·ews . .. , ..greenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19641001.pdft dhtdllil ~'ba.rtO·W~ eooperatlng...

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Transcript of ·ews . .. , ..greenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19641001.pdft dhtdllil ~'ba.rtO·W~ eooperatlng...

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·• • J ~ ."I·:,·.~" .roxY..f~:···,1rOCOOU£e8·;; .. ·ews VIeW . _ .. , .. t-·~·, .. ;W .... ~t···t.JC.:'t'·l-i· ..... ~!···' .. ·}~· ·\.,·'··,l· ·~·tr~~· ~:·.,u.rt.;;-~· ' . . .,..,_ .• .AI-•BIIollllli<« ~.

. . '" , •· " • : · ,1: Proxy v!tl:,~~~~·:~~~:~~- electioM

::~=~r'fn!i;~·~*~~~~ AN.IND~_NEWSP.Afll_ ~ ,. '''+ ,, _ _. ' -~-~-~~:: H.. . . ~.. . " ~·~~· Vol

- . . . . . .... • ..-. ·- Oil p!XIldllr, pye -ume 28, Number 45 GREENBELT, MARYLAND. m.lght.into the ._w-'1 ·~CJD.·methods to..Untnd* tile'

~R~e;c;~:t~~=n~R~e:v~~=w~.-~L~~~N~-~~~o~S~h~o~w~F~i~~~.~.~~·~~~~~~·~~~l~,~~~~~:~~;~2 ~--·~ . • , Lange outlined one· afp~·<tbat. · ..... -- ~ • ·• b7 IUchard Bk>•euw Prince Georces County Memorial ia being favorably comtdeftll h)'·tbe; J.~~ neY . .aJ)III'O&Ch. <1), - 1011·

Director ot Recioeadou Library will apon.tor a weekly 111m AGENDA com.mtttee; ·~ ~ :tie• prln· :.~.Gl pn!X)' 'I'Ots••WOVId .bt · YoaUl Venter Repainted program •tartlq Oct:. D at 2 p.m. te<1 u an ofttclai' ~ "iiDd ba.vfl :,.... m-.~·llnce each Jn-

We wish to thank everyone tor In Ita n~ rertonal llbral')' In Hy· · red nUJilbeilt UD r · · -. t dhtdllil ~'ba.rtO·W~ eooperatlng during the program In· attavllle on uch~ youth, and COUNCIL OF THE ~ · .,t !tP ·• ~ · •ttrtee W. tlnt;"tb''llllct'SW7 twltbt terrupuons that have oc<.'ul'f'd be- ramm-." tor · put.nu, ec~ocatora. CITY OF : urw. ~ 1JIPilliV .. a,Jlt &alte an, P.....;;. ..td "~ .. 'io' libms aauee of the repainting ot the Youth aDd IDtere.tid lllcllvlduaW. GREENB · C::"::r~. he AD-::a:·::=": ~!t••(fiJvT~f _, .. · ', ~ · Center. The entire bulldlnc ie be-· The PI'Ofr&ml wiU brlnl' 110111e ElT, MARYLAND to ..tp hi. pf0a1:1 to aaother mem- oal7 tM latler --~~ •1.,

ing cleaned and spruced up to kl'el' outatandtng 11 mm 10und ll.l.m., ms.- ber would r.equee! tbe:.f.c~nitm"per· · (2) each -~~d',i,. ~. !::m a:;'~~:r: ~~~~tl:._~r .j:umtho ~~::e. C:c~~d~J ~\:!1~11~~ October 5,1964 son .at. the mn 4 :bt .JIJ mall. thi'OIIIIr the .!..tnJetloai ·tw- _... Center. J- B. Hage, county libra- director: throop wb~ fll ~. ~ Jet-· compaD1' ·u.e i~ ~~- bW-


, •J 8 p.m., Council Chamber ter. hll _. ...... __ , .. be _.........,.-. Bo:rs' F'1ac F'oottlall The following groupe are apon· ,._ .. wvwu , ... __ _.,....

&,8. there Is still time to sign sorlng the prorram: B'nal B'rltb; Organlu.tlon Each proxy form Jiven ·~u:t would· P~.~ ~~P~:.flli.~,.., up to play flag football. Ther, will (-H Rnd Youth, Prince Georges 1, Meeting called to order be accompanied 1111 ·Ill· lettez; .of·.:ex- l!llcoprap.,~'iudivi~AP..,._• be two leagues, an elementary school County; Homemakers Council· of 2. Roll Call planation advlalq ,-m~r• how erclle their.~ ... JII~t- · league, for boys In the fifth. and i'r.JICP. Geor~es County; National 3. Minutes of Regular Meet- their voting rights. WC~Uki·lte. al· (3)''a.rii ~~· 4tf~::'to""re~ sixth grades, and a teen league. ~uncll of Jewish Women, Prince illg Septeptbr 14, 1984 ~ected by ;aa-tcnmeq~ ~ IJ.· ·Pl'QolliY•, · priJlcy Vtluit woldd'lilllC• 'll·'hat-Gaftmes are played after schoryl, two ;enorhP'eR ~o-unty1 t!Chap~r; Parent II Co w:ruldexambe .. pade:..~a ult,"~ !:::!._~1111'11g ter bt, e4t1y ,UbUe·~~ mff~h-" ernoons a weeit. S!gn un at the ac ers ADIOC a on; rarent Dl~- mmunlcatlon •"""" w.- .., _,... GJ:[t oftlee WOUlcl'bave '& ilum~l · Youth Center or m the Twin Pines cusslon Groups of Prince Georges the!~ prolt)' to. anoUatr lllell)ber,. count oH!Je'\tumberofl.fitsftOilta . OtHce. County Board of Education; Human 4. Petitions and Requests not only won't tbey be ~ICI.to·!lB.Bt gi~eit"out'' '· ., Jl'.<r" '- -.;.: .. ·••

Powder Pu1f Football Relations Commission; and County II. Additions to agenda. by a ballot at..tbl!. GID;I!ICilUons, but ·'l".!. •. ;.•.

All girls, aged 13-18, Interested~~ Youth Commission. Councilmen and Manager· they won't be-abl.e to VfWI on.aay T!Je.coPQJit._.taao!lltia:tlepiiDr·. 'touch football may still sign up. On Oct. II the subject wlll be: 6. Written Comm~nlcatlons matters that· qo~pe UP on .Ule floor, ceaa of;puttiDIJ.tbe 1iDJ.IhlnJ'!eocacJMe-, A clinic will be held on ThursQa.y "The Picture Book Age;· arid these · 7. Manager's Progress Report at the me111bt~,JPeet.\Qg; '\VhiCh. on Its recommendations, which will and Friday, Oct. HI and

16, at

2:so films will 'be shown: MAKE WAY 8. Committee ~e.ports Is held In c:oaJ~P.:·.W.Ith Ule go to legal.coauelfof·bal zevinr.

p.m. at the Youth Center. FOR DUCKLINGS - a film using mOld BusiJleSs election. 1 .. ,, Tlle.u hoe.com~.:.ru:.~ Arts & <JraftB pictures and text of Robert. Me-· The protty tori'ftt!~n· I!Ompltited by the mealleztbJp-~ Aile llDDD&l:.

On Afonday, Tuesday, and Thurs- Closkey's picture book about Mr. 0. R~solutlon to Es!Slbllsh Po- would !Joe returned to;thei GHI office meeUnc- illat·May; J~e~DJ~e~a.of the .. · day at 4 p.m. elementary school and Mrs. Mallard raising a family Hey for Refund of Recreation a specified· tlmlf~ore the.election, committee are· -Geotae ·Adami.· Mat. children are Invited to use their of ducklings In Boston Common; Feea · · . just as under ~rltent· procedure. Amberg, J. Weiah· ·liaralll, Andl'ew imaginations at Mrs. Boggs' Arts THE LIVELY ART OF PICTURE (second reading) Three advan~·wl!re .cited ~pr Feeney, Bruce ~-·and .,Nat and Crafts cl889ea at the Youth BOOKS - a new film which explores 10. Relocation of P.layground . " .. , . , Sbindermao.. ;" · ·. ·' ·: .· ~ · ~. -,;. Center. Coat 1s only for the mater- the world of children's picture books · 11. Pathway Conetructlon · . ,,, . ·GHI pre'aicien• .·.:.t. • .if;J. 'Sc11'' · .. Isis used. The Adult Art Guild through the use of book lllustra· 12. Proposal for i\thletic Club- asked wh.etli.e.i' ik .. ;¥~.Pl0ced.·· ::J!' meets at the Youth Center on Wed- tlollS Interpreted by three awatd- > house c.·ty No·-·. " :• .f'' ·d 1 wlnnin" artists." .,._ · I' ·• · ... ;. . would require a by·I&WI c"••-. It nes ay n ghta at 7:30 p.m. " 13 . .,.,.ndlng. rul1111 _ _. ~· · Ballroom J)aDclng Oct. 19 (Oct. 12 Is a holiday and 1._ Appointments-to Boards ... ; .• , ... ,,.,, .. ··. see""'~"~ to him U.t tllv wen not

On Wednesday, Oct. 7 at 8 p.m. the library will be c!OIIed) the topic 111. Site for New ·warehouse Boaald,.M. ~ ., 10

far-reaclililg al 'to~ pnelucle •a.e: h Y will be

"A Child's World" and de- · .Admla.' .&.a. . i' · nominations and elecUIIRS ~CIOIIdlllt-: at t e outh Center, the Adult Ball· 16. Disorderly Pc!'llons at Can-room Dancing will begin its fall llghttul films, Including MOON- ter - Vandalls.m · EdmoJIIiltoo ~ ··~:- R8al· tee from adoptlnt'tllllm ·UDdet"'PI'II-~esslon. If you wish, you may re- B I R D ' IMPRESSIONABLE dents of Springhill We wlio 'wi•h llent by-laWii LaqBl r8plkld ~·

__....... aJIMd YEARS; lllld THB1 PU!WLE Ttl&;. IV New Business · · · . thls·.WIIIII an item·for tile lepJ coun· ' .ef-U..byoGaJU,.tbe TLE·, Wtlli:ie iiioin ... ~·On·""-t.'"2o.. ._,, .... ·.-·~·.-< ',.,_.. . .... _. sl?,_.~!~.~rt!'J!f;Uril.~ ... ~il~. ~.-~-uld---.U.·eOM'UeQ

Recreation Department, ,7,-68711. the topic will be "Chlldrevcn·. A~ 17. Re®lution - Transfer of wu noaa o"w ~ ........ ._. ptil'eMD'ce ·~··io·lbe 'ilf'a· .,._.. OoDOIII1 Band .. Funds now do so wl .. fiiout ~M.vbl, . to nit Ia · ·"··-

The Greenbelt Concert Band al- proaches to Understanding." with lB .• School walk _ Greenbelt for the tl'Bflic ftltln*' : t()' 'crosi "' ..._ .. .,, ' ways welcomes new membe!'ll. Oome these fllmncheduled: THURSDAY'S rood Greenbelt Road td 'ttavl!l wt. 'On down to th& Youth Center on Mon- CiliLDREN <deaf children lenrn 'I'hursdl\y the aen·e..:_l:'c-'-" ·o· t th• 19. Pending Zoning Petltlol)s. no rmrr "


A U'"ly dlscu.'IO!l' ~ th. plight Qf & a~ ·m~~r llui.dJDI hie OlVl1 addltklb In Ill Crelcent ~rt took up th' Ja~r Part of the mCIIIt1DJ. The :me~r ~d· P~.· chased' hll oWn hiia~ ~ulpaliinl. but bad dlftleult)' &idlni' a llcetapcf plumber· who wouici lnitaU th8 e­quipment. 'According' tb the mem­ber, plumber& are reluctul tO In· atAII any equipment other than wbat they· tumiah the!Mdvt..

day night at 8 p.m. and join our lip reading>. THE UMBRELLA (In- Public Works Departmel\t prep&~ sroup in making beautiful music.: security of a small boy artlstlcslly V Miscellaneous a strip :r.ir' Jonj' 'and lr Wide' for

Ballllt aoc1 G~ portrayed); THE QUI1!l'l' ONE. asphalt aurtaee. T!le'2'' ·11\lrtace of There sre atiU a few openlnp In On Nov. 2. e, and 28 the procrams asphalt Willi ,coln~ie~ on· Frlclay,

the Ballet and GymniUitlcs tall see- will be aimed at youn1 adults. with Dem ls l H Jd RaU by contract. · · ' · · alon. Both cla~~~es are helcl In the Nov. 2 topic: "Yooth"; Nov. 9: OCra 0 0 J Youth Center on Saturday morn· Youth: Delinquency''; Nov. 23. logs. If you 1\rll Interested, reatster "Youth: Education". thla Ssturcl&y. On Nov. 80, the films w1li be for

In tile Future -· "Family Enjoyment," ani! will In· Ballet bars will be Installed when rlude sueh tavorltee 1111 JAPANE~1><

the pslnting of the Youth Center BOY - STORY OF TARO; anr'l Is completed. Basketball bl\ckboflrds SUNDAY ON THE RIVER. will be added to th11 gym about On D"'<'. 1 11.ncl 14 a var!etv of October 8, 9 anr'l 10. The gym floor tllms will be shown. mn~lng from will be rAflnlsh-.d from October 12 PICTtffiFJ IN YOUR MIND; CASE through Oct. 1!0. HISTORY OF A RUMOR.: tn BlTD-

UN Day Welcome Here For Foreign Students

Greenbelters wlll play host to foreign •tudenta on United Nations Day, Saturday, Oct. :H. Famlllea In Greenbelt are B.Bked to entertalA students from the Unlverlsty of Marylnnd with slgh~inc and din· n~r. followed by a gerteral pilllllc mretlng at the Youth Center.

The plsy for the United Nations D11y celebration of the 20th anni­VPr98ry of the United Nntions has br~n Hnnounced by Mrs. Irene Hen­lie!. U.N. Day chairman nppolnted by the rlty council. Mrs. Hensel Is also chairman of the local chap· trr of the Unltod Nntlons AS80Cia­tion of the Unitod States of Amerl· '"' (fonnerly American As.soclstlm& for the United Nations).

GJ<:T Ff .OWER AAAANGEMEN'I'9. Vrs. Loulll Abolln, coordinator of

11dnlt ~~ervlcea. 8814 programs des­ertblnl eaeb film 'lrtll be aV!lllsble soon at all branches. bookmoblln, ani! the reJional llbrary. The mm11 will be shown Ia the meet1n1 room at the reJion&l library at a p.m. otl Monday llltemoou.

The Prince George~ County Coun· ell of Democmtlc Clubs, will hold a Democratic Rally on Wed. Oct. 7, 8 p.m. at the Greenbelt Armory.

I.w Ellfot_ ..... 'fl'8lllllw.·IWttJOII Th\9 week the City .vf, GQenbelt Ia conducting 8 Law Enforcement om­ct!l'll ln-8ervlce Training School for members of the ~artm-:nt. · The

. . .. The Gul!llts of Honor will lnctud~ purpo.~~e of the 'sehool ll1 to provide Hon. Joaeph Tydings, Dem'lCratic the men with ln.f?r'Pa~lon _that will Candlclat~ for United States s~nate, "~slst them In becoming bett<:r and Hill eft'orta to uae a non•llcenaed Hon. Carlton Slcklet who Is seeking more rtrlclent po!lc~ od!cers. · The plumber were foreM&IIed by GBI· re-election as Rcprellentatlve-at- progl"'lm Include~:. Law Enforce~ requirements that heating equlp­Lan>;e .md Hon. Hervey ¥Rchen, ment as " Profesaloit_.City ordlnan- merit be lnat&lled under the dlree­DPmoemtlc Candldste Gth Conl(r:\11- Cell Court Room Procedures, Crlm- tion of a lleen~~ed plumber. am slonal District. lnal and Homlelde Investigation, manager Roy Breuheant explained

Each Congretn~loMI Cand!dftte Fll'llt Aid tor Pollee Ol!lcers. Crlm- that since the Installation of adlll­will have a booth whertt .hlLJ:al!k lnal Law. Report' WrltlnJ. Accident tiona! he&tlng f'QUipment 1:an aft'ect palgn material will be

111ven to ,. 11 ~trrn.-vit;HtJiHigamttli'ioiiini.'", .,Jtii'61Slt'IWW'-vVell'lnnl'111ci!Jre-LIIr11'W8111'11',-tt.thiAaWibe••&J•:IllnllliJ-!'Llll'.ll••~emm...lf!JO;rr..Jt;hb.a.•-'elllllttlJira:e.

party workent for election dav. Free And Pollee and ·the' JUvenile. The court aDd alnet>. ID the end. GBI refreshments wl;l oc provltlecl. school Is being conducted by Pollee t. c~led upon to make any a~endl

Cb r W'll • -- 1 for detl.clenclea In the ID.Italled

Gueets will Include le • lam ..aue 1\nd wl I be con eluded Frld$y With the members equipment. It wants to be •ure that lolkln~ an exam blilll!d on the w'l'f!ltt!' the wor" Ia done In a c )ftlpetent trnlninrr -~Ions. AB!!ol•tlnrr Ch!Pf fashion.. . . Lllne as Instructors 1\1"1! Lt. M~trshP11 The member recopbelt thia ob-7.oeliner. of the Greenbelt Depart- Jlptlon, but complained that GHI ment. Detectlv.. · 'Citlef Baron m. had not riven bltn adequate noUce DeKalb of the Tll.koma Park Fll'f! that be would need a JleenK'd plum­Depnrtmont, Detective Lt. James ber . The matter wu eettll!cl amlca• P. Kearns. Commander ot the Ju· bly for the moment by QHI making venlle Bureau of .Prince Georges available to the member· a llat-ot County Pollee Department, Howard plumbel'll who, It thought, would In­S. CbaAI\nOW, ~puty S!Slt.Ps Attor• stall the equipment. nov for Prince Georgee County and S!Slft' Sgt. Donald J. Dlmmiak of the Anned Foreee ~lice.

Travel Club New• All local churchl'll and civic as· 80Ciatlons are Invited to cooperate by providing the namrs of fnmllies who wRnt to partlcipate. A foreign atudPnt's name will bn provided -the lnvi!Sltlon, entertainment, ano dinnrr will ~ thn re&ponslbillty o(

th<' f~tmlly. The get-together llt th .. Youth Center has bern set for the hours of 7:SO to 9:30 p.m. so thllt famiHM lncludlntr school chll· dren cl\n attend. It le open to the pttbllc.

The Greenbelt Travel Club. with three aueceMfni New York World's Fnlr trips under Ita belt Is reor­o:nnlzlng. The ,purpo8e Ia to e~!Sl­

bll~h " &rmnnent club with formAl m~mhel':lhlt> Rnd an or!{llnll:ed pro­gram. A general tneetinp: to which all thooe Interested In joining are

The Rev. EdW'~!t"i Blmer, (left) pastor of Holy Cross Invited (especially thOOe who took J,utheratl Church and th6 Rev. Dr. Martin c. Poch, putor of PU- · 1\dVR!It~<ge ot the hlr trlp~~l, will ~ Lutheru Church, Ul• .priucipal speaker, are pictured above at !><" held Oct. 8 In· the Co-aD Rost>l­the dedlcatloa of the ft~. :building site of Holy r>....- OD Sept 2'T. tilllty . room .it «:30 pm .. For ftlr-

A request tot more parking spact> In 36-Ridge court to accommodatt> two-car families and guMta WruJ ta­bled until further Information WAll

obtained on the costa Involved and the extent to which court realdenta would be willing to pay for the p~tvlng . the boftrd decided to continue lel\8lng the Center office on 1\ month-to-month basis . . Prior to tho meeting. the boord -• gtven 1\ guld!ld tour by management of 'the corporation property . . . ~ldent,ll ot 22 Hlllalde and 1 and 3 Relleareh will be polled on toea• tlon of playground. :·.The oo~­ation W!ll pay tor fiu · ebota·'lor'ltll el:ftP!~~: ~ . . "< - ., .:· .. '~:

l'W eontAet. Jl'urt!Mr Information •nd llaDI¥ Cllft b.. obtained by e~tl· lllllr Jllll ·ea-Ja. 414-«100.

A .rna ,_,...,. th"r lnformatl!)ll, call &ch~l AI· u4 picnic$ the lite :were attended by a cro...S' dt 200. _,;,._ 4?4~98. ., ·

---~ ' I


II 11 1': l !' lJ



t:'Ublllhed eVM7 'lbuncla7 by a-belt OltopenUve Pabliahlua' A-., IDe. o.-beH, ....,......

by Doi'OC:by Sucher

Dftlvered II&Ob -- .. f1fW7 IIGme Ill o-ws Eclltor: Mlll7 LouMe WIQienww., -'7'-4111

I called my well·lnforQled friend Alice the other momJnr to ask her advice. "Allee," I said. uWe're back. Where can I find a cleaning wo· man?"

fJrAF'I! !uta Fisher, Russel Greenbaum. KatheriDe Gough, Bea Halperin, G. K. nodenAeld, Bermee Kutner, Sid Kutuer, ~ T. ¥dlonald, x-Ae • ~ •• ae;, Arm Pittman, AJ Skolnik, Elaine Skolnik, Mary Smith, Audrey Stern, David Stern, Dorothy Sucher, Claude Wimberly and Harry Zubkotr.

Bualn- llanapr: Adele Kund C1roulatlon Manarer: Vl«or K. Jllber, OR '-«87

StaJr Photocrapber: Oeorce Hall

"I have one," she said. "In fact, she'• comlnr today." ("Good old Alice." I thourht "Well-organised u usual."> "How wa1 your trip?" BOABD OF DIIIIIOI'OB8

l'ra, AI Skolnik; VIce Pres., Bernice Kutner; SecT~ a- Gremllaum; "Fine," I replied. "But you know how It Ia when you've been away. I'd like to ret •omeone to W81b the windows and the walls. How's your Jlrl?"

Treu., Sea Halperin IIDd Kary Smllih MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.00 per ,..r; <$6.00 out ot Greeubelt). AdverUem. and nawa articlea IDa)' be eubmlfted by mat! (Bolt 88, ar-­beltl; deposited In our box at the Twin Pine. Sarinp Uld Lo8ll Oftlce; or delivered to the editorial otBcc In the baaement ot 16 Parkway \Git .f4131), open atter 8:30 p.m., Tuesday. Newa t.nd advertl.slng deadline 11:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Volume 28, Number 45

MY SWORD, PLEASE! '.L"o the Editor:

We recently moved Into Greenbelt and were under the Impression that it was a secure community.

Last Tuesday evenlng we were v:alting a neighbor and left the door unlocked. During our absence someone entered the bouse and re­moved a war trophy on the wall. This was • short sword In a acab­bard which also contained a small knife. I would be willing to pay a reward for Ita return and would not prosecute.

We are certain that this theft was made by youngsters since other ltema of considerably greater value were not touched. The employment of 4 additional pollee officers II quite In order If bouse breaking Is one form of recelviiiJl new residents. The next unauthorized nocturnal visit to our house will receive a very warm (buckshot> reception.

NilnDIID B. Otarlea

A GAY DAY AT THE FAIR Tv lbe Edlllor:

I want to thank the Greenbelt Travel Club for a moat delightful day at the fair, however, one day Ia ali I could take 81 I am In the older _,e ~rroup • I would like another one day trip at another time. To me. the weather wa1 perfect as It kept the crowds away • at least, the things I wanted to see bad abort linea that moved faat. It would take weeki to ae Jt all so I knew I could only hit the high apota.

I took the glide a ride and the Swlaa aky ride so 81 to get the aplrlt of the fair as a whole. I visited the Vatican Pavilion ro aee Picta and spent some time at the exhibition at the Spanish Pavlllo11 which was wonderfuL

I ~rot crab cakes at the Maryland Pavilion and I drank Irish Coll'ee at the Irish Pavilion. I saw the Abe Lincoln exhibition at the Illi­nois Pavilion. In fact, I thought the fair was gay and wonderful. Ot course, It helps to have a nice companion and I did. Mrs. Grace Gilliland.

Beatrice S. Hartman

Women Voters Hold Coffee The Northern County Unit of the

League ot Women Voters is giving a colfee Oct. 8 at 10 a.m. for anyone Interested In learning about the League. 1 will be held at the home of )(rs. Raymond W. Hoecker, 9100 Autovllle Drive, College Park. The recuiar meeting of the Northern County Unit will take place on the third Tburaday of the month at 10 a.m. In the College Park Muni­cipal Building. For further !nfor· matlon, call 935~211.

Humorous Speech Contest Is Woo hy Ed Downey

Ed Downey was the winner of the Greenbelt Tooatmaaters Club'l bumeroua apeecb contest held on Sept 22. Downey wlll represent the Greenbelt Club at an area humoroua epeech conteet to be held on Wed· neaday, Oct. 14, at the Holiday Inn In Collece Park.

The Toaatmaaters Club, which provldea tralnlna In public apeaklng, meeta replarly on the IICOJ<Id and fourth T.-cla)'ll of eacll m;ont11 et • p.m. In the a-ptta~~ty room ot tile eo-op 1tore. The next replar ~oaOet.lJ,wlllnotbebeld ....... (1/. tile apeeoh -telt tbe hllowtQ mpt. J'or tunMr Wor­,...,...anaWrlctd.47....._

ThiUBday, October 1, 19M


Monday, Wednesday a:>d Friday have become days of excitement and a us pence since I moved t 1

Greenbelt, due to the erratl·: activity usually reterrt'd to a" "garbage col­lection". I am often at work when the action takes plac~. In w~.lch ca~c I oome home t:J ftntl my garbage can blocking the doorway <or, at ~t, the door to the storage clJaet wide open) and assorted bits of trash littering the sidewalk. On the leu fortunate days w)len I am not at work, I may find the garbage can blocking the doorway so I can't get out of the bouse, since the can ill so heavy that I can't push It aside with the screen door.

These would be only minor an· noyancea If, In the process, all the garbage were removed. Frequently It Ia not, and at this point I con· template a weekend of stowing wa1te In every niche and cranny In In the house. It Ia Saturday, the can Ia full, and I have bouse guests.

On aecond thought, perhaps I will stow my trash In the coffin, a metal cupboard which the maintenance people have assured me no leas than alx times will be promptly removed frmn my premises . The first time I called, three months ago, the coffin wa1 empty; It has gradually been ftllm. up, but there Ia still room for the weekends' refuse. Perha,pa as the odor of ancient coffee grounds and lett-over vegetables wafts gently over the park behind 33 Court, the ne!gbbor's complaints will get re· suits where mine have tailed?

Edna Weisel

Golden Agers Ten new members have joined

the Golden Age Club. which now to· tall almost 1110 members. New mem­bers are: Mr. and Mrs. George Otis, Jean D. Willis, Lewis M. Pugh, Vera L. Weeks, Nellie C. Done~n. June Doe, Robert D. Ricker, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Wood.

lolr. and Mrs. Wood now ot College Park, moved Into Greenbelt on Oct. 20, 1937. They were the 31st family here. Six of the new members aald that they received their ln­spimtlon 00 join the Club from ar­ticles appeariiiJl In the Newa Re·

"A jewel" That sounded pronitalng. "II she


'"Oh. yes. Of course I put away all my breakables to be on the safe side."

"She's honest?"

"Well, I carry my purse around with me. I don't think It's right to put temptation In anyone's way."

"Doesn't drink?"

"It's always wise to lock up the liquor, don't you think?"

"I guess so," I said. "Does she have a free day?"

"Now walt a minute," said Allee. "You might be able to find someone to wash the windows, but what exactly do you mean by washing walls?"

"You know. Washing them when they're dirty."

Allee thoueht lt over. "No." she said fim~lly. "I couldn't ask my girl to do lt. I'm afraid It might upset her!'

"I don't see why. I'd do It myself, except that I'm still unpacking."

"Do you mean just a wipe here and a wipe there? Or real washing? You know, I've beard of some wo­men who even like their ceilings washed."

"I wouldn't do that," I assured her. "Really, It's not such a tre· mendous job." ..

"Maybe not, but I don't like the sound of it. Girls today don't want to work for anyone who's too clean. Personally, I'm not too clean. But you must have heard about Mrs. S·?"

"I'm out of much," I said. "What about her? Incidentally, she's a friend of mine."

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize. Well, just betwePn you and me, she's been blacklisted."

"How awful! Why?" "She's too clean. Don't tell any·

onP I told you." "I hope you don't think I'm too

clean." "Well ... " "I'm not. Honestly. Allee. I'm

a slob. My mother says so every time she visits me." ,

"That doesn't prove anything," she said skeptically "Your mother Is prejudiced." '

"Come over todav It you don't believe me. The place Is a regular pigsty. I wouldn't lie to. you, Allee."

Allee was mollified. "I'd like to help out: If only It wasn't walls! A girl today doesn't !Ike the sound of that. You can't blame her."

"You certainly can't." "Psychologically, It represents a

threat." , view. ~1 couldn't agree with you more.

On Oct. 7 at 12:30 p.m., the club ''Okay, I'll try. :Mind you, I can't will serve a covered dish luncheon prom!le." In the recreation building. All mem- ''Thanks, Allee. You're a real bera are urged ro be present. friend."

A long-time member, Mrs. Noble "Well It's been nice chatting, but Anderson, formerly of 2-A Eutwny you11 have to excuse me now. I'm and presently residing In Hyatta· In the middle of cleaniiiJl." v111e, was In attendance Wednesday. ''I thourht your girl waa comlnr Due to the death ot her son and today." the prolonged serious 111neas of ano· --rbat'a right. I like to tidy up ther aon she had been unable to for a few houra before abe geta attend the regular meetings of th' here.~ Club. Mrs. Anden1on and her bus· "I thought your rJrl Will coming band Jived in Greenbelt prior to Its today." . opening In October, 1937, as they ''That'• right. I like to tidy up moved Into 21-A Parkway during tor " few hours before ahe get. tbat aummer. Mrs. Anderwn oper· here.• ated 8 beauty parlor In College "But why?~ Park and her husb6nd wu In the "'t create• a ple81anter atm011· employ ot the Federal Govrmment phere. You don't want a rJrl to under Rexfotd Tugwell. She has feel defeated the minute 1he walka an alert mind and can recall the In the door." p~ ot"the cOIIIItructlon of the ·"Deftnltely Mt." town, and wu peraonally acquainted "Ant! this way, If ahe fQrJeta to with ~ of the key employ-. ehow up, the hou1e doean't look too 'lbe club memben wlab to COIIYe)' bad.~

their .,.mpath7 with her .. her "You're rllt'ht 8o lone, Allee, and lllnVW' of the J)8lt year anAl Njoloe thana a JDIIIIon." wttla ller In her ab!Uty to ...._. I h11111 liP i11e phone and avt out ......., u. pa111 aad the Wlnda.

Junior String Classes Open Junior strrng classes for children

ln the third to the twelfth grade3 will be offered by the music depart· ment of the Unlverlsty of Maryland beginning October 17.

The purpose of the claa.sea Is to stimulate Interest In the playing ot violin, viola and cello; to make available clala lnatructlon In schools where the opportunity does not ex· 1st;, to enrich already existing pro· grams; and to help public school music teachers establish strlnr claa· 11!1 In the school.

The program will be aupervlaed Dr. Joel H. Berman, aulatant pro­feuor of violin and chamber mWIIc at the unlverlaty. There will be "'ur cla.laes offered and &tudenta will be placed according t.. their pru­ticlencv In their Instruments from beg:nning to advanced. Claas~s will meet on Saturday mornings.

Further Information can be 'lh· talned by writing Junior String Classes, Dept. of Music, Un!v. of Md. or by calling WArfield 7·3800, extension 11611.

Community Capers by Alo)'lli111

Parties to tile Beltway Plaza traf· ftc llgbt dispute appear Indifferent to the need for Immediate action to alleviate the danreroua traific condition tllat exists at the Beltway Plaza. Tllia writer, desiring action as soon as possible, telepbon~d on Sept. 18 to Sidney Brown, developer of Beltway Plaza to express his concern regarding the traffic light.

Brown agreed to the need fur a traffic light, but reiterated his posi· tlon that the State Roads Commis· alon should truitall and maintain the light. He also referred to hls letter In the N.fiW'a Review which pointed up some of the "headaches" be has bad with governmental bo· dies. Mr. ·Brown, however, stated he was amenable to discussions with the city to resolve the lmpaue.

Thl1 writer Informed city manage· ment regarding Mr. Brown's state­ment., and ttated that a traffic light could be Immediately forth· coming If the city would "strike while the Iron ill hot." He was told that the official position of the City was stated In the minutes of the last Council meeting <Sept. 14) and no action could be taken unlesa dl· rected by council. The writer a,. tempted ro contact ~wo members of oouncll leavlnr messages relative to hi• discussion with Mr. Brown.

As ot this writing there has been no action taken by any of the par· ties ~·,ncemed to expedite a light bPlng placed at Beltway Plaza. To all parties concerned: How about e-ettln<: on the ball befort' an obi· tuary In the News Revlf!W Informs the populace of the first traffic death In the city of Greenbelt! LGL

1fldtta~~e ljJ/e William F. Goble, 24, an engineer­

Ing aas(stant at the Applied Physics Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University In Silver Spring, died of a blood disease on September 22. He Ia survived by his wife. Joonne Ellen, 6207 Springhill Drive, and mother, Mrs. Louise Goble, ot Chi­cago.

Thursday, October 1, 1964

fjzeeJdt 9 .. 44-la, by Puncllin' Judy

Is there anything this paper needs more desparately than an advice column? Well, never m;n;!, llc:·o we go anyway.

Dear PnncllliD:: I use the deter· rent that gets me out of the kit· eben fait! The only trouble Ia that It 1a 10 fast that yesterday I sprain· eu 1ny bacroll.ac. What can I do?

Splney Dear Spiney: I suggest that you

start with a very small quantity of detergent and work up gradually. If your back does not Improve, switch to the detergent that ~ro· mtses an Insurance policy In every dishpan.

Dear Punchln: My husband Ia jeal· ous of the giant In my washer. Please help!

Frantic Dear Frantic: Perhaps you have

been weakening his ego with pale orange juice or beer without gusro. Maybe you'd better do the wash while be's busy getting the tiger hairs out of. his tank.

Dear Puncllln': That knight en the snow-white charger gets my clothes nice and clean but the horse Is awfully hard on the fiower beds. What do you suggest?

Sweet Pea Dear Sweet Pea: Think of It not

as losing some fiowers but as gain· lng fertilizer.

Little League Banquet Nearly 300 boys, parents and

guests attended the Little League Annual Awards Banquet last Sat­urday night at the Firehouse. Re­creation Director, Richard Steven· son, served as Master of Ceremonies.

The Most Valuable 'Player Awards went to J. J. Sparks of the Amerl· can League and Bobby Burton of the National League. Coach Jim Wells, and members of the Cardl· nata received the City Championship award. Coach Walter "Bud" Dean, and his team the Pepsi.COia Athle­tics, copped the American League championship trophy.

Desk seta were awarded to former Little League preiltdimta, ·RB:r H\Jd· son, uBud" Dean, Lonnie Palmer and Bud Davia.

For the fourth time, Dean re· · ce!ved the City Award, a plaque honoring a citizen who has made outstanding contrlbutiona to the '""" u. Greenbelt during the year.

. D'nnr! wns prepared and served by the Latlles Auxiliary to the Green belt Vnlunteer Fire Department and Rescue &)uad.


10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, World Wide Communion.

9:30 a.m. Church School Grades ~ - 12, Adults.

lO:.W a.m. Infants • kindergarten

<Affiliated with the United

Church of Christ)

--r.·· ...................... ....


<lua'C'Jit l!ld.-.l -·--·-····-···----·······--·-·---·-- 9!81 &.DL WCIII!Idp fJinoh!e ······---··----·-·----·-··-·--·---·-- 11:80 un.

N~ Pron.w ld llerric. Perry F. lOBer, ...,._ to Rldp + + QB '-'JIIllll

!t!SMHMM't"1HFt9'dtsea:A::&::iWt:ioMt"''H.......-.&--'Hbdt-1HMt"'lt"1': 9ta -~ ~ ...... 1:81 p.m. --~ t1Dioll .JIIO a 11 a.aa. MoJ'IIIDc W,WIIIIp 7:10 p.m. __ J:vtmlw WGI'IIIdp

a:oo p.rn. WedDIMaJ Midweek Sentee

BEEIIELT BAPTIST CHIICH o.-t a o.-bBI 8. lllll'tlf Morrta, lr., PMtar FB &-tiN8


HOLY tROSS LUTHERAN f.HURCH lt.14~ RoM, ctreeftbeh, Jla17l&D<l, GR 4·4UT

.. 11111'..,.. B. Btn~w, Put.or, GR 4-taoe

WORftBip lmRVlOBlS 1:30., 11:00 MI. I!ION1>AY ICBOOL t:ao a.m.

ndeJ"18l'te11 ~ now belnc Meeptecl ~T.KDm~

Thursday, October 1, 19M

CLASSIFIED Classified rates are tlve cent. per word, fitty cent. minimum. Ada ahould be submitted In writJnr, ac­companied by cub payment, to the News Review oftlce at lll Parkway not later than 10 p.m. of the Tuea­day preceding publloaUon. It ac­companied by cat~b payment, ada may be deposited In the Newa Re­vie'IV box at the Twin Plnea Savm.t and Loan Auoclatlon.

CALDWELL'S WASHER SERVICE All makes expertly repaired, AY.. thorized Whirlpool dealer. OR f-1511111

TYPEWRITER REPAIR: Overhaul and cleanJnt. Portable, atanurd and electric typewrltere. Call Hr. K. Klnclus, OR 4-Ml8 anytime.

TV TROUBLE: Service by Tony Pisano. OR 4-7841.

PAINTING- Interior and exterl!!r Lo11la B. Neumann, 8-C Reae;,rch. OR 4-63117 after 8 p.m.

T.V. SERVICE: OR H!S66- :Mike Talbot. Also AM, FM, Auto., HI· Fl. -- -·----WINES, BEER, Whiskey, Soda, Im-ported and American. Porter'a, 8200 Balto. Blvd., College Park. 474·3273.

RUTH'S BEAUTY SHOP - Perm­anents, haircuts, shampooa and aets. Call for appointments. on 4-4791.

WILL BABY .siT EVENINGS Reliable, call OR 4-8787.

TELEVISION SJ!lRVICE - all makes and modell - TV aalea new and ued - RCA Franchise TV an­tennas lntrtalled. HANYOK BROS. OR 4-6484, OR 4-eoell.

POWER LAWN mowers: reoondl­tloned. Sales, Service and Rentals. P. G. Motor Repair. 864-8032. Ntrht ,74-6110. PHOTOO'-=RAPHY,..,-;:=:-:b:-y---;HALL;;..,.,..-;--,:-·"Pic­tures taken and enlargement. made. 474-6280.

WILL TAKlll care ot children In my home. 4 74-81164.

Co-op Referral· Servi~ Oil'pentera, paln&en, plumben

8maU . 1UIII Jarp IIIIPII- • General Mal....._

mY US - We 11U1 do It Ollll.&PEB

by ExperieDIJid Put-time Hell


PIANO INSTRUCTION: - Begin ners and advanced. Experienced teacbCI", Peabody Conaervatory trained. Phone 474~

CEJRAMIC TILE SETTER • Baths and showers • free estimates. Wm. Botta, 474-8469.

WORKING MOTHER NEEDS oc· caalonal daytime babysitter for 2 yr. old girl when abe Ia unable to attend nursery school becauae of cold or such alckneu • only half· oay, Call 474·2369. FOR SALE: • IB""M=-E=-te-ct,-r'lo"""''I'YPE: WRITER, Model A. Standard Elite Type, 12" Carriage. Excellent con­dition. 474-4228.

DRIVER: • with own station wa· gon to drive school bus A.M. and noon 'runs. Greenbelt Town and Country School. Call 949-2346, ask for Mr. De Pass. wANTED to form--a "'D'"'a"tly~Carpool ro Annapolla. Can arrange hours, 474·4618. FABRIC SALE :-=--our popular-un· usual Fabrics I!Oc a yard <NOTH· ING MORE). Some special tables • JOe, 21ic. and ~Oc bundles. Sun., Oct. 11, Mon. Oct. 12. Sponsored by JOC Women's Group · Ridge & West· way. FOR SALE: • 2 or 4 lots at Ft. Lincoln, reasonable. Call 474~692.

YOUNG MOTHER WILL CARE for 1 or 2 young children In my home, ploo.sant atmosphere. Cnll 474·1666. DINE OUT AND SAVE MONEY · Gourmet Guide Books · 14 coupons to Washington area finest restau· rants . $7.1!0 sponsored by D. C. Junior Chamber of Commerce & JCC. 474-6400. FURNISHED ROOM scml-pvt. bath for employed Greenbelt lady. P. 0. Box 1ftl.

SlTTIDR WITH OWN TMNSPOR­TATION WANTED Friday even· lngs. Call 462-8779 eves. FOR 8ALBI: . iLC Smith Typewrite! - 24" carriage • $211. Handy Hot PortUJe Jllleotrlc Wuber - flll. Groeery Cart - P. •T~


()rQe ~ Elalae 8kobllk - 41~ ' dally! Francia Furlan&". principal.

Gr .. nbelt: 4-H Goes To the County Fair

and 1 purple fM her CIUIIIN t.la­t c 9. Ruth AD11aerC I'I!IID7 blt U. jackpot wttll liK porp. ~ (abe atend a jar c1. pl11Dt jua). KaUI7 IAinalru WOD T blue aDd 1 purple for ber eboeolate eake. JluF Virllnla Baker tuecl qalte Jdcei,J, bl'lqlnc home aae blue riiiD • monr ber thiN atrt.. C,UW. Whittaker and 8bluOII Riiiii?tear alto ltarted t11e1r Jtw.a oolluU•s

Two points proved the margin of vlctozj for Lou and Lucille Lu· shine at last Friday's duplicate brl~• ll!lllon. Sbarinr eecond­place honors were the oomblnes of Tina Prlatoop·Ann Pisano and Tony Pisano-Don Engle. Next rame: Friday, October 9.

lt'a a pink bundle for Mr. and )(ra. Edward Wuermaer, 18 Green­way. Llaa Ann made her debut September 21 welrhlng 7 lbl. 4 oz. She jolns Ann JOcbele, Theresa Karla.

Many thanks to Hra. Jean Crabill, 155-A Ridge, for rlvlnr the N-. Roview a much-needed ftle cabinet.

Dotty Mayer, 53-A Crescent. w!ll be leaving soon for the University of Chlca~o (graduate achooll where she Is studying for a master's de· gree In social work.

Ellyn May Cottlngton, 8 Green· way, participated In "Cap and G'lwn Sunday" ceremonies at Trinity Col· lege, on September 20. Ellyn Ia a senior majoring In chemistry.

Did you know that tratlic eros· sing guards are directing Greenbelt Junior High students across Green­belt Road before and after school

Good Grooming Tips Every woman likes to look her

best at all times, no matter how rushed her life. To aid toi!ay'a mo­dern homemaker along these lines, Mrs. Gerda Treat wlll give a dem· onstratlon at 10:30 a.m. Friday, Oct. 9, In the Co-op Hospitality Room, on the "Art of Make·Up and Good Groomlnr.''

This 11 the trrat In a aeries of Greenbelt Open House sessions, a public service offered by Co·op. Mrs. Ethel Roaeii%Welg heads the pro· grams In Greenbelt.


TUNES 4JP FOR FALL SE~N The Greenbelt Concert Band will

present a spirited musical aason during the coming year. Plans are underway for an Intensive reqrult· ment campaJrn for new members. The Band holds weekly practice sessions at the Greenbelt Youth Center Monday Nights from 8 • 9:45 p.m. All past and present musicians from 18 to 80 with varied musical talents are Invited to •rop by on Monday night for an ev~nlnf of fun and mualcal learning.

Newly elected officers who will direct the Band's activities are: Director • Howard Carle, Alslatant Director - George Townsend, Pres!· dent • Roger Vanture, VIce Prest· dent • Stephen .Polaschlk. Secretary • Kathleen McFarland, Tre-.urer -Emmett (:}"riggs, Librarian • Bobby Cassels.

The Band also adopted plans to offer free concerts In different parts of Greenbelt on a regular basis dur· Jng the next season to bring more musical enjoyment to Greenbelters and their guests.

PAINTING Interior and exterior. . free estimates. Quality work. LU. 8·0278. wANTED: - Riders for carpool Worklne hours: 8·4:4~. VIc. 3 & C - 9 & Penn. 474·9288. STUDENT'S WIF1E WISHES 00 care for child In her home. Ple81e call 474-911211. wANTED: • Ride or Carpool, vi· clnlty Conn & Fla., or Dupont Circle area. Hours: 8 :30~. 474-9477 after t1 p.m. WANTED: . Co-op two bedroom frame semi-detached (end) home on main street. Must be In A-1 condition Inside and out. John W. Parsons 474·8892. DRIVEH WANTED for established carpool. Hour•: 8:30-5. VIcinity l4th & Constitution. GR. 4-M32.

BABY SI'I'TER WANTEID: ·Begin middle October, my home. Refer­ences. Ages .19 and 2 months. 474· 4908. LEARN TO PLAY THE REOOR· DER. Local qualified lnatructor available to teach beglnnlnr ~d In· termedlate students • G~ •-'M84. PIANO LESSONS FOR BlllGJIN­NlllRS AND ADVIANOBlD. OR 4-11011 •

told your reporter "We ars moat pleaaed that the Berwyn Hetrhta Commllllonera and Greenbelt City Council aucceeded In accompllalllnr thla..

There'• a brand uew baby In the home of Kr. and )(ra. "Harry Nor­ria, 22-D Hlllllde. Lorle Ann arriv­ed September 28 and tipped the acalea at 8 lbL 8 oz. She 'hal a brother Jimmy Ray.

Glad to report that ")lac" Me· Donnell, 2·J Northway II home from the boapltaL

by Roealya ...... -· CongratulatloDI to my huaband,

Barry Zllman, upon hla election ro the Presidency of the Springhill Lake Citizen's Association. The e· Jection was held last week at a meeting of the Alsoclation'a Board of Directors. I promiie him a fair and partial press.

The first regular meeting of the new season of the Citizens' Asso· elation wlU be held next Tuel'day evening, October 8, at the Commun· tty Center at 8:30 p.m. All"resldent. of Sprlnrhtu Lake are cordially In­vited, regardleu of whether or not th"Y were members last season. Refreshment. will be served.

Art les1one wlll be given every Saturday morning from 10:30 through 12:30 at the Community Center for children In grades 1 through 12. Thla Saturday there will be an Art Exhibit and reglatra· tlon for the leuons.

Tbla Saturday evening Rt 8:30 Square Danclnr leuona will be gl· ven at the Community Center. The fee Ia $1.60 per couple.

The SprlnghlU welcome mat Ia out for-

Bryan and Marylynn Chandler of 82!1 SprlnWhlll Drive, who come from Highland-Park, New Jersey:

Allee Kirk of 6162 Sprlnrhlll Drive;

Mr. and Mrs. McClaskey of 6142 Springhill Drive, who come here all the way from the District of Colum­bia;

Robert and Jllllaabetb Schlegel and their daughter Laura of 9127 Market Lane, who arrived from Bayalde, New York; and

Dana and Judy Fischbach of 8148 Springhill Drive, from Long Island. New York.

Births birthdays, engagement., weddln~, anniversaries, newsltema? Call me at 474~<M9.

CJ7.uban - fPahick

Over to the left ot the puditand, between the carnival rldea and the bullpena, bulldlnp 4 and 15 were beehlvea of activity Jut week at the Prince Oeoqea County Fair. Dlaplaya and exhibit. of c:1otlllq. baked rooc11. crafta, ll.owen, frultf and vecetablea were a heartenlnr a1gn ot the tDel'l)' and tkW our YOWl&' 4-H peqple have devoted .to "CODitructlve pUI'Iult tbll pu( year. The fair MrvN u a abowcue for 4-H work, and the rlbbona and _prise money arve u atlmull to better and better work. 28 younptera from Greenbelt were reprNeDted tlds year.

Deaaoiwlratloll Elrht Jlrll from Greenbelt pve

demonatratlona tbll . year. From the Cloverbudl 4-H Club, Ruth Am· be!"l won a blue ribbon demonatrat· lng "Surprise Bar", Laura Simon· son's "Super Dellert SouJD.e" re­ceived a blue, Linda Slmonaon • "Finish It Right!" Oiluel, Jenny Simonson • "Preserving Leaf Spe· clmens" <bluel, and Ellen Han· yok • "Cereal1'opplng" (red). From the Cloverettea Jrlaqie Ambefl • "Toued Garden Salad", Barbara Geller - "Jiffy Beef Strop.nolf'', and Ell•e Geller • "Preu AI You Sew" won blue ribbons for their demonstrations.

JudJinc OotltNt Something new was added to the

schedule this year 81 the tablea were turned on the rlrll and theJ were 81ked to do some judging of other peoplee' work to help them learn what judges look for when their own work 11 judged. Two team1 from Greenbelt entered - Ruth Am­berg, Laura, and Linda Slmonaon of the Cloverbudl and Margaret Am· berg, Barbara and Elise Geller ot the Cloverbudl. Both teaml won blue rlbbona.

Eshllllt A,.... 10 Cloverbud glrll entered 104

exhibits and collected 8 purple rib­bone or cbamplonsblpe. Leading the Cloverbuds with the moat en· tries and blue rlbbona wa1 Linda Sltneonson who won 11 blue rib· bone and 2 purple for her Child Care scrap books and sponge cake. Laura Simonson won 8 blue rlbbonl and 1 'purple for her cooklea. Jenny Simonson • 9 blue and 2 p\rplea for her gathered skirt and cinna­mon rolla. Ellen Hanyok • 8 blue


'lbiii'IJ, Oot. 1 tlll'la Fl1. I


aonretteparJie ............ ~ere Bubua Geller, scllool ~ and J:ll.le Geller, pulJ .-. -rlbboa - BeeiiJ Kqlu: llldft; ..,... bar& OeDer: _..... ._ a.Dir. peWcoat. ' .

Little Woaaa .._-:,...: .._ rlbboDs: Loll BeniiW. ........ bolt; HoiiT ~- .............. peaaut lllltW ..--; Ra@l·....,. lul - ,..,., ... all Hlrls 1$ •• oooldel; OJP PeDIIIIF • .... ........, cue aad eapealrelt; JoaaM -~ -decorated cap,,.. ......... Waper-coverecl llalc; JIDit Oall1- . beq-conred.... -~

4 Lest doYen bad m -­Donna Barbar WOD l'el1 rlbboai ,_. a atufted toy aad teart; aDd a willa for the aewlq llalc; Rellu iWI1Jdll. IOn red rfbbona for her tote IIIIC and tea cooklea; ColleeD Kbtelos ,a white ribbon for her tote bar; ... aan Brown, red rlbbona for ber eJMt. colate cake aad tote -.: IIIDeea Karlander. blue for a eolree calle and red rlbbona for a ~ bel ..a embroidery; and Kath1 ftolaad. a white ribbon for her tote bill-

Faith u~

FREE ::::S ..una • BUIIOIWII& ~


772·2081 262-1808


Mr. & Mra. Theodore L. Truban of 8P Research Road announce the tn_npment bf their d•ughtel'-.llir- -glnla Mae to J'1r. Lawrence C. Pa· trick, the son of Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Patrick of Cordova, Md. No date has been set for the wedding.

J~~~Ck lAmmon - Romy 8ctmelder Gold Ribbon gJS Sat. s Matinee Only KlcJdle Shol!-t---+P.._e,rma=..,n""en..,t,____ '!be s ..... In


Style Lamp Cut. A Penna


:Mr. Bernard

~aterna Classes The Maternl~y Nurses Association

<MATERNA> anouncea a new aeries of childbirth training classes for expectant parents In the metropoll· tan area.

Claues In the District of Colum· bla begin on October 8 and In su· burban Maryland (Greenbelt-College Park area) on October 111. For fur· ther Information contact Mrs. Eva McClain, GR. 3·77«.


(In the <Jo-op ()omumerw Dl11001111t UG~~~Jltality Room)



Friday, Oct. 9 •• 10:30 AI .•

Sat. Eve. a tmu ~ 8

"GOOD NEIGHBOR SAM" Jook ~..ermnon -· Romy sm.....,. Ph. 47 4-4881

~Wed. 7

"CLEOPATRA" 2nd n. Nm to 'l'Matre




Penonal Stationary

Set Up On Special Counters




School & Halloween Hclqtrs

AT ntE CENTER MoR • ..fri.

Page 4

Eilhibit Space Science Items Booklets. journals, and posters

dealing with' the exploratibn of space have :been put on ,di~lay In the otltce of Twhi. Plries Savings and Loan Association. Greenbelters are Invited to browse through the ma­ter!al, much of which deals with activities at the Goddard Space Flight Center.

Catholic University Theatre Schedules A Comedy 5eason

The Catholic University Theatre has scheduled a season of comedy for 19M-«! - the group's 27th year of presenting pla)'t. The following pt'Oductlons are planned: The Lad,y's Not FW Bumlnl', by Christopher Fry; Sh&keepeare'a As You Ulat U; H~ R~ by George Bernard Shaw; and Peer Gynt, by Henrfk Ibllen. An original musical will end the seuon. Call LAwrence 1-$)00, exterulon 1568, for Informa­tion regarding subecriptions.

Hospital Needs Volunteen An appeal for volunteers has

been issued by the Prince Georges General Hospital to serve in almost any area relating to patient care.

The need is especially acute with the opening of County schools and the return to regular classes of one­hundred Junior volunteers known more familiarly as the ''Candy Stri­pers."

Mrs. Marlys Kreckow, volunteer director, states that the adult vol­unteer may serve in many capacities --r from assisting at the information desk, lending typist skills in various departments or working directly With patients under the supervision of hosplt&J. nurse& .. ,Hours of service may extend from two hours to a half or full day session. :It ·you ·or your organiution are

Interested In any form of volunteer aervice with the Prince Georges County Hospital. you are urged to call or w!rte Mrs. Maryls Kreckow, Director, SP '3-3300, Ext. 4.43.


PHONE OR-4-=7720

Televisio1Seni &: Sales

II Mokes - All Models IUJA Prancllhe4

TV ADtl!mla"• ~Mta~Jea

Hanyok Bros. GR 4-606


County Report Available A continuil\g rate of growth now

approximating 800 n'ew residents per week and expanded County services to meet the increased demands are outU!K'd in the third annual "Report to the People" being distributed in Prince Georges County this week. The report is available In all County buildings, libraries, police stations and other locations. In presenting the report to the Board of County Commissioners, Community Rela­tions Director Del Malkle declared, ''we have tried again this year to summarize not only the budget allocations to the various depart­ments but to list also the basic respo!Uilblllties of thee County de­partments and their major accom­pUshments during the past year."

The 112-page Ulustrated booklet contains a complete breakdown ot the County budget, including federal and state aid to the various depart· ments, as well M to the allocation of all tax funds. Agaln, this year, thousands of the reports will be utilized In County school classes on civics and local government.

In addition to the departmental reports, the publication includes a history of the County, a listing of major facilities located In Prince Georges and a directory of the offi­cials and phone numbers of the 28 munlrlpalities in the County.



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DO YOU KNOW ANY OF THESE PEOPlE? Harvey Geller John Webb Eleanor Ritchie. George R. Jones

George C. Reeves Harold Calof Varlav Majer Robert A. Hill

Leo Gerton

All of these are reaidenta of Greenbelt. They have been electll<l by the deposltorn In

1WrN PINES SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. to l1ll governing body, the Board of Director~~. They meet at least once a month to conduct

11.11 attain.

I.e Moa-Fri. 9-5 Sal Greenbelt Shopping Center


Pun~, Pass and kiclc Annual Compe~~~n: ·

The Greenbelt Chapter of Junior Chamber of Commerce bas joined with Norman Ford Motor Co. of

College Park, to conduct the annual Ford Punt, Pass, and Kick compe­tition for the Greenbelt, College Park area. L. E. Gorham, sales

manager for Nol'lllllit Motor Co. and

Tom White of the Greenbelt Jay Cee's are the co-chairmen.

The competition Is open to boy!! a~ 8 - 13 and registration ls ta.k· lng place at Twin Pines s.kL and Norman Ford in Colleg11 Park. Re­gistration closes Oct. 9.

400 Homes Available For Your Inspection

In Prince George's County


3 bPdroom~ with lilf'lparate din­ing- room, v,rall<-m cloflets, n.nd fenced ynrd within walklnll' dls­tum·l~ of shopping, .schools, and bu". l'riced at only $15,500 with $:J{J0 d.,wn. Immediate posse.sHion ..


Jut-~l listed. 3 bedroom, 2~ bath ra.mbll'r on 50 x 200 nt. wooded lot. Hullt In .">tereo flp(\akerH and wall-to-wall carpeting Included. l'riel'd at only $21,900, with $1,500 down. Better cnll today.


161 Centerway GR 4-6700

Greenbel-t. Md.

Thursday, October 1, 1964



WIN! Warm-up jackets! Place-kicker outfits! Footballs autographed by NFL stars! Gold, aU­ver and bronze trophies! PLUS a trip to an NFL game with mom and dad, AND a "Tour of Champions" to Washington, D. C., and to the NFL Runner-Up Ch&mplonahlp game In Miami, Florida, You compete only with bo)'ll your own age.

GET FREEl A book of punting, paaslng, kick­Ing tip., written by top NF'L experts, a patch for your jacket when you compete, and a PP&K cap.

You must be a.ccompe.nled by a parent or legal guardian to register. Registration closes October 9.




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~rttnhtlt .

lltws Btuitw Volume 28, Number 46

Travel Club Plans Skyline Drive Outing

by R.e Alpze In response to popular 4e~

(M evidenced by a sampliq ot oplnlo1111 of citlze!UI who hldic-.ted their preference at the Twin Pine~. oBlce), the Greenbelt Travel Club Is sponsoring a one-day trip by bus to Skyline Drive and Luray Caverns of Virginia. The date Ia October 18. departure time from Greenbelt, West parkinr lot Is 12:30 p.m., and return to Greenbelt around 10:00 p.m. Reservations will be on a first come, first served 'bMia, with October 111, as the cut-olf date.

As was done on the retum trips from the New York World's Fair, our courteous and friendly bus driver will let passengers off at their respective courts, assuring them a safe arrival.

Those travelers not interested in exploring the Luray Caverns may visit Lurays Antique Car Museum, which has on view automobiles as early as 1892, or hear a recital at the Singing Tower of Luray. Food may be brought along on the bus, or bought at a number of fl'ne eat­Ing places In the vicinity. This promises to be a perfect day's out­Ing, featuring convenience, econo­my, and fun. Bring your camera!

If you are Interested ln a fur­ther dls~usslon of this trip and other travel toplca, please come to the ftnt meeting of the Greenbelt Tra­vel Club, which will be held tonight, Thursday, October 8, at 8:30 p.m., at the Co-op Hospitality Room. (in the Co-op Supermarket>. The a­Ptlda wW inolucle .Wft. -of>futatrt trips, the orpnlzation of a Hlk!nr Club within the framework of the Travel Club, and a slide show. Those particularly Interested in a hiking Club are Invited to help make a aelectlon for our first outing. We look forward to a large turnout, partlculariy by those who have par­ttclpated in the Worlds Fair trips!

City Notea Ronald M. Dlek

Admin. AAIIt. ~ ,WoriaJ Activities:

Superintendent of Public Worka, Buddy Attlck, reports that his men are now ·rradlnr a pathW~cy Blonr the north Bide of Crescent Road from Northway Road to the walk­way to st. Hurb'e School. This Wlllkway will run a distance of

I approximately 1110' and will be sur­faced by the County with et<me chipa.


Bowman Runs for Congress PTA Week

As lnd_ ......... ot n ____ rat Governor J. Millard Tawea has ~ uamn; proclaimed the week of October 11-

Bruce Bowman of 1._Z.3 LaUftl · 17, as PTA We.!k In Maryland. Hill r;oad, Greenbel~. hu announc- Governor Tawes cited Kd. PTA for ed btl candidacy u an lndepend- Ita l!lrorts promote the welfare of ent Democratic write-In candidate obllc!ren and youth In home, church, for Coagnwi In :Maryland'• 5th Oon- achool and oommunlty. greaslonal district. He did so at the ul'llng of friends who felt bls can- School Lunch Week dldacy would encourage a "poet- · An o1Dcial proclamation hu been tlve program of progress" In the Issued by President Lyndon B. areas of peace, civil rights, foreign Johnson for the obaervance of Nat­a: domestic econ~ aid and con- tonal School Lunch Week "to pro­aumer protection. mote understanding and awareness

Bowman's platform calls tor "In- of the school lunch program to the 'ttmslve conversations" with countr- child, hpme ,farm, Industry, and the les In areas of tension, B'tipport of nation." The theme for the obser­anns control and disarmament, con- vance of National School Lunch tlnuation and widening of the test- Week, scheduled for October 11-17, ban treaty and strengthening of the 1964, will be "School Lunch Serves United Nations. He favors support Youth." and enforcement of ·the civil rights In Prince George's County, 102 act, continued support of the peace public schools participated tn the corps, extension of aid to under- National School Lunch. The number developed countries and relaxation of lunches served to children dur­of the cold war. lng 1963-64 totaled 6,408,566 and the

On the domestic front Bowman number of 11~ pints of milk pur­stresses public and cooperative chased totaied 14,620,623. Free housing, community rehabilitation lunches numbered 99,613.

. through neighborhood planning, job retraining and a domestic peace

corps. ~ supports medical care for Recreation Rev·1ew the aged under social security and

by Richard Stevenaon feels the nation should plan con­venlon and readjustment of Its economic life as military and space Director of RecreaUon expenditures are reduced In favor Tenpin Junior Bowling Leacue of education, housing and commun- Boys and girls from 8 to 17 who ·u;v development. like to bow~ may join the Greenbelt

Bruce Bowman Is !50 years old and League at the Fair Lanes, College has rwlded In Greenbelt for 20 Park. The league will meet at 1 years. A managament analyst' for p.m. on Saturdays. Transportation the Navy Federal Credit Union, will be provided for a small fee and ~.e ....... eetlft•ift publle - tbe bu,·wtn Jftve't!lb Yoilth Center life, servlnl' u a city councilman at 12 :SO p.m. A certlfted lnst.ructor and be1plng organize many co- and a Fair Lanes Youth Bowling operative projects. Coach will be on hand each week

Arts I Crafts laild To C.•sider Ce11•ics

The Greenbelt Art. and Crafts· Guild, reaaonably pleased with the me~ of Its modest current pro­gram In the field of fine arts, Is now considering a lllmllar program In the cratta area. To ascertain the extent of Interest, a meeting will be held this Friday, October 9, at Twin Pinel, at 8 p.m.

Dlscusslon will center around the poeelbutty ot a ceramics activity lllmlle.r to the preeent Wednesday night worlmhop In oil painting, and the posldble demand for more for­mal ciaAes in ceramlce. Tentative solution• to the problem of equlp­ment-ldl"- and the llk&-will be mentioned.

Mn. Evelyn JJorp, cratta In­structor at the Youth Center, will be pteaent to aid In the diiiCIIR!on.

to supervise the activities. Chev­rons, medals, trophies, certificates and membership cards will be a­warded. For further Information and application blanks, contact the Youth Center. <Jorn!cUon on Powder Pull F'ootb.II

For the girls, 13-18, who are In­terested In playing touch football, the Clinic will be held at the Youth Center Sat., October 17 at 11 a.m., Instead of Thursday and Friday as previously announced. Druna Club F'onnHtc

The General Crew hal also finished baek11Jllq the curb and guttm work on Rldp Road and hu com­pleted most ot the touch-up work on the recent General Conatructlon Contract. The seeding and sodding tJl the dlsturbed areas Ia expected to be done •bortly.

By the end of this week the crew will be painting parking space lines In the WNt parklnr lot and marldq off eeveral of the parking court. a­bout the city. FIJI tor Lela! A I'M:

Additional ftll dirt t. being hauled by the contractor of the Capital Beltway to the City parkland below the dam at the l&koe. A developer In the area le alllo expected to bring In some ftll. After all ftll 'lfOrk Is done.. the area wiD be rraded level and seeded. Thl• portion ot the lake park will then be much more UHful fnr ll&!'k and teoreatlon actfvltiN.

The Recreation Department Is happy to announce that at long last, following nquesta fro;n the resi­dents, a Drama Club wtll shortly be established. Mr. Michael Mur­dock, at present working on hls M:asten In Dramatlca at Catholic Unlvenlty, wiU head the group. In the meantime thOle Interested - of all ares, are requMted to call the R&ereatlon Department 474·6878, and have their name and phone number put on a Jist In order to be not!ft'ed of future developments. lnllerpftleattve J ...

Ml88 Sue Ellerln, Ballet Instruc­tor Ia conducting an Interpretative JnJ:& Group, Wednesda)'• T p.m. at the Youth Center. Participation ls open to th01e that bad (st one time or another) 2 yean of ballet. 8WI Opmlnp fOf':


Boy'a Flag Jl'ootb&U, Concert Band, Men's Gym and Women• Sparta 'n Shorts. Adult &Uroom ~

Once again, Mr. Bruoe King will eonduct the Adult Ballroom Dance Claas at the Youth Center. Claaea wUI be held for beglnnen and ad­vanced dsncen on Wednetday nlrhta at 8 and 9 p.m., for 10 weeks. Some of the danr:es covered will be

Direct from Greenbelt

Date: Sunday October 18, 11164

(12:30 - 9:30 PJI.) $2 95 Cost - Sky Line Drive Tour • • •

City Council Gels. Or~iu1ce To Coatrol Ditorderly Ce1~1ct

by a.rlel 'f. ...,..... . The city council meetillg apuda on Monday, Oct 5, toucbecl

about every facet of city govenunent and communjty in~ ~. eluding. ev~ ijle approval of ali espenditure of $tOO f9f a..MtJ, tape recorder for the council · '

Pollee Chief William Lane ren-pllJ'n~. . dered a report to council on disor­

derly ·persons In the center and vandalism. He proposed· an officer be aaslgned to the area On foot and carry a transistorized portable two-. way radio to keep In contact with the poUce 1t1¢on. The chief al8o propo.ied a behavior ordinance of an extelllive 1111ture. <see accompan­yinr box>.

The city soUcitor WILl aulped auotber task when the docton wbo are ·lndldlng the medical ceDte~. bull41nr requ~ted a ~ePI·acOa.1o' their property, ~mut:a., u tbJk. 7SOO ~~quare tt Bite II laud loclrecl by the center mall an4 other en, owned lallcl DOt properly de4klatild to public u.e. Cl:luacllman 1Jeaa.. stein pointed out that tile .._.. wu only a lepl docameBt .~

could be . recorded. r-athiC' ·~ '­cnmen ot thte Pleee. ot ._."~

PROPOSED ORDINANCE It shall not be lawful for any penon, or perso111, within the City Limits of Greenbelt, Mary­land to congregate or assemble In any street, avenue, alley, road or highway, or In or around by public building or enclosure and engage In any loud bOisterous talking, or any other disorderly conduct so as to dlsturb the pub­lic peace, or to Insult or make rude or obscene gestures or com­ments or observations to persol18 passing by, or In their hearing, or to crowd, obstruct, or Incommode the free use of any such street, the free entranee Into any public or private building or enclosute; that it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to curse, swear or to make use of any pro­fane language, Indecent or ob­scene words, or to engage In any disorderly conduct In any street, avenue, alley, road, blrbway or any foot pavements thereof, or 1venue, alley, road, hlrhway, pub­lic park, public building, church,· a.asembly room, or In any ,other public place, or In any place where the same can be heard In any Rtreet, avenue, alley, road, hlrhway, public park, or other bulld!np, ~r In any prel~li~Je!r ~ er than thole where the o~ waa oommltted. Upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to a fine not less than twenty-flw dollan. and not more than fttty dollara, or thirty days In the County Jail.

The vandaiiBID report had to do with the damage to the Youth Cen­ter, approximately $200, the ftre at the statue in the center and ftree started In the trash baskets around the center. No mention was made of the apprehension of any of the offenders. The proposed ordinance was referred to the city solicitor for such appropriate changes M 1e-

League to Discuss Housing The recently formed Greenbelt­

Beltsville unit of the League of Women Voten wm meet Monds.y evenlnl', October 12, at 8 p.m. at the Co-op Hospitality Room In Green­belt. A dlscusalon on areu ot eub­stand&rd hO\I.Iinl' In Prince Georges County will be led by Mra. George Reeves and Mn. David Stem ot Greenbelt and liy Mn. Michael Lande• of Beltsville. For further Information call the mem­benhlp chairman, Kn. Henry Jor­dan, 935-2821. All lntereeted women are Invited to attend.

WHAT GOES ON 'lburs. Oat. II, T:U p.m. G.lU.

Board Mfttlng, Hamilton Place Fri. Oct. 8, lO:liO a.m. ft Art ot

Good GI.Wm.in(" Co-op Ha.pt­tallty Room

Fri. Oot. 8, ll:liO p.m. Duplicate Bridge, Co-op H01plta1lt7 Room

or-. Oct. IS, 8 p.m. Greenbelt Jr. High PTA m~t!ng

Wed., Oct. 1t, II p.m. Buslneu and Profealonal Women meet. OHI Hospitality Room.

'lbab. Oct. Ill, 8 to 10 p.m. Par­ents Dlac1111lon Group, Center School

- rfpta an4 prlvllepl tlllt.'II!B City had Intended to pallttq-.­eoner owned thte propeltjo' wtJ8a the parking lot property wu ~ to tbe city by oos <C6'oJI). ~. document waa referred to tbe a1t1 solicitor for bla ~

The city treMUrer ~ac&ar;.: Ui'at several departmeate will .QOt bi.1e suflklent funds to opemte · 1IIIBl the end of the. pre.ent ~ ~ proposed an ordinance till¢ ~ ti'IUI8fer funds to the deparppenta that need the fund& The ~ was approved by councU by the • pension of the rules. ·

The public worb departm8Dt came In for itl mention ·in a ,_. quest from Bill Clark (Jrlr. Bue..U) that the hard ball fteld be ,.... ditloned this fall In order ~ ·it be In condition In time for.., .. practice. The problem wu Nfern4 to the public worka director for A report at the next -ung. ·

The engineer iDipector · ot ~ I!Jpringhill ·Lake roadwaJII 8llted ely council to approve the OJDialaia· of Jddewalka along the perimeter roadways, where they abut tbe J11• ntor Hflh School and the Beltwaj Piasa property. The prew,nt cltJ orillniiiee -· pennltli Ull. iClf&l · 1r clt,y councU but the problea .. referred to the school board for their reaction before any final 48-clalon was made.

The recreation department Jot their mention in a reque.t .fNID Mra. A. Sblren. prol1Ulaaal7 known aa "Sari", for the canvenlciD of the Athletic Clubbou.e to u Art Center for Instruction In pablttq and ceramlca prtmaril)" fca .... ren but not limited to them. 'l'be councU expreaeed lntereet and r,. ferred the problem to the city ma,D­ager and the recreation diftotor • to what mlrht be Involved In tM way of costs In the preparation ot the building, as woeJl aa the cost ot operatinr the prorram 111Qe11ted.

Another subject that wu refv­red to the recreation director for a report waa a .request of St. Hurh'" Home and School A.uoclatton for the use of the Youth Center facUl­ties durtnr the ~~ehool day betwftn 12 and . one o'clock aa their IICbool recreation prolfl'&DL

City oouncll eet up a eerlea of meetlap with Ita Advt.ory Plalualq Poard. the ftm being a ....._ with the Prince Georp~ Oolaaty Scbocf.. Board In relere- to tiM pi'OJI*d .ehool8 tAl be lluUt bl. Greenbelt, October 11 at Uppft Marlboro; the eecond was with "" attorney from the Goddard Spaa. Apncy Monday October 12 at a p.m. and Charles Breel11r at t:IO p.m. at the city ollc&

Tbe city lll&lliiPr wu req....W

L11ray Caverns (Optional) $1.40 additional

' the fo11: trot, jitterbug, walla, cha eha, rumba and tango. Come on down and lMrn •ome new diUieea or brush up on the old onn. Gym Protrnun OanceiJfJd


to auwer a Jetter from Kr .,._ ert of the Board ot Blduoatloa ba which he reQJ~t~ted the eonstnlo­tion of a walkway from the netr Charlestowne Vlllap to Me~ date the children of that aub4J¥J. 1lon who are not eDUtled to M eervlce because tht7 lift withla !' mllft of Center SchooL Tbe mana­pr'l report lndloat.d that the• are now oll.ly eeven chlldteD .. rolled from the •ubdlvlaloft &Ill the expen111 would not be .Sue~ at thi1 time. The IIIIIMIII"• .., swer waa that the probllla ,. one of the llpi!CI&I areu l'tlj!ulrillll bul Hrviee by the Boarcl ol cation.


80REDULI!l8 AND ~'I'IO!f Jtr

Twin Pines Savings Gnd Loatt •• 1~,•11N

We are alm011t ftnlshed with our Youth Center face Hftlng. Tbe Gym ftoon are to be reftnlahed from MondAy, October ~ to Wedneede.y,

October 21. AU r aehed· uled fiW the ~ neume at .. t tba•. .

The telepboqe number to call for lnfonaatlon about MAmRNA waa Incorrectly ·bated In last week' a N1111n Re¥1ew. The number should be CR 3-774.4.

MA~A Ia aa 91PaiM._ ot n ... d.....-d to preparinr u­peetant,illif>therl for childbirth.
