Fahrenheit 451 part 3

Post on 26-May-2015

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This is a powerpoint used to discuss part 3 of Fahrenheit 451

Transcript of Fahrenheit 451 part 3

Fahrenheit 451

A Study

A brief summaryStudent sample.

Part 3: Burning Bright

Guy MontagFireman of the future

Mildred Montag

Wife of Guy

Page114 (4th paragraph)

Captain Beatty

Conforms to Censorship but can back it up with reason

Page 118 (last paragraph)

Mechanical Hound

Page 120...3rd paragraph

“Police Alert. Wanted: Fugitive in

City. He has committed murder and crimes against

the State.

Name: Guy Montag”

Crossing the boulevard

p. 127—5th paragraph


“Green bullet” discovered and destroyed

Helps Guy...page131

“The Mechanical Hound is now landing by helicopter at the site of the Burning.” (134)

Clothes—p. 136 2nd paragraph

The Railroad TrackA path to other fugitives

Gathering of fugitivesHiding from the State

“There’s Montag. The search is done.”

Read pages148-149

“ ‘Look!’ cried Montag. And the war began and ended in that instant” (158).

Page 159—last para.

“’he saw or felt the walls go dark in Millie’s face, heard her screaming, because in the millionth part of time left, she saw her own face reflected there, in a mirror instead of a crystal ball, and it was such a wildly empty face, all by itself in the room, touching nothing, starved and eating of itself, that at last she recognized it as her own and looked quickly up a the ceiling as it and the entire structure of the hotel blasted down upon her, carrying her with a million pounds of brick, meal, plaster, and wood, to meet other people in the hives below, all on their quick way down to the cellar where the explosion rid itself of them in its own unreasonable way” (159-160).

“The sound of its death came after.”

Page 160

The phoenix

“Come on now, we’re going to build a mirror factory first and put

out nothing but mirrors for the next year and take a long

look into them” (164).