Facebook Marketing Tips And Tricks

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Transcript of Facebook Marketing Tips And Tricks

Facebook Marketing Tips & Tricks

By Magdalena Angelova 23. 05.2016

Use Facebook to Grow your Business

Facebook helps you to engage your customers and increase sales!

• Introduce yourself – tell your story- create awareness • Find your customers (Demographic, Region, Interests, Behaviors) • Tell them how your business can help them • Invite your friends and business contacts to Like your page• Share your page• Be your own brand ambassador • Word-of- mouth is a powerful tool

Don’t forget that it is not about the number of Likes, but about

truly engaging your audience, so that they share your story!

Content is King!

• Create content which is exciting and relevant •Make your audience want to know more, so they follow your page regularly • Answer questions and listen to your audience • Schedule your posts in advance

• It has been proven that Pictures, Infographics and Videos create higher enagement rates than just text• Keep it short and simple

(KISS- keep it simple and smart)

Source: https://searchenginewatch.com

1. Love what you create2. Upcycle your existing content (Do

not reinvent the wheel) 3. Experiment and test new things 4. Have Fun!5. Do not obsess over your niche only,

create interest and show your personality

The 80/20 Social Media Rule

• Use just 20% of your content to promote your brand

• Dedicate 80% to content that is really interesting and engages your audience

• Be social, create relationships, do not use Social Media to Spam people with discounts

How often to post

2 posts per day on Facebook are

considered absolutely enough before your engagement starts

dropping down

Source: Track Social Study, 2012


Content • The best time to post on Facebook is 1–4 p.m.

• Saturday and Sunday at 12–1 p.m.• Thursday and Friday at 1–4 p.m.• Wednesday at 3 p.m.• When to post on Facebook in

general: 9 a.m.; 1 p.m.; 3 p.m.

People seem to be happier on Fridays, so funny content will be perfect for the “happiness index.”

Source: http://coschedule.com/


How important are Facebook page insights?

Page Likes still matter but other metrics matter more! ?

1. Facebook Reach - Organic Reach - Organic Reach is the number of unique users (Fans and

non-Fans), who saw your Page post in News Feed or on your Page not as the result of an ad.

If you want to see the reach by people who actually like your page Fans) you need to dig more into the Post Level Export.

Usually, Total Reach to your fan base is below 16%.

2. People Talking About This

- This is the number of people generating stories about your Page during the past week. - This includes post comments, likes and shares. But it also includes Page

likes, check-ins, event RSVPs, Offer claims, mentioning your Page and writing on your Timeline.

Sometimes this metrics is manipulated by ads (which generate more likes) and it does not focus on the quality of your content.

3. Engagement

The number of unique users who engaged with your Page. Engagement includes any click or story created :

- Likes of your Page- Likes, comments on, or shares of your Page posts- Answers to a Question you’ve asked- Responses to your Event- Mentions of your Page- Tags of your Page in a photo- Check-ins or Recommendations of your Place

This is priority number one in Social Media marketing to engage the audience and create an incentive to share your stories and posts.

4. Impressions

Impressions are the number of times a post from your Page is displayed, whether the post is clicked or not. People may see multiple impressions of the same post. For example, someone might see a Page update in News Feed once, and then a second time if their friend shares it.

References :• http://simplymeasured.com/• http://sproutsocial.com/• http://www.socialbakers.com/• http://coschedule.com/