FAISALABAD BOARD-2012notesenglish.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/BISE...16 For how many dollars did...

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Transcript of FAISALABAD BOARD-2012notesenglish.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/BISE...16 For how many dollars did...


Roll No. ___________________ Time: 30 Minutes

Signature of the Candidate: Marks: 20


English (Objective Part) Group-2

Note: Four answers are given against each question in columns A, B, C, D. select right answer and on the separate answer

sheet, fill A,B,C or D with pen or marker in front of that question number.

Sr# Questions A B C D

1 He speaks as if he ----- mad. Is Does Were Will be

2 If I ---- here, I shall come to you. Shall be Am Was Were

3 Where did the houseboy run off? To the field To the store To the


To the


4 The children hollered at the Martian

sky. ا

انخیچ ,چ الن


د اھکی



چ الن






5 Miss McCutcheon closed a colourful

parasol. رتھچی







د ر و ا ر



6 Work hard, lest you-------. Should fail Might fail Will fail May fail

7 Uneasy ---- the head that wears a crown. Lie Lies Lied Lay

8 Whose glory shall be revealed? President Prime


Lord Lady

9 Jess’s curiosity was aroused.سسجت، نگل Temperature


د ر ا ر







10 Where was the small man? In the porch On the road At the door In the hall


11 Mehrun was put in seclusion till the

auspicious day. ابمر ک،رپ ا دیم


ا زیگن



د ل د ھال د ےنی و ا ال


ا د ا س


رپ ا دیم

12 The quack shouldered his bundle ans

went to the next village.ا ۔ دنکوھں رپ ر انھک

ا اھٹن



ا اھٹن




ھال وہا




رض اگلن

13 Gorgios clothes were magnificent. ا دنا ر

Loose ش

ی الھ





دب امن


ا دنا ر


14 The second man is nondescript sort of a





دب امن










15 The Sindhi woman was walking through

excrement. دنگیگ، ہلضف


ہلضف، دنگیگ







16 For how many dollars did Harry buy his


Fifty five Sixty five Seventy


Eighty five

17 Powers said that Kreton was prepatory

to invasion.ہلمح



Force field Success Division

18 She ---- come to us next week. Will come Shall come Came Comes

19 What does John grow? Walnuts Peanuts Monkey



20 We have no time to stand beneath the

boughs. ا ںیخ










ا ںیخ


English Subjective Part (Group-2)


Q.No.2: (a) Questions from Book-1 (Short Stories)

(1) Why did Norma persuade her husband to agree with her? ا ر ہم ےن ا ےنپ اخو دن وک ا افتق رکےن رپ وبجمر رکےن یک وکشش ویکں یک؟


Answer: Norma persuaded her husband to agree with her because she wanted to get 50,000 dollars at any cost

to improve their life style but Arthur did not agree with her.

ا ر : ا

رہ دنیگ رتہب رکےن ےک ےئل اچپس

ر وک ا س ےس ا افتق رکےن ےک ےئل لئ ایک ویکہکن و ہ یسک یھب تمیق رپ ا انپ ایعمر رہا ر ہم ےن ا ےنپ وش

ا اچیتہ یھت۔ ن

احلص رکن

ا رلر


(2) Why did Jess at the age of six cry? سیج ھچ شا ل یک رمع ںیم ویکں ر و ن ا اھت؟

Answer: At six, he lost the wooden plough in a furrow made by his father. His father made another wooden

plough for him. However, he did not like the second one.

ا مہ ا ےس د و رسہ لہ : ا


دنسپ ہن ا ن ا ۔ ھچ شا ل یک رمع ںیم ا س ےن ڑکلی اک لہ۔ لہ یک ریکل ںیم وھک د ن ا ۔ ا ےکس ن ا ےن ا ےس ا ن ک ا و ر ڑکلی اک لہ انب رک د ن ا ۔ ن

(3) What was the climate Harry faced? سک رطح یک ا و وہا اکشا انم ایک؟ ریہی ےن

Answer: Harry faced very strange climate. It was very hot in summer and very cold in winter. The air had burnt

their houses. There was fog at night.

ال د ن ا اھت: ا د دنھ وہیت یھت۔ ریہی ےن تہب بیجع ا و وہا اک شا انم ایک۔ رگیم ںیم ہی تخس رگیم یھت ا و ر رسد ویں ںیم تخس رسد یھت۔ وہا ےن ا ےکن رھگو ں وک چ


ق ےک و


۔ ر ا

(4) What are the political views of Jorkens? ایک ںیہ؟


اجر زنک ےک ایسیس رظنن ا

Answer: His political views are very convincing. He believes that continuous struggle can make a man

successful. ا ر وکشش ا ی: ا


تہب لئ رک د ےنی و ا ےل ںیہ۔ ا ےس نیقی ےہ ہک اگلن


۔ ےہ ک ا د یم وک اکایم انب یتکسا ےکس ایسیس رظنن ا

(5) What was the behaviour of the child with the doctor? ا رٹک ےک شا ھت ایک ر و ہی اھت؟

یچب اک د

Answer: Her behaviour with the doctor was rude, offensive and non-cooperative. She was not ready to show

her throat to the doctor. ا رٹک ےک شا ھت : ا

ا رٹک وک د اھکےن ےک ےئل ایتر ہن یھت۔د

رکےن و ا ال اھت۔ و ہ ا انپ گال د

رکےن و ا ال ا و ر دعم اعتو ں

ا ر ا ض

ا اکس ر و ہی اتسگاخہن، ن

(6) What was the advice given by Nushirvan to his people? ےن ا ینپ وعا م وک ایک تحیصن یک یھت؟

ونریشو ا ں

Answer: Nushirvan was a just ruler. He advised the people to avoid cruelty, injustice and oppression and to nip

the evil in the bud. ا ا اصنیف ا و ر ربج: ا

اھت۔ ا س ےن ولوگں وک ملظ، ن

ںیم یہ د ن ا ےن یک تحیصن یک۔ ونریشو ا ں ا ن ک فصنم رمکحا ں

ر ا یئ وک ا ےکس ا اغر ےس ےنچب ا و ر

(7) What was the cause of Negro’s discontentment? و ں یک ےب ینیچ یک ایک و یھت؟ ب


Answer: The Negroes were discontented because they were treated like slaves. They had no rights. They were

faced with injustice and cruelty.

ا ا اصنیف ا و ر ملظ ےس د و اچر ےھت۔ : ا

ا اھت۔ ا ےکن وکیئ وقحق ہن ےھت۔ و ہ ن


الومں اسیج ولسک ایک اجن

یشبح ےب نیچ ےھت ویکہکن ا ےکن شا ھت غ

(8) Why did Della feel pride in the beauty of her hair? ال ا ےنپ ن ا ولں ےک نسح رپ رخف ویکں رکیت یھت؟ ن


Answer: She felt proud because she knew that her hair was more beautiful than any queen's jewels and gifts. It made

itself into a dress for her.

ےھت۔ ہی ا س ےک ےل ا ن ک ابلس نب اجےت : ا


ن ا د ہ وخوصبر

ےھت۔ ا ےس رخف اھت ویکہکن و ہ اجیتن یھت ا ےکس ن ا ل یسک یھب ہکلم یک ویجرلی ا و ر احتفی ےس ر

(9) Describe Maulvi's appearance. رکںی۔



ل ر ی احہا

ومولی یک ظ

Answer: He had bulging eyes. He wore a turban on his head. He had also a walking stick. It had decorative

bands of brass and gilt.

یک ا و ر عملم اکر ی یک وہی اجسو یٹ ایٹپں ںیھت۔ ا یکس ا ںیھکن دقر ے ا رھبی وہی ںیھت۔ و ہ ا ےنپ رس رپ ڑگپی اتنہپ اھت۔ ا س ےک ن ا س ےنلچ ےک ےل ا ن ک ڑھچی یھب وہیت یھت۔ : ا


ین ب

ا س رپ

(b) Questions from book-3 (Plays)

(1) Why could the girl not continue her travel in her own car? ڑلیک اکر ںیم ا انپ رفس ویکں ہن اجر ی ر ھک یکس؟:وسا ل

Answer: She could not continue her travel in her own car because her car ran short of gas. It was also dark and stormy

night. She could not get anybody’s help.

ا ر ن ک یھب تہب یھت ا و ر وطافین یھب۔ و ہ یسک یک: ا




یھب دمد احلص ہن رک یکس۔ و ہ اکر ںیم ا انپ رفس اجر ی ہن ر ھک یکس ویکہکن ا یکس اکر ںیم سیگ یک یمک وہیئگ یھت۔ ر ا

(2) Why did the girl think that someone was chasing her? ڑلیک ےن ہی ویکں وساچ ہک وکیئ ا اکس اھچیپ رکر اہ اھت؟ : وسا ل

Answer: Actually, she could hear the noise created by the man following her. That’s why, she thought that someone was

chasing her. ی ا اھچیپ رک ر اہ اھت ا وکس وشر نس یتکس یھت۔ یہی و یھت ہک ا س ےن وساچ ہک وکیئ ا اکس اھچیپ رک ر اہ اھت: ا ۔ا لص ںیم و ہ ا س ا د یم اک ا شک

(3) Why is John not allowed to phone his family? رک ےکس؟ : وسا ل

ویکں ںیہن ہک و ہ ا ےنپ رھگ و ا ولں وک وفں


یک ا اجر


وک ا س ن ا


Answer: Actually, the house is under martial law on the orders of General Powers. That’s why, John is not allowed to

phone his family. ںیہن ۔: ا


رکےن یک ا اجر

وک رھگ وفں

یک و ےس رھگ لمکم وطر رپ امر لش الء ےک تحت ےہ۔ ا یس ےئل اجں


ےک ا اکحام

ا لص ںیم رنجل ن ا و ر ر

(4) What is the theme of study of Kreton? رکنٹ ےک اطمہعل اک ایک دصقم ےہ؟

Answer: His aim is to study the inhabitants of the earth and the progress in science and technology made by them. This is

his favourite theme of study. ا ےہ۔ ہی ا اکس دنسپ: ا

ی ولوگں ےن رتیق یک ا اکس اطمہعل رکن

مب ن

ن د ہ ہلغشم ےہ۔ا اکس دصقم ولوگں اک ا و ر شا سنیئ ا و ر انکیٹولیج ںیم ر

(5) What was the official view about flying object? رتشطی ےک ن ا ر ے ںیم رساکر ی ہطقن رظن ایک اھت؟


ا س ا ر

Answer: The official view about the flying object was given by General Powers. He was of the opinion that the flying

object was sent by some other planet to observe the situation to attack the earth.

: ا


ےن د ن ا اھت۔ ا یکس ر ا ےئ ہی یھت ہک ہی ا ر

رتشطی ےک ن ا ر ے ںیم رساکر ی ہطقن رظن رنجل ن ا و ر ر


ہ ےنیل ےک ےئل یجیھب یھت۔ ا س ا ر


احل اک اج


نیم رپ ہلمح رکےن یک وصر

رتشطی یسک د و رسے ایسر ے ےن ر

(6) What does Clay believe is in the Oyster? How much is it worth?

ےلک اک شب پ ےک قلعتم ایک ایخل ےہ ہک ا ںیمس ایک ےہ؟ ا یکس تمیق ینتک ےہ؟ : وسا ل

Answer: Clay found an oyster near Black Rock. He felt delighted to find it because he believed that there was an oyster in

the pearl. He thought that its price was 300 dollars.

وہا ویکہکن س: ا

ر بی ا ن ک شب پ یلم۔ و ہ ا ےس د ھکی رک تہب وخسق یھت۔ےلک وک کیلب ر ا ک ےک

ا رلر

ںیم ا ن ک ومیت اھت۔ ا س ےن وساچ ہک ا یکس تمیق نیت وس د

(7) Why does Clay need money? ےہ؟


ےلک وک وسیپں یک ویکں رضو ر

Answer: He needs money for two reasons. ےہ۔ : ا


یک و ےس وسیپں یک رضو ر


ا ےس د و و اہ

1. He wants to bring his father back. ا اچاتہےہ۔۔ و ہ

1 ا ےنپ ن ا وک و ا سپ الن

2. He needs a gift for his mother. ےہ۔


2 ۔ ا ےس ا ینپ امں ےک ےئل ےفحت یک رضو ر

(8) Why is Harry sitting in the barber’s chair? ریہی اجحم یک رکیس رپ ویکں اھٹیب ےہ؟

Answer: Harry is sitting in the barber’s old-fashioned chair to get his hair cut by a boy of nine or ten named Clay

Larrabee. و ا ےن ےک ےئل اھٹیب وہا : ا

کٹا م ےلک الر ا یب ےہےس ن ا ل

یک رکیس رپ ا ن ک ون ن ا د س شا ل یک رمع ےک ڑلےک ےسسج اک ن

ےہ۔ ریہی ا ن ک اجحم یک رپا ین رطر

(c ) Questions from Book-3 (Poems)

(1) How do the birds and dogs react at the approach of the Night Mail? ر ح رپدنے ا و ر ےتک ر د لمع رکےت ںیہ؟سطک

لیم یک ا دم رپ



Answer: When the Night Mail approaches, the birds turn their heads and stare at its empty compartments. However,

the sheep dogs keep on sleeping and do not bark at it.

ا مہ ڑیھبو ں یک ر وھکا یل رکےن و ا ےل ےتک وس: ا


وبں وک د ےتھکی ںیہ۔ ن

ےتیل ںیہ ا و ر ا ےکس اخیل د

ہ ومر

لیم یتچنہپ ےہ وت رپدنے ا انپ می


ےئ ر ےتہ ںیہ ا و ر ا س رپ وھبےتکن ںیہن۔ ج پ ن

(2)What traits of character does Sindhi Woman possess? یس وخ ں ن ا یئ اجیت ںیہ؟: وسا ل


ںیم وکں

دنسیھ اخوتں

Answer: Sindhi woman is carrying a stone jar on her head but there is no ripple in her movement even she has

to pass through the stones, garbage, excrement and crumbs.

ںیہن ےہ : ا

ا اھٹن ا وہا ےہ نکیل ا یکس اچل ںیم وکیئ ڑلڑھکا ہ پ

ےن ا ےنپ رس رپا ن ک رمابتں


ا ےہ۔ دنسیھ وعر


ا ڑپن

ا رکٹک ا و ر وٹےٹ وہےئ وشیشں ےس زگر ن

یٰتح ہک ا ےس رھتپو ں، وکر

(3)What is the message of the poem, “Times?” ا زمئ"مظن : وسا ل

اک اغیپم ایک ےہ؟" ن

Answer: The poet says that everything in this universe follows a specific time table. Nothing happens out of

place. That's why, we should obey the law of nature.

ا ۔ ا یس ےئل ںیمہ رطف : ا


ےک ریغب ھچک یھب ںیہن وہن


قا مئ لبیٹ یک ریپو ی رکیت ےہ۔ انمسپ و

ر زیچ ا ن ک وصخمض نہ


ا رع اتہک ےہ ہک ا س اکانئ

ےک امانن اچےئہ۔ ش

ےک ونں


(4)What is the central idea of the poem, “Leisure?” ی ایخل ایک ےہ؟: وسا ل

رکر تص اک رم

ف مظن

Answer: In this poem, the poet criticizes the modern man’s man apathetic attitude towards nature. He advises us to enjoy

the company of nature.

ا رع : ا

مظن ںیم ش


ا ےہ ہک ںیمہ رطف


ا ےہ۔ و ہ تحیصن رکن


یک رطف ےب یسح و ا ےل ر و ہی رپ دیقنت رکن


ا یک تبحص چ د ن د د و ر ےک ا د یم ےک رطف

اچےئہ۔ ےس فطل ا اھٹن

(5) Describe the scene of devastation as mentioned in “A Tale of Two Cities.”

"مظن : وسا ل



رکںی۔ " ا ے لیٹ ا ف وٹ

ںیم ابتیہ اک رظنم ں

Answer: The victims had lost everything they had. Many innocent people were killed. Many became wounded and

crippled. Those who survived died later on. Their houses had become rubble.

یمخ وہےئ ا و ر ذعمو ر وہ ےئگ۔: ا

ر زیچ ونگا د ی ا ےکن ن ا س یھت۔ تہب ےس وصعمم ولگ امر ے ےئگ۔ تہب ےس ولگ رہ ا ں و ہ یھب رم ےئگ۔ ا ےکن رھگ ےبلم اک اتمرثنی ےن

دنہ ےچب دعب ا ر

ر نب ےکچ ےھت۔ و ہ رھی


(6)What is the theme of the poem, “A man of Words and not of Deeds?” "مظن : وسا ل


ن د

ا ف د


ا ڈنی ن


اک دصقم ایک ےہ۔" ا ے نیم ا ف و ر د

Answer: The poet advises that the life should be spent in some fruitful activity because life is the name of action not

contemplation. اچبر اک۔ : ا

ا م ےہ ہن ہک وسح

دنیگ لمع اک ن

دنیگ یسک ن ا ر ا و ر رسرگیم ںیم زگا ر ی اجین اچےئہ ویکہکن ر

ا ےہ ہک ر


ا رع تحیصن رکن



Q.No.3: Write a letter to your friend condoling the death of his mother.

OR Write an application to the Principal for the refund of library security.


The Principal,

Government College,

(City) A.B.C.

Subject: Request for the refund of Library Security


It is submitted that I had been a regular student of your college during the session 2015-17. I have taken

my F.Sc examination successfully. I have nothing to return. In so far as library dues are concerned, I have paid

all the dues. The N.O.C from the concerned office is attached.

I request you to refund my library security. I shall be very thankful to you for this favour.

Yours obediently,


Q.No.4: Write a story on the moral: “Honesty never goes unrewarded.” OR “All that glitters is not gold.”


Story telling is as old as man. It has been one of the greatest sources of preaching moral values

because every story is written with some moral purpose. All the prophets, the saints, religious scholars

and teachers have been adopting it as a source of preaching any kind of morality. If one follows the

lesson preached in the story, one can avoid many perils and problems. The story “The Slave and the Lion”

also gives us a sublime moral lesson.

Once, a king was very cruel to his slave. The slave could not bear this inhumane treatment.

One day, he ran and got refuge in a jungle. Suddenly, he heard the painful cries of a lion near him.

He was filled with fear. He was about to run when suddenly, he noticed that the lion had a thorn in

its paw. He took pity on the lion. He encouraged himself, went near the lion and took out the thorn.

The lion bowed before him and went away.

After some days, the slave was caught. The king threw him in arena before a lion. The lion bowed

before him and began to lick his hand. In fact, it was the same lion whom he had helped in the

jungle. The king was greatly impressed by it. He ordered the slave to be pardoned and freed. It is

true to say, “Do good, have good.”


ا اہکین انسن

ر اہکین یسک االخیق ن ا ایبن رکن ان۔ ہی االخیق ادقار یک غیلبت رکےن واےل میظع زراعئ ںیم ےس ای زرہعی ےہ ویکہکن ہ

ا ےہ انتج ہک ان

، دصقم ےک تحت یھکل اجیت ےہ۔ امت م ربمغیپ اانت یہ رپان

ذہ یسک یھب مسق یک االخایقت یک غیلبت ےئلیک اےس ای زرہعی ےک وطر رپ اامعتسل رکےت رےہ ںیہ۔ ارگ وکیئ

صخش اہکین ںیم ایبن ےئک ےئگ قبس یک ریپوی رک اتیل ےہ وت وہ تہب ےس اسملئ اوایلء، ذمیبہ رامنہ، اور ااست

ای ںیمہ یھب" الغم اور ریش" اہکین اور رطخات ےس چب اتکس ےہ۔


رک ےہ ہک االخیق قبس دیتی ےہ۔ اٰلع

الم رپ تہب مظا ن ک د ہعف اک ر

ا ہ ا ےنپ غ

ا ا ن ک ن ا د ش


شا ین ولسک وک رکن

نالم ا س ریغ ا

اھت۔ غ

ہن رک



ر د ا س

ر ا ر وہا ا و ر ف و ہ

ر بی یہ ا ن ک ریش یک د ر د رھبی ا ںیہ ںینس۔ و ہ اکس۔ ا ن ک د ںقک ا س ےن ا ےنپ

ےن یہ و ا ال اھت ج پ ن ک لگنج ںیم انپہ احلص یک۔ ا اچن

وخزفد ہ وہ ایگ۔ و ہ د و ر

ر بی ایگ ا و ر اکاٹنقک ا س ےن د اھکی ہک ریش ےک ےجنپ ںیم ا ن ک اکاٹن اھت۔ ا ےس ریش رپ رتس ا ن ا ۔ ا س ےن ا ےنپ ا وک وحہلص د ن ا ، ریش ےک

اکنل د ن ا ۔ ریشا ےکس شا ےنم اکھج ا و ر چ ال ایگ۔ا اچن

ے ںیم ا ن ک ریش ےک شا ےنم کنیھپ د ن ا ۔ ریش ا ےکس شا ےنم اکھج ا و ر ا ےکس اھھت وک اچانٹ رشو ع رکھچک د ں

الم ڑکپا ایگ۔ ن ا د ہش ےن ا ےس ا ن ک ا اھکر

د ن ا ۔ ا لص ںیم ہی و یہ ریش دعب غ

ا د رکےن

الم وک اعمف رکےن ا و ر ا ر

ےس تہب اتمرث وہا ۔ ا س ےن غ


ا ہ ا س ن ا

اک مکح د ن ا ۔ مہ اہکین ےس ےتھکیس ںیہ ہک ا رگ مہ د و رسو ں ےک شا ھت ا اھچ اھت یکسج ا س ےن لگنج ںیم دمد یک یھت۔ ن ا د ش

رکںی ےگ وت دبےل ںیم و ہ یھب امہر ے شا ھت ا اھچ رکںی ےگ۔

MORAL: 1. Kindness never goes unrewarded.

2. Do good, have good.

3. One good turn deserves another.

4. Virtue is its own reward.



Story telling is as old as man. It has been one of the greatest sources of preaching moral values

because every story is written with some moral purpose. All the prophets, the saints, religious scholars and

teachers have been adopting it as a source of preaching any kind of morality. If one follows the lesson

preached in the story, one can avoid many perils and problems. The story “A Foolish Stag” also gives us a

sublime moral lesson.

Once, a stag felt thirsty. He went to a nearby stream. When he began to drink water, he saw his

reflection in the clear running water. He was delighted to see the beauty of his horns. But when he saw

his legs, he became displeased. He began to curse his legs. When he was lost in his thoughts, he saw

some hounds coming towards him. He was terrified. He began to run to save his life. His legs were of

great help to him and he reached a jungle. But in the jungle, his horns were caught in the thick bushes.

He tried to free himself but all in vain. In the meantime, the hounds reached there. At this moment, he

thought that he was in the wrong. They caught the stag and tore him into pieces. His horns of which he

was so proud became the cause of his death. We learn from the story, “Pride hath a fall.”


ا اہکین انسن

ر اہکین یسک االخیق ن ا ایبن رکن ان۔ ہی االخیق ادقار یک غیلبت رکےن واےل میظع زراعئ ںیم ےس ای زرہعی ےہ ویکہکن ہ

ا ےہ انتج ہک ان

دصقم ےک تحت یھکل اجیت ےہ۔ امت م ربمغیپ، اوایلء، اانت یہ رپان


یک ریپوی رک اتیل ےہ وت وہ تہب ےس اسملئ اور ہ یسک یھب مسق یک االخایقت یک غیلبت ےئلیک اےس ای زرہعی ےک وطر رپ اامعتسل رکےت رےہ ںیہ۔ ارگ وکیئ صخش اہکین ںیم ایبن ےئک ےئگ قبسذمیبہ رامنہ، اور ااست

ای ںیمہ یھب" ویبوقف ن ارہ اھگنسای " اہکین رطخات ےس چب اتکس ےہ۔


ر یبی دنی رپ ایگ۔ ج پ ا س ےن ن ا ین دیتی ےہ۔االخیق قبس اٰلعقے وک ایپس یگل۔ و ہ ا ن ک



رک ےہ ہک ا ن ک ن ا ر ہ

ا ن ک د ہعف اک ر

ے وہےئ ن ا ین ںیم ا انپ سکع د اھکی۔ و ہ ا ےنپ


ب ہٹ

وگنیسں یک وخوصبر یت انیپ رشو ع ایک وت ا س ےن اصف

ا وخس

ا د وت و ہ تہب ن

وہا ۔ نکیل ج پ ا س ےن ا ینپ ن

وہا ۔ ا س ےن د ھکی رک تہب وخس

ا رشو ع رک د ن ا ۔ ج پ و ہ ا ینپ وسوچں ںیم مگ اھت وت ا س ےن ھچک اکشر ی وتکں وک ا ینپ رطف ا ےت وہےئ د اھکی۔ و ہ وخ

ا وگنں وک نعل نعط رکن

ا ا ینپ ن


اچبےن ےک ےئل ا س ےن د و ر

زفد ہ وہ ایگ۔ ا ینپ اجں

ےن ںیم ا ےکس ےئل تہب دمد اگر وہںیئ ا و ر

ا ا س ےک د و ر

ا د رشو ع رک د ن ا ۔ ا یکس ن

ویں ںیم سنھپ ےئگ۔ ا س ےن ا ےنپ ا وک ا ر

ی اھجر


و ہ ا ن ک لگنج چنہپ ایگ۔نکیل لگنج ںیم ا ےکس گنیس

و ں ےن ن ا ر ہ گنسہ

ب اکشر ی ےتک و اہں چنہپ ےئگ۔ ا س ےحمل ا س ےن وساچ ہک و ہ یطلغ رپ اھت۔ ا

ےک گنیس ےھ وک ڑکپا ا و ر ا ےکس ڑکٹے رک د ےئ۔ ا س رکا ےن یک وکشش یک نکیل ن ا لکل ےباکر ۔ ا یس د و ر ا ں

نب ےئگ۔

اک ن ا عپ


" رغو ر اک رس اچین۔"اہکین ےس مہ ےتھکیس ںیہ ہک نج رپ ا ےس تہب رخف اھت ا یکس وم

MORAL: 1. All that glitters is not gold. ا ںیہن وہیت

ر یتکمچ زیچ وسن۔ ہ .1

2. Appearances are often deceptive. ا ےہ


ر بی وہنفر

کی ر ا ہا

۔ ظ .2

3. Pride hath a fall. ا ےہ۔


3. رغو ر اک رس اچین وہن

4. Do not find fault with the ways of nature. . اکنول


ےک اکومں ںیم صقن مپ




Q.No.5: Explain the following lines with reference to the context.

Now, of my three score years and ten Twenty will not come again

And take from seventy springs a score It only leaves me fifty more.

Answer: REFERENCE: These lines have been taken from “Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now.” It is written by A.E.


CONTEXT: In this poem, the poet praises the beauty of cherry tree. He starts to love it at age of twenty

and regrets that remaining years are not enough to enjoy its beauty.

ا ےہ۔ :رتہمج


یک وخوصبر یت یک رعتفی رکن



ا رع ریچی ےک د ر ج

ا ےہ ہک ا س مظن ںیم ش


ا ےہ ا و ر ا وسفس رکن


ا رشو ع رکن

ن ا یق ےک اچپس شا ل ریچی یک وخوصبر یت ےس فطل و ہ سیب شا ل یک رمع ںیم ریچی ےس تبحم رکن

ا اھٹےن ےک ےئل اکیف ںیہن ںیہ۔

EXPLANATION: In these lines, the poet shows his love for the cherry tree. He regrets that life is too short to

enjoy its beauty. He has spent first twenty years of his life without enjoying the beauty of this tree. Coming 50

years are not enough to enjoy the beauty of cherry tree. He wants to go to the forest to have a look at it covered

with snow. This is the only thing which can alleviate his sense of loss of 20 years.

دنیگ ا یکس ینعی ریچی یک وخوصبر یت ےس فطل ا : رتہمج

ا ےہ ہک ہی ر


ا ےہ۔ و ہ ا وسفس رکن


ا رع ریچی ےک ےئل ا ینپ تبحم اک ا اہظر رکن

الونئں ںیم ش

ےہ۔ و ہ اتہک ےہ ہک ا س ےن ےلہپ اھٹےن ےک ےئل تہب رصتخما ں

یک وخوصبر یت ےس فطل ا اھٹے ریغب زگا ر د ےی ںیہ۔ ا ےن و ا ےلاچپس شا ل ریچی یک وخوصبر یت ےس فطل ا اھٹےن ےک ےئل اکیف ںیہن



ر د ےنھکی سیب شا ل ا س د ر جط

ن ےکھ وہےئ ا ن ک

ر ف ےس د ںیہ۔ و ہ ا ےس

ا اچاتہ ےہ۔ یہی و ہ و ا دح زیچ ےہ

ےک ا اسحس ںیم یمک رک یتکس ےہ۔ ےک ےئل لگنج یک رطف اجن

ا ےکس سیب شا ل ےک اصقنں

(b) Punctuate the following extract. (Book-1, Short Stories)

good he said i am glad you did she refilled his cup wanted to show you i am not she shrugged

Answer: “Good.” He said. “I am glad you did.” She refilled his cup-- “Wanted to show you I’m not-” she


(c) Use the following pairs of words in your own sentences. (5)

1 Hair ا ےکس ن ا ل وھبر ے ںیہ۔ .His hair is brown ن ا ل


و ہ ا س اجدیئا د اک امکل ےہ۔ .He is the heir to this property و ا ر

2 All ready .He was all ready to go with me ن ا لکل ایتر و ہ ریمے شا ھت اجےن ےک ےئل ن ا لکل ایتر اھت۔

Already و ہ ےلہپ یہ اہیں ا اکچ اھت۔ .He had already come here ےلہپ یہ

3 Beach .We enjoyed cricket at the beach شا لح مہ ےن شا لح رپ رکٹک ےس فطل ا اھٹن ا ۔




.This is the beech tree ے اسیج د ر ج ےہ۔



ہی ے اک د ر ج

4 Cast ا انل

.He has cast his vote د ا ل اکچ ےہ۔


و ہ ا انپ و و




.He is Butt by caste د ےہ۔



ا یکس د

5 Empire ا رمہکی ا ن ک میظع تنطلس ےہ۔ .America is a great empire تنطلس

Umpire ر

.The umpire’s decision is final ا اپم ا ےہ۔


ر اک ہلصیف یمتح وہن

ا اپم

6 Gate ہ

.My college has four main gates د ر و ا ر ریمے اکجل ےک اچر نیم ٹیگ ںیہ۔

Gait .I like your gait اچل ےھجم اہمتر ی اچل دنسپ ےہ۔

7 Haven .The mountains are haven for the terrorists انپہ اگہ رگد و ں یک انپہ اگںیہ وہیت ںیہ۔



سہ ن ا ں د





.Heaven is under the feet of a mother ج ٹ امں ےک دقومں ےلت وہیت ےہ



ج ٹ

Q.No.6: Translate the following passage into Urdu. (15)

One of the men now stepped forward, saying to his friends: “You remain quiet, and leave this fellow to me.”

Then, addressing himself to the newcomer, he cried: “Hear you, sir, these men do not understand the matterat all.

I can set it all right for you in a minute.” Saying this, he lifted a heavy stick, bound with iron rings, and struck a

camel which was feeding off a wild plum-tree. The stolid creature scarcely feeling the blow merely moved a step

or two forward. “You observe,” said the man, “the effect of this treatment on the camel. Now observe its effect

on a human being!” he then stuck the man himself a similar blow, which felled him to the earth like a log. When

consciousness returned, his bewildered victim inquired: “Why, sir, this cruel usage?”

ںیم ےس ا :رتہمج

د و ۔:"ن ک ا د یم ا ےگ ا ن ا ا و ر ا ےنپ د و وتسں ےس ےنہک اگل ا ا ں

ر وہ ا و ر ا س صخش اک اعمملہ ھجم رپ وھچر

ے ہی ولگ ا س "رھپ ا یبنج ےس اخمبط وہےت وہےئ ا س ےن اہک "مت اخومسٹ




ر زگ ںیہن ےتھجمس۔ ںیم ا یک اخرط ا ےس ےحمل رھب ںیم اھجلس اتکس وہں۔ہ رپ رض اگلیئ یلگنج ا ول ہی ےتہک وہےئ ا س ےن" اعمملہ وک

اھبر ی ڑھچی ا اھٹیئ سج رپ ولےہ ےک ےلھچ ےگل وہےئ ےھت ا و ر ا ن ک ا و

ھ ایگ۔ ا د یم ےن اہک

ر رپ ا س رض اک ا رث ا ےن اشمدہہ ایک۔" اخبر ے ےک ےتپ اھک ر اہ اھت۔ ا س ےب سح اجونر ےن لکشمب یہ ہی رض وسحمس یک ا و ر ا ن ک ن ا د و دقم ا ےگ یک رطف

ا ا اکس ا رث ا ن ک ا د یم ا و

احل اکش!" رپد وھکی

نیم رپ رگ ڑپا ۔ ج پ ا س ےک وحا س احبل وہےئ ا ےکس رپاشیں

ا س ےن ا س ا د یم وک ا یس رطح رض اگلیئ سج ےس و ہ ڑکلی یک یلیگ یک رطح ر


ا املہن ولسک ویکں؟ "ر ےن وپاھچ

انج ہی ظ