Ex. 7: Aseptic Technique – Inoculating Different Types of Media Key concepts: 1.Different types of...

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Transcript of Ex. 7: Aseptic Technique – Inoculating Different Types of Media Key concepts: 1.Different types of...

Ex. 7: Aseptic Technique – Inoculating Different Types of Media

Key concepts: 1. Different types of bacterial cultures: broth,

agar slant, and agar deep.

2. Aseptic transfer of bacteria from one type of culture medium to another.

3. Appropriate use of inoculating loops and needles.

Four Basic Forms of Bacterial Culture Media

Agar plate


Agar Deep

Agar Slant

Always use sterile instruments to transfer bacteria!

Loop and Needle

Flame loop before AND after using it

Other Sterile Transfer Instruments

“Little Finger Technique”

NA Broth

NA Slant Cultures

Agar Deeps: What is happening?

Use the Inoculating Needle to inoculate a deep