Exchange Poland-Cyprus. 28 th September Saturday ● We stayed in Oelmek apartaments in Paphos. ●...

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Exchange Poland-Cyprus. 28 th September Saturday ● We stayed in Oelmek apartaments in Paphos. ●...

Exchange Poland-Cyprus

28th September Saturday

●We stayed in Oelmek apartaments in Paphos.●We visited Archeological Parks, harbour, Tombs of the Kings and Rock of Aphrodite. That was very interesting.

29th September Sunday

●I went with Alex to The Mall of Cyprus and I spend there all day. We was watched a film, and shopping. I very like this place. It is similar to Polish shoping centers.

30th September Monday

●Students welcomed us into their school.●We celebrated with they independence Day.●We had comenius activities.●We visited old city of Nicosia and Green Line.●I like tours to the old cities. That was very good experience.

01st October Tuesday

●We visited Ayia Napa Monastery.●We stayed on the beach in Ayia Napa. We swam in the sea and drank cold drinks. We had a lunch in the restauration on beach. I love beaches in warm countries!! And this hot water...

02nd October Wednesday

●We had Comenius presentation ceremony. We presented a materials about us and Polish school.●We presented so far activities and planed future activities.

03rd October Thursday

●We had work shops. We were divided into international Polish-Cyprus groups. We cooperated in the groups to create materials to the project. We learnt to „Dance of Ghosts”. We designed the superhero called PolCyprus and we created a comic book with his adwentures in Cyprus.●We created presentations about our favorite films connected with fantasy. In the evening we met in the swimming pool and we presented our materials.

04th October Friday

●We visited The Cyprus Folk Art Museum, Leoentis Museum and Ledra Street. We had there a free time which I spent with my friends. It was interesting too.

05th October Saturday

●We visited village and troodos mountains.●We were divided in two groups „Mystery Hunters” and „Guards of Myster”. I was in „Guards of Myster” ,we gave hints for „Mystery Hunters” and they follow for our directions. I love stay in the outdoors. Green fotests and lovely views...

06th October Sunday

●We had a free day and we spent it with our families. In the evening we had a „Goodbye Evening”. We went to the traditional cyprus tawern and we ate there dinner. Food was delicious and tasty. That was great! Girls were crying becouse they didn't wont to leave Cyprus.

Thank you for watching.