from home in Round 7 v Western Bulldogs 23.17(155) also the highest winning marginaway from home

Club record 5 consecutive wins fromRound 6 to Round 10

The 2003 teamThe 2003 team

Back Row: Steven Icke (Football Manager), Clive Waterhouse, Joshua Head, Greg Edgcumbe, Des Headland, Ryan Crowley,Luke McPharlin, Steven Koops, Anthony Jones, Robert Haddrill, Antoni Grover

Third Row: Adam Larcom (Strength and Conditioning Coach), Chris Waterman (Assistant Coach), Steven Dodd, Trent Croad, Graham Polak, Scott Thornton, Justin Longmuir, Aaron Sandilands, Ricky Mott, Troy Simmonds, Dion Woods, Andrew Siegert,

Luke Webster, Daniel Gilmore, Kelly O’Donnell (Assistant Coach), Kevin Ball (Biomechanist)

Seated: Shaun McManus, James Walker, Luke Toia, Shane Parker (Vice Captain), Peter Bell (Captain), Chris Connolly (Senior Coach), Matthew Pavlich (Vice Captain), Troy Longmuir, Paul Hasleby, Matthew Carr, Troy Cook

Front Row: Daniel Haines, Ben Colreavy, Byron Schammer, Paul Medhurst, Andrew Browne, Ben Cunningham, Roger Hayden,Jeff Farmer, Brett Doswell

2004 FIXTURESRND CLUB DATE VENUE H/A1 Carlton Sat 27 March Subiaco Home2 Sydney Sun 4 April SCG Away3 Adelaide Sun 11 April Subiaco Home4 Collingwood Sun 18 April Telstra Dome Away5 Geelong Sun 25 April Subiaco Home6 West Coast Sat 1 May Subiaco Away7 St Kilda Sat 8 May Subiaco Home8 Hawthorn Sun 16 May York Park Away9 Brisbane Sat 22 May Subiaco Home10 Essendon Fri 28 May Telstra Dome Away11 Melbourne Sun 6 June Subiaco Home12 Richmond Sun 13 June MCG Away13 Port Adelaide Sat 19 June Subiaco Home14 W. Bulldogs Sun 4 July Telstra Dome Away15 Kangaroos Sat 10 July Subiaco Home16 Adelaide Sat 17 July AAMI Stadium Away17 Sydney Sat 24 July Subiaco Home18 Carlton Sat 31 July Optus Oval Away19 Collingwood Fri 6 August Subiaco Home20 Geelong Sat 14 August Skilled Stadium Away21 West Coast Sun 22 August Subiaco Home22 St Kilda Sat 28 August Telstra Dome Away


Port Adelaide 22 18 0 4 2229 1752 127.23 72

Collingwood 22 15 0 7 2259 1858 121.58 60

Brisbane 22 14 1 7 2295 1882 121.94 58

Sydney 22 14 0 8 2142 1862 115.04 56

Fremantle 22 14 0 8 2143 2078 103.13 56

Adelaide 22 13 0 9 2114 1754 120.52 52

West Coast 22 12 2 8 2326 1982 117.36 52

Essendon 22 13 0 9 2190 1960 111.73 52

Hawthorn 22 12 0 10 2011 1999 100.6 48

Kangaroos 22 11 1 10 2185 2223 98.29 46

St Kilda 22 11 0 11 2095 2187 95.79 44

Geelong 22 7 1 14 1819 2025 89.83 30

Richmond 22 7 0 15 1846 2078 88.84 28

Melbourne 22 5 0 17 1899 2344 81.02 20

Carlton 22 4 0 18 1784 2674 66.72 16

Western Bulldogs 22 3 1 18 2014 2693 74.79 14

36 Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book


Sunday 30 March 2003at AAMI Stadium

Fremantle 1.3 4.7 8.8 13.11 (89)

Adelaide 6.1 11.5 17.11 22.13 (145)

Goals: Medhurst 3, Pavlich 2, Hasleby 2,McManus 2, Carr 1, Simmonds 1,Sandilands 1, Bell 1

Brownlow Votes: Pavlich 1


Saturday 5 April 2003at Subiaco Oval

Fremantle 3.2 8.4 10.9 12.14 (86)

Sydney 4.1 5.6 5.9 8.12 (60)

Goals: Simmonds 2, Farmer 2, Medhurst 2,Carr 1, Headland 1, J. Longmuir 1,T. Longmuir 1, Sandilands 1, Haines 1

Brownlow Votes: Bell 3, Hasleby 2,Simmonds 1


Sunday 13 April 2003at the MCG

Fremantle 2.4 4.6 5.6 6.10 (46)

Richmond 4.0 9.5 11.7 14.10 (94)

Goals: McManus 1, Carr 1, Headland 1,T. Longmuir 1, Pavlich 1, Farmer 1


Sunday 20 April 2003at Subiaco

Fremantle 5.4 11.7 21.11 25.17 (167)

Kangaroos 5.2 9.7 12.7 19.8 (122)

Goals: Farmer 3, Bell 3, Pavlich 3,J. Longmuir 3, Hasleby 2, Carr 2, Cook 2,Headland 2, Waterhouse 2, Medhurst 2,Croad 1

Brownlow Votes: Bell 3, Carr 2,Simmonds 1


Sunday 27 April 2003at Subiaco Oval

Fremantle 2.1 4.3 8.7 10.13 (73)

West Coast 5.4 8.9 12.10 16.12 (108)

Goals: Medhurst 2, Waterhouse 2,Cook 2, Hasleby 1, Carr 1, Croad 1,Haines 1


Sunday 4 May 2003at Subiaco

Fremantle 4.2 9.4 18.6 20.11 (131)

Essendon 3.3 7.4 11.4 15.10 (100)

Goals: J. Longmuir 3, Pavlich 3,Medhurst 3, Bell 2, Croad 2, Headland 2,Cook 2, McManus 1, Hasleby 1, Farmer 1

Brownlow Votes: Hasleby 3, Bell 2,Headland 1


Sunday 11 May 2003at Telstra Domex

Fremantle 3.6 10.8 17.3 23.17 (155)

Bulldogs 1.0 3.4 7.7 10.12 (72)

Goals: Medhurst 4, J. Longmuir 4, Carr 3,Headland 3, Cook 2, McManus 1,Grover 1, Walker 1, Croad 1, Koops 1,Pavlich 1, Sandilands 1

Brownlow Votes: McManus 3, Carr 2, Bell 1


Sunday 18 May 2003at Subiaco Oval

Fremantle 5.4 9.7 13.10 18.5 (123)

St Kilda 3.3 5.9 9.11 11.16 (82)

Goals: J. Longmuir 3, Farmer 3,Hasleby 2, Croad 2, Pavlich 2,Simmonds 1, Carr 1, Cook 1, Headland 1,Waterhouse 1, Bell 1

Brownlow Votes: Headland 3, Bell 1


Saturday 24 Mayat the MCG

Fremantle 4.2 7.2 13.2 16.5 (101)

Melbourne 1.4 6.5 9.6 10.11 (71)

Goals: J. Longmuir 6, Farmer 2, Koops 2,Simmonds 1, Schammer 1, Carr 1,Croad 1, Waterhouse 1, Sandilands 1

Brownlow Votes: J. Longmuir 3


Saturday 31 May 2003at Subiaco Oval

Fremantle 7.5 12.8 15.9 19.13 (127)

Carlton 3.1 6.4 11.7 15.9 (99)

Goals: Medhurst 7, Croad 3,J. Longmuir 2, Pavlich 2, Hasleby 1,Carr 1,Waterhouse 1, Koops 1, Bell 1

Brownlow Votes: Medhurst 3, Hasleby 2


Sunday 8 June 2003at AAMI Stadium

Fremantle 1.2 5.5 6.7 9.9 (63)

Port Adelaide 2.5 7.6 12.12 16.16 (112)

Goals: J. Longmuir 3, Cook 2, Carr 1,Headland 1, Grover 1, Croad 1


Saturday 14 June 2003at Subiaco Oval

Fremantle 3.3 6.4 10.6 13.10 (88)

Geelong 2.3 4.5 5.10 10.12 (72)

Goals: Pavlich 4, Medhurst 2, Hasleby 2,McManus 1, Cunningham 1, Croad 1,Cook 1, Bell 1

Brownlow Votes: Bell 3, Hasleby 2


Sunday 29 June 2003at York Park, Tasmania

Fremantle 3.2 7.2 9.5 10.8 (68)

Hawthorn 5.2 12.4 14.7 15.8 (98)

Goals: Bell 3, J.Longmuir 2, Pavlich 2,Hasleby 1, Farmer 1, Medhurst 1

Brownlow Votes: Bell 1

2003 Results round by round2003 Results round by round

Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book 37


Saturday 5 July 2003at Subiaco Oval

Fremantle 2.2 4.5 6.8 10.15 (75)

Brisbane 2.3 5.6 9.8 10.12 (72)

Goals: Pavlich 2, Medhurst 2,Schammer 1, Hasleby 1, Headland 1,J.Longmuir 1, Bell 1, Farmer 1

Brownlow Votes: Cook 2, Sandilands 1


Saturday 12 July 2003at the MCG

Fremantle 2.4 4.9 5.14 7.16 (58)

Collingwood 3.3 8.6 12.9 15.9 (99)

Goals: Pavlich 3, Farmer 2, Simmonds 1,Bell 1


Sunday 20 Julyat Subiaco Oval

Fremantle 2.1 10.4 10.9 13.13 (91)

Adelaide 5.5 7.5 11.11 13.12 (90)

Goals: Farmer 4, J.Longmuir 3, Carr 3,Simmonds 1, Medhurst 1

Brownlow Votes: Bell 2, Hasleby 1


Sunday 27 July 2003at the SCG

Fremantle 2.4 6.7 12.9 14.13 (97)

Sydney 3.2 9.6 11.7 17.9 (111)

Goals: Medhurst 3, Croad 3, Carr 1,Cook 1, J. Longmuir 2, T. Longmuir 2,Pavlich 2


Saturday 2 August 2003at Subiaco Oval

Fremantle 3.5 7.8 9.13 15.14 (104)

Richmond 2.3 5.9 7.13 11.15 (81)

Goals: Medhurst 3, Bell 3, T. Longmuir 2,Simmonds 1, Cook 1, J. Longmuir 1,Headland 1, McManus 1, Pavlich 1

Brownlow Votes: Bell 3, Headland 2


Sunday 10 August 2003at the MCG

Fremantle 2.3 6.4 10.16 15.9 (99)

Kangaroos 3.2 7.4 12.6 15.9 (98)

Goals: T. Longmuir 3, Medhurst 2,Pavlich 2, Headland 2, McManus 1,J. Longmuir 1, Hasleby 1, Farmer 1,Cook 1, Bell 1

Brownlow Votes: Pavlich 2


Sunday 17 August 2003at Subiaco Oval

Fremantle 5.6 10.12 13.17 18.25 (133)

Bulldogs 2.1 7.2 10.5 12.5 (77)

Goals: Medhurst 4, Pavlich 3, Farmer 3,Croad 2, Hayden 1, McManus 1,Hasleby 1, Cook 1, Carr 1, Headland 1

Brownlow Votes: Headland 3, Pavlich 2,McManus 1


Saturday 23 August 2003at Telstra Dome

Fremantle 3.2 7.3 9.4 11.7 (73)

Essendon 4.3 10.4 14.7 20.13 (133)

Goals: Medhurst 4, Simmonds 3,Pavlich 1, J. Longmuir 1, Carr 1, Bell 1


Saturday 30 August 2003at Subiaco Oval

Fremantle 4.2 6.6 12.10 14.12 (96)

West Coast 4.2 7.4 9.9 11.16 (82)

Goals: Medhurst 3, Farmer 2,J. Longmuir 2, Sandilands 1, Simmonds 1,Pavlich 1, Walker 1, T. Longmuir 1,Hasleby 1, Bell 1

Brownlow Votes: Hasleby 3, Woods 1


Friday 5 September 2003at Subiaco Oval

Fremantle 2.2 3.4 4.6 8.9 (57)

Essendon 3.3 7.6 11.8 15.11 (101)

Goals: Medhurst 2, Pavlich 2, Farmer 1,Webster 1, Hasleby 1, Headland 1

SHANE PARKERInaugural player and Clubstalwart Shane Parker becamethe first Fremantle player to play150 games for the Club in round4 of 2003, in the processbecoming the first player toearn Life Membership withthe Fremantle Football Club.

Making his debut in round 3 of1995 against Fitzroy at theWestern Oval on 15 April 1995,Shane has established himself asone of the most consistent andreliable defenders in the AFL,called upon each and every weekfor some of the toughestassignments that face the team,nullifying the opposition strikeforce. A true professional ineverything he has done andcontinues to do for the Club, bothon and off the field, the quiet,unassuming defender Shane isadmired by team mates andsupporters alike and representsthe heart and soul of theFremantle Football Club.

38 Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book

1995Chairman..........................Ross KellyCoach......................Gerard NeeshamCaptain ..............................Ben AllanChampion........................Peter MannBeacon Award ............Scott ChisholmGoal Scorer .............Peter Mann (33)

1996Chairman..........................Ross KellyCoach......................Gerard NeeshamCaptain ..............................Ben AllanChampion ................Stephen O’ReillyBeacon Award.............Gavin MitchellGoal Scorer .......Kingsley Hunter (33)

1997Chairman..........................Ross KellyCoach......................Gerard NeeshamCaptain...........................Peter MannChampion ......................Dale KickettBeacon Award...................Mark GaleGoal Scorer .......Kingsley Hunter (32)

1998Chairman....Ross Kelly/Ross McLeanCoach......................Gerard NeeshamCaptain...........................Peter MannChampion.....................Jason NorrishBeacon Award...................Brad DoddGoal Scorer ....Clive Waterhouse (30)

1999Chairman .....................Ross McLeanCoach ..........................Damian DrumCaptain ............................Chris BondChampion ..................Adrian FletcherBeacon Award..............Clem MichaelGoal Scorer .............Tony Modra (71)

2000Chairman .....................Ross McLeanCoach ..........................Damian DrumCaptain ...............................................Adrian Fletcher & Shaun McManusChampion ..........................Troy CookBeacon Award...............Paul HaslebyGoal Scorer ....Clive Waterhouse (53)

2001Chairman .....................Ross McLeanCoach..........Damian Drum/Ben AllanCaptain ...............................................Adrian Fletcher & Shaun McManus Champion ..........................Peter BellBeacon Award ................Dion WoodsGoal Scorer ......................................Matthew Pavlich & Justin Longmuir (28)

2002Chairman ...........................Rick HartCoach .........................Chris ConnollyCaptain .............................Peter BellChampion................Matthew PavlichBeacon Award ............Paul MedhurstGoal Scorer .............Trent Croad (42)

2003Chairman ...........................Rick HartCoach .........................Chris ConnollyCaptain .............................Peter BellDoig Medallist ...................Peter BellBeacon Award .............Graham PolakGoal Scorer .........Paul Medhurst (50)

CLUB RECORDSGames..............................................161: Shane Parker (1995 - )Consecutive games ..........................88: Troy Cook (Round 1, 2000 – Round 22, 2003) Goals (overall) ..................................171: Clive Waterhouse (1996 - ) Goals (season) .................................71: Tony Modra (1999)Goals (game)....................................10: Tony Modra (Round 10, 1999)

AFL RISING STARPaul Hasleby ............................2000

AFL ALL AUSTRALIANMatthew Pavlich.............2002, 2003Peter Bell .................................2003Paul Hasleby ............................2003

BEST CLUBMAN2003...........................Troy Longmuir2002.......................Shaun McManus2001 .............................Leigh Brown2000..............................John Rankin1999 ........................Ashley Prescott1998....Chris Bond and Jason Norrish


AFL RISING STAR NOMINEESByron Schammer ..............................Aaron Sandilands..............................Graham Polak...................................

WA STATE OF ORIGINPeter Bell (Captain)..........................Shaun McManus...............................Matthew Carr ...................................Graham Polak...................................Robert Haddrill .................................Paul Hasleby ....................................

2003 ALL AUSTRALIANPeter Bell .........................................Matthew Pavlich...............................Paul Hasleby ....................................

2003 INTERNATIONALSERIES V IRELANDGame 1 at Subiaco Oval 24/10/03 ..– Matthew Pavlich, Paul HaslebyGame 2 at the MCG 31/10/03.........– Matthew Pavlich, Paul Hasleby,

Matthew Carr


Games150 AFL/FFC Games ........................– Shane Parker, v Kangaroos

at Subiaco Oval, Round 4, 20 April 2003

150 AFL Games................................– Jeff Farmer, v Collingwood

at the MCG, Round 15, 12 July 200350 FFC Games..................................– Matthew Carr, v Western Bulldogs

at Telstra Dome, Round 7, 11 May 2003

50 FFC Games..................................– Peter Bell, v Western Bulldogs

at Telstra Dome, Round 7, 11 May 2003

50 AFL/FFC Games ..........................– Antoni Grover, v Port Adelaide

at AAMI Stadium, Round 11, 8 June 2003

FFC DebutDes Headland ...................................– v Adelaide at AAMI Stadium,

Round 1, 30 March 2003

AFL DebutByron Schammer ..............................– v Adelaide at AAMI Stadium,

Round 1, 30 March 2003Aaron Sandilands..............................– v Adelaide at AAMI Stadium,

Round 1, 30 March 2003Luke Webster ...................................– v Brisbane at Subiaco Oval,

Round 14, 5 July 2003

Goals300 AFL Goals..................................– Jeff Farmer, v Melbourne

at the MCG, Round 9, 24 May 2003150 AFL Goals..................................– Peter Bell, v Kangaroos

at Subiaco Oval, Round 4, 20 April 2003

100 AFL/FFC Goals ..........................– Justin Longmuir, v Sydney

at the MCG, Round 17, 27 July 200350 AFL/FFC Goals ............................– Paul Hasleby, v Kangaroos

at Subiaco Oval, Round 4, 20 April 2003

50 AFL/FFC Goals ............................– Paul Medhurst v Western Bulldogs

at Telstra Dome, Round 7, 11 May 2003

50 AFL Goals....................................– Troy Cook, v Western Bulldogs

at Telstra Dome, Round 7, 11 May 2003

Club RecordsHighest score in the AFL...................– 25.17 (167) v Kangaroos

at Subiaco Oval, Round 4, 20 April 2003

Highest score away from home .........– 23.17 (155) v Western Bulldogs

at Telstra Dome, Round 7, 11 May 2003

Highest winning margin away from home ...............................– 83 points, v Western Bulldogs

at Telstra Dome, Round 7, 11 May 2003

Consecutive Wins .............................– 5, Round 6, 4 May 2003

to Round 10, 31 May 2003Highest Second Quarter Score ..........– v Adelaide at Subiaco Oval,

Round 16, 20 July 2003Most offensive year ..........................– 2143 points scored in home and

away season at an average of 97.4points per game

Honour boardHonour board

FREMANTLE LEGEND HONOUREDFremantle legend Con Regan washonoured by the AFL in 2003 with theprestigious Jack Titus Award, the firstWestern Australian to receive the awardpresented annually in recognition of

outstanding service to football. Con played a total of264 League games for East Fremantle Football Clubbetween 1953 and 1965. In that time EastFremantle made the top four every year and won twoPremierships and Con became the first player to play250 games for East Fremantle. He also played 25WAFL finals games and 9 state games. The highlightof his career was playing in the winning 1961Australian Carnival Team. Con has been involved infootball continually since 1941 from junior footballin Fremantle right up to the present time as TeamManager for the Fremantle Football Club, a positionhe has held since the Club’s foundation. As well ashis football achievements Con was also verysuccessful in water polo, playing more than 50years senior water polo with the Melville Club,where he is a life member.

Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book 39

2003 GAMESPeter Bell .....................................23Andrew Browne ..............................3Matthew Carr ...............................21Ben Colreavy* ................................0Troy Cook.....................................22Trent Croad ..................................17Ryan Crowley .................................0Ben Cunningham ............................1Steven Dodd*.................................0Brett Doswell .................................0Greg Edgcumbe ..............................0Jeff Farmer...................................20Daniel Gilmore* ..............................0Anthoni Grover..............................18Robert Haddrill .............................23Daniel Haines .................................7Paul Hasleby ................................23Roger Hayden ...............................21Joshua Head* .................................0Des Headland ...............................22Anthony Jones ................................1Steven Koops ...............................13Justin Longmuir ............................22Troy Longmuir...............................10Shaun McManus...........................23Luke McPharlin.............................12Paul Medhurst ..............................23Ricky Mott* ...................................0Shane Parker................................13Matthew Pavlich...........................23Graham Polak...............................22Aaron Sandilands..........................19Byron Schammer ..........................17Andrew Siegert...............................4Troy Simmonds .............................22Scott Thornton ...............................5Luke Toia........................................0James Walker ...............................23Clive Waterhouse............................8Luke Webster* ...............................4Dion Woods ..................................21* Rookie List

LEADING GOALKICKERSPaul Medhurst ..............................50Justin Longmuir ............................38Matthew Pavlich...........................37Jeff Farmer...................................27Peter Bell .....................................20

TOTAL DISPOSALSPeter Bell ...................................596Paul Hasleby ..............................561Matthew Pavlich.........................449Troy Cook...................................399Shaun McManus.........................397

GENERAL KICKSPeter Bell ...................................354Paul Hasleby ..............................341Matthew Pavlich.........................330Shaun McManus.........................270Matthew Carr .............................268

HANDBALLSPeter Bell ...................................242Paul Hasleby ..............................220Troy Cook...................................147Shaun McManus.........................127Matthew Pavlich.........................119

MARKSPaul Hasleby ..............................122Troy Simmonds ...........................117Graham Polak.............................113Matthew pavlich.........................112Peter Bell ...................................111

TACKLESTroy Cook.....................................99Shaun McManus...........................76Peter Bell .....................................72Des Headland ...............................58Matthew Pavlich...........................58

HARD-BALL GETSPaul Hasleby ................................64Peter Bell .....................................61Matthew Pavlich...........................58Troy Simmonds .............................49Troy Cook.....................................46

LOOSE-BALL GETSPeter Bell ...................................158Paul Hasleby ..............................132Shaun Mcmanus .........................131Troy Cook...................................102Matthew Pavlich...........................96

HANDBALLS RECEIVEDPeter Bell ...................................205Matthew Pavlich.........................153Paul Hasleby ..............................139Matthew Carr .............................119Troy Cook...................................117

REBOUNDS FROM 50Robert Haddrill ...........................123Dion Woods ................................108Peter Bell .....................................68Roger Hayden ...............................61Matthew Pavlich...........................57

INSIDE 50Matthew Pavlich.........................111Paul Hasleby ................................95Des Headland ...............................83Shaun Mcmanus ...........................77Troy Cook.....................................74

HITOUTSAaron Sandilands........................353Troy Simmonds ...........................326Justin Longmuir ............................81Matthew Pavlich...........................28Trent Croad ....................................7

LONG KICKSMatthew Pavlich.........................180Paul Hasleby ..............................129Peter Bell ...................................122Des Headland .............................120Shaun McManus.........................111

SHORT KICKSPeter Bell ...................................232Paul Hasleby ..............................218Matthew Carr .............................170Shaun McManus.........................159Troy Cook...................................154

CONTESTED MARKSGraham Polak...............................47Paul Medhurst ..............................37Justin Longmuir ............................37Matthew Pavlich...........................26Troy Simmonds .............................25

FREES FORPeter Bell .....................................27Troy Cook.....................................27Shaun McManus...........................25Paul Hasleby ................................21Des Headland ...............................21

FREES AGAINSTTroy Simmonds .............................33Shaun McManus...........................28Trent Croad ..................................25Matthew Pavlich...........................25Paul Medhurst ..............................24

2003 Statistics2003 Statistics

40 Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book

Board & Executive profilesBoard & Executive profilesRick HartPresidentSince February 2002

Rick has had a long involvement inWestern Australian football fromjunior to senior level as a sponsor,and in recent years as a sponsorof Fremantle. Formerly vice-chairman of the Western AustralianTur f Club and currently ManagingDirector and founder of the RickHart Group of 14 electrical stores in WesternAustralia, established in 1975. Previous Board memberof Retravision (WA) and the Betting Control Board ofWA. Sponsor and supporter of WA Junior Football andthe WA Umpires Association. Past President and LifeMember of the Carbine Club of WA.

Len HitchenVice PresidentSince July 2001

Retired after a 36 year career in theWestern Australian State Governmentwhere he achieved permanentdepartment head level and served onnumerous Government Boards. FormerChairman and Chief Executive of theWestern Australian Tourism Commission, has extensiveprotocol experience at Executive Director level withresponsibilities for major VIP visits. Extensive sportsparticipation and administration experience including formerPresident of the Australian Table Tennis Association for 9years, WA Table Tennis Association for 6 years, and the EastFremantle Football Club for 10 Years. Awarded AustralianSports Medal in 2000 for services to table tennis and footballand the Centenary Medal in 2002 for services to sport andsports administration. Current Chairman of FremantleHospital Medical Research Foundation.

Mel AshtonSince December 2002

The Managing Par tner of PPB,Char tered Accountants andBusiness ReconstructionSpecialists, a specialist inBusiness Mentoring Ser vicesand Corporate Turnaround, heis a Fellow of the Institute ofChar tered Accountants Australia(“ICAA”) where he is alsoregional councillor in Western Australia for ICAA,and Fellow of the Insolvency PractitionersAssociation of Australia.

Tony BuhagiarSince 2000

Played 138 Games with EastFremantle in the WAFL, went on toplay 108 AFL games in total playing83 games with Essendon from 1981to 1984 kicking a total of 135 goalsand 25 games and 36 goals forFootscray in 1985. Played 5 StateGames and was named All Australian in 1979. A HarbourMaster member since the Club’s inception and President ofthe Derby Club for the third year. Involved in the Hospitalityindustry and owner of several well know hotels in Perth.A Board member of Route 66 liquor Co-Operative.

Greg WallSince March 2002

Currently Chief Executive ofStateWest Credit Society, one ofWestern Australia’s largest non bankfinancial institutions. Previously heldsenior positions in banking includingState Manager for WA, Head ofMarketing and National ManagerFinancial Services for ChallengeBank. Currently holds several other board positions includingGold Estates (1903) Ltd, CUSCAL Ltd, Lancelin CoastalProperties Ltd, and StateWest Financial Planning Pty Ltd.

David RawlinsonSince November 2000

A lawyer in private practice since1975, played football with theUniversity Football Club from 1970until 1975, Claremont FootballClub from 1976 until 1980 andSouth Fremantle Football Clubfrom 1982 until 1984. VicePresident of the WAFL PlayersAssociation for 1979 and 1980. Has been a memberof the Research Ethics Committee of HollywoodHospital since 1990.

David GaricSince December 2003

Self employed heavy haulagecontractor for the last 20 yearsworking on some of westernAustralia’s major civil engineeringprojects including the “BusseltonBypass”, “Brockman Highway” and“The Great Northern Highway” inthe Kimberleys. Initially commenced with the MainRoads Department in the Materials Lab, studyingApplied Sciences before moving to become ManagingDirector of a major South West Refrigeration Transportcompany for three years. Member elected Boardrepresentative in December 2003 for two years.

Cameron SchwabChief Executive OfficerExecutive Member of the ListManagement, Audit and Governanceand Remuneration Sub-Committeesof the Board

Since September 2001

Star ted as a cadet administratorwith Melbourne at the age of 18in January 1982 and was laterrecruiting manager. In 1988, wasappointed general manager of Richmond at age 24 –the youngest person to hold this position in thehistor y of the AFL. Resigned in 1994 and for thenext 2 years studied full-time, completing a Masterof Business Administration and a Master ofMarketing at Melbourne University. In 1994 and1995 was employed as a par t time consultant toFremantle. Appointed general manager of footballoperations at Melbourne in 1996 and became ChiefExecutive Of ficer in 1997. Took over as ChiefExecutive Of ficer of afl.com.au, the AFL’s of ficialinternet site, in 1999 and was appointed ChiefExecutive Of ficer of Fremantle in 2001.

Gary WaltonChief Financial Officer/Company SecretaryExecutive Member of the Audit andGovernance Sub-Committee of the Board

Since March 2002

A Chartered Accountant with over20 years experience in the corporatesector, has managed the finance and administrationfunctions of several public companies and also undertookcorporate consulting for approximately four years. Joinedthe Club in March 2002 as Chief Financial Officer/CompanySecretary and is responsible for all finance, corporategovernance, administration and information technology.Works closely with the Board and CEO in developing andimplementing the strategic direction of the Club.

Keith BlackCorporate Affairs andCommunications ManagerExecutive Member of the Audit andGovernance and Remuneration Sub-Committees of the Board

Since April 2002

An experienced senior manager,worked with Alcoa at its WesternAustralian refineries and minesites from 1980, then as Industrial Relations Managerat the Portland smelter operations in Victoria in 1985.Joined the Bell Group in 1987 as Group HumanResources Manager and in 1990 joined HeytesburyHoldings Ltd as General Manager of PublishingOperations, responsible for WA regional mediaoperations, then to Rural Press from 1993 as DivisionalManager until 1995. Established a consulting practicein 1995 specialising in organisational restructuring andbusiness strategy and also established a successful ITconsulting and computer retail business in 1999 until2001. Appointed Chief Executive Officer of a major WAhealth group from 1998 before returning to privateconsulting in 2001.

















Steven IckeFootball Manager Executive Member of the ListManagement Sub-Committee of theBoard

Since December 2001

Premiership player with NorthMelbourne in 1977, played over 200games in his career at NorthMelbourne and Melbourne including Melbourne’s best andfairest in 1982 and runner-up in 1983. A serious kneeinjury ended his football career in 1987. Worked as asenior sales executive in Melbourne radio from 1983,before joining Reebok Australia in 1991 as Victorian SalesManager. In 1995 moved to Adidas Australia as NationalSales Manager and in 1997, joined international consultinggroup Rogen International as Leadership CommunicationSpecialist before joining the Fremantle Football Club inDecember 2001. Was specialist coach at Richmond from1989 to 1990, Assistant Coach at Eastern Ranges U18sfrom 1991 to 1995, specialist coach at Oakleigh Chargersin 1997 and part-time Assistant Coach and member of thematch committee at Hawthorn from 1998 to 2001.

Narelle FinchSponsorship & SpecialProjects ManagerSince October 2002

Commenced with BankWest in 1988in public and community relationsbefore joining the Western AustralianCricket Association as MarketingManager in 1994. Joined theAustralian Cricket Board in 1996 and undertook a variety ofroles including Manager Licensing and Promotions, ManagerInternational Cricket Marketing, and Event Manager SuperChallenge 2000. Moved to Sydney and worked within theAPN group marketing outdoor media before returning toPerth to join the Fremantle Football Club in October 2002.

Steve RosichMarketing ManagerSince January 2003

Steve is an experienced executivewith very strong credentials inthe areas of sponsorship andevent management, hospitalitysales, membership and suppor terdevelopment.

Steve has been in the role of Business OperationsManager with the West Coast Eagles for the past fouryears. In this role he has worked closely with theChief Executive to develop new strategic businessoppor tunities as well as being responsible formanaging the core business areas of membership,merchandise and suppor ter development.

Previously, he held the position of Associate Directorin the corporate advisory arm of the internationalchar tered accounting firm Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.He has completed a Bachelor of Business at theUniversity of Western Australia and was a leaguesquad member at the Subiaco and West Per th FootballClubs from 1988 to 1991.

Chris ConnollySenior CoachSince November 2001

Played 84 games for Melbournefrom 1982 to 1987, coach ofEastern Ranges in the TAC Cupfrom 1991 to 1995 and AssistantCoach at Hawthorn from 1996 to2001. In only his second year asSenior Coach in 2003 he guided the Club to its first everfinals appearance. Joined Fremantle at the end of 2001to rebuild the football department and establish on fieldcredibility. Has created a skilled and accountable groupof players who have become the most exciting in theAFL and has developed respect as an innovative coach.

Les EverettSince December 2003

During an 18 year career in Governmentprimary schools, presented at nationalconferences on subjects ranging fromthe establishment of radio stations inprimary schools and teaching oralhistory interview techniques to primarystudents. Also established a link withCurtin University’s centre of Aboriginalstudies in creating a joint Indigenous studies unit. Journalismcareer began with the first edition of the Fremantle Herald in1989 and is currently the Features Editor at the Herald. Alsofootball writer for Voice News and a part time teacher atRottnest Island Primary School. Author of the book GravelRash: 100 years of Goldfields Football, has also worked for theSunday Football League, the WAFL and the WA FootballDevelopment Trust. Foundation editor of Fremantle FootballClub publications until 2002. Member elected Boardrepresentative in December 2003 for one year.

Gary BerrellSince March 2002

Originally from WA, worked forMacquarie Bank in Sydney for13 years and appointed ExecutiveDirector in 1989. Experienced infinancial markets trading,administration and risk management.Joined Westpac in Sydney in 1996 asHead of Interest Rate Risk, relocating to Perth in 2001.Represented Australia at numerous internationalconferences concerning financial market regulations,culminating in the global Y2K task force, as the Australiantreasurer/secretary of Association Cambiste Internationale(global organisation covering all foreign exchange markets).

Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book 41

Off the fieldOff the fieldBoard of Directors Rick Hart (President)

Len Hitchen (Vice President)

Mel Ashton

Gary Berrell

Tony Buhagiar

David Rawlinson

Greg Wall

David Garic

Les Everett

AdministrationCameron Schwab

– Chief Executive Officer

Keith Black – Corporate Affairs andCommunications Manager

Kristy Radici – Communications Officer

Amanda Benny – Executive Assistant

FinanceGary Walton – Chief Financial Officer

Phil Warren – Financial Controller

Nicole Hobbs – Assistant Accountant

Minh Tran – IT Manager

Fran Sanders – Accounts Officer

Alison Wells – Receptionist

Kerry Sutherland – Receptionist

Commercial OperationsNarelle Finch – Sponsorship and

Special Projects Manager

Phil Gallagher – Sponsorship and Coteries Manager

Jayden Kahl – Sponsorship Coordinator

Lisa Yacoub – Sponsorship Coordinator

Steve Rosich – Marketing Manager

Ben Hammond – Membership Services Manager

Jon Haines – Supporter Development Manager

Bianca Craven – Supporter Development Coordinator

Trent Turvey – Membership Services Coordinator

Daniel Green – Membership Services Coordinator

Tanya Bushby – Membership Services Coordinator

Greg Erskine – Corporate Sales Manager

Daniel Metropolis – Business Development Manager

Marion Shervington – Business Development Manager

Tina Rees – Business Development Manager

David Pitts – Business Development Manager

Melissa Winch – Sales Executive

Akshay Nasta – Sales Executive

Aaron Bester – Merchandise & Licencing Manager

Craig Evans – Shop Coordinator

Greg Green – Events Consultant

Kellie Black – Events Coordinator


Steven Icke – Football Manager

Chris Connolly – Senior Coach

Chris Waterman – Assistant Coach

Kelly O’Donnell – Assistant Coach

Steve Malaxos – Assistant Coach

Simon Eastaugh – Assistant Coach

Adam Larcom – Strength and Conditioning Coach

Kevin Ball – Biomechanist/Skills Coach

Phil Smart – Recruiting Manager

Brent Dawkins – Recruiting Officer

Earl Spalding – Skills Coach

Norm Tame – Video and Statistics Manager

Neil McLean – Psychologist

Jeff Boyle – Physiotherapist

Craig Allen – Physiotherapist

Steve Jackson – Podiatrist

Ken Withers – Doctor

David Day – Doctor

Steph Neesham – Player Liaison Officer

Pat Watson – Property Manager

Frank Widdicombe – Assistant Property Officer

Con Regan – Team Manager

John Rankin – Fitness/Swimming Coach

Ben Marks – Recruitment Assistant

Gary Ingraham – Runner/Boxing Coach

Marshall Stockton – Runner

Kevin Bryant – Coach’s Assistant

Lee Walker – Player Welfare andDevelopment Manager

Gary Antulov – WAFL Coordinator

Geoff Burgess – WAFL Scout

Jamie Kelley – WAFL Scout

Murray MacDonald – WAFL Scout

Nick Morgan – WAFL Scout

Anthony Satti – WAFL Scout

Frank Woods – WAFL Scout

Ivo Capelhina – Head Trainer

Stephen Platt – Trainer

Brendan August – Trainer

Jason Courtney – Trainer

Karen Emery – Trainer

Michael McBride – Trainer

Tayna Reschke – Trainer

Vic Salic – Trainer

Keith Carmody – Chaplain

Brad Ravenscroft – Yoga Instructor

Julie Meek – Dietician

Les Barry – Doorman

Mike Atkinson – Statistician

Joe Cosoleto – Statistician

Mike Lasscock – Statistician

Alan Powel – Statistician

Frank Riccelli – Statistician

Andrew Stone – Statistician

Andrew Webster – Statistician

Lisa Rankin – Masseuse

Graeme Hadley – Recruiting

John Nykyforak – Recruiting

South Australia

Bill Forrestal – Property Assistant

Alan Waldron – Property Assistant

Tim McLeod – Recruiting

Geoff Prest – Recruiting

Graeme Robertson – Recruiting

Boris Vidic – Recruiting


Wayne Hughes – Victorian Operations Manager

Gary Burleigh – Oppositions Coach

Noel Bosch – Recruiting

Shane Rogers – Recruiting

Michael Hughson – Recruiting

Gerard Donovan – Statistician

Bernard Brickhill – Statistician

Mario Cananzi – Statistician

Mike Power – Statistician

Michael Gill – Statistician

Bernard Magher – Statistician

Darryn Ricketts – Statistician

Guy Balmer – Trainer

Barry Kirkwood – Trainer

Albert Latu – Trainer

John Parker – Trainer

Rod Yin – Trainer

Dean Rogers – Trainer

Barrie Herbert – Property Assistant

Dennis Hambling – Property Assistant

Alan Salter – Doorman

Stuart Yin – Doorman

Peter Hanna – Transport

Justin O’Dwyer – Runner

Jeff Morgan – Coach’s Assistant

Dale Harris – Coach’s Assistant

Mark Hoskin

Adam Power

42 Fremant le Footba l l C lub 2003 Year Book

PLAYERSLuke ToiaAn inaugural player with the Club, Lukedebuted in Round 7 1996 against Adelaideand went on to play 63 games and kick 33goals for the Club. A Rising Star nominee in1996, the tough midfielder has had a careerinterrupted by serious injuries including aknee reconstruction in 1998 and a broken neck sustained ina game for Subiaco in the WAFL in 2001. His courage to returnfrom such a serious injury to play one game in 2002 istestament to his commitment and character. In 2003 Lukeannounced his retirement from AFL.

Anthony JonesJoining the Club in the inaugural year fromClaremont, Anthony made his AFL debut inRound 2 1995, and went on to play a total of82 matches for the Club. The dedicated andhardworking Club stalwart has been apopular and respected player who has had hisopportunities reduced by injury, and despite these interruptionsand setbacks to his AFL career, Anthony continued to work hardand his performances in 2003 in the WAFL were outstanding.

Trent CroadTrent joined the Fremantle from Hawthornin 2002 and played a total of 38 games andkicked 60 goals in his two seasons for theClub, the leading goal kicker in 2002 with42. Trent has been a valued member of theFremantle family as the Club set aboutrebuilding itself after the 2001 season. He has been a popularplayer with his fellow team mates, Club staff and withsupporters. Trent was traded to Hawthorn in exchange forselection 10 at the 2003 National Draft.

Steven KoopsSteven was the youngest ever player todebut for the Fremantle Club when he tookthe field in Round 5, 1996 at aged 17 years277 days. Steven went on to play 78 gamesfor the Club, providing many memorablehighlights for supporters particularly in 2002when he took Mark of the Week in three consecutive weeksfrom round 14 to 16, with his mark against the Kangaroos inRound 15 at Manuka Oval being a finalist for Mark of the Year.Steven played 13 games in season 2003 and kicked 4 goals.After 9 years with the Club and at 25 years of age, Steven isenthusiastic about his move to the Western Bulldogs as a resultof an exchange for selection 19 at the 2003 National Draft.

Joshua Head (Rookie List)

STAFFShelley Jackson – Events Coordinator

Dana Cirulis – Sponsorship Coordinator

Colin Young – Corporate Sales Manager

Meredith Eddington – Membership Manager

Alana Bagnara – Membership Operations Coordinator

Melissa Miller – Accounts Officer

Cindy McIntyre – Events Coordinator

Debe Daniel – Promotions Officer

Mick Moylan – Football Administration Manager

Nicole Walker – Sales Coordinator

Player Total GamesWinston Abraham .....................38Ben Allan..................................47Stuart Anderson .........................9Daniel Bandy ..........................105Peter Bell .................................66Heath Black .............................69Darren Bolton .............................2Chris Bond................................41Brad Bootsma...........................23Leigh Brown .............................63Michael Brown .........................22Andrew Browne ..........................4Craig Burrows...........................20Jay Burton..................................2Matthew Burton .......................70Adam Butler ...............................0Craig Callaghan ........................95Darren Capewell .........................0Matthew Carr ...........................64Trent Carroll .............................33Brad Cassidy ..............................0Scott Chisholm.........................63Ashley Clancy.............................0Michael Clark .............................1James Clement .........................84Matthew Clucas .......................11Troy Cook.................................88Trent Croad ..............................38Ryan Crowley .............................0Ben Cunningham.......................27Tony Delaney ............................28Gary Dhurrkay ..........................51Brad Dodd ................................50Brett Doswell .............................0Greg Edgcumbe ..........................0Simon Eastaugh........................12Travis Edmonds...........................1Ben Edwards ..............................0Scott Edwards ..........................15Jeff Farmer ...............................40Brendon Fewster ......................37Brendon Feddema.......................3Adrian Fletcher .........................79Mark Gale ................................71Phil Gilbert ...............................14Scott Gooch ...............................0Tony Godden.............................11Dean Grainger.............................0Chris Groom ...............................7Antoni Grover ...........................57Robert Haddrill .........................31Daniel Haines ...........................16Greg Harding ............................69Daniel Hargraves ........................3Paul Hasleby.............................86Roger Hayden ...........................26Joshua Head ...............................0Des Headland ...........................22Brodie Holland ..........................36Kingsley Hunter ........................41John Hutton ..............................13David Hynes .............................13Troy Johnson...............................0Anthony Jones ..........................82Dale Kickett ...........................135

Player Total GamesSteven Koops ...........................78Brendan Krummel .......................1Quenton Leach .........................56Antony Ljubic..............................0Justin Longmuir ........................79Troy Longmuir ...........................46Greg Madigan...........................26Paul Maher.................................5Peter Mann ..............................77Luke McPharlin.........................23Sam McFarlane...........................0Andrew McGovern ....................63Shaun McManus.....................146Adam McPhee ..........................25Paul Medhurst ..........................43Todd Menegola ...........................0Jamie Merillo ............................15Daniel Metropolis .......................6Clem Michael ...........................43Neil Mildenhall............................7Peter Miller ..............................16Gavin Mitchell ..........................36Tony Modra...............................47David Muir................................20Craig Nettlebeck ........................0Jason Norrish..........................128Nathan Mourish ..........................0Stephen O'Reilly .......................98Daniel Parker............................25Shane Parker..........................162Matthew Pavlich.......................84Ashley Prescott ........................38Graham Polak ...........................28Troy Polak ..................................0Brendon Retzlaff .........................6Todd Ridley...............................21Brad Rowe..................................8Aaron Sandilands......................19Byron Schammer ......................17Daniel Schell ............................16Andrew Shipp ...........................35Andrew Siegert.........................25Troy Simmonds .........................42Dwayne Simpson ........................2Jess Sinclair .............................50Ryan Smith.................................0Garth Taylor..............................15Scott Thornton ...........................6Luke Toia .................................63Keren Ugle .................................4James Walker ...........................98Leigh Wardell-Johnson...............11Clive Waterhouse......................99Scott Watters...........................26Luke Webster .............................4Jeff White.................................32Martin Whitelaw.........................1Andrew Wills ............................79Brad Wira .................................35Clinton Wolf................................4Dion Woods ..............................39*Includes rookie players whoplayed senior AFL in a homeand away game

FarewellsFarewellsALL PLAYERS SINCE 1995