Exámenes soluciones 2

Post on 26-May-2015

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Transcript of Exámenes soluciones 2

1. VOCABULARY. Define the following terms and write down the translation into Spanish between brackets. 2 points

BYZANTINE EMPIRE: (Imperio Bizantino) Former Eastern Roman Empire, capital Constantinople. From the time of its creation in the year 395 until its disappearance by the Ottoman Turks in 1453.

AL-ANDALUS: Territory Muslims governed in the Iberian Peninsula from the year 711. It was considered a province of the Islamic Empire and it went through different periods, from its splendor to its decadence when it was split into several small kingdoms (taifas). The last of these kingdoms was Granada, conquered by the Catholic Monarchs in 1492.

FEUDALISM: (feudalismo) political, economic and social system that existed in Western Europe between the 10th and the 13th centuries.

CORTES: (Cortes o Parlamento) representative assembly, consisting of members of the nobility, clergy and inhabitants of the cities, summoned by a king who could ask them for taxes, recruitment of troops, etc .

GUILD: (gremio) medieval association of craftworkers with the same skill or trade, which controlled the manufacture and sale of craft products.

INQUISITION: (inquisición) Ecclesiastical tribunal that persecuted false converts (people who converted to Christianity but continued to practice their old religion).

THE THIRTY YEARS WAR (do not forget about chronology): (La Guerra de los Treinta Años) Armed conflict between many European countries, from 1618 and 1648, after which the Habsburg dynasty lost its dominance in Europe.

LIFE EXPECTANCY: (Esperanza de vida) Average number of years that a person can be expected to live according to statistics.

2. CHROOLOGY. Elaborate a timeline with the different periods of Al-Andalus. 1 point

Dependent Emirate: 711-755: Muslims enter in the Iberian Peninsula and occupy it.

Independent Emirate: 756-929: Abd-al-Rahman I escape to al-Andalus. The emirate was politically independent.

Córdoba Caliphate: 929-1030: The emir Abd-al-Rahman III proclaimed himself caliph in 929 and this territory became independent from Baghdad.


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Taifa kingdoms and North Africa dynasties: 1031-middle of the 12th century: Al-Andalus split into taifa kingdoms ruled by different kings. Muslims asked help to the Almoravids who arrived in 1086 and controlled the region.

The last taifa and Nasrid kingdom of Granada: Middle of 12th century-1492. Muslims asked help to the Almohads who ruled the Islamic Territories. Granada, the only taifa that survived, was conquered by the Catholic Monarchs in 1492.

3. MAPS. Colour in the map of 9th century Europe below to show the areas occupied by the Carolingian, Byzantine and Islamic empires. 1 point

Look at the maps on pages 66, 73 and 87


a. What are the five pillars of Islam? 1 point

1. Profess the faith

2. Pray five times a day facing Mecca.

3. Fast during the month of Ramadan.

4. Give alms.

5. Go on a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime.

b. Explain the act of homage. 1 point


The commitment between the vassal and the lord was sealed with an act of homage.

The vassal swore fealty to his lord, and swore to provide him with help (troops and fighting) and advice (the vassal advised his lord and the lord´s court)

The lord swore to protect his vassal and provide him with the resources he needed to make a living: a fief which was normally land.

c. Explain the concept of pilgrimage. Give an example and explain it. 1 point

From the 10th century, the Church began to promote pilgrimages to places considered to be holy by Christians. Pilgrims travelled to these places to ask for pardon for their sins or to ask God for a favour such as to be cured of an illness. The journeys could be dangerous and pilgrims who travelled to Jerusalem were protected by military orders.

In Spain, we find the main example in Santiago de Compostela, the place where the tomb of St. James the Apostle was located.

d. Explain the characteristics of the absolute monarchy, having France as the reference. Did England have the same political System? 1 point

The best example of an absolute monarch was the French king Louis XIV. The main characteristics of his reign were as follows:

Government administration became more professional: there was a High Council and secretaries of state, in charge of helping with the domestic and foreign policy.

The intendant became an important figure in the provinces. The army was modernized, weaponry was improved and war ships were built. Mercantilism was applied, which led to the creation of royal manufacturing industries for

the development of foreign trade. The influence of the king over the Church institutions increased and the rights of the

Protestants were restricted. They were involved in many wars.

On the other hand the English looked for a monarch who would agree to govern with the Parliament. So Mary and William of Orange came to the throne and in 1689. He signed the Bill of Rights: this declaration obliged the monarch to govern in accordance with the law and the Parliament. England became the first parliamentary monarchy in history.


5. GRAPH. Explain the following population pyramid: Introduction, average percentages of the groups of ages, birth rate, death rate, life expectancy, shape, factors that explain this shape, type of countries that have it. 1point


This image represents the population pyramid of Japan for 2009. A population pyramid is a graph

composed of bars that show the Japanese population distributed by groups of age (young, adult

and old population) and sex (male, female).

This population pyramid has a contractive shape what means that Japan has an aged population. It

has a narrow base, because young people make up less than the 25 % of the population, due to

a very low birth rate. The top represents a large portion of old people who make up more than the

12% of the population, due to a high life expectancy, especially for women, with a large percentage

of those with 80 years old and more.

This population pyramid is typical of developed countries like Japan which economy is based on

high tech, but it is also related with a very healthy diet based on fish and vegetables.

5. ART. Answer the questions and fill in the labels. Full sentences. 1point


Actually, it has a mixture between basilical and latin cross plan. It has three aisles. Yes it has. It has one.Aisles: naves; una central y dos laterals.




On the cathedral façade we find pointed arches.