Expressing Posibility_cetak 2

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Expressing Possibility

Transcript of Expressing Posibility_cetak 2




Modul yang berjudul “Expressing Possibility” ini adalah modul dalam level

novice yang harus dipelajari oleh SMK. Modul ini berisikan ungkapan tentang

kemungkinan dalam bahasa Inggris. Setelah menyelesaikan modul ini anda

diharapkan dapat mengungkapkan tentang kemungkinan dalam bahasa Inggris

dengan menggunakan ekspresi yang tepat sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi.

Subkompetensi ungkapan tentang kemungkinan ini sangat membantu ketrampilan

dalam berkomunikasi dalam dunia kerja.


1. Penjelasan Bagi Siswa.

i. Sebelum memulai menggunakan modul ini, dengarlah penjelasan

dari guru. Modul ini harus digunakan sesuai dengan urutan yang

sudah diatur halaman demi halaman. Dalam mengerjakan soal

yang ada, Anda tidak diperkenankan untuk melihat kunci


ii. Yakinkan apakah modul tersebut membutuhkan kaset, bila

menggunakan kaset, mintalah kaset kepada guru Anda agar bisa

belajar mandiri. Tentunya anda harus menyiapkan tape player.

iii. Pada setiap kali mengerjakan soal-soal, Anda hendaknya menilai

sendiri dan memcatat kemajuan yang anda lakukan. Setelah

menyelesaikan modul ini Anda harus melaporkannya kepada

guru pembimbing.

iv. Bila ada hal yang kurang jelas, tanyakan dan konsultasikan

kepada guru pembimbing.

2. Peran Guru.

Dalam penggunaan modul ini Guru membimbing siswa dan memantau

pencapaian proses belajar siswa. Guru menetapkan waktu untuk

pengujian setelah menyelesaikan modul ini.

Expressing Possibility | 1


1. Berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan anda dapat mengungkapkan tentang


2. Secara berkelompok (dua siswa), anda dapat mempraktekkan percakapan

tentang kemungkinan berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan.


Kompetensi yang ingin dicapai melalui modul ini adalah kompetensi dasar pada

level novice dengan subkompetensi “Expressing Possibility”.


1. Do you think you can make sentences using the expression of possibility

based on the situation given?

2. Can you perform a dialogue of expressing possibility? Do this by

changing roles.

3. Can you retell the dialogue using your own words based on the dialogues

given ?

Apabila anda merasa tidak dapat melakukan percakapan seperti yang diminta

di atas, anda harus mempelajari modul ini. Bila anda sudah dapat memperagakan

percakapan di atas, maka anda dapat mengajukan untuk uji kompetensi ini kepada

guru pembimbing.

Expressing Possibility | 2




Isilah rencana belajar ini. Rencana belajar ini adalah merupakan langkah-langkah

kegiatan yang harus anda tempuh dalam mempelajari modul ini. Untuk mengisi tabel

ini, anda harus mengkonsultasikannya kepada guru pembimbing anda. Sebagai bukti

bahwa rencana belajar anda sudah disetujui oleh guru pembimbing, mintalah guru

pembimbing untuk memaraf di kolom yang telah disediakan.








Mengetahui, ………………………..2009

Guru pembimbing Siswa

(……………………..) (……………………………..)

Expressing Possibility | 3


B.1 Kegiatan Belajar 1

B.1.1 Tujuan Kegiatan Belajar 1

Pada tahap ini anda diharapkan dapat menyebutkan ungkapan-ungkapan yang

digunakan untuk menyatakan kemungkinan dalam dialog dan dapat memahami

penggunaan modal auxiliaries .

B.1.2 Uraian Materi 1

Read and study carefully the words in bold.

1. The tourist guide may know some cheap hotels.

2. We should bring some umbrellas because it might rain.

3. Dino and his friends will probably see the film.

4. The children can get a cold if they drink ice too much.

5. If John came, we could all go home.

The examples above express possibility or probability.


May Probability We may move to a new house next month.

Might Weak probability

Conditional possibility

I might see you again. Who knows?

If you stop criticizing, I might get some


Can Occasional and general


How many people can get into a telephone


Could Conditional possibility If John came, we could go to the movie.

Will Possibility with perhaps

or probably

The headmaster will probably agree with

our proposal.1

Expressing Possibility | 4

Expressing Possibility | 5

B.1.3 Rangkuman 1

Untuk mengungkapkan tentang kemungkinan dapat menggunakan bermacam-

macam modal dan perhatikan penggunaannya.

B.1.4. Tugas 1

1. Listen to the dialogue about expressing possibility in the tape. Write

down the expressions that the speakers say.

2. Play the tape again, and check whether you have got the right


3. Play the tape again and try to repeat again to practice the pronunciation

and intonation.

4. Check your pronunciation by comparing to the speakers in the tape. If

you need help for your practice, please consult to your teacher.

B.1.5. Tes Formatif 1

Listen to the dialogue below about expressing possibility. Fill in the blank

spaces to complete the dialogue.


Mrs. Green : I have an awful pain in my ---(1)---

Rita : Really? ---(2)--- you ate ---(3)--- much dinner.

Mrs. Green : I don’t think so.

Rita : Perhaps it’s your ---(4)--- It ---(5)--- gives you trouble.

Mrs. Green : No. It feels ---(6)--- Do you think it ---(7)--- my heart.

Rita : I ---(8)--- think so. But it could be that ---(9)--- dress. The ---(10)--- is too


Expressing Possibility | 6

B.1.6 Kunci Jawaban 1

1. stomach.

2. perhaps.

3. too.

4. liver

5. sometimes.

6. different.

7. could be.

8. don’t.

9. new.

10. skirt.

B.2. Kegiatan Belajar 2

B.2.1. Tujuan Kegiatan Belajar 2

Pada tahap ini anda harus dapat memahami teks dialog tentang expressing

possibility dan dapat menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan, Serta dapat melengkapi

dialog yang belum lengkap dengan kata-kata/ frasa yang sudah diberikan. Setelah itu

dapat mempraktekkan dialog tersebut di depan kelas secara bergantian.

B.2.2. Uraian Materi 2

Bacalah dialog di bawah ini dan jawablah pertanyaan yang ada dalam tugas 2.

Rara : Something has been eating my shirt.

Yeni : Perhaps it has been eaten by ants.

Rara : Ants! I don’t think so. The holes are too large.

Yeni : Or may be a mice has eaten it.

Rara : I’v never seen any mice in this room.

Yeni : Oh. It could be a mouse.

Rara : Well. Whatever it is, I certainly can’t hear it.

Expressing Possibility | 7

B.2.3 Rangkuman 2

Percakapan di atas adalah tentang ungkapan untuk menyatakan kemungkinan.

Perhatikan ekspresi yang digunakan agar anda dapat menggunakan ekspresi tersebut

dengan tepat sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi.

B.2.4 Tugas 2

Answer the questions below based on the text above (B.2.2).

1. Whose shirt is having a hole?

2. Why does Rara disbelieve that ants have eaten her shirt?

3. What expression does Yeni say to show a possibility?

4. What does Rara do with her shirt?

5. Identify the use of “may” and “could”! Can you differentiate?

Work in pairs. Complete the following dialogue by choosing the correct phrase

from the column on the right.


Lutfi : The teacher is late today? I wonder where he is?

Zaky : He could be ………………………… (sick, on holiday, away).

Lutfi : Yes, perhaps he’s ……………………………….. (at the meeting, at the principal

office, in the staff room, in the cafetaria).

Zaky : Or may be we are ……………………... (early, in the wrong class).

Lutfi : What should we do?

Zaky : Let’s …………………………………………. (wait until he comes, wait for


five minutes, go and ask the principal’s office).

Work in pairs. Practice the dialogue above with your partner. Change your roles.

Expressing Possibility | 8

B.2.5 Tes Formatif 2

Now suggest things that could have happened for these situations!

1. A : The bus never comes late. We have been waiting for two hours.

B: ………………………………………………………………………………….

2. A : I haven’t looked at my passport for months. Is it still locked in the desk?

B: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

3. A : I wonder why George hasn’t come to see me since he took his exam.

B: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

4. A : That’s the house where Mrs. Leech used to live, but I haven’t seen her for ages.

B: ……………………………………………………………………………………

5. A : Nia is absent today. She gets a cold because she has played in the rain.


B.2.6 Kunci Jawaban 2

1. It was possible that the traffic was busy.

2. Yes, I think it is still locked in the desk.

3. He could be sick after his examination.

4. She may have moved to another city.

5. She will probably go to see the doctor.

B.3 Kegiatan Belajar 3

B.3.1 Tujuan Kegiatan Belajar 3

Pada tahap ini anda harus dapat membuat kalimat dan menceritakan kembali isi

dialog tentang ungkapan kemungkinan berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan.

Expressing Possibility | 9

B.3.2 Uraian Materi 3

1. Situation : I called Susi, but she wasn’t at home. So I decided to go to her house.

I knocked at the door. The windows at her room were open, but nobody appeared

to open the door for me.

Possiblity : - She might be sleeping.

- She could be at the back.

2. Situation : Yani looks very pale today. Sometimes she holds her stomach and

grins. She loses her concentration in the class.

Possibility : - She may get a stomachache.

- She might not have her breakfast yet.

Based on the dialogue in B.2.4. , we can make the possibility that has happened like the

following story.

The teacher is late today. He could be away or perhaps he is at the principal’s office or

may be Lutfi and Zaky are at wrong class. So it’s better to go and ask at the principal’s


B.3.3 Rangkuman 3

Untuk mengungkapkan tentang kemungkinan dapat dibuat berdasarkan situasi yang

diberikan. Perhatikan situasinya dengan seksama sehingga anda dapat membuat ungkapan

yang tepat.

B.3.4 Tugas 3

Make sentences expressing possibility based on the situation given by using Modal

Auxiliaries and introductory “It”.

Expressing Possibility | 10

1. Situation : An old man crosses the street. Then suddenly a motorcycle hits him.

The old man is badly injured, but the motorcycle rider is fine.

Possibility : a. ………………………….. b. …………………………….

2. Situation : I can’t start working at this company. The salary is very low, but I

have to do much overtime work. My colleagues aren’t kind to me.

Possibility : a. ……………………….. b. ………………………………

Please retell the dialogue on B.2.2 using your own words.

B.3.5 Tes Formatif 3

Make sentences expressing possibility based on the given situation. Use the right

modal auxiliaries and introductory “it”.

Situation 1

Burhan lent me his dictionary yesterday. He has An English examination today. But I

forget to bring it today.

Possibility : a. ……………………

b. …………………..

Situation 2

Bobby didn’t have a motorcycle, but I saw him riding a new motorcycle yesterday.

Possibility : a. ……………………

b. …………………

Retell the following dialogue with your own words.

Expressing Possibility | 11


Mrs. Green : I have an awful pain in my stomach.

Rita : Really? perhaps you ate too much dinner.

Mrs. Green : I don’t think so.

Rita : Perharps it’s your liver. It sometimes gives you trouble.

Mrs. Green : No. It feels different. Do you think it could be my heart.

Rita : I don’t think so. But it could be that new dress. The skirt is too tight.

B.3.5 Kunci Jawaban 3

Situation 1

a. He may be angry with me.

b. It is possible that he is angry with me.

Situation 2

a. He may borrow it from his brother.

b. It is possible that he may borrow it from his brother.

Mrs. Green has an awful pain in her stomach. Perhaps she ate too much dinner.

Or perhaps it is her liver. It sometimes gives her trouble, but according to her the feeling

is different. It could be her heart or may be because her skirt is too tight.

Expressing Possibility | 12




A.1. Performance Test

Dalam evaluasi ini anda diharapkan mampu mengungkapkan tentang

kemungkinan secara spontan tanpa draft berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan. Ini

untuk menguji apakah anda sudah menguasai modul ini.

Situation 1

Ani plays badminton with her younger sister. Suddenly, her racket is thrown to

the glass windows of Mrs. Puji’s home. It is broken into pieces.

You :



Situation 2

Shinta lives in a small apartment. It’s a dirty apartment. Her neighbors are noisy.

They often turn on the radio at night. She doesn’t want to live in her apartment


You :



A.2 Written Test

Read the following dialogue then retell it using your own words.


Alison : Goodness. It’s merely six o’clock. Ketut is late. I wonder where he is.

Peter : Perhaps the traffic is bad. It often happens at this time of workdays.

Expressing Possibility | 13

Alison : Yes. He might be working late at the office.

Peter : Yes, or he could have stopped to buy me something.

Alison : The telephone is ringing. It might be him. I’ll get it.

Hello ………….. yes ………..oh I see…………. All right. Goodbye.

Peter : Was that him?


B.1 Performance Test

1. Ani can compensate to buy a new window for her.

2. Shinta will probably move to another apartment.

B.2 Written Test

Ketut is late today. Perhaps the traffic is bad or he might be working late at

the office or he could have stopped to buy Peter something. Suddenly, there is a

call. It might be Ketut.

Expressing Possibility | 14



Setelah menyelesaikan semua tugas dan evaluasi di dalam modul ini dengan

benar, Anda diperkenankan untuk melanjutkan ke modul berikutnya. Tetapi apabila anda

belum berhasil menguasai materi di dalam modul ini anda harus mengulang kembali

mempelajari modul ini.

Sebagai indikasi bahwa anda telah menguasai modul ini, Anda harus dapat

mengungkapkan pendapat tentang kemungkinan secara spontan tanpa draft berdasarkan

situasi yang diberikan. Perhatikan juga cara pengucapan dan intonasinya yang tepat. Guru

pembimbing yang akan menentukan apakah anda bisa melanjutkan ke modul berikutnya

atau tidak.

Expressing Possibility | 15


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Ardjilah, Pribadi B, et all. (1990). Kompetensi Komunikatif Bahasa Inggris. PT. Intan

Pariwara, Klaten.

Murdibjono, Drs, et all. (1990). Communicative English For SMA, IKIP Malang.

Saukah, Ali. Murdibjono, Drs. (1995) English For Senior High School. Departemen

Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Perum Balai Pustaka.

Tim Penyusun. 2003. Bahasa Inggris I SMU. Intan Pariwara: Klaten.

Wardiman, Antoro. (1996). Penuntun Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, PT. Ganeca Exact


Expressing Possibility | 16