Expo Hydrotherapy

Post on 05-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Expo Hydrotherapy

  • 7/31/2019 Expo Hydrotherapy


  • 7/31/2019 Expo Hydrotherapy


    Water wisely applied, is a

    most powerful remedy...Natural means, used in

    accordance with Godswill, bring about

    supernatural results.TheBible Commentary, p.938

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    In health and in

    sickness, purewater is one ofheavens

    choicestblessings. Its

    proper usepromotes health.

    It is the beverage

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    9 Golden Properties of

    WaterNearly always available, abundant & cheapGreat power for absorbing & releasing heat

    Universal solventEasy to apply


    Proper viscosityExists at 3 states at useful temperatures

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    Hydro (Water) + Therapy


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    There are many ways in

    which water can beapplied to relieve pain and

    check disease.Ministry ofHealing, p.237

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    HEAT COLDIncreases Blood Flow Decreases Blood Flow

    Increases Inflammatory


    Decreases Inflammatory


    Increases Edema


    Decreases Edema


    Increases Hemorrhage Decreases Hemorrhage

    Decreases Muscle Pain &


    Decreases Muscle Pain &


    Decreases Stiffness in


    Increases Stiffness in


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    All gospel

    workersshould know

    how to givethe simple

    treatmentsthat do so

    much to

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    But none should feel

    excused for ignorance orindifference on this

    subject. All should becomeintelligent in its use in

    simple home treatments.

    Mothers, especially, shouldknow how to care for their

    families in both health and

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    History of Hydrotherapy

    Hippocrates wrote about its use in 450 BC.Vincent Priessnitz- Father of Hydrotherapy

    Mid 1850s- Water Care Institutes and The

    Water Care Journal aroseDr. James Jackson wrote, In my entire

    practice, I have never given a dose

    of medicineI have use in thetreatment of my pts the ff: air, food

    water, sunlight, dress, exercise,

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    History of Hydrotherapy1863- EGW received a vision on health reform

    1865- James White became a pt of Dr. Jackson

    1866- Adventist opened the 1st Health Facility -

    (The Western Health Reform Institute)

    1876- Dr. Kelogg, at 24, became its

    Superintendent, wrote a book on Rational


    1900s- Dr. Abbot of Loma Linda wrote books

    about hydrotherapy.

    1919- Great flu epidemic killed 25 M people

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    History of Hydrotherapy1820- Simon Baruch (another pioneer

    hydrotherapist) wrote,

    Of all the remedial agents I used

    since the dawn of medicine, wateris the only one that has survived allthe vicissitudes of doctrinal

    changes because its rise or fallwas always contemporaneous with

    the rise and fall of intelligence

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    I had for four weekssuffered, and it wasdifficult that I spoke to the

    people. Sabbath eveninga fomentation was appliedover my throat and lungs,but the head cap wasforgotten, and the

    difficulty of the lungs was

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    Points to Remember: PatientHave prayer with the patient

    Give pt water to drink during the treatment

    Encourage pt to rest before & after treatment

    Avoid giving hydrotherapy immediately afterthe pt has eaten a meal

    If the pt cant warm up enough or sweat, give

    warm water to drink, apply more covers, placefomentation between the buttocks and hot

    foot bath

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    Points to Remember: PatientDizziness, faintness or weakness can be

    caused by sudden drop in blood pressure or

    blood sugar. Take pulse & BP. If the BP is 80/60

    or below, discontinue heat application, elevate

    legs, and give a salty broth to drink.

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    Points to Remember: NurseWash hands

    Wear PPE if needed

    Observe proper body mechanics

    P i R b

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    Points to Remember:Instruments & Procedure

    Keep the room warm & free

    from draft

    Cold washcloth should not besoppy wet

    Be careful not to burn the ptDont apply fomentationwhen there is danger of

    hemorrhage or suspectedmalignancy

    Clean the equipment withbleach after use

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    Let all things be done decentlyand in order.1 Cor. 14:40God is a God of order.Everything connected withheaven is in perfect order,

    subjection and thoroughdiscipline mark the movementsof the angelic host. Success

    can only attend order &harmonious action. Godrequires order and system in

    His work now on less than in

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    Spirit of Prophecy on

    HydrotherapyThe external application of water is one of theeasiest & most satisfactory ways of regulating

    the circulation of blood.

    A cold or cool bath is an excellent tonic.

    Warm bath opens the pores and thus aid in

    the elimination of impurities.

    Both warm & neutral baths soothes the

    nerves and equalize the circulation.

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    Hydrotherapy Treatment


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    A 30-year old male is suffering

    from headache, congestionand generalized body

    weakness. He had been

    sleeping late for the last 2

    weeks and when he was wet

    from the rain 3 days ago, he

    begun to have cough &

    colds, fever at 38C andmuscle & joint pain.

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    Contrast Baths

    Consists of immersing a body part alternatelyin hot and cold water. This treatment may be

    combined with the application of poultice or a

    heating compress.

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    Indications for Contrast

    Bath Localized infections Muscle or joint injuries

    Arthritis Headaches


    Blood vessel diseases in the legs and feet

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    Treatment Precautions

    Do not use very hot or cold water in elderly,

    infants or diabetics.

    Be careful not to spread infection

    Avoid treating any area where there is

    tendency to bleed


    If the treatment is to be followed by massage,

    end the treatment with the hot water bath

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    Prepare the equipments Pray with the patient

    Begin with hot water bath = 5 mins.

    Immerse in cold water bath = 1 mins.

    Put cold compress to head if sweating occurs

    Duration: 30-45 minutes(5-7cycles),1-4 x a day

    Dry the entire body if sweating occurred

    Rest for 30-60 mins. after the treatment

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    Localized Infections, Muscle &Joint Injuries

    Rest, elevate and put ice/cold pack on an

    injured part for the first 12 hrs

    Begin contrast bath after 12 hrs *start with

    hot water as tolerated

    End with cold water bath

    2 to 4 x a day

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    Begin contrast bath with warm water, thengradually increase hot water temp. & reduce

    the cold water temperature

    End with hot water bath 1 to 2 x a day

    D d Ci l i

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    Decreased Circulation to

    the Extremities Treat with mild heat and cool water (no ice) End with hot water bath

    1 to 2 x a day

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    A 25 yr old teacher is suffering from a sore throatand could hardly speak.

    Heating Compress

    Heating compress involvesthe application of a cold,

    wet cloth- covered by a dry

    cloth- to a body part,

    which heats up the treated


    I di ti f H ti

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    Indications for Heating

    Compress Throat: Tonsilitis, pharyngitis,laryngitis, earache

    Joints: Pain/Inflammation d/t

    arthritis, RF, trauma Chest: Congestion frm cough/flu,

    bronchitis, pneumonia

    Abdomen: Constipation, hepatitis,inflammation of the small or largebowel

    Feet: Edema, decreased circulation

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    Treatment Precautions

    Do not use cold, wet compress if the pt is not

    vigorous enough to warm it up. Use dry,

    medicatedcompress instead.

    Not too tight or too loose

    Pt should be warm before application

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    Apply cold, wet cloth directly over the area Cover the wet cloth with a dry cloth

    Check the inner cloth after 30 mins. to be sure

    if it is warming up.

    If its not warming up, replaced it with a dry,

    medicated cloth

    Leave the compress for several hrs or overnight

    In the morning, remove the compress & briskly

    rub the treated area with cold cloth. Then, dry.

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    Alternative TreatmentProcedures

    Throat: Cold, wet inner cloth may be replacedwith charcoal/steamed onion wrapped in cloth

    Joints: Charcoal poultice/grated raw potato or

    cabbage Chest: Raw Grated/Steamed Onion Poultice.

    May use wet sleeveless cotton shirt covered by

    dry wool or tightly woven cloth Abdomen: Charcoal Poultice

    Feet: thin, wet socks covered by dry, wool socks

  • 7/31/2019 Expo Hydrotherapy


    A 35 yr old male nurse is

    diagnosed with Lung

    Cancer Stage II. He is

    having difficulty of

    breathing, pain in the

    thorax, and difficulty ofsleeping. He is the sole

    breadwinner of the family

    and he is nervous andworried about his

    condition. His oldest child

    is still 7 years old.

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    Fomentation The application of a hot, wet cloth or towel to

    a body part in order to:

    Increase the circulation of WBC

    Remove body wastes

    Relieve pain in nerves, joints, muscles & internal


    Reduce congestion

    I di ti f

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    Indications forFomentation

    To reduce congestion in colds/flu, bronchitis,pneumonia, asthma, pleurisy

    To heal & improve function of the internal


    To relieve pain in neuralgia, back injuries,


    Difficulty sleeping & nervousness

    To warm a body part in preparation for


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    Treatment Precautions

    Be careful not to burn pts who are

    unconscious, paralized, edematous, or diabetic

    Body areas where the bone lies close to the

    skin may need extra padding

    Avoid chilling

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    Boiling water method: wring the towel.Immerse in boiling then stretch to squeeze

    excess water. Cover it with a dry towel

    Steaming Method: Fold 3 large towelswidthwise, wet folded towel, roll and squeez,

    put it in a rack above the water. Heat towels for

    30 mins. Remove 1


    towel with a tong andcover it with a dry towel.

    Al i T

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    Alternative TreatmentProcedures

    Charcoal poultice may be applied at the sametime with the fomentation

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    Fever Bath


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    Body Wrap


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    Mist Tent


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    Charcoal Enema


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    Liquid Diet


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    Liver Flush


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    Our people should becomeintelligent in the treatment ofsickness without the aid ofpoisonous drugs...Water

    treatments, wisely &skillfully given, may be themeans of saving amany

    lives. Let the diligent studybe united with carefultreatments. Let prayers of

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    When in faith the human

    agent does all he can tocombat disease, using thesimple methods of moment

    that God has provided, hisefforts will be blessed of

    God.Testimonies, 164

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    Thank you and may God

    bless you!