Expository Essays What they are and how to write them.

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Transcript of Expository Essays What they are and how to write them.

Expository EssaysWhat they are and how to write them

Learning objectives

To understand the format of an expository essay

To know what style of language should be used to ensure writing is formal and appropriate to the task

Learning outcomes

To read and understand various forms of expository writing

To use the format taught in your own expository writing

To use newspaper articles gathered by you to inform your piece

To begin planning your own feature article

A definition:

The expository essay is a genre of essay that requires the author to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, elaborate on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner.

How can this be accomplished?

Comparison and contrast of ideas

Definitions of key terms

Examples and evidence

The analysis of cause and effect

Where do we find them?

Most typical essays (analytical and informative)


Magazine reports

Research articles


Our aim…

To write a FEATURE ARTICLE which explores a range of

issues, opinions, experiences and ideas relating to SURVIVAL

So what is a feature article?

Feature articles can be informative, entertaining, persuasive or they may simply satisfy the reader's curiosity about a particular topic. A feature article may provide more information about an important issue, offer an opinion about current affairs or simply present a personal or humorous perspective on modern day life. Unlike news reports which can quickly go out of date, feature articles have a more general focus and do not go out of date after a few days.

More importantly, they EXPLORE an idea from all angles and don’t present a purely biased view.

“Feature articles are not just dry facts, it provides story and information from a unique angle.”

Language of a feature article

Tone can be formal or informal but feature articles are generally written in the third person (they don’t say “I…”

Anecdotes help to maintain reader interest

Facts validate the writer's viewpoints.

Rhetorical questions help to involve the reader.

Emotive words are used to evoke a personal response in the reader

The use of direct quotes from people involved in the topic, personalises the topic

Let’s read the article together!

Get ready for some fun!

Headlines What is the headline of the feature article handout?

“Clinging to life”Headlines need to:

Grab the reader’s attention

Highlight the main ideas in the article

How has this headline done this?

IntroductionAn introduction needs to:

Provoke the reader's interest by making an unusual statement.

Provide any necessary background information

Invite the reader to take sides by making a controversial statement.

Establish the writer's tone

Create a relationship between the writer and the reader

Look at the introduction of the ‘Clinging to life’ article

Circle the entire introduction

Highlight any interesting/provoking questions

Annotate with the writer’s tone

I can't write about my topic the way anyone else would, I need to put my own spin on it.

The main articleThe middle section consists of a number of paragraphs that

expand the main topic of the article into subtopics. The usual components are:


Facts and statistics which support the writer's opinion.

Personal viewpoints.

Opinions from authorities and experts.

Quotes and interviews.

Anecdotes and stories.

Specific names, places and dates.

Photographs, tables, diagrams and graphs.

The main article of ‘Clinging to life’

Highlight all the anecdotes/stories

Annotate the pictures, stating the effect of them

Underline any direct quotes from an expert

Highlight (in a different colour) specific names, places and dates

REMEMBER: most of the article will not be the words of the author. It will be the quotes from experts, anecdotes, facts and evidence that make up the majority of the article.


The concluding paragraph should leave a lasting impression by:

Reminding the audience of the articles main idea

Encouraging a change of attitude or opinion

Suggesting an appropriate course of action

Look at the conclusion of ‘Clinging to life’

What is the concluding statement?

Underline the section which attempts to answer the question

What did you think of the conclusion?

Read “It’s like living in oblivion, but Marysville residents stay on”

DISCUSS: How does the headline engage reader’s attention?

DISCUSS: How does it introduce the topic of the article?

HIGHLIGHT the three different stories (Max and Vaal Cockerell, Lee Jowett and Bruce Thompson) in three different colours. Highlight every time they appear.

DISCUSS: Why do all three different stories appear again at the end of the article?

BREAKDOWN the article into the four square planner provided