Exporation magic square

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Exporation magic square

Prince Henry Cortes Merchantilism Commercial Revolution

Jamestown Triangular Trade

Puritan Atlantic Slave Trade

Capitalism Vasco De Gama

New France Treaty of Tordesillas

Middle Passage

French and Indian War

Dias Joint Stock Company

1. First European to travel around Africa to India2. Business concept that allows for the shared risks of business investment3. A nation's wealth and resources are actively protected4. Great Britain's first colony in the Western Hemisphere5. 9.5 Million Slaves brought to the new world6. Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs7. Terrible conditions on slave ships8. Mississippi River Valley and area north of the great lakes9. Created a sailing school in Portugal, improves sailing methods.10. Left Anglican controlled Great Britain for religious freedoms in

the New World.11. Divided Spanish and Portuguese conquests in the new world.12. Conflict over Ohio River Valley leads to World Conflict13. Made it to the tip of Africa, but had to return to Portugal14. Economic System based on private ownership.15. Molasses to Rum to Slaves.... oh what a wonderful waltz.16. New business and trade practices in Europe during the 16th and

17th Century.17. Government ownership of business18. The development of new weapons.19. Creation of more colonies in the new world.20. The introduction of multiple new foods to both hemispheres