FCL402 Synthesis Report

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Transcript of FCL402 Synthesis Report

  • 8/7/2019 FCL402 Synthesis Report


    Name: Juan Carlo C. Viado Date: February 11, 2011

    Course/Year/Section: BSN3J Professor: Mr. Ferdinand Salagan


    Each and every man is a mystery. Indeed, man is different from all of His creation;

    knowingly the only rational being. Given the opportunity to be rational, there are times where

    man became irrational. In such instances, man subjects to actions which could harm life as well

    as other people too, later resulting to sin. It is imperative that man gives back the favor given by

    Him and take responsibility for all committed unnecessary move.

    Man is revealed in various pictures: created in His own likeness and image, destined for

    eternal life, called to be child of, sanctified by the Holy Spirit, and revealed by Christ. The

    concepts are interrelated to each other.

    As man created in His own image and likeness, this specifically implies of the distinctive

    characteristics given by Him. But the bottom-line in this statement, man alone is good in every

    way given that man uses the qualities atoned in the best possible way.Man is destined for eternal

    life, as God has promised. Gates of heaven above will be open, permitting only those who do

    things for the common good. That will prove one has fulfilled His given tasks during existence.

    Man is called to be His child. Since man is molded in His own image and likeness, therefore, it

    obviously means man is His children, the one believing in His revelation. Man is sanctified by

    the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit guides and enlightens the mind of man in every step he takes and

    risks. As man is evil in action, the Holy Spirit is affected negatively. This just tells that man must

    be aware of his environment, to be keen-observers and sensitive. Lastly, man is revealed by

    Christ. All of these things came from Him alone which signifies He is the Creator. As His

    disciples, man should professed faith only to Him alone and be appreciative in all aspects.

    The parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus brings back forth the essence of life. Death is

    an inevitable part of mans journey but God promised of eternal life. It is an indirect approach of

    killing which is represented by three-most condition: the rich man is indifferent, he was selfish,

    and he minimized the word of God. The rich mans indifference directs on what a mans

    behavior should possess in that scenario. He did not spare mercy on Lazarus by just merely

  • 8/7/2019 FCL402 Synthesis Report


    sharing a bit of what he have, thereby, not practicing his word. The approach on death does not

    mean termination of overall consciousness, identity, and memory but rather continues after-life.

    Again, it just brings back to the essence of preserving life key for heaven.

    Being morally responsible for such actions makes man fulfill the promised that has been

    revealed to mankind. In contradiction to that, it just proves how irrelevant the existence of man.

    Morality places the center-fold of every occasions for which it is morally acceptable. It also

    speaks of freedom and its extent to safeguard life of oneself and others.

    The Ten Commandments revealed by Moses showed of the main things one must

    fulfilled. It is the list of specified responsibilities one must accomplished and avoid. The

    interrelatedness of each commandment sums up into two: Love God above all, and love your

    neighbor as you love yourself.

    The First Commandment calls on his disciples to worship one being and that is God

    alone. This gives a direction on what and where man should profess his faith. There are a lot of

    underlying conditions wherein this main commandment is violated. This signals each and every

    one of His disciples to alter those sins and influence those who are in the current state to come

    back to Gods embrace. Believing in God does not well-suffice the essence of the

    commandment. Loving God does not necessarily mean loving Him alone rather doing good to

    other people in their time of crises as God reveals Himself to human beings too.

    The Second Commandment relates the first commandment. By having Him as the God of

    all, one must avoid using His name into a dialect which is not religiously acceptable and yields a

    different meaning. Others may think it is just an expression but sometimes, it causes literal

    interpretation of the meaning per se, thereby, misjudgment. One must hold liable to his actions.

    The Third Commandment speaks of how important Sundays are. Not only is it the only

    time for relaxation known to be family day but also mans moment to be with Him for an hour inthe church.

    The Fourth Commandment directs to honoring parents and valuing their existence in

    mans journey and the Fifth Commandment specifies the true essence of life: You shall not kill.