Evidence template

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Evidence template

YES: Expressing Agreement

You agree with this argument. Why?

Suggested Academic Translation(s)

Yes: Why? Suggested Academic Translation(s)

“This scholar is brilliant!” Ask Yourself:

What specific ideas or theories do you see as brilliant? Do you mean the scholar has discovered new, irrefutable evidence? Perhaps her argument is constructed so well that it practically argues itself? Point to specific element(s) of the argument or theoryou find so valuable or convincing and explain why.

Jones’s argument proves overwhelmingly convincing because _______. The evidence Smith presents undoubtedly proves her point because _______. Few readers will likely argue with Smith’s theory that _______ because she _______.

“I agree with Wilson, but I also disagree with him.” Ask Yourself:

With which specific points do you agree, and with which do you disagree? Why?

Wilson first argues _______, and indeed he is correct because _______. However, when he later states, _______, he misses the mark because _______. Yes, Wilson’s finding of _______ is accurate; however, his presentation of _______ is not because _______. Though Wilson makes an excellent point about _______, his evidence on _______ lacks credibility because _______. Wilson’s argument of _______ stands up to scrutiny. He rightly points out, but then later on page _______, he illustrates that he fails to consider _______.

NO: Expressing Disagreement

No: Why? Suggested Academic

Translation(s) No: Why? Suggested Academic Translations(s)

“No way. This is just stupid.” Ask Yourself:

What is stupid, exactly? Is the entire argument stupid or just one particular idea or argument? Figure out specifically which elements of the argument you feel are unintelligent and explain why. Perhaps you feel the evidence

The argument Smith presents fails logically because _______. Smith’s argument remains unconvincing because _______, The evidence Smith presents lacks credibility because _______.

“Is this guy crazy? He’s contradicting himself.” Ask Yourself:

What is his overall argument and what specific sentences contradict his overall argument? Specify when/how the author contradicts himself. Then, address why you feel this contradiction makes his overall argument

Brown first argues _______; however, he then argues _______. This contradiction shows his thinking on _______ is wrought with errors because _______. Brown’s argument cannot be trusted; he vacillates on the issue of _______. He first states, “_______,” but then later, on page _______, he states, “_______.”

lacks credibility? unconvincing, and perhaps confusing, for readers.

MAYBE: Expressing Uncertainty

Maybe: Why Suggested Academic Translation(s)

Maybe: Why Suggested Academic Translation(s)

“Well, yeah, I’d agree with that if…” Ask Yourself:

Specifically which elements of the argument do you feel lack credibility or validity? What evidence or point could the author interject that would convince you?

● Cohen’s point may be valid; however, _______.

● Although Cohen rightly points out _______, his overall argument of _______ fails to convince because _______.

● Cohen’s argument about _______, though interesting, remains unconvincing overall because he fails to address _______.

“This article started out interesting, but then it got weird and confusing.” Ask Yourself:

What specific points within the book or article were “weird,” and what do you mean by “weird”? Do you mean the point presented seems off-topic in relation to the author’s overall discussion.

● The first few pages of Smith’s article prove interesting and insightful in that she illustrates _______. However, as the article progresses, her discussion on _______ seems to veer off topic because she _______.

● Although Smith had a valid point about _______, she quickly lost credibility on page _______ as she began to discuss _______.

“I disagree with almost everything she wrote, but at the end she finally says something right!” Ask Yourself:

What specific point did the writer present that proved convincing to you? Why do you disagree with her other points or evidence?

● It’s difficult to take a clear stand on Smith’s work. Her argument on _______ proves invalid because _______. However, near the end of the article, she points out _______, and her evidence of _______ is indeed convincing.