Exult Conference - Intro so Social Media

Post on 15-May-2015

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A presentation introducing social media to community groups attending the Tonic Conference in Tauranga, New Zealand in November 2009.

Transcript of Exult Conference - Intro so Social Media

Social Media Workshop

Plan for today

• What is social media?

• Why is it relevant to your organisation?

• How can we use social media for good?

• Getting started with social media.

• Defining your conversation

• Action plan and tool kit

What is social media?

Umbrella term for social activity online

– It is conversation – happening online

– Offline world now merges with online world

‘Content is the new democracy and we the people, are ensuring that

our voices are heard.’

Brian Solis – The Social Media Manifesto

It’s a fundamental shift in how we communicate….

Credit: www.gapingvoid.com

There was a video here!

Social Media Revolution by Socialnomics09


It is not going away….13 million articles

3,000,000,000 photos (June 2009)

13 hours of video uploaded per minute

2nd most popular choice for searching

1382% growth Jan – Feb 2009

1,000,000,000 photos & links shared each day

2/3 of the online population visit

social networks

Social sites are the 4th most

popular online activity. Ahead of email.

Participating in social sites is growing

3x the overall internet growth rate

Source: Nielsen Global Faces & Networked Places 2009

We are not alone.…

“they” are out there and they are talking about you, what you care about and they want you to join in.

But aren’t “they” all teenagers or geeks and American?

Kiwi’s are in boots and allSocial Media Consumed Percentage

Social network site 48%

Internet Banking 81%

Contribute to blog, forum, message board 30%

Viewed video 45%

News & publications 79%

Search engines 81%

Read consumer reviews 29%

Source: Nielsen Online – Market Intelligence Demographics. April 2009

And, its not just spotty teens

Source: Draft FCB Orion and Comscore data. October 2008 to February 2009.

Social Media use is prevalent across all ages in New Zealand.

What conversations do you want to have:

1.What is your main message? Your reason for being.2.Who do you want to talk with? Create an outline persona for them.3.What are 3 stories you could tell? How can you tell them, images, video or written?4.What would you like these new friends to do? Give money, sign a petition, volunteer, work for you, buy from you?

Activity Session

So what, why should we care?


The good news!

• Just starting and trying is simple

• It’s costs you time but you don’t need to spend lots of cash

• There is lots of help

• You do have things to share (yes you do)

• You’ll learn as you go

• You gain a group who will speak for you

Social Media For Good

Happy as Larry Cat Presents:

New Zealand’s Next Top Cat Model

Citizens take their own action

• In support of traditional charities

• www.12for12k.org

• By bypassing normal channels

• Using their networks to

help directly

One day to raise to raise $1,000.

First business to reopen in the tsunami hit region.

Social Media for Change

• Greenpeace’s Sign On campaign

• www.signon.org.nz

• Choclovers.org

Social Media to Crowdfund

• The Big Idea for the price of a cup of coffee

• Obama Campaign

• Kickstarter.com

Social Media for Big Business

Social Media for Community

So many, so where to start….

1. Potential donors, volunteers or advocates read or view stories.

2. Donations made, volunteer offers and advocates take action.

3. These actions are recorded and progress shared with all.

4. Review, learn, change and repeat…

Listening & Keeping Track

Your action plan & tool kit

ReaderAlertsTwitter SearchGoogle Blog SearchTechnorati

Where to find me and more info!Me (Lee Hales):lee@givealittle.comwww.twitter.com/leehaleswww.linkedin.com/leehales

Givealittle:www.givealittle.com www.twitter.com/givealittlewww.facebook.com/givealittlewww.flickr.com/photos/give-a-littlewww.youtube.com/givealittlenz

Where to find the websites I’ve referred to today and a few more!http://delicious.com/lee_givealittle/