Excellence of Maula Ali a.s

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  • 8/9/2019 Excellence of Maula Ali a.s






    In the Light of Hadiths

    Compiled by:

    Askari Hasan

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    In the name of Allah, the most Merciful and Beneficient

    Appellations (Alqaab) of Hazrat Amirulmomineen Ali (r.a)

    Some of these appellations are as follows:

    (1) Murtada - The with whom Allah is pleased(2) Maula - The master(3) Haidar-i-Karrar-The brave warrior against whom no onecould stand(4)Asad Allah - The lion of Allah(5) Al-Ghalib - The victorious(6) Sher-i-Yazdan - The bravest man of the age

    (7) Mushkil Kusha - Wine whom resolves the difficulties of thepeople(8) Shah-i-Awlia - The king of saints(9) Shah-i-Mominin - The king of the pious(10)Abu Turab - Father of the earth(11)Amir-ul-Momineen - Leader of the faithful(12) Amin-ul-Momineen - The trustee of the faithful(13) Imam-ul-Muttaqeen - The leader of the Allah-fearing(14) Sayyid-ul-Arab - The chief of the Arabs(15) Al Wasi - The beneficiary under the Prophet's'testamentary statement'(16)Al Hadi - The guide(17)Al Zahid- The chaste(18) Al Abi - The pious(19) Al Salah - The reformer

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    In the name of Allah, the most Merciful and Beneficient

    Amirul Momineen Hazrat Ali ibne Abitalib (KaramallahoWajho)

    Name: Ali

    Title: al-Murtada

    Agnomen: Abu ' l-Hasan

    Father's name: Abu Talib ibn 'Abd al-Muttalib

    Mother's name: Fatimah bint Asad

    Birth: In the Holy Ka'bah in Mecca on Friday, 13th Rajab 23 BH

    Death: Martyred (Shaheed) at the age of 63, in Kufah (Iraq) on

    Monday, 21st Ramadan 40 AH; murdered by an assassin who

    mortally wounded him with a poisoned sword in the mosque of

    Kufah during the morning prayer on 19th Ramadan; buried in an-

    Najaf al-Ashraf (Iraq)

    Hazrat Ali (a.s) was the cousin of our Holy Prophet Mohammad

    s.a.w.w. He was born in the Sacred House (Ka'bah). Providence

    alone had a hand in bringing his mother towards the Ka'bah. When

    his mother came to Ka'bah, she felt weighed down by intense pain

    of pregnancy. She (Rest one's weight on one's knees) knelt down

    before the Holy Structure and prayed humbly to Allah. 'Abbas ibn

    'Abd al-Muttalib (r.a), saw 'Ali's (r.a) mother praying to Allah. No

    sooner had she raised her head from supplication, then the wall of

    the Sacred House (kabah) split by a solemn miracle. Fatimah binte

    Asad (r.a) entered the Ka'bah and that portion returned to its

    normal position. 'Abbas (r.a) and his companions flocked (Move as

    a crowd or in a group) at the gate of the Sacred House which was

    locked, and tried to open it, but in vain. They then decided to give

    it up, considering the miraculous nature of the event and theDivine Will in action.

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    The news of this miraculous incident soon spread like wild fire in

    Mecca. 'Ali (r.a) was born within the Ka'bah with his eyes closed

    and his body in humble prostration before the Almighty. Fatimah

    binte asad (r.a) stayed in the Ka'bah for three days and as the

    fourth day approached she stepped out, carrying her gem in her

    arms. To her great surprise, she found the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w)

    awaiting to receive the newly-born child in his anxious arms.

    Imamate feeling the subtle touch of prophethood, 'Ali (r.a) opened

    his eyes and saluted the Divine Prophet: "as-Salamu 'alayka ya

    Rasula'lldh" (Peace be on you, O Messenger of Allah). 'Ali's (r.a)

    birth in the Ka'bah is unique in the history of the world. Neither a

    prophet nor a Divine saint was ever blessed with such an honour.He was brought up under the care and affection of the Holy Prophet

    (s.a.w.w). As Ali (r.a) says: "The Holy Prophet brought me up in his

    own arms and fed me with his own morsel (A small amount of solid

    food; a mouthful). I followed him wherever he went like a baby-

    camel following its mother. Each day a new aspect of his character

    would beam out of his noble person and I would accept it and

    follow it as a command. " (Nahju 'l-balaghah). Ten years in the

    company of the Holy Prophet Mohammad s.a.w.w had kept him so

    close and inseparable, that he was one with him in character,

    knowledge, self-sacrifice, forbearance, bravery, kindness,

    generosity, oratory and eloquence.

    From his very infancy, he prostrated before God along with the

    Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w). As he himself said: "I was the first to pray

    to God along with the Holy Prophet." " 'Ali presented in the

    footsteps of the Holy Prophet," says al-Mas'udi, "all along his

    childhood." Allah created him pure and holy and kept him steadfast

    on the right path. Though 'Ali (r.a) is undisputably the first to

    embrace Islam when the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w) called upon his

    listeners to do so, yet by the very fact that since his infancy (the

    early stage of growth or development) he was brought up by the

    Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w) and followed him in every action and deed

    including prostration (sajdah) before Allah, he can be said to beborn a Muslim, just like the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w) himself. 'Ali (r.a),

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    We shall search in vain to find, either among his predecessors

    (save one) or among his successors, those attributes. "Gibbon says:

    "The birth, the alliance, the character of 'Ali which exalted him

    above the rest of his country- men, might justify his claim to the

    vacant throne of Arabia. The son of Abu Talib was in his own right

    the chief of Banu Hashim and the hereditary prince or guardian of

    the city and the Ka'bah." " 'AIi had the qualifications of a poet, a

    soldier, and a saint; his wisdom still breathes in a collection of

    moral and religious sayings; and every antagonist, in the combats

    of the tongue or of the sword, was subdued by his eloquence and

    valour. From the first hour of his mission to the last rites of his

    funeral, the Apostle was never forsaken by a generous friend,whom he delighted to name his brother, his vicegerent, and the

    faithful Aaron of a second Moses."


    In the name of Allah ,the most Merciful and Beneficient

    Maula Ali (r.a) is the gate of knowledge city (Prophet Mohammad s.a.w.w)

    1. Jabir Ibn Abdullah Al-Ansari (r.a) reported that the Rasool

    s.a.w.w said I am the city of knowledge and Ali (r.a) is its

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    gate; whoever wants the knowledge should come to thegate.(Al-Hakim,Al-Mustadrak part 3,p.127)

    2. Ibn Hajar Asqalani reported that Prophet Mohammad s.a.w.wsaid: Ali is with the Quran and the Quran is with Ali(r.a); They

    are inseparable until the day when they meet me at Kawther(Kawsar) (Al-Sawaiq Al -Muharriqah, p.75)

    3. Ome Salema (r.a) wife of Holy prophet Mohammad .s.a.w.wwho said : I heard the Messenger of Allah saying:Ali (r.a) iswith the Quran and the Quran is with Ali(r.a). They do not partwith each other until they meet me at the basin (Kausar) onthe day of judgement. (Al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak part 3, p.124)

    4. Al-hakim reported that Anas Ibn Malik (r.a) reported that the

    Holy Prophet Mohammad s.a.w.w. said to Ali (r.a) :you shallinform my nation (ummah) about the truth and what theydispute about after me (Al-Hakim,Al-Mustadrak part 3,p.122)

    5. Imam Tirmizi in his sunan recorded that the Rasool s.a.w.wsaid: Allah,have Thy mercy on Ali (r.a). Allah make the rightand truth with Ali(r.a) in all situations. (Al-Tirmizi, Sunan, part 5,pg. 297)

    6. Abu Naem recorded that Ibn Masood (r.a) said The Holy Quran

    has outward and inward meanings, and Ali (r.a) has theknowledge of both (Abu Naem, Hilyat al-Auliya. Part 1pg. 65)

    7. Imam Ahmad reported that the Rasool s.a.w.w said to hisdaughter Fatima Al-Zahra (a.s): Are you not satisfied that Ihave married you to the one (Ali) who is earliest in Islamamong my followers, their most knowledgeable, and theirgreatest in wisdom. (Imam Ahmad, Al Mustadrak part 5, p.26)

    Hadiths of analogy (Hadis-e-Manzilat)

    8. The Messenger of Allah s.a.w.w took a journey to Tabook, andhe appointed Ali(r.a) to succeed him in Medina, Ali (r.a) said tothe Prophet s.a.w.w : Do you leave me with the children andthe women ? the Messenger s.a.w.w. replied: Are you notsatisfied to be to me like Aaron (Harun a.s) to Mosses (Musaa.s ), except that there shall be no Prophet (Nabi) afterme?(Al-Bukhari in his Sahi, part6. pg.3)

    9. Al-Bukhari also reported that Saad said :The Prophet said to Ali

    (r.a) :Are you satisfied to be to me like Harun a.s to Musa a.s(Sahih-Bukhari, part5 p.24)

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    10. Imam Ahmad in his Musnad recorded that Ibn Abbas (r.a) saidin a hadith the Hazrat Mohammad s.a.w.w and the peopledeparted for military operations in Tabook .Ali(r.a) said to him:I will depart with you. Hazrat Mohammad s.a.w.w. said to him:No Ali (r.a) became sad. The Mohammad s.a.w.w said to him:Are you not satisfied to be to me like Harun a.s to Musa a.s,except that you are not a prophet? It would not be proper thatI leave unless you are my successor. (Imam Ahmad, Al Musnad,part 1, p.131)

    11. Al-Hakim in his Mustadrak recorded that Ibn Abbas (r.a) said ina hadith the Hazrat Mohammad s.a.w.w and the peopledeparted for military operations in Tabook Ali(r.a) said to him:I will depart with you Hazrat Mohammad s.a.w.w said to him:No Ali (r.a) became sad. The Mohammad s.a.w.w said to him:Are you not satisfied to be to me like Harun a.s to Musa a.s,except that you are not a prophet? It would not be proper thatI leave unless you are my successor.(Al-Hakim, Al-Mustadrak,part3, p.133 )

    Hadiths regarding Ghadir-e-Khom

    12. Ab Yazd al-Awd has related it on the authority of his fatherthat (once) Ab Hurayrah (RA) entered the mosque. Thepeople gathered round him. One young man (from amongthem) stood up and said: I make you swear by Allh and askyou: Have you heard the Messenger of Allh (s.a.w.w) say thatone who has me as his master (maula) has Ali (r.a) as hismaster (maula). O Allh! Befriend him who befriends him (Alir.a), and be his enemy who is his enemy. At this he said: I bearwitness that I have heard the Messenger of Allh (s.a.w.w) saythis: One who has me as his master has Ali (r.a) as his master.O Allh! Befriend him who befriends him and be his enemywho is his enemy.( Ibn Ab Shaybah, al-Musannaf (12:68 # 12141);Haytham, Majma-uz-zawid (9:105, 106))

    13. Zayd bin Arqam (r.a) has narrated that Al (r.a), asking peopleto bear witness, said: I make you swear if anyone of you heardthe Prophet (s.a.w.w) say: O Allh! One who has me as hismaster (maula) has Ali (r.a) as his master (maula). O Allh!Befriend him who befriends him (Ali r.a) and be his enemy whois his (Ali r.a) enemy. So on this occasion sixteen men stood upand bore witness.(Imam Ahmad bin Hambal narrated it in Al-Musnad(5:370))

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    14. Sufyn bin Uyaynah (in praise of Ali(r.a)) relates it from Sadbin Ab Waqs (r.a) that of the four qualities of Ali (r.a) if Ipossessed anyone of them, I would have held it dearer thansuch and such, even the red camels. (The four qualities were

    as follows :) (First quality) He was blessed with the flag (on theoccasion of the battle of Khaybar; (second quality is) theProphets saying about him (that they are related) as Harun(a.s) and Musa (a.s) (were related); (third quality is) theProphets saying about him that one who has me as his master(has Ali(r.a) as his master). (The sub-narrator) Sufyn binUyaynah did not remember the fourth quality.( Ibn Abi simrelated it in as-Sunnah (p.607 # 1385),The Ghadir Decleration,Hadithno.11)

    15. It is narrated by Jbir bin Abdullh (r.a) that when we were atGhadr Khum in Juhfah, the Messenger of Allh (s.a.w.w) cameout, then, holding Ali(r.a) hand, he said: One who has me ashis master has Ali(r.a)as his master.( Ibn Ab Shaybah related itin Al-Musannaf (12:59 # 12121), The Ghadir Decleration,Hadith no.17)

    16. Umayr bin Sad(r.a) narrates that he heard Ali(r.a) gatheredpeople in an open plain and I bear witness to it. So he said: Iask on oath if anyone had heard the Prophet (s.a.w.w) say:One who has me as his master has Ali (r.a) as his master.

    Eighteen persons stood up and bore witness that they heardthe Prophet (s.a.w.w) say this.( Haytham, relating this tradition inMajm-uz-zawaidd (9:108),)

    17. It is narrated by Ali (r.a) that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w) wasstanding under a tree at Khum and he was holding Alis hand.He said: O people! Dont you bear witness that Allah and HisMessenger (s.a.w.w) are even nearer than your lives? Theysaid: Why not! (Then he added: Dont you bear witness) thatAllah (swt) and His Messenger are your masters. They said:

    Why not! He said: One who has me as his master (maula) hasthis (Ali) as his master (maula).(Ibn Abi Asim related it in as-Sunnah (p. 603 no.1360) ;The Ghadir Decleration)

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    Chief of Paradise

    18. Anas bin Mlik (r.a) narrates: I heard the Messenger of Allh(s.a.w.w) say: we, the children of Abd-ul-Muttalib, will be thechiefs of the people of Paradise, that is, myself, Hamzah, Ali,

    Jafar, Hasan, Husain and Mahdi.( Ibn Mjah narrated it in as-Sunan, b. of fitan (turmoils)Part4,p.455 (Hadith no.4087)

    Love of Ali (r.a)

    19. It is narrated by Atiyyah al-Awf. He says: I asked Zayd binArqam (r.a): I have a son-in-law who relates a hadith in praiseof

    Ali (r.a) based on your narration on the day of Ghadr Khum. Iwant to hear it (directly) from you. Zayd bin Arqam (r.a) said: youare a native of Iraq. May you persist in your habits! So I said: youwill not receive any torture from me. (At this) he said: we were atthe spot of Juhfah that at the time of Zuhr (noon prayer) theProphet (SAW), holding Alis hand, came out. He said: O people!Dont you know that I am even nearer than the lives of thebelievers? They said: why not! Then he said: one who has me as

    his master (maula) has Ali (r.a) as his master (maula). Atiyyahsaid: I inquired further: Did he also say this: O Allh! Be his friendwho befriends him (Ali r.a) and be his enemy who is his enemy?Zayd ibn Arqam said: I have told you all that I had heard.

    Hadiths on the Battle of Khaibar

    20. Narrated Sahl Ibn Saad (r.a): Hazrat Mohammad s.a.w.w said,Tommorow I will give the flag to man with whose leadership

    Allah will grant victory. so the people kept on thinking thewhole night as to who would be given the flag.The nextmorning the people went to Allahs Apostle(Rasool s.a.w.w)andevery one of them hoped that he would be given the flag.Theprophet s.a.w.w said , where is Ali r.a bin Abu-talib? Thepeople replied, He is suffering from eye trouble,O AllahsApostle . He said, Send for him and bring him to me. Sowhen Ali r.a came ,the Prophet s.a.w.w spat in his eyes andinvoked good on him ,and he became alright as if he had noailment .The Prophet then gave him the flag .Ali r.a said, O

    Allah Apostle S.a.w.w! Shall I fight them (i.e enemy) till theybecome like us ? The Prophet said, Proceed to them steadily

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    till you approach near to them and then invite them to Islamand inform them of their duties towards Allah which Islamprescribes for them ,for by Allah ,if one manis guided on theright path through you ,it would be better for you than a greatnumber of red camels.(Sahih Bukhari,Volume 5,Book 57,no.51)

    21. Narrated Sahl Ibn Saad (r.a): Hazrat Mohammad s.a.w.w said,Tommorow I will give the flag to man with whose leadershipAllah will grant victory . so the people kept on thinking thewhole night as to who would be given the flag.The nextmorning the people went to Allahs Apostle(Rasool s.a.w.w)andevery one of them hoped that he would be given the flag.Theprophet s.a.w.w said , where is Ali r.a bin Abu-talib? Thepeople replied, He is suffering from eye trouble,O Allahs

    Apostle . He said, Send for him and bring him to me. Sowhen Ali r.a came ,the Prophet s.a.w.w spat in his eyes andinvoked good on him ,and he became alright as if he had noailment .The Prophet then gave him the flag .Ali r.a said, OAllah Apostle S.a.w.w! Shall I fight them (i.e enemy) till theybecome like us ? The Prophet said, Proceed to them steadilytill you approach near to them and then invite them to Islamand inform them of their duties towards Allah which Islamprescribes for them ,for by Allah ,if one man is guided on theright path through you ,it would be better for you than to

    posses the most valuable of the camels.(Sahih Muslim, Book31,no.5918)

    Hadith Al-Muqatalah

    22. Abu Said al Khudri(r.a) reports:"We sat waiting for the Messenger of Allah (s.aw.w) when he cameout to meet us. The strap of his sandal was broken and he tossed itto Ali. Then he (s.a.w.w) said: "A man amongst you will fight the

    people over the tawil (interpretation) of the Quran in the

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    same way as I have fought over its tanzil (revelation)." ThereuponAbu Bakr said, 'Is that I?' The Prophet (s.a.w.w) said: "No." ThenUmar asked him, 'Is that I?' "No." said the Prophet (s.a.w.w). "It isthe mender of the sandal (i.e. Ali)."( Al Hakim in Mustadrak, iii, 122;

    - Ahmad ibn Hanbal in his Musnad, 3, 33, 82;- Abu Nuaym in Hilyat al Awliya', 1, 67;- Ibn Hajar, al Isabah, 1, 22, 4, 152;- al Haythami, Majma al Zawa'id, 5, 186;

    Love of Ali (r.a) is the sign of belief

    23. The Messenger of Allah s.a.w.w said:"Loving Ali is the sign of belief, and hating Ali is the sign ofhypocrasy."( Sahih Muslim, v1, p48;

    - Sahih Tirmidhi, volume5, p643;- Sunan Ibn Majah, volume1, p142;- Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal v1, pp 84, 95,128- Hilyatul Awliya', by Abu Nu'aym, v4, p185

    24. The Prophet Mohammad s.a.w.w said: Ali (r.a) is to me likeHarun (Aaron)a.s to Musa(Moses)a.s with the exception that there isno Prophet after me (Tarikh Baghdad, volume 7,p.452)

    Ali Is Among The Ahlulbait ( a.s)

    25.The Prophet Mohammad s.a.w.w said : I leave you two weightythings:The Holy Quran and my Household.(Mohammad,ali,Fatima,hasan,husain)a.s.And these two will neverseparate till they both arrive at the Kawther (kausar)pond nearme.therefore take care of these two.(Al-Tirmizi as recorded by Yanabi al-Mawaddah,p37.)

    26. Jabir ibn Abdullah r.a reported that the Messenger of Allahs.a..w.w said: O people ,I have left for you that which if you followyou will never go astray :the book of Allah (Quran)and members ofmy House who are my Itrah (close relative and progeny).(Al-Tirmizi,Sunan Al-Tirmizi,part 5 ,p.328 hadith no.3874 ,The brother of prophet

    mohammad the Imam Ali ,p.31)

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    27.Zaid ibne Arqam r.a reported that the Prophet Mohammads.a.w.w said on the day of Ghadeer Khum : I am about to besummoned by Allah,and I shall respond.Certainly,I have left for youthe two most valuable legacies(a gift of personal property bywill).One of them is bigger than the other :The book ofAllah(Quran),and my Itrah ,members of my house.Beware how youwill treat both of them after me.They will not part from each otheruntil the Day of Judgment(Qiyamat).(Al-Tirmizi, The brother of ProphetMohammad the imam Ali ,p.32)

    28.Imam Muslim is recorded in his Sahih When the (following)versecame down(at the time of debate between the Prophet Mohammads.a.w.w and Christians from Najran): If any one disputes in thismatter with thee now after full knowledge has come to thee ,say:Let us summons our sons and your sons ,our women and yourwomen ,ourselves and yourselves;then let us earnestly pray andinvoke the curse (lanat)of allah on those who lie . The Messenger ofAllah s.a.w.w called Ali(r.a) ,Fatima(r.a) ,Hasan(r.a) and Husain(r.a)and said :Allah ,these are the members of my family.(SahihMuslim,part15 ,p.176)

    29. Imam Tirmizi recorded the report of Ume-salamah (r.a) wife ofProphet Mohammad s.a.w.w,in which she said: In my own housethe Quranic verse(Ayat-e-tatheer) from chapter 33 (sura ahzab):Certainly Allah wants to keep away all abomination(an action thatarouses disgust or abhorrence) from you ,members of the House (ofMohammad s.a.w.w)to make you pure and spotless.Ali (r.a), Fatima(r.a), Hasan (r.a) and Husain (r.a) were at my house .The ProphetMohammad s.a.w.w covered them with a garment ,then said :Theseare the members of my House .Allah ,keep away abomination fromthem and make them pure and spotless.(Al-Tirmizi, part5, p.328)

    30.Muslim in his Sahih recorded that Ayesha(r.a) Said: TheMessenger of Allah (s.a.w.w)came out wearing a wide cloak ,made of

    black hair .Fatima ,Hasan ,Husain and Ali came successively ,thenhe covered them with his cloak and said: Certainly Allah wants tokeep all abominations(an action that arouses disgust)away from you,ye members of the House of Mohammad (s.a.w.w),and make youpure ,spotless.(Sahih Muslim,part 15,p.194)

    31.Al Durr Al-Manthur By Al-sayooti in his commentary on theQuran.recorded that Abu Al-Hamra (One of the Sahabi of ProphetMohammad s.a.w.w),reported that Messenger of Allah continuedeight months in Medina coming to the door of Ali at every morning

    prayer ,putting his two hands on the two sides of the door andexclaiming :Assalat,Assalat(prayer).Certainly Allah only wants to

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    O! People, There is no God except ALLAH the Supreme, The Merciful,The Beneficent O! Allah, Thy is sufficient, the best Governor, Thebest Master, The best Helper. O! Helper of seekers of help andbereft, O! The Merciful helper of poor, Come for Help! O! Ali Help! O!Ali Help! , O! Thee by Thy Mercy, by Thy Favour, by Thy Goodness ofrewarding, (Help) O! Thee the Merciful and The Most Gracious.

    O! Allah Bless Mohammed and his progeny.

    References Hazrat Ali(r.a) by Prof Masoodul Hasan

    Al-Mustadrak al-hakim


    Ibn Majah Ya nabi al-muwaddah

    Musnad Ahmad bin hambal

    Sahih Muslim

    Sahih Tirmidhi

    Ibn Hajar sawaiq-e-Mohriqqa

    The Ghadir Decleration by Prof Dr.Tahirul Qadri

    Imam ali a.s

    The Brother of Prophet Mohammad s.a.w.w Imam Ali by

    Mohammad Jawad chirri Al-Sayooti-Al-Dharr-Al-Manthur

    Tarikh Baghdad

    Ibn Abi asim


    Abu name,Hailyat-al-Auliya