EXAMINING · 2015-12-27 · Paul’s Letters in chronological order 3 Examining the Apostle...

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Transcript of EXAMINING · 2015-12-27 · Paul’s Letters in chronological order 3 Examining the Apostle...

Paul’s Letters in chronological order








© 2010 Penny Byrne

Paul’s Letters in chronological order



Title Page

First Letter to the Thessalonians 5

Second Letter to the Thessalonians 6

Letter to the Galatians 7

First Letter to the Corinthians 9

Second Letter to the Corinthians 16

Letter to the Romans 20

Letter to the Ephesians 29

Letter to the Colossians 35

Letter to Philemon 39

Letter to the Philippians 40

First Letter to Timothy 44

Letter to Titus 49

Second Letter to Timothy 52

Summary 55

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Examining the Apostle Paul’s Letters in Chronological Order

I have been studying The Didache, an early Church Handbook, through the “Text,

Translation, Analysis and Commentary by Aaron Milavec”, who has suggested that

The Didache could date from 44-47 A.D. with the Apostle Paul, who was the Apostle

to the Gentiles, as a possible contributor. I have been much impressed by the

contents of the Didache and grateful for all that Aaron Milavec has provided. Mr

Milavec’s research was published in a 1000 page thesis but later condensed into a

much smaller and useful 114 page volume for every day reference purposes. I was

so impressed with this work that I have written a Bible Study with Leader’s and

Student’s Workbooks using Aaron Milavec’s book as my study guide.

If Paul was a contributor and if this was a bona fide early church handbook then my

questions are:

“If I start by accepting the training methods laid down in The Didache and

then examine the doctrines and answers that Paul gave to each congregation

can I build up a picture of the witness that Christ’s Body was expected to

give within each community in which it was established?”

“How did Paul build on this foundation that had been laid down for these

early believers who had become disciples of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus


There had been a mighty move of the LORD God, the God of Israel, as He gave His

Son Yeshua to pay the price of Adam’s sin in order that “whoever believes in Him

should not perish but have eternal life”(John 3:15-16).

Having been sent forth as the Apostle to the Gentiles (Acts 9:10-19; 22:6-21; 1

Timothy 2:5-7) it is possible that Paul’s instructions to the many congregations of

Yeshua’s disciples were transferred from oral instructions to written instructions and

called The Training (The Didache). This Training may even have been what Paul

placed before the Apostles when he appeared before the Jerusalem Council (Acts

15) to answer for the work he had been doing among the Gentiles, which had

created unrest among the Orthodox Jews. After much discussion at the Council in

Jerusalem it was decided to send a letter to the Gentile believers, who were

populating the many congregations of the Lord Yeshua’s Jewish disciples.

The Council commanded the Gentiles to obey four particular instructions to enable

them to worship the Lord in the company of the Jewish believers they were joining

in the Synagogues in order to hear the Law of Moses preached. As these disciples

were Born-again by and through Faith in the Perfect Sacrifice of Yeshua and

consequently filled with His Holy Spirit they were fully equipped to listen to this

teaching and, under the tutelage of God’s Spirit, they could then go on to obey

those instructions the LORD had given to Moses.

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Paul and Barnabas, Silas and Barsabbas and others were sent as emissaries with this

Letter to the many assemblies that were being set up. As they were all Apostles

(Messengers) and Prophets they were also able to share much more from the

Scriptures – The First Covenant Scriptures in the Jewish Tanakh at this point,

remember! Thus they encouraged, strengthened and enlarged the brethren, both

Jews and Gentiles, as they travelled between all these congregations.

Paul is said to have spent some time teaching in Corinth and it was from there that

he sent his first recorded letter to the Thessalonians around 51 A.D. I have decided

to look at Paul’s letters, but only as a list of bullet points, in an endeavour to

consider the subjects he desired to raise with these different congregations as he

builds on his teaching. I am taking their chronological order rather than the order

they have been recorded in the New Covenant Scriptures.

It is my firm conviction that it was because Paul was such a gifted and learned

Pharisee that God chose him for this work. Paul was a student of the great Rabbi

Gamaliel (Acts 22:3) and by Paul’s own admission he was a Jew of Jews, zealous for

the Law, blameless and righteous (Philippians 3:1-11). But God met him on the

Damascus Road (Acts 9:3-8) and over a period of three days (Acts 9:9) made him

understand that above all else he needed to acknowledge God’s Beloved Son as the

Messiah of Israel and that Yeshua’s Atonement Sacrifice for sin was a full and

perfect sacrifice. Therefore, Salvation was first and foremost as a result of a

full and trusting Faith in Yeshua and His Crucifixion and Resurrection

before any further obedience to the Instructions God gave to Moses for

His Household of Faith. Paul was sent by God to Arabia for three years (Galatians

1:15-24) so that the Lord could teach him how to re-interpret his teaching of God’s

Instructions in the light of this Perfect Payment for the Sin of Adam in Yeshua’s


Paul’s Letters are firstly doctrinal and secondly in answer to many questions from the

people who were requiring wisdom to understand the Law now that Christ had dealt

with and completed parts of it – particularly in the light that Christ Himself had said

that He had not come to remove or nullify the Law, not even by one yod or tittle,

but to correctly interpret it (Matthew 5:17-19). This is where I have to question The

Church’s teaching today - that we are under Grace and not Law. After many years of

Bible Study with the Holy Spirit as my Teacher (1 John 2:27-29) I believe that this

teaching by the Church must be reconsidered and, if necessary, radically changed.

In this Paper I am presuming that as Paul and Barnabas were designated Apostles to

the Gentiles they may well have been contributors to the instructions for The

Training of the Gentiles (The Didache) who were joining these many congregations

of disciples in Yeshua’s Name. I am also presuming that The Didache could well be

dated to the era before Paul and Barnabas parted to go on their separate missionary

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


journeys. Therefore, The Didache could have been changed from oral instructions to

written instructions by 44-47 A.D. making it the earliest Church Handbook well

before the publication of the New Covenant Scriptures in the 3rd/4th Century. Was

this Paul’s testimony, given to the Jerusalem Council (Acts 15), when he was

questioned by the Elders of The Way which was called a Sect of Judaism (Acts 24:5,

14)? These Elders were keen to verify Paul’s acceptance and authority as an Elder

and Apostle of Yeshua HaMashiach. At the conclusion of their discussions they gave

Paul the right hand of fellowship and sent him on his way with their blessing.

NOTE: I have highlighted parts that I believe are important and inserted short

explanations and Bible References that I believe may be of interest to you. I am

using the New King James Version of the Scriptures.

Paul’s first Letter is to the Thessalonians when studied in chronological order.

Paul wrote to them around 51A.D. whilst he was teaching in Corinth. Thessalonica

was a prominent seaport and the capital of the Roman Province of Macedonia, on

the main road to the East from Rome. The area was a commercial success with a

population of around 200,000 in the first century. Many Gentiles, disenchanted with

Greek paganism and idol worship, had become God fearers among the ethical

monotheism of Judaism and responded quickly to Paul’s reasoning in the

Synagogues. The Jews, jealous of Paul’s success and following, organised a mob to

oppose his Messianic teaching, which meant many were hounded out of the region

including Paul.

In order not to be a burden to these people Paul kept himself through his tent-

making so his stay was extended in order to accomplish his extensive ministry of

evangelism and teaching. Later Paul sent Timothy to Thessalonica to encourage the

disciples in the Faith and it was in answer to Timothy’s glowing report of all he had

found there that Paul wrote this letter. Paul’s love for this infant congregation shows

forth in every line of his letter.

If we could assume that these disciples had been following the training contained in

The Didache, which is full of doctrinal issues, then we may understand, perhaps,

why they are more concerned with the question of Christ’s Return. The Didache

contains eschatological items but here, in this letter, we have what has come to be

recognised as a classic foundational piece of New Covenant eschatology (future

events). Paul is particularly concerned that they stay steadfast in the Lord and grow

in an ever maturing Faith and love in view of Christ’s “soon” Return. At this stage

Paul was very Apocalyptic in his teaching, later he changed his teaching as he began

to believe that Christ’s Return could be delayed. His Return is still delayed, today,

nearly 2000 years later.

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Paul opens with a declaration of thanksgiving for their metamorphosis from

heathenism to Messianic hope. They are true witnesses of the Faith, love and hope

all disciples should exhibit when they are IN Messiah. Paul had not been able to stay

with them long due to the persecution from the Jews. The continuing verbal abuse

from those outside the Church regarding his ministry finds him writing also to defend

himself. However, he had sent Timothy to continue teaching them and it was

Timothy’s glowing report that had overwhelmed Paul and he blesses them with his

prayer that their faith may continue to deepen (3:11-13). A prayer we should all be

uttering daily for all who are struggling in these days to walk holy and godly as they

live IN Messiah. It is important for the Remnant Church to be known for their love of

God and His Word as well as the love of their neighbour, for there will be mounting

persecution from the brethren in the Apostate Church (2 Timothy 3:1-5; Hebrews

6:1-8) where scriptural truths have given way to whatever tickles the ear and the

ego (1 Timothy 4:1-3; 2 Timothy 3:1-9; 4:3-4). Paul addresses these points:

Exhort them to abstain from sexual immorality

Be transparent and holy in all transactions with others

Get on with one’s life in quietness, minding one’s own business and working

to care for one’s self and one’s family

When Yeshua Returns know that He will bring with Him all who have died in


The Lord will descend with a shout, the voice of the archangel, the trumpet

sound of God and the dead will rise first, then those alive at that time, to

meet the Lord in the air and be with Him forever

The times and seasons are not known but if one is aware – watching, praying

and following the doctrines of our Heavenly Father - we will not be taken


Continually wear the breastplate of Faith and love and the helmet of the hope

[the certainty] of salvation [yeshuah], comforting and encouraging each


Judge and support each other, warning the unruly with patience

Pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; do not quench the Spirit; do

not despise prophecies; test all things; abstain from every form of evil

“Now may the God of Peace, Himself, sanctify you completely; and may your whole

spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the Coming of our Lord Yeshua

HaMashiach (Jesus Christ). Amen”


Paul followed his first Letter to Thessalonica with a second Letter, within

the year, as he is made aware that much false teaching was being espoused

together with the persecution of the true believers. Paul needed to remove the

destructive lies and again plant the Truth; exhorting them to persevere for the glory

that awaits them. The Return of Messiah is mentioned more times in the New

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Covenant Scriptures than any other doctrine. Messiah’s Return holds reassurance

and joyful hope for disciples of Yeshua but awesome and terrifying implications for

those who have not trusted in Him. Many were saying that the Day of the Lord’s

Return was already here so that believers were giving up work and living off others.

Paul writes this letter to correct these errors and encourage these believers whose

Faith was being tested by false teaching and persecution.

Paul begins with swelling words of encouragement for the way in which they were

enduring in their many tribulations. Paul confirms to them that those who troubled

them now would suffer God’s Judgement on themselves later with everlasting

destruction. Paul stated that he prayed for them daily. He went on to write:

Let none be deceived by this false teaching. The Day of the Lord will not

come before the “falling away”, “the apostasy” comes first and the Son of

Perdition, the Anti-Christ appears

Lawlessness is already at work [Law-less-ness is better translated Torah-less-

ness – a rejection of God’s Instructions for His Household of Faith given to

Moses in the wilderness at Sinai, which is why I suggest the Church’s teaching

today needs to be reassessed]

The Lawless One, the Anti-Christ, is controlled by Satan

The Anti-Christ will perform satanic power, signs and lying wonders

Many will be deceived BUT NOT those who have received a love of The Truth

Those who refuse The Truth and are determined to follow false teaching etc.

will receive a strong delusion from God and be condemned for all eternity

Exhort them to stand fast and hold to the traditions and instructions they

were taught either by my personal instruction or in the letters you have

received from me

Pray for me that I may stand fast and be protected from wicked brethren

God is Faithful and will establish you and guard you in these days

Withdraw from any brother who refuses to walk according to The Truth of

Scripture and/or the teaching of the Apostles

Get on and work quietly and conscientiously to keep yourselves as you await

The Day – no work, no food

“Now may the Lord of Shalom, Himself, give you shalom always in every way. The

Lord be with you all. The grace of our Lord Yeshua HaMashiach be with you all.



The Letter to the Galatians is next, chronologically, and presumed written

around 53-56 A.D. The Church of Yeshua HaMashiach at Galatia was launched by

Faith. By the time Paul writes to them they were following a system based on a

different gospel, a gospel of works. Paul needed to encourage them back to The

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Way of Truth which is based on the Gospel of The Kingdom walked by and

through Faith in the Full, Final and Perfect Sacrifice of Yeshua.

Paul opens his letter with his usual greeting confirming his apostleship at the Hand

of God the Father and Yeshua, God’s Son. He also states that the apostles confirmed

the validity and authority of his teaching when he went to Jerusalem. He has to tell

them that to walk in legalistic adherence to The Law and its works, without

exercising Faith in Yeshua’s Finished Work, is anathema to God. To legalistically

keep the Law which declares them guilty imprisons them still. When God released

them from Slavery in Egypt to Freedom in the Wilderness at The Exodus He gave

them His Instructions for their freedom, which was meant to be exercised by Faith

(Hebrews 4:2; Acts 7:38). Faith enables the freedom to enjoy the liberty that Christ

has released them and us into and we are, therefore, free to “Hear and Obey” the

Spirit of God as He teaches and guides us all to cherish, keep and guard the True

Torah which is God’s gift to show His loving Mercy and Grace to us, which we should

want to keep and do in response. Freedom or liberty is not a licence to sin but

freedom in Christ is freedom to produce the fruit of righteousness through a Spirit-

led life.

It would seem that from Paul’s comments (6:11) he may well have departed from

his usual use of a Scribe and written this entire letter himself. Paul was a Messianic

Jew who kept the Instructions the LORD had given to Moses at Sinai, called

Torah/Law. This letter was written before Paul, himself, paid the Nazirite Vow

expenses for himself and others in Jerusalem (Acts 18:18; 21:17-24) to show he was

“walking orderly and keeping the Law/Torah”. Paul needed to address:

He had preached the True and Full Gospel of Salvation, anyone preaching a

false gospel is anathema to God

No one was a more accomplished Jew but he needed to learn to interpret The

Law in the light of Yeshua’s Crucifixion and Resurrection. This he did for three

and a half years in Arabia, taught by the Lord, Himself, and confirmed by the

Apostles in Jerusalem

The need to confront even Peter when he started acting contrary to Gospel


The need to exercise Faith in Messiah Yeshua’s Full, Final and Perfect

Sacrifice and receive the Spirit of God before exercising God’s Instructions for

His Household of Faith

Our walk is above all a walk of Faith just like our father Abraham who also

walked by and through Faith in the LORD

You used to serve other gods and keep their days, months, seasons and years

– but NOW you serve the LORD YHVH God and His Son Yeshua with His

Feasts and days and seasons

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Why are you listening to these false teachers after you so faithfully listened to

my teaching, just as if I were an angel from God, and were doing everything I

taught you?

Understand that The Law can be described using Hagar’s son, Ishmael, and

Sarah’s son, Isaac, as examples. Ishmael was born of the flesh and Isaac was

the Lord’s promised son to Abraham. The flesh does not profit. Legalistic

observance of Torah without Faith is death. The Promise of God leads to

entry in The Kingdom of Heaven – that is the Jerusalem above. We, who are

born-again in Messiah Yeshua, also are children of promise destined for The

Kingdom of God and, led by His Spirit, we are enabled to exercise the Gospel

of Christ with love as we serve one another

(list the sins of the flesh which are many) then emphasise that such people

who practice these things will not inherit the Kingdom of God

List the Divine fruit of the Spirit which enables one to crucify the flesh and live

and walk in the spirit with all humility and love

Exercise full body ministry, firstly by judging and examining oneself to check

one’s own walk before God and then encouraging, supporting and judging

each other in order to help, unite and build each other up to maturity

Let us all boast, as do I, in the Cross of Christ for IN Him we are new


“Peace and mercy be upon you, the Grace of our Lord Yeshua be with your spirit.

Amen “


Paul’s Letters to Corinth were written around 56 A.D. Corinth had two main

temples to Aphrodite (Venus) and Apollo teaching Eros love, prostitution and sexual

immorality. In the winter months it was full of sailors as it was a major port. Paul

has to tell them that there is a deeper level of love than physical intercourse (see

first letter chapter 13). There was also filial or brotherly love of one’s neighbour and

Agape love of and for God. There were, consequently, many cultic prostitutes and

priestesses overtly dressed in religious clothing with very fancy headwear and

hairstyles. Hence Paul’s eager desire to impress upon women the need to be very

demure, dress simply and cover their heads; particularly the women in leadership

roles. These cultic women were prominent and powerful women and the leading

women in the Church were to be quite different.

Paul says that women should be covered when prophesying (chapter 11).

Prophesying can be translated ‘teaching’ for to prophesy is to forth-tell The Word.

Paul is not saying that women cannot teach but they must be discretely attired in

the midst of this community’s culture. Prostitutes did not cover their hair and Roman

women wore lots of jewellery in very ornately dressed hair. Hence the call to

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


simplicity and humility as a sign that they were under the authority of their human

husbands or/and their divine husband Yeshua, for the sake of the angels.

Paul’s reference to headship refers back to Genesis with Adam and Eve. There ‘head’

translates as ‘source’ because woman came from the ‘source’ of Adam and as it was

from his side they are equal partners. As Rosh HaShanah is the ‘head’ of the year

(New Year) so it is the ‘source’ from which all the rest of the days of the year come.

It is not ‘head’ as ‘domination’. Woman is to be man’s ‘helpmate’ (Hebrew - Ezer

Kenegdo) a union between man and wife of equal strength; helpmate can also be

understood as ‘God is my helper’.

In Paul’s order we all ultimately come from God in Christ and He is our authority and

we are to reflect, therefore, the glory of God and nothing of ourselves. Today,

perhaps, it is jewellery and not large hats or even overdressed hair that is

prominent. But even more prominent, today, are Tattoos which are

“detestable to the LORD” (Leviticus 19:28; Deuteronomy 14:1; Jeremiah 16:6).

However, Paul’s principles are the same – everything should be demure and show

forth humility. He was also concerned at the over indulgence on food and drink. A

‘binge’ culture that had them vomiting and going back for more – this was the

“unworthy” eating and drinking he also addresses in chapter 11. A message for

today also.

Paul also explains that the initiation rites have changed for Christ’s Body of disciples.

Male circumcision has been over-ridden by Baptism with the important circumcision

of the heart being a particular work of the LORD Himself.

Most of what Paul addresses has to do with the level of education among the

people. There were four predominant languages in Corinth – Latin, Greek, Hebrew

and Aramaic. Paul preached in Greek and most men understood the language along

with the educated women, who tended to be followers and supporters of Paul.

However, many women in the Church did not understand Greek and tended either to

talk among themselves out of boredom or were calling to their husbands for

clarification. Consequently Paul needed to tell the women to be silent in the

congregation and receive their enlightenment outside of the assembly. Therefore it

is important, today, to understand the context of some of Paul’s teaching.

Paul also addressed spiritual gifts and said that only one person at a time should

speak out so that the group were able to hear and if necessary make an

interpretation of tongues as well as test the prophecies that were being given.

Corinth had a population of approximately 700,000 comprised of two-thirds who

were slaves. Paul met Priscilla and Aquilla here. Corinth was a centre for Olympic

type games and millions flocked to live in tented cities for the duration. Therefore

the work of tent making was fully available to Paul and his companions. Paul

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


reasoned with the Jews in the Synagogue until he and his disciples were persecuted

sufficiently to have to leave and meet in the house of Titius Justus. Silas and

Timothy joined Paul in Corinth and when Paul moved on Apollos came to minister.

Paul wanted to impress upon them the need to apply Biblical principles to their

carnal lives not just individually but within the gathered body of believers. This is the

major subject of the training written up in The Didache.

Paul had founded this congregation here in Corinth (Acts 18:1-17) and now four

years later, around 56 A.D. he has to write his letters. In his first letter he chose to

address the pressures and struggles of a people called out of a pagan society. He

addresses their divisions, lawsuits, immorality, questionable practices, the abuse of

the Lord’s Supper and the exercising of spiritual gifts in relation to the doctrines they

should be exercising and then goes on to answer their questions. Paul is insistent

that they needed to stand out and apart from those outside of their community.

Also, by now, they should be showing a greater degree of maturity in their Faith

than they were.

Paul’s letter is also addressed to us, today, because apart from the Corinthians he is

also writing to “all who in every place call on the Name of Yeshua HaMashiach.

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ”.

[As this is Letter Four and four relates to ‘the world’ this would seem to confirm

the wide ranging nature of Paul’s letter which is written “for all”]

Impress upon them the need to be united as ‘one’ and not divided over

leadership and/or doctrines. There are different groups following ‘Paul’,

‘Apollos’, ‘Cephas’, ‘Christ’. This must cease because the important position is

to be a disciple of Yeshua and a child of our Father God [in answer to

Yeshua’s own prayer for unity (John 17:11,20-23)]

Impress upon them the need to be a united witness to the Cross of Christ

which is the power of God for salvation. A simple message that confounds the

so-called ‘wise’. Jews want signs and Greeks want wisdom but they see the

Crucifixion of Israel’s Messiah as foolishness

In Christ we have the power and the wisdom of God for righteousness,

sanctification, redemption and obedience; (remind them of Jeremiah 9:24)

but it is a mystery to others. In our Faith we have been shown the mind of

Messiah Yeshua

Express concern that after this time they should be maturing and not continue

to be spiritual babies exercising carnal attitudes

They must understand that they will be judged on what they have done with

the Faith they have been given. The fire of judgement will either burn away

the dross of the worthless tasks they have been employed on or show forth

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


their work as precious jewels, silver or gold. Their Faith will save them but will

they have any rewards waiting for them in The Kingdom?

The Lord will judge us all when He comes. However, you judge me from your

so-called wisdom. Understand that persecution, hunger and poverty can also

be for Christ’s own children, yet in our trials we are to bless those persecuting

us and endure through them. Understand I am not trying to shame you but

warn you of what can befall you. I do not want to chastise you but bless you

when I come to you

It is actually reported that a man among you has exercised sexual immorality

with his father’s wife. Why are you not mourning such activity and dealing

with the situation? You should send the offender away, in fact hand him over

to Satan until he repents and his spirit is saved for The Day of Christ. Do you

realise that to overlook a little sin will eventually corrupt the whole

congregation. You need to walk in the sinless righteousness of Messiah

I do not say you are to judge those outside your congregation but within your

assembly you are to judge each other and put out the evil person. Christ, our

Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed so let us celebrate Pesach (Passover), not

with left over sinful lives but as sinless witnesses of Christ, purging out the sin

of malice and wickedness in favour of sinless sincerity and truth

You need to be more discerning of each other and not keep company with

those exhibiting their old carnal ways, not even to eat with them

Why are the brothers going to carnal courts to settle disputes between

themselves when disputes should be settled among your own wise eldership?

Do you not realise we are destined to judge the world and even the angels!

Be aware the unrighteous will not inherit The Kingdom – (list unrighteous

acts). Some of you were involved in these acts but now you are born-again,

washed, sanctified and justified in Yeshua by His Spirit

If you have been wronged by a brother can you not overlook it, accept it and

move on in Christ to maturity?

Understand that now you are one with the Lord many things are not good for

you. Sexual immorality particularly. Do not take what should be seamlessly

attached to Christ and attach it to a prostitute – flee from that. Your body is

the Temple of the Holy Spirit and that was bought at a great price by the Lord

in His Crucifixion and you are His special possession

You ask about marriage. I prefer that one stay single and completely

focused on the Lord. When a man is married he must consider his wife first

before the work of the Kingdom; likewise for the wife. However, it is not good

to lust after sexual things so if that is the case then marriage is good if not

necessary. Man and wife must be supportive of each other and if either want

to set time aside for fasting and prayer they must both agree to this for a

season and come back into a conjugal relationship afterwards

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


[Paul believed in a soon return of Christ. When writing to Timothy, around six

years later, he was beginning to believe Christ’s return would tarry and so

marriage was more important]

If a woman’s husband dies she is free to marry again in the Lord. If she

remains a widow there is much to commend

Divorce is not good in the LORD’s Eyes. If a wife leaves she should remain

unmarried or return to her husband. A husband should not be divorced.

However, I say that if there is a marriage between a believer and an

unbeliever and they can live in harmony let them be. But if either becomes

acrimonious because of the other’s Faith in Yeshua then let them divorce for

God has called us to peace. A mixed but harmonious marriage gives covering

to the unbeliever and gives cleanness to the children and enables them to be

holy. The unbeliever may even be saved by the Faith of their spouse

Worry not about circumcision for what is important is to be saved IN Yeshua

and keeping the Instructions of God. If you are a slave, you are a slave, but if

you can gain your freedom so much the better. For a slave is free in Christ

and the free man is a slave of Christ! Christ paid for you with His Life, so

become no man’s slave

Your question regarding foods offered to idols etc. Here it is important

to exercise love toward one’s brethren. One may believe certain things but if

his brother does not then your so-called superior knowledge could cause him

to sin. We know that idols are nothing and there is only One God and Father

and One Lord Yeshua but many members have come from multi-idol cults and

need to come to terms with the sovereignty of our One Lord and God.

Therefore, some refuse to eat meat previously offered to idols. For the sake

of your brother you too should not eat that meat in his company. If you do

and then he does it, because of you, though believing in his heart that it is

sinful, then you are causing him to fall into a legalistic practice rather than

true Faith in the Lord

Do not ask where the meat has come from and then you can eat it without

conscience. However, if you are told it is from the temple idols then refrain

from eating it as a witness to your host. Whatever you do at the meal table

do it out of love for each other and for the glory of the LORD

Counteract those who are questioning my credentials by listing my

qualifications to minister. Although it is right that all who minister should be

supported by those to whom that ministry is given I have not insisted on such

support. I can do no more than preach the Gospel entrusted to me and you

are my fruit

Man is susceptible to temptation but God knows the extent of our ability to

withstand temptation and does not allow us to be tempted beyond our

endurance by giving a way of escape

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Have nothing whatever to do with idolatry in any form. Understand that when

you partake of bread and wine you are partaking in the communion of the

Body of Yeshua our Messiah. The Gentile pagans offer their foods to demons

and I cannot have you drink the cup of Christ with the cup of demons

Many things may be perfectly acceptable for me to do but not all things are

good if done. Some activities can even lead one on to temptation. We must

do only those things that build us up and encourage and edify the Body of

Yeshua and give glory to our Heavenly Father and His Son

You do well to imitate me – as I also imitated our Messiah

[Both were Torah observant regarding the Instructions given by God at Sinai,


Thank you for remembering me and praying for me and for keeping the

traditions that I taught you

Understand our place before God. The head of woman is man, the head

of man is Christ and the head of Christ is God

If a man prays or prophesies [teaches] with anything pulled down over his

head [this does not include a kippah] he dishonours Christ for he is the image

and the glory of God

If a woman prays or prophesies [teaches] with her head uncovered she

dishonours her husband and she may as well be shorn. But if it is shameful

for her to be shorn then she should cover her head, for she is man’s glory

which needs covering before the Lord. She was created for man and

therefore she should be covered for her husband whether her husband be

human or whether he be Yeshua her divine husband to whom she is

betrothed. Understand that there is exousia [power] in covering her head as

well as being for the sake of the angels who are in attendance in the

congregations [and who are themselves covered before God (Isaiah 6:2)].

Man’s long hair is dishonouring to him and woman’s long hair is a glory to her

and is given for a natural covering. If anyone argues with this ruling we have

to say this is the custom for covering in the Lord’s assemblies (note – is this a

custom and not a command)

Now your questions regarding the Lord’s Supper. I hear you are full of

divisions and arguments among yourselves. You must recognise that it should

be possible to pick out those among you who have been raised up by the

Lord for leadership roles and respect them

I hear that you are eating and drinking in a disorderly manner, arriving at

different times and some are eating too much from the supper table while

others are receiving nothing. You should eat in your own homes before

coming to celebrate the Lord’s Death until His Coming again

I passed on to you what I received from the Lord. (Spell out the taking and

blessing of the Bread and the Cup). Whoever eats unworthily, not having

judged himself before God beforehand invites judgement on himself; even to

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


the extent that many are weak and sick and some have even died. If we

judge ourselves with repentance we will not be judged and chastened by the

Lord. ‘Order’ is the Lord’s watchword

Regarding your questions on spiritual gifts. I remind you that previously

you may have worshipped dumb idols but now you are in the Presence and

under the Eye of the Living God, and you have received and are being lead by

the Holy Spirit of God

There are diverse gifts but there is One and the Same Spirit. Whether spiritual

ministries, activities or manifestations they are all given by God’s Spirit for the

building up of His Body wherever His Body meets together (give examples)

The Body of Messiah is no different to the human body in that there are many

different functions but only one body displayed

There are many different gifts but I exhort you to desire the greater gifts for

the good of the whole body. But there is a more excellent way!

Whatever we have received through God’s Spirit has no worth to you or to

the Body if it is not exercised with love – agape love – toward each and every

member of the Body and your Heavenly Father

Whatever you hope to achieve through the use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit

nothing will be worthy if it is exercised without love. Love never fails. So

much of what we do is partial and not perfect

When Christ Returns, the Perfect and Holy One, then much will vanish away

and we will see and be seen with all His awesome glory

“But for now Faith, Hope and Love, these three, prevail and the greatest of these is

agape love”

Pursue love and desire spiritual things, most especially prophecy. Prophecy

allows you to speak forth the Word of God for the encouragement and the

building up of The Body to maturity. It is good to speak in tongues but it is

mainly a language between you and the Lord and not always understood by

others. Therefore, Prophecy is the greater gift, bringing souls to conviction

and salvation through the Word of God

The Lord has gifted you all for the needs of the Body. As you assemble one

has a psalm, one a teaching, one a tongue, one an interpretation, one a

revelation – but all should be done for the building up of every member. Only

use your tongue if there is one to interpret otherwise stay silent. Allow two or

three to prophesy, one after the other, then let the Body judge. There must

be order in all you do

Because many women do not understand all that is being said and done they

should sit quietly listening and not talk among themselves out of boredom but

wait to consult their husbands or the Elders after the service.

“Let everything be done decently and in order”

Regarding the Gospel of the Lord. I have passed on to you everything I

have received, particularly concerning the Crucifixion and Resurrection of our

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Lord Yeshua together with the many testimonies of this event which was

witnessed by very many people

Christ’s Resurrection is imperative to His Crucifixion and to our

eternal life. Why do some say there is no resurrection? If this is so our Faith

is empty and our Gospel is worthless. But Christ is Risen and He will Return

and deliver the Kingdom to His Father YHVH God. God will then put

everything under Christ’s Feet with the last vanquished enemy being death.

Then God shall be all in all

As a seed has to die in the ground before it sprouts to bear new fruit so the

dead will rise to new life bearing celestial bodies like Christ’s. Adam came

first, then Yeshua the second Adam. So we have human bodies first but then

we shall have spiritual bodies

Many have died but there shall be many alive at the time of Christ’s Return

but all will be changed in the twinkling of an eye – from corruption to in-

corruption, from mortal or immortal, at the last trump

“Therefore my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immoveable, always abounding in the

work of the LORD, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the LORD”

Be sure to collect your monetary gifts for the brethren in need. On one of the

Sabbaths [they met on the seventh day – from Friday evening to Saturday

evening] let each one lay something aside, in the percentage that you have

prospered, so that when I come you will already have your gift prepared and

I may accompany your own elected representative with your gift to the

brethren in Jerusalem

I will come to you as soon as I am allowed. I may even spend the winter with

you. I will stay at Ephesus until Shavuot [Pentecost] for there is much to do

here. Welcome Timothy if he comes to you and do not despise him

I asked Apollos to visit you but he was not willing, at present, however he will

come later

“Watch – stand fast in the Faith, be brave, be strong, let all that you do be done

with love”

List all those working on behalf of the Church that everyone may be


“The grace of our Lord Yeshua HaMashiach be with you Amen”


Paul’s Second Letter to Corinth followed after the first in the same year. Apart

from the usual false teaching that was infiltrating the churches the people were also

being stirred up against Paul himself. It was claimed that Paul was fickle, proud,

unimpressive in speech and appearance, dishonest and unqualified as an Apostle. It

was because of this report that Paul sent Timothy to Corinth; on his return Paul

rejoiced to hear of the Corinthians’ change of heart. Paul writes to express his

thanks for the repentant majority and to appeal to the rebellious minority to accept

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


his authority. Throughout the Letter he endeavours to defend himself from the

slanderous reports. Titus was instructed to take this second letter to Corinth from

Paul in Macedonia and on his return to Paul he gave a good report.

A major doctrine in this letter is God’s Plan for Giving. Paul is also keen to outline a

description of a true apostle [messenger] as they seem to have been lead astray by

false apostles/messengers/teachers. He suggests that he may delay his arrival in

Corinth to give everyone time and opportunity to repent and bring the whole

fellowship into a restored unity. Paul addresses this letter to the believers in Corinth

and Achaia. He blesses the God and Father of Yeshua who comforts us in all our

tribulations so that we are equipped to comfort others:

I exhort you to be strong in The Hope that is set before you so as to

overcome your troubles and difficulties

I remind you that my teaching does not change and I still teach as I have

taught you; it is all still ‘Yes’ and ‘Amen’ by and through Faith in Yeshua our

Messiah. I hope to be with you again before going on to Judea

However, I want to come to you in joy and not in sorrow so I am giving you

time to consider my letter before I arrive. Time to deal with the man you put

out of the assembly in order that he be forgiven and returned to the flock so

that Satan does not totally destroy his faith

Understand that our message is sweet to those being saved but to those who

are perishing we are the aroma of death and unpopular

We do not ‘peddle’ the Gospel for gain as some are doing

Do I need to be recommended to you again? You who are the fruit of my

testimony. Understand that because Moses was confronted with such

opposition the veil was drawn over the Jews and still the veil remains un-lifted

because it is only taken away in Messiah Yeshua. We are beholding, with

unveiled faces, the glory of the Lord and He is transforming us from glory to

glory by His Holy Spirit

If our Gospel is veiled it is veiled to those who reject it and are thereby

perishing, because they are blinded by the god of this age

We are walking in the light and even though we are earthen vessels we have

the power of God within

I will list the many ways in which I have been persecuted but not crushed or

overcome. It matters not what happens to me so long as you are built up in

the Faith. We must all look beyond our troubles to the glory to come, which is

eternal life with Yeshua, as we walk out The Faith in Hope

We who are alive in Yeshua have a place guaranteed for us in The Kingdom

by the power of God’s Spirit. We must walk by Faith in this knowledge and

always be sure to please the Lord our God for we will all appear before the

Judgement Seat of Christ in order to receive our reward for whatever we have

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


done in our physical walk of faith, whether good or bad [see pages 11-12 and

1 Corinthians 3:10-15]

Anyone who is IN Christ is a new creation, old ways have passed away and all

things have become new. Christ has reconciled us to God and we have a work

of reconciliation to do between man and Christ, as Christ’s ambassadors

Now is the day of salvation, make the most of it. I list the many difficulties

that I have had to work through. Understand that the work will be fraught

with all these kinds of problems. I have been open with you, I am not here to

deceive but to teach and equip you for this work – please receive it all

It is important that you do not yoke yourself with an unbeliever. Light and

dark do not go together and nor does righteousness with lawlessness [Torah-

less-ness]. The Temple of God has no comparison with idols and you are the

temple of the Living God

“I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God and they shall be My

people. Therefore, come out from among them and be separate, and I will receive

you. I will be a Father to you and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the

LORD Almighty”

Let us fear the Lord and cleanse ourselves. We have wronged no one and we

have taught you with all our heart. God comforts us in all our difficulties and I

was overjoyed by Titus’ report from you all. I do not regret sending my last

letter to you for your sorrow over my words led you to repentance and a

deeper maturity of salvation, which is all I want for you. We are full of joy for

you and Titus too was full of joy to see such Faith in you as he did

Though the Macedonian churches are suffering they are full of joy and their

giving for the brethren is richly abundant and does not reflect their poverty.

Their faith is strong, they embraced the Lord Yeshua and then they embraced

me. And we pray that your Giving, referred to in my last letter, may also

reflect your rich abundance and love for the brethren. I am sending Titus and

some others to encourage you in your Giving, welcome them, they are

partners and fellow workers with me. They are messengers of the churches to

the glory of God. Show them the proof of your love and of my boasting on

your behalf so that when we all arrive you may have the promised gift ready

in all its generosity and not as a grudging obligation. Know that he who sows

sparingly will also reap sparingly and he who sows bountifully will also reap

bountifully – God loves a cheerful giver. God makes all grace abound toward

you so that you will always have sufficient in everything for every good work

“May He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food, supply and multiply the

seed you have and increase the fruits of your righteousness, which causes

thanksgiving through us to God”

I write boldly to you but I speak with grace among you. I have to defend my

position against the opposition. Our weapons are not carnal but mighty in

God for the pulling down of strongholds, casting down arguments and

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


anything that would try to exalt itself against God. Spiritual warfare is against

the thought patterns of the mind [Acts 17:16-34]. You need to take every

thought into captivity in order to obey Yeshua and be quick to repent of any

disobedience as you continue to walk into the maturity of obedience

Do not fall into the carnality of judging by outward appearance. We are all

Christ’s. My letter may be bold but many say my bodily presence [parousia] is

weak and I speak far too simply. Wait until I am with you and let us see how

powerful my simple words are!

Do not compare yourselves with one another but excel in the sphere to which

God has called you. For me – that includes you. I have been given to preach

the Gospel among you and beyond you where no man has preached before.

Only be concerned that it is the LORD who has commended you to

your work

“But he who glories, let him glory in the LORD” (Jeremiah 9:24)

Forgive me but I must declare the credentials that undergird my apostleship.

There are too many false apostles and deceitful workers transforming

themselves into apostles. And no wonder! For Satan transforms himself into

an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform

themselves into ministers of righteousness whose end will be according to

their works

I am sorry to appear a fool before you but I must continue to tell you of those

things we have had to confront. These teachers that you accept are Hebrews

as am I; Israelites as am I; the seed of Abraham as am I. Do they minister

for Christ? I have worked harder and suffered greatly. I have been imprisoned

often, near death from stoning, five times the Jews beat me with 39 stripes,

shipwrecked, robbed, in danger from my own countrymen, from Gentiles,

from false brothers, in the city, in the wilderness and the sea. Weary,

sleepless, hungry and thirsty etc. etc. - yet my deepest concern is for all the

congregations of the Lord’s believers. The Lord has protected me and kept

me in all these situations. I have received visions and revelations too

awesome to be shared, but I will boast of Christ and not myself. To keep me

humble I have received a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan, so I do

not become bigheaded and boast. Three times I have pleaded with God to

take it away but He says, “My Grace is sufficient for you, for My Strength is

made perfect in weakness”. Therefore I take pleasure in my infirmities,

reproaches, needs, persecutions and distresses for Christ’s sake. When I am

weak – then am I strong!

I am preparing to come to you for a third time. I do not desire to be a burden

to you. I would rather spend and be spent for you and yet the more I love

you the less I am loved. Have I or any that I have sent to you taken

advantage of you? All we do is for your edification and maturity. I pray I will

not find you in contentions and jealousies, backbiting or selfish ambitions etc.

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


I mourn for those who have sinned and not repented of their uncleanness,

fornications or lewd practices

“By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established” –

this is my third visit and as such I will not spare those who have sinned

before and continue to do so. For as Christ was crucified but lives in power so

are we who are weak but live in the power of God

“Examine yourselves, whether you are in the Faith”. Test yourselves. Do you

not know yourselves that Yeshua HaMashiach is in you? Unless indeed you

are disqualified. But I trust that you will know that we are not disqualified. We

are glad to appear weak so long as you are strong and we pray that you will

be made complete

I write to convict you so that when I come I will not have to use the

sharpness I have the authority to use as I teach for maturity and not for


Become complete my brethren, be of good comfort, of one mind, live in

shalom and the God of love and shalom be with you

“The grace of our Lord Yeshua HaMashiach and the love of God and the communion

of the Holy Spirit be with you all Amen”


Paul’s sixth letter was addressed to all who are in Rome and is considered to

be his greatest work and therefore was placed first in the New Covenant Scriptures

after the Acts of the Apostles. I have, earlier, suggested that four is related to the

world and now I suggest that six is related to humanity, and therefore I believe this

letter is for a wider community because Rome’s influence was worldwide.

[Our Christian heritage, in the UK, goes right back to the first century AD, to the

days after Pentecost in Jerusalem when the apostles and disciples began going forth

with the Gospel to the ends of the earth. It has been written that “with the arrival

and conquest of England by Emperor Claudius (mentioned as Claudius Caesar in Acts

11:28 and 18:2) the Roman occupation of Britain from AD 43 gave time for the

Christian Faith to be planted”. It is also noted that within the Roman occupation

from AD 43 – 407 “there arose a British Christian Church which sent its bishops to

the early Councils” of Nicea and Laodicea etc. For that to happen it would seem to

settle the matter of a very early date for Christianity in this land. G.M. Trevelyan,

one of our most noted historians, states that “by the time the Romans left these

shores one of the three things of value they left behind was Welsh Christianity. And

during these years many travellers from Rome and other more distant parts of the

Roman Empire came to our shores.”]

Of course it was Rome that, due to a growing hatred of all things Jewish, amputated

the Body of Yeshua, in the 3rd/4th centuries, from the foundations Yeshua had

rebalanced it upon. Consequently the days, months, seasons and years were all

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


changed and a syncretistic gospel was preached. Even more reason to revisit the

teaching of the church today! It will be interesting to deal with this letter given to

Paul by the inspiration of God’s Holy Spirit, at least two centuries before the birth of

this Apostate planting, to see what we can glean for our understanding and

repentance today.

The Gospels tell of the words and works of Yeshua but this Letter to Rome explores

the significance of His Sacrificial Death and the fact that the Jew and the Gentile are

expected to be a united Body. A fact rejected two hundred years later when Rome

amputated the church from its Hebraic foundations. Using a question and answer

format Paul presents a systematic presentation of doctrine as well as answering their

questions. Paul’s enthusiasm for The Faith teaches that it is a glory that has to be

lived as a personal witness to the righteousness that befits the person who has been

“justified freely by (God’s) grace through the redemption that is in Yeshua” (3:24).

Paul did not found this church and had not visited it. It is presumed that it was as a

result of those who had come to Faith at Pentecost in Jerusalem, going back to their

homes and establishing congregations in the Name and Faith of Messiah Yeshua.

Many may have met up with Paul as he travelled around and so Paul was able to

acknowledge them as he sent them his greetings at the close of this epistle.

Rome was founded in 753B.C. and by Paul’s time was the greatest city in the world

with anything from 1-4 million people. There were many opulent buildings but the

majority of people were slaves. Opulence and squalor coexisted side by side. The

church had been in existence for some time and appeared to be meeting in

numerous places. By 64A.D. when Nero persecuted the Christians they were said to

be “an immense multitude” (Tacitus the historian). Paul wrote to Rome from Corinth

in Greece. He was on his way to Jerusalem with the collections from Macedonia,

Achaia and Corinth, when he had to go north to Philippi to avoid a plot against him

and so gave this letter to Phoebe to deliver (16:1-2).

We have Paul’s doctrinal account of Yeshua being the Second Adam whose

righteousness and substitutionary death have provided justification for all who place

their Faith in Him. Yeshua offers His Righteousness as a gracious gift to sinful men

and women because He has borne God’s condemnation and wrath for their

sinfulness. His Crucifixion and Resurrection are the basis for the believer’s

redemption, justification, reconciliation, salvation and glorification. Finding this letter

as Paul’s sixth epistle seems to confirm its placing for ‘all humanity’. “For God so

loved the world that He gave His only and begotten Son that whoever believes in

Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:15-18).

Paul condemns the Gentiles because they have suppressed the knowledge of God

that can and should be seen all around them through Nature (Psalm 19) and their

consciences (1:18-32) but the Jews also need to see and acknowledge Yeshua

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


HaMashiach as their salvation too. For “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory

of God” (3:23) whether Jew or Gentile. Paul repeats again his calling to be an

apostle for the preaching of the Gospel of God mentioned in the First Covenant

Scriptures – the only ‘Bible’ available at this time because the New Covenant

Scriptures were not published until the 3rd /4th century and this is 57A.D.

Paul begins by declaring that Yeshua is God’s Son with the power of the Holy Spirit

through His Resurrection from the dead. Paul says that he and they are also ‘the

called of Yeshua’ for obedience to the Faith among all the nations for His Name.

I thank God through Christ for you and your faith which is spoken of


Without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers and pray I may

come to you in God’s Will to impart spiritual gifts to you so we may all be

encouraged in Him. I have so wanted to come to you but I have been

hindered so far

“I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God to salvation for

everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the

righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, ‘The one who is

righteous shall live by faith’”

God’s wrath is against anyone who ungodly and unrighteously rejects or

conceals the Truth. Creation reveals the invisible God and no one should be

unaware of The Creator Himself except he who refuses to acknowledge or

consider Him. Such men are foolish and believe themselves to be wise yet

they are futile; consequently many have been given over to lust and

dishonour even of their own bodies as they worship the creation and not The

Creator. God has, therefore, allowed their vile passions to rise and men and

women perform acts against the natural usage of their bodies; they lust for

the unnatural usage of same sex gratification, receiving in themselves the

penalty for their error. God has given them over to a debased mind, sexual

immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, envy, murder, strife,

deceit, evil-mindedness, being whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent,

proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning,

untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving and un-merciful. Yet they know that a

righteous God is also a God of Judgement and these things are deserving of


Be careful how you judge or criticise each other because you are, invariably,

also guilty of doing those things that you are criticising in others. God judges

from the truth and from knowing the heart and the motives of the one

judging and the one being judged. God’s judgements lead to repentance and

health but your ignorant judgements harbour God’s wrath on the Day of


Paul’s Letters in chronological order


God gives eternal life to him who seeks for good, for glory, for honour and for

immortality. But to the self-seeker who does not obey Truth and

righteousness, the Lord renders indignation and wrath, tribulation and

anguish, both to the Jew and the Greek. God has no partiality

The Law/Torah has been written on your hearts and the conscience bears

witness to God’s Will and Ways. So man lives or falls by God’s Law when He

judges the secrets of men by Christ according to my Gospel

You Jews deal arrogantly with God’s Law. Do you keep what you are

preaching or are you hypocrites?

It is written that, “The Name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of

you” (Isaiah 52:5b; Ezekiel 36:22). “For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is

circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew who is one inwardly;

and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is

not from men but from God”(cf. Deuteronomy 30:6)

The Jew has been given circumcision in The Law and he has also received the

Oracles of God – so there is much to profit the Jew. God has given The Truth

and on that Truth will man be judged. If you live in opposition to God’s Truth

should you not be judged? It is written, “There is none righteous, no, not

one; and there is none who understands; there is none who seeks after God.

They have all turned aside; they have together become unprofitable; there is

none who does good, no, not one” (Psalm 14:1-3; 53:1-3)

The Torah shows man his sinfulness and need of repentance before God.

Now Salvation has been revealed by and through Faith in the Perfect

Sacrifice of Yeshua, God’s Son, as it was written in the Law and the Prophets.

All have sinned and fallen short of the mark God set but now we are freely

justified by His Grace through the redemption gained for us by Yeshua our

Messiah, whom God has set forth for us by His shed Blood. God intentionally

overlooked [pretermission] our sins previously but now He is the Justifier of

the one who has Faith in Yeshua

We may boast in the Law of Faith but in no other law. Man is justified by his

Faith above and beyond the deeds of The Law. God is sovereign over both

the Jew and the Gentile. The circumcised are justified by Faith and the

uncircumcised through Faith and so we establish The Law!

Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness and not

through his deeds or his actions. So we too must exercise first and foremost

Faith in Yeshua. Abraham first believed God while being uncircumcised and

through faith he left Ur, as God circumcised his heart. Then God called him

to circumcision as an outward sign. Abraham is the father of all who live by

and through Faith. By Faith he accepted God’s promise of a son and

overlooked the age and state of his and Sarah’s bodies. This is to be an

example to all of us, that we may have the shalom of Yeshua

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Know that tribulations should be gloried in for they bring perseverance in the

Faith. Then add to your faith character and the hope of eternal salvation

which is certain and will not disappoint. The love of God is poured out in us

by His Holy Spirit which is given to each of us. God’s love was demonstrated

by the giving of His Son for us even when we were rebelling before Him and

were full of sin. So let us rejoice fully in our salvation

All men have sinned through The Fall of the First man, Adam, and sin reigned

from Adam to Moses until God’s Torah was given [at Sinai] and man could

understand his sinfulness. Now by God’s grace the Second Adam has been

given by God and sin has been paid for by His Son Yeshua HaMashiach. So

Sin, which justified the death penalty, has received the grace of God and we

are now justified for Life, and Torah is kept by and through faith because

Torah and Grace go together

Should we continue to sin? NO WAY! In Baptism you died to your old sinful

life and you have risen to new life in Yeshua. We should now walk in that

newness of life. No longer should sin reign in your hearts but by God’s grace

you are enabled to walk in freedom from sin’s dominion

You were slaves to sin and unrighteousness but now you are new creations

and should be slaves to righteousness in order to gain holiness. Sin only leads

to death but your new birth will lead to everlasting life

Law has dominion over man for life. A marriage contract lasts for the life of

the marriage and is only broken when one dies. Now you are married to

Christ and not to the legalism of the Law. The Law enables us to see our

sinfulness and know our guilt that leads to death but the Law itself is wholly

right and good

It is not The Law that causes my death but Sin, devilish stuff that it is. It uses

what is good to bring about my condemnation. So you see how cunning and

damnable and deadly Sin is? For it uses God’s good Torah for its own evil

purposes and I am sold into slavery with Sin as my owner. So what I desire to

do for good I do not do and that which I would not do I find myself doing!

God’s Law does my spiritual life good but I see another law in my physical life

that wars against my mind and my understanding and which tries to

overwhelm me. BUT I thank God through Yeshua that with my mind I serve

the Law of God but with my flesh the law of sin. So IN Christ I am not

condemned as I walk according to God’s Spirit. For the Law of the Spirit of

Life freed me from the law of sin and death

The Law could not save me for it was weak in the flesh but God sent His Son

to condemn the sin in the flesh in order that the righteous requirement of

Torah/Law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but

according to the Spirit. For all who live and walk according to the Spirit

receive life and shalom; the flesh can never please God but God’s Spirit dwells

in you. If you do not have Christ’s Spirit you are not Christ’s. When you are

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


led by the Spirit of God, both Jews and Gentiles are sons of God, and in this

Spirit of adoption you can cry, “Abba, Father” and you are heirs of God and

joint-heirs with Christ, so we may be glorified together

We cannot suffer anything here on earth that can overcome the Glory that

will be revealed in us. At The End we shall be seen to be His sons. Creation,

too, is awaiting this great Day, for creation shall receive glory at the same

time. Though we have been blessed in Christ we groan within ourselves and

eagerly await the reality of this Hope we have received; a Hope we have not

yet seen; a Hope the Spirit enables us to hold securely. The Spirit of God

helps us as we wait and as we pray, interpreting our groaning for he searches

our hearts and knows the mind of God and thereby makes intercession for us

according to God’s Will

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to

those who are the called according to His purpose. Therefore, if God is for us who

can be against us? He who did not spare His Son, but delivered Him up for us all,

how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? Who shall separate us from

the love of Christ? Shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness

or peril or sword? In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who

loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities

nor powers nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth nor any

other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in

Yeshua HaMashiach our Lord”

My greatest sorrow and continual grief is that my countrymen are still

imprisoned in the flesh. I would give my Faith if they would come and live by

Faith in Yeshua. They are Israelites who have received adoption, glory,

covenants, The Torah and the Promises of God, who are the fathers and from

whom is the Christ, whom God has blessed for ever

However, it is not that God’s Word has had no effect on them for not all Israel

are Israel. The children are not all children of Abraham because the true seed

are from Isaac the son of promise

When Rebecca conceived God said, “the older would serve the younger” and

the children of God would descend from Jacob not Esau. Is God unrighteous

over this? Certainly not! For He said to Moses, “I will have mercy on

whomever I will have mercy and I will have compassion on whomever I will

have compassion”. God raised up Pharaoh for His purposes, He is sovereign.

The Potter controls the clay, not the clay the Potter!

God has called the Gentiles as well as the Jews [see Hosea 1:10; 2:23]

I ask a question of you – The Gentiles have received covenantal

righteousness through faithfulness but Israel, pursuing the Law of

Righteousness, has not attained to the Law of Righteousness – why? I answer

– Because Faith must be exercised by anyone and everyone and the

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Jew has stumbled at that stumbling stone and has to be made to

stand again by faith in Yeshua [Isaiah 8:14; 28:16]

The Jew is zealous for God but has failed to understand that Yeshua is the

goal (telos) of God’s Righteousness

When you are prepared to confess with your mouth the Lord Yeshua as

Messiah and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead you

will be saved. For with the heart and with the mouth together you receive

righteous salvation, whether Jew or Gentile

How can this be known and understood? By the beautiful feet of those who

bring this Gospel of Truth. For the Gospel has to be heard and in the hearing

comes the response to God’s Word. Isaiah was told that the Jews were to be

made jealous by God’s embracing of many from all the nations. However,

Isaiah’s word from God for Israel was, “All day long I stretched out My Hands

to a disobedient and contrary people” (Isaiah 1:2; 65:2). However, you must

know that God has not cast aside His people. I am the seed of Abraham and

God has a Remnant in Israel even to this day according to His election of

grace. But still they are veiled for Salvation is first and foremost by

Faith in Yeshua, the Messiah. The Gentiles come through Faith

Let me answer my question. Have the Jews stumbled that they should fall

from God’s favour? NO! But their stumbling has allowed the Gentiles to

receive Salvation.

[Paul uses the analogy of Homer’s Illyad Poem to describe how the Gentiles have

overtaken the Jews in the race into The Kingdom and at the same time have

received all the advantages of son-ship. God has made the Jew to stumble to benefit

the Gentile and to share with them what had previously been exclusively for the Jew

and this should have provoked them to jealousy. Just as Ajax came second to

Odysseus in the race so the Jew is behind the Gentile, but both are in the glory. In

this way The Kingdom is for all nations just as He promised Abraham when He gave

His Covenant Promises. Unfortunately the believing Gentiles have tended to anger

the Jews by crusades and pogroms etc. rather than to encourage jealousy according

to God’s Plan. The worst and the most destructive false teaching of all has been

Replacement Theology which harbours Anti-Semitism]

If the Gentiles have received such glory through Israel being cast aside,

momentarily, how much more glorious will Israel’s Faith in Yeshua be but life

from the dead!

You as Gentile disciples have been grafted into the Olive Tree of Israel as wild

branches but those true branches that have been broken off will be re-grafted

into this One and the Same Tree. You are wild branches and as branches you

do not support the Tree. The Root supports the Tree and the Root is holy.

Because of unbelief the Jews were broken off but you Gentiles are only

standing through Faith. Do not be arrogant but be very terrified because if

God did not spare the natural branches, and He did not, He may not spare

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


you either. It is necessary to keep a pure, clean and holy balance between

God’s Severity and His Goodness. He was severe with those who fell and to

those who stand through Faith He shows His Goodness otherwise you too

will be cut off. Whenever Israel exercises the Faith they will be grafted in

again for God is able to graft them in again

Be careful not to be ignorant of this mystery lest you overstep the mark with

your arrogance. Israel is blind while God saves the full number He has

decreed from all the nations and in this way all Israel will be saved when He

Returns and takes away their sins [Isaiah 59:20-21]. For God’s calling and His

gifts and promises are irrevocable. I cannot describe the depth of the riches,

both of the wisdom and knowledge of God, His judgements and His ways are

past our grasping and understanding

“For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to Whom be glory forever.


In view of all these things I beseech you to keep yourselves holy and

acceptable to God as living sacrifices as you worship Him. Leave all that is

worldly and allow your minds to be renewed as you study His Word, for study

is the highest form of worship, so that you can prove what is the good and

acceptable and perfect will of God

God has dealt each one of you a “measure of faith”. As each member of the

natural body has a particular function, and some parts are more important

and essential than other parts, so God has provided the Faith for each

member of His Body with the Gifts necessary to be a relevant member. Deal

with each other in humility and not arrogance. Prophecy needs to be used in

proportion to your faith, likewise with ministry, teaching, exhortation, giving,

leadership and mercy. Love must be real between each other and not

hypocritical. Hate evil, cling to the good. Honour each other before yourself,

be diligent, fervent in the spirit, rejoice in hope, patient in troubles, steadfast

in prayer, helping the saints as their needs require, give hospitality as is

needful, in all things serve the Lord

Bless those who persecute you and do not curse them back. Rejoice with all

who are rejoicing and weep with those who are weeping. Be humble and not

arrogant or high-minded. Live at peace with everyone as much as it is

possible to do [e.g. Proverbs 25:21-22]. Remember – the LORD says,

“Vengeance is Mine, I will repay”

Everyone should be subject to the Authorities; to all who are in government

and authority and to whom you are subject. God alone is sovereign and He

raises those in authority to their positions and He removes them. Any who

resist these Authorities set themselves against God and will bring judgement

on themselves

Likewise you must pay all taxes and levies that are legally required of you,

with respect and honour

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Owe no-one anything except to love one another, for this fulfils The Law. For

the Commandments – “you shall not commit adultery; you shall not murder;

you shall not steal; you shall not bear false witness and you shall not covet”

are all summed up in the Commandment “you shall love your neighbour as


Keep all these requirements with diligence for the Lord’s Return is nearer now

than when we first believed

Put on the Lord Yeshua and make NO provision for the flesh and its lusts

Receive everyone – the weak brother particularly, but not for arguments or

for judgement, but because the LORD has received him

One of you may eat anything while another will eat only vegetables but it is

the LORD who is able to make everyone stand before Him. We must do

whatever we do – whether with regard to food or days and seasons etc. – to

the LORD, for we are the LORD’s own people and we shall all stand before

the Judgement Seat of Yeshua

It is written, “As I live, says the LORD, every knee shall bow to Me and every tongue

shall confess to God” (see Isaiah 45:11-25)

All shall give an account of himself to God so do not put stumbling blocks in a

brother’s path so as to cause him to fall. The Kingdom of God is not eating

and drinking but peace, joy and righteousness in the Holy Spirit

Exercise love towards God and towards your neighbour within the Faith you

have received and live in the unity of The Truth. Whatever things were

written in the Scriptures were written for our learning; that you may all be of

one mind and one spirit, in order to glorify God and His Son, Yeshua

Understand that Yeshua is not only the Servant of the Circumcision

Party according to the Promises made to the Fathers of The Faith

but also to the Gentiles as has also been promised

“Now may the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may

abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit”

I am confident that you are full of goodness and knowledge and able to

discipline each other BUT I have written more boldly on some points, as I

have the authority to do, as a Minister of Yeshua HaMashiach, as I proclaim

the Gospel of God to the Gentiles as they, also, are being sanctified by the

Holy Spirit

I speak only of Christ and He has confirmed my words with mighty signs and

wonders by the power of His Spirit all around Jerusalem and to Illyricum. I

travel to those areas where Christ has not been preached before so that I do

not build on another man’s foundation

Consequently I have not yet come to you but I hope to come soon en-route

to Spain

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Presently I journey to Jerusalem with the gifts from Macedonia and Achaia,

which is only right, for if the Gentiles have been partakers of the spiritual

things of the Jews then their duty is to minister to them in material things

I beg you brethren to strive in prayer for me that I may be kept from those in

Judea who do not believe and, in addition, that my service for Jerusalem may

be acceptable to the saints

Greet, for me, all those I have listed here

Now I urge you – note those who cause divisions and offences, contrary to

the doctrines which you have learned, and avoid them. They do not serve

Christ but themselves and through deception they are leading weak saints


The God of Shalom will crush Satan under your feet shortly

“We all greet you and the grace of our Lord Yeshua be with you all. Amen. Now to

Him who is able to establish you according to my Gospel and the preaching of

Yeshua HaMashiach, according to the revelations of the mystery kept secret since

the world began but now made manifest, and by the prophetic scriptures made

known to all nations, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, for

obedience to The Faith – to God alone wise, be glory through Yeshua HaMashiach

forever. Amen”


Paul’s next four letters are said to have been written while he was undergoing his

first Roman imprisonment between 60-62AD. I will take the Letter to the

Ephesians first, then the letters to the Colossians and Philemon, with the letter to

the Philippians fourth. Consequently, this letter to the Ephesians will be the seventh

letter under consideration. Seven is an interesting number as it can be understood

as speaking of spiritual completeness. Paul is certainly doing all he can in this letter

to convince these believers of the rich heritage they have been given. He is

determined to get them to understand that IN Messiah God has “raised us up

together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Yeshua” (2:6).

Paul mentions this important phrase ‘IN Christ’ or its equivalent thirty five times in

this letter.

These Ephesian brethren were not realising their position IN Christ and therefore not

entering in to the spiritual wealth they had received IN Messiah and were, instead,

appearing as spiritual paupers. Paul has to spell out to them the riches they have

received in their ‘heavenly account’ namely:

Adoption, acceptance, redemption, forgiveness, wisdom, inheritance, the seal

of the Holy Spirit, life, grace and citizenship – as he says – “every spiritual


The Christian has all the resources needed for living “to the praise and glory of His

(God’s) grace” (1:6). Paul goes on to help them to learn to walk this spiritual walk

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


rooted in their spiritual wealth. It is a letter written to “the saints” who are born-

again in Yeshua (salvation) and complete members of The Family of YHVH God. So

it is written to all who are members of The Body of Christ on earth.

Chapters One to Three relate to Doctrine and Wealth while chapters Four to Six deal

with our Duty and Responsibilities in Christ with regard to our walk of Faith, which

should be in unity, purity, harmony and victory. However, Paul chooses to close

chapter six with the weapons of our warfare, which tells of the Conflicts and

Difficulties we will encounter in the walk of Faith.

Ephesus was a strategic city at the commercial centre of Asia Minor, with a canal

which, though it was prone to silting up, allowed great ships to reach the harbour for

trade. Ephesus had a very large temple to Diana (Roman name) aka Artemis (Greek

name), considered to be one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. This

temple, which seated 24,000 people, was a major economy in the area with religious

articles and items for the practice of magic. The temple covered an area larger than

a football field and had 127 columns, each sixty five feet high. Diana was goddess of

hunting, protector of virgins and associated with the moon. There was also a temple

to Apollo, the god of medicine, poetry and prophecy who was said to be associated

with the sun plus a temple to Jupiter the god of fate. Again it was women who held

very dominant roles in these temple religions in the area.

It was here, in the first century, the heresy of Gnosticism began. Gnosticism has

ascetic principles, teaching that the body is evil but the spirit is good; in essence all

bodily practices are unclean and all spiritual things are of heavenly and other-worldly

importance. Judaism, of which The Way (Faith in Yeshua the Messiah) was

considered a Sect (Acts 24:14-16), is rooted much more in the here and now and

how we work with our fellow neighbours etc., than in the ‘ever afterwards’.

Asceticism, being a prime teaching, was equated with spirituality. Marriage and

sexual relations were forbidden because they were ‘of the flesh’. Therefore,

childbearing was forbidden along with indulgence in good foodstuffs while fasting

was encouraged. Due to this teaching celibacy and abstinence were practiced.

Because many leaders of this heresy were strong and dominant women, the Book of

Revelation refers to them as ‘Jezebel’. Gnosticism became more developed and

rampant in the second century.

Because many were being lead astray through this heretical teaching by such

dominant women, Paul tended to teach that only educated people should hold

positions of leadership and “women should be silent”. In trying to correct this

situation, Paul said that the role of women was rich and, though celibate women

could lead a full life, the fullest expression of their role was to have children and

create a warm, happy and full family life for their husbands. Paul believed that

confronting false teaching was a hard and difficult work and it needed leaders who

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


were strong and confident and well-educated in the true and full teaching of The

Gospel of The Kingdom. Consequently, Paul’s teaching on this subject has tended to

be passed down to us, today, as a male-dominated role. In fact the names of some

female workers have been altered to male names to obscure the fact that Paul

happily acknowledged both men and women in leadership positions. Paul even refers

to some women as apostles like himself.

When addressing the Ephesian elders at Miletus Paul said, “I kept nothing back that

was helpful, but proclaimed it to you publicly from house to house, testifying to Jews

and to Gentiles, repentance toward God and Faith toward our Lord Yeshua

HaMashiach ... the ministry which I received from the Lord Yeshua, to testify to the

Gospel of the Grace of God ... for I have not shunned to declare to you the whole

counsel of God ... I know this that after my departure, savage wolves will come in

among you not sparing the flock, speaking perverse things, to draw away the

disciples after themselves. Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did

not cease to warn every one, night and day, with tears” (Acts 20:17-38).

Now to Paul’s letter and he opens with his usual acknowledgement that he is an

apostle of Yeshua by the will of God as he blessed them with the grace and peace of

God our Father and the Lord Yeshua, who has blessed us (all) with every spiritual

blessing, suggesting we were all chosen in Him, both the Jew and the Gentile,

before the foundation of the world. God’s Plan for the Adoption of His people as sons

was always His goal to His Glory and Grace. Paul’s awesome explanation of all we

have received in this Gift of God follows:

The Gentiles who have trusted the Gospel of Salvation, in the

Covenant given to Abraham, have been sealed with the Holy Spirit

who is our guarantee of the inheritance

Our Hope is in His Calling and in all the riches He has given by seating us with

Him in the heavens, far above all principality and power and might and

dominion with Yeshua as the Head of this community which is His Body. As

Yeshua is the fullness [pleiroma] of God so we are the fullness [pleiroma] of


[As the world looks at this Body of Messiah they should see Him and not us.

We don’t just evangelise we are to be Him]

You were dead in trespasses and sins but God has made you alive IN Him,

His Son Yeshua, by His Grace and we have been raised up with Him to sit in

the heavenlies through Faith, not of yourselves but as a Gift from God, so be

careful not to boast

We are God’s workmanship, created in Yeshua, for good works, which God

prepared beforehand that we should walk in them [see 2 Timothy 1:8-10;

Psalm 139:16]

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


You Gentiles were ‘the uncircumcised in the flesh’ and were without Christ,

being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, strangers to the Covenants of

Promise, having no Hope and without God in the world. But now you have

been brought INTO Christ by His Blood

Christ is our Peace and in His Sacrifice the Jew and the Gentile are now ONE

IN HIM, One New Man, thus making peace between us and putting all enmity

between us to death. Now the born-again Jew and Gentile have access IN

one Spirit to the Father YHVH God

Now you Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens

with the saints and members of the Household of God, being built on the

foundation of the Apostles and Prophets with Christ, Himself, the Chief

Cornerstone; being built up a holy Temple IN the LORD, a dwelling place of

God in the Spirit

It is for this reason that I am imprisoned – for preaching the mystery that

is the salvation of the Gentiles with the Jews IN Messiah Yeshua.

This was a mystery to all until it was revealed by The Spirit to the holy

apostles and prophets. The Gentiles are to be fellow heirs and partakers of

His Promises in Christ through the Gospel, receiving the unsearchable riches

of Christ, which were even hidden from the principalities and powers in the

heavenlies. So, do not be concerned with my sufferings for you but embrace

all you have received with both hands

“Therefore, I pray to our Heavenly Father, from whom the whole family in heaven

and earth is named;

a) To grant you, according to the riches of His Glory, to be strengthened with

might through His Spirit in the inner man

b) That Christ may dwell (constantly live) in your hearts through Faith, that you

be rooted and grounded in love

c) So you may be able to grasp, with all the saints, the width, length, depth and

height of His love

[which is wide enough to include every person; long enough to last through

eternity; deep enough to reach the worst sinner; high enough to take us to

heaven – forever to be with Him where He is]

d) That you may be filled with all the fullness of God

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or

think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by

Christ Yeshua to all generations forever and ever Amen”

Therefore I beseech you all to walk worthy of this calling by which you have

been called

By exhibiting lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one

another in love, endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the Bond of


Paul’s Letters in chronological order


“There is one body and one Spirit as you were called in one hope of your calling

[one truth], one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of all, who is

above all, and through all and in you all”

We have all been given grace according to the measure of Faith we have

received in Christ. Thus enabling some to be Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists

and/or Pastors and Teachers, for the equipping of the saints, for the work of

ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Yeshua – so that all will come to

the unity of the Faith and of the knowledge of the stature of the

fullness of Christ. No longer children tossed to and fro by every wave of

doctrine, by the trickery of men who lie in wait to deceive you. But by

speaking the Truth in love you may all grow up in all things INTO Him, the

Head of the Body, Christ Yeshua, from whom the whole Body is joined and

knit together so that all parts do their share for the growth of the Body for

the edifying of itself in love

I beseech you to no longer walk as the Gentiles who have futility of mind,

who have no understanding, who are alienated from God through blindness

and ignorance and who have given themselves to lewdness, uncleanness and


You have not learned to walk this way in Messiah Yeshua – if you have truly

been born-again and walk according to His Salvation. In Him you have put off

that old man which grows more and more corrupt and you have been

renewed in the spirit of your mind and you have put on the new man created

according to God, in true righteousness and holiness

[ In the Truth you have received Christ who is The Word – Truth in Hebrew is

Emet, which is spelt with an aleph, mem and tav. Aleph represents the

presence of Christ. Without Christ you are in death, which is spelt with just

the mem and the tav!]

“Therefore, putting away lying ‘let each one of you speak truth with his neighbour”

(Zechariah 8:16) “for we are members of one another. Be angry, but do not sin”

(Psalm 4:4) “do not give place to the devil”

Do not grieve the Holy Spirit

Forgive one another even as God in Christ forgave you

Be imitators of God and walk in love as Christ has loved and given Himself for


I list behaviour totally unbecoming a saint in Christ

You were once darkness now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of

light; wise not unwise; not drunk with wine but continue being filled with the

Holy Spirit

Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, spiritual songs, singing and

making melody in your heart to the Lord

Give thanks always for all things to God the Father IN the Name of the Lord


Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Submit to each other in the fear of Yeshua our Messiah:

a) Wives should thoroughly respect their husbands who are your head, as

Christ is the head (or source) of the church and Saviour of The Body

b) Husbands love your wives, giving yourselves for her as Christ gave Himself

for you. Cherish her as Christ cherishes His Body

c) Children obey your parents in the Lord, as you are commanded, “Honour

your father and mother” and receive the promise of long life on the earth

d) Fathers do not provoke your children to anger but train them in the words

and rulings of the Lord [Proverbs 22:6]

e) Bondservants obey your masters in the flesh, with fear and trembling as if

to Christ. Not hypocritically but in all sincerity of heart as unto God

All receive the same reward – whether slave or freeman – God is not partial

The Church is cleansed by the washing of water by The Word so that He

(Yeshua) may present her to Himself, a glorious community, not having any

form of blemish but holy and set apart

As a man leaves his parents and is joined to his wife, the two becoming one,

so is the great mystery of Christ and His Body being One

“Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the

whole armour of God in order that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the

devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities,

against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts

of wickedness in the heavenlies”

Gird your waist with Truth, wear the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes

of the Gospel of Shalom, take the shield of the Faith, the helmet of Salvation

and the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God

[The Word of God was the only defence that Yeshua used before Satan and

The Word of God is our only defence today (Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13).

The Word of God needs to be studied and studied so that it lives in your

heart. If Yeshua had taken a stand simply on His Position He would have

been arrogant and thereby sinned]

Pray all kinds of prayers and supplications in the Spirit for all the saints,

watching always – [awake and aware of the signs and the times] – exercise

perseverance and pray for me that I may always be bold to speak out the

mystery of the Gospel for which I am presently chained

Tychicus, a beloved brother, will keep in touch with you and report back to

you from us

“Peace to the brethren and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Yeshua

HaMashiach. Grace be with all those who love our Lord Yeshua the Messiah in

sincerity. Amen”


Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Paul’s eighth letter was written to the Colossians while he was in prison

between 60 and 62 A.D. approximately ten years after he began his teaching

ministry in Corinth. Colosse was a city in the Roman Province of Asia about one

hundred miles from Ephesus and was an important trading centre in the fifth century

B.C. By Paul’s time it had declined to the status of a small town while Laodicea and

Hierapolis became regional trading centres. In 61A.D. the area suffered a

devastating earthquake and though rebuilt it was later abandoned in the 8th century.

In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians he focused on the Body of Messiah, the church,

here he focuses on the Head of that Body – Christ Yeshua Himself. This is the eighth

letter recorded in the New Covenant Scriptures and eight suggests resurrection and

it will be in the Resurrection that the Head and the Body will be One.

Paul’s greatest desire is for The Body to understand that Christ is to be pre-

eminent in a disciple’s life. Yes, pre-eminent rather than prominent. Christ is to be

first and foremost in everything we think, say and do. As Yeshua taught, “Seek first

the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness” (Matthew 6:33a). Yeshua also taught,

“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children,

brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple” (Matthew

10:37; Luke 14:26). As you are brought, by the Spirit of God, to confront these hard

sayings of our Lord and Saviour, Yeshua, I am sure you will be given grace to see its

relevance to Paul’s teaching on pre-eminence. Paul insists that the life of a disciple

of Yeshua should reflect this priority.

Paul also insists that we understand that a born-again disciple is ‘rooted in Yeshua’,

‘alive in Him’, ‘hidden in Him’, ‘complete in Him’ and to exhibit anything else is

utterly inconsistent and gives a lie to one’s discipleship. When a disciple is clothed in

His love, with His Shalom ruling in their hearts, they are equipped to make Christ

first in every area of their life. Paul also wanted this letter read in the neighbouring

congregation of Laodicea (4:16), which is interesting in the light of the letter to

Laodicea in the Book of Revelation (3:14-22). We still need to have ears to hear

what the Spirit is imparting to Messiah’s disciples today, particularly as we are living

in the days of the prophesied Apostasy (see page 6).

This congregation at Colosse was thought to have been founded by Epaphras who

may have come to The Faith while Paul had been teaching in Ephesus for three

years. Many years later it was Epaphras who visited him in prison (4:12-13;

Philemon 23) and it was Epaphras who brought the news of the encroaching heresy

that was threatening this predominantly Gentile assembly.

From Paul’s remarks it would seem the heresy was a religious system, which was

more interested in rituals that had elements of Greek speculation (2:4,8-10), Jewish

legalism (2:11-17) and Oriental mysticism (2:18-23) with a low view of the body.

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


The same Gnosticism referred to in his letter to Ephesus, which was embracing

asceticism, the worship of angels as intermediaries and mystical experiences as an

approach to the spiritual realm. Any attempt to fit Christ into such a system would

undermine His Person and His Redemptive work. So today we need to be very aware

and discerning because we are being assailed on many sides by the same kinds of

strange spiritual experiences and antics that are nowhere contained in Scripture and

our God changes not!

Paul makes a determined effort in this letter to point out that Christ is the Head of

all ‘principality and power’ (2:10), ‘the Lord of Creation’ (1:16-17), ‘the author of

reconciliation’ (1:20-22;2:13-15), ‘the basis of every believer’s hope’ (1:5,23,27),

‘the source of a believer’s power for a new life’ (1:11,29). Christ is ‘the believer’s

Redeemer and Reconciler’ (1:14,20-22; 2:11-15), ‘the embodiment of full deity’

(1;15,19; 2:9), ‘the Creator and Sustainer of all things’ (1:16-17), ‘ the Head of His

Body, the church’ (1:18), ‘the resurrected God-Man’ (1:18; 3:1) and ‘The all

sufficient Saviour’ (1:28; 2:3,10; 3:1-4). In fact as Paul wrote to the Romans, “If

Christ be for us who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31-39).

[Never be afraid to pray, when confronted by events that cause you unrest,

“IF this is not of the Lord Yeshua the Messiah, Who is the Head of every

principality and power, and if this is not in accordance with the Covenant in

His Blood, then I reject it in His Name and command it to flee from me. I

refuse the authority of evil spirits over me; their right to me; their claims

upon me; their power in me; their influence on me. The Lord Yeshua has

given His Blood for the atonement of my soul and I submit all that I am to


Paul has laboured, in the confines of his imprisonment, to impress upon the disciples

the amazing fact that, as His Body, they have been elevated – [even in the here and

now of the 21st century] – and are sitting in the heavenly places with every spiritual

blessing at their command if they fulfil his criteria laid out in his teaching. Paul goes

on in this letter to show how complete and perfect and powerful and sovereign is

our Head, Yeshua the Messiah, God’s beloved Son, who has been given that we may

live in grace, mercy, freedom and eternity.

Paul has not met this assembly but his overarching desire is for them to become

deeply rooted in Yeshua, Who is to be pre-eminent in all their lives. Particularly in

the light of these “wolves in sheep’s clothing”, these false teachers who will defraud

them and destroy them and their salvation if they are not fully clothed in all the

armour they have been given. Paul’s letters build in a divinely inspired progression

and are recorded in order “that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly

equipped for every good work”(2 Timothy 3:17).

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Because Christ has died we must understand that in our renewed life IN Him we

have also died to our old self. As Christ has been resurrected we too have been re-

born IN Him and we are now alive IN Christ and have assumed His mantle of

righteousness so we can put on the new qualities of life our Christ-like love

demands. In Yeshua (salvation) we are to live transformed lives within our families

and within the community of believers and unbelievers around us, for we are to be

His witnesses.

Paul opens with his usual greetings and confirms that he prays for them always in

order that the Hope they now have will bring forth the fruit of eternity. Also that

they may grow in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; walking worthy of the

Lord; fully pleasing Him; being fruitful in every good work; increasing in intimacy

with God; strengthened by His power in order to have joy as they suffer and endure.

“He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the Kingdom

of the Son of His Love; in whom we have redemption through His Blood, the

forgiveness of sins”.

Yeshua is the image of the invisible God. By Him all things were created, in

heaven and earth, visible and invisible, through Him and for Him

He is before all things and in Him all things consist

He is the Head of the Body, the church. He is the Firstborn from the dead,

that in all things He may have the pre-eminence

It pleased the Father that in Christ all the fullness should dwell and be

reconciled to Himself through Yeshua (our salvation)

You, who were enemies of God, have been reconciled to God in Christ’s

perfect atonement, if you continue in The Faith and are not moved away

from the Hope of the Gospel

This is the mystery hidden for generations but now revealed – the salvation

of the Gentiles IN Messiah Yeshua also. This is my whole work, which I

strive to impart to you, that you may understand the mystery of the rich

treasures of wisdom and knowledge, hidden in God the Father and Yeshua

His Son

I beseech you to understand this Truth so that your walk, rooted and built up

in Him; will be fully established in The Faith, as you have been taught, always

giving thanks to God for this gift

I continue to beseech you because I do not want anyone or anything to cheat

you of the rich treasures you have received. In this glorious treasure you are

complete in Him

You Gentiles have been circumcised with a circumcision not made by hands

when you died with Christ in Baptism and been raised to new life in Him;

whilst He dealt with the death that should have been yours

Let no one judge what you do regarding food or drink or festivals or new

moons or Sabbath, which substantially speak of our Messiah, and are

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


shadows of that which is to come. Let no one cheat you of the rewards that

are awaiting us

Do not be taken in by false teaching, false humility, the worship of angels or

anyone teaching out of ignorance who is not holding fast to the Head from

Whom all the Body is nourished and knit together and which grows to

maturity by the grace and power of God

You have died to the world and are now alive IN Messiah. Why do you listen

to worldly rules and regulations according to the commandments and

doctrines of men? They may sound wise and humble but they are the

teachings of the flesh and not the spirit

You have been raised with Christ so seek the things which are above. For

when Christ Returns you will return with Him

Put off all your old ways which are anathema to God and which some of you

were guilty of (list) and put on the new man, renewed in the knowledge

according to the image of Him who has knit you together in Him – for all are


Exhibit the holiness and righteousness you have received (list qualities) and

on all these put on love, which is the bond of perfection. Let the shalom of

Yeshua dwell in you richly in every way (list) as you do everything in the

Name of the Lord Yeshua, giving thanks to God the Father through Him

Wives submit to husbands as is fitting in Christ

Husbands love your wives and do not be bitter toward them

Children obey parents in all things for this pleases the Lord

Fathers do not provoke your children lest they become discouraged

Bondservants obey your masters, not as hypocrites, but in all sincerity of

heart, fearing God

Masters deal justly and fairly with your bondservants knowing you have a

Master in heaven

Whatever you do, do it heartily and well, as if you were doing it for God and

not for man, because you will receive from the Lord the reward of the

inheritance you have received in Christ. Any wrong doing will be judged, there

is no partiality with God [see Pages 11-12 and 1 Corinthians 3]

Continue earnestly in prayer, always with thanksgiving. Pray for us that we

may teach this mystery, for which I am in chains

Walk in all wisdom, using the time you have been given

Let your speech always be with grace; seasoned with salt; knowing how you

should answer everyone

Tychicus will be our go-between to answer your concerns about us. He is a

faithful minister and fellow servant as he comes to you with Onesimus, a

faithful and beloved brother and one of your own

I list here all those with me who send their greetings as they labour earnestly

in prayer for you all

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Greet Nympha and all in Laodicea who meet at her house. Share this letter

with them as they share their letter with you

“This salutation by my own hand – Paul. Remember my chains. Grace be with you.


[Note: Tychicus, Onesimus, Aristarchus, Mark and Justus were Jews helping

Paul. Epaphras, Luke and Demas were Gentiles helping Paul]


Next we address Paul’s message to Philemon. Paul is of one mind, as he wrote

to the Corinthians (1st:13:1-13) and the Colossians (3:14), that love is the cloak to

be worn by everyone and applied to anything that represents Yeshua the Messiah.

Paul is particularly convinced of this when he has to write to Philemon, a prominent

slave owner, about Onesimus who, as one of his slaves, was a deserter and a thief.

However, Onesimus has now received the gift of Faith and is subsequently a brother

of Philemon IN Christ. Paul asks Philemon to receive Onesimus even as he would

receive Paul, himself. Paul is confident that the Philemon he knows in Christ, will

exercise that brotherly love and forgiveness that will carry the day. However,

although Paul is addressing an individual he is also addressing a family and a church,

where Philemon is a fellow labourer in Yeshua.

Onesimus, the subject of Paul’s letter, had escaped from Philemon and was ‘holed’

up in Rome where he met up with Paul who led him to faith in Yeshua. Onesimus

had become a great help to Paul but both knew that as a disciple of Christ Onesimus

had a responsibility to return to Philemon. Therefore when Paul sent Tychicus with

his letter to Colosse, Onesimus was sent along also to meet up with his former


Paul had also been instrumental in Philemon’s faith walk, possibly while he was

teaching in Ephesus. Now Philemon’s family home was the church centre. Paul

appears to be using this letter to Philemon to speak to others in Christ who also

were slave masters so that there would be an indication of Paul’s thinking regarding

guidelines for these relationships. Ordinarily runaway slaves were condemned to a

violent death but as he was a believer there was a more loving code of conduct to

be employed.

Paul stands with Onesimus as he writes to Philemon, having taken on any

outstanding debt owed by the servant to the master. Paul is substituting himself for

Onesimus in order to settle the debts as he appeals to Philemon to restore Onesimus

to this changed relationship with him as a brother in Yeshua. Though Onesimus

would be condemned under the Law Philemon has the power to exercise his grace

toward him; even as our Father God and His Son have been our examples.

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Paul writes on behalf of himself (a prisoner because of his teachings) and Timothy,

as he confirms the fact that he prays for them constantly and is rejoicing because of

the faith they all have for Yeshua and Yeshua’s disciples; particularly as they are

such encouragers of all who are members of The Body of Christ.

I could boldly command your attention to my request but out of love I make

my appeal to you regarding Onesimus, my son in Yeshua

Yes, he was a trouble to you but now he has salvation he is good for us all.

So I am sending him back to you and pray you will receive him as you would

me. He has been a great help to me and I would keep him, but I will accept

your decision in these circumstances

Yes, he left under a cloud but who knows if this was to fulfil God’s purposes

for him, so you could receive him back for good

Yes, he has wronged you and if he owes you anything please put it to my

account. I write personally to you – so you may understand the seriousness

of my offer. Of course, you came to your faith at my hand but let me have

the joy of your own freewill decision regarding him

I am persuaded that you will do even more than I am asking of you

While writing I ask for a guest room for myself for I am trusting my release

shall come soon in answer to your own prayers for me

All those with me greet you (list)

“The grace of the Lord Yeshua the Messiah be with your spirit. Amen”


Next we have Paul’s letter to Philippi. In 356 B.C. King Philip of Macedonia, the

father of Alexander the Great, expanded this town and called it Philippi. The Romans

captured it in 168 B.C. and in 42 B.C. the forces of Brutus and Cassius were

defeated, outside the city, by those of Anthony and Octavian (later Augustus).

Octavian turned the city into a Roman colony and military outpost. Because of its

importance the citizens were regarded as citizens of Rome and given a number of

special privileges. As it was a military centre there were few Jews in the population

and so there was no Synagogue when Paul came in answer to the ‘Macedonian Call’

(Acts 16:13).

During Paul’s ministry Lydia was converted along with others. Paul and Silas were

beaten and jailed but God used this situation for the conversion of the Philippian

Jailor. Any magistrates found beating these inhabitants, who were designated as

Roman citizens, were in a dangerous position and may well have accounted for the

fact that disciples of Yeshua in Philippi were not as persecuted as other believers

elsewhere. The congregation in Philippi was a great supporter of Paul, whilst he was

imprisoned in Rome, and had sent Epaphroditus to him with financial help. When the

congregation heard that Epaphroditus was ill they were very concerned for him so

that when he recovered Paul used him to send this letter back to Philippi (2:25-30).

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Silas, Timothy, Luke and Paul had first visited Philippi in 51 A.D. eleven years before

this letter. Now Paul is awaiting the verdict from the Imperial Court (2:20-26) as he


Paul’s main focus, in this letter, is the central place that Christ must have in a

disciple’s life. Whatever the situation or the circumstances one finds oneself in –

whether good or bad – one must look to and portray the Person and Character of

Yeshua our Messiah in one’s life and witness. Paul states that there is none more

humble than the Lord for He left Heaven to become the servant of man and Paul

exhorts everyone to “let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Yeshua” (2:5).

Paul wants everyone to understand that true unity and joy are only possible when

one is IN Yeshua. Christ’s example of humility and service shows how all can enjoy a

oneness of purpose, attitude and labour when one truly crucifies the flesh daily and

considers others before oneself.

Unfortunately, in this congregation, there were many divisions that were hindering

the spread of the Gospel. Paul has to exhort them to stand fast and be of one and

the same mind while always rejoicing in the Lord. Then, with prayer and

supplication, they should let their requests be made known to the Lord; and God’s

shalom, which surpasses all understanding, would guard their hearts and minds

through their Faith in Yeshua (4:1-7). Paul says, “I can do all things through Christ

who strengthens me” (4:13), as he seeks to urge them on to maturity. He has to

confront the disunity and rivalry in order to prevent any problems arising with regard

to legalism and antinomianism. Paul insists that in the power of Yeshua he and they

can live above their circumstances.

As always, Paul sends his greetings from himself and also from Timothy to all the

members of the church from the Overseers down. He confirms that they are always

in his prayers and expresses his joy to have had their support for so long now. He

goes on and writes:

I am confident that He who has begun this good work in you will complete it

until The Day of Messiah, for we are all in His Grace

May you abound even more in love, knowledge and discernment, in order not

to offend anyone but be filled with the fruits of righteousness to the glory and

praise of God

I want you to understand that all these difficulties I have encountered and

endured have actually enabled me to spread the Gospel. The guards here

know that my chains are worn because of my stand for Christ and this is also

enabling others to speak much more boldly of the need for salvation in Him

Yes, some preach from wrong motives and selfish ambition, to make a name

and a following for themselves, but at least Christ is being preached

[Even today many preach to make money and a following for themselves.

The ever popular Alpha Course is unbalanced and shallow in its teaching, but

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


at least Christ is being preached. Far too few are lifting up the Name of

Yeshua in order that Christ is preached. The motives of the heart are

sometimes hard to discern in others and even more so in ourselves. But there

is One, our Heavenly Father, who sees and knows the motives of every heart

(1 Samuel 16:7; 1 Kings 8:39; 2 Chronicles 6:30) and who will reward us

accordingly. See pages 11-12, 1 Corinthians 3]

I know your prayers for me will prove my deliverance but I am not ashamed

of the Gospel I preach. For me to live is Christ and to die is gain. While I live I

continue to preach for fruit IN Christ, yet if I am to die and be with Christ that

is far better. I believe, however, that I shall remain and continue with you all

for your progress and joy in The Faith

Whether I come to you or not only let your conduct be worthy of the Gospel

of Yeshua. Endeavour to ensure that you are all one in spirit and in mind as

you all strive together for The Faith, unshaken by the persecutions around

you, as you endure in Messiah

Let everything be done in love and fellowship as one body. Let nothing be

done through selfish ambition or conceit. Let everyone esteem others better

than themselves as you watch over the interests of others even more than

over your own interests

Let your mind be as the mind of our Messiah who, though God, came as a

man to earth, without any reputation, but in all humility came to die, even the

death of crucifixion

Yet God has highly exalted Him and He has given Him the Name over every

name. At His Name every knee shall bow, whether in heaven or on earth or

under the earth, and every tongue shall confess Yeshua is Lord to the glory of

God the Father

Brothers you have always obeyed the Gospel, whether I have been present

[parousia] or now in my absence. I exhort you all to work out your salvation

with fear and trembling, for it is God who is at work in you both to will and to

do for His good pleasure

Endeavour to do everything without complaint or dispute, so that you truly

shine within the midst of this perverse and crooked generation, holding even

more tightly to God’s Word of Truth so that I may rejoice in the Day of Christ

that I have not run or laboured in vain. Let us all rejoice and be glad

I will send Timothy soon, as I am eager to have news of you all and I know

that he is as keen as I to encourage you in your Faith. So many are only

seeking their own reputations and not Messiah’s. Timothy has been a faithful

son to me in the Gospel and I will send him soon and, hopefully, come myself


Epaphroditus also will be with you soon, my faithful fellow worker and soldier

and your brother. He has been a great help to me but he is homesick for you

all and was distressed to know that you had heard he was sick; truly he

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


nearly died, but God had mercy on him and me, in that he recovered. Rejoice

together when he comes to you and hold such men in esteem

I am only too keen to repeat and repeat my warnings to you so that you stay

safe. Beware of false teachers, evil workers and all who are out to deceive

you. You are the circumcision in the spirit as you worship God. Do not be

concerned for the circumcision of the flesh or be shaken by their false


In the flesh I was a Jew of Jews, so zealous for Judaism (list) that I was even

persecuting the church. The things that I had previously believed were

important were as nothing if I did not believe in Christ by faith. Nothing is

worthy without the Lord Yeshua the Messiah. I have no righteousness from

the Law if I have not first received the righteousness from God by my Faith

in Yeshua, and so I press on IN Him

I will not look back to who and what I was but I press on and reach out for

what is ahead IN Yeshua. That is The Way to maturity in Messiah and we

must all be of this mind. If anybody thinks otherwise God will reveal this truth

to you but let us all walk together with a united understanding of this truth

Brethren, I have often told you, and I tell you again weeping, that there are

many who are enemies of the Cross of Christ. They will be destroyed for they

work only to fill their stomachs and achieve worldly materialistic gain

Our citizenship is in heaven, where we await the Day of the Lord, who will

transform our lowly bodies so that they may conform to His glorious Body

My beloved and longed for brethren, you are my joy and crown, I urge you to

stand fast in Yeshua. I implore Syntyche and Euodia to be of one mind,

please help them in this. You have all laboured with me and our names are in

the Book of Life

Rejoice in the Lord always and then rejoice!

Let your gentleness be known to all for The Lord is at hand!

“Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication, with

thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God; and the peace of God, which

surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ


Finally, my beloved, meditate on The Truth; on whatever is noble and just;

whatever is pure and lovely; whatever is of good report; whatever is virtuous

and praiseworthy

Practice all that you have learned and received and heard from me and the

God of shalom will be with you

I rejoice in the Lord at the receipt of your caring gifts but I want you to know

that I have learned that in whatever state I am, to be content – whether I

have everything or nothing – I can do all things through Christ who

strengthens me

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


You have been the only faithful ones to share with me since I left Macedonia,

not that I seek your gift but I know you will be blessed when you give, for my

God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ


“Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen”

Greet everyone for me and those with me send their greetings to you,

especially those of Caesar’s household

“The grace of our Lord Yeshua be with your spirit. Amen”


Now we come to Paul’s three Pastoral Letters with instructions designed to equip

Ministers and Overseers of the Body of Messiah for the teaching, leading and

establishing of the many congregations of Yeshua with whom they will be

interactive. We have two letters addressed to Timothy and one to Titus.

Paul’s first letter to Timothy.

Paul had left prison and journeyed to Macedonia. It is possible that it was while he

was at Philippi that he sent this letter in 62/63 A.D. Paul had directed Timothy to

Ephesus and now he is writing to encourage him to challenge and erase all false

teaching and doctrine, to safeguard public worship and to develop mature leadership

before moving on. However, even more important than the conduct of the members

of the Body is the conduct of the Minister.

We have already been alerted to Paul’s concern for Timothy’s youthfulness in his

first letter to Corinth (see Page 16). He is concerned that his youthfulness could

become a liability and not an asset. He instructs him to be careful to avoid false

teachers and greedy motives and to pursue instead righteousness, godliness, faith,

love, perseverance and the gentleness that befits a man of God.

Paul is keen to impress upon Timothy the doctrine that Yeshua is the ‘source of

spiritual strength, faith and love’ (1:12,14); ‘He came into the world to save sinners’

(1:15); ‘Yeshua is the One Mediator between God and man’ (2:5) and ‘He gave

Himself a ransom for all’ (2:6). That ‘in Yeshua God was manifested in the flesh,

justified in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among the Gentiles, believed on in

the world and received up into glory’ (3:16); Yeshua is the Saviour of all men,

especially those who believe (4:10). Paul exhorts Timothy to use his spiritual gifts

and to ‘fight the good fight of Faith’ (6:12); but above all his personal and public life

must be above reproach. Again he reminds him that he must deal with all matters of

false teaching, discipline, poverty and wealth together with the organisation of the

different roles and groups in the church and only and ever proclaim the Truth of the


Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Paul is using these letters to set out the guidelines for every member who is elected

to leadership roles as well as an understanding for all members of the church as to

what is expected of Yeshua’s disciples in their witness for Him. Interestingly Paul

enumerates character qualifications that will demonstrate that true leadership and

membership will emanate from our walk with God rather than from any worldly

success or from business or vocational achievements. He is primarily concerned that

Truth and Truth alone will be the unifying vehicle for the Lord’s people.

[Today the Ecumenical Movement wants to see a spirit of unity in the church;

Paul wanted to see a unity of spirit and Yeshua prayed for a unity founded on

Truth (John 17:17-23)]

I urge you to command everyone to teach nothing but the absolute truth of

the Scriptures. Any other teaching causes disputes and not godliness, which

should be the mark of a witness of Christ

Their witness should be a purity of heart, a good conscience and a sincere

faith – but some have fallen away to idle talk and ignorance of what should

be taught

The Law/Torah was given to highlight sinfulness and ungodly conduct etc.

The Torah convicts of all behaviour that is not subject to sound doctrine and

the glorious Gospel of our blessed Lord

I thank Christ who has enabled me, a former blasphemer, persecutor and

insolent man, to obtain mercy because everything I did was done in

ignorance. But God counted me worthy of ministry

This is a faithful saying, “Yeshua the Messiah came into the world to save

sinners” of whom I am the chief

Yeshua was merciful to me in order to show forth His longsuffering and

patience as a pattern for all who are going to believe on Him for everlasting


“Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible; to God who alone is the only God, be

honour and glory forever and ever. Amen”

Timothy note those prophecies spoken over you and wage the good warfare,

with faith and a good conscience. Some have rejected The Way and suffered

shipwreck of their lives; two of those are Hymenaeus and Alexander whom I

delivered to Satan to learn not to blaspheme

First of all Timothy, I exhort supplications, prayer, intercessions and the

giving of thanks to be made for all men. For Kings and all in authority, that

we may lead quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and reverence [see

Page 29]

This is good and acceptable in our Saviour’s eyes, who desires all men to be

a) saved and b) come to the knowledge of The Truth

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


There is One God and One Mediator between God and men and that One is

Yeshua, God’s only Son, who gave Himself a ransom for all; to be testified to

in due time; for which I was appointed a Preacher and an Apostle – in reality

and in fact – a teacher to the Gentiles in faith and truth

Everywhere men should pray with lifted holy hands, without anger and

without dissension

Everywhere women should dress modestly and in all humility. They should

not overdress their hair or themselves with braids or gold or pearls or costly

clothes; this is right for godly women who do good works [see Page 9]

Women should learn in quietness and contentment with wives being

submissive to their husbands, for Adam was formed first and then Eve. A

woman’s authority should only be exercised within the Body of Yeshua and

not independently of it

[e.g. Priscilla, wife of Aquilla, was a teacher within the confines of Christ’s

Body – see pages 9,10,30-31. Paul is not saying women cannot teach for

many were mentioned as leaders of their house churches and even apostles]

A woman’s major role is childbearing if they continue in faith, love and

holiness with self-control [see page 30]

Any man who wants to be an Overseer desires a good work. He must be

blameless; the husband of one wife;

[I maintain that as Paul was prepared to accept women as leaders and

apostles he would expect a woman to be the wife of one husband. I maintain

that these instructions are addressed to the majority of the holders of

leadership positions who are men but they work equally vice versa]

Temperate; sober minded, of good behaviour, hospitable, able to teach, not

given to wine, not violent, not quarrelsome and not covetous [Paul’s own

failing which the Torah highlighted to him]. One who rules his own house

well; whose children revere and obey him, for if a man cannot rule his own

household how can he take care of the Church of God? He must not be a

novice lest he become puffed up with pride and fall away as befell the devil.

Moreover he must be popular and respected by all in the community – not

just those in the church

Likewise for Deacons [whether male or female – Phoebe was a Deacon

(Romans 16:1-2)] who must be reverent and not double-tongued, not given

to wine and not greedy for money, holding the mystery of the Faith [the

joint salvation of the Jew and the Gentile] with a good conscience. I

suggest they be tested before being elected

The wives of these men [or even husbands of the women] must be reverent

and not slanderers or gossips, temperate and faithful in all things

These men and women should be devoted to each other and be united as

one together in all things as they manage and respect their children and their


Paul’s Letters in chronological order


All who fulfil these criteria in their leadership positions will obtain a good

standing among the people and bring great boldness to their faith in Yeshua

I am writing these things before I come to you so you shall know how you

should conduct yourself in the assembly of God’s people, which is the church

of the Living God, the pillar and ground of the Truth

The Truth is that in Yeshua God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the

Spirit, seen by angels, preached among the Gentiles, believed on in the world

and received up into glory

Now the Spirit of God expressly says that in latter times some will depart from

the Faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and the doctrines of demons (list


[Paul’s use of ‘expressly’ – Greek rheetos with the meaning ‘spoken or

expressed in words’ suggests he may be saying that the Holy Spirit, Himself,

spoke these words loudly in Paul’s own ears to emphasise their profound

importance and awesome solemnity and the certainty of their truth. So we

need to be in understanding – in these latter days – that he is saying that

these false teachings can centre on doctrines of departed spirits –

necromancy, worship of dead saints as in the Church of Rome, Gnosticism,

idolatry, celibacy in leadership, which we have seen is not church doctrine. In

fact anything and everything that will deflect us from the place that YHVH

God in Yeshua should have in our lives by the indwelling power of His Holy


If you teach and warn against these things you will be a good servant of

Yeshua, nourished in the words of faith and the good doctrines, which you

have carefully followed

Do not give any time to profane and old wives tales and gossip

Though bodily exercise is good the exercise of godliness is far better and

profitable for all aspects of life now and for the life to come. We may be

reproached by the people for such exertions but we both labour and suffer

because we trust in the Living God who is the Saviour of all men, especially

those who believe

Let no-one despise your youth but be an example to all the believers in word,

in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith and in purity. Do not neglect your reading

so that you can exhort and teach the doctrines of the Faith

Do not neglect the spiritual gifts that were given to you by prophecy and the

laying on of hands by the Elders. Allow these things to root you and ground

you and build you up that all may witness your progress in Him and save


Treat older men as your father and do not rebuke them

Deal with younger men as brothers

Treat older women as mothers

Deal with younger women as sisters in all purity

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Honour widows who are truly widows. But if any widow has children or

grandchildren let them care for them and deal with them in repayment for

their own upbringing, which is good and acceptable to God

A true widow who has no-one to care for her should trust in God and

continue in prayer night and day

A widow who only gives herself to pleasure is dead while she lives

Everyone should work to provide for all the members of their household. If

they do not then they have denied the Faith and are worse than an


Only accept and keep a widow under sixty years of age if she has had only

one husband, is well reported for her good works, if she has brought up

children, if she has given hospitality to strangers, if she has washed the

saints’ feet, if she has received the afflicted and if she has diligently followed

every good work

All young widows tend to grow away from faith in Christ, become idle, gossip

and are busybodies – saying things they ought not -and entering into

unlawful liaisons. Therefore, I desire they marry again, bear children, manage

their house and give no-one any opportunity to speak against them

The Church should support only those who are truly widowed and on their

own without support. Any who have family should be supported by that


Any Elders who truly labour in the Word and the Doctrines should be

honoured, for the labourer is worthy of his wages [Deuteronomy 25:4;

1 Corinthians 9:9]

Accept no accusation against an Elder unless it comes from the mouths of

2/3 witnesses and if proved, then announce your rebuke in the presence of

the congregation, that the rest of the people may fear

Before God and Christ and the elect angels I exhort you to observe all that I

have instructed you without any prejudice or partiality or favouritism

Do not lay hands on anyone hastily

Do not share another’s sins but keep yourself pure

Apart from water allow yourself a little wine for your stomach’s sake and your

frequent infirmities

Although not all men can be clearly accused of their sinful practices because

they keep them well hidden, some men’s evil works are clearly evident –

however, all will be judged at The Last Day

Other men are clearly seen for their good works and godly practices

All bondservants who are disciples and carry the yoke of Yeshua should

honour and respect their Masters whether they are believers or unbelievers,

so that God’s Name will not be blasphemed [see pages 34,39]

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Withdraw yourself from all who are proud, arrogant, ignorant and who

dispute and argue over words – for these breed envy, strife and all

dissensions (list)

Godliness with contentment is great gain for we brought nothing into this

world and we can carry nothing out

[the main rewards we can gain and that will be part of the rich treasure we

amass in heaven are the souls of those saved and edified by our work for the

Kingdom – to the glory and honour of YHVH God our heavenly father. Amen]

If we have food and clothing what more can we desire or be content with?

All who strive for riches fall into temptations and a snare; into many foolish

and harmful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition, for the love

of money is the root of all kinds of evil

You, man of God, flee from all these things and pursue righteousness,

godliness, faith, love, patience and gentleness

Fight the good fight of faith; lay hold on eternal life, which you have

confessed before many witnesses, and God will keep you safe for eternity as

you keep His Commandments in this life

Command the rich in this life not to be arrogant and haughty, for financial

riches are uncertain and fleeting. God alone gives richly of all things to enjoy.

Exhort the people to be rich in good works, ready to give, and willing to share

that they may lay hold on eternal life

“O Timothy! Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane idle

babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge – by professing

some have strayed concerning the Faith. Grace be with you. Amen”


The Letter to Titus.

Paul had journeyed to the island of Crete after visiting Timothy in Ephesus. After a

period of ministry on Crete he left Titus to continue the work of setting the church in

order. Crete was 156 miles long and approximately 30 miles wide. The people were

notorious for immorality and untruthfulness. At Shavuot in Jerusalem there had been

many people from Crete and it is believed they had returned home and founded

these congregations.

Titus does not appear by name in the Book of Acts but Paul was very blessed by

Titus and the work he was doing for the Kingdom and did not fail to write about

him. In fact he refers to him thirteen times in his letters so he must have been a

close and trusted companion. Titus may have been one of Paul’s converts in Syrian

Antioch if he was part of the group referred to in Acts 11:26. When Paul took him to

Jerusalem to meet the Elders none of them compelled him to be circumcised

because he was a Gentile (Galatians 2:3). Paul had sent him to Corinth three times

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


as he travelled with him on his missionary journeys but here we see him left in Crete

to set the church in order.

When Paul was in Corinth he was aware that Zenas and Apollos were making a

journey by way of Crete and so he took this opportunity to write to Titus. Paul

advises Titus to appoint Elders, men of proven character in their homes and

businesses, to oversee the work of the church. He points out that a church is not

just for the leadership but for all members, both men and women, to excel spiritually

using all their vital gifts within the congregation if they are to be the living examples

of the doctrines they proclaim. Paul goes on to request Titus to meet him in

Nicopolis after his replacement has arrived in Crete. It is possible that Paul took

Titus with him on a missionary journey to Spain.

Titus had to emphasise to the brethren the need for righteousness in Christian living

due to the reputation Cretans had. There were also members of the Circumcision

Party who were false teachers with misleading and divisive teaching. Paul stresses

the need for sound doctrines and is using this letter as a conduct manual to

emphasise good deeds and the proper conduct for the various groups within the

Body of believers.

Paul refers to himself first as a bondservant of God and secondly as an apostle of

Yeshua, who lives in the Hope of eternal life promised from before time began. He


I left you in Crete so that you should set in order the things that are lacking

and to appoint Elders in every city

A man [or a woman as I have stated previously] should be blameless, the

husband of one wife, having faithful children, not accused of dissipation or

insubordination, not self-willed, not quick tempered, not given to wine, not

violent and not greedy for money. He should be hospitable, a lover of what is

good, sober-minded, just, holy, self-controlled and holding fast to the faithful

Word as he has been taught, so that he may, by sound doctrine, both exhort

and convict those who try to contradict the teaching

There are many insubordinate and idle talkers who set out to deceive

especially of the Circumcision Party, whose mouths must be stopped because

they are subverting whole households with their false teaching for dishonest

gain. They are teaching Jewish fables and the commandments of men and

not sound doctrine and truth

To the pure all things are pure but to the defiled and unbelieving nothing is

pure, even their minds and consciences are defiled

They say they know God but everything about them – their words and actions

– deny Him

You are to speak sound doctrine

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


- Older men are to be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in truth and

faith, in love and in patience

- Older women should be reverent, not slanderers, not given to much

wine and teachers of good things

- Older women are to exhort the young women to love their

husbands and their children; to be discreet and chaste; to be

home-makers, obedient to their husbands so that the Word of God

may not be blasphemed

- Exhort the young men to be sober-minded

You, primarily, are to be the example and pattern for good works. In line with

your doctrine you should exhibit integrity, reverence, incorruptibility and

sound speech that cannot be repudiated or condemned

Bondservants are to be obedient to their own Masters, well pleasing and not

answering back, or pilfering but be full of integrity as good witnesses of God’s


Yeshua, our Salvation, teaches us to live soberly and righteously and godly in

this present age, denying all lusts of the flesh and looking to the blessed

Hope and glorious appearing of our Great God and Saviour the Messiah who

gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and

purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works. Speak

these things as you exhort everyone. If you have to rebuke anyone then

rebuke with authority

Let no-one despise you

Remind them they are to be subject to rulers and authorities; to obey and be

ready for every good work; to speak evil of no-one but to be peaceable,

gentle, showing humility to all men

We were once foolish, disobedient and deceived, serving various lusts and

pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another

But when our God and Saviour appeared with His love for mankind, He saved

us in His great Mercy through the washing of regeneration and the renewing

of the Holy Spirit whom He poured out on us abundantly through Yeshua our

Saviour and made us heirs of His eternal life

You cannot speak too often about these glorious things and exhort all who

believe in God to be careful to maintain good works and avoid at all costs any

foolish disputes, genealogies and contentions over the Law for these things

are unprofitable and useless

Admonish such a divisive person twice and then reject them from the

congregation, because such a person is warped and sinning and self-


When I have sent either Tychicus or Artemas to relieve you, come to me at

Nicopolis, for I shall winter there.

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Equip Zenas and Apollos with all they need and then send them on their way


Encourage everyone to learn to maintain their good works and to be prepared

to meet the urgent needs of the brethren so they are not unfruitful

“All who are with me greet you. Greet those who love us in the faith. Grace be with

you all. Amen”


Paul’s Second Letter to Timothy

Paul is writing this encouraging letter to Timothy from his prison cell as he endures

another imprisonment. He exhorts him to persevere in the work for only those who

do will reap the reward. Paul warns him that his teaching will come under more and

more attack as men desert the truth for anything else that pleases their ears.

Timothy’s father was Greek but his Jewish mother and grand-mother had reared him

in the knowledge of the Hebrew Scriptures. He was one of Paul’s converts whom

Paul invited to join him on his missionary journeys and who had circumcised him

because of his Jewish mother and the Jews (Acts 16:1-3). Timothy served in many

locations as well as having been imprisoned with Paul.

Nero had begun to persecute Christians in Rome in 64 A.D. and declared the Faith

‘religio illicito’ – an illicit religion – and persecutions increased. By the time Paul

returned to Asia from Spain in 66 A.D. he had many enemies and all Asia had

rejected him. Unlike his previous house arrest now he was experiencing a cold

Roman cell and life was hard. Paul is writing to Timothy in 67 A.D. approximately

sixteen years since his letter to Thessalonica. Paul again acknowledges his

apostleship in Yeshua by the will of God and then he continues:

I thank God, whom I serve with a free conscience, and without ceasing I

remember you in my prayers night and day, hoping I shall see you so that my

joy may be complete. The genuine faith which dwelt in your grand-mother

and mother now dwells in you

I urge you to stir up the gift of God which is in you by the laying on of my


God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind

Do not be ashamed of God’s Word or of me in prison, but share in these

sufferings for the Gospel according to the power of God who has saved us

and called us according to His own purposes from before time began, but

which He has now revealed in Yeshua who has abolished death and brought

life and immortality to light through the Gospel

The Gospel of which I was appointed a preacher, apostle and

teacher of the Gentiles

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


I am not ashamed of my sufferings for I believe He is able to keep what I

have committed to Him until That Day

Hold all the teaching you have heard from me, with the help of the Holy Spirit

in you

Asia has forsaken me including Phygellus and Hermogenes

May God grant mercy to the household of Onesiphorus who often refreshed

me and was not ashamed of my chains but even came and found me. He was

a great support when I was in Ephesus

Commit all you have heard from me to faithful men who will be able to teach


You are a good soldier of Christ – endure these hardships so that you may

please Him who enlisted you

No one receives the crown unless they compete according to the rules

Christ was raised from the dead according to my Gospel, yet I am chained –

but the Gospel is not chained! I endure all these hardships so that God’s elect

may obtain salvation in Christ Yeshua with eternal glory

“This is a faithful saying – For if we died with Him we shall live with Him. If we

endure we shall also reign with Him. If we deny Him He also will deny us. If we are

faithless He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself”

Charge everyone not to strive about words that do not profit but present

yourselves approved by God, rightly teaching the Words of Truth

Shun profane and idle babblings and false teachings for they only increase

ungodliness and spread like cancer

“The LORD knows those who are His and let everyone who names the name of

Yeshua depart from iniquity”

Every house has vessels for honourable and for dishonourable purposes.

Some vessels are made of gold and silver and some are of wood and clay. All

who cleanse themselves will be honourable and sanctified for the Masters

use, ready for every good work

Flee youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace with all

who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Avoid foolish and ignorant disputes

which only generate arguments

A bondservant of God must not quarrel but be gentle to all and able to teach

with patience, correcting those in opposition with humility, so that if God

would grant them repentance they may come to know the Truth, come to

their senses and escape the snares of the devil

Know that in the Last Days perilous days will come (list the dangers) and

many will be lead astray particularly the women

You have carefully followed my doctrines and life and know the persecutions

endured, yet the LORD has delivered me out of them

All will suffer persecutions who want to live a godly life in Yeshua and these

persecutions will only increase and grow worse

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Only continue in all you have learned and be confident that from childhood

you have known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make you wise for

salvation through faith in Yeshua

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,

for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be

complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work”

- [Let us remember that the Scriptures referred to are those of the First

Covenant – the Hebrew Scriptures -the Tanakh. Yeshua used these on

the Emmaus Road as he explained everything that had happened to

Him to the disciples who were walking there. All of the teaching for

salvation, in this first century after Yeshua, was taken from these

Scriptures and from the life and teaching of Yeshua as He walked

Israel in His ministry years. The New Covenant Scriptures were not

published until the 3rd Century and at this time it is only 67 A.D.]

I charge you before God and the Lord Yeshua, who will judge the living and

the dead at His appearing and His Kingdom,

“Preach the Word! Be ready in and out of season to convince, rebuke and exhort

with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure

sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears,

they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn away their ears from

the Truth and be turned aside to fables”

Be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfil

your ministry

I am already being poured out as a drink offering – the time of my departure

is at hand. I have fought the fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the

Faith. There is laid up for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord, the

Judge, will give me on That Day; and not to me only but also to all who have

loved His appearing

Be diligent to come to me quickly – I list the others who have travelled on to

minister elsewhere

Alexander the coppersmith did me much harm, may the Lord repay him

according to his works. You must beware of him for he has greatly resisted

our words

Everyone forsook me for my first court appearance – may it not be held

against them. But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me so that the

message might be preached fully through me, that all the Gentiles might hear

“I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. And the Lord will deliver me from

every evil work and preserve me for His heavenly Kingdom. To Him be glory forever

and ever. Amen

Erastus stayed in Corinth, but Trophimus I have left in Miletus sick. Do your

utmost to come before winter. Eubulus greets you, as well as Pudens, Linus,

Claudia and all the brethren

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


“The Lord YHVH and Yeshua be with your spirit. Grace be with you. Amen”



I began this Paper because I had been introduced to The Didache (The Training)

through the Text, Translation, Analysis and Commentary of Aaron Milavec (available

through Amazon). I was so interested in all I gleaned from this work that I wrote a

Leader’s and Student’s Workbook with Milavec’s work as my Study Guide alongside

the Scriptures. He wrote,

“One overhears a candidate being trained from scratch by a member who becomes his beloved ‘father’ or ‘mother’. One witnesses the fasting and the solemn rite of baptism, preferably by immersion in flowing water. One overhears the daily prayers and the weekly Eucharist – both of which are outlined in full detail. One learns how visiting prophets were a blessing and a danger at the same time. One comes to understand how manual work, the sharing of resources and the cultivation of gratitude worked together to provide a mainstay for individual wellbeing within a community. One learns how the confessions of failings, the correction of backsliders and the shunning of recalcitrant members worked to maintain the community’s standards of excellence and to ensure that their sacrifice was pure. Finally, one discovers how a community poised on the threshold of the Kingdom of God shared the same passionate expectation of God’s future Jesus had preached to the Jewish peasants and fishermen of Galilee” (Milavec 2003, ix).

A group of us worked through my Study and enabled me to refine my work.

Following this I found myself asking two questions:

“If I start by accepting the training methods laid down in The Didache and

then examine the doctrines and answers that Paul gave to each congregation

can I build up a picture of the witness that Christ’s Body was expected to

give within each community in which it was established?”

“How did Paul build on this foundation that had been laid down for these

early believers who had become disciples of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus


Milavec’s Book has the Greek and the English translation side by side and the

opening sentence (Chapter 1: verse 1) states, “There are two ways: one of life and

one of death”. The next verse quotes the two great Commandments – “first you will

love the God who made you; second: you will love your neighbour as yourself”. The

Section on “The Way of Life” covers Chapter 1:1 to Chapter 4:14. The Way of Death

is just Chapter 5:1-2. There are twenty two points in verse 1 and twenty points in

verse 2. I believe I have heard Paul’s writing in all of this although his Epistles were

not published within the New Covenant Scriptures until the 3rd/4th Century and I was

looking at a work published in approx. 44/47 A.D. A work based solely on the First

Covenant Scriptures, the Jewish Tanakh, which Yeshua used as He explained all that

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


had happened to Him to the two disciples on the Emmaus Road. He took His

teaching from The Torah/Law, The Prophets and the Writings (Luke 24:27).

The Torah was called, by the Rabbis, the yoke of God. Is there a possibility that

Yeshua was incorporating this understanding when He said, “Come to Me, all you

that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you,

and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest for your

souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30)? Yeshua also

said, “If you love Me then keep My Commandments” (John 14:15), and as Yeshua

was God and His Commandments were The Torah, where do we stand having

rejected Torah in the teaching of the church today, where it is insisted upon that we

are not under Law but under Grace? I repeat what I have already said – Law and

Grace do not go together but Torah and Grace most certainly do; because when we

fail to keep and obey God’s Torah, “He (God) is faithful and just to forgive us our

sins” [chatah – our missing the mark He has set] “and to cleanse us from all

unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

One of the most hideous crimes in Scripture was the translation of the word ‘Torah’

with the word ‘Law’, when Torah was the Instruction Teaching, Direction and

Guidance of God for His treasured possession – His Family.

Listening to Paul as I have confronted his letters, has clarified even more clearly my

own understanding that Salvation was first and foremost to be as a result of a full

and trusting Faith in Yeshua and His Crucifixion and Resurrection before any further

obedience to the Instruction (Torah/Law) God gave to Moses at Mount Sinai, for His

Household of Faith (Pages 27,45). The Torah is God’s Loving Gift of Guidance and

Instruction for a chosen and special people being adopted fully into His Family,

which was to be subject to His Household Rules whether Jew or Gentile.

The great mystery that Paul speaks of was the very astounding news that the

Gentile and the Jew were to become equal members of God’s Family as the One

New Man in Messiah Yeshua (pages 26,28,32,37). In Paul’s first letter to Timothy

(page 46), regarding deacons in the church, this ‘mystery of The Faith must be held

with a good conscience”. Not only did the Church of Rome amputate the church

from its true foundation to a more apostate planting (page 20) but the subsequent

Replacement Theology, which has become a widespread teaching in the church and

which harbours Anti-Semitism, flies in the face of the instructions that Paul issues

regarding the Jew and the Gentile being required to be a united witness; to be a

seamless planting as The Body of Yeshua (Salvation).

Paul does not denigrate the Torah/Law but says that it is wholly good (page 24). He

and Yeshua were obedient to Torah throughout their lives as we learn from Paul’s

letters (page 14) and the Book of Acts. God’s Loving Gift of Life in His Instruction

Paul’s Letters in chronological order


and Guidance – His Torah – is a perfect companion to His Grace. Anything done

under legalistic adherence and not out of loving obedience is death and not life.

However, as with everything, Paul suggests that “each be fully convinced in his own

mind” (Romans 14:5) with regard to these things.

I believe that Paul has built with greater and greater emphasis on the original

instructions in The Didache and his teaching has not altered; all that he taught

always had the same focus and pattern (page 18). Paul became very unpopular

(pages 18-19) as his teaching progressed and the animosity against him became so

prevalent that all Asia eventually rejected him. I, too, have found rejection as I have

shared all that I believe the Holy Spirit has revealed to me (1 John 2:27). However,

if we accept that Paul was chosen and taught by the Lord during the three and a

half years he spent in the Arabian desert, before being sent forth to teach himself,

then we should, at least, sit up and take notice; “test all things, hold fast what is

good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21).

I have, therefore, also had to grasp that the anointing that I have received and

which has been my teacher, alongside the teachings I have learned from other

gifted and anointed people of God, has been very similar to all that Paul taught and

was greatly persecuted for. I do believe that Paul’s criterion, espoused in his second

letter to Corinth (page 19) is important, ‘only be concerned that it is the Lord

who has commended you to your work’. Like Jeremiah (20:7-13) if the Lord

has given it and if it burns in one’s heart to be given and shared one can do no


I am, therefore, of the firm opinion that our Heavenly Father’s Instruction, His

Torah, should have a place in every believer’s life, to the extent that the Holy Spirit

quickens these Instructions to born-again members of The Family of God, as His

Word is studied. For the New Covenant is written on our hearts (Jeremiah 31:31-

36). It is through Study that our Prayer life, also, is enlarged and matured in The

Faith (pages 36,47). Paul is a great believer in Prayer and the power of Prayer for

The Body and for all in Authority.

Yeshua the Messiah is Returning and will Judge between every believer and

unbeliever. Paul teaches in every one of his letters, the importance of praying for the

Body, that their Faith may be strong and very courageous. Every believer should be

known for their love of YHVH God and His Word and each other, and that they ‘get

on and do’ in quietness and holiness, caring for the family. Importantly, every

disciple should be very alert to the enormous amount of false teaching there will be

and, today, there is. Therefore, use every spare moment in the study of God’s Word

so that His Word may live in your heart and be used as the weapon against all false


Paul’s Letters in chronological order


Every disciple should pray to receive a love of God’s Word of Truth and the Time to

study it; and have nothing to do with anyone who wastes their breath in argument

and contentions for their own sake. Discussion with another disciple in an effort to

reach maturity in The Faith is different. We Gentiles stand through Faith in Yeshua

and the Jews stands by Faith in Messiah Yeshua. All are equal in Yeshua and should

be clinging to The Hope we have in Him, of Eternal Salvation with Him and YHVH

God in the New Jerusalem. Our Faith should show forth all the fruit of the Holy Spirit

as we become more and more acquainted with all of our Heavenly Father’s

Instruction; for our lives should reflect Him and not our own idiosyncratic and

determinedly rebellious tendencies. Whether individually or corporately our lives

should show forth faith, humility, purity, integrity, joy, righteousness, patience,

gentleness, unity and love at the very least.

I have completed this exercise to try to answer my own questions. I pray it may be

of interest to others. You now have what I have imbibed from these Scriptures; The

Holy Spirit is your Teacher, when you are born-again; so my prayer is that you and

He go on to glorious maturity in your Salvation with Messiah Yeshua, YHVH God’s

beloved Son and your Saviour.

© 2010 Penny Byrne