Exploring references in EndNote

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Exploring references in EndNote

Exploring references in EndNote


Once you have some references in your library, click on one and you should see more information about it in the right window


If you double-click on the reference, the details will show up in the main window.

You will be able to see all the information that you would need if you wanted to create a reference in a bibliography (you will see different information depending on the kind of resource, this example is a ejournal article)


If you scroll down the page further, you will be able to see more useful information such as abstracts and keywords, which can be useful when searching for similar articles

One of the most useful pieces of information is the URL, as this will always take you back to where the article originally came from


You can edit the information as well, this drop down menu changes the type of resource

To change or add information under a heading, just click under it and start typing


If you have made any changes that you would like to save, make sure to go to ‘File’ and then ‘Save’ at the top of the screen

You can then close the window by using the cross in the top right corner.


Questions about EndNote ?Contact Susan Hastie at hasties@regents.ac.uk

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