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Two Gentlemen of Verona (Complete Material)

Study Material


Class - 10th

Arvind Vihar, Baghmugalia, Bhopal Nagendra Prasad Sharma (94243-65475)

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Excel Classes – Two Gentlemen of Verona

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Full Name – Archibald Joseph Cronin Born – 19 July , 1896, Scotland Died – 6 January , 1981 , Switzerland He was known as a physician and a novelist Notable works 1. The Citadel (1937) 2. Three Lovers (1932) 3. A Thing of Beauty (1954) 4. Beyond This Place (1953) Awards- 1. National Book Award ( U.S.) of 1937 2. D.Litt. from Bowdoin College and Lafayette College


Two Gentlemen of Verona unfolds the true examples of gentlemen. Two kids, Nicola and Jocopo showed how to be like gentlemen even in the very adverse situation of life. Devoid of their age of immaturity, they presented the noblest way of living .They, like gentlemen showed sacrifice, nobility, and proved to be the right example of hope for humanity. There had been every possibility of their going on the track of evil to earn their livelihood and money for their sister, but they took the righteous path and proved to be true gentlemen in the post war situation of uncertainty. Two Gentlemen of Verona ---An Inspirational Story:- We get stuffed with positive inspiration when we go through the story of Two Gentlemen of Verona. The two kids, whose parents had been the victim of war and only sister had been a patient of tuberculosis of spine, did not employ wrong path to meet the needs of life .They did the extreme hard work they could do to earn the pennies for the treatment of their sisters. They never considered their own requirements to be important .They sacrificed education, youthful pleasure, and desires for food, dress, and shelter and the tenets of their childhood for the sake of their sister.

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Excel Classes – Two Gentlemen of Verona

Excel Classes:-Arvind Vihar, Baghmugalia, Bhopal Page 2


Synopsis of Chapter

Two Gentlemen of Verona is a touching story of Jacopo and Nicola, two brothers aged 12 and 13, who do odd jobs and live a hard life themselves to sustain and treat their elder sister Lucia, who is suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. A J Cronin uses the title of William Shakespeare's famous play, The Two Gentlemen of Verona in an ironic manner. Cronin's portrayal of these modern "gentlemen" of Verona re-defines the concept of what it means to be a gentleman, Cronin shows us that one may polish boots or sell newspapers, but it is the magnanimity of heart and the nobleness of purpose that actually determines whether one is a true "gentleman". The story recounts the hard life chosen by the two young boys so that they could pay for the treatment of their sister afflicted with tuberculosis. The boys exhibit sincerity and devotion to the cause and the maturity they display in their actions gives a new hope for humanity. The writer and his friend are stopped at the outskirts of Verona by two small boys when they drive through lower hills of the Alps. The boys are brothers Nicola, the elder and Jacopo, the younger one. They were selling wild strawberries. Next time when they meet the boys, they are polishing shoes in the public square. Interacting with them, the writer comes to know that they do various tasks. One mid night, they see the boys resting on the stone of a footpath. Nicola sat tired with a bundle of unsold newspapers. His brother was sleeping by putting his head on Nicola‘s shoulder. The narrator asks the boys if they save the money for emigration to America, they deny and say that they have other plans. The writer offers them help for which Jacopo asks him to drop them at Poleta by their car. The writer accepts their request. The next afternoon, they reach the village located on a hill. The two boys are dropped from the car. After sometime, the writer follows them and finds from the nurse about the two boys and their sister. She tells him that their father, a famous singer died in the war. A bomb had destroyed their home. They had a cultured life, but due to the war, they were left alone on road. Lucia was a good singer, but now she is suffering from tuberculosis and the boys are working hard day and night for the treatment of their sister. Their selfless action, nobility and devotion touch the writer‘s heart and show a greater hope for mankind. Summary:- Two Gentlemen of Verona is an emotional story of two boys. They were once well to do but war killed their father and made their only sister ill. Yet they were hopeful, determined and ready to work for their sister. They admitted her in an expensive hospital and worked far away in the city of Verona. Like two men, the two boys worked day and night to earn anything they could earn. They polished shoes in the morning, sold berries at noon and guided tourists in the evening. Their life was miserable yet they never knew that. They wanted someone to help them but never begged anyone.

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Excel Classes – Two Gentlemen of Verona

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Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow by choosing the option you consider most appropriate: Q1 : One boy had on a worn jersey and cut-off khaki pants; the other a shortened army tunic gathered in loses folds about his skinny frame. Yet gazing at the two little figures, with their brown skin, tangled hair and earnest eyes, we felt ourselves strangely attracted. (i)One boy had on: (a) a new jersey (b) a worn jersey and a khaki pants (c) a coat and a pant (d) a sweater and a blue pant . (ii) The other boy had: (a) a robust body (b) a swollen head (c) a stout frame (d) a skinny frame (iii) The narrator and his companion gazed at: (a) two shopkeepers (b) two things (c) two little figures (d) two beggarly women Ans: i) b) a worn jersey and cut off khaki pant ii) d) a skinny frame iii) c) two little figures Q2: Based on your reading of the story answer the following questions by ticking the correct options. (i) The driver did not approve of the narrator buying fruit from the two boys because: (a) the boys were untidy and poorly dressed (b) the strawberries were not fresh (c) they were asking for a heavy price (d) the driver did not approve of small boys who worked Answer: (a) the boys were untidy and poorly dressed (ii) The narrator was most impressed by the boys’: (a) desire to earn money (b) willingness to work

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Excel Classes – Two Gentlemen of Verona

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(c) ability to perform many tasks (d) sense of fun Answer: (b) willingness to work (iii) Nicola was not pleased when Jacopo asked the narrator to drive them to Poleta as he: (a) did not want a stranger to become involved with their plans (b) preferred going to Poleta by train so that he could enjoy the scenery (c) did not want to ask anyone for favours (d) did not want to take help from someone he did not know well Answer: (a) did not want a stranger to become involved with their plans (iv) The narrator did not go inside Lucia’s room as : (a) he did not want to intrude into their privacy (b) he thought that the boys would object (c) Lucia would not welcome a stranger (d) the boys would feel he was spying on them Answer: (a) he did not want to intrude into their privacy (v) The boys were the first to join the resistance movement against the Germans because : (a) the Germans had hurt their sister (b) the Germans ruled the city (c) the Germans had ruined their family (d) the Germans had destroyed their home Answer: (d) the Germans had destroyed their home (vi) The author did not speak to the boys on their return journey because (a) he thought the boys would prefer to keep their secret (b) he thought the boys were ashamed of their sister’s condition (c) he thought they won’t tell him the truth (d) he thought the boys might ask him for money for their sister. Answer: (a) he thought the boys would prefer to keep their secret Q3: What do you understand by the following statements (a) "We do many things,sir,"Nicola answered seriously. He glanced at us hopefully. Answer: The above statement means that both Nicola and Jacopo were trying very hard to earn their living. At the same time they were expecting that the narrator also would ask for their services, so that they could earn some money.

(OR) Answer- The author had been a bit confused when he got to see the boys who had been selling wild strawberries, were polishing shoes. On questioning Nicola acquainted him about their multifarious assays to earn pennies. At this tender

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Excel Classes – Two Gentlemen of Verona

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age they were in the fight for survival .In the post war situation work had been scarce but they proved to skillful and competent enough to earn the needs. Nicola’s hopeful glance at the author shows their zeal and dedication for work. (b) He coloured deeply under his sunburn,then grew pale. Answer: The statement shows that the boys were shy. Nicola felt embarressed when the narrator enquired about their earnings and what they do with the money. He was not used to such questions. Therefore, he grew pale.

(OR) Answer-Out of curiosity the author asked the boys about what they do with their money. They do not put on good dress, do not eat good food and work so hard. Nicola felt embarrassed at this question. He did not want anyone to circumvent into their personal affair. He turned pale at the question as it was beyond his expectation and avoided to answer. (c) He smiled uncomfortably."Just plans, sir," he answered in a low voice. Answer: Nicola felt uneasy when the narrator asked whether they had plans to emigrate to the States. He was evasive and do not want to share their sufferings with anyone.

(OR) Answer-The author was curious about the whereabouts of the two brothers. He stated that they must be saving money to go to the States. At this when Nicola said about certain plans the author asked again about their plans. Nicola was in the state of uneasiness .He did not want to disclose even a bit about their plans to a stranger. To avoid the intrusion of the author he repeated in a low voice- “Just plans sir”. He wanted their personal affairs not to be interfered. (d) Yet in both these boyish faces there was a seriousness which was far beyond their years. Answer: Although the boys were very small, but they possess maturity in their understanding and work. They were extremely hard-working, sincere and committed to work. These qualities are very uncommon in children. (OR) Answer- Cruelty of war is reflected in the story .Nicola and Jocopo, the two boys of just 13 and 12 do every bit of physical labour to earn every penny .At this age, and they should have been to school, enjoying their childhood, spending time in fun and games. But they had to adopt a life where they had to face the odds of life. They had been children, but had lost the tenets of childhood. Their childhood was replaced by the seriousness and anxiety of earning to meet the needs of their sister’s medicinal expenses. Answer the following questions briefly. Q4: Why didn't Luigi, the driver, approve of the two boys? Answer: Luigi found both the boys shabby and uncouth. They had tangled

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hair, dark earnest eyes,brown skin and looked quiet ill-clad. They appeared to be pathetic. Moreover he thought that they might sell fruits that are not fresh. (OR) Answer- Being a driver, Luigi has enough experience about the knaves and their bluffing nature. When the author and his friend encountered with Jocopo and Nicola selling wild strawberries, Luigi warned the author to avoid them. It was their ragged and torn dress, dirty look which made Luigi disapprove them. According to Luigi those boys were knaves and they would sell them bad strawberries. Q5(CBSE 2011): Why were the narrator and his companion impressed by the two boys? Answer: They were very impressed by the boys because they were highly committed and devoted towards work at such a tender age. They were ready to do all sorts of odd jobs to earn money. They exhibited dedication,determination and sincerity while working. (OR) Answer- Apparently the two boys did not bear any remarkable appearance to be categorized of respectable belongings .But the author found something strangely special in the two boys which attracted them towards the boys. The author found the guileless kids in their dark earnest eyes. Their simplicity, innocence and childish appearance mesmerized the author. Q6: Why was the author surprised to see Nicola and Jacopo working as shoeshine boys? Answer: During his first meeting with Nicola and Jacopo, the boys were selling fruits. Next time, they were polishing shoes to earn money. So,it was a surprise for him to see that at this tender age, they were ready to do any type of work. (OR) Answer- The author found the two boys as fruit sellers on the other day. He built a fixed notion of them as fruit sellers. But next day he was surprised when he was coming out of his hotel, he found them shining shoes beside the fountain in the public square. The author did not expect to meet them again shining shoes. Q7: How were the boys useful to the author? Answer: Nicola and Jacopo proved themselves useful. If they want a pack of american cigrattes, seats for the opera or the name of a good restaurant, Nicola and Jacopo could be relied upon to satisfy their needs. (OR) Answer- Both Nicola and Jocopo proved themselves to be propitious and favourable to the author and his friend. They proved to be prompt and skilful in the need of the author and his friend. If the author and his friend required a

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pack of American cigarettes or seats for the opera or the name of a good restaurant, Jocopo and Nicola proved handy to meet their needs. Q8: Why were the boys in the deserted square at night? What character traits do they exhibit? Answer: The boys were in the deserted square at night because the last bus from Padua was expected to come there at that time and they hoped to sell the bundle of unsold newspapers to the passengers in the bus. They exhibited extreme hardwork, dedication, sincerity, determination, devotion towards work, tolerance,tremendous self respect and dignity. (OR) Answer –The boys had been at the deserted square at night resting on the pavements waiting for the bus from Padua. They had a bundle of newspapers with them which they intended to sale among the passengers. This shows that they did not submit to adverse situations of life. Rather they chose to face them. To earn money they can go to any extent .They went beyond their age and showed extreme diligence and determination to get what they required. Q9: The narrator asks the boys," Must you work so hard? You both look rather tired." The boys reply,"We are not complaining,sir." What do you learn about the boys from their reply? Answer: From their reply we can make out that the boys were highly commited and devoted towards work at such a tender age.They had extreme patience, endurance and tolerence. They were also extremely hard-working.They were non-complaining, rough and tough children who wanted to maintain their dignity and self-respect. (OR) Answer-The boys are the greatest hope for the present form of society who upon misfortunes tread on the wrong track .They made friendship with pain, sufferings, struggle, diligence, and above all the right path to earn their livelihood .They do not mind their hard work because to them their sister’s ailment was the sole motto .To see their sister fine again they can do whatever possible. Q10: When the narrator asks the boys about their plans, they were evasive.Why don't they disclose their problems? Answer: The boys don't disclose their problems to the narrator when the latter ask them about their plans because they do not want to loose their dignity and self-respect by not asking anyone for sympathy or financial help. (OR) Answer- It was post war situation. Trust and faith often gets baffled. The author was just a tourist .They did gain faith to the boys. They could not

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Excel Classes – Two Gentlemen of Verona

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disclose their personal plans to a stranger. They were independent to face their own troubles successfully. Besides, they have seen the darker side of the world and knew that it was not safe to confide their personal matters with a stranger. Q11(CBSE 2011): ‘When the resistance movement began secretly to form they were among the first to join. When the war was over and we had peace at last, they came back to their beloved sister.’ (a) Who are the “they” referred to here? (b) Why did they join the resistance movement? (c) What had happened to their sister? Answer : (a) Here ‘they’ refers to the two brothers, Nicola and Jacopo. (b) They joined the resistance movement because the war waged by Germany had destroyed their family. It had killed their father. Their house had been destroyed and the war had separated them from their sister. (c) Their sister, Lucia, who wanted to be a singer, had tuberculosis of the spine due to cold and starvation. Q12(CBSE): Why didn’t the two boys disclose their problems to the author? Answer: Despite leading a destitute life, the boys didn't disclose their problems to the author because they did not want their private suffering be made public. They would like to live with self-respect and had strong will power to accept responsibility for their own lives. Q13: What are the qualities of a gentleman? Answer: Self-Respect Determined Dignified Compassionate Well-mannered Caring Hard working Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words. Q14: What did the narrator‟s companion discover about the boy?

Ans: The narrator‘s companion discovered that the boys were real brothers. The elder brother Nicola was 13 years old while the young Jacopo was 12 years old. Their rags and shabby appearance display their acute poverty. Q15: How can you say that the boys were willing workers? Ans: The boys did their independent job. They shined shoes in the scorching heat.They sold strawberries and conducted the tourism round of the town.

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They sold newspapers in the stormy nights. They changed their work at will. That‘s why they can be called willing workers.

Q16: Why didn‟t the narrator go inside?

Ans:The boy‘s sister was admitted into the hospital. The boys did not like to share their secret with the narrator. The narrator had no desire to expose them. Moreover he could not bear to intruder upon their happy family meeting. Therefore he preferred to stay out. Q17: Why did the boys hate the Germans? How did they react against them? Ans: The Germans had bombed their city and had destroyed their home. Their father was also killed in the war. The boys and their sister were thrown in the streets. The boys were forced to live in a shelter. Then the Germans became the rulers. Therefore the boys hated the Germans. To show their hateful reaction they joined the resistance movement. Q18: Why was the narrator initially attracted to the two boys? Ans: The two boys were too little to do works that they did in Verona. They had earnest eyes and refined behavior. Their weather beaten appearance and brown skin also attracted the narrator to them considering the amount of works that they did. Q19: Why, do you think, did the narrator and his companion buy the biggest baskets of strawberries from the two brothers? Ans: The narrator and his friend were attracted to the two boys. Determined to help the boys in their humble way, the narrator and his friend bought the biggest basket of strawberries from them. Q20: How did the narrator’s bond with the boys deepen in course of time? Ans: Having taken a special interest in the two boys, the narrator found them in his reach for any odd jobs. He could rely on them for a pack of American cigarettes, seats for the opera or for the name of a good restaurant. They were always willing to work. Q21: ‘They were childish enough, and in many ways quite artless.’ Explain. Ans: The two children were extremely innocent in their nature. Though they were in need of a lot of money for their sister’s treatment, they did not resort any unfair means to earn money. In a city like Verona, they too were able to resort to theft and snatching but the two of them, quite determined and in need, believed in hard work and honesty.

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Q22: What sort of seriousness did the narrator trace in the faces of the two brothers? Ans: The narrator traced in the faces of the two little boys a seriousness that was far beyond their age. Q23: Mention the odd jobs that the two brothers did in Verona. Ans: The two brothers did a number of odd jobs in Verona. They sold fruits, they polished shoes at busy squares, conducted tourists and sold newspapers at nights. Q24: What were the brothers doing in the windy and deserted square, beneath the lights at midnight? Ans: In the windy and deserted square, beneath the street lights at midnight, the two brothers were waiting for the last bus from Padua so that they could sell newspapers to the passengers. Q25: Why did the narrator say that Nicola and Jacopo must be earning quite a bit? Ans: It was quite ordinary that the narrator felt that the two boys earned quite a bit. He came to this conclusion from the fact that they did a lot of works for money at any time of the night and the day. They spent little on clothes and ate black bread and cheap figs. Q26: What favor did Jacopo want from the narrator? Why was Nicola indifferent to his brother? Ans: Jacopo wished the narrator give him and his brother a drive to Poleta where they went to meet their sister. Q27: Why did the narrator think that his destination was going to be some humble dwelling? Ans: The narrator knew from his association with the boys that they were poor and belonged to some very poor families. The way to Poleta, a small town on the hills, strengthened his speculations. Q28: Why did the two boys leap out of the car when the car stopped in front of the villa? Ans: The villa where the car stopped was a hospital. The two boys leaped out of the car because they were greatly excited to see their sister who was under treatment in this hospital. Q29 : What did the narrator mean when he said that the two boys “could not do” the work they do in Verona better? Ans: The narrator had a close association with the two boys. He knew all sorts of odd works they did in Verona. He was greatly impressed by the dexterity and

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willingness with which the boys worked and therefore believed that no one could such loads of work as they did. Q30: Why, do you think, were the boys silent while returning to Verona? Ans: The boys were returning after a weekly meeting with their sister. They were silent because their minds were overflowing with the thoughts of their sister’s pains, progress, of earning for the next payment and of the narrator who was so good to them to take pain for them. Q31: Why did the narrator not ask the boys anything about Lucia? Ans: The narrator knew that the boys didn’t want him to sympathize for their infirmed sister. He also knew that they had no idea about what he knew about them. So, in order to keep it a secret, to keep them feel proud of doing their works in Verona and to make them feel proud of what they did for their sister, the narrator didn’t ask anything about Lucia. Q32: Why are the boys, barely 12 and 13, called gentlemen? Ans: The two gentlemen of Verona were the two poor boys .They were truly gentlemen .They never gave up, never asked for help and didn’t accept the pity of the two visitors. They had their self respect in them. They never gave up the spirit of living. They helped the two visitors in every possible way, which we often see gentlemen doing. They didn’t tell the visitor about their plans. They did not want to expose it as the gentlemen do .They were very helping .They also loved their sister who was admitted in hospital. They were very poor but they visited the hospital every weekend and paid the hospital charges from the money which they earned through various works they did. They were truly the two gentlemen. Reference to Context Questions Q33: “He colored deeply under his sun burn.” (i) Who is he? Ans: He is Nicola, the elder of the two. (ii) What does the color here refer to? Ans: The color here refers to Nicola’s discomfort in being forced to reveal truths about their sister. (iii) Why is he, an Italian boy of just 12 or 13, sun burn? Ans: Nicola is said to be sun-burnt due to his restless works in the city and constant exposure to the sun.

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UNSOLVED For Self Practice Q34: “But every week, Lucia’s brothers have made their payment. I don’t know what they do. I do not ask. But whatever it is, I know they do it well.” “Yes,” I agreed. “They couldn’t do it better.” (i). Name the first speaker. (ii). What for have the two brothers made their payment? (iii). What could be, probably, the reason why the speaker didn’t ask the boys

about their work? (iv). What does the speaker think about the kind of ‘work’ that the two boys

do in Verona? (v). Why didn’t the narrator tell the first speaker about the kinds of works

that the two boys did in Verona? (vi). War had not broken their spirit. Their selfless action brought a new

nobility to human life, gave promise of a greater hope for human society. (vii). Which war is referred to here? (viii). What had war broken, if not their spirit? (ix). What was their selfless action? How was it selfless? (x). What promise did the selfless action of the two boys bring to a war hit

country? Q35 : MCQs – Multiple Choice Questions (a) Luigi the driver advised the narrator not to buy berries from the boys because… (i). The berries were wild (ii). The boys were shabby clad (iii). He knew places where berries were sold cheaper. (iv). All the above (b) Poleta is… (i). A hilly area (ii). A slum (iii). A town (iv). A city (c) The narrator drove the boys to Poleta… (i). A day before his scheduled departure from Verona (ii). A week before his scheduled departure from Padua (iii). A week before his scheduled departure from Verona (iv). On the same day when he was supposed to leave Verona. (d) Lucia was suffering from… (i). Cancer of spine

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(ii). Tuberculosis of spine (iii). Cancer of lungs (iv). Tuberculosis of lungs (e) The two boys were waiting for the bus from Padua… (i). In the early morning (ii). At midnight (iii). At night (iv). In the evening Q36: UNSOLVED QUESTIONS: Answer the following in 30-40 words each: 1. Why did the driver not approve of their buying fruit from the boys? 2. When did the author‘s companion find out that the boys were brothers ? 3. What were the jobs the boys did to earn money?. 4. What attracted the visitors towards the boys ? 5. Where did the author meet the two boys for the first time? What were they doing? 6. Why was the author surprised to see Nicola and Jacopo working as shoe shines? 7. How were the boys useful to the author? 8. Why did the author say that what struck one most was their willingness to work? 9. Why were the boys out in the deserted square at night? 10. Were the boys quite happy to work? Which sentence tells you this? 11.What made the author think that they were earning much?

12.Why did Nicola say ―just plans‖ when the author asked them what their

plans were? 13.Who asked the author to drive them to Poleta? Did the other brother approve of the request? Why? 14. Did the boys try to prevent the author from finding out the real purpose of their visit to Poleta? Did they succeed? 15. How did the war affect the boys‘ family? 16. How did the boys take care of their sister? 17. Do you think the two boys enjoyed what they were doing? Why do you think so? 18. How does the story of the Two Gentlemen of Verona give promise of greater hope for human society? 19. How can you say that the boys worked quite hard? 20. What did the narrator tell the narrator? 21. How was the life of the boys comfortable and cultured? 22. How did the boys react to the Lucia‘s suffering from the tuberculosis of the spine?

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23. What happened when the boys rejoined the narrator? Q37: Long answer type questions: 1. Write a paragraph on the early life of the two boys. Hints: Fathera widower .... well-known singer ....killed in war ... bomb blast destroyed house…boys and sister left to the streets ... suffered ...horribly ... starvation 2. Write a note on the character of Nicola and Jacopo. The following hints will help you: motherless .... loss of father .... sufferings .....loss of their house ...made their own shelter willing to do any job ... their devotion to ...their sister .... dedication ....patriotic ... proud…did not want sympathy ... Q38: Narrate the story of Two Gentlemen of Verona beginning with their experience during the war in about 200 words. You may use the following hints for your essay. Nicola and Jacopo … sons of a well-known singer and widower ... only sister Lucia ...father killed ... house destroyed ... children left to the streets .... starved horribly .... a shelter....built by themselves ... boys did different jobs. The visitors make friends .... their willingness to work .... one midnight .... deserted square wanted to sell newspapers .... earning money ....request author to take them to the country ...Drive to the country ... the boys leave the author waiting ... he follows ... discovers the secret. Q39: A J Cronin came to know the story of the two boys from the nurse in the story 'Two Gentlemen of Verona'. Imagine that the boys themselves narrated the story to A.J. Cronin. Write the story in the words of the boys. You may begin like this. We were living happily in our.................................. Q40: .Yet in both these boyish faces there was a seriousness which was far beyond their years. Does this sentence signal anything to you? Now use the following hints: Boys simple ... aged 13 and 12 ... sense of responsibility though too young .....doing anything .

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Leave your answer sheet neat and tidy. Avoid maximum grammar/spelling errors

Test One

1. Why didn’t the narrator mention Lucia on their journey back from Poleta? (1 mark)

2. Why are the two boys called gentlemen? (2 marks) 3. How did the two boys fight and win the war that had ruined their

lives? (2 marks) 4. There is a word missing in each line. Insert the correct word. (5 marks) People say that souls of dead can (a) enter the bodies the living and there (b) are substantial evidences everyday life. (c) Studies proved that such souls prefer (d) to enter people weak and ill minds. (e) If you do not want soul enter your body, (f) think of God rather of devils and avoid (g) worrying souls, death and life after (h) death. Do not interest in metaphysics, (i) exorcism, psychology hypnotism. (j) 5. Write a letter to the editor, Times of India, bringing to the public notice how social networking has created a deep void between two individuals. People feel that they are social but in fact they are not. Life is not just liking and sharing at the click of a button, life is real meeting, real touching and real sharing. (150-200 words | 5 marks)

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Test Two Answer the following questions. 2 marks each (Two Gentlemen of Verona)

1. Why did the two boys keep their secrets from the narrator? 2. Why did Luigi, the driver, discourage the narrator from buying

berries from the two boys? 3. Why are two boys called gentlemen?

Reference to Context Questions (Mirror) “I am the eye of a little God, four cornered Most of the time I meditate on the opposite wall…”

4. Why does the mirror consider itself worthy of being the eye of a little God? (2 marks)

5. What does four cornered mean? (1 mark) 6. Why does the mirror meditate on the opposite wall? (2 marks)

Grammar 7. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in bracket. (4. marks) So finally it ___ (a. decide) that three brave men among them ___ (b. enter) the cave and kill the dragon if the opposite ___ (c. not happen). Sam was always ready for ___ (d. run) risk so he was ready before William and Freddie ___ (e. be). Having ___ (f. ask) the rest of us to wait and pray for them, the three sneaked into the cave with their weapons ___ (g. draw) and pace ___ (h.huddle). 8. There is an error in each line of the paragraph. Write the incorrect word and against it the correction. Northern part of India is an heaven … (a) for so many reason. The first thing that … (b) attracts the visitors here are people’s readiness … (c) to help each others. On the other hand, if no … (d) offence minded, people miss out a grate value … (e) of gross significant – mercy for fellow beings. (f) I have on various occasions witness instances … (g) of people hitting men and women too ruthlessly … (h) for stealing a loaf of bread or for driving a little careless … (i) that you will start feeling being in a hell for a city. (j)

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