Fb planning strategy

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Fb planning strategy

1- Employ Visuals

2- Launch contests

3- Be Funny

4- Spotlight your employees

5- Be responsive

• A good call to action. For example “Click ‘like’ to…”

• An engaging question “Tell us…” • A good image. • Fill in the blanks • Ask questions • Focus on what your target audience will be

interested in • Current happenings • Tips • Did you know • Quotes

Posting ideas-• Photos of happy customers

case studies • Photos of employees • humorous jokes and images

Ask fans to fill in the caption of a photo • Post new product tips • run a contest For direct marketing through coupons, events, offers

Like, comment on, & share friends’ activity:

Chat friends up

Tag friends in photos: #

Choose the right cover photo Maximize your avatar Vanity URL Custom tabs

Facebook uses an algorithm called

“EdgeRank” that determines what people

see in their newsfeed.



Decay: .

Currently photos have some of the best engagement of any

type of content for most businesses.

Asking questions that require a short answer can also increase your

engagement. “How do you take your coffee?” or “Describe your

perfect vacation in ten words or less,” are good examples.

Create and market events on Facebook.

Use mobile to take your Facebookmarketing to a new level.

To reach a wider audience you’re probably going to

need to spend some Money on ads.

The good news is that Facebook offers some amazing

targeting options so your ads only appear in front of your

ideal customers, and you only pay when they click on


Choosing a Facebook Campaign Objective choosing Your Campaign Budget

Choosing Your Facebook Audience






Education Level

Relationship Status

Political Views

Facebook also gives advertisers the ability to upload

their own information in order to make Custom

Audiences.Whether or not they are connected to your

page With Custom Audiences you can target users by:

Email addresses

Phone numbers

User IDs

Mobile advertiser IDs

People who have visited your site

You can’t improve your Facebook marketing without

feedback and metrics. Some of the stats include:


Engaged Users

Talking About This


General consensus: post 2-5 times a day Use FB

scheduling or an auto poster (eg. Hootsuite)

Once you have a reasonable number of fans (I think

you need at least 30) and are getting some engagement

check your insights

Twitter – 1-3pm weekdays

Facebook – 1-4pm and 2-5pm weekdays

LinkedIn – 7-8:30am and 5-6pm Tuesday,

Wednesday, and Thursday

Tumblr – 7-10pm weekdays and 4pm on Fridays

Instagram – 5-6pm weekdays and 8pm on

Mondays with a sweetspot at 6pm

Pinterest – 2-4pm and 8-11pm weekdays with

weekends being the best

Google+ – 9-11am weekdays

short profile of company and its products/services.

photos and videos relating to your products/services.

updates on new products and services.

address of office/shop.

operating hours and contact details.

notices of upcoming events, exhibitions, sales of


allows users to post comments and reply to them.

Share content from other pages You don’t need to go

searching each time. Like other pages. Check your

pages newsfeed and “share” to your page.

Share content from sites like ScoopIt & YouTube NB

Videos get great engagement .Upload direct to FB and

keep it short. Ask in video for a like, share and/or


Watch what other pages are doing Look for pages with a

similar audience.