Fashion magazine survey

Post on 24-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Fashion magazine survey

Fashion magazine survey

Responses by people

I did a fashion magazine survey by a questionnaire of 10 questions on the website “” and 49 people responded in 3 days.

Question # 1

My first question was about the gender, 48 people out of 49 answered this out of which 40 were females and 8 were males, 1 person skipped this question.

Question # 2

My second question was about the age of the audience. 30 people out of 49 were aged between 14-17 while 17 people were of ages between 18-24 , andonly one person was between 25-43 years, again one person skipped this question.So, majority belonged to the youth (aged between 14-24).

Question # 3

My third question was about often people buy or read a fashion magazine. 2 people out of 49 read/buy it everyday, 10 people read/buy it every week, and 35 people buy/read it every month while 2 people skipped this question.So, majority buys/reads a fashion magazine monthly.

Question # 4

My fourth question was about the articles that people read/like the most in a fashion magazine. 48 people out of 49 answered this question. 15 people read“clothing” articles the most, 10 people read about “Health and Fitness”, 6 peopleread “Beauty” articles, 2 people prefer “life Style” articles, 8 people like to readabout celebrities, 7 people are interested in makeup, nobody’s interested to read about dating. So, majority wants to see Clothing, Health and Fitness, Beauty, Makeup, and Celebrities contents/articles in a fashion magazine. Although a veryfew people want to read about Life Style as well.

Question # 5

My fifth question was about what kind of articles people don’t want to see in a fashion magazine. 1 person out of 49 skipped this question, 13 people don’t want to read about relationships, 4 people don’t want to read about life style, 5 people are not interested in health and fitness, 5 people don’t want to read about celebrities while 21 people don’t find any of these articles useless-they want to see all of these articles in a fashion magazine.

Question # 6

This was a question about people’s interest in a magazine focusing on Health and fitness, Beauty, and Fashion only. 48 people out of 49 answered this question. 33 people out of 48 are interested in this type of magazine and 15 people don’t want to read a magazine focusing on just these three contents.

Question # 7

46 people out of 49 answered about their occupation. Most of the people (45 people) are students, none of them is an intern or an officer (has an office job), 1 of them is an interpreneur.

Question # 8

This was about how important these topics are for the readers/buyers of a fashion magazine. All of the 49 people answered.

*Fashion: Nobody thinks that its useless, it’s not so important for 2 people, important for 15 people, very important for 11 people, and 20 people think that a fashion magazine is nothing without fashion articles-majority is interested.*Relationships: useless for 9 people, not so important for 26 people, important for 8 people, very important for 5 people- majority is not interested.*Health and fitness: Useless for

no one,not so important to 6 people, important for 14 people, very important for 20 people, 7 people find a fashion magazine is nothing without it, 2 people skipped the option- majority is interested.*Beauty: Useless for no one, not so important to 3 people, important for 18 people, very important for 19 people, fashion magazine is nothing without it for 10 people- majority is interested.

*Celebrities: Useless for 5 people, not so important for 9 people, important for 16 people, very important for 10 people, 8 people believe that a fashion magazine is nothing without this content- majority is interested.

*Current Affairs: Everyone answered, 18 people think that its useless, its not so important for 10 people, 11 people think that its important, 9 people think that its very important, 3 people think that a fashion magazine is nothing without current affairs’ article, majority wants current affairs to be in the magazine-which is a bad idea.

*Dating: 47 people out of 49 answered this question, 22 people find it useless, 17 people think that its not so important, 7 people think that its important, 1 person thinks that a fashion magazine is nothing without dating article. So, majority does not want to see dating articles in a fashion magazine.

Question # 9

In this question, readers answered about if they are conscious about their body type and skin tone regarding colors and dresses. Majority says that they are conscious about their skin tone and body type regarding colors and different dresses/dress types.

Question # 10

This was a question about the maximum affordable price for the readers of a fashion magazine. $4-6 is affordable for 19 people, $5-7 is affordable for 13 people, $6-8 is affordable for 6 people, and $8-10 is affordable for 10 people. Majority can afford a fashion magazine of price $4-6.