Exam feedback term 1 2011

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Transcript of Exam feedback term 1 2011

Term 1 Exam Feedback Industrial Tech Multimedia Prelim. 2011

Multiple Choice

1 c or d

2 b

3 c

4 d

5 c


7 b

8 c

9 c

10 d

Section II

11. Gif

(accepted some varieties of vector formats)

Why? Gif saves drawings with plain lines, not alot of detail, like logos and cartoons much better than jpeg.

Section II

12. You were not disadvantaged by getting 11 wrong.

So, if you answered jpeg in question 11, and wrote that jpeg was more standardised than say, photoshop, and that this was important becuase the file was being used on the web, while still being an appropriate size due to the compression rate, and also included more colours than gif....that was three marks.

You needed to have a number of reasons why, linked to the scenario.

Section II

12. You were not disadvantaged by getting 11 wrong.

So, if you answered jpeg in question 11, and wrote that jpeg was more standardised than say, photoshop, and that this was important because the file was being used on the web, while still being an appropriate size due to the compression rate, and also included more colours than gif....that was three marks.

You needed to have a number of reasons why, linked to the scenario.

Easier to add to dreamweaver kept coming up for some reason...not sure why?

Section II

Apologies for the spelling error.

However, you didnt’ need a picture to answer the question...and if you wasted time whinging about the lack of said picture, then you have taken about the same time that I’ve taken on this slide to whinge about the whinging, when you could have spent that much time answering the question....Rude isn’t it?

You could have used any reasonable process to make an animation here.

Section II

14. Sound file =MP3

Any process used to compress the file (stereo to audio, decrease sample rate, decrease sample size)


Any reasonable process to backup a file. Not media....method

Section III

Big issues:

Lots of students didn’t answer to the keyword “Discuss”.

Discuss requires you to give advantages AND disadvantages

Some students who should have received 10, should have gone down to 4 marks because of this. *

If this had have been marked this way, lots of people would have been grounded.

The number one big issue

There were two questions, not one.

Big issues

Not talking about enough issues.

You should have about 600-700 words, which is about 6-7 pages of content

You should talk about 5 issues to get to the top band

Little Issues

You need to link to the scenario.

Most people did this very well, but you need to be clear in each issue how it is linked to the scenario.

Good things

Most people knew the syllabus REALLY well.

Those that didn’t, and tried to just use common sense didn’t do very well at all.

You need to prove your knowledge of the syllabus by using syllabus content, terminology and structure.

Ways to improve

Structure your work

Write an essay plan at the beginning. Students who do this are unlikely to “brain dump” (ie, just try and write anything about what they know)

This also makes sure that you don’t repeat the same content, which is a common problem.

Your paragraphs

Each paragraph should address only one issue. This is so that you elaborate enough about the issue, you ping structure, and you talk about enough issues.

Use paragraphs! Remember markers are there at 9pm, waiting to get home, and you need to make it easy for them to read and find information. Make it easy for them to give you marks.

Use SLEEK for each paragraph/issue

State the issue

Link to the question



Knock on Effect