Evolution Of Computer

Post on 16-Jan-2015

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Evolution of Computer: Timeline

Transcript of Evolution Of Computer

The Computer History Timeline


The computer was born not for entertainment or email but out

of a need to solve a serious number crunching crisis.

•1812 – Charles

Babbage began

designing the


Machine”, which is

considered one of

the first


computers.•1820s – Charles

Babbage completed

his designs on the



1839 – Photography was invented by Louis Daguerre and William Henry Fox.

1830s – Designs for the “Analytical Engine” were made by Charles Babbage.

1876 – Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.   

1895 – The movie

projector was invented by

the Lumiere brothers.

1906 – The “Vacuum Tube”  was invented.

1923 – The first television picture was transmitted by John Logie Baird.1945 – 1946 – The ENIAC was invented by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert. This was the first noteworthy modern computer.

1947 – The transistor was invented by John Bardeen, William Shockley and Walter Brattain.1952 – The first mass produced computer was made and sold by the IBM Company.

1954 – The silicon transistor was created.

1964 – Computer systems that use icons, windows and a mouse were designed by Douglas Engelbart.

1971 – The microprocessor was invented by Ted Hoff.

1976 – The first “Apple” computer was invented by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

1976 – The first computer operated by computer disks was invented by

Gary Kildall.

1981 – The “Personal Computer” was released by the IBM Company.

.1983 – The “Apple Lisa” personal computer was released by the Apple


1989 – The “World Wide Web” was invented by Tim Berners-Lee.

2008 – More than 300,000 computers were shipped around the world.


Ma. Bianca Vanessa Ramos

Ninalyn SantosMichael Ordonez