Facial Dimensions Used For Glasses

Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Facial Dimensions Used For Glasses

Facial dimensions used for glasses Head breadth The maximum horizontal breadth of the head above the level of the ears. Head circumference The maximum circumference of the head just above the ridges of the eyebone. Bizogomatic breadth The maximum horizontal breadth of the face between the zygomatic arches.

Minimum frontal breadth The straight-line distance between the right and left frontotemporale landmarks on the temporal crest on each side of the forehead.

Maximum frontal breadth

The straight-line distance between the left and right zygofrontale landmarks at the upper margin of each bony eye socket. Interpupillary breadth The horizontal distance between the center of the left and the center of the right pupil.

Nose breadth

The straight-line distance between the right and left alare landmarks on the side of the nostrils. Nose potrusion

The straight-line distance between the pronasale landmark at the tip of the nose and the subnasale landmark under the nose.

Table of facial dimensions1