Export Ancillaries

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Export Ancillaries

  • 8/3/2019 Export Ancillaries


    {Blackomur}Blackomur's Cloak{Blackomur_desc}This black coat belonged to a great and famous assasin and is drenched in his poisonous blood. This causes the wearer of this cloak to be poisoned by the Black Lotus - a very deadly, poisonous plant. The advantage is that althugh the wearer is slowly being killed by this poison he is immune to all otherpoisons.

    {Blackomur_effects_desc}+2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts){Felix}Felix Jaeger{Felix_desc}Felix Jaeger is Gotrek's reluctant companion and "Rememberer". AfterGotrek saved Felix from being killed in the Window Tax Riots in Altdorf, Felix,in a drunken stupor, swore a blood-oath to record Gotrek's doom so that his hon

    our could be maintained and to let him be remembered by the world. A blood-oathwas the gravest one a dwarf could make, and so Felix was compelled to travel with Gotrek. Over years of following Gotrek, Felix has become an accomplished swordsman and duelist.{Felix_effects_desc}+2 to public security (improves the chances of detecting andcapturing enemy agents), + 1 to unrest (decreases public order), +1 Troop Moral

    e{GrandMasterBullAxe}Great Axe of the Grand Master of the Knights of the Bull{GrandMasterBullAxe_desc}This powerful magical weapon is forged from the twin axes of a mighty Beastlord, whom Leopold von Raukov defeated in battle.{GrandMasterBullAxe_effects_desc}+2 Command, +2 Chivalry{Luther_Huss}Luthor Huss the Prophet of Sigmar{Luther_Huss_desc}In the early years of Karl Franz's reign, a boy appeared at the gate of a Sigmarite monastery near Wissenburg and pleaded to be allowed to join the ranks of the warrior monks. When asked about his past, the boy did not answer. All he would say was his name, Luthor Huss, though his burning desire to fight Chaos was soon clear to all. Today, Luthor fights the forces of Chaos and has become the nightmare of every corrupt priest and blasphemer, with rumours abounding of the grisly end heretics have met at his hands.

    {Luther_Huss_effects_desc}-2 Command, +3 Troop Morale, +3 Piety, +1 to personalsecurity (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts),10% discount on unit training costs, +1 to squalor (decreases public order and

    population growth), 10% Trade Penalty{agag}Code from Al-Haikk{agag_desc}Said to be the 'City of Thieves', Al-Haikk is known for the skill ofthe thieves living there. You can 'lose' something valuable there and only notice its absence after a week has passed. This precious code was acquired by crusader knights when they were returning to their lands.{agag_effects_desc}+1 to agent's skill{aldeath}Armour of Living Death{aldeath_desc}It is claimed that anyone wearing this armour cannot die, sustaine

    d by its magical energy. Unfortunately, they cannot remove the armour and are driven insane by its magic.{aldeath_effects_desc}+6 to your general's hitpoints (how many hits your generalcan take before dying), +3 Dread, -3 Troop Morale

    {aldreda}Aldred's Casket of Sorcery{aldreda_desc}The casket has the power to entrap and contain the power of magicforever, as Aldred unwittingly discovered when he opened it in the presence of the Supreme Patriarch of the Colleges of Magic. Aldred was not seen thereafter.{aldreda_effects_desc}+2 Command, +15% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march), +1 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemiesare spotted){amulha}Amulet of Chaos{amulha_desc}The Amulet of Chaos surrounds the wearer with a seething miasma of

    magic that warps and mutates those close by.{amulha_effects_desc}+2 Infantry Command, 15% discount on unit training costs, 5% discount on agent training costs

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    {amulz}Amulet of Protectyness{amulz_desc}The best form of attack is defence, and the best form of defence isthe king you can 'borrow' from your opponent, particularly if it's better than yours.{amulz_effects_desc}+4 Troop Morale{anti}ntidote{anti_desc}This potion cures all poisons known to man and beast.

    {anti_effects_desc}+2 to your general's hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying), +2 Health (increases public order and population growth){architect}Dwarf Architect{architect_desc}Dwarf architects are highly sought after individuals for their skills in designing and building beautiful yet defensible bastions of stone, andat times, metal. The great evil cities of the Dark Elves were built by capturedDwarf slaves. Many parts of the Imperial Palace were built by Dwarfen citizens of the Empire. Their skills in craftsmanship are only matched by the High Elves,their attention to detail matched by none.{architect_effects_desc}10% discount to construction costs, -2 from squalor (increases public order and population growth){armour}The Armour of Morkar

    {armour_desc}This suit of immensely ancient black Chaos armour once belonged tothe first Everchosen of Chaos, Morkar the Uniter, who was slain by Sigmar himself. Archaon siezed this armour from the tomb of Morkar and defeated Morkar's spirit using a curse in the long forgotten language of the people of Sigmar.{armour_effects_desc}+14 to your general's hitpoints (how many hits your generalcan take before dying), +1 Authority

    {armtarnus}Armour of Tarnus{armtarnus_desc}This armour was worn by the warrior-wizard Frederick von Tarnus.Such was the power invested in the armour's forging that von Tarnus' own magic

    was unaffected by its protection.{armtarnus_effects_desc}+6 to your general's hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying), +1 Authority, +1 Troop Morale, +2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)

    {assagun}Masterwork Assasin's Pistol{assagun_desc}Hochland is justly famous for its gunsmiths. While the foundries of Nuln forge handguns and pistols of functional but unremarkable quality, the master-gunmakers of Hochland create unique and very expensive weaponry for the nobility. This pistol is unique in that it makes barely a sound when fired, and thebullets dissolve into a quick acting poison to kill the victim.

    {assagun_effects_desc}+2 Agent's Skill{assassins_blade}Exquisite Blade{assassins_blade_desc}An exceptionally sharp and deadly blade, awarded to this man for succeeding on the most perilous of missions.{assassins_blade_effects_desc}+1 Assassination{bandolier}Masterwork Bandolier{bandolier_desc}Heavily sought after by gun enthusiasts and nobles from Hochland, a masterwork bandolier is light, durable and can carry a significantly largeramount of ammo than standard ones. Usually the best ones are made by Dwarfs.{bandolier_effects_desc}+1 to agent's skill{belme}The White Sword{belme_desc}A legendary blade forged for Aren, one of the first Sword Masters ofHoeth, it is as tall as an Elf, and as light as a willow switch.

    {belme_effects_desc}10% increase to construction costs, -2 from squalor (increases public order and population growth), +2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents), +2 to your general's hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying){belpla}The White Cloak{belpla_desc}This cloak has been enchanted by Ar-Ulric, the High Priest of Ulric

    , the God of Winter and War. The magics of the cloak frost the air around the wearer, rendering him all but immune to even the hottest flame.{belpla_effects_desc}+2 Authority, +3 to personal security (improves the chances

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    of detecting and foiling assassination attempts){black_stallion}Black Stallion{black_stallion_desc}A dark, swift, menacing steed makes light of the tyranny ofdistance.

    {black_stallion_effects_desc}+25% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march){bokon}Kislev Warhorse

    {bokon_desc}The finest horse that can be found in all the open plains of Kislev.{bokon_effects_desc}+3 Piety, +1 Authority, -2 from unrest (improves public order){bolkni}The Great Book of Grudges{bolkni_desc}This book records every deed of infamy perpetuated against the Dwarfs, scribed in the blood of Kings and infused with the power and anger of its owners.{bolkni_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +2 Troop Morale, +1 Command{bomo}War Hammer{bomo_desc}It bears the markings of Sigmar - the Twin-Tailed Comet.{bomo_effects_desc}+2 Piety{bosshead}Da Boss Head

    {bosshead_desc}Orc Bosses sometimes keep the head of the former Boss around to show the boyz who used to be the "Biggest and da Baddest" and who is now.{bosshead_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +2 Dread{bothva}Bigged's Kickin' Boots{bothva_desc}Bigged, an old and boastful Orc, made his last boast in front of anImperial cannon. Only his boots were recovered-though his vengeful spirit (and

    the odour of his feet) lingers on.{bothva_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 Troop Morale, +2 to law (improves public order), -1 from unrest (improves public order){bras}Wristbands of Black Gold{bras_desc}These ancient ornaments are capable of deflecting arrows, darts and even cannonballs directed against the bearer.{bras_effects_desc}+2 to your general's hitpoints (how many hits your general ca

    n take before dying), +2 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemiesare spotted), +25% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march){bright}Bright Wizard{bright_desc}When it comes to battle, Bright Wizards are held above all others for theirs is one of the most spectacular and destructive Lores of Magic. A Bright Wizard can wield flame like a sword, hurl fireballs and raise searing walls offire to burn his enemies. Such powers are incredibly destructive, and few ordin

    ary folk would seek the assistance of a Bright Wizard, for wherever their powersare employed, ruin and devastation are sure to follow.

    {bright_effects_desc}+2 Command, +3 Troop Morale, +1 Authority, +4 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts){brnosh}Armour hidden under the cloak{brnosh_desc}An unpleasant surprise for any attacker.{brnosh_effects_desc}+2 to personal security (improves the chances of detectingand capturing enemy agents){brosh}Brooch{brosh_desc}A very beautiful brooch embedded a large diamond.{brosh_effects_desc}+2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts){bugale}Bugman's XXXXXX{bugale_desc}There are many famous Dwarf ales, and many renowned brewers, but the name of Josef Bugman stands as a paragon of quality. Such is the legend surrounding Bugman's ales that any Dwarf drinking from the Tankard will be reminded ofthe glories of the past, and feel refreshed and restored.

    {bugale_effects_desc}+3 Loyalty, +3 Troop Morale

    {bulavahel}The Mace of Helsturm{bulavahel_desc}This mace was used in battle by the first Theogonist, Johann Helsturm. It is said that Helsturm's faith in Sigmar was strong enough to shatter t

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    he walls of a castle, and that his mace retains a portion of his holy might.{bulavahel_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 to law (improves public order), +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts){bulgno}Filth Mace{bulgno_desc}This heavy mace oozes pus and slime and contains a dark enchantmentthat can ensnare the souls of those it slays. The captured souls are bound to t

    he weapon, and can be seen writhing in eternal agony.{bulgno_effects_desc}10% increase to construction costs, -2 from squalor (increases public order and population growth), +2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents), +2 to your general's hitpoints(how many hits your general can take before dying){butkva}Bottle of Kvas{butkva_desc}Pure distilled alcohol, popular in Kislev for its strength of its kick. It also has medicinal purposes as an anesthetic.{butkva_effects_desc}+1 Authority{bvalor}Badge of Valour{bvalor_desc}When a soldier shows unsurpassed bravery on the field of battle, there is a chance that he will be selected to recieve this honour. During the cere

    mony the Elector Count will bestow this badge, and thus those who wear it are held in high esteem. Many Greatswords have earned it and there is talk of adding this badge as a requirement for becoming a Greatsword.{bvalor_effects_desc}+1 Troop Morale, +1 Loyalty{chaha}Chalice of Chaos{chaha_desc}This chalice contains the boiling blood of a daemon which, when drunk, passes on much of the daemon's power. If the drinker survives, that is...{chaha_effects_desc}+2 to your general's hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying), +25% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march), +2 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted){chaos_steed}Chaos Steed{chaos_steed_desc}The dark stallions of Chaos are as strong and fierce as Chaos

    Knights. These are not normal horses but rather coal-black chargers with Daemonblood and the intelligence of men. A Chaos Steed's head and flanks are protectedby sculpted plates of thick, metal barding that a normal steed could never bear

    , and they gore and slash those before them with bladed horns and hooves.{chaos_steed_effects_desc}+1 Dread, +5% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march), +1 Cavalry Command{cherbri}Black Diamond{cherbri_desc}A very large and rare jewel.{cherbri_effects_desc}+1 Finance, +1 Influence{cherep}Skull of Necromancy{cherep_desc}This item grants its owner enormous power.{cherep_effects_desc}Increases the Necromancy skill.{cherka}Skull Wand of Kaloth{cherka_desc}Originally captured from the Necromancer Kaloth, this staff fascinated the Goblin Shaman Kazgi, who spent long hours attempting to plumb its secrets - right until his mysterious disappearance.{cherka_effects_desc}+2 Troop Morale, +1 Authority, +1 Command{ches}Skull Staff{ches_desc}This item grants its owner enormous power.{ches_effects_desc}Increases the Necromancy skill.{chiub}Bane Shield{chiub_desc}The Bane Shield discharges a magic blast every time it is struck, rebounding the enemy's blows back at him.{chiub_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 Authority{choppa}Goblin Warboss' Choppa

    {choppa_desc}A symbol of the power of a Goblin Warboss over other Goblins.{choppa_effects_desc}+2 Troop Morale, +1 Authority, +1 Command{clolight}Cloak of Twilight

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    {clolight_desc}Imbued with the darkness of a moonless night, this cloak allows the wearer to move rapidly and unseen.{clolight_effects_desc}+2 to Agent's Skill, +15% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march){coldone}Cold One{coldone_desc}Cold Ones are an ancient race of green-skinned reptiles that livein the dark caves and tunnels in the mountains underneath Hag Graef. Their cold

    flesh is almost immune to pain and their bodies exude a toxic slime. Dark Elvescan withstand small quantities of this slime and tiny amounts are used to make the posions and intoxicating brews used by the Assassins and Witch Elves of Khaine.{coldone_effects_desc}-10% to Movement Points, +1 Dread, +2 to your general's hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying){dale}Dwarf Ale{dale_desc}Dwarf ale is the finest in the world, and many tavern owners pay hefty fees to get that ale to their customers. The highest honour given by Dwarfs toan ale brewed by humans was a grudging "not bad".

    {dale_effects_desc}-2 Management, +2 Troop Morale{diploma}Diplomatic documents

    {diploma_desc}This documents make a diplomat's work easier.{diploma_effects_desc}+1 Influence{docum}Special Documents{docum_desc}These documents grant its bearer special privileges.{docum_effects_desc}+2 Finance{dosdar}Crimson Armour of Dargan{dosdar_desc}The rich crimson metal of this armour flares into a storm of blood-coloured light when its wearer wills it, dazzling those who would strike him a mortal blow.{dosdar_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 Authority{dosemp}Karl Franz's Armour{dosemp_desc}A suit of full plate armour, specially crafted for Karl Franz by the Dwarves. Some parts of this armour once belonged to Magnus the Pious, when he

    defeated the Chaos armies at the gates of Kislev. It is durable and at the sametime lavishly decorated with plumes and silk ribbons.{dosemp_effects_desc}+5 to your general's hitpoints (how many hits your generalcan take before dying), +2 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted){dosger}Armour of Heroes{dosger_desc}This finely wrought suit of armour is made in a most unusual style,not seen since before the Sundering. The wearer of this armour seems to shine w

    ith an inner light and the untold glories of the gods.{dosger_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 Authority{dosgor}Armour of Gork{dosgor_desc}If a suit of armour is made with the correct rituals instead of just being bashed out of whatever bits of metal come to hand, it can be enchanted by a Shaman to offer a more formidable form of protection.{dosgor_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 to law (improves public order), +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents){dospro}Armour of Damnation{dospro_desc}This highly ornate suit of Chaos armour shimmers with unnatural energies that distort the position of the wearer so that the enemy's blows miss their mark.{dospro_effects_desc}+4 Troop Morale{dosras}Dawn Armour{dosras_desc}A Master Wizard of the Gold Order forged this suit of plate armourunder the first rays of the sun. The enchantment concealed in the metal will repair any damage within an eyeblink.

    {dosras_effects_desc}+3 to your general's hitpoints (how many hits your generalcan take before dying), +1 Command{dosur}Armour of Ursun

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    {dosur_desc}Forged on the Spring Equinox, one of the holiest days of the cult ofUrsun, the powdered bones of a score of the mightiest bears were mixed with thesteel of the armour before it was quenched in the finest mead. This suit of arm

    our is imbued with the power and might of Ursun himself and those who wear it feel his power coursing through their veins.{dosur_effects_desc}+4 Troop Morale{dosza}Armour of Protection

    {dosza_desc}This simple suit of ithilmar armour is adorned by a single Sarathairune on the breastplate. The World Dragon itself is said to protect the wearer.{dosza_effects_desc}+2 Command, +2 to public security (improves the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents){drakluk}Dragon Bow{drakluk_desc}A relic from the ancient Elven colonies of the Old World, this wondrously crafted bow enables the wielder to outshoot the best archers in the Empire.{drakluk_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 Authority{drakpla}Dragon Cloak{drakpla_desc}Made from the scales of a defeated dragon. This cloak gives the wearer magical protection from most attacks.

    {drakpla_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 to personal security (improves the chancesof detecting and foiling assassination attempts), +1 to law (improves public order){draksh}Dragonhelm{draksh_desc}This mighty helmet was forged long ago. It protects its bearer fromany flaming attacks directed at him.

    {draksh_effects_desc}+2 Command, -1 from unrest (improves public order), +2 to law (improves public order), +1 Troop Morale{draksword}Wyrmslayer Sword{draksword_desc}The blade of Ulfdar the Berserker, who fought alongside Sigmar at Black Fire Pass, the Wyrmslayer Sword has been the doom of many a monster thathas menaced the Empire.

    {draksword_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 Authority

    {dratop}Axe of Dargo{dratop_desc}A very powerful weapon inscribed with msystic runes, making it supremely suited for killing even the most powerful creatures of the Old World.{dratop_effects_desc}+2 Command, +2 Chivalry{dreadban}Dread Banner{dreadban_desc}Such is the supernatural fear instilled by the visage of the Bloody Handed God upon this standard that few dare to even look at it.{dreadban_effects_desc}+3 Piety, +3 Troop Morale, +3 Dread{dtrinket}Dwarf Trinket{dtrinket_desc}Of the many trophies Badruk has taken from the Dwarfs over the years, this bauble is his favorite. He hasnt any idea how it works, but theres something appealing about the way it glints and sparkles, and he thinks its lucky. Certainly he has survived a lot of really dangerous fights while wearing it.{dtrinket_effects_desc}+1 Loyalty, +1 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hitsyour general can take before dying)

    {dubvo}Orc Warboss

    Heavy Club{dubvo_desc}A symbol of the power of an Orc Warboss over other Orcs.{dubvo_effects_desc}+2 Troop Morale, +1 Authority, +1 Command{empsword}Empire Longsword{empsword_desc}Forged by Dwarfen citizens of Altdorf, high quality swords like this one are what many a noble would pay a hefty price to have one in their armory.{empsword_effects_desc}+3 Loyalty{exotic_gifts}Exotic Gifts{exotic_gifts_desc}It is hard not to be swayed by exotic items from lands that a

    re too distant to ever hope to visit.{exotic_gifts_effects_desc}+1 Influence{explosives}Explosives

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    {explosives_desc}Has a large enough cache of gunpowder to ensure all his sabotage attempts will at least be impressive, if not always successful.{explosives_effects_desc}+1 Sabotage{faithful_servant}Faithful Servant{faithful_servant_desc}You can always sense how much respect and authority a noble family truly wields by the devotion of its servants.{faithful_servant_effects_desc}+1 Charm

    {false_documents}False Documents{false_documents_desc}Carries papers of identification and authority that wouldconvince all but their supposed author to be authentic.{false_documents_effects_desc}+1 to agent

    s skill{firering}Doomfire Ring{firering_desc}The Doomfire Ring, made of dark iron and flame rubies, contains apowerful spell that allows its master to cast down fire upon his enemies.

    {firering_effects_desc}+2 Command, +2 to public security (improves the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents){franzv}Franz Vogel{franzv_desc}Once just a captain of a Greatswords regiment, Franz Vogel

    s worldchanged when he led an effort to regroup the army of Averland after a crushing d

    efeat against an army of Chaos. Alongside a ragtag band of heroes he led the enemy into a small pass that would not allow their numbers to overwhelm their smallgroup. His men held the pass up long enough for the Elector Count of Wissenlandto muster his forces and destroy the forces of Chaos with a massive barrage of

    cannon blasts and gun shots. Vogel was lauded a hero, and now is the personal champion of the Elector Count Marius Leitdorf.{franzv_effects_desc}+2 Command fighting Chaos, +1 Troop Morale, +2 to personalsecurity (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts){gelt}Balthasar Gelt{gelt_desc}Balthasar Gelt came to Altdorf from Marienburg, having bought passageon a merchant ship with gold that he had transmutated from lead ingots. He leftthe seasport for the Colleges of Magic before the effects wore off, and now rum

    ors abound that the swindled sea captain has placed a rich bounty on Balthasar -

    though few would dare attempt to collect it. After defeating Thyrus Gormann ofthe Bright Order in a ritual duel, Balthasar became the Supreme Patriarch, replacing the prominence of Fire with that of Metal. Since that day, the new SupremePatriarch, riding a Pegasus and surrounded by a golden halo, has appeared on many battlefields where the Emperor

    s soldiers are fighting.{gelt_effects_desc}+3 Command, +4 Troop Morale, +2 Authority, +4 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts){golov}Protective headwear{golov_desc}Every Witch Hunter is given one.{golov_effects_desc}+2 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted){golsme}Death

    s Head{golsme_desc}The champion of Chaos carries the skull of one of his fallen enemies, filled with Nurgle

    s most virulent poxes and sealed with blood-laced wax.{golsme_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 Authority{gotaxe}Gotrek

    s Axe{gotaxe_desc}This axe is imbued with powerful runic magic and was gained duringGotrek

    s first excursion into the northern Chaos Wastes, where he recovered it from the dead son of King Thangrim Firebeard. Gotrek

    s axe is as powerful as thatwielded by the dwarven High King, Thorgrim Grudgebearer. This weapon was the Ru


    s Axe of the lost dwarven fortress of Karag Dum, and supposedly previously belonged to the dwarven deity Grimnir. The elven mage Teclis once read the magical aura of Gotrek, and determined that immense power is flowing from the axeand slowly changing The Slayer into something greater than an ordinary dwarf.

    {gotaxe_effects_desc}+2 to public security (improves the chances of detecting an

    d capturing enemy agents), +1 Command, +3 to your general

    s hitpoints (how manyhits your general can take before dying){gromdos}Gromril Armour

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    {gromdos_desc}Armour made from the metal known as gromril is the toughest and sturdiest in the known world. Known variously as meteoric iron, silverstone and hammernought armour, gromril armour is limited to wealthy Dwarfs and the elite Ironbreakers.{gromdos_effects_desc}+2 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemiesare spotted), +5 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying)

    {groscop}Dreadlance{groscop_desc}The chosen weapon of the infamous Vampire knight Varison, this lance is uncannily accurate, said to find its target even in the darkest of nights.{groscop_effects_desc}+2 Command, +2 to public security (improves the chances ofdetecting and capturing enemy agents)

    {grudge}The Great Book of Grudges{grudge_desc}This book records every deed of infamy perpetuated against the Dwarfs, scribed in the blood of Kings and infused with the power and anger of its owners.{grudge_effects_desc}+2 Authority, +4 Popularity{guard}Guardian Phoenix{guard_desc}A spark from the sacred flame at the temple of Asuryan is held in th

    is ornate casket.{guard_effects_desc}+2 Infantry Command, 15% discount on unit training costs, 5%discount on agent training costs

    {hamjud}Hammer of Judgement{hamjud_desc}This mighty hammer was carried to battle by Frederick the Bold, great-grandfather of Karl Franz. Its strikes not only crush bones, but evil spiritsas well.

    {hamjud_effects_desc}+2 Command, +3 Authority, +4 Troop Morale{handgun}Prototype Handgun{handgun_desc}A deadly and dangerous prototype of a new concealable firearm, something no man is ready to defend against.{handgun_effects_desc}+1 Assassination, +2 to law (improves public order){handgunz}Prototype Handgun

    {handgunz_desc}A deadly and dangerous prototype of a new concealable firearm, something no man or creature is ready to defend against.{handgunz_effects_desc}+1 Command Gunpowder Units, +1 to public security (improves the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents){hat}The Hat of Ernst Traugott{hat_desc}Once belonging to one of the most ruthless witch hunters of all time (infamous for burning thousands of citizens of Altdorf for a suspected Chaotic taint), this hat whispers to the wearer of those who have dark thoughts, and letsthe wearer percieve the aura of a person, to see if one has been using dark magic. Unfortuately, everyone has stray thoughts that they don

    t even know they

    re thinking, and to the wearer of the hat, everyone is a heretic. Only those with the strongest of wills are able to keep their sanity.{hat_effects_desc}-2 to law (decreases public order), -2 Loyalty, +1 to public security (improves the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents), -2 Authority{hitshto}Sneaky Skewerer{hitshto_desc}Though crude enough to be readily recognisable as being of Goblincraftmanship, this sword has an unerring ability to find the vulnerable spot inan opponent

    s defence.{hitshto_effects_desc}+2 Piety, +1 Authority, +2 to law (improves public order){honaham}Honakinn

    s Hammer{honaham_desc}A powerful runehammer that used to belong to one of the rich Dwarfmerchant clans of Barak Varr. This weapon was lost in the darkness after the fa

    ll of the once great hold of Karak Varn.{honaham_effects_desc}+2 Command, +2 Management, +3 Troop Morale, +2 to personal

    security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts){horse}W

    Soraych, the Steed of the Apocalypse{horse_desc}The legendary steed W

    Soraych, stolen by Archaon from the Demon lord

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    Agrammon. W

    Soraych was one of Agrammon

    s most prized possessions. Archaon sneaked into the demon lord

    s stables and rode this monstrous animal back to the mortal world before Aggramon knew what had happened.{horse_effects_desc}+2 Command, +2 Authority{how}The Flayed Hauberk{how_desc}The design of this virulent crimson armour makes the wearer appear disturbingly similar to a flayed and abused cadaver.

    {how_effects_desc}10% increase to construction costs, -2 from squalor (increasespublic order and population growth), +2 to personal security (improves the chan

    ces of detecting and capturing enemy agents), +2 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying){hp_potion}Potion of Vitality{hp_potion_desc}This potion heals almost all injuries.{hp_potion_effects_desc}+2 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying), +10% to the chances of recovering casualties after the battle{hp_potionemp}Potion of vitality{hp_potionemp_desc}This potion heals almost all injuries.{hp_potionemp_effects_desc}+2 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits your ge

    neral can take before dying), +10% to the chances of recovering casualties afterthe battle{hseeker}Heartseeker{hseeker_desc}Heartseeker has an uncanny ability to find the heart of a living thing. Dark Elves delight in its ability to destroy the lifeforce of their victims.{hseeker_effects_desc}+2 to Agent

    s Skill{hvdaranis}Holy Vestige of Daranis{hvdaranis_desc}Daranis was a brave and pious Warrior Priest of Sigmar who through a number of events became leader of one of the wall garrisons during the Siege of Praag by Arek Daemonclaw. Alongside the frightened men who looked to him for courage, Daranis held off scores of marauders, beasts and even Daemons. It wasonly after the first day the forces of Arek Daemonclaw relented for a brief per

    iod that he started to lose faith, saying the end was inevitable. At that time he succumbed to wounds that appeared out of nowhere. He is remembered as one of the heroes of Praag, alongside Gotrek and Felix. While wearing these ancient ragsof war, if one has true faith in Sigmar, the rags will be as tough as a full su

    it of plate armor. Only when one loses faith does the relic becomes what it actually is - a bunch of rags.{hvdaranis_effects_desc}+2 Piety, +3 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hitsyour general can take before dying), +2 to public security (improves the chancesof detecting and capturing enemy agents)

    {idgo}Idol of Mork{idgo_desc}Mork loves nothing so much as seeing Orcs smashing their foes to theground in a bloody melee. It is no surprise therefore that this Idol channels extra power to its bearer when the Waaagh! is breaking heads, and dissipates it when the greenskins are in retreat.{idgo_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 Authority{idmo}Effigy of Mork{idmo_desc}This ancient and slightly crumbly statue of Mork was formed from hisown dung (or so it is said) in some distant age. Though it has undoubtably received several homegrown additions in more recent times.{idmo_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +5 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying){jugger}Juggernaut{jugger_desc}Juggernauts, or Juggers, are massive armoured creatures that are part daemon and part ensorcelled steel and sinew. They are mighty beasts of groaning iron and brass, taller than a man and possessed of crushing mass. The hide of

    a Jugger is composed of rivetted and fused metal plating, decorated with iconsof Khorne and stained with the dried lifeblood of its mortal victims. Fire pulses within the body of a Juggernaut, in the place of blood, propelled about its bl

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    asphemous form by a daemonic heart. It is a beast of primordial rage harnessed within an unstoppable shell of metallic muscle and bone.{jugger_effects_desc}+3 Dread, +3 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying){kamho}Radiant Gem of Hoeth{kamho_desc}This gem is normally kept in a black velvet bag, carefully hiding its brilliance from prying eyes. Those who use it gain magical abilities.

    {kamho_effects_desc}+2 Command, +2 Chivalry{kampre}Oath Stone{kampre_desc}When a Dwarf goes to war he carries the honour of his clan and hishold with him. It is a matter of personal pride that he will do them credit or not return at all. To demonstrate his intent he will take an Oath stone with him.{kampre_effects_desc}+1 Command, +2 Authority{kamsme}The Gem of Courage{kamsme_desc}Enchanted by Celaer in the reign of Bel-Korhadris, these small gemsare frequently awarded by the Phoenix King for acts of incredible bravery.

    {kamsme_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +5 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hitsyour general can take before dying)

    {karak}The Hammer of Karak Azul

    {karak_desc}The great Hammer of Karak Azul has been borne by the royal line of Azul since the time of Grungni, and it can only be lifted by a member of Kazador

    s clan. This mighty two-handed warhammer is forged from gromril, and it bears anunusually potent combination of runes.

    {karak_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +5 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hitsyour general can take before dying){kardos}The Armour of the King of Karak Azul{kardos_desc}This armour was forged in ancient days and is worn by the King of Karak Azul whenever he marches to war. It is forged from the finest gromril and is inscribed with powerful runes.{kardos_effects_desc}+2 Command, +2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts){kibit}Sledge

    {kibit_desc}A military headquarter on wheels. Very useful and extremely mobile in the wilderness of Kislev.{kibit_effects_desc}+2 Troop Morale, +1 Authority, +1 Command{kinud}Lucky

    s Dirk{kinud_desc}An unusual magic is bound into this blade, growing stronger the moremagical items there are nearby.

    {kinud_effects_desc}+3 Piety, +1 Authority, -2 from unrest (improves public order){kirkaminer}Pick Axe of Miners{kirkaminer_desc}This pick axe is a symbol of the power given to the head of theMiner

    s Guild.{kirkaminer_effects_desc}+1 Management{klinmor}Frostblade{klinmor_desc}This blade of blue ice-steel is bound with such deadly spells thatits merest touch will suck the soul from its victim

    s body and freeze his heart.{klinmor_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted), +15% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march){klinp}Blade of Leaping Gold{klinp_desc}A more finely balanced sword than this was never made.{klinp_effects_desc}+2 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted), +5 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits your general can takebefore dying){klinspi}Backstabber

    s Blade

    {klinspi_desc}Whilst Orcs are happy to fight anyone, anywhere, anytime, Goblinsare much happier if they can wait until their target is facing the other way.{klinspi_effects_desc}10% increase to construction costs, -2 from squalor (incre

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    ases public order and population growth), +2 to personal security (improves thechances of detecting and capturing enemy agents), +2 to your general

    s hitpoints(how many hits your general can take before dying)

    {kniash}Book of Ashur{kniash_desc}This enchanted book contains many mysterious secrets allowing a Wizard to increase his repertoire of spells so that he may cast even more deadly spells upon the battlefield.

    {kniash_effects_desc}+1 Command, +1 Authority, +2 Troop Morale{kniga}Book of Secrets{kniga_desc}The Book of Secrets contains many secrets of power, but all too often the price of power is life itself.{kniga_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 Troop Morale, +2 to law (improves public order), -1 from unrest (improves public order){knight_cape}Ezekiel

    s Cloak of Brilliance{knight_cape_desc}Ezekiel Mauro was a quiet and stoic Knight of the Blazing Sun.It is said that the soldiers that followed him would fight for him even if vict

    ory was impossible. His men always fought as if they had just heard a heroic, rallying speech but it is a fact that the Ezekiel rarely spoke and never on the eve of battle. Instead, it is said he wore a cloak that dazzled and shone with a f

    iery brilliance.{knight_cape_effects_desc}+4 Troop Morale{knight_chivalrous1}Knight of the Blazing Sun{knight_chivalrous1_desc}The Knights of this order are located deep in the Southof Middenland. They are a small but much respected order with a distinguished h

    istory. They were the first of the Knightly Orders from the west to travel to Nuln and join with Magnus the Pious. The knights take great pride in their weaponsand abilities, and can often be seen charging on the battlefield in their highl

    y polished and resplendent armour of black and gold.{knight_chivalrous1_effects_desc}+1 Command, +2 Chivalry{knigob}Book of Grudges{knigob_desc}When a Dwarf is insulted he writes down this offense in a special book. In that way he will not forget it, nor will his descendants and one day suc

    h insults will be avenged.{knigob_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +2 Troop Morale, +1 Command{knut}Whip of Pleasure{knut_desc}This long whip writhes with its own power, its crack sounding out like a peal of thunder. The Whip of Pleasure lashes ahead of the wielder to strikethe enemy at a distance, rasping flesh from bone.{knut_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +1 Troop Morale, +1 Command{knyaz_1_anc}Documents{knyaz_2_anc}Documents{kogur}Talon of Ursun{kogur_desc}The energies of Ursun have been captured by his priests and pressedinto this talon to protect its wearer from any harm.{kogur_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 Authority{kolkar}The Carstein Ring{kolkar_desc}An ancient heirloom of the twisted reigning house of Sylvania, thisring is known to make a Vampire carrying it almost impossible to kill.

    {kolkar_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +2 Command{kombo}Armour{kombo_desc}When the

    word of God

    is not enough it is sometimes needed to use the power of sword and fire to spread the true religion.{kombo_effects_desc}+2 Piety{korkar}The Dragon Crown of Karaz{korkar_desc}Marked with Za, the ruling rune, the Dragon Crown has been worn bythe High Kings of Karaz-a-Karak since the hold

    s founding and is believed to have been brought from the Southlands when the Dwarfs first came to the Worlds Edge

    Mountains.{korkar_effects_desc}+1 Command, +3 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying)

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    {korona}The Crown of Domination{korona_desc}The Crown of Domination was given to Archaon after many difficult challanges from all four gods of Chaos, including killing a Greater Deamon of Khorne, a Bloodthirster. The capture of the Crown resulted in Archaon

    s coronationas the Lord of the End Times.{korona_effects_desc}+8 Dread{korpro}Crown of the Damned

    {korpro_desc}The bearer draws revitalising energies from the spirits imprisonedwithin the Crown, but at times their eternal wailing can be overpowering.{korpro_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +2 Command{korswor}Sword of Kings{korswor_desc}This accursed and ageless blade thirsts for the souls of its enemies.{korswor_effects_desc}+4 Morale for all troops on the battlefield{korub}The Slayer Crown{korub_desc}The crown of Slayer Kings of Karak Kadrin ironically protects them from harm.{korub_effects_desc}+3 Piety, -2 from unrest (improves public order), +1 Authority

    {korvek}Crown of Everlasting Conquest{korvek_desc}The warrior

    s helmet is crafted into a magnificent crown of spikesand horns which radiate invigorating dark power.{korvek_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 Troop Morale, +2 to law (improves public order), -1 from unrest (improves public order){korzna}Royal Standard of Strigos{korzna_desc}Infused with the last magic of this vanished kingdom, this banner bestows a portion of the Strigoi

    s legendary hatred upon those who carry their colours.{korzna_effects_desc}-1 from unrest (improves public order), +2 to law (improvespublic order), +1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +2 Command

    {kosti}Lucky Dice{kosti_desc}He knows how to use his dice to win with ease and leave his opponent

    s with nothing.{kosti_effects_desc}+1 Finance{krell_axe}Black Axe of Krell{krell_axe_desc}The Black Axe is a huge double-handed axe carved from a solid piece of black obsidian rock and enchanted with powerful spels. When the axe inflicts a wound, small pieces of it break off and are left in the victim

    s flesh. Ifthe victim is not killed, then these razor-sharp slivers start working their wa

    y deeper and deeper into the victim

    s body, causing a slow, agonising death.{krell_axe_effects_desc}+6 Dread, +2 Command, +5 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying){krichzna}Shrieking Winged Banner{krichzna_desc}Battle Standard decorated with eagle feathers and hollow bones that emitt high-pitched sounds when the wind is flying through them.{krichzna_effects_desc}+1 Command, +3 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hitsyour general can take before dying)


    s Bloodaxe{krotopo_desc}Every Orc who has come to wield this axe has been overwhelmed withan incredible (and to Orcs, wholly admirable) bloodlust that can only be quench

    ed by the wielder

    s death.{krotopo_effects_desc}+1 Command, +2 Authority{krov}Blood Drinker{krov_desc}Every time the bearer of this sword draws blood, the life force of the victim is used to revitalise the blade

    s master.{krov_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 to personal security (improves the chances ofdetecting and capturing enemy agents), +1 to law (improves public order)

    {krugswo}Blight{krugswo_desc}Blight is a darkly powerful blade, centuries old and suffused withunholy magic.

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    {krugswo_effects_desc}+6 Dread, +2 Command, +5 to your general

    s hitpoints (howmany hits your general can take before dying){krulzna}Standard of Kislev{krulzna_desc}Since the siege of Kislev this standard has been a symbol of resistance against even the most terrible of foes.{krulzna_effects_desc}10% increase to construction costs, -2 from squalor (increases public order and population growth), +2 to personal security (improves the

    chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents), +2 to your general

    s hitpoints(how many hits your general can take before dying)

    {lezgrob}Tomb Blade{lezgrob_desc}This evil weapon entraps the souls of those it cleaves, binding their fleshless remains in servitude to the blade

    s unliving wielder.{lezgrob_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +5 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying){loy}The Book of Piety{loy_desc}Only the purest and noblest can become


    knights.{loy_effects_desc}+5 Loyalty{ludwigs}Ludwig Schwarzhelm{ludwigs_desc}Ludwig Schwarzhelm is the champion of Karl Franz and the bearer of

    the Emperor

    s personal standard. Ludwig is a towering figure of a man known forhis mighty physique, stern expression and deadly sword arm. Said to have neversmiled in his life, this reputation as an uncompromising, incorruptible warrioris one Ludwig has cultivated over the years he has spent as the Emperor

    s Champion. His role is to uphold the Emperor

    s justice during trials of combat, which are the right of high-ranking nobles accused of disobeying the Emperor. Such is Ludwig

    s skill, many a noble so accused has pleaded guilty before a sword has even been lifted. In addition to his formidable skills as a swordsman, Ludwig alsoacts as a potent reminder of the Emperor

    s authority, travelling to various provincial capitals to ensure that Imperial edicts are being obeyed.{ludwigs_effects_desc}+2 Infantry Command, +2 to personal security (improves thechances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts), +2 Loyalty, 5% discou

    nt on unit training costs, +1 to unrest (decreases public order)

    {lukdos}Reaver Bow{lukdos_desc}Some believe this wondrous bow is the same one that was forged forPrince Arathion of Ellyrion a thousand years ago.{lukdos_effects_desc} +2 Command, 10% bonus to cash gained from looting{lukmor}Bow of the Seafarer{lukmor_desc}This longbow was made from a single piece of rare silverwood, and gifted to Ulanor of the Sea Guard by Finubar himself. It is a mighty weapon, andsome say it can even sink ships.{lukmor_effects_desc}+1 Command, +2 Authority{lut}Lute{lut_desc}A simple wooden lute. Or is it?{lut_effects_desc}+2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting andfoiling assassination attempts)

    {magdos}The Gilded Armour{magdos_desc}This golden suit of armour was a gift from the Elves of Ulthuan toMagnus the Pious after the Great War Against Chaos. It repels weapons with an invisible force.{magdos_effects_desc}+2 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits your generalcan take before dying), +25% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march), +2 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted){maggot}Maggot{maggot_desc}Maggot the Goblin accompanies Ruglud Bonechewer wherever he goes, acting as his standard bearer. He has survived countless battles and is regardedas a lucky mascot. His presence encourages the Orcs to fight all the more fierce

    ly.{maggot_effects_desc}+2 Troop Morale{mansam}The Beguiling Gem

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    {mansam_desc}The Beguiling Gem is an intricately carved talisman. Those who gazeupon it are transfixed by its otherwordly appearance.

    {mansam_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 Troop Morale, +2 to law (improves public order), -1 from unrest (improves public order){mapold}Map of the Old World{mapold_desc}Any general on the campaign would be wise to have a good map of theOld World. In these dark times, a warrior never knows when the next battle will

    be, and not knowing the lay of the land could be fatal indeed.{mapold_effects_desc}+10% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forcedmarch), +1 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted),5% bonus on all trade income


    s Mask{masgri_desc}Formerly belonged to the dwarfen deity Grimnir, patron of warriorsand slayers.{masgri_effects_desc}10% increase to construction costs, -2 from squalor (increases public order and population growth), +2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts), +2 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying){masgru}Grungi

    s Mask

    {masgru_desc}Formerly belonged to the dwarfen deity Grungi, patron of mining andthe underworld.{masgru_effects_desc} +2 Command, 10% bonus to cash gained from looting{master_of_archers}Master Archer{master_of_archers_desc}Accompanied by a truly experienced marksman who knows when to give the order to fire.{master_of_archers_effects_desc}+1 Command, +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts){matme}Shaga

    s Screamin

    Sword{matme_desc}This blade has a curious enchantment that seems to empower the wielder in a manner proportional to the volume of insults he shouts at his foes.{matme_effects_desc}+2 Troop Morale, +1 Authority, +1 Command{mechb}Stormsword

    {mechb_desc}This mighty sword channels the energy of Celestial magic through itsblade. When the wielder is in melee combat he may summon multiple lightning bol

    ts from the sky which strike the enemy.{mechb_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 Authority{mechber}Berserker Sword{mechber_desc}The Berserker Sword has the essence of a Bloodthirster of Khorne bound within. It fills those who carry it with an unquenchable battle fury.{mechber_effects_desc}+3 Piety, +1 Authority, -2 from unrest (improves public order){mechh}Sword of Hoeth{mechh_desc}Normally this fine blade lies wrapped in silk in the armoury of theWhite Tower, but in time of war it is given to a great hero to wield in the nameof the Loremasters.

    {mechh_effects_desc}+2 Troop Morale, +1 Command, +1 Authority{mechizm}Sword of Change{mechizm_desc}The Sword of Change has the power to reduce those it pierces intomindless, flailing mounds of flesh.{mechizm_effects_desc}+1 Command, +2 Authority{mechogn}Hellfire Sword{mechogn_desc}This blade was made from a single, searing flame that was hammeredinto material form and quenched in the blood of a fire-djinn. Its fierce heat i

    s released upon its victims as each blow is struck.{mechogn_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +1 Troop Morale, +1 Command{mechzol}Blade of Sea Gold{mechzol_desc}This gleaming blade is made from the finest sea gold, found in the

    dark depths of the sea and honed by crashing waves. It strikes with the unstoppable power of the sea itself.{mechzol_effects_desc}+1 Command, +3 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits

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    your general can take before dying){medbook}Swordmaster

    s Book of Meditation{medbook_desc}To perform the incredible feats of sword mastery the Swordmastersperform, they spend a large amount of time meditating, forging mind, body, and soul into one powerful weapon. This book contains the meditation techniques thatthe Swordmasters use regularly.{medbook_effects_desc}+2 Infantry Command, 5% discount on unit training costs

    {medemp}The Silver Seal{medemp_desc}The Warrior Mage Frederik von Tarnus crafted this artefact for Magnus the Pious following the Great War Against Chaos. The Silver Seal wards away harmful blows and even disrupts hostile magic spells directed against the Emperor.{medemp_effects_desc}+1 Command, +2 Authority{medur}Urskin the Bear{medur_desc}Urskin (meaning bear-brother) is the personal mount of Tzar Boris.{medur_effects_desc}+5 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying), +2 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemiesare spotted)

    {mehku}Booze with mare

    s milk

    {mehku_desc}A very strong alcoholic drink made from fermented mare

    s milk. The recipe was invented by the Ungols, but the drink is imbibed throughout the country.{mehku_effects_desc} +2 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted), +2 to public health{mercenary_captain}Paymaster{mercenary_captain_desc}The Paymaster is the keeper of the army

    s pay chest, andthat makes him a very popular fellow. He always carries with him the keys of th

    e pay chest and that makes him at least as important as the General in the eyesof the mercenaries. If he dies, the entire army loses heart and often flees thebattlefield.{mercenary_captain_effects_desc}+1 Troop Morale, 5% discount on unit training costs, 10% bonus to cash gained from looting

    {meshzol}Bag of Gold{meshzol_desc}He

    s always got some money hidden away for rainy days.{meshzol_effects_desc}+2 Finance{mixsi}Potion of Strength{mixsi_desc}A potent magical brew created from Troll blood and the heart of a Griffon.{mixsi_effects_desc}+2 Command, +2 to public security (improves the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents){molbel}Hammer-axe of Skoll{molbel_desc}The symbol of power of the High Priest of Ulric. This magical weapon gives its wielder powers granted by the Wolf God.{molbel_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted), +15% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march){molemp}Ghal Maraz{molemp_desc}Meaning Skullsplitter in the Dwarf tongue, Ghal Maraz is the legendary hammer wielded by Sigmar himself when the Empire was forged over two and a half millennia ago. Given to Sigmar by King Kurgan in return for rescuing the Dwarf and his retainers from Orcs, Ghal Maraz is too powerful for even the most skilled Runesmiths alive today to replicate.{molemp_effects_desc}+2 Infantry Command, 15% discount on unit training costs, 5% discount on agent training costs{molotprav}Sword of Justice{molotprav_desc}The Sword of Justice is an ancient weapon passed down from champion to champion through the reigns of successive Emperors. It is studded with an

    cient Dwarf runes of vengence and retribution that bestow the power of unswerving accuracy and deadly retribution upon it.{molotprav_effects_desc}+2 Command, -1 from unrest (improves public order), +2 t

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    o law (improves public order), +1 Troop Morale{mount_boar}Boar{mount_boar_desc}A fast and loyal boar.{mount_boar_effects_desc}+15% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march){mount_squig}Squig Hopper{mount_squig_desc}A fast and loyal squig.

    {mount_squig_effects_desc}+5% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march){mountaina}Mountain Armour of Karak Ungor{mountaina_desc}Before the fall of Karak Ungor, this armor was worn by the Kingof Karak Ungor during battle. It is unique amongst Dwarf craftmanship and has not been replicated since. The armor itself is made out of solid stone, the powerful runes it has makes it light but also near impenetrable.{mountaina_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +2 Loyalty, +5 to your general

    s hitpoints(how many hits your general can take before dying), +2 to personal security (im

    proves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts){nakrok}Anvil of Doom{nakrok_desc}The Anvils of Doom are ancient devices forged with great skill by t

    he Runesmiths of old in the bowels of Thunder Mountains. Using the energy of thevolcano

    s heart, Kurgaz, the most skilled of the old ones, melted gromril to forge the anvils. As they cooled Kurgaz himself beat the Rune of Sorcery onto eachgleaming anvil. Runesmiths use the anvils for making magic items and in times o

    f extreme need a Runesmith can unleash spells and lightning upon his foes.{nakrok_effects_desc}+4 Troop Morale{nebdos}Armour of Meteoric Iron{nebdos_desc}This suit of armour, long ago forged by the Dwarf smiths of Zhufbar, is today held in the Imperial Armoury at Altdorf. Only the greatest heroes ofthe Empire may wear this magnificent suit of armour.{nebdos_effects_desc}+2 Command, 200% increase to cost to bribe, 10% bonus to cash gained from looting{neframul}Jade Amulet

    {neframul_desc}The Grand Theogonist sometimes grants a shard of the Jade Griffon, his badge of office, as a reward for great services performed in the name of Sigmar.{neframul_effects_desc}+1 Command, +2 Chivalry, +2 to law (improves public order){noch}Armour of Night{noch_desc}This black-enamelled armour swathes the wearer in an impenetrable cloud of darkness.{noch_effects_desc}+3 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying), +1 Command{offsword}Officer

    s Longsword{offsword_desc}These swords are only given to those who are captains of a swordsman regiment. It is finely balanced, and lighter than one would expect.{offsword_effects_desc}+2 Loyalty, +1 Troop Morale, +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts){ogrzna}Rowdy Grott

    s Big Red Raggedy Banner{ogrzna_desc}The big red raggedy banner belonged to the rabble rousing Rowdy Grott. Rowdy was an unppity Orc runtling who led a revolt of Goblins and Snotling against his biggers and betters.{ogrzna_effects_desc}+2 Infantry Command, 15% discount on unit training costs, 5% discount on agent training costs{oko}The Eye of Sheerian{oko_desc}This mysterious gemstone is named after a powerful Tzeentch sorcerer.It was taken from Flamefang, the Chaos Dragon. Flamefang valued the Eye above all the other pieces of his treasure and Archaon defeated Flamefang and took posse

    sion of the gem. He wore it as a talisman around his neck until it was set intothe Crown of Domination to unlock tremendous powers. The gemstone is an immensely powerful artifact which shields from both physical and magical attacks.

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    {oko_effects_desc}+6 Troop Morale{pech}Seal of Destruction{pech_desc}Seven of these seals were originally crafted under Elven tutelage, each capable of draining the knowledge of a spell from the mind of an enemy Wizard.{pech_effects_desc}+2 to public security (improves the chances of detecting andfoiling assassination attempts), +2 Troop Morale

    {pet_bloodhound}Tracking Dog{pet_bloodhound_desc}Able to follow trails that no human eye could possibly detect in the first place.{pet_bloodhound_effects_desc}+2 to agent

    s skill, +1 to line of sight (increasesthe range at which enemies are spotted), +1 to personal security (improves the

    chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts){pet_guarddog}Guard Dog{pet_guarddog_desc}More vigilant, intimidating and loyal than even the most cunning of watchmen.{pet_guarddog_effects_desc}+2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts){pet_lion_1}Lion

    {pet_lion_1_desc}An enormous, tame lion, more vigilant, intimidating and loyal than even the most cunning of watchmen.{pet_lion_1_effects_desc}+2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts){pet_lion_2}Lion{pet_lion_2_desc}An enormous, tame lion, more vigilant, intimidating and loyal than even the most cunning of watchmen.{pet_lion_2_effects_desc}+2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts){pet_lion_3}Lion{pet_lion_3_desc}An enormous, tame lion, more vigilant, intimidating and loyal than even the most cunning of watchmen.{pet_lion_3_effects_desc}+2 to personal security (improves the chances of detect

    ing and foiling assassination attempts){pet_squig}Squig{pet_squig_desc}More vigilant, intimidating and loyal than even the most cunningof watchmen.

    {pet_squig_effects_desc}+2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts){pet_wolf}Wolf{pet_wolf_desc}More vigilant, intimidating and loyal than even the most cunningof watchmen.{pet_wolf_effects_desc}+2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts){pistol}Pistol{pistol_desc}When you don

    t want to use the old methods of killing filth you canalways resort to the


    ones.{pistol_effects_desc}+1 to agent

    s skill{podzor}Telescope{podzor_desc}Made by the engineers of the Imperial College of Engineers. Excellent for tracking down enemies.{podzor_effects_desc}+2 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted){poed}Spelleater Shield{poed_desc}The Spelleater Shield is made from daemonhide and adorned with symbols of power. When spells are cast against the bearer, it drains away their power.{poed_effects_desc}+2 Command, +2 Chivalry{posba}Staff of Baduumm

    {posba_desc}Shaman Baduumm was a rebellious Savage Orc who dabbled in raw Waaagh! power more than was healthy for him. His charred staff retains an aura of power and an unlucky reputation.

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    {posba_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 Authority{posoh}Grey Wand{posoh_desc}The Archmage Ptolos of the Grey College won this wand at the Battleof Blood Keep.{posoh_effects_desc}+2 Command, +3 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted), +25% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march)

    {posos}Staff of Osiris{posos_desc}The Staff Of Osiris contains magic which can unleash a powerful energy bolt. It sends a blast of pure energy towards the target. Any combatant in the blast

    s path is hit with great force.{posos_effects_desc}10% increase to construction costs, -2 from squalor (increases public order and population growth), +2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents), +2 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying){poszak}Spelleater Shield{poszak_desc}The Spelleater Shield is made from daemonhide and adorned with symbols of power. When spells are cast against the bearer, it drains away their power.

    {poszak_effects_desc}+2 Command, -1 from unrest (improves public order), +2 to law (improves public order), +1 Troop Morale{poza}Pious{poza_desc}To be pious means more to him than others.{poza_effects_desc}+1 Piety{prah}The Hand of Dust{prah_desc}The severed hand of the Great Necromancer himself, the mere proximityof this withered appendage can drain all life and vitality from mortals, leavin

    g them as dry husks.{prah_effects_desc}10% bonus to cash gained from looting, +2 Command{pravedstal}Sword of Righteous Steel{pravedstal_desc}Swords made of the purest steel can be blessed by a priest of Sigmar to greatly enhance the fighting skills of their wielder. Each swift blow s

    eeks out the enemy

    s vitals and is almost impossible to parry.{pravedstal_effects_desc}+2 Command, -1 from unrest (improves public order), +2to law (improves public order), +1 Troop Morale{privo}The Order of the Cleansing Flame{privo_desc}This Order deals primarily with those who practise forbidden magic.Often confused with the secular Witch Hunters, members of this Order are most concerned with rooting out corruption from within the ranks of the Cult.{privo_effects_desc}+1 Piety{prokol}The Accursed Armour{prokol_desc}Some strange flaw in the enchantment of this armour renders the wearer considerably more resilient whilst robbing them of dexterity.{prokol_effects_desc}-2 from unrest (improves public order), +1 Authority, +3 Piety{pronz}Soul Cleaver{pronz_desc}This blade was forged over a fire of starving souls. Its edges are worked into a thousand tiny mouths, each studded with spiny teeth and rasping tongues. When it strikes a victim, his vitality is drained away by the Soul Cleaver

    s dark magic.{pronz_effects_desc}+1 Command, +3 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying){ragedagger}Dagger of Eternal Rage{ragedagger_desc}Assassins who do the bidding of the Dark Gods favour this typeof dagger in particular. Once the dagger draws the target

    s blood, the unendingrage of Khorne enters the person

    s mind, and they go completely berserk, killingall who come near him until the ones he once called friends will be forced to k

    ill him. The followers of Chaos love nothing more than to see their enemies tearthemselves apart.

    {ragedagger_effects_desc}+2 to Agent

    s Skill

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    {rapira}Rapier{rapira_desc}A rapier is a relatively slender, sharply pointed sword, used mainly for thrusting attacks. The word "rapier" generally refers to a relatively long-bladed sword characterised by a complex hilt which is constructed to provide protection for the hand wielding it. While the blade might be broad enough to cutto some degree, the strength of the rapier is its ability as a thrusting weapon.{rapira_effects_desc}+1 to agent

    s skill

    {repo}Wand of Jet{repo_desc}With this powerful arcane item the wizard can cast even the most powerful spells with ease and not be left exhausted. The wand provides the bearer with extra magical powers.{repo_effects_desc}+2 Command, 10% bonus to cash gained from looting{rindban}Serpeant Banner of Rindhor Swartshield{rindban_desc}Rindhor Swartshield was one of the first and most ruthless of Druchii corsairs. His insignia, the Golden Serpeant, caused so much fear in the portcities and towns that when someone caught sight of his banner, there were no de

    fenders. Every man, woman and child were holed up in there homes, with their most valuable belongings in front of the door. What the silly humans never understood was that nither Rindhor, nor any of the famous corsairs after him came for th

    eir riches. They came for the people themselves, to take back to Naggaroth to sell, which would pay more than the paltry belongings of the new slaves could everamount to.

    {rindban_effects_desc}+3 Dread, +2 Troop Morale, 10% bonus to cash gained from looting{ringa}Ring of Fury{ringa_desc}The Elves are justly famed for their magical rings, and the black iron Ring of Fury is one of the most feared.{ringa_effects_desc}+2 to law (improves public order), +1 Authority, +2 Piety{roguk}The Horn of Urgok{roguk_desc}If truth be told, most of Urgok

    s victories can be ascribed to the terrifying sound of this enchanted horn rather than his own leadership.{roguk_effects_desc}+1 Command, +2 Troop Morale

    {ruchmi}Tamed Bear{ruchmi_desc}Bears are sacred symbols in Kislev. This bear has been presented tothe commander as a symbol of Ursun.

    {ruchmi_effects_desc} +2 Command, 10% bonus to cash gained from looting{ruinswo}Sword of Ruin{ruinswo_desc}This magical sword can cleave through armour as if it were air.{ruinswo_effects_desc}+1 Command, +2 to personal security (improves the chancesof detecting and foiling assassination attempts){runch}Chaos Runeshield{runch_desc}This shield was created by bitter Chaos Dwarf forgemasters as a defence against the runeweapons of the sons of Grungni. It is covered with writhingcarvings that have the power to destroy enemy magic.{runch_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +5 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hitsyour general can take before dying){runeham}Rune Hammer of Kadrin Redmane{runeham_desc}Kadrin Redmane, Dwarf Runelord of Karak Varn, was killed beside the shores of Black Water after being ambushed leading a mule train to the High King. His last act was to throw his powerful runehammer far out into the Black Water to stop it from being used by the enemy.{runeham_effects_desc}+1 Chivalry, +2 Piety, +1 Troop Morale, +2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts){runesmith}Runesmith{runesmith_desc}The ancient Guild of Runesmiths is one of the oldest and most respected institutions in all the Dwarf realms. According to tradition, its origins stretch back to the days of Grungni. The Runesmiths Guild claims descent from


    s son Morgrim and they sometimes refer to themselves as the Clan of Morgrim. All Runesmiths are related to each other in some, often very remote, fashion. Although some other races make magic items of great potency, Runesmiths are s

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    uperlative craftsmen, widely respected by all Dwarfs, and even accorded the sortof reverence normally reserved for ancestors.

    {runesmith_effects_desc}+1 Management, +1 Authority, +3 Loyalty, +1 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying){runklyk}Runefang{runklyk_desc}At the dawn of the Empire, a dozen magical blades were forged forSigmar

    s twelve chieftains. Amongst the oldest and most treasured artefacts stil

    l surviving in the Empire, these Runefangs are synonymous with the status and authority of the Elector Counts. One Runefang is wielded by Kurt Helborg. The remaining blade is kept in the Imperial vaults and occasionally presented to heroicGenerals who are fighting in the service of the Empire.{runklyk_effects_desc}+2 Command, +2 Chivalry{runklykrei}Reiksmarshal

    s Runefang{runklykrei_desc}12 Runefangs were made by the Dwarven Runelord Alaric the Mad and presented to Emperor Heidrich, who then passed them to the Elector Counts. This one once belonged to the province of Solland but after its destruction the blade was lost. Many years passed and finally the blade has been found and given to Kurt Helborg, the Reiksmarshal and the commander of all the Empire

    s armed forces.

    {runklykrei_effects_desc}+2 Command, +2 Chivalry{runm}Chaos Runesword{runm_desc}This evil blade was forged by the deluded Dwarf Runesmith Grungi Ironheart, a secret and embittered worshipper of the Chaos Gods.{runm_effects_desc}+1 Command, +1 to law (improves public order), +1 to personalsecurity (improves the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents)

    {runzna}Runnic Banners{runzna_desc}Magically enchanted banners giving strength and courage to the Dwarfs during battles.{runzna_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 Authority{rvmech}Rending Sword{rvmech_desc}The Rending Sword has gnarled teeth along its edge that rip and gnaw at armour and bone. As it is swung, the sword growls and snarls like a wild be

    ast hungry for the taste of raw flesh.{rvmech_effects_desc} +2 Command, 10% bonus to cash gained from looting{sabsid}Saber of Sibad{sabsid_desc}A razor sharp weapon that belongs to Ungol hero Sibad. This weaponis also highly decorated with magical inscriptions.{sabsid_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts), +1 to law (improves public order){sapfir}Sapphire{sapfir_desc}A very valuable gemstone.{sapfir_effects_desc}+1 Finance{sapsko}Boots of Endurance{sapsko_desc}These boots allow the wearer to march very quickly and to travel great distances without tiring.{sapsko_effects_desc}+2 Command, +2 to public security (improves the chances ofdetecting and foiling assassination attempts){savan}Shroud of Magnus{savan_desc}This ancient shroud was laid upon the body of Magnus the Pious afterhis death. On it one can still see the features of the Saviour of the Empire, h

    is countenance as noble in death as it was in life.{savan_effects_desc}+2 Piety, +2 to law (improves public order), +1 Authority{sergor}Heart of Woe{sergor_desc}The Heart of Woe is a large ruby that beats like a living heart. Should the bearer be slain, the crystal shatters into thousands of jagged shards,slaying those responsible for Shadowblade

    s death.

    {sergor_effects_desc}+1 Command, +25% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march){shapmo}Crown of Kislev

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    {shapmo_desc}This crown was first worn by Maria Morevna, the second ruling Tzarina of Kislev. Maria was famous for her magical powers and the enchantments she cast on the crown persist to this day.{shapmo_effects_desc}+2 Command, +2 Chivalry{shifr}Helsturm

    s Code{shifr_desc}Johann Helsturm was the first Great Theogonist of the growing cult of Sigmar, Patron God of the Empire. To ensure the safety of many artefacts he cr

    eated this code.{shifr_effects_desc}+1 to agent

    s skill{shigorg}Shield of the Gorgon{shigorg_desc}The image on this shield represents the head of a Gorgon, a hideous monster said to dwell in the harsh deserts of Araby. Enemies try to avoid itsgaze, for the eyes of a Gorgon are rumoured to turn living creatures to stone.{shigorg_effects_desc}+1 Cavalry Command, +2 Infantry Command, +3 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts){shipto}Shield of Ptolos{shipto_desc}The Shield of Ptolos is magically inscribed with a myriad of distracting patterns and designs. The patterns magically distract arrows and bolts, sending them spinning off course.

    {shipto_effects_desc}+2 Infantry Command, 15% discount on unit training costs, 5% discount on agent training costs{shlemkom}Helm of Commandment{shlemkom_desc}An artefact of ancient Lahmia, this corroded helmet can be used to infuse Undead servants with the wearer

    s sentience, making them formidable fighters.{shlemkom_effects_desc}+1 Cavalry Command, +2 Infantry Command, +3 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents){shlemskav}Helm of the Ratslayer{shlemskav_desc}The legendary helm of Count Mandred Ratslayer was crafted from the skull of the warlord who fell at the Battle of the Howling Hills. Such is itsreputation amongst the rat-spawn that they dread to face its wearer.

    {shlemskav_effects_desc}+1 Command, +1 Authority, +2 Troop Morale

    {shtan}The Drakenhof Banner{shtan_desc}Unwilling to expend his power to endlessly replenish his armies, Count Vlad von Carstein had thrall Necromancers enchant his household standard to sustain his bodyguard.{shtan_effects_desc}+2 Infantry Command, 15% discount on unit training costs, 5%discount on agent training costs

    {shud}Helm of Fortune{shud_desc}A helm of ithilmar and sea gold, bordered with tiny letters of intertwining runic script. These form a prayer to invoke Asuryan

    s protection upon thewearer.

    {shud_effects_desc}-1 from unrest (improves public order), +2 to law (improves public order), +2 Command, +1 Troop Morale{siege_engineer}Master Engineer{siege_engineer_desc}A Master Engineer is an expert in many fields. He is firstand foremost a doughty warrior whose skill alone merits a place of honour in theDwarf throng. In addition, he is a consummate craftsman who can perform any tas

    k relating to metal or stone, from forging cannon barrels to designing steam engines to drafting the plans for fortifications and mines. A throng which utilisesseveral war machines will often be accompanied by a Master Engineer.

    {siege_engineer_effects_desc}+1 Command when assaulting walls, +60 siege equipment build points{sigmar}Holy Relic{sigmar_desc}The most famous holy relic in the Empire is the icon of Sigmar carried by the Arch Lector of Nuln, a token which is said to grant the bearer greatfortitude.

    {sigmar_effects_desc}+3 Piety, -2 from unrest (improves public order), +1 Authority{sigmarhon}Honour of Sigmar

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    {sigmarhon_desc}This badge is given to nobles who have participated in and completed a righteous mission given by the Grand Theogonist himself. These are rarelyawarded, such is the danger of the missions given. The warriors who were reward

    ed with this honour are the ones who survived the horrors of Praag, the Battle at Hel Fenn, and the Battle of Black Fire Pass.{sigmarhon_effects_desc}+3 Loyalty, +4 Troop Morale, +2 Piety, +1 Authority{sigsword}Sword of Sigismund

    {sigsword_desc}This sword, wielded in the crusades by the Grand Master of the Knights Panther, once belonged to Emperor Sigismund and has been passed down through all the Princes of Altdorf since then.{sigsword_effects_desc}+2 Infantry Command, 15% discount on unit training costs,5% discount on agent training costs

    {silvergorn}The Silver Horn{silvergorn_desc}This elegant hunting horn contains a potent spell. Allies who hear its note are filled with courage.{silvergorn_effects_desc}+4 Troop Morale{simsig}Sigil of Sigmar{simsig_desc}The symbol of Sigmar may take many forms such as a twin-tailed comet, a hammer, a crown or a griffon. Regardless of the form, each has the power to

    protect the wearer from the ravages of hostile magics.{simsig_effects_desc}-1 from unrest (improves public order), +1 Chivalry, +2 Piety{skar}Skabscrath{skar_desc}The legendary blade of Undead mercenary Ennio Mordini, Skabscrath continually emits the terrible screams of all those it has slain.{skar_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 Authority{skver}The Cursed Book{skver_desc}This tome was written by the mad Necromancer Har

    ak Iman, said to bethe most depraved man to have ever lived. His vileness radiated from the Book,

    draining life and energy from all living beings.{skver_effects_desc}+1 Command, +2 Authority{sorce}Sorceress

    {sorce_desc}Chief amongst the wizards of Naggaroth are the


    of the DarkConvent of Sorceresses, who are gathered in the great fortress of Ghrond. Compe

    tition for positions in the Dark Convent are bloody and fierce, and only the most powerful and ruthless Sorceresses survive the initiations. Those that succeedlearn some of the most powerful magic in the world. They can call upon ancient daemonic entities to devour their enemies, hurl storms of wicked shards at theirfoes or engulf them with bolts of dark energy.{sorce_effects_desc}+2 Command, +2 Troop Morale, +1 Authority, +4 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts), +3 Dread{sovbo}Shard Blade{sovbo_desc}Boris Ursun carries a mighty pole-arm with a blade crafted from icehewn from the glaciers of Norsca, and magically bound by the ice wizards of Kislev to remain forever frozen. When Boris strikes a foe, shards of ice water enteran enemies veins and freezes their blood.

    {sovbo_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +5 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hitsyour general can take before dying){spellcloak}Spellweave Cloak{spellcloak_desc}These cloaks are weaved and worn by mages from the Tower of Hoeth. These magic cloaks protect the wearer from missiles and more powerful cloakscan even protect against enemy spells. These cloaks are sometimes given as a re

    ward to generals of Ulthuan.{spellcloak_effects_desc}+4 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying), +1 Piety, +2 Loyalty, +2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)

    {splush}Warboss Umm

    s Best Boss

    At{splush_desc}This rune-encrusted and rather squashed looking helmet once belonged to a Dwarf king, or so legend tells.

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    {splush_effects_desc}+2 Command, +2 to public security (improves the chances ofdetecting and capturing enemy agents){spyglass}Spyglass{spyglass_desc}Allows a mortal man to spot distant things that are normally privy only to eagles.{spyglass_effects_desc}+2 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemiesare spotted)

    {ssolarius}Sword of Solarius{ssolarius_desc}Long ago, Solarius was a noble knight of the Blazing Sun. Afterhe led the defence of an Elven trade caravan enroute to Cathay, he was gifted this magical sword. It is said that underneath the rays of the sun this blade cutsthrough armor as if it was paper, and that no warrior could withstand Solarius

    wrath. The mighty warrior was killed by a goblin during a night raid.{ssolarius_effects_desc}+1 Chivalry, +1 to public security (improves the chancesof detecting and capturing enemy agents), +1 Attack

    {stag}Banner of Arcane Warding{stag_desc}The banner of Arcane Warding is inscribed with sigils to twist magicaside and deflect it in unpredictable paths. When a hostile spell is cast against a regiment bearing this banner the spell is likely to be either negated or def

    lected towards the closest enemy regiment.{stag_effects_desc}+2 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies arespotted), +5 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying){stardos}Armour of Stars{stardos_desc}Mage-forged plate decorated with hundreds of glittering gems on abackground of deepest blue lacquer, the Armour of Stars is a wonder to behold.{stardos_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 Authority{starsp}Star Lance{starsp_desc}An ancient weapon, famed throughout Caledor, the tip of the Star Lance is forged from the heart of a fallen star.{starsp_effects_desc}+2 Troop Morale, +1 Command, +1 Authority{stramor}Fearfrost

    {stramor_desc}Forged by the ancient Khan-queen Miska of the Gospodars, this blade has passed from Tzarina to Tzarina through the ages. Only a Tzarina can wieldthe blade, and were a man to lift the blade, he would find himself frozen to death within a heartbeat. The blade is infused with Ice Magic and the intense coldcan kill with a single scratch.{stramor_effects_desc}+1 Command, +2 Authority{strapping_stallion}Strapping Stallion{strapping_stallion_desc}What an impressive and powerful beast this young lady straddles on a daily basis.{strapping_stallion_effects_desc}+10% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march){sunzol}hest with Gold{sunzol_desc}He

    s always got significant amount of money hidden away for rainy days.{sunzol_effects_desc}+1 Management, 5% bonus on tax income, 5% bonus on all trade income{svetam}The Amulet of Light{svetam_desc}A small brooch first worn by Kalin Silverhair during the wars against the Daemons.{svetam_effects_desc}+3 Piety, -2 from unrest (improves public order), +1 Authority{svinpo}Porko

    s Pigstikka{svinpo_desc}Most of the many spears that have been used by Porko

    s Boar Boyz lie shattered on the battlefields of the Old World, but not this one. In battle, the gleaming point of the Pigstikka pierces enemy armour with ease, skewering sev

    eral foes with one strike; "ready for later" as Porko used to say, referring tothe traditional after-battle barbecue.{svinpo_effects_desc} +2 Command, 10% bonus to cash gained from looting

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    {swift_steed}Swift Steed{swift_steed_desc}A dashing mount that can pass over the land as swiftly as thewind itself.{swift_steed_effects_desc}+15% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march), +1 to public health{swogr}Grudgebringer Sword{swogr_desc}This mighty sword has runes inscribed along the blade by a Bright ma

    gic Wizard Lord. In hand-to-hand combat the wielder strikes more accurately andferociously against his enemies. In addition a fireball may be cast from the sword.{swogr_effects_desc}+4 Troop Morale{swordarc}The Slayer of Kings{swordarc_desc}The Slayer of Kings is a huge magical sword inhabited by the spiritual essence of a greater daemon known as U

    zuhl. This sword was taken by Archaon from Krakanrok the Black, the first and most powerful of the Dragon Ogres residing at the Chimera Plateau. The sword hungers for blood and needs to be satiated in order to restrain the demon from breaking out.{swordarc_effects_desc}+4 Command, +4 Authority{swordem}Chaos Daemonsword

    {swordem_desc}This most deadly of blades is a prison for the essence of a powerful Daemon. Though this sword is an artefact of utmost power, the Daemon within it is treacherous indeed, and will turn against its jailor in the blink of an eye.{swordem_effects_desc}+2 Command, +15% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march), +1 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemiesare spotted){tabak}Powder Bags{tabak_desc}There are different powders in them ranging from ordinary tobacco todeadly mushroom powder that can kill in seconds, making the victim scream in te

    rror and pain.{tabak_effects_desc}+25% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forcedmarch), +1 to agent

    s skill

    {talislo}Talisman of Loec{talislo_desc}Loec the Trickster is seldom worshipped on the battlefield by theHigh Elves, for his help always comes at a price.{talislo_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 to law (improves public order), +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents){tardos}Armour of Tarnus{tardos_desc}This armour was worn by the warrior wizard Frederick von Tarnus. Such was the power invested in the armour

    s forging that von Tarnus

    own magic wasunaffected by its protection.

    {tardos_effects_desc}+10% Build Speed, -2 from squalor (increases public order and population growth), +2 to public security (improves the chances of detectingand capturing enemy agents), +2 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits yourgeneral can take before dying){topkh}Axe of Khorne{topkh_desc}This axe is a sign of Khorne

    s blessing, unerringly seeking out skulls for Khorne

    s throne, severing heads with bloody sweeps.{topkh_effects_desc}+2 Piety, +1 Authority, +2 to law (improves public order){topmo}Mortog

    s Best Basha{topmo_desc}Old Warboss Martog the Mauler has a vast collection of weapons-mostof which were stolen from their previous owners. His favourite of all was a massive Dwarfen axe, heavy with runes and (since Martog

    s possession of it) Dwarfenblood.{topmo_effects_desc}+1 Command, +3 to your general

    s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying){topor}The Black Axe of Krell

    {topor_desc}When the Black Axe bites into flesh it leaves behind shards that eattheir way to the victim

    s heart.{topor_effects_desc}+2 Chivalry, +2 Command

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    {toporra}Battleaxe of the Last WAAAGH!{toporra_desc}Revered subject of the Orc myth of the end of everything where Gork

    s (or possibly Mork

    s) chosen Best Boss Ragnar goes mad and destroys the wholeworld in an unstoppable orgy of fire and slaughter. This is foretold as the Dayof Ragnarok.

    {toporra_effects_desc}+2 Command, +15% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march), +1 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies

    are spotted){toporub}Axe of the Slayer King{toporub_desc}Many years ago Ungrim

    s five times great grandsire, King Baragor,suffered a great and terrible loss which drove him to take the oath of the Slayers. What caused him to make such a sudden and drastic decision is not recorded in the Book of Grudges of Karak Kadrin, nor in the Records of the Kings, nor eventhe stronghold

    s Book of Days. It is commonly assumed that the cause was the death of his daughter at the claws of the great dragon Skaladrak on her way to marry the son of the High King at Karaz-a-Karak. In any case, Baragor became the first Slayer King of Karak Kadrin. Torn between his two conflicting vows, the oathof a Slayer to seek out death and the oath of a king to watch over and protect

    his people, Baragor was unable to fulfill either properly. In the end, good Dwar

    f sense prevailed, and he found a way to honour both his vows after a fashion. He founded the shrine of Grimnir, the Shrine of Slayers in Karak Kadrin, and withgenerous donations to the cult he established a haven for Slayers from all overthe Dwarf realms. Soon Karak Kadrin was acknowledged as the home of the Slayer

    Cult, hitherto a scattered group of individuals wandering amongst the mountains.Although Baragor could not fulfill his own vows while his people needed him, hecould help others to do so, and as such he upheld his honour and was considereda wise and reasonable Dwarf by all concerned. Baragor died in a tunnel cave-in

    deep below Karak Kadrin, his Slayer

    s vow still unfulfilled. His son, Dargo, inherited not only the kingdom, but his father

    s vow as well, and became the secondof a line of Slayer Kings. His living descendant is King Ungrim Ironfist, the c

    urrent Slayer King of Karak Kadrin.{toporub_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +2 Troop Morale, +1 Command

    {torturer1}Witch Hunter{torturer1_desc}A capable Witch Hunter who has joined this character

    s retinue.{torturer1_effects_desc}+1 Dread, +1 to personal security (improves the chancesof detecting and foiling assassination attempts), +2 Piety, +2 to unrest (decreases public order), +1 to law (improves public order){tre}The Order of the Silver Hammer

    s Prayer Book{tre_desc}Members of this Order are commonly known as Warrior Priests. They travel the Empire, promoting the Cult, opposing Chaos, and generally bringing gloryto their god. They frequently join the ranks of the armies of the Empire, attending to the spiritual needs of the soldiers and inspiring them on the battlefield.{tre_effects_desc}+1 Piety{treb}Prayer Book{treb_desc}Collections of all sorts of prayers when you need to strengthen yoursoul and courage.{treb_effects_desc}+1 to agent

    s skill{trebnik}The Assassins Handbook{trebnik_desc}A great collection of hints and guides on how to be a good assassin.{trebnik_effects_desc}+1 to agent

    s skill{trick_abacus}Trick Abacus{trick_abacus_desc}"See, when you carry the two over, it turns out you owe me another hundred florins."{trick_abacus_effects_desc}+1 Finance{tron}The Throne of Power

    {tron_desc}For over four thousand years, the Dwarf High Kings have been carriedinto battle on the Throne of Power. The throne is an ancient wonder and an astounding piece of craftmanship, a marvel amongst the Dwarfs. It is said that the th

  • 8/3/2019 Export Ancillaries


    rone was made by Grungni himself and that while it endures the Dwarf race will also endure, but should it ever be destroyed then the Dwarf race will be doomed.The throne is inscribed with the great rune Azamar, the unique rune of eternity- a rune so potent that only one of it can ever exist.{tron_effects_desc}+2 to law (improves public order), +1 Authority, +2 Piety{trubka}Smoking Pipe{trubka_desc}Made from a special Wissenland tree. Can be used both for pleasure

    and for making sure that your target won

    t get back home for supper after beinghit by a