Existing music magazine analysis

Post on 23-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Existing music magazine analysis

Annotations of existing music magazine

Front PageFlorence is main focus of magazine. Entices people to read magazine as famous figure on front. Direct mode of address and use of word ‘you’ makes magazine more personal. Facial expressions very inviting making reader feel more involved & personal with magazine. Also hand gestures suggest she’s reaching out to touch audience again making it more personal. Holding a microphone instantly connotes idea of it being a music magazine. Florence has very unique style suggesting she is promoting the idea of uniqueness / wildness.

Mast head at top draws reader in as it instantly catches readers eye due to white writing contrasting well with bold red background. Masthead is bold but simplistic. Font is effective with flick of the ‘Q’ This is iconographic of magazine company as all magazines by this institution have this bold box in top left corner with the ‘Q’ in same font / size. Makes magazine company easily recognizable.

Main cover line ‘Hit Men’ capitalized & in bold font making it stand out more to show importance of article, suggesting it’s the main article in magazine. Title is bigger with information below to give more information on what article covers. It is placed on the left because people read left to right therefore it is one of the first things people will see. Other cover lines placed on right to give people more of an insight as to what is in magazine.

Typography is consistent throughout – always using same varieties of fonts just in different sizes so that the importance of them is easily recognizable. This shows professionalism as magazine has followed typical codes / conventions of any magazine.

House style - Colours used (blacks, reds, purples) create a mysterious house style suggesting there’s a lot of surprises throughout. The white writing contrasts well with the darker colours used for the background. These colours are consistent throughout the page – shows professionalism & makes magazine easily recognizable because people may associate colours with this magazine.

Image is medium shot taken from worms eye view – makes artist look bigger & more powerful & as if she is talking to everyone. Also suggests that she has the power to change your views / perceptions because people look up to her & will want to familiarize themselves with her likes / dislikes & people will want to be like her.

Tag word – adjective ‘triumphant’ used to engage readers into the interview and plug word ‘greatest’ are used to engage readers into whole magazine saying it is the best music magazine out there – boosts magazines status.

Bottom strip – below magazine giving further information on what’s in magazine – tells us famous artists that also feature in magazine which will be known by majority of people reading. This entices variety of audiences from different artists – boosts selling magazine selling point.

Flasher has been used – provides more information in circle shape - stands out more by bringing it off page. Uses different colours to break it up from other cover lines. ‘A-Z’ also suggest variety of

’50 INDIE ROCK’ stands out amongst everything takes up ¾ of top row – one of first things readers see. Suggests another main article in magazine. Word ‘must’ entices reader in because suggests they are missing out if they don’t own these records.

Contents pagePug placed at top left hand side of magazine – the logo ‘Q’ of the magazine positioned there which is iconographic of magazine institution. Having this there constantly reminds people of magazine therefore they will be instantly be a bit to associate logo with magazine – making magazine institution more identifiable by wider audience. ‘Q’ is trade mark of magazine which is featured in many pages.

Contents page follows typical layout of any magazine - has one main image with a few smaller images, also layout of writing in columns typical codes / conventions of any contents page. Main image is of Florence at her own concert with fans in background – promotes positive representation as shows many fans supporting her. Links well with front cover as she features main image- good publicity for her. Also page numbers anchor the article/picture to a articular page making it easier for audience to quickly go to pages they’re interested in.

Typography again makes magazine easily recognizable because fonts used are consistent throughout. Main headings capitalised to make them stand out more showing importance compared to rest of writing.

House style is again followed with use of same colours (blacks, red, white) which all contrast well. This shows professionalism because house style is kept the same but keeping the colours consistent throughout..

Language used is sophisticated but at the same time simplistic which gives a calm feel but at same time a adolescent feel reaching out to the target audience. People featured in pictures are young adults which reflect target audience of over 24s. Florence herself is 24 therefore audience can relate to her & may trust someone similar to their age more.

Mast head at top of page so readers can easily identify what page is about. Mast head is placed in a black box with writing in white – colours contrast well making it stand out amongst rest of page.

Contents page doesn’t feature every single page, only the main ones which people may be interested in – this keeps the reader entertained.

Double page spread Drop-cap used at the start of text to show the reader where to start reading. This is an effective way of grabbers readers attention as they add personality & visual strength to the page. The red contrasts well with the white, making it stand out immediately.

Bleed – images bleeds across both pages. Image occupies majority of pages – makes it stand out more & is focus of page. Main image is band performing suggesting they’re famous The images break words up & back up the writing. Image is striking which grabs readers attention. Smaller images make article more attractive.

House style has been continued by the use of red & white & the darker colours in the picture being consistent throughout. Again house – style shows professionalism. The reds / blacks connote indie rock genre which is what is being promoted through magazine. Also ‘Q’ has been included again as it’s iconographic of institution so it’s easily recognizable to people which means people automaticallyassociate symbol with magazine.

Headline is largest text on page therefore it stands out the most to grab peoples attention straightaway. Headline is short & snappy to keep reader entertained & intrigued.

Quote from singer makes article more trust worthy because the writing can be backed up by what singer is saying – making article more reliable. The quote also breaks up the page giving the reader something else to look at making the article more attractive to the reader.

Font is size 11pt – and is in aerial font which is typical codes / conventions of music magazine. Font is kept consistent throughout. Writing in columns – follows codes / conventions of magazine

Includes by lines which have been put under text to give credit to writer

Article is written in informal mode of address which relaxes the reader as story isn’t considered as serious therefore an informal tone can be used because the magazine is for leisure.

Kicker in red stands out against rest of page. The writing contrasts well because its in white. ‘Q&A’ interests audience because it answers any questions which fans may have. People can send questions in which means audience is interacting with band through using social media.