Facts Of Baby Diapering

Post on 22-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Facts Of Baby Diapering

Most disposables are not biodegradable ……

The estimated year of decomposition is 250 – 500yrs…

Disposable diaper creates 4% of solid waste in landfill

The needed ingredient for the preparation of disposable diapers

for one baby in one year..

300 pounds of wood

50 pounds of petroleum

20 pounds of chlorine

Why Cloth Diapering

They are good recycling material as they can be

used again and again until became a rug type…

Common reason for diaper rash is excessive

moisture …

New born should be changed every hour and

older babies once in 3-4hrs..

Food allergies Skin sensitivity Chemical irritation etc..

A disposable diaper contains dioxin that is extremely toxic

Cost effective option :

The biodegradation process of the disposable diapers takes a lot of time & make the field to be stocked for other use. But in case of cloth diaper, it takes much less time..

Cloth diapers contain chemical disposables in a certain

quantity that can only absorb without affecting much to the

skin of the infants...